Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Oct 1888, p. 2

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A valuabls horse and buggy, th. pri perty cf Mr. 0. Dingman, who liii er Morgantovu in Otamahe towic ship, vau utoleu from hie stable lai Thurmday nîght. Tvo mon riding ini zig, answered 1h. description, wsre see -going through Trenton toward Belle ville m 5v. o'olook in tbs morning. A eaucusêfchief citizens cf GCobour vas held on monday oueng laul, a which Mayor Clark. was authônizsd t cfer le the Board cf Regents of Vie torii Unlverity, in th. Brntou t b University remaining in the,-lovna Cobourg, 20 acresecf land adjoining lbi Collage prcperîy,* aud thesosin cf $25, 000, to beeended in th. ereotiono nový building or in suob oshor manu« as th. Board snay direct. "Country boys are nol 1h. squash heada th et peog le sometisnes take thon for," remarkd a cemmerelal trvol ai the. Durham houa. on Tnscda '<«On. day laît veck I vsdriviag oui te Hairwood wilh a fellow vho ceemed Ito tako grest ploeurs in saying or do. mng coasshing ovr er vqminutei When vo vene neer Oèldsprugs va overieok a barefocted arehin driving à ouw te pasturs, aud - my dompanion pull1ed-upthe herase aud said te tb. boy. fWeII, My tle man, vhat lime viiii bs ai 6 o'elock Ibis ateraooaIP' Withfr cut a moments hemitation, th. lad re. plied, 'Twill b4 bedtiuie for bsnm &bd feels. «"You'ro! net *.hon, but lt'Il be your bed lime juthe a=.'1 Tbe Port Hope 4utêido eargecK#ayor Bandail WU h ttéMuPap« gte levy -'baok. cheesh" trom th. preprisior of Ihe twino faOocry Wh"t-vau rocsnlly tompl- ad te locse al hitallevuon becelpt cf a largebeau@.. Trhe G0" ays thal forsemeÉlie the Major bacbeen ho $Pontla taWk lgiP lhèwb. i faory in th. council- Lest veek lds claie irea.ed the otimaz etf impudence vhou Mr. Raudll i lled fer lr Mach.isaI 1h. 8t. Lavrenc. Hall »ud again made a pliable appeal -le Ihal gentleman, vho, i eder one for m&U te gel rid cf ",th. oldwman etth. ean" rontula sheque for upvard-cf $50. Tbinklng thist perchance ho coald make anothen orùs t ocl f 'the ýrm, tise layor ask. ad Mr. Morrh is e thelb.choque .a 'leIle moe.This requesl vas tpe mosh fer he-Ivine mn e snd, and hs bold. Rendaîl in plain Englisb val he*boughî et- hlm and ton.-op th. eheque un hi. promoac. lIl tnet dis. gr.e to. have aw mîy6r cf 1h. lova amon Wvose san do hic a tanishic pame aelu esi d unslvrPeer ~'elrRanaUI oer Ã"nIopui11 Yeterdy mcnlg thoés vuas- Very .LU.r reporter'teck a valk> loa t < "a .Lm. .i àkmi! LA A. " I ro. I" la- uec a en le- -g st 'e le O' er laI. Dr. Ba.&N *me anTuesaie> eVeaiag. éThe Drt bas ,ben on a t1, j o iq@ Ang«4 alfornist $ietndiq£ thosoveraiteetul, peadé M~ st Ordar ci Odlfellovs., -The trp vas a very -pleassasion., aud tb.Dr. saw ne nam n excepe-afew IminautaiKaea *llyp tram th. imze h. leotiOshawa until bis relaxa, Ia the journey he lravelled Provinces. On fluaday evening laut, a yong son cf Mr'. S. Robinson, Tovnship et -Hope, r as going #0 mulk the cova; lbe lad dro"eàablinI horse. hal vasu uppcsed te b. tb. quintessence of quisînes, bal th lb.ad bons. vent back upon bis repu- Istion-, sud rau sway vitb lb. boy, milk eAan d ail, ausing au unuesalcom-. motion in th. paceful neighborhood. Tho e rse