Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Oct 1888, p. 3

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Ou,.brrlt _ - *çieve: Or, The Chîldrenl cf ro ilpse m.,r~Ji in addition provides a flot) sies-«ar. sfrald c! aj0uMàîmut, TISSUS 0b;rig nkgivng &StOI bY Seorertary Whuluey in lnormed ltat a f»JDj* Ay i Mathew., eutitled canal boat bas just ru plua lato theutfi frnith Lg fth Nite.,rudder. The Departirnen ilb of r,&Osoo If thoreasua qtorum la the 'ft%,ý i o oncf Zenons Missions.' i weIl told ft~oaI boat tblob ,oo uiuv . by Emme Balymoud §Pitmans. harles The .&uiriosle u2S sral éot Baoon telle ns aibout "'h. Evolution cf -only lnjured byý oaroem SuI macular iu4 i su D. alae reob. ncanal bosse. long, C à osmni anR r.Tlmg pec"so - The. audividual expeuses allowedla cou- le su "6Tho Martyre of Lite," in tb. Homsi iemto eleolen cames iu th. RofussimouI polpi. Iu the poetry, am palie cf ed to 25,M8. Speaker Carllai w.. sllow- as 1r13net ou "The Heresfter,"' by Bishop ed #1,207. Alesander of Derry snd Baphe., wil - s.- Thu littract attention. Thore are aeveral Lv tPr oe :~ other fine poOMe, snd a Whol cku u oo,- f short-.snd iuteresting articles sud Love's Young Dream Suddonly Inter- cod ,k.tcbe5. The pictorial ftatures of th. rupted. ol@iid 'e cmber~are as abondant, sa lever, aud -sss be oome of the piotures are very beautiful. à WÂBSEEWOMAN'T DiRTY LINECN Mx» IN the fl The lait Page àe econpied witb %0 0%- THE POLIOU OOUELT. ae qsite composition by 0. Weuham. wbicb il Smilh, organlim 0fPyot brb A litti. private Ihetricalt has been sions. lo Brooklyn~, te Faber's hymn, "lPiigrinu iu progrea. for many montisý pau$, the vil L>- -~of the Nisbî." which ou Saturdsy resnlte4 in a gene- those -%d rai scîspe amoug the stars -of the om- Duetj vor Th oiei eiwfrOt rpauy, and oue, te KIt, Blephen Stalk- Ba W ThellouiltioRevew or otoerwell, go& very muciiy laid out by thi. Tbe1 s, presentsin its Beview Section sevêral youngor sud more phalwsrt candidate -Ceos ni noteworthy articles by omre cf our inost for the. affection. of Mrs. Peleon. Mrs. alarax ra * dtingui8bed writers. Dr. Herrick Pelson iuhrpoesincnahew-li Id- Joheo5pi p i@merly n re Aoo tce il man required considerabte, more wood inlstes L . - r- pit"l in ter e trikend ogt e a fuel than ebe wss able te chop ber- OBUS.- sqerl> on qh ed u ub eb self, sud as shle Wag Det Possesmed of notera ap .tndied by every preacher. Prof. Mur» an superifinone mine cf wealtb where. a gis], t.- rs'y descaflîs on 4 1Wordswortb's Poetry"i witb te iire * laborer, eh.e bad te de- idess ut * in's most oharming and helpful wsy te Pend upon ber nuierous maie ad- ber gri «» mini@ters. Au able snd tiinely paper mirera for Ibis emali assistance. No-w, ing ti au on --The Public Sobool System and the Mre. PeIson is býy ne means an ineignl- batbii Minietry," Dr. John Bsom, Seeretary fcu esngurj h e oln e Rond dsouses iD5 ercn, snsble in the bistory cf lhe locality iu whieh lc light, IOn. the Gare of th. Body," a ber residouce i seituatod. 