ilAtto* Living Age. The nomb*ronf _ru Ljiving Jgo fur the weeks endinfi S&plembel mUdÃŽ and Oc ober Oth et taic Cha;u00t .u'tid 0. LliaD Renaio usD60, clnot4tiltintery ; N3>3 Trais- ure, BlaokWeoJ' MaigbziLuf; & Winter in 8yris, oiiotrP ftei*; Jobn Ward, PreaabeÃ, i)y ÂrcbdencÃ"da.Fîrrar,' Longm5D'S Maasine ; Mr. Forster and jruland, Blaokweod ; The Baerviel of <Jtholie Mislieuaries in the cast te luîual aicLe, Nature ; Admirai ColignIy, Quarterly Review ; the, Giori. fied SpiDUter, bMaamillan'u Magtazine and The Spectà tor ; Military Oeuius,by Lord Wolseley, Fortaigiftly Boview; BecolleOioflI of Mr. FAster, National Beviow; Au Artist on Tour, St. Jame'. Gazete The Contra-Aien Railwsy, j6potaor; Oornîsb à Custeme of today, Welcooe; the conclusion cf 6Nabt,," .sud poatry and misceilany. A new,,volu£a5 began October lot. Fer fiftytwo numbers et silty.fetir large pages each (or more Ibmn 8,8000 pages a year) the mnbcipticfl prize (88) ie low ; wbile for 810.50 the publishers offer te sand any one of tha Atmenican 84 00 monthiies or weekliss with TThe Living AgI for a year, both postpaid. Litteil & Co., Bouton,ae tb publiabena. When von need a gaod, st e laxative, ask your druaggist for a box o! Ayer's Pulls, and you will find thal they give perfect sgatis- faction. For indigestion, torpid liver, and -sick headache there is nothing superior. Lpading physieians recommend lhem. The "Arizona Kicket."t UPS AND DOWNS OP FAR W98TERN EDI- TORIÂL LIFE. Detroit Free Pres: W. take the fallowin tram thc laut, issue ocf the Arizonia Kioker: L "AI.OLOGETICAL.-We hope aur read- oe swill excuse tLb.-typographical îap-. pearace of lhe inaide pages oftthe. Kicker this week. W. wene wcnking thons off me nouai ou Wadnoaday, bai- ing Jo the Diggen Indian @asrelier boy, wheu Jndge t8hachva0oeu made us a cmli aud jnoeped ou our collar. Greatly le car surprise we picked lb. judge up sud oeopped hlm ail oven lhe office sud fiuug bira outdoons. His boot-beels, bind butona, spectacles and flew about sud ilight.d ou .lue forme, anddlu eur exoitement wo failld te notice them. *The big bol. ii . ur edilonimi on the taif vas caused by a boot-heel. Tii. blur an tha poam antitld : Whonu %a Baby WskeaaAgaiu,' vas oaused by Ivo hind buttons.' Suoh so.iely itema uae ansnreidahie ove Ibeir preseul stata ote aJudgesaspectacles, W. bope it want'm ocour again.- '1NeT Tais Evz.-Our tmme la baing promiueully mentioued lu counection witl heb.Unted States Seus&orship tram Arizona. Wbile vo arena fstorad aud teel toestapligh, vo muet beg our fieuda te soId np. 411ut list place ve are lac boneal, soberaud couscientions. «'In tbe second place w. ara uaod.d athborne. We proposa b run about 10,000 humas coyes out oet iistbrri- tory thliattwIelve meuthi, and put à lbousaîu others behind prison bars.j . "Wbule va fael liokled mil over aud eau bardly rnlýep nigits, wv su antmpi the office uer beave Arisons. Juat Pa"s lie place ove: ta soeaolher min s»d leave ns te du our vork." "A DacariE.