h. loekei tte .besn. iglar Jonsthan in bis appearanoue, The R]u gg D 0 =1 la t But $bat hoe vas, a . eouscientilel8 and don't knew Who George' Wusehing- beast, and with hie OYe- On that corn, ton wael'fi warrant. ITh CoTIIOTRE EXERIENC~0F ANTh.dn't budge an inch. Th methe widder MoGinnis, -etai JERU.IlÂRNO I INGruA .0 OPTe agent gol ont of his - w ggifl Rad T9 i Turner, and y un M1r. fevei à , gU@BAND. tad usod some insnlllng langwdge -tp Burbu%, ýht's mudyinie te be a dototor, tIiraý me. e alled me. au Old teruplft, aùd& Suey Parkem, and Elkhanah Hsu- bea, and sed Jonathanl Perkios w.,&0w h osin and Megie Bsoberts. bw Mfter liant ley bled Icorn-s as t (OLeUe)pitied.-goas b(I _jErC- AAnb b. geld be'd have me arrestedl I hadn't a chance toe ee Who tbey waS. Cow N U,;éy BLl8A SEWINt, for etoppiug him on the Publie high- Il Was &Il 1 coula do te set our cheere ini MAaIE.way. "asse t tey Was wanbsd. Affer 611 Pec Tueet .o tif~ o tis irb tat Then my indignation riz. 4' -eizd hadccu, 1Eider Jones sm84 grae, and her knt no icp frotu 1 And hlma by the oolmr and shook him vWith t bpn lbe meeting beu. Pr ibena is destl a,,i sowiDgdflaOhin~e ail my might, and 1 shonia him en Ho ranged 'em ail i as ases. âgélts.bard that the very îeeth droppod ont Eider Jones asked the fust question. <1< i DLghbini.fod tuet je erizmost as bad, of his head and wasa grabbed by our ]le asked it of Josieh Johnson. an but they dont qtuîte come up ta the gobbler snd gobbled in ne lime. "Younfg mnu," Baiadlbe, 6W bat wae bit mark. Who'4 haive lhoughl Ihal young lte surname of Judas Isonriot ?" A,ýv You iMay turn, sani twist,' and plan, man's teeth was faeue? 'Dunlo, ses Jnash. lh snd contrive, and argy7fy, and lay yeur- Yo'd ort te have een bis agony. 4we. peras hat'a a uttle tee hard was self ont-ginerally', but yen eau t git red Worde can't do itl ustioe. Ho was & oei with,' sez the eIder. 'We'l reni o! the eowiug.moachine agent!' e8'11 going 10 Bée hie Bai, and how eoula he try omelbing easier. In wbicb of the J. stop te dinner, and pick bis teeth withà appear befol'e her loothlee? ne let bocks of the Bible je îolb.th beantiful "TI yorbetslvrio~.wtiilelieteleLY W itl lont, and thon bo ont mail &fter the @tory of Bath?" wi a'bout tbe vartoos and graces of the gobblei.. But Ibat auimile flew UP 'Dunno," ez Jogiah, n lock.stitOh, sud the under.feed, and the ente Ihe-roofofthe nçorn-hotise, sud 'Ah, indeedl I arn sfraid your 1 c iinproved obettle,. and ail that kind Oet hore ho oel and laffed at us, as welI ns Scriptural Adocation bas iieen negi cted. anl ta 1k, that everybodY knewm s@0 well. a, he-turkey could. Who was Abraham?2" And IVve taokotic that belle gineraliy Mr. Whicey h. begged of me 10 deo *Neerheard on hlm.' 612.1 tmol Ibak tSoltiu,1todbmFbkl te Wo, -sooo. wiss fer ye, because no woiD5fl, as 's a obbier aud get the teeth if he'd tnke 'Dunne.' w m a , cati be oup lite t e a hNndio me back t e m achins, and. heîd e 'W l, di ou e er h a e da1~ Lnwîttiîdy wbisket'p, and modeat- wonid. And h. did. zteedr'bgD'gfrt ' , looking boots sud oniixpreseibies. Miose White knocked the bird down leette riled. For &bout ton year , I sbouid say, tb. wlth a fishjug.