Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Oct 1888, p. 7

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Thore is slvays trouble vheuevorà the red fag inCuutp. lî-menus suc-1 jioný or ananoby.- F Aý tnee is like the Mau in a humny Whén he ioavem ho make s goed use 0f his ilimbe. a squeêr concidence Ihat cedils rusoI fromn madder. sud bulle are made ruuddon by rod. The f£zzioal proportiens cf a soda fo4utain are net te ho measuned hy a tsa4O lino. To bave oue'@ nose te the gindstous M ct b. what is meant by grinding ýrhere is à groat desi et billingansd eo'ing dons st the @e"ade. The holel mrcn do lue billing. Vbou ycuug meu sud maidena go cutI oanôeing tagother tbeir thoughts ars saliling ho tbe-port ot csnoebial feliiity. The yeung fellew vha vante le vote, b»t will teck s day et heing hwenty-oue et' election day, muet foUl laok-a-day- Modety in a voman i3 libe ocior on h r cheek-decidediy oeeomibg if flot pýt au. Langhs thst are nover laughbed turu s4ur, sud meke thoii posesor cynical "s~d iarca.tio. j 0f course a girl vho tencaisle graceful ecýpecially if sh. la on the right aide cf te gale. >We bave il feom a retiable source t4ts it bai been osllsd thb. "pail moon"l eýer ince the ow cv ked over it. i "What le thein lois la my immediste gýiU,99 aaid tb. minuéter eoftly te bim- elfaU b. bliîbely pocketed tb. custom- a"y marriage fee.- IHuband-I am feeling a-vflly q user tIhis morniug, my dean. Wifs--Weil, y*n needu' bho aamod. Igs'aeosu ,you are sober. "Yes," said Mn. Nowpop, "4I'm hea oi. the firm dovu tevu, but vben inmai 1hème nigbhmIl'mn floor wslker meut cf lte lime. T 1he play ontitled lue Postago Slamp badu't been oeutwIo veeka visu soe -osÙe trisdt tlibk the suluor, sas mlgb have beeu expectod. To'judge from the mannor in vileb huoeanfly bai pinsd for il ever sinee It vas first parlakan of lb. forbiddez fruit muet bave -besua, pine appt.. Education d omose.ink a powerful h.amý but if dey'm gel ko pull inge, oommoa mese s the best uag Oh de 4wo. ,"I4 oseothe vilain in your ftue,' said a Western judge to au Irish prisoner, Mayt ploaso your ;vôrshlp,' replied 'Pst 1"ltt muaI be 0~ pemenal refeoci sure. A Mnau Who will mda a nueews thros or four yosrs wthont puylng %m~ il wouli paature agoat on the grave 0o his grndfathsr. "A1h, John," #i'eamid, jusl befort mlarriaRe, III fear 1'mi not worthy ol you. Ylir ore muob a' good man., "Nover w ,', Marth : lil chage ai thst aftiîr bue wsdding." "I es a buttouleosishi advsrtisoi *here John,"said a wife, lookinç up trou a P&Pr;*&Iwhal kind of shfrtià Ihu l' "1justl1lýe mine," wau lb.> reply. Ani th. D!"@ resumed herireading. FireI Barglar-."Whal'm that 1" Sec =u4 Burglar-"A sample cae. I spen 1h day lime Èoin' around selliug ci t kO.p doors from -squealg (Gras sohemet aiu't il ?I" Leturer's Wife, Wall John bak froc jycur loolu*e trip nt lait, Dld ybu oar 11our audiencgeswitti you? Leoluroi No, but I eould; have don. m». The,, Wereiail enough. Litleti hréeeyesr old Arthur *à pullig 1h.eau toilu;whe sé0t.u Viitor sud,"To nu#f'ldo 4hn4 oe wil bite." -Tojhia Ut.yççngow> fu repli@&, "ls