8h. le very Teo 4* subjeot toc little nnderstoôd by literary muob sdmired by a, certain clais cf estivî ifsPof .C Wlisn ie people inbabiting that regien, sud noue Il. riuginR and eting-ing oriticisin ou were more ardent ta r lpe ce1 Goethe's 1'Fanalt," which remindesofSaelubs aeins Mud atpen Neu a,. bis fanions critique on Arneld's IlLight lions ou Mis. Poison.. - Blephon eplit orsf secf Asiaf r. O.8.bne au cone the ber wood, Siepien osrried wator, Blep- quiak kt, _ eisc eaïsl aeso i heu dug ths garden, lu fsct every 11111 mag Iu Cretinbi final topie berng, IlWu. attention or luxury thatliay witbin bie s e Adam <Jroated by Proces of Evole. Poe ws4 i&ViSbod uubesitsiingly opon Si tien 2" The eermons, eigit in number, ber. Andin returu she osaI designing whev, are by sncb preachers as Dr. Strykor, glances. aI him, wbioh went te bis very Týu Dr. Ormistoni (Thaukeglviug),Dr.Storrs, seul. ie beaut wenl ont te h« in > Dr. Tiorse Iil, Dr. Bralalin, sud sypahoi rAente tbe m in ui 1 oSiers. The Exegetical, Homiletieal svirtb ahed elgitn Of e r un .1 b ansd Stndy Table departmeute are cf the many ammii., sud lbU919 but lillié al usual interest. The Prayer-Mleeting lte wiile of thte, dire olamty wihiob - Service le richly instructive, sud ail tbe was to befali hlm. la poetia ipve un. Te e- cier festures cf The. Reviow promeut Pélion ua.d- to occupy'ber spare limne a"A il the uqual vsriely sud fuîmue. Tii u hefIogp<gè number, a a wboie, is equal te the boiet table at tb. polio.l court "hi mormng paf it ott su..PbihdbyFn ecredited te ber reàdy pe:n- wsu Wagualle, 18 sud 29 Aster Place, New l"Oh 1 Siephen, Oh 1 Siephen, my love for AIRI York. $8.00 per year; 80 cents per yen @te single number. ta s boundema au old Ontarie binle, NOe. If yen hand'l a fsmiily, I'd have yon toc, A Ah 1 Biephen, Ah 1 Siephen my love lutine." ed lu Catarnh is iu the. blood. No cure foi Tbus maltera; wonl on in posful cd in ti loatbsome sud dangerouie dime 1 bleeseduese, each baukingi* the otber's possible until the poison la thoronghly love, util oee rniug wben Sieýphen Th srsdicsted front the eystem. For lbis par- w.. maiting on tbe doorstep, up ocim. a bresî i 4 pose, Ayer's Sarsp-ar*' is le . beut sud striplirg lu lie poison cf. Bul 13wi"ehli chine most economical . edicine. Prie $1. Ho os louging glances ais tbe lady cf sage., Six botties, 85. Worth $5 a botle. the bouse, whioi voe Iiosely waltobed cavit e - ____________by the hitherso -urlpo! ber as»e. W, tiens, but on the\y7q=g mma, a depar- =&t Wasiugon ettr. ui., Mi. Stalkwéll hesIe asigh cf re-. thIIj lie!. Malters afler ibis did not go son os (i'rm aur regniar correspondent.) e pleasanlly. The old obesut cf csaa Tii.crod e spotaorspresut henEx."Tre ly. overrciv~ig eeot' vsnc li datesapo,*er-uilafte electon. Thon poeticicrea foilev : 8 the baudanna wMf b. eiher the prend iii oh 1Sipheu, My Io"elagewlug oeld, Égnis ef a victoriens boat, or lie reviled Yoaor gao teeoc ugly sud maRch tScod ag it 1.4, a lest cause. Oui Tuss5 The tapner hm. bis5 gi*t lav Toc evening h Presidont, Juage' Thurman, i-m Tojj -jvodbyyu'obdy~4 P.ere.enlstlve Scott, sud Spee Caillis Ttsddetdtr s tlwi u iase st Oak lw for a oul cVUi. ThModii.. thre. oarnerod rnayorslty fthin Nov York whi-u-ot by a jsfl éol nro-ar id