I - Washington Letter. (Irom our regular correspondent) Co., nded i ad dies, gave two image 'ould rh tb ouly a condition liat bus boeenW, bnowu uis exiising for yesre lier. as: elSowehe on tb. western peste. T story ilulao nov one. The offlotre ha no symuathy for the. mon Who s daily beooming more degréded, as t'ue rçl*iquehip is $hat o!fplave ai slave driver. WASHINGTON, D. C Sept. Gi 1889.- Treasurer LlaRton oontt-mplaees s rodi cal change in form of îhq national deût statement, ie..ued mont hly, a obsne,3 Ibat je doubal.- s for poli ioaI aud D3"Y or msy not-aid tuis repu:îio bn Party k ' fore the people. Mir. Hostufl 8578 ttitll on Iihe nti'5nceof 1he demoorilOwi- ministration, Seorotary' Manning sud Treseurer Jordan steed, the forma of staten3ent that had b6n in U86 fOr de- cades, for political purpôses. During tIie terme of Senators Chas,, MoCnl- lougb. Both well, Richardeon, Sherman, Window sudi Folger, every treseurer had 0ouoted among the available assets th~e one hnndrod millions set aèide for the reeurnption of the United Statos notes sud the twenty five millions of fraotional ilver. At present these one bundred aud twenty-five millions do not appear as avaiuable assete. The Repubiioan,% daim that SEýore* tary ManninUg WithdrOw these frOua the ststetuent, as eh wai oppoised 10 the purohase of bonds and vell knew on ths ther baud, that the people de- manded a reduotion of the excessive surplus, aud that this alarru at the sur- plus mui tbe quieted. The nev state. ment will ehow the surpluesea about two hundred sud twenty-five million dollars. Speaking of the surplne,' tbe returu of the.famnis surplus reducer Corporal Tanner bas tsrted nev rumors of hie resiguation. The rRbid uttorances of the Corporal on hie recent janketing tour have lefithie beet frieride vithout a defeuse for hiru. Il is fosred thst -ebould ho be retained. his uttersuces regarding Sonstor Shermuan aud othor lesdiug ligbts cof bis ovu Party wIll block hie administration after Congrees meete. The trouble seesms tobebte find a plsoe for bum. Tho' position ho nov ocoopies i. second ouly in importance to s cabinet positiün. It vould not do bo give bitu a muob inferior position, tbough he le har4îy competeut to b. à chief of position. He migbl be given s consulats but b. cannot be indnoed to go abroad. Thus Sinbad, the sailor, in the pereon cf Preeident Hlarrison-, is bound 10 carry Ibis doughîy old man of the ses about ou bie shoulderi, until tbe old man's grip gives ouI. ThSe failure of <orporal Tanner ho convince that Grand Army ut' Mîlwaukeo thai an investigation of 4ie persoual cou. duct of 1h. Pension Burtanriu a diree. blow st 1he Grand rmy evus, hovever, hie Wateiog. Thée glh mioutéto b«tare buy. ing Âmâe$ýà uib»rmuieshaie per chance f orgotten that tb. luger beer dinker is not au Anglonianiso. Ho ii apt t1, biequit. th. opposite. &propoi of this le tue »eu.o! et otheb.leading brewerios of Washington vhlch bas atter Long negotiation, leu juite tbg bandse!f tse British, the former pro prilor boiug îetaiued as manager anc receiviug s largeo, 0 L~hustock foi bie plant. The puroe borauzini a 0coppan>' i. toextzend o - ,tions bj inoreslug eapital. Buja oalai u1t paper, solingino doubt iM