à gemrê: oihteif .Inîee four yeate. JO1b.or indirect and rounidaboitme ,od.Tbers onl thO th Novembef tpod. sil aeohsttêvote for eleotors es il .t on the second Monrdray ln jaUIY foWmilg what ile alled the * olg, . and ohoose the Pre- dll a . ie.resent. The Izumber in 'os hoen in ueaoh Biaise j.the 1elhoga itsate'Us eetors and rbpre- **pltstlvs 11 congrese. Thus in New york there will- be thirty-sl i eler.. Éach Party nom~iflStes a full i 1.1of gùt 0s eb. voted for. Tho ticket ,hieb recoîTes the moot votes is eleeted and every inembet of 1h. ticet lenïcr- 'ally bochl. te vote ile h. E6tôtalcol. . legs for thre party candidatscf thât tiket. They &te not required by any law te vote that Way, as eacb ncou Oggt bis vote for whosoevel' ho pleased, bug tbey-are aIl pledged before being chosen. The meeting of th. Eleotoral OoI1ege, has, therofo1re oome te, be look- loi flpoO 588Bau uinteresting nocesssary. Whenéver it ie known bow eaeb State bau gone the remutit jekeown witbout 1.,--0- k lIwaceneflV ffthe tub& 'U1 Breakfast je thé P-roper pacé te -eaU1 th. roli. "The well.digger makes money by th. The sheemaker cften equ&nders bis last dollar. Keep yeuv didsole nce but -ni ou r, farta void cf foncen. Il Ià oia-med 4MaI geste thilve best if Led on buttermilk. Mon wil work barder for a dayis pleasue than for a week's wagos. In order te look apruce itii. net nec- oeesary that- yen romnain evergreen. The waiter who piys -on the Motel dinne gong à u the worst Motel beat Thcugh ho may nover leave aboie, the sheriff le often on 4h, rseize. If a' sel. fiuih Maui us always an anstere sud orabbed one, it would oortainjy b. a o'iarnty.' In Tex.s a man rareiy ente an sic- quaintinoe,but a siin er'frein th. esel bas te be xightv carel. tô éthers-44 là approaobieg disease worue yp. 0Do bts4 wrnlng' t b deadly. ýJ Sages atarrh Reme .14re es. thé that u Touýýjydoeew70 tI lsthe matured invention of a sientific phy. sioian. "A word to the wise lusufiin. It is expeoted the Manitoba Lepislature 'vill be proroguedin steiâ of adjburnéd wher t 1 meets Tuesday. Messrs. T. Miibnrn & Co. Nov. 254h, 188. I wish I had used B. B. B. sooner, which would have saveil ses years of suffering 'vith erysips, hem 'W;.iah I couldl get no r6ief untIltried B. . B., whiah soon cleared away the tohing, burxiing rash that nad so, long dlstreuued me, Mrs. Edward Remkey, Basteru Passage, PAlilaxe S. 8. 14 ie probable a eparate elevator for Manitoba wheat 'vili be b'iltst Duluth. Thse Trlumphant Three. "Durinq three years sufierivg with dyspepsia. I tried uimost every khnwn remedy but kept getting worse until 1 uried B. B. B 1 had only used it three days when 1 feit better; ,three botties completely nnved me." W. Nichols. of Kendal, Ont. ,,sit1Dg forMe oSU u s pVAuuuu i I va- -u"Idropseh M,0(llegeo. LUei important te note lu.' Photographer-"'Evorytblug ie ready A petition 'vas fiied on Saturday againetI tb. people do not vote directly for their Pie&ue sii." Kentuokan-"Thank -he return of Mr. John Waldio, M. P., for ýChief Maglistrate. yon, I don't care if I do." Heiton. "Th weghtoftrangessor ie bard, A Dinner Piil.