an lale a fonce, lbroving tbe boy eut, sud badly broaking bath am.Misfotnnss nover corne inïgly; lhîy corne ini battallonu. Mn. lRobinson ln at pressaI confined te bis 1bouse, lb. resul cf an accident# The Toronto Empir-e et Wednesdey Isys: Il 0. Et. oGes et Oshawa, in 1he bonor examinations for B. A, vbioh bave jatI beau conaladed, bas obtained final plsc. in firt-cîses clsaical sud mahh.ati.Lhouor nsd bas von the. Prince cf Wales, prùis e & sh of these deparimenîs. This lu only lb. Ibird lime ia Ibe histery et Trinity Univerdity Ihal a double firl bau been obtaiaed, sud Br.Mn. Ice te b. congratulated on bis gpIendid sjtand." Wlth refêrence te the aber., v. vould adI Ihat lbe standing obtainel by Mn. McGe. entiti- ed hi. su tbé finit man et bis Uni"erci lj, bad b. been gôing int e .oburcb,. te tb. recenlly-founded Jubilee soholar-- ebîp ot-$160 s year for th b choourse cf ivo jeans. The youug mân, -i. thhcaa but 18 jears otýagoet. the lime cf graduation, mhainta,'inel throughout tb. tbrie jeans' ArIpounse the position altained by hum et ening at th. esnly &go et 15, vis.. liaI aboe smentioned et firlmaresu e b.Univsraity.-Reformer. COBOURG PICEEEnEG. Beechnute are a great cocp thio year, denoting -a stady vinier. Another favorable omen for th. ckating r.ink speculator. Mr. Gec. Gilders lft an srcf corn st this oflios yesterday whieh resembles a human hand a near nseea b.. The thumb and four fingers vere well defin. ed and covered with- corn. 1.Property js eaucd very highly aroand hors. A gentleman near Pickering Village vas offéed six dollais an acr as toni for his fuaxm, lent paid in ad- vanne ao. Pr.tty good, eh ? On Monday ovening laet Mis. Issaoa Lintin met with a rather unfortunate accident. 8h. vas driving aronnd th. Lorner of King and Elizabeth uets wa i a buggy, when turning eut in the dark- non te pan enother vehioesthe buggy upset, throvîug ber te 1h. pround. She fell on het fao. whioh vas badly brais ed sud scratohed, but ams reeiv.d no minous injury and viii b. .11 rightaan in a f.v daye. There asejaste b. a barcity cf ecm. ruedjous dwslling housseiw Pickering. W. are informed tbat two different parties vers in1h. vilIla sl veek try. ing te tout snob a dvelling a»d failed. JuOh a liatâsecf affaire ahould not long exist. W.e. of opinion that hall-a- lozen good house. if hut, could b. ijp.edfly reut.d 80 adva-atage. The te. turne from euch an inreelment vonld be arger th-îiiff t3i money vwrn lofi out Eo teothor, Ihsaesry ca"haddition go thé vifleenhno e .vale of rosi ctaie, sund beasite prop.rty holders. W. ràeetfully roter tbis mater tecaru t i i f I s c muMRM A car bcd etfcexmecil irkvellon, Ihosesemiugly nom"ssrymediame of gèeoral cuppîr,nlcaded hors on Mon- day. This beiag lb. fati Important place norlh cf Teronto telb. ifUs gsuorally make s etrike fer Uxbridge The prise bingpaldounlb. mmkel thosedciee brÏ*&g a emils tte bu ae. the fs»r *er h"a- on m1, inu hope of origoiag oVer a dla o wheai. As bg s$,0vu as pifor sprng on Moedoy sud barley va swaay up. No vouider the grain buyen r. eivo invitaticns te <'corne lovnansd .Lmest 8udayafleraccawhelhstfrm a decire te get inseo. praétios before fair day or net voe canuot csp', Mn. j. 0, Babaw'e 8-jean-cl drivêer, sttach te a habdeome buggy, masea break tram th. mancica House yard -bul acron Brook 81,, né lb. opposite ad eft1h. road, tuiang vestlah frt of shcpnexteilwlthinaneh eot he glassfrot;:a few ,yul. frem Ibis I littebugg"in sa puisel. andbroken. ocousibw sréa wvI yard but Vas s6eured blngsgvery, feîr. -The damage dons vas net rsry ex tsv h hebrseva uhos. WO have aMîtfbacsbafilployaislu *bs om s e(o~uld b. Ukpssiaaxatà4 sund laid on the shsIf, oply ýýyOu ol Sm jýta aa L .a. n-- id àL.