tedon't w tw Antbroot JalTuL Mny da~t es teaudw Q~~g DowsPrdr Dr. Machenuis doolarae abs 15 une ~ieuuusr'm he sites The beat W&Y te gel at the lonue ani a bellili tOesa l.lbth h, h.adachS iay aflen be oonidod bni a 0,ipai gne ISSUe. bril Bight kind of a girl for a restaurantl vu W.611 earnd-The fortune of a petro- m lsumà producer. u 14 is the poor mruging attorney who an» Isdresed in a littho 'brief" autbority. gri 5oLDe One Bayé that vealth ia aab&-soim aoW. it is a pleasant refleolion to ddu IIISy of ns.1' !Wbyteim i that vhen a man "lereets" on a bouse he gives it a utoop 2 m For parenté. It is a wle chld that i remeble ilsnioeet relative. AÀ woman.wbo bas nover been pretty *( bas nover had young. w Silence la golden, but il makos a d voman feel very poor if she cannot taik. y The father breaks his on'i viii vhen th ho e l; eall. Phe son breaks hie father's ho çViil aftoIr ho im dead, ,be I Bay Joneei, on yoflr vite eook ? hi joueuý-O(h. yca. eh.e au eoâk; the oniy Be truble je thal 1 oa' cal whal oe b Thoresa nothiug like losîber, except- ing of 0oonsO, the upper rust of tbe youna wif e'e firet pie. Bonny-PBpa, basithe Dake et Mari- ae borough enucb power ? Papa-He bas t, ,the widow'm might. fi Couenlieul may ho better Ihan 8 riohes, but flw of us can make affidavits J about the malter sithor way nowadays. à J*#. Beaty, Opbouzg; 8 John Wyllie, Bow- noe*sunoteeeitfiapteés ett>U5 is1 s mmcvM i».d$0.potae. The address hA. H- Dixon thou r ior'brdyearllng ffliy,-2 Oaie OKnrt ot. utTeronte, Ont.-oe r L eu ld-2GocpM-tlfta Ainerian. Hugd, Lla.lmy ye azs old.-8 R. - 8carbno. y~~!5J. xsu- P aak-k. Boith &o1 tieGlln,$0;-w __ R. radforde'. Gad Tiire425 F IR U OA (EN 6 LIuCn*oi, , 2W. k.ýu ,, Bra -. ferd, 8 B.Beit OdsBouuding wiw M n rp swýBt OMI Wllov i tyeaal ialen 8y.reot.- O..Once eaïd ttthlie secret of gbo adS. tlie"s, ageI mu emlýtaj qhuj b* bam Becs., <Rarmenýt, (Cillan) 0;B . conalted'ici keeplng lie'lad cool, the'- "$fUZS1o a.nmui wt9sl4 BoUle ê o'e Giy PrnSe,$20à 8Tirs.fee *arne'u R.bul oe. ad for ganse 0,'ni Meagier, fluniarlon, $15.s e-inentphyddcan livad lu cor daY, Pub ýiulii p~ cIe Ol SUMZitle, 2 years o1&-I -Gr*- 'd Mocra, $14; 8 -iex. Camern, A"burns MMi aeent, iewOUld ama 1y ~ oyua~uofl EC J'AkLI ES -*$7.Mm- fbg r Renbi~, Teante, 4 Tc elbra Dr. Fvnsýwcrt3c 4 - o Otydesati laon, auj sgo.-B-. Beti or. ,CoY, eomenûÂy4 té Ce OosSt. «lle ilvrMda.iu stb «:oi-au .11rmedlesf)r. ~ ofe 188.-i John DavdionAihbu, D.I .lvee r ConMu.,soya: 1ÂerEi r r, PEOL Wunîr4xu vo o~x»u»i~u. "au univeiall>r poQewuoby thiepe Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~bu bolred.aostle, n g.rgier I in .~deily ugeth lt j ring Dre m- ing. sun do thes Dr. es~ nzie hdoloris @ho la te t edzgU ustnisWd s IcWle OAn15inafl ose otagitlu9-- 1 Z 3r oir expreeions cf admiration eof «i "Q d1~g a' Toou ïïO fltaey noyadgenium. But vith ail ber inuohe sahimfacion,, for,0q14' uxad- or llducy ber osse is ia md one. On' Throal. 