4' s;; ~ - i ~- fer th. amre offon#Nlbd P.hiiip Spiion, joseph Joseph- Rohmer. haMlinafv th@ good, were arroied by 'iuou Wedneed&Y for ual. 'tb t' he Town * hey were mc uuder tbe1veaidiui follows- p~Wfbý È8 p. ~feWa1 in3oey JIDMw à wn * &rWu don' ibj ~db own game ought Ic b. Ody port Hp.un 8Ibî:nettu&. betvc.n Saturday iglil sudnaby aMd -M<rnday morig Mr.R. ? O ay&m. <. 1) eob ivy.3vlStore, Walloâ ieuti; h b"u* vas nt W'I~. The entrY vfl mit44 . througii thbaok door of bcola* -by & tlsp door ito the. bop a tri r< A.bwmtal domr had beau nailed u l ma ,Rî Syno » ôounter place- on it. V16 beeu more hban one poêm~d~ 8t~ u tbm robbery or they <OêW uh h gmêstd ap bor"do edmoots héýWn i1, in ~ l ,&Il bi. Dévey has Smtm04 Yet a î wateh, twQ gold rio" And o -1 '.,*l C taoaken'5 bole ooîb1io èiFa a IotIOh~a vned stAS 6.-The,"lomkthe »f, b.dbeqbaup.udwith but 4 o.~ Iran. Wmul Made. The saeJ. tlra-Iof fI have tý boauai i. oro»to bfer v Methodlet pu î~a*~mflsly -~lm b a Robait Van.., of Naas 604-a en~ tua. Fot-b6liee yeasb bs'pvo ailbi hflm paeime ti ým 061- sL lection of aubomaWI gwTOU j'vork b 1. oue povai, sMd ht bumt piarvel of 404 oser asiudr 4g4t0iail dspeudsntiy, aod iuaaite. very Indesbr. R*U ft ai , hi1c0~b"itS a br .,.eoi 'otreUi e~ ver, qWp as .ooepllmA ~~eyI ai ,*U1pap7 of at~i*l~bf Sari aeale,~pSI ~ua.élueef umpoosible for lb. bodyto$0 i 1ICLAI1~II <I p. .11 - No> Itothiagi &4" S- r &LePp. 1 &ey P-O U e M.7 nioU qv- 4~ ~4nI RU ,O iDvil AiDODY h~aoubisaelillowbthr comb bâv~ tue. w ,.<. or I T 4lfé la <ll1 ,.4c Bd it -waa jugt- 0 le 81.1t of Angtel u tort dTbeo ie lu leigub. Èvs ftrv nobuc IM tii .u1$ for w nil i Ibat i raa~ I ihi~ 11k. j ~.ij - s l;4r. I b iM#t aliaS anth IL * .1 )men e e brun~ WU.11nemuA,"8"W. er"imA~S Wvtrm E soertpuo com"40 b te remue of women MI to ~ oemeodedoem 1 It la e i o We1cbà for vômen. l014 by drnglm n levSeruoe. o't tbnoney, Z.ôt wilbe refunded. Sme quarate. on botte- 0oi"ÃŽLt 8, by WOO 8Dm .Mmn. Ue'. kWýjorcels Pelliets guand eleane h. lve, Momachlnd STheY ane purely vegtbeand J KoGufU . 11Ud bit dtvoro.lvlffaW ~Pi OaLn Sudaysudh. theun o - arut Wobabl »0faal1y Dyafppat p dreadfuL Dimor4rd Uvér 7de bh um=toppicag"auyo # dmui@ onego la exstene. I te Ub aorder. ondrftdwmi. r71ewtà à ig Ibs e Mtt es Js~te uiman pOOPI. ~OIesIhy tà t -ln~ujy bu e nem amibe--FIp0 Btube -owibainuma vihhont owrslloofib 1tem aivermay of h« -Grat rilin u b. RIAS no- SIJPRIOIi, ASIC FOR IT. son 1Wr. -,üEEIiHC R U-TaEM, the 1~jwl- HOTELBAI su l.at) !tra i4 totels -lu th. City. oouoUORfr40no. $it.dy. S.V. 'WODRUFVP $2 e $ P«day seVU Maag PE1U~Z' v~v~v J.PALUERaSON blmniahIw'Inuob -DRUSSISTV SUSDItES 174~t>!IZ lAIE ET., MONTREAL. . SQAP. -ERBOARD -COMPAÀNY.. Mrnonfactnro f PAPLRSS/ not seonany17aigus of le*eh Prico SI Der bottie. or f~» druggtet haveit or eau gtto nt to &W sddm on, acePt the. -_ SOL» BV L RYGSlS brntwsudTrade Marke obtaolZ sud ÃŽUPatent business ogpducbed for MODR- OU1 07138 PPSTEU.5 TEMNT OIIO. We bayeunoab-ag, Oa OO8T'*hsathoe.emofont OULWahiughn UoilpMn. W.s '" , u plebs 4- ime ! carge Quteo ula Ae t boc , How b obisin Paleats, rPc.