&. k- A. ý tqeras. S&Oaux hmaseeu sulairoubes pt aflOhaeobf-hie o in w sMàbis tial JasI Pniday, The e tIinîaf Mi .D. Reïa, sud the magistrales wve. lase sMiner mal Miller. Thbe, tisof the imalter sesm to e oas olovia: On Anunt 28,. th. bank Inappeton vus in Otillia, sud ordsed seroral over-drav acconuais le b. equa rel a 1p.s ng tthoe s Wîe-lia et Missrs. T. Philhips & Ce. . But as Mn. Marlou ovel tbe firm, h hey did net find Il. noceesary, te deposil auj. thing toe cornthi deficil. As Mn. Murlen djd net have any roey1pmon.y to plae lb Piipe' accoant b. asked Mn. A. D. Resun for a loau et 8120 ou tee moruing cf Ibe« 28ti, vien Mn. Roan ~osld aI the bank. This vas ns. tused. A short lime aftenvard Murton spposned in Mn. Resu'. efflo., snd sid thal Mr. Phullipe bsd nequostel liaI bo voul ban $120 le Murton -liillbt. morning, viien P. & Ceo. voul retura it. Marloun epreentel that Mn. Phul- lipe had auked ton lhe monoy sud Ibis is viiere u th 1false.pratense" came in. Mn. Roa made eut a note is tarrof Mosans. Philipi & Ce. sud 1he monev vas credited te theai ai lhe bank. Mutarlo allel inataithb.store sud suid tua "he had utrsigbtened up tbeir ac'l" Nexit orning viien Mn. Resu naked for bis meney Mesure. Phillipo & Co., et coue, Ieuied &Il kuowledge cf 1h. note. The. gffâir dragged ou 1111 laeI veek wb.n-a warrant vas isaaed ton bis arresl. Mesure. trensd Cook vent hi. bail. The, resait et lbe triai w vas alMurten vas cemmitel fer trial, sud h. us nov ont on bail, bis fthen snd Mn. J. Tipping fanding lhe mcney. Marlon bas mal. s mos au- pleuanl ipple In towu finsueisi circbs.-N-eso-Letter. many mon of manMy mlîdsh: Ms"iY PIll Of Varions ki.nks. Butteora à ,effectve, vee.l. pur- gtve, Younb btter gel Dr. Pieriee'@ Joeant Purgative Pelleta- Tbey cure k hes.daehe, billons headache, dizainus, côa stipation, ln digestion, sud bilions atuki 25 cents a vi SI y dxuggisti. Plonida physiclanu iecMorenUd elgar smoking ai a sbield againai lb. atak of the yellov fover garai Pmero lueI t«s. Thore ino botter remedy for fred in ist, ohgians and similar troubles, iauHg Il aise& cures rheumatiam, non sud pain generally. Yellov 011 la usied interually and externaly. À our~er loft bhabenu«ob at te Unti tate ziug station, New- port, R. I. 'Tut rmslsd te Marta vil rise." Bo vii Biscuit and Bread mude wit ImportaI Groom Tartar Baing __Pov. der. -Il la lb.ouly rellabis. Gollo ad Kidney Diffibuây.