thheý,dendfi o! lb.London sto*.b@I8rt msa tlb cakela.dough. Por lb. eater nul" Uer o! le suloon koopers who fasvl utronizod the. reoenlly pur »Vs eries are Irlsh or Irish - lirathir ers, zt4,1lie boer lu dropped-%Oy ucore cf thora. Wtblu.ubU m*bek the trud bas falion off %vondorfully, and lb. En gliih owuers vilI vear crupe at Ihei neil pmeetinlg. The records o! lh. war deportme'n s &ov-1. stedym1nc a se ! demrtiom nt ne nt le BS 'g of or- iré md 01. mil nt bit mud wud Mr- and Mns. John A.. MOGIlimy returned on Monday morulug from the old oountry, wboro êhey spmt,six on- joyable weeke, daring whioh plousure vse eomibiued wlth buines. Both look well.1 Mr. Jno. A. MaQillivrl ay, b nt elected Grand Secrotry of the Inde. pondent Order of Forosters a~st 2O per anflflf. à ouple ai woeks ugo Jop ULoi la dulged a Uittle more freoly w 'bug juin. than ho vau sapable oitcurrying doent. ly, and whilo ho vas *10 that conujUos ,he ian a4cinet1 a lit1oJéw podiar whc dagrdundor *as >8m, iU . oeoi Joe's whlekey sud Ahe 'IOw a meééati dida't nom10uroo ver'-w.e, Md It whi net vorYLogbft .stng wu esmbraod ie the blligerani arzo of Joseph, vbo -adtiioïtOMas&, Un gqites auound thieihlng. On 8a*turdiy spà ini hfis aussiant îth D. M. dure e.>,boiuhleda warrut for hi LoM On rmail JO paid for. Ro thon vent ijo th. boot sud shos departmont and bought a pair of boots, whioh ho ai once put on bis foot, and -proeede o 10vuhioff, with tbem. wbOn ssked* for thb. paymnent of the f6dot wear ho rel need, ssying thst ho bad alresdy paid -for thom, and could Doct h iuduoed 10 pony up. Obief WrijhI vaq oalled and the fellow vas arrested sand loed up- on a charge of drunkienese. After ho bsd' lime_ 10 come to his sens..sud 10 reflect i pupe bis conduot ho ofered to psy for the boots if ho voie liberated, whioh sug- gestion vwas accepted sud aoted upon without any unooossary dolay. 8Sbortly aftsi being released ho purohased a revolver st Messis. Stewart & Me. Govan's, and! during the oveniug ho amueed himeel! with firing it off on tbe bsek streots. Something did not suit bita aboue the veapon, however,. snd he bîouRbt il back 10 havo it obanged, but Obief Wrigbt, aI this janolure, again appesred on the seene snd the revolver was takou from him aud ho wae cautioned sud sent off.-Tirnwa. Pl bere of N the was four knc e*ci will beri PECTELBOILO. Privatei information vas roceived re Friday Ihal the flve-yeat-old boy Mir. Ellie, of Fouelon Falls, feu mbnt river at that place on Thureday sud a drovued. The body' bsd nol besu ind next morniug. Mr, Ellis is veli- own in tevu beiog the ovuer cf the ursion scovs on the lakes, sud ho Il recuive muoh synipathy in lbe Bad 'oavomnti. On Sanday 'moîuiug à about foui ocock s young son of Mrs. CharlieL Brown, Who lives ountlberbrook St. op- i poeb South Wsîd Sobool, happon- îogoiown Masirs for s drink o! vater, wben ho diaoovered tttheIb verandah vhich runs &cres. lb. fronta of tbc house vas on ire.HResat oncef gave the alum andtbe blasd vas ex- îiuguished before muci damage w.. done. Coail u aefcund on tho ver-j andab, sud there le notet lslgblel doubt but that the ire vas tb. work of1 un ioeeadïary. The lad eays vieà ho ý came dovu sîsirs.hobe 5W four mou standing watching thé progresa o! lb. blaze. Il vili be romembered thst lb. lanulord o! Ibis bous., Mi. Wmn. Tel. land, somne lime ago réceived s notice froua tb. "White Caps" Ibat.if tb. proeoul tenant remnained in thii bouse ho migit lok for trouble. The ire o! Banda>' probably buas ouaohhmng lédo wItb Ibis IteaéL. The siensation 'wbicb la furniablng the subjeel for conveatIon on th*i streol ise anothera bw I te bhbuse sr wbich ateraïeted .