-pole, aud Whickei went '4zever, er Josish. blowin&g bis noqê, sowing.macbine Caen bave been a peut- away with hie mouth'fiil of teeth, He and booking st lthe esef hip boots. A ering me ta buy Macbines. Ttrey've. neyer stopped te w«eh 'om; he jost Squire Davis put lu bis oar now. A loft every kind et a machine under the chbeked 'em rite in. I haint got sny 'Let me put lemtu troiigb. eIder! saun, for me ta try, and I've done up owng.mniee DOW. Put this in Closes! anmwer ltogelher-now 1 What Or rny gowîug on 'em sud it bain t ceet muee m'il iettç.r- go tirat no agent yull iFA O a1w?',So s cent. And when thA agents Weuld lice it. 'Onjumice ' ez Widdîr MoGinnis. 001110 round I'd jest tell 'lemuthe ina- LUNES ON THE DEÂTE 0F À QQBBLER. 'ed otito heir duol e z et hnuib cbinés didn't exactiy suit me, sudbdotf erdu@1szElhn, tbey'd carry lemu off agin. la eighteeu bnndred and seventy4threo and wbo hâld been te law about a pig, l3at thilî spring I oCam ecreet a nov Was done a dreadfui îraged and bail te psy expenses.- agent. Elis naine is Wbicksy. Rather A wioked gobier swallered dcvii 'Wbl is a lswyoêr?' Pez the elquire. an onoin mon nayle, suad ho hs au on- Soin. t.eth in Pigeon Holler towii, The »faber of lies 1, sez Josiab, o3wrnon man. Elien Sophier ssym ho Belouging to a man that pedilis Wakiug Up. je a bemuty, and she abould fail in love Sewing.tfacbines snd patunt treadbes; 'Silene 1' toared the squire. 'Young witb bien if it wasn't for Arthur Grey, G-test was -his grief; iond ho didu man, did YOfl mean anytig per- and then Arthur gits sulky, sud se Oh 1 save theun teelh, or let me -die1 sonal1?' ba.s 10 kisa lm, and tviddle wilh his For if mir daelig sos mo thua uno sez Joesba. mustache,ad cli hizn ber "oid dar- Tbere'll be a drendf"l.au'ful fous 1'Clos.spoill te word'Iyeeum' !' ing," about lialf sa bouT, sMort heell Sbe'll MFill0éme sud ta" k% SinRua- 'Lie..-.wrumb 1 Lyceun r sez Mag- come round iight. And thon, dest Lord! lmyhboailll huat 1 gie Roberts., M1r. Whioksy ho vas deîermined 10 Thon Koos, the deliverer, eome 1 'Eider,' ses. the squire,in a 1ev voice, Bell me a owing-tnaehifle. Lt W&O a He mruck hie Ébshng.polo right homo 1T b Eider Joues, feisbat rieb?, nov kind of s oue. It had ail th. 'm' Dî)wu calme goblr-teeth and au- II sbould vaut limne te lhiuk before proveifeulls andi some besides!1 It And bit upon lthe gardes walî lgiviug eu opinion,' ses thte eider. would do ail the werk that ever wa5 fH. vrnng bis ueek &a o ut ie erop, 'Bt. Johnson, bow vouid you @peli, dong, sud élbout â6fty kinde IthMneyer "ndole tIhemn tethIdid omuad d th Ie word bkr? hsdboo do. iILvasa lghltutIii5nners, who resaL thisle, bevarO I B 1yk- ub rr !'sezJ- littho thing. It never got ouI t c e- Let aIl your deede ho tria. and fair i uit. pair. Yo ould't mun il wrong if yen Lest, like that gébile, yon shail find 'Bts. MoGinnio, de you Ihinia Mr. tried. lé vas fun Lu operMae il. ~~ on l.bbn. Jhsu a oro? Queen V otia ad etha hema e Hogobbled op leth.