-Mauy prioônestsiffer ex LIE vie Prince of Wales Hard Work- romarked th.esh:riif when lb. criminai cruciating agon y cfter partaking ni a isarty iea ed. refueed te stop on the sosies. din:er. Tefo partaken of isliea daice, s] Bih-Iwieb b.d omethug tebeing s heaithy nutriment i4 becomes a 5ie London Truth. throw ast tat wreobeed actor. Abert poision to th. systern. Dr. Parmelee's Oniy tho anticipation of oiie pieui- -Weil, Tako Teddy hole. Hles a b.d Vogetabie Pils are 'vondenful correctives of -nt hun11tin9p parties in Hungary eau egg. suob troubie'-. Tbey correct acidity, 0 en Man( bave sustained the Prince cf Waiee 4the seoretions and couvertte foodPa e cures,1 under the horiore which hi ezdr.d og-ntlcstte bur ba of iuto rLealthy nutriment. The are j ust psii Ise;t week. On the day cf hie arrivai Why i'. s .11 aU a stop). 1 Bogg- 4he medicine to take if troubied with in- acte li 'ronWbat's odd about that f Isn't there s digestion or Dyspepsia. liver,E ai vieufli the Pfrice was ODgSgedfOu el idri. tretr uating t nMoruiug to night ln îeoeiviug sud psy-bel " Charles Johnghen, the counl e$1,'vs*, vi iug forMNi visite. Etiquette roqnired Patient-"'At limes Wheu I esbt ho sentéec6d at Bar' la te tweive yearn he lb. n that be shouid go about lu tb. gandy mauch I sufer terribly. What would Kingston.. I but very uncoinforttble uniform of lb. yen reoommend, dootot ?' Dotor-"ÂCA A.P..A3. iK ID Twelfth Austian Husears, which cou. stemsch PnmÃP.t" 19 A Nçw Home TreauDSét for thse Cure of LI' giste of a short goid-frogged tunuo o! A. shoemakeir frein a counntry towu Catarris, Catarrlial Dearaoss ana dark bine clotb, witb ecarlet breeches, was lecking at the mschinery in a so Bay lever. itus flussian boots sud a white shako. Iu faolory. ",Weli, I delare," ho sid, me. microscPâ bas proved that thesie dis- Soid b ,,thie gaîb, sud weariug th. Garter sud "if thabt don'l boat swl." e aseO are aoutagfloed, snd 4hat they are due tel. the green and ted ribbezi cf the Hun-acrosoigne- presonce ni living parasiesu lu thee ltenlinln ore c t.S-phn 1.Prne Figgs-That'aeuroslô gne-membrane of 4h. urper air rmsêges and eus- A garisu 41.f t Sèhoth ric teyen bave on, Spîlge. Where did ha n ue.Ti.eie detlta, Tyn-L1I grove doieflliy about Venna sud psid ynglil pig-nwem all'Hxle n el done t 4an hs ne fewêr Ihan ton visite, afler whico M imUer'. batîingsuit., rnathod of treatina ihOee seasez has beau te jbtrried home te receive tb. returu cille, s y u rrttremeciy 'eekly, sud oven' il vs nceeary Young lady (wlshing te b. affable)- da y, thue keepiug thes delicate membrane lu' for wbich oeîemontit A Âné&r nty ean yen direct me tho a respect- a constant state cfiIritaton, aliowngitn11 fer him te lhrow off is Anstrian gar- able oooed marou-I siu'l yo' aunt; o chetrseaatmnda notu permansentce ment sud pposu ;n he fuil nlform cfever boan recordea.