Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Oct 1888, p. 5

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A HandOmeStock of Nvlis JEWELRY, And an emoeptloially fine stèck ef WATCH ES 3olld Gold, Filed à SiIver Cas8 0fexcellent design annà quality, PR/CES UOWN Sa BANRNA RD, VTHITBY. )3JIitbp ullronick., FRLDA.Y, OCT. 12, 1888. LOCAL LACONICS, WHAT 18 SOING ON IN AND AROUND TOWN- BUDGET OF LIVELI LOAL NEWS OLEANED DY OHRONIOLE REPORTERS 11 A atelsa uw y., <skin notes, An, faillibeuli pront il. Fie.» cor adveitisiug ommue il vill b. seon the Atles Woollou Mille are being "vcound up." Hove yen ceeu the nov stock ef tweeds just receivsdà by Âudrev M. Bos 1If net dom'l fait sote ee beh. foie puchsing. SA!r, wbel is the diffeence betveen miu sokveàrd in boeiug bis gerden sud the fellov whe doos net vean those 25c. heavy wyol moce stI BossBroc. The. eue hoees thiongli hie toee, sud the other tees Ibrougb bis bosss, Sec. Arriu a veek of infferingg Jne. Horst, cf Oshewa, died o M uday frein the offeets of tbe boiler explosion at the feit bore ou Moudsy oelt sl eek. Y6u2 (libson of Derlington bas had à bard time et il, but ien epqt.d le be getting -botter. A in nained Beid, cf fHemer'i corners iu Ibis tovu, vhe vas ver3 badly hunned lu the accident, slippei svay beome quielly acroe the fieldu The poor fllov laid theenud novei reported bis mieny for dsys unlil hg -w" certain cf recovery. The Cil7 pepera sunoucce the retun te active lav practice ot Houa. Edvart Blake au the hesd et a nev 1mw firzu cernposed cf the folloving gentlemen -Hou. E. Blake, Q. C.. Hon. S. H Blake, Q. C., Z. A. Lceh, Q. C., Waltt ,Csesols, Q. C., A. MOKOnsie, W. H Blake, Wm. Cruelman, Hume Blake The tolloving nov irma have beec -ooutitnted by gentleomen retirnu fron tho old Blake. lîm-Uolmaenà& lelt Oonelstiug ot C. J. Relinan sud E. à Holman, of Fouler, Clarke sud Bêvel villi offices aI 9à EBut Adelaide Cusuela & Ceseels, consiting of Ramnillei C&Riee ansd R. S. Ceeslait ihoffe ab 8 sud' 9, Manning Aucede, Kin sîreel; and H. W. Mick-le, witit office st114 Manning Arcade,. King sîncet. The tovu coucoil met ou Monda eveuing et lust veek. A petition vu î.ad frein Mi Gao.Jou u d fou~ elbois asklng fer a street Iamp ai-1am bous- ou seul et Brook atreet. Th petitien viserefonrod <tho fire au weter commuttes. Mr. G. Y. Sithliù trcduced e by4lav to-raise by a lbn $1,000 for <lie purpoe 0acqgilu eddilionsl igrounide for the CoII.gieeIx stilute in Wbllhy, sud toi- lte purpe. of building su additionu <e aeid Oolil iâte Instilute to bs oued as a gynuesiu8 l- Wconnection thereili. Thé-hy.la -wgâ read titre.lies sud passd. M -G. qmitb inlnodoped by.lvaws kf 10-eue-00ltoiraise. 17,150 by ese ment là Cotver theoonty rate, celle, laIe institut. porposos, debentures au cugent expensesos f tb. orperatiox eue te relue $5,000 for. the maiutntun cf tbh public achools; sud another1 taise $850 for lb. maiuteunne oeti$ Seperate acools. These by.lsw v.o ail resd t<bie imes sudd -esed. Ti conneil then adjourded. The audience e ti greet.d J.1 M lurphy sud bis taleated company .i Mondsy alglit aitheugi ahove <i .average vms net e0 large as thie pli sud Company doerved. Sisua'Ri ,!0 u6muely egood draving ead*s ii it net beau toi otheu stt&ioleus u msdistely preeediug, nô don-t von heave prov.dl sueit here. The hou 'W"e inno Wise. ohm, butrstber bae ex1peotstlonu Ailtb prs bot lo& .Ing sud uznor, ver. veil stetain@ nisy celungtlij. 