@m tU5Oot5u. r of a.mauyau 55155"5 building ocuber ascnovrfroight houasor station and freight boume oontbl ,d Tho cioeat (oui mmli bOy ai-06t Ibis year tb S airoUse e "aiot on the fonce aud se. il -go by" aid ibis vwu vbat was dois in the eaue of Barnum, onuTuegda7 nxigit. The. trsanpÃO"d. tbrougi bore ,about fouro'olak im.. ný" Wsdaoaîdny mormag aiud ome of the. bo>yse atudliy walbsd ho math 1; glapme, cf itse ovsred glories. ,&enoig of lthe Oaucutgou »latricl of ibe Meibodisi eburoh vu hsld bore on Tue'sday. Il vas largely albouded snd inlueeting maliare vere dimoaisiL- lu tbme veang a nimber of speakers addrsestud s goodly adien. on varions subjoola oouneoohed i ih abbalh sohool work. A youug mau-by Ihe, camo of. Botler, cf Hfamilton. véeas ompanyiog hie motior wibh a brother té tho Oillaé aeylum, whore Ihers e suotier in lb. sa&me instiuton, Shorlly afler tb. ltranl.f# eeton tt is eapposed tbal bis bat b1e.1e n'faulu Irylnkg-ho reachilt him toottnisut have oaughl tanlbs feue. and uhiwv1 blmni etlthetrain,*lte,&wheels pet,0 ov :7bis nemI. The train va. aihle anforlnnate Mai vu immsdiabaly plobed up, vian il vu fond liai ha vas eompleoly decapi- tstsd. Hit remains eeslat ah Cocha- tonte avait tliaooioueei' inquest, the mother goingto tbm OriWla aylum vith lbe otier bicther. The tdeo.ae. wu thbe oîly belp thm poor metiof 0OBOUBlo. à Port ifop. bostlr,-Thoe. Storey by narno, bsa juet roooived féee trana- port for a lwo moulbe' redideneaat Cagtle calver. ne approprlied le hie ownu me Ite suit of $14-ihe proe, periy of Ivo Bowmianvtllo felove, vie put up ovor night ai lb. L*ksvto Reine, aid left lite mouey aider their pillow imit morang. Ou Tuesday nighl of lut week, a G. T. B. ntqitt svitobiban, iamsd Chas. Taylor, living uoai Iliaold oourlioaee aà b&aîdoao hie qitee aid left fer part nkiovu. Ho te au Eaglteimanà , about 28 yssa of ags, who came to tbis country lirso years ap.ô. At filai b. woiked, as sà tebosi on Col. Boug- ton'sfarm, butlWttleîly bas found et. ployaient laibm Gý . T. B., yprd. ]W,; vife,-a vidow vith four eoil4ei aad about fourtemi yeay older the"*ova aagtg n'e, o NIIb W vr, UlI1h. poor mai enéI s d uren<ilonger. In a fiâ oà dempeul lion, ho tl m Wbis 11111. buUý*,o a turned hf6ÃŽiack,:*Mn halbâeti pu menas of 0al'o.oal d mc. Il semW ujal Ibm géo l*;OM04, .oeme et priber baeb0 si# ouIanyi~ao5 CWo44b h ,l 'a ï -1, f l 0 ho 1, i~ ia771 ar its i. brs e a o6Oule asolata f lb. heapiiutg maa doa. The drunken look thsttheliemOvepipo ba!, #i gel froua Nob vhs.h. o olloO à ah, milbse. been Sviaging ud swg eigofte seaide oves mdu&a Tb.re s 0 eedtesattefoiton bamon th*e falialeovssi 1h. isthà à al ias oà a. gerons loi them b sil ou thon meabe, bul lb. ansar i lwayas Ome-84 t"i ogani wbat do you vaul b eà ik41à W fer snays, lie7 aisstioug 0entoibUP- poil hie Joues". aid Ibat luà aMl tha l nesdod?" IS Mino& Sba$ ibey aietee iiugy ho balid a et(tureb4bo_>" ltâ *psetj9ffa' els t e as~pirihua bitbplaee, Md thieY wvahovait Un1 svery Jouas, pruasat ad future, tas ou- vrtsi lier., snd gfferslouim Yet un- bom iviii gire. bat gracalema.1e. and Whonuithe millénium somea 1h07 w-n voa' vashuroh, for aveiy plac vil b. a hsllowed spot visa sin au rooled op. Emily Janea unbi guided tbo ri ooming homo madmas vdrove put HRoltûea'n -1saked i al vas hie matter it ie i.doge anti heep. Hai lie steop bit 130140n or lie doge bit Pagh, iror yul vthe bckcet