ti u have beûet iii nau mubjeot of ed bis waent love, sud made. hlm vaut hep Oouhderalobte "1get ab", the Mau, Who,, vIthoul Obed Tie bill litiduoed in lhe Senate te o n.mn' ol. s4kok4l.su-m tie widow o! Clii.! Justice Wiabe the ca I..W sue cf a yeai'ssalary, 88,75 1ine a .'i .u o! '$Wa~u(h albuIi l~ ruat desl cf il1 feeling. Senabor Berry in- .aIr up arounil Mri. P"el place. But B 11ud liai lieue was ne precedeni for siien ho vowed vengeance, blond ýo! lb. deep- Ton an Raction. ueao "dud SlO ht est dye vw hst li vs4lr-bod insuinci as Maee Taney sud Cu evsbudt ae eglIIo ieda W"tho~ leaving wldows, ao piecodenhae.leto ip tool COud bardlyb e.SntrHa bal il wus bis cwn blood. ucio lb.eu car- Cslled -attenLian to e <faet ltaIt lb. balance peulei's. Oa tne mi&sry la alwaye pal&iotbe wid- on Ssturday last the Ivo mon auulvéd -aI -Mesorn sud Bepresenlalves. Mr. umî,ncsya b .e fMs a~~strWad witidrew hie eaU for y« Poison. Mr. BlalkveU -immediatsl7 , %ud Baya, gdding ihai Justice Wiate musi hbaien a, very extravagant mau, sud thel took the initialtivo am'iodad d ixsi 'T 1h. bill wouldu't go thieugi the Heuse. bUin@USith*llhid Ibse. Bwi4heli ("i %àt due remspet to the eider B3erry, there saver wma lqfleryte lie marn fiot, CR e6h n10 doubt ci lte ullimate passage Of fer Btslkw.U ménswýr.. cTn, lie bill. Ptindam.ntsly it may b. wrogol maT but it le consistent wlstn &0J ieoeutlgsa o msd. . vlellw va ruàev- l lion. made hlm reekleu axtid guabbedlb vi Thé repo rt o! Senator Hale's pclinu fie implemeut o! vua tatepq11. velîgatlug commîitteer te- the 0oat on bauds. il vashb. An iook lie 'WOiledab maliiug s printed document o-ho. lis bau snutd *tl'6 11g in$0 . "bout 50s, The rePort sUflo »evads $Ipb n « Ami Blpeacm l 'iem o2dersîoçmpboyes on trumped up Oaaa'fl 01PIrlleanshp psrlîopatiou 4fleouiedo iuat wtbi.Ai huP i lO >=i convebtions, non"fca Sihe lk.aouadsaw vlheU, 0s "86081neut. unpunlshod,, sud,1h. výosI%ôu he, 130ane hl eva eyouug. by liii Preiment of CIilee' ligs -u 'lpo spako autoFWpM his xI4 U7'.1 MIti cf lb. chsiges are suoh a haïve b ng 'beoIuci heuet d.ngi pebmoé gt $bon la 1132 9. frqetydsuedlutienevupapers.- the alloliosas -f »s aiï*b é acion wus laken. genator Ehaook of Nov York ba eue ia4 sivlbelw.ohe oti, ode day to himel tioi *week, sud ialivereila obejiprâe4itilo k4eItRtifrf speech The' argùntolail- biwbig Mr. gtalkw*Uil*4 ha villa Y utrllan. TheSenaler ùw5iW- ie*athehelo oxewu It~apebI groëtlyo ydlsýIàbu~ed im~ h 1B a reneytfor cd orezl bu01" w à w.by, ibe eye.of défý huain"hPe. Whou duel dark syre show lt Mlight omésof caution, in.aulûy uits or some criais of trouble May lesd 3outbreak of madne... Il i. b. fýomlho1y in frenzy go commit , mosl beautiful oye. in the world egq olear grey, withlage pupil., iris -whioh ohang.s-aud 'darkeus feeling as frcm the. sadow cf a L The sbea"u,sbrillionoe sud ýtibili&y cf snob cyrni art index go reat intelligenoe, quiek and soeur- und th.bigh, romantio soutimenle, h in suob oharsoters become puo- ý.Truth, liberaltîy, loyalty, are ital breath cf suoh spirite; but &as i ys are not cf the loug-lived. is over them almoul before we eau 'e have kuown them for our owu. bluish white of the oye betokeus oepticu before its heoio brightnsms ne with unearthly besuty, snd the Df color in th. pupil, turning browu. ad of black, i. caused by heart de@- The -Tu -ks regujsrly out open the r àrner of the eyelids if the eyos cf lire not large euough for tbeir i' cf beauty, snd inferior eyes cau raually enisrged by gently draw- b.ie lido spart, day after day, sud ing them in noci soft watet.