- 14ilanauabsluts tact Aat eu Engiieh fieldhInaishal. Wheun-ths .y equa) h e ases caunot heoured by âaeyapplica- aset -of the visiters (froin tbe Empeoer Sb-"If yen vonîd just buy me that tion ruade oftener than once lu twe waeks, ton dowu to the varions officera cf lb. ioveiy diamoud neekiae il wouid be tbseriembrane muelit get a chance to beal bc- et bavely."He ryly-"41&vnt fre he application te repeatort It in nov TweifthEHussars) b.d depaited, yet juotbaei. odyy-Hv' seven yeara s n i. Dizon dlscovered the suother change of dress was neeesary yen sniy eartly 'viabes ?" asraMte in catarrh aud formulated bis e'v J sud the prInce put on hi. Blucber- "What je Suiggiee runzing fMi ?"'4"1 oome a houseiioid wenii iuevery country! t Hosasi uniform snd 4h. Order cf the didn't know heovas runnlug for Suy. where teýe E nlihLauguage ile spoken., Black Bagile, sud drove toedea on Prince thlng, "Oh, but ho ie, then. I15»W hlm cusra O at here kaving bees o re o Bouge st the. Gemman Emnbsy. The golus teo huroh Isot Snudà y." c u4siilz, ter:, enn ouno maSouvrésm-ah Bellovbr (whicb tue Rere vaiher whah Ikind cf pie do yen 8e hlghiy are Alis. romedies valued, Abat fioc Ab bohem ! be osl Iis " pi SI" Bt 4hre e Iigorant imitators have etarted up every-; 1 'Prince deheshed fo tebto f i aiti "Appi i."'Btvhrei here, petendiug te destroy the parasite, of11 hêart) .wero muoh 'verse,, se for hhreo uolbiug ilu 14." Beg pardon, sir but 'ow b Lcbso novntin.b etais h. sucessve aysho as n te sddl - esuits ot thd-applicatieu of which tey are sucsive day. hpe'asdluheb. sddeuse ovaporaled applos i in&l 015? pige. quaily ignorant. Mn. Dimon's nemedy te a- (wit themporr su lb.Arohnkes I sufer -lreadfnily from ennui dc.- lie oniy once lu t'vc veeka, snd from oeeb a&l thorougbly lu eainept sbout the =~re applications effect a permanent cureil business frein 8 o'oloek tiil 1, and fhem 1er,' aid Mr. Bohie. Da ouen mlli thement a«favated cases. 2 4116 Tsesitaton va agu-vated hain yenr old habit cf lalkiug -te your Mn. Dixon sende a pamphlet describlng bis: 2y the facT statio.B.n. as isnsle sef, sir 2" queriod lise physicisunove treatment on the receit ot stamp toesy even b o ejoy s cigarette dari"g Ihose inonty oKing-etreet 'veut, Toronto, Canad.-Scieô- weany liore, û lbe Emp11row' ab- wus'asNero'.s ateet aut of tfcAunc sointel>' %roibile 'smoking on dnly, oruoity 2" aeked tise teseher cf the elaa - The Impe "al psrhy 'vere ridieg about in his tory, "Pisylu' the. de,' 'vas most brioki1 nesriy aIl the lime ov@ar th. prompt response and the tosoher fl on't ai lb. hot sud dnsty plaine of Bellovar, let il goSt aI Ma. * sud inu>yoasehave siapeed ince the Bobinse-d"ilow abont that note I Until your hair becomes dry,4thin,_sud