1Ivoulonot Ibo, vtbout itai t by or another ber lite vas on»e of dis4 oeil, ai I lcok upon h sthebat, estmdiolneý >poinhument, vitb hoirver, th. iml iold for family use..., i E ri~hU @use satifction of o bles,. ovin4f h.rro > P saband,,vho wai her id*a1fi gaimn, The feeling in Nevfoundudn ufaveur 01 d h~ vnludins.lpd nbentoriug luto lb. Dominion fedezAtioný JE "and quaiitiesasai l render him a geigpretby Beelv.Mn.. Robert .Williamsngon f Gleuila, t e~»~~ The fearful affliction wbich came Up-- P&M S ound, Ont. y, 9S ".IIIoula net keep ilîhem lifled up tboir boarte, aud houso without, BagYard'i Yellov-OU *st .~OLS miebrcapable cf writlng lual baud. I have ued it i l m family for-I ~Zrsitsîgra z» hio ~u.~.-CroupBore Ibrostand i o t locri, ru&nauan nSrtl elgrh nghiy &h a- reeommieud il te everybody.-" Els as lorld wlde roputation as a phyuiieln vonzew moe in, u s.a iHO- ounosd bis deslhtet * iSO B and author. HMe Mandrake Dandellon lAver vi o" eu moV=?za>nnBmns usous. ,uustab.She vas always igb-miûd - 1ÂAfont ef suow fell aI Mayuoolb, North Cmrein a triumph of medical kWl, cuzialu inwo o.àu euiorsr nnu H[astinge, tIbis veek, snd there ins ulllseven diss fteRdeyadLvr y MT m à, but self. wiiled., The pride cf upirit luches on the groumd.. Y PT M OP - ans&çuoTnxmmno. rsfreaebrought eut by lber drop P L UAXS. m Mns1 n asond forre inarer ÂDinuen Pill.-Maury peoons sufer ex. II PlUi uTDistresulug aches owu trom . adveelterouitng sgon y after partsking nf a hegzyMR[ w rui u an n h T'SEIE ETMN&S .0b vr u ssvil oa < dinner. The food partaken of is like a bili-mSEIE ETMNAS i. Qeen ud br oIdreii, te piooieO of Ieaa upon the stomseh, aud lnsts o baok; a dufl pain or weight in the bladdsra.d P b.Dk !Eand. ho Que tactandnutrrmeut é eomos1*bse of<the sbdomnn:scalding urine ofteoo- Pon]i rc h uetBta ýarmh, malter-cf -utBerliO, acapital being-abeslthy ntiet tbcm stre.darqun esr-t rna. spc-'Eelvolz, Grautham, Lee. 1,1879. ereft of poetry, vithoul antiquity sud iioi tuIhoelb. ystem. Dr. Parmelee's afly segt iiamong sged pizsouu - bot. dry L i-Zla'oRylEmbrocation lu uod svig n trdiionbutIha c di i- eetable Pilla are vonderful correctives of ekin. 'Pale compleXIoen. red sud wvil eoii sals lvty useful. Bueh troubles. They correct acidlty, open dropiaal evellingi. &o., BTA» ane fBlorHni ergoautism. Woenen ver. net held in lb. seo:~etions and couvert the food partaken. Yt"aleWiHusoHrfrulo onor, although tIûe Princessesof et lb. itc, ealthy nutriment. They are justl pain underinston sheu ordh , ouse cf Hobetzollerxl haib for genote- the medicine to take if troubled with in-Pan nershHVIRo 8dW ionstio o yppl.CMLITdeblades, Jeu uos hev fine montai qualitiees. digestionuetoer]oyasEepeoatio Thieto Qeen iotoia's'danhter The vork ei lookni avez the iseàIe , shallow complexion, a wesry, tlred teel- in my slublem and kennels, sud have focund it 'Phis tnoeen ioona'edaoreru energy, lxea<lsohe, dyspeposa, vei srvlceae.Ihv loudte vas unettdurabiO. ... reapeoled ber ballots in the razuîmanV oeie vas tsken up indigestion, spots. pimplos, u&c. o Stbzooatien fer lumbago suad Mother, boeansd ber îem, and abs Friday lu the upome court. ybW Qs7bIEorm-t eryllhent w and baVe et before ber lhe îask af ameiiorating Thomas