aboul ? I eouldW'l audoitabd it.. Hohdeflamboy sad Ibatt hou dedg -oulda& ual tmution aI bU aIl, ab. m4bg it via greaideal of oazing b. luduood ho lake a* 11111 eprilas 1mblf il *se ntioloooksd-sud erymi v itË i , iLsaeebut uas b ev- ing PUOgh~eep, ho vas not4ialsort# -Ho haê ,deated il vltb hie dytng breali afalle b. Wabi, -aa bai explained' uahi ie émorely lookag ai tie fiock from aa, ie. positic, on ou :%tenuas thbougb5uby a Ye9vttIýitilugn bis geule an.bi .aStltongile te aermybody,, vian ,the. deali dealû miseivt "pOd vii evawfi oouretng yon. tbmo hrougi lie miy air ,aid, .ue e Ibmp*gon of bis' ousie.otifie., ibone. aloig lb. oeopiagus and ter- miatng lu& a do»ltiiagalnel lie occiptbl boue. BEe only lingered a siirt l ie br hé vas-miel, joallong enouLgi htoez' la* -malien, and is vu noyer kpovia ho tell a lie. Mr. PuLgi é frmly helieves hi*i Ibis viwlau o80 vorrihe isoop. litaI hboy iewh idog ho ,b. Hôlden'a, lai lie -Wasldoi ul pou a ora~day devour, t igu à n tai h motarppv ta a qasellea.. v.oli~WeiMr. Plagi,- e, va x a 1.14>a o.à 4,b dqg, wl>. aoyai old I itu orumiil6aacordigl o it ýW"alemdoctrine, butl lia i d i n app 1 ï " uà 0o W ur ieal Bap 'ý- ltik l9aI Ivo a.ghbon ought o ôo0 Ob1ildrë Py ie Tii.wm miWho V ut Goa vas am1e aloet overotue. No liC.app.ar.d so b. i the i.uîfortà flnlaetuaer. W sud word vu aet-ioîa di ai»d Patier Caunpb@lL As yet It lu aot kuova vhehher Ur. Mafloy vii recover from th.efftées of the uffoaolit nor 1 eonuh 1. zBe eoughi! T17 ouqhi And h boid -lhyoough? 1Dr. tarceGolden -Dbjçaovry vil cure oougha, colda sud dil long didseus Bcny lbmngd 11î, Iere'. Tutussud vorlh Inte vot ue, oulants ar. pur.; 'Tvl i blgolh the germa of oousumption stlblrth, and ius more seule symplomawS cure. A Nov York despa"o indi«tua that Johns Hfopkns UuiverMty tla lu aubb-ug but a flouriahlug ondition, sud the. roue là attribuWt.4 a rechissu raitrooaisPOO- uistor. I5VINGgioaDr. Povl#z brcbo do not huait@"e la Say thi bat 11 lveÎê it he heel réesdy ilurateos orai afmer Spelag oi, Ont. AtRoýgla, Onba urnabul g on Sumday, a parothe u olmad tOWEVII oId, obdista or ohronie J~Ly~r oasuaa b, AWd*BIood yours. OssoDssaa à flliver veben coaiyB. B. B. Il lu rsperw t fon Ateu bte porte baagrauls adIt*<- tan.. itenerm5g 1la ~soale lpefr fi-ms rsaIm grsy belote glvlulg rtbanl eoded to preservo ia beautY sud vitalIty. Keop on your.toilet-table a bottecf ayer's Hair Vigor-the only dreaalng you requi. for the. bl-and use a Uttie, dnily, tw preserve Ithenatura loelr sd preveît baldneme. Thomae Munday, SharoÙ 0GrVe, KY., write: <'Soverai montba mgo my lait commenced fallUng out, and lua &%evw -woeksa uy bond. vasabiot bald. 1 tried manÙy romedims but they did no good. - 1f à i)u1yblougû- --a bothe of Âyer'es lalr Vigor, "d-,, tpr Using Qaly a part of the cotnte, my bo" wvascoverod with a boay grovth of bair. I recoit- moud your preparaîlon me the best- hait. resdorer l b.*rl2 IMy hair vas bud ê and dry,*$ writo Mabel 0. Hardy, -of Oelavan, )M.;" but atter uslng a 1.111. Of Ayou's Hait vigor It becrSmO bacaugms. Ayr' 1larVigor, ue of Ajer'siSahilOOln sidéoa Âltoitivo andBl6.uItV Drý. O. Ayr kO~LviM PAINTER, GLÂZIERjP ~ iran EfiUWlD~Table* GAND T'rUNI -A"D MILAND. a an ..~-~1(~.M in I. f I J:-t uer. -' 'i