-Shir- 4re. $tyflve persons were kifle b7 &W' -ofn ogunpowder at a Spsnish village re. Struek wih Lightizlag Uiiy deacribes the. positien of a bard f cern wben Putnam's Painlesu Cern acter la applied. Il do.. its work @e iy sud vitheut pain li l»eMa taùin action. Try il. Becollecl lh. -ita'sPainieu Cern Extiacior. by l drngi* sud- desiors every- LGerm=n poUce are selzing &U the * e!Dr.M1aikensie's book they can IÇJ,000 hqptg banueizea in Leipsi. w decay# loueofmsubood &o., I padà e i taI va cure you, M OP C&Ri. The gresiremedy dleoeivered by' a mlsuonary lu Soutlb mica, Bond a eHf-addreeued envelope te Bv. JouaNN T. Ixuex, 8ioUo D, Yerk OitV. man namod Nicholsonbas been arriaI- SChicaago, charged vili b.lug conneot- à, th dy"îamte matter. 01ve Them À bane. 1 Mtin tosay, yeurlungs, AIeoall your~ thIngbhacblnery. Verywondezfulmsb- il lu. Not oulybte lageri-pas- 8'Ui tthebthonsand cf litti. tubes sud ties leading from them- hmn the are clofged ad ched viii srvwhichenught, not te b. ibore. yoni xicanuci hall do ihelr work. And what do Ihey canuel do veIL ol h celd, cough. crouppe umeuia. rhb, ocusuMption oir uy o!4ie fmily Lroi sud nos. sud heàad.dungobZ eilons, -U are bai. AU enghlte be 4pe: f. There in juhi eeone lwaY le go& f liem. That la ote e BoshoV man Syrup, ivhloh aoy drnggialwWill i aeil'1 cette a bottie. Evon if "«eY. aise had faileil7yenyenmay déeoni atht. fer céitatu. È. Balfouir reaS uth e! bis ru]. everIelu. 01 the smr - me Uby lmdob wugp"bw Omtgt. maha- a* ~ "itéa sdfr a.hsd, i lelitiadorstu London anpuusbn >orale &#moka on the whoi licaut le"s Wnorm your readers Ibai I1hsye a tiv. iomeiy for lte above .a.o1 Mme. By lt Emely ueim heusani-cf im casesbave beon psijmetiy ui- 1 shal igladie seuil vo be=-eso! romedy r.su eau7 cfyour. eaers esetf1l~D, .A. BOUI,87 rumn' Wom.Pouo..a"- ge- 14 Ot4k, imfd epBI aul k"daof msarc* cPmlire,Or aeUa - beil~ comuansion le eitig lu, ilvdooe lu. b ~ *umr8 forin, * *U4HLffLJf'j 8AL!E tF 4A-NLi8FOI? TAXESLU Yvistueoe! Warrat-undcer .-thnd of!-th. Waiden sud the Seal o! lÉ. Oo, rato'n ~s1~1itrIn u6forh ehr.b e uott Lîunlosi momeh urs- sud eoite' are muoeli 1 haillot in ao. wth h Âs.uh.t Âiprooeed te Ml1 bjiUBI AUOT1U ?,lb. sii lando, or go rnuehéSerof a msben4eeuaryfor lb. Isusé, ai the court esIiteTw !W il, on SATURI)ÂY 0h.PIFTERNTH dauy o DEC3MBR,&. 'Do, 188, atthe hour of TkN 'olook lualb.e>foenoou. TOWNSHIP 09' PICKERING. Ttl Ptdo Part. Amount -Comte sud Lot. Cou. Acres. cf Taxes. Oomm'n. TOWNSHIP 0F KEACH. 14 rio0 47 82 part B.1 ut 94 de, fi Part N. W. part . B S. W. Pt. W.A TOWNSHIP 0F THOBAH. 75 1219 241 1 25 -890 220 . 9 169 214 TOWNSEMP 'BROOK. 6 74 1 58 843 TOWNSHIP 0F SCOTT. es 2 20 8 52 20 à 50 1080 18 Amont. 