Myers, BracbridIge, vrites- Mur u adlo r aucuLvl ".H uc.Leh-oMse Rd h.i condition cf girls aà a way ho the "Dr. Thomas' Eclectric OÙ in the bout Mourea d enlo re atiueremie- iL9 wl dùt-OX fRd uture elovahion cf Prums5en vomen. nisd'inefle l.' It lvaymT os sAtiifsotieiiadesi, as iu Dr. Chase'îi Liver Cure, wM lamost nobreHn. Sh s ey ih A rics sul fad in ceues of couphae, o, sore thIroal, positiyelycure ail K.ldney-Liver troubles. Il l! ' t!AE3OÂIN 3belu erynob A Pnnceu Ryalet&o., immediate relief bas been received by acte nie a chsrm. stîmulsling th.el1oes Engand Emres Doage, EprO6 tosewhouge itvliver, tre'-"'hening the kiânsys, sud lun or- MSold by Ohopilste, Stores, s and &dlt, blother, a vite cf sonrovu, a voman of gth le boy. «Bold by ail dealers- at Ieis a riht mnd ad anuprih eart, she The free eutry of the ivory lips used for $1, with.eceipt Book, vhich alone h vworth in pghî mmd sudtr austuen t flbd . hepurpose o!fuiaking vaccine pointash le MOUeY. e prbpu bttr istumnt erdcng urged ou the Departmen t of Customs. r ]u v». C"tUs'. lU are lie U~VRA good than vere eh. an Empresa-Con- -A Ramri Full of Noer IDNEY1 L only Kidney-Liver PiUs made. sont, fettered vilu offieilitiei and a hg~d L R Th en:u1 .et effectuai- but.t te lb.e bstred cf bsffied inînigPuers. in a 9ood lbing tO have, but vbslt'S it.gaLVER .'Oay ' tndur ~e- EMAffÀI"EMBROCATIOIL With ber rank, money, nelet foifyuhetbjporPeeve yur PI LIS Liver trouble, hosdscheb-- . peine petg adme, h a healtb by nsing Imperial Cream Tartar Bak- iuo=ffls, oostvenesB. &o. one PMf a dose. R.S ri~M LiMO* peieufo, r esti g d ioud, asmay in PwdrSod by & dealers. Prioe 25 coute. SFR NBU$5SYIPES wi orhnui agones ao u The Brooklyn EagZaetubtes that Mm. TII- SORE T.4R0&'r -- patrnisig ar an prootin - orkston n boomig blnd.C->os-rCotos. ofpariziugartd pnl eom.otin - nitnl Aomu FA RM IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE -rueSaPest. 9uickes.tmost cfcbniy n scil ef!.-OSfl. là there auything moto annoylng Ihan certlai n re medy f? havlng yonr corn stepped uponP la tbe1S aIrio lv atno gn lw 'eae a> i -------- ~anything more delightful than getting rid Olsyton ro drlo, Psn roerangr'e ion, _rpae pIcxnci e i? olloway'g Corn Cure viii do it- barrowe, Wheîby barvester au moen, MAN &- Mr.Wm.Gilbrit, f Oerrwoo, ,rate ['e'S'O ICEN CLAN D.l « Mn. W Gilbnisî o! benryeed, Io .reporteci that the p peof c! ,valj oublersoehuerse. oe au lftI a grepton. telnnip at.this office the catgDkoa r n tt f e cymUidoubîese#b&IIe, -S olher-dsy veighiuR 27 Ibo., alec a avede 0~>t,>aoa r i ue t.vto.P OADANS voigiug 21 Ibe. These are tb. largest No family liVin' lun a billions country Whitby, April Sth, '88. vo bave beard cf jet. Whoceau boat uouda .wib-t nrnl" Vgeale X A SE IAIY Pil.A few doses ,takeh Étew aud then vilE1.VIA IT 1 lhem? keep lb. Lîver active, cle"te h.tom&c4 A T O& 0zN B O A gentlemen vho'teaches shool lu sud bovels !rom aIl blihous matiez sud pro-. U H R O Y R ONBO ths onslpbd u b ohe aylulvet ge.Mr . L. Price, Shoali, Msrtin .LLIFS, lie grost -hl acm aupbefere - orCe., Imd., vrites:.