M Prince bas; beaunos thoronghly oxri- old yonîs, Brownu? Ive bsdl itse long grsy befone gving the attention needed> 1 ciesd, sud bas experieuoed snob genunue 1MaI whiskers are beginanug le grc'v on to presenve ita beauty sud- vitality. fatigue. it." Brewu-"lWhy dont yen gel 14 Keep on your toilai-table s bottie of MOI Nobsaved, thon ?", Ayer's Ramr Vigr- the only dressing s When the hai shows igu ef failing, be- gin st once te use Âyer'a Hein Vigor. This prepsi!ahiou srenglisens tisescalp, pro- motos the -grovth of ne'v hair, reteres tise nstural color te grmni udfmded Mhain, sud rendors Il sot, pliant, sud glosy. On Fnida>' laI, 'vMle lhrosbiiag .* Mr. Thoos. ry's, Norths Monagbtan Mn. Audrew Yotmlg b-d hie loft hMmnd canght ini th. gear(u, fpda pioco pf the fieh vwutoérut ee&ar avay ,makingla .ver>' painful Wo>*zd. Mte' enng &sss been st tbe busiss a 6lobng i 4 , Sd up ho tbis lâme 'iïit acideuït?, but h. bas ba agta ut Old Adamn Debbln, wlio b-Os .u a -regular iodges' atthe OO"t%*r boarding bouse for years pas$, ,réated**111 excitemeut at thh.580ol on 8.tomks-y lad' by attemphing te end b ise.lsla, J> y cutting is iroot. - 0om p'f lb. Prism-, en, fhem their oel WindoWs, me *lb inu, 'vil. standîin thb.e omrtVad, delibrstoiy dmaw the blade afislà atge jaokknife sercus the tbiemt, aud tSwy immediately m#odeaan enter>'.Tuby Bay 'vas promptly oubmadmsudinuticmé to prevent Ib. gld inU fre I4pipulm bis hande lu the. womdud «d t.rlng epen.Hi windptpe wvu noSt eaod the kuifo being dil sudlb. ciA a Z6 stroke raliser veak,am lb-at enly bp long Rash ln tise fl.sM 'va tade. lu;- TWýItte 140dangister 'o! Mr.-Win. R.OMetbuteher, Âhbnam mt, 'vithasipusufui'Àddeu deat tu er4da ov n u n a ra tM er p o h Wr m u n e r. ,. stist,s fe'vdocte eoth -of!Illsabéth eSt, 'vs er. at lestise 1mue one wua -mssd but ne alr u 'vasf on hi secount. Iu a feu minstes aB tt*bbor entensd fin 4 h. bo»k door,aid notioeA tise ciild'g feet PtruillGbRg r lhe 9.4e o!flte tub Ihat s&M uhi sr -4sble lu the kilohen. 8.a ~o llttiiêgir outof lte Ilu i utlr.e-- m , ul Bcmebow or other sevn sensible inu neyer 'vboily gels over bis surpris, b.-, eauiè diser people arent'Ise muchin.lu teremted as Meole lu Mis fi-sîi:photograpb o! bis firt baby. "6Your -jà 4g ledelistful, mis" EIh.lia& Mu. ,ors, 11tfalrly carrnes Eth.l'it iA a&yeaunçlnce aI thse ,éock. ,,, Mdn'$no41a4 t. Staiour-Y&s gr; ve bave every kind o!peu..Wbât kil,i llYctake to Chicogolil ter.-"tpsunaM-y gpve me aà box of fa.ilýpe.. 'I1nnderstand tise beut ile.ten lst avariaI>." Druumakr-"«Tbere do.sn't soem te b. stuf ,enougi bore te make s train tht.. yards long." Society' Belle- :"Deari»i 1IfHow mnob mortels uerded ?" 'ÂbItaîýsf a yard." "dWeIlltakeil off 4 LIt11 BOY-Ont of a large !smiI.# 'vas db"in ouI on. day sud bis home. enqle Do yen 1k.ehioten, Willio ?1 4"Ic d'tknow' maam I1neverSt.ed auythlig but tise édumstiok, 'vms the de 8aa lBOY.