&bout &a bundred people to the norib end of lb. town Thnrsday nigbl. The bouses utere, spirte are sald te dvell la ituated în ua nisolal locslily over lie black bridge, and bas furniobed eevj.rridsimilar ghosl clornes before vov, The noise ebici fi,-ot at- trscted atténfion tote obonum vs' beard by -Meuere Gonai, J-, flolar J. TuIly, T. IDain» mea-W. EH. Moiedith vwho were takiug a coustllutiontil in liI dirention. The. noise le deucribed as beiug k. unoethat ruade viien s mm je tearlng evu 6 ipaffiit, 'sud the blowsvêtet o! -siih -,Its toh.$0shako lh. bouss. te ie foudalon sud.cause the.windows e oraMia u lnig jsul> mmfful. Whaqq lte- 3uIate teumned -à ageow u eue - yonng !ua., a du- goode ,oterk, enteod thie boume os a wà ge r s utar- prising te ssyo ho Dot ouly came ont alive but aisô got bis meney.-Bouiw., John L.. uffiv&n, X. 0- 'I E TER I Y TRI CHAMEPIOM PUG WISES vo WnxT& las IuA"'-HSmm NiFEOO. edh Send d Lot and It, f th Ls L *l rîi ea :ve WYrt. v thelu. Ils buns y evrv sing jt withworka 1 valu* u ab lo- I-pIO, Bu ae tMMI m.thk 11 1- r r r j- r 'S vantod by MyMoe as u 1.citizens of Bos ,ton. gonerally sud 1'l rY 80 96e il. In My tîà vele abouý Ibis oeuntry and Europe I have had se much el- perienco in ,publil.oi,)ebking a# Most people. Vil have no trouble about& getting a hesring in Conugrese or in making peopleo vay attention. 10 vbaî I Bay. In an interview Ibis aflernonSulli- van referred tb the deatb of his inother, and saià ho did not foot 1k. living si' ho had dons up to the -presont Mine. Elo intendo te givo up boxing. lie vili go through his siz weeks' exhibi- fion, put bis money avay csrefully and thon atteud 10 bis political cireer èx- clusively. A Queer Birthplace. 1 cia.c and "»4 tyom Of~t( m À«âbe 59virtu.. f Gr~ 10vol,, au I a t' i -1- I ~ At the Grand Central Hotel, Peter- îoio, tont rnidnight, about vwo veeks aga, a guest beard the cry of su infant proceodiug froam tho water olosol, vbich aroused suspicion balt s0oetbing unusuol hsd ocourred. Ibe Chief cf Policewse at once snm- noned, sud he, ini cempany witb Con. stable Adms,ruade su investigationi. Wben lbe conduit pieo in, the wster closot bad boon remnoved, the poor littho babe vas fonnd aI the bottoru sitbing upon the sill. bsving fallen lvonty foot, aud, strango 10 relate, alive sud wvol. The cbild is a lithoe, vee bit cf human- ity, with flaxen hair, light bîno sys, sud robuetcoostituticn. Tuhe narne of the unfortunate mothor ià Marthe G3leony, enmployed as-e domestic in tbe botel. The youLg vomau vas immed- iaîely plaeed under arreet sud arraigned el tho policecouil on s chsrge of at- temnpting te commit infanticide. Mr. E. B. Stone appeared for the prisoner, sud beforelier trial oooemenoed ho in- foimed the magistrate that a young mua uuued'IRd. Watson bad corne ho hioe unasked