8. in equily The Part oft GersId N£.aàt- U cre then p s i nte!e te ou-m wit lus Tléa s. -ho paKR m 1 4 Mges00su teail, 2 oti . Qo. ar oul., so b lbESlott &et fonds, The Pickering Noem tell about corne asparague thsy have up there fiv. or six foot hlgh. 0f course asparagus js§ul'muoh lo b1o.w about, but Mr. W. W. Weod, Of this towu, hebas lsîalk standing at MaShicon'astcore eight foot six inchos bigh. .~* ~' n 'i IILI~LIIIL~l~IU uzr~ssrer'~tu~ï '~ ~ t OHOICE - à, gué rmegoêIvoMnc qpmf~tWw arcnevon. elhIbition estt he clore of Ândr.w M. -Rocs. Table linon st I>- and d 20.. per y& 1rdt etlee. Andrsw Mie Rock. N"ver better, nevtî ohèsper, lu what w. ea amy of oui ilankeeflanînels, Weddiug @nits mdo'tW eder on th. ;:;iag " oidl'------ .Odo rcov am ~talncd firrly tliithb. eoec. Wbilb e Ti sasPoehehinno ýoè the. PlacSoe sel! baley jûstno su Iit egreut -noespapýr Iglit Over ~the to @tringe of wagons peur. f in il<hie coUspa.et b. eaOpsfurultul'./mctPu7.- hg veek.se fer. Oàq patyc laime Ihet iu eider J<e get ýr Oven cils hundrei cf- th.emore in. beuity for tlbe.$15,000 les., thec tbvn. hoe modist e frieuda of Mi. sud'Mis, Lobt. ieÏd <o -biy <ho property il ws tAklag DevereLPeeruMasohedî thi eri.seoiritr, <haue maklng il appeer, S. osidone. ou Wed-u.dyn valgte *a if r.-fieeps lied omonq -eaoqkh on uit. vui - .<hem -lueeeriting'<ho <o mse e lo an, vtUion$osyao ho tventy-fifth auniveraewy ef thefr veti-the vre*k. -Titis aeui-Kseps _per t o &y diug. Thie bride sud dridegMnrofta.e9 sthe Yùsdie*W to.e»0g.those. vi-., nec Id bd. Poo" Including Dieu-sud of those w. can speak with prideofithe quality, value and choice. .to-day show,- the bout aorted stock of New and Fachionable D 1rems Materiain ii ounty, Dres Trimmi ingtgs rids, -,Buttons, to match. Special value,: amortments abdchoiein la te; Clothe, Mantle sud Jacket Oloths. Garments dut, FUt nd madeté. rder in a Superier Manner âud guaranteed correct in, Fit and Style. New Mantie aud Ulster Cloths juE;treceived. New Stock of Blankets, Flannels, Yains, BShirtinpgs, Gêts' "Fine" Underôlotbing, Liadies' "Ifm" Underclothing. ILO!ING. ~ILLIDRT. c rHE Gents, we are showiug a very Special Lot et Tweeds, Suitinge, Trouserings, Fall sud Wiuter Overcoatings &o., "cd you wiil flud hey are EXTRA GOOD VALUE.ý sý (J1othing made to order lu BEST STYLE. STYLE, FIT and __ WOBK GUÂRÂNTEED the BEST. - Iu this department -we- eliew the lTewest Styles in'ilate aud Bonnets su n rimà Materials. Ail orders ezecnted lu Lateat sud Best Style.- - 8TEJW FASHIONABLE 1 1 MILLINERY W.e au aàtlenlion <o the, giBt .d maI by tlepoeo lewc.Ad tien sale cf Mr. F. W. Hodeen, 8 ver ê bytlpon roMows. nrwOrd sieed in smuther ooluminf 10.uie eu s 'NIzw oveîoatigs, eovtwe.dsa. the fines& liai cf stock and iinplements vo beve ceeu advertised &bis year. He are nov showing au elegant tango cOf je selling out te .&nove te London aud i heu. goodu, oeilisud leate your measure inteude te publicb b. e -arw'Ad- iwhere you vil b. sure to gel e good fit vocate in future. H. e lee ogopd a et RoeuBrou. Mau for this viciuity to loue. - Stenlifville heu a case cf smell.pox. .1 \ û«1n uot eciou sale, Ehi Wilson, (for- Toronto bis ueerly a dosen. Noue cf Oirly J. Wilson à Sous> will bold a thein are dangeroup, snd there la net sale of Shorthoru cattie, Southdewn much ceuse yet for s big scabrê thîoogh. uheep, and Berksbire swîne, et lot Nô.o. ut thç country. People only ueed to 88, cou. 5, neer Green River, ou Satur. b. careful sud be guided by sauitary I day, Oct. 20th 1888 For list ope bille, » ~t0ilc &Il advertised muet be celd. Catalogue jI , lps en0got Go ec' on qplioalion tg EU Wilsonj- Green "5w store, nemi Ontario Bank, for your River.