6 le nPaVnd UPatented. 8 28 60 60 Patented 1460 6 10 8-78 2 27 901 2 14 8 72 282 10 75 219 5 71 287 18 17 TOWNSHIPOF RAMA. 18 sud 19 Front 87 Front Part N Part 1 A A A A B o p P E E E F F F G G I R Part 81 lo1 60 70 80 100 100 100 100 60 100 100 100 100 100 88 42 86 100 100 29 81 64 93 12 .8e 15 57 6 61 2805S 27 16 28 88 25 17 16 24 19 20 10 46 9 20 10 64 17 26 19-86 9 75 8 46 7 25 19 41 5 49 TOWNSH1P 0F MARA. Pt. S.j Pt. N.j Pt. Pt. N i i Pt. Nsi 04 P t.Sé si il 4 la 19 si 80 go 12ý 12 22 22 8 8 209 12 06 il 62 22 72 115 99 4882 12 83 11 87 1 88 81 17 81 16 85 5 49 85 -85 1 77 8 10 2 84 8 48 2 41 2 49 2 U~7 280 2 78 2 81 2 73 2 51 2 58 287 226 2 59 285 2 81 2 29 2 59 2 24 2 16 2 89 2 67 500 819l 2 41 240 215f 288 288 212 224 282 2 82 2 15 21i8 CouutyTrsrr'ofc Wbibby, September 7th, 1888. FINAL CLELARING 82 15 68 41 14 74 180O6 8 b8 8085 29 94 81 14 27 90 18 75 21 78 12 83 il 58 18 08 19 80 21 95 12 10 10 77 9 54 22 00 7 78 Unpat'd Patented Patented Patented Pstented Patented Unpst'd. unpat'd. Patented Patented Unpat'd. Patented Unpat'd., tlnpat'd. Patented Pstented Unpati'd. umpat'd Umpat'd Patented Patentedl Patentod 'Unpst'd. Unpat'd. 6 425 Pat ) 14 45 ti 9. 14 01 'un 7 26589 Psl D12099 a 46 61 L 1474 D 1427 5 408 I 8405 3 404 1 2 77 1 7 78 à 1087 à 1087 5 892 B 5 28 J. B. LAING, 8ALL I alentod , pat'd. itenled Dord, Sash and of T, ands. Bdy Mlimng th. car load. ÂNNUÂI INCQME, *1,500,000 MÂXE Farm Property and DwlUlng Hlouse.sa Specialty. Very low rates. Eaà terme of payment. simple policies. No velations conditions. Prompt seftiement of losses without discount. Be sure yon do not imeure until yon know our terme sna' condlitions. Enquire ~ 1~.B. H.&Y. WÂRt>, our Geversi Ageit.for South On- tario. Office in Whitby-Païfiof D.Ormis- ton'. Law-Oflice. Ail letters addre.sed to Lock-Boz '78, Whitby P. O., wifl receive prompt attention. Residene-Ham Cot- tage,,Byron street, Whitby. 921 WORM ZPGW»IR8., Are plersanît t'ake. Contoin their çcmi Pugative. la a safe, sure, and oNta &afryma.of!worma in COblidro eÀdi Ontario. 1- et 0f Groceries, Creckery and Glaeeware, retiring from buelese on account-of fail. ing heaith. As lease cf Store expires this fail lhe whoic stock muet be eleared out. About 50 oettls . White Granite. Bioli Painted, Enamnelled and Gilt TlNn -f»rom-S-per S8.1. Beaufuùl Decorated Dinuer Sott. frOrn #a8-per setl, Fancy China Caps aud Saucersa an sd below coi, as lin. of Decorsted Art.(Goods below Cosl, alecGGissBette, Glass lugs, Glass Tumblers, at 40 O. snd 60c. per doz., Plain, Double Flint Gobiets aI 60c. per dezen . A large Stock cf Glass ýLampe, Fsney Lampe, Hsnging Lampe, aud Lamp Geede st HamfPrice. Now la9 the trne to get YOIJP '81a88 FPuit jars. ,& Large Assrtment ou hand. Green, Blackt sud Japan -Tese 20 and 25e. r lb. vorbi beg. Frosit Boasted Coffees, grcuud daily au roquired, b.d brani a lovet price. .oaned Geeds, Fancy sud Faznily Groceries ai loeset prie...'l T 'his i. ne blind, but real business, my healib demalide il sud 1i met repond. and Fruits. Deveo11'.Blook, Brook St.,.~ WubOt .ilIvw^- ~Pumbssea bouid loco l

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