sud offeied ho uiarry the grl Mr. ýSionoe aid be thoughtse ;bsppily no barru had'boenidone, if tbr muarriage vus alloved to take place, the lav wouli b. v*iodîead ud motber sud cbild suved front Ibe - lsgrace of conviction. Aflor slight dolay, the murriage, .eremony vas performed by 1h. 11ev. Fatheà Jludkinsi, vho bsd been ý' tolophomâd for. Police Magie. liste' :Dumblb, *vho, ilthougb s sminal msant ,4a si 1ue ert, at tb. conclus- ion of lb.he oeley, tnrned ho the bride sud, "aie-- MarihaGlenny, yn ar.harged.with felouionsly sud wUfty .tptlsg t;o 1>1your jurant ehil nudr Io ygm etof age. Yen clai lituhoallged theipI as be resul of à *,aeaoident I" Tie igirl re- plie& îlthat' .6 did.> ;ý,Tii. Kagietrato 1 ontiueud: J11 The (50é:wn ha ceonsent- ou - ý t' acopt jour pieu sud Yom ar0 thereforo disoharged. I vlsb you and 1your hnsbsud a happy future, sud hope t'bat yens ehuid May tire long and b. a greel omufovt lg ou." With tiu con- gretuation lb. court bdjouned, sud lb. ne yWedIe& oonple eft lu a baok. "Did I oser t.11 yen," uaked Fogg, lu eue of bisu bl.of eonldenoe, "11boy 1I oehsed *-iqlaienforu -.u»e Afriuan $ip? Nb 1tWeU., I tat Q yen. Thoy bad a big enclosure fuîlo susise. Il lay lu My va>', sud I vaikedt MWrug *bohn, tif1s4ry orslp < t hl a &:anu wii-ffuh 0oo1 courageý Muet b. more thau9n nortal. -'l'h. fun of lai wu I dý.dat 1etlieve $bare vas aisy saakes $boe.et g.SoIheru? 0f course I saw t'ni but yon tee I temhouglt wap, uother altaek oe th. Wby ufler 8, ~gae=0omet; Wh=u~ e-g"etiimediate irelief from inteind - or 1 zz 1mluby 1h. use of Poison'eS ervi- îlino, 1h.eat pain cure ? Nervillue bau ue'rurb.n own te f ilü. Try @à 10 oecat . =e botte. Tou wiii t dil jus sa 1cents, et duuggts undioutyduuu The udelg t igiIiee.4r T Cet u4Weêoov4 el"saY" MoU.!, and 8 Uso Ra94o, au et w ui I Dm1Iiok B~steld~i DrillC~ LLM, " A b~ifL éood51tdOO8~?UU TofTT tm- uousbAii.,.t I B me 8IYIIyB8 Fw pH ~i. xs~,YmLu.,J-~--,"' F ji~yx~¶,)4~;:¶f. ~r> 4 i ~4t I r id r )y es Nrw, Yoax,. Bn.7.-John L. Bulli. van publlshesa lette: bei*! amonnmW thal hoWn y là "'a sadidate fou- lime nomlnatnto 10 Qu au ulb. Deum- oralo ie tko$ iii Boe asutheb.nuxt loo oooe.rued aud I feel Iuesee-i ' 'p- oré 01 th Jyou that soore., Thon pePulaitly vI h@ qmuiunpep bus oui>' gelt ravel about viime don%'k»me wie, 1h1 uking about. M>'bales il;, unit lwaym has been ever minoe, Iemni e bforb the public, te enoonrago pbyselououlsur. sut hlm thaverk. Tbon, bedde, vig my matobhesand ,hlhltquuIM 1bvq %- ta*ta.d hpu&d id tef 1 .k niîied through thSe nÃespéesinter- osting readlg e iuioll.Pepl have get te feel gratefal ltos 1v,ýhc busiwness aud My' dsalnge -wIh thet mon, wh#.csu oriticiae thena-? - 1fî muSe a proMIse ,ksep i#. 1 havea wsys looko41tr- frpu~ P eue eau aucù.-*e sOlîfMIotOlifUE by ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ - yl. l$a .~og eb But what 1 fiel ltho more lmpomi sut tis i em4 4-f~wbioh1 have doue teopeep hhbè eput&ahld6 Sb.gm I have k.pthe iugm151 Cham biOplbîmp o! thSe orldinlu lii. vuîtr Thiero isu'ta .olf-r.s Amseulam Doe omiâiLrwbat tom- y hbave ab'0 doa wtru3 1,thougit that a à ui ra UStUri 55f itatedr mknos loolty, rtlon outhful n ot! and 'i "0 npci t -~1 --7777, -à - ý'ýZOU TS. s-'b