-Mr. J. W. Wllder, J. P, Latigeriie, N. Y., irles:- "I amembj.elte servM attsek4 cf C0d remedis. have f They 1% amre tibo mediclu 1 bars erer = - lu "Ia mIs urea is ite pm«Ofer "t ibs u ici, olean sd purity, "hai Issseoctalinos svSey n«» a. ndnature a0 dnvenfom the] Ohiala g rosIstr"eta tikat duratioi et aine daji, bl« eaded. CONSUMRPTIOW CUR3D. Au cld phys- ima, reliredImmcr preolce, Veget"benomey otoheb sosav" Ipe anmture et eusumaup ime 5nsuobws forndail NenICIs 0 Go=- pwtsstrin .bIIsodr r5lve Po ~ Ibsof cAis.,a metvnne lblo. Aoklus twe mrlhlocivs sud a deireto eftLev ha21amlsllug, I vin mad o e cage tc vueefr4 Sen by ail for aig Jo n b 00 u r ol y la th uf s dn MryTbupoofre oJsws as r.mqp Id iby o.mboiUe LilwaMy Timo Table,' GRAND tRUNEANDMJLIn Mmie B113 Tagq e 2m; 01, la sing clos. te Iheir. sý ànteul m _.L about lm 00i-ôach &Dâ d"e&e'i cîne o e hem lSenti~> eeon in Ibis distrietbî bsti besamm'na- faclarel by lb ,IeMis..qabihcfbs lova, -for tfl roincalW. O. T. 11. - ganisalion. Il vas ondenod by thisos- aiys a pris, banner eb e ar ly-r byieo bnanohoraaloasvg 1h. largeai oeembership nol, sud will be s priz. eagerly esinisfor. - The banner is tbre. by fi"e feel, with wvile satin cens é.on wvicisla sn1htially painted the word. Ilprise banner'> sud the motte cf lbe Ordor ila ihumiual.d tezt,,tbene being s deep border etfgreen shaded pinsi niohiy ornamenled wllb lustra painting in appropriai. dosia. Allogeiber il tesa beaulitul vork cf art, and in lhe highesl degres ereditable te the. maker, Mies M. Galbraith, sud the artisîjo painter, Miss 'Galb:eitidr-Bun. lanDBAT. ARCADE, TORONTO. A School Thoroughly Equippod for Business Training. BOOK-KEEPI7NG, PENMANSHIP, BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, BUSINESS ARITHIMETIO, SHORTIIAND AND TYPE-WRITING PRÂCTICALLY TAUGHTý.' FINEST ROOMS. IN CANADA. Bond for Circular. Addresis. 117 APositive Cure, C. O'DEL4, Secretary. + A Painlescure, VIBEABES OPMN THE GJRFJ R"T a Jtw EAE ERm, mavItofkuhipKohineer of Modicine, wao&Dme ow &où th afect ofabus wMItnin o. a radica~l cure flar nervous debility, organio weakness, lnvoluntary vital losses. etc. eTuwToMs ron wmcu No. Ã" &HOtTLU Bc UBED.-Wanhl o1 energy, vertigo. want of upoe diurnes. of! ight, aversion to "ecety, want of qonfidence, avoidance of conversaytion, deuire for solitude, li3tlemusss and inability to fx the attention on a particular Bubjeet, eowsrdioe, dapression of apirslddines, Ia of nrn> excitablil%'y of loniper, sper- natorrhOea, or lois of the somai fnid-the resuit 0f 8"ee.abulg, or mai-tlaiexceus-Lmpo.. lsnoy, innutritfon, emaciation, barrennes, palpitation of the heart, hysterlo feelings ln toait. trêxnbllng. Kelancholy. digturbing dream, etc", ar e al ymptoms o! this tertible babit, oltentimes mnuocenly acquired. lu short th. spingot vita force having bot uts 'r toeton, evryfanouon wanes lu onsequenoc. Scientiflo vriters and the superixitendonte et Ins.ume asylumne unite ln smrbin to theaffecte of setf-abuse the great majority of vasted livoî which corne undur &thelnotice. If you are Incompotenii for the arduous duties of blisi uess, lncapacftated for the. enjoyxnents of life, No. 8 offevaua escap from the offecte of early vice. Ul you are advanced in year, No. 8 vill give you fil vior aud srgt.If you are broken dovu, phyicaly and zuorally from early Indiscretion, tht re=t o ign,,ianaa and folly. send your address and 10 cents lu etanipa 1cr M. V. LuBo's Treatise h- Book Fotin on Diséases o!f Ma-. ealed and secure froin observation. Addrtts &il comnmuncations to ML V. LUEON, &Y WelUnaen si. e., Toronto* A Mn