î, pom ef1 [ «Weil, if I vwu s.goinx le ny a&Dy- &I ailhr ngbBeti0s12tio uber' And thon got gobbbsd op hiesmf 1i InsitaIau., 9smpoed the vidder,I sl.Ginral Grant" vwifs bad ot eued w i thbal al h lbl. hr< a owdJZVB RMN 4lard sako ilive t' ses I, losing ahl ou. Thot vas vhmt imade hum snob a teol lWne fteos»bd omminu. Hise bothes wvasaowed up r=alionOO, 'I voet f pobe'stanod cloisonoehdIismcie 127.-Ts' Scalof. OOxKITTEE @ 'JE -a--t' ces Jouiait. à ould so o no s b o artis cin e t IG ON BoLL.a.W . yl blave he spsllhug for avhilo,' boldé l n s itfthonjpat bwb nt i T i v n 1-m vzu-ses lte squit, 'aud question 'oi -on Tho agent m6sub4abe obmo h oraî mlu Wsima t y uhoin, aI it e htke Ihan Dot hsliabis Wonder- Whon I stuLleL gbebographi v a tho e fui machine 1 8e bail bis vile 1 80 laruol aulabout hou Il a«,don. 1 Dd'lWsIrklOUloeti? bail ail hiolks, ineul rndluOO rudc. l Z5te FO i Belhd'y Ag, m Stère Whe ,bu jusl sd ismothsr-in-i*W'rik randa, 4V,f r ~10 infO 3* lOlt1q- uan of iseb o i takind, Wh" WuvasagoL one hunârd audima ew, four lu um,1ÃélfSOll blh. Blet o' ko bllia br sai d aL11 ber rossons, audï*ad BIsou- @h'. -01 @1.ever a»Y great mnual <up vendex ed lo* rs befoco W abIiýoD, » Me O It am055furAIE Woir isn coutld repeat the o.lechiSttt-'from onh Trhâýo UUrDfMkiuItêùi of thir* -" Weil, realIy' nsid the squiro. je a end so t'olber, and aould soee b thrsad ight lu Fa& maiOr tluL_ guisest loir sono, le th. eider, 'Witheeler & Wl- snooie Wilhout epe"k. d.roslz1 >.» , meu. &, mae ii nomi eil u t iUIl trikos 1 wonatte111lte saineof Ibis ima- oan Weas tro.,Mnl@i iaf alto vanta te mOl*ast it vas a-fa-el Me ee -- chine, beesuse il vonld b. kiud ofu-nuLandno <uasilboo i kd.The vhs s&O@.peggI nschlue t Yeo, it muet laut-se lI11jesi «Il it l "ot bf4e Omnifi~ao ~ybv ass1& h ave t>ù, for Wi>oo't vas a shos- Qusen.- - -iiaêv44 lolk*hii boeshoolO0iS~miaker 5loieo b a iePsieb it ~i hep-.ony dlWu~gt, li i !P llbYuft @2.b0 >e1sd Uo s.it'4liv turnedi bis. eFirsi Syluptofls flLung diseases are much, the saine: risIIUCýsS, loss ef appetîtÇo, sore at, pains in the chest and back, (laclif, etc. in a few days you may x 1 i Or, Ou the otherhband, you mp6y îo0"n w th P ui nf ia or 1,galloping suttOl"Run no riskà , but begin ,,,.liately ta take Ayer'8 Cherry otor.ll. eN trai years agyo, James Birchard, of rii, ( , wa-s'se-vercly Mî. The rsaid lie was ln Consumnption, thjýt tîhy could do nothing for hîrn, LaUI ised Ii i. as a last resort, to try vr' chierry Pectoral. After takiing , leliijinC, two or three minths, he ,pronoilliced a well man. is licalth 11.iis çoo(l ta the present day. . .aeCy Malden, Mass., writes rre wvinters ago I took a severe cold, lbI rapiffly developed imb Bronchitis (j Cost Iton was 50 weak that mOjjlio sit it up, was much emuaciateti 1 -~gieê ncessafltly. I consulted eraA tors, but they were power. is mg ail agreed that I was in Con. iipi.A t last, a friend brought me I :'of