,1. il skW -OPENI4G -ID'AYS L lin Whitby by- outwear CylinderOil. ~il o~her. has -no equalù. i-Foi sale JIEMOVED I SatudayM onday7 Sept. 29th- and" oct. 1lst- 2n.d Srd. AIL aeinvited ýýto, see oUr, -Show Booms.éTe bggest é play of i£New, ByihCepFail Goods we have ever showu.- W e ae gve»è Dresw Good6s Depà rtment particular attentin adshwa ie- Baue wthTrimige o Atonih -at prices that canuotbe bet eaêbonnd ýto gËive 7you the best value -for,-Ouir, ,money.y TÂILO RINO- TO ORDER =