wlhintsdom fives în a foole paradise. CURES GUAWAT9EI. REAL lTE SICK. à à 1il -à-A -a - ia Aaemanent cure. »l<' A Pleasant Cure È la rmtt I.LA.LÂsema, ILD., XKmiiWorM, gs ileqNA", prornolad. iii Oc, OiSonK. Bookkl j; y. t iousmaledm Tus nNuua 0îrpyW ? uriF&y' btreot;N. y. B' Or ti oketchi imumber some 0 -The. la, luaith, - cf tie J lav: O,, Thé Chii A&YMUsanMthbeva, re theeLog eof- m el O t r , <" A eeit," by Mms.Auex§ uis s about "lb.hé 1,sdDr. Ta oafys tLite," in ,Iu the paotry. on "$The Heneatsi 1er cf. Derrjr pali attention. Thon. n. p«em,sud a VI -are as abandantlga lhe piclres are ve Ip pae 15coupied- compousioin-bj drgaist- et Plyme vu, le .Faber's ym ,Mec ~'F a Dé Yeu fr01 diti.-Iaguld, less, aud indlescribably mlserab ~ -- cally aud mentaily; experience asn,< fulleem or bloating after eatiuig. or Of"le~ n es " or emptinees of goac -lir4 - ongue ooatedi, bitter or blitaeor. mouth, firregular Èppetite, dlzziness, f= headaches, biurred eyýeelght, Ilfloating apecm. before the eyes. nervous prostration ocx _ baustion. irritabllty -of tempe r, hot fliusÈ alternating with chfl sensations,& sh' bitiug. hUaient. pains here aud thons. coj feet drowsiuese àfter mOala, vnkefufrlea,or disturbed and uurefreshing sleep, constat indescribable feeling. of dread, or of ipe<- en alamity? -Ipn;ý ifo'u have ail,-or any consWterable .nuMberi of thee symplois, YOu are sufferxg* r< that* most common o! American rmuIladre lilious Dyspepsie, or Torpid Liver, asociatea With Dyspepsla. or Indigestion. The more,-coInPllICate<lYour disease has become, th greater the nuxuber sud diversxty Of symp. toms. No matter vljat stage it bas reachefi, Dr. Pilere's Golden Illedical i 1gCey. wîll subdue it, if taken accordig to dire& lions for a reasouablè bengh of lime. rIl net cured, complications multiply sud Consump. tion of file Lungs, Skiu DiseaseS, Heart Disess, Rbelumatism, K idneY Disease, or other grve maladieare -quite lhable tb set iu and, soone- or lter, induoe a fatal termination. Br. Pierc-'s Golden Medical »Iji. co0vOry süûts pow irfuIly upon the Liver, sud throtigh Vint.t great blood. purifytng orga liase te system, of ail bbood-taints andl im- puritiF- s frein whatqver cause arislug. It 18 equally cIAiisin acting uponIhol tl id. neys, ai tý-,ohr excretory organ, "neain, streng-tW<rdrg, md lheling Ibeir diseaaeul, i an ajp .'i;, r'stîrativc tonic, il proMuotes digsie :i îtition, thereby bbuilding up both flcsh fînd strerxgth. Iu malsiis districte, Ibis wordor' !ffl medicine bas gained great oeiebrit y*luciring Fever and Ague, Chili.sud F ver D ximb gu e, and klndred diseases. .- Dr.'Pierce'o Golden itedical l&. cevery CURES ALL HUMO>S froxu a commun Blotch, or Erupti, t te worst Serofula. Salt-rbeuni, "ýýFev- i.silea Scaiy or ilough Skin, in i hot, aild ~affl caused by bad l bood are ~'qu<dbyibis powerful. prifynaa î r"gm<. ue Grea titng Uleers rî. ii.ufld«- ils benign influence. RsP-c-ialî ., lias it Maui, fested ifs potency lu curinc 'i*t-ter, Eczemna, Erysl-iPelafI, BOUS, Carbuncee, Soi-c- Eye&s, cri-. ulOus Sores sud SweIIin$ý&, Ripý-joint Diseuse White sweliug,'Goitr*e, or Thlck Neck4 àu nagi Glands. S ten o cents lu - 'ampe for a lreTetswith colorai "FOR TIE BLOOD IfS THSE LUFE."