Aver's Cherry Pectoral, rii, ili-t* irst dose, I fourni relief, un lt)iit1" cired mie, andi my bealtl I.,t'nc 1)et(n 1perfect." yer's Cherry Pectoral, PUFAEED BT rJ. C. Ayer & Co., Lowel, Masi c)V ali ruggst8 PriceSi ; uib4tles,i -BRISTOL'S TRM IIFlLiZ RHM For ail Allectiens of the LIVER & KIDNEY Farr (ubor le fonrso ai lte Towuabrp of Beu«c, ab51uI46 am whk e 15 ood Ihlouble "èu, vell vat the balance OOd lauL. XUlthe Pm a»sie gobuildbin-«d«,- god taoe"e;asbrick vone.'m v 9ozui, wlt afrase kilebsu îIO - vooiùh"em iSzBD slsebi4Imme n:. Bofto; astrmns bà #53d siw 03« mber mmaU i baletn.Termiu- I 01 OOO ou thm lst of jaauisu>', 88 suce payablm lu Ion ysarly "insl:u pdO, at16pet orL naIiemmt.Thopuri Win i Le bl mbposeesion for thf1 d.lnglau pon ou lit00 For furiber p"nrime SSapplylto ALEX. HODEY, oun the mlisi, Beumo O)r t0 m. G. BBBOI< Prt -rr.-a FaîltoRel For ak telsofy mars, 65 Wousve sud good buildings- For parlieuaIOs te rdil3c & Q ARLEY il Cash Pnice by Sempie bludi et *RAI. 'OR 0 ÃL Bol rasEt-& Hlgho G 1~. » leu worh 6b 6 Re la 5~RWM? ago.Ti. udr broadbreke. Thmn the poOpl6 ê't. .. .Wl<foy Mud sais antd jtare, Malinsupm Th n to ner Ie ImTbey'd 9#got 02ouMe, sud Iboy va. orsi> iéele - anes sd seon for hall an heur. odfe la nei oj; us - Tbu feLli. pper tendion. Thon 80Om fn . - -gjed forfithe ThI e d -the nd itnin hn I PorloltI>, osboPS le 0 plonly l 0 oe!in rols orIS n fied b the < nder Thmo I lied Im ise» r ues, yogu <o't bhave , ý n- .V.J " l me l tbing. oTho0n I bte- , l If çTl n- eI av yfrog o n udoorlo pI t a Fvrie - n." Wemeu o!1la- sa.tbr nv.T1~Ilt Olîsi pat, Io C O 5ibm îfor n u iyeu d ymanshave vk b .ý al5 o l '~ - iv & - ml - .1'owoda 1ev stlo5, n t ho>'t e- in. eblIl s OoÃe I1bd4LpBotvs aneltet Qus. G-el il tee igh îîasiD.je pI 0 the, mo o5Ofg didnt raci loo 1h shttl.r~ Sollem,«~~ ~~ ~ahle damageovorfloving Ilo t he lover di utrbo DO&h b tl-t s i dsrhl e . -, lomb s< i over. G-ýi i e o , u ,k to m e sç ' '- et.So notbsn. Il s901«Mtêa.. T hint t t c u t- beln ÃŽB u in s v oi g h l a n d Mi Tb sIU<n id e ias t- dily bE itpoopAbu. éé slonias£âtOmunaaoeà laeIno>selts - . Vi psu on knov it le aiL piamupeopee Jiis e dto beoit ati poula gondi!it* - f leonlarge braise t ag. BI 0~!~nar.BklugPoidor wiimke exay there vau &.5P<> 'Ibt Ohscaei s<iW1ii- ut on~~ my szumwg-~~"big sa yer - nt e ftbs oifrt t h1 - Tepl uet badwff l et of fot os us -bngo 1%~hjw a b ,o e the mchMne-- - tried il *gin 48-e, day or tIve. Ba leur vse t 4ea4duMos ènQef ei julabu'bmsie pu1oiPueoe ,.veî our vor oy or.4 uswau uIpbl mci Mue aulLW4&bPM# .-~i-#ere4 th L' -lntseLL cw rom Bâti Baglow, f diaerderly* paid for the arne off.:i Philip Sphow1 Joseph Rohmerý, the good, weiêl, lu on Weded table 4qm. ,1F Merchants, Dtotr u others havng 3,ýact Debts should become members -of the- Merchants' -Protective AND COLLECTINO ASSOCIATION. H1EAD OFFICIE: H AMILTON, ONT. The Pea8e Furnaco. hay which tbousands ai dollars m ot have been got in any other It The followlng testimoniale speak for way. If yon have a lot of aid