-(toe groeoiy éerk): lfÃ"rsu . 1" lerk-Whlt -'vill, yoU- h~v yougMan Pl' Smù lboýy",,'Â bar ýleueh Ve ealzg thse jo of *p>islu r s get#iOgoutemeidofo bdon"! &ddy,,butIfsl pain 'a1 îh. câiit J am frg wsd'ithlsoup Browu"-'Wfii S oonDuS' l P li . 'ste gImel br. su W'v you requin. for tise har-and use a littie, daiiy, to preserve thse natural colon and prevent baiduess. Thomas Muuday, Bharon Groe, Ky., writes: Several menthe ago my hair ecommanced falling otý. and le a. ew 'veeke my bead vwsu lmiost bald. I triad many nemedies, but they did ne good. 1 finally bought a bottle of Âyer's Hair Vigor, and, aiter using- ouly a part cf Abe contents, my head vas covered wlAh a heavy growth cf his. I recom- mend your preparation as thse beat bair- restorer lu thse wold."1 IlMy hali wua faded sud dry," wnrites Mabel CI. Hardy, of Delavan, Ill.; " but suter uslng a bottie of! Âyer'm Hair Vigor It became black sud gloasy."1 Ayer's Hairigor, Soid by Druggilsts and Perfumers. rîmp1es and Blotches, So'digfiunlg te 1h. fà le, forehead, and neeik, way b.e etfrely remnoved by tise use a e Ay'rer% sarzllatise beut nd safest A>tertlve sndled-Pauniione-vei Dr." J. C0e AyOr & CO.g ' .owell, Mass.m 8olilby D*ÈihkIts$1;- f bttufer 0. Bas ieceived a »boico ka.,k of 8&4I it e.. au tîw106LaMng styles. _4 CIadi olici"t, Shop opposite IRoyal HOt11W, ïiiËUbY1 FÂR- FOR SAL~ Dr. Chase Ras a 'vend wlde retutati6n as a heoa and author. Ilis Mandrake DandeholiÀver Cure te a trlu.mph af medical ,skil, auring al diseases of thé Ridney aud Ltver. TDistreseing aches KIDN[Y CMLI and pains in the baak; a duil pain or 'veigt in the biaddersand base of the abdomnan, ecaldiug nnlne often ob- ettucted; trequent desire to urinate, especi- ally at nlght, among aged peisonsi bot, dry skin. pale comýplexton. red and white deposits, 8Y2PainOM5 QI'er houj jhalow omplxio, aweary, tired el Llite -or energy, headache, dyspepsia. ýstion, Erpots, pimples, &a. HOW OURERD., xdrake and Dandellon are natures Ljyer~ and when combined with Eldney reme- la in Dr. Chase's Lîver Cirre, wHi almost iely cure aUl Kidney-Liver troubles. It ike a cbarm, stimniating the cloIged strengthening thbe kidneys, and lu igoz- the wboie body. Sold by ail dealers at Lti Beceipt Book, which algne 15 worth NÉ EY o l -y1iney-Liver Mls -made. VERTbey&et genlyyet eOetua- L lyet TheýoweKidn~ oes, costiveness, &c. One pi]1 a dose. by ail dealers. Prias 25 cents. JTHORS &. COX, Manufacturers of jTRUSSES6 gS.ARTIFICIAL- & &ppliances- fer al flefonmities ef lbe Hn- man Bedy-SBplnai Dis- eame, Dîmses o! lhe Ene sud Ankie, Kuock Enee, Boy Legs, Club Feet, etc. AL80 aufCEE OChurch St, - Toronto, Ont.1 ROYAL YEAST yese la sah ark.t wisa5 a »- Mm t V.-C~y kmnd. - T" - .alyX.5 "Chs h*s £ýe*ý e <Ou Mti < £5 mm MMr mzuý,- Ur ea ' WhessO t eai &UI Oseceis MUl î Ë RËA D made ci' this Yeast took x3» First Prize ' onttrio PllShows lu rSSj. 