# Tbox-oughi celeause fib byusing Dr. Piere's Golden edica1 Discovery, sud good digestion, a fair- okin, buoyaut. spirite, vital 8treuliand bodily heslth will be es"sbllled vWhIch Io Serotusia et te ]LUna aarsa and cured by, this remedyr i MIknn luhe, earlilr stages o! the diseuïse.c'n itijma- Velous poer over Iis -terrIhliy Mttai disese, vheu ftirt offerlng Ibs novWWWId-Iase1 rern- edy te the Publie. Dr. Pierce thonglit sorlously cf cgOlig ti bis6"Coisuxpnzcm 9funz.," but - ubandoned fluat name as 100 restritive l'or a mnedicine vhlob, froitl voiuderful coin. bluation of Ioule, or.rubeug trae,. or~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~pf bbo-l ,ul lou etral, ami nutritive epgropdrtiges, la unequa.ed, Dot cuIt 8as sremed7.for Oouumptiou, but ferun1 Chronie imenes of the Livoar, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lune ptugeBochrt new of Breat , CheuloNasal Oatarrh,lion- chitis, Asthina Severe Couglis. snd kiudréd- affections, il auefficient repuedy. .odby'EruggistE4.at $1-00, or SixBobihbes oSend feu ceuts lu stamjso)rPecs bokon Cona3umpticu. Address, Wold: Ospnary.-Modisal Assoolation, "3 Nn" i,, EUFFAXON.ri. 1 Dalton MeOarlhy Eîq., Q. C., M. P., atteuced as couneel, st lb. assises. H. vas eugaged in Menison vs Grant for detèece. Adam Hadepelh Euq., Q C., M. P., had the plaintf'. case. John E. Bry'ant Esq., publisier et Torento, bas been a guosi vitb bis fatber-iu-lsv, Inspecter Re"siofetLin- den Valley. Boti are able mon, sud are yearly leaviug sn impresa on the public for good. 1 Y 1 1- i 1 ffiC .A alsnical scanda islubeing quielly snppnessed in certain circies in ,town. A sammonis before a dignitary has like- Iy alened for ail, sud absolution bau doubtien beau receiv.d. 8cm. are erideutly net infallible. A daslardlj icetvas perpetralel on Thursdsy eveuing dursng lhe racesou th. faix Pgrounds bore. While Mn. Jams..Wilson, driviug "Billj Mac" vas passing tbe curs salargeoeswva hanled at him, vbicb barely mnissed bis heal. Il vas noarly dark aItlb.elime; but the misoneant vie favored another berce, la kuovnand vill doubtleec b. sont to tb. Central Prison iftpncecuted.' Baffianigre lu increasing again in Lin4- sad dOpe, sud ih muai b. siemmel with rigo.- Warde r. The Ho-miletie - Beview presen¶sin ils Reviev 80 notewcorthY articles -by so disting psi ed wiers.-,; jebn0ci's pàper -on -'<,Ape puipit 1 lu masitenly, aobi square yOn lthe a, and studio ~by -evry preachor ray de tao5II5eiWordava in 6môttoharming andb mnis4nrse An able -sud .on «The Public Sohbool.-Si Minis y,"Dr., JdhiïBase 'light, '-On lb. Care cf: 1 sub e i oc, lutleundensis mon. Prof. W. C. Wifki Onengin sud *inging bis far ious critique on Ari ef Aufi4." *Dn.CO.B.Rcii senicu cf nemaikable Pi Oresti)nibig final'lopi Adami Crested by PrOci lion 2'l Tis sermons, sigi are b ucb pr.sqe w Dr. oistmp iI Dr. otlier Th Exeçetical -and S1udy Table depxn uem interïat. The, othen ctures cf Tho Be tlis u al1 variety sud1 oribn -asr a vbolo, las q cOf ilsI issues. pïilihed W 7, »Jan29- Ast oieglnumber. Iis oaliýsome sudt danger Èou 'Uuntuil the poIsoa eradc~te fo a e ytens. POse, à yes sapanilia is- Six Mýttl"' $5b. Wàrth $5 i eaorTharresu addreu COMMERCIAL LAW,

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