-44-in. >,oota aud shees. Hic puices and goode Il is extrêmely inteë6utin, idt laitare mdvritilng theinscîveaevelywbere more c th ledio mau9 ., rugalîesdy. Eie stock vill b. complets in ooues u ofuto. Peîhcg auf Ibe ngthe course ef a week or 50. Patohing iuteîestiug aud suîprisiag of Ibeinm&Il sud repairiug sîtended to. mie the extensive Ornemental Stained We are orlBd t esay the tea% set pré. Glass sud Decoretive ýwoîks of tb. sented te Mi. sud Mis. Robt. Devenu - McCmuland & Sou. It je froin <hie vwu purchaed frein Mr. Barnard. We /establishment thalt be fiuest windows alvays dvooate tb. purchase of goode have orne for tbe principal edifices frern oui tewuspeople,and kuowing Mr. throughoul oui aoontry.-48-mo. Barnaîd's good teste aud vide acqusînt- The Whitby sud East Wlitby Piow. anu.with th. prodatu cof 1h. varions iug Association wiii bold Ibis yeere, mekers we bave ne hositation in reoom- match on lhe tarin of -Mi. Wm. Smith, mending goode of his e aeiot future M. P., near Columbus, on Tuesdely Oct. puichasere. 28rd. The field seleeted is said tle be Markhaiiibaebsîl club hec publish. the boul they have bad for rnsny yeanm ed ils r.eord cf splendid vietories in aud the prize lst elmeel deublos that <vo different vayc during tb. puet given ou any former ooeaion-$#400 week. Il hbu won ten gaines -ont cf beiug now offered. The association bau eleven. Howover, il is etil unable te plouly cf funda collected sud teelsa able bouct anything te match Whitby's base. le, make up thé bost match ever heldin bail record offset yean, when tvelve the eunty. The annuel grand cupper gamses vere won out cf e possible thîr. wil b. given on the uigbt ef the match teen. This year Whiîby won eight sud jj at Hodgeoa's hôtl, Raglan. lest fite, and had bard vork to do thsb For breaking tho windov cf Louvel 1Baudelu hearber sbop with bis lust, «"The Efiects cf Protection," by Emanuel Look hadl s round vith Police Chenrles S. Ashloy, will ho th. leadig « Magistrale Harper ou Frldsy.. The articeonl66 Tho Popular Science Month. former wes knoeked ou<the tirel crsck 17 " ft November. Il je au important] sud damaged te the extent et $950 <ococntibhution <o tbe tarif! discussion, ho paid iueluding conte cf the inee.. shoviug, lu a striklng light, the oxpen. àThen Ficher et Oshawae, tried the Magie. sivenese et protection, th* eraniun- 1, liste a burl, by prcvy, for breaingù ber eftIbose beuofised by il, ils taiture B Heyv-erd & 00'8 vindcu, sud got $8 te keep Up vsgee, ils influence in ebeok- kueeked cul of bis pokel. VI the lng oui expert trade, sud ils affect ia a magistrale keeps on ibils tovu viii rnakiug us " a nation cf liai," sud our n.èver b. vithoul geeod sideusîke. Tbey governeut a ho.dless spendtbrift 4are ail great fightcis until <bey go into The 89th regular meeting of thoeLit. 