'là , Ctbradada ue RICE FIVIE C~F14T84 Farm for Biale on Boujgogg fH subscriber offers for usis t erthý .J prtofloý, ixt l M;9 cocf tbe anc. ood ian. po Mood bldiiîms "là irao1as , ,& von esusuIsio, à Âxl» mme wamI von BoRn TIEROATS A»W UZÉLMMEZA. ?OIS BOBOUDRS , 803e ÂOKlyq1100 7OR POOT 1ROT, AMD BoISE KOUTHI ZN SEESP A"» LÂMRB, FrOR spBAMnes Oo, s, Euis ZIXN oce. SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. Prom Hlie Grace the Dake of Butland. "ýBeivoir, Grantham, Lee. 1, 187i9. "Sifrs,-EUlmanls Be yai Embrocation is used inm stables. I thlnklltvory usetul. "BuTLA1q1, Master of Belvoir Hunt."1 "ICastie Weir, Kingston, Herefordahirxe, "Oentlemn.-X use the Royal Embrocation ln my stables and kennels, aud have found it very servlceable. I have alec umed th. Universal Embrocation for lumbago' aud rheumatiem t4h. last two years, and bave suffered vory li441. ince uslng it. IL.H.Pmon, , etit,-ÇL, Master ç« 1ad... noruhire Hunit." ELLIl<AN'8 ROYAL 2MBROOÂTION, Sold by Ohemists. Stores, sud Saddlers, Prie Ss. EXHAUSTED VITALITYR T LE ScCE0 Medieul Workcf . mgo onMahoeousu PhysicalDt!bililyP ems- turc Deolisse, zErraoe «Yeulh, and 4h. untold miseriesoosequent Iber-e. ou,~ ~~ 30 ae,8vo.i,; 1praiponfr ai disese.0 C1tl,fu» i'0 en (»,- by, mail. sesled. Il. osample ie. te ily0 snd middlle uge men. ,-Seud nov. Th Gold -and J.'v.ll. edal a'srded, le lb. sutbpr by lthe N 7onI edica Associa tion. Âddress P.4O. box 1895, Boston, Mass., or. te Dr. W. R. Parker, graduale cf ,Harvard Medical (College, 25 e&ia'praclioe in Boulon, 'vio May be0onsulted confiden- essi- * specalty, Diseuses cf mon., ,OfIce, No. 4, BuifInch Stree. JOHN FA IiQUHA RSON, Qeneralm erneAet Agenqor PireInsuaffloAsacltin, L=4014, Une. Lmoon&h LasseahieLife06,London Eng. >1 (TJ2.U 3.6E I. r ltchlng end stlnging,O a1owdto continue tumorS forch olten bleed and udoerate, becofing verylOie. BW Vt"SOrIMENT stops the itching and lee<ding, '- basuIoeyiof, and lnt95e many Cameuremove o mo. bn ifor PAT EN TýS Osfveatsi,ma& Trade Mua obtaine,à am aU 1a%"Mtbusiness conducotÃd for ,MODE. BÂTE FERS. OUR OFFICE 18 OPPOSITE13 U. 8. PA- TENT01 OD'IC. Wehave n bagn1s &Ul business direct, hezios -cantranme, a. lent~ ~~~~~îd buies nteafii ad.4L' OOST tsuthose remote fhemWabgtn sena moôde!, drwlng,- orPhoto, i-*th- de- scription.- We adviss , if Patentabl, or Dots free of chusge. Oui fees net da. a1patnt- A book, "How 11tal aet, ôt referenc #mts lensl erSae Âddi8.s..SNOW cO.ý Opposite P.tent Orna., ýWushigtontD.. VERY W>A Sufrerng fromh'y ieue~ eiIis Pommit'e or sex udeilgacr shouaduend te P.. O. box 2648Toronto for à sled ofoulrun lb . Imubj eoý.. SENT FEZE to Any Adê 9. CO0MM E RGIA L HO T EL' m ,-Jarvn, nt, T«Ortot. HARR KEELEPeoprletori HATffEEO&Er Dty WABMRÃ"OM.WGPOD 'P&à L1. 8fiaéZng for 100 Hpraqs Ltij~ "Mus ELU MARCAIN rF t4aumAikrà s(m LU M&A TheSafeSt. 9u$Ckest.most fLI MAN a [<LO UtH, EiN LA-N D.la i 1