se- themselves :- counts, write-to Head Office for Frrom Judge Eurnham: testimonliale, or send your naine, d jty ayth 8 when you will be called upon b i Witb, ay th 188. the agent-who will furnish fi ÀJ. F. PEÂBE zFuEaNÂCE (Co., Toronto, particulars ; or f u particulars I Usv much pleasure in stating that can be bail by oallhng at TEE LeNo. 14 Economy 1Furnace, iplaced by you CEMoNIcLE Ofâce. l.in xny residence 1as laul has given Us coin- 1VILLS & CO, h* fort and satsfaction, warming both upper d ilower roomna with an even teMperâture, î:îy. Hamilton, <'an. h without det or gas. We did not require to use our grates even in the coldest weather,- and take pleasure In recornmendiuig your Furnae, my rinonde here and elaewhere. Yonrs truly, Z. BUCRNHÂM, W iFrom Rev. Dr. Rare, Jde i.y crunEdY l>o Whitby, Ont., May 10, 1888 No BACK&OHE. To the President, j. F. ipeae Furnace CJo., Toronto:.9 sir,,-Wehave had one years' trial of LyV 9ng MAN.,0G,7atï7 Impro'ved. Also TOOL the No. 18 Eoonomy Furnace anda ae a e nt re. thinch en pleaaed to oertify te the esse of manage- no ««.« W14 b t ail wh<u ment and mrat heating capacity. W. have =_voo4 and ail lutereeted ta th. "bler basineSe V found the company which yen represent wit o u lutasi reCtlge Wehave eE erceedingly o bliging and trustworihy. tîovoal hegts abrae ndet seci'OagflC. N dt 50pak. e mantlfaetunr Truly 70UY5, n Canada. VOLDIOSAIGUÀRluC. ~ e8 J. J. HAME, me.ca.asuehhq.,uV.IL A Governor and Principal Ont~ Ladies College J.KoniTYRE, MONEY TO LOAN -1 Agent for Whitbye Oshawa and Pickering. On Real Estate Mortgage at Low Rate. Interest. -The White js Kzg ~ .A OT Appraise f or the CJanada Loan and S avin g. Co., mnd agent for the Western Assurance Hfoueor to Whom Hfonor is Due. 0o. OFFICE-Over Gerrie's Block, Whitby (S -TEM Ta E WIESTERN lq BANE QVl - Wgh Se*[HdTBYi, colONTABIO. 9. 0f Oleveld, Ohio, awarded the fzsl, high- THOMAS DOW, u«hest sud oniy awsrd, - Manager. )fte A SILVER MEDAL whtby,Nov. 7tl181M Iy-47 ,tere&-FOR THB- rsnBEST, MOST DURABLE IrFOR- -SAIL E ' ~bâ o admpl.t IX TETOWN 0F WHiTBY. M~Q Afiter one undreda' yso oeompelx luoched 'Hallm o! la mm 1, fi c"Muo lion wilh singer, New notme ana Doutes- fruit trai. Rel" bard asi . oft wabter. mm8 of tie sewlng MWan,cbi emuonstraling cou- Roy& may ho baà -front 'ayor Long ana otobe?. ebWuiely llaê lite premise may ho insp~d any lime. Posi- session et once. App1y eelbe 1.rm W ~~ ~ton or . 5[0yroeWq~Wily fl-Smo ~ ~ ~ Bar. 5, 1888. rpkP.O 5eS550fln in on is e01 mlluiv - oi~wB~P2 IMAi ~SXOEM4 W IO BitPE utopad imunoii font&-* witht E!!Ou y-z $~-- MI> tbir Ut a tip flcia bui modes6 t -, aume lime betveer 'sud .Mny moi Dià vey'iJelySo vas snlopad.The lhrough tlb. bacia&die by atrap door i4t IM door had e en ndiel counter plwa on il. been Imre than eue1 th. robbeicy or lteye wacjtvo-geldne výtchmabers tbols c st #8eaIS5i-,The I-be gtspere garden aud nes&I> d Robert Vaneeof1 lus. F6lruesyeas ail, bler4se lime- leetionof nuiomal cenvpi, sud hç J()SBPJEL ua:sbw Lot es, 9th oon - 'w IN tv