8Ibe siens vitb bioe, but then Ihey get Society of tbe W. C. I. vms held Wed. rhadly disfigured. W. viii back bita nesday. Mn. Orr occnpied the, chair. g againul suy slugger in the country, After the minutes cf the proviens moet- I À rilenâ scoîdeutally cerne upon a îng he4 boon rend sud oufirmed and g postal eard on Monasy beeninag the the critîe's report iesd, the tollcwing le M%îkb&M pat el oyen limes, sud pograinoe vas îendened :-Iuetigui'a you whicb was written, the following sddress hy the Piesideut; song, d etomevhat 1ev spécimen of Baglish :-. Bva )orô; resdibg, J. J. Petiorson; . To ho deliver'ed te wîîter et anonymous chorus, Boys Octette 1readlag, Pranit * post card :-You infamoes lier, yen Rare; chorus, GI.. Club. e rec'd nether e debsOiug uer degrading ON Sturitay lest Mi. J. M. Gerii,ot scibble frin. me. Paor beuigbted milp the Wandereis' Bicycle Club, made bie n of huinenity, te coin ouch uuparalelled ixlb trip frein Toronto te Bovinanville, Id fabricaius-lho issue et 'foul.moulb- aud hiie sixenth trip te Whîhy, ota- n cd, dej..cted, ill.bîed pake. it requir. 1- 1 Ivew theupsd miles ho lies neither braine, 1bone uer muscle <o wri.,- t,,,-.<bis esson. Mr. Geami nov Esncb cocene vuigaîity. Xciii prosonce holdo &Il Canadian rosd recoords vesl r would deilb.th infernal rsgions. Go frein Toronto ge Hamilton, sa ud st . home to the status cf Wbitby, sud list- tem Toronto te Cobourg. -ieRb smord e, n tolte off-scocurlge of hurnsnity te froin Toionto te Whitby -in 2h»i. .18 ýn r.pi.nish your exbsu»ted, vocabulary. minutes. go receutly attem#fed le n Drag yonr fetid. maggol.esteut carese break tbe record te ]Kngston, hut *bon a inte s bol. sud die..A dog Ihal csu't acoar Cobourg vas-rua fate- by a rig L. fathor ils ovu car, 1siaraI ýhome .veîy breaking h eel, se £aho W"e sen- 8, day cf th. vek. Thecerd wva d- sable opnoeeed ftnbs. S;dressed te Titis Oates, lu caârO cf The «as John Ceonort, for ssl n Chaules G. Mine, box 174. Whitby upon a yonng lady, Miss Bel, ý* Tues- e, Ont. -day eung et lest Woek, was lnished g Lest Saturday vas e grest day ln ou Mouday lest.connota bec been- es lb. Wbluby bprloy market, and sine vOrkiug for Tveodl'g sud euas0109_g 'hen <ho farinons bave hosu walking hoeno thet ev.niug, a short distane J1I?Tr HOUSE, 8 8 -WHITBY. -8. New and . desirable -range- of Fait and Winter- Clothes* nd beautiful designs in Ladies Cloakinge, have j ust been reeived by us. Our assortment of Dry. Goods is also complete compris-W [ng ail the newest patternesud at prices to suit aIl. Grey Flannels cheaper than ever. A Uion et 15c. - per yard, also a ful range of B1aniets, Comforters, good -artic*le -.0M.- ,Yarns, Underwear aüd Our Taioring Department stauds first in the Cnunty, Md'second to -none in the Province. A cati wiIi thoroughly convince you of ý the faot, and any one in Witby cau testify to thie truthfu]nei;t of t-hie assertion. Remember the pkte and give U8a a' Cail. , ~T2D I W G.LAS&UýW ML ~ W ARE H oUS'E lIoIds a Choice AssortmÉent, of,.T*e-edsý'in ..ail the lea4 Makesr Scotch Tweeds, Fine  WôIOangPuigo, Overoaig~ Tweeds. We are now preparea lç take rders for 8uiea sud areoffering tliam ,it thet wlll effeot quiok silesd *We hold a choice sel Leadhig ,Styles- ana4ÇOýlorinswi in Ladies',,Mn' Yonths' anad &ý Unowe holda&large stock ofai leetiôn of YY 0 OYe MOMngLUnCb j>IiUTjJAIDVUU.% WJ.D LI&b A Choie Stock of Groceries, Oro always 01ond PàJrmers' Produce tlaken && Fixe J&oe ïf desired. ONTARIO'. Mý . > ý. 1 1 everyd tepaIftrent wêLoffer-iMpusrae indimements te, buyers iu the way of> High-Olass Good, of;qualty beyouda: GýEN'ERAL *.ST,OO KO DRYGOOS F A Il LL 1 zry 1 F

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