-"I b ave tzied a beio auatrn f dlorkc ffl jmg vhîe sdai vs u hî ~ Parmele's Pille sud find tbem tbe best' - ~ou Mauhoed. Ne-vous and resdiug exercisfs oeeof the boys came madicine for Foyer sud.Ague I hae evor TRL1ZEL 9 Phyiieai Debility. Proma' te the passage, "W. venrs msd of the umied." j RTIFÎCÎAL hure D5eIluo,, Ëre--&re.aûkai'." he whhARsFIdAL te 1~Il fie-ir atrid" .boved die" United SaeseSecretary Fairchild Prlday b LIB8 n, 0 pages, 8 o.th25pzseipi o pusisd him, but deoided il 1t e Baiiii- a ernoon purchased 8,05,O0O bonds. ontU Mosea f Ves. vo y .1q> b vene afnald et tbe fire-darced atnald." A Ohn8t1N.4 And Appliances fer &ain ail, sealed. - 111. ismp -ug, Mr. Fred oeaud family,of Toronto, 1Tbone isne other remedy on combiuation ~ - Deformities of theHu- sud middle aged m ou. nd nov. The the f-medicines Ihat met. me msny reqture- 'mnBd-pnlDi.Gld sd efld - atva& o the bave moved to tovu and itm teb os-monts au bei Burdock Biood Bitters in ils ;oee, D)isiies lof thetier by tb. National Medioal Associa- dent~~~~~~ oouidb b aI oetLn ide range o! pover over sncb chzonio dli- ,ýËEees-&sudAuble, Rneek oi. &ddroii P. 0. box *,1 -Bson Ion. Mr. Gus is in parnuership vith eu«aasa Dyspepsia, Liver sud Eidney à Rune Boy Lem, Club MasoteD.WH.Prr,daeo Mr. J. R. Hoover lu lb. miliing ýbusi Complaint, Sorofule and al humera of lthe N.Peet, et. RuH-vara mïdiea1 lgzjun r5' ctice woomd eeeblood. «zu Bovst ovema bo e-cudl- ues, sud in oordislly wecmdt u U YLE& i4 -i« O ae midîl. Tbese gentlemen have nov gel The yeslIow ever fi decling mui virulence, 4,OCUTHS jtaly atrDies fMo.Ofi. their chopper going, .sud lbe mili viii 73 uewv cases sud six deths being F'idaysb 11>7 O h B T ontOt soout>. in complote rounuing odn . . ~~Tru,~Ot They deseve, sud vill. reoive, a be&rty 11z9 1=£.JOHN, FA RQU AN On Wednesday atternoon vhile the ANvHm ramu o ieCi 13 * 1Genra Ew uc Agnt tain vswu npregroeaat Steuffvîlle a aaih Ctira DsesUmm aboli sud pea gang starteti eperatious- aplve.PDWDERED just outeide tb. grounds,sud befone The microope bau iroved liaI hohedis-PoexPieOêLoon u. - esses are contagions, sud ibst they are meduo ledo, on. lbe vrsdfooerci y heauhoitespreseuce of living parsites iu tie lulenliung Fir nsurance Association, imaeg lb.7 b.d nopet inlu$20 fnom au olti man.', mem tyrane 1 'f tie uvper air pasogou and eus, B moSlt rZt -r> i S wsratch-erYG cmn. llowed to continue tumors form wvil eofte(bleed sud uloerate, becaollgverY SWAYNES 114TMIT stl ethe it cilg n d lu- <.lyse remOVe~4 CAUSE AMD EFFEO T.- ayl porionsvndez it ho trod, voe In war eoiin thâtOpirésieithOmWRnth- out auyapaent Cau Ma epigt oftheblecor a diiordered- uto nc; in oither OS"0 the stomUCh, blood ,Sn ulver ai; 6 ot or O IIfEth oir zgular u*M o na duet, heavy hoaacho, nAumos sudm7 Other îsymptesVh &'Iéd *WOU ea= - Opedcanof Dysà tahPll e-b.bloo orSIU l. y Oe f lii o Oggedueor.- Meand-m'8 andrae Miture 'z orby Ou. M #t eahflli À*êt SeXdy lu bibyy .Z ovars.. To sit ux oolt varlelsofni~i Stock, s -thez nuLary or:c mmiicùf lu P e N.&Y. 'Br3MROMS. -GOOD TÀL i r' TE- Il

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