-We ove ne grudgc te Coi. Emailugs bocaus ho ou.. oufled our san in lie orridor of the Tovu Hall. We bidprovedb im e sira, a avindier, and nabseouder, sud hb id le cuf te save 4dt repulaliou. The1 Co",Dei is nov rn.ekiug tZe omimlion ft , Seriff, and- 4i promisiug, il use b. le olecled, te edour. ur lown a Goveru- meut appropriation cf *ESOW OOO1 build s publie building. Wssrm ott sd ouîy by the kîiqdoal motives vben ws smy thaï; tb. Colon e la ablooming daciver. Ho eau ne onOassure a ~dollar for Uncle sm bm ve cm ber- row oeo e lb bng.. from tb. gales of heavon. Ail lbe iuiueucc loebau i Ibis venld cf in asol sorrow la eonfiued' te the RB.d Hot mbcon sud Il.O rovdof reprohates. Do mot b. doeived luth. omtor ou voioescf lh. ColoneL"' "AN EXPLANATIO....Tb, oua cf lb. ILeker lu eppeaiuq lb. buflding .of a bridge over RBail Hrse Riveir.l- o no- usot our towu vlth b uSêiH IlI, labeing k!snrly eiticizod by aomne ot eur bllIze'i, wbo doolin Ihil e m Sop- poaad te prograsaand lmprovsmsna.. Bach la tar from being tbe casa. Auj open biJ1ge mroas tb. river wonld b. an eu a emant tle nidiansd se- cidents. 'Wjhen a man gale drunk on Arizona 'vbiakey ho aitLer vanta le bihl $OMOieoee or jump off a bridge. Tbera ère ffty mou in îoyn Who voud go 01er to Dutei HiIi, fil uop and fil! off ilb. bridge ccming, baok if it bad a rail- Iug fifteen feet bigh. "As te s covored bridge, it vouid ho ait once takan posesseon et by al l t. old soakers lu taWn vho Iried te gel hczwý? and lu a mentI, vould -b.-volad i public nuisance. Wblls va ju9l otter for progreas and improvèeau, *we omut *ae our viy elear on tiil bridge ques- liou, sud ebsl Ihere Lfor unlil Vo bavea a hangq* heni ion &bou t omly déeed sd OOIiVY5B bel*gtema sny diflent ul ples Wi leheike p on theaet tlaut ulgbt.'TF. 37-dropped from theeait lail-pookeb 1Ou et simbe #ma 4fig4*O va L b*boit Ihing e-010M tinan is a lôt of Engliali ladies lutrsted,.j"n a projece le gelop Mrt xbibilý of theinca d.ssselosmbmueipte as thé" Kîênsibgon'Murnm oowpared te ils frmra pI~*e Ne~w Paria govuh orne wiib lun ësih. ions aI the biokL mad one or more Ëbors atese'lstal abythe belt. <Jlth jaokabrn differ hemx Ihose ef laut jear mainly lu bsing longer. and, oven aIl around-.Many , have i000 fronts, falling ovon an embroidered vert nId in &Il the aoya la8 wid. anough tle slip off and on wlth eu.. The Heniton Iaee industry is dying eut. The rage fer vaniety and cheap- nasa bas driven tbe hand-uïade laces fnom thé market, iachine imitations, haviug taken Iheir places, Honiton lace received a terrible blov when brides teck te drapiug themnselvoa wlth tulle. A uev walking suit, vhioh in -oeeof the morniug uecessitiea, bas juet mmde ils appoarancae in Paris. Il la made cf d ark bine sarge, witb* wbits werstad braid lrimming with ambroidered de- siene ini celoe..Tb e coat of arma or -initiais wculd b. embroidarad on th. wtch pooket on the I.ft side. 1 An em broidered ct quill or rugis th. niceet sert cf ohritening gift, and a vary cbrming eue eau be made of any soft, hgbht stuif, witb a pattern of short- stemmed daisies in ontline and khot stiteh scmttered over it, as thongb lhe fainies badil hrowd tham down withcut au, sort et ordar or arrangement. Nine ycanrn aRo a Mr@. Manning cf Paris, Ili., vcw.d thal if her Bon mar- ied a certain youug lady who vas eb. jeotienabie te ber she vould go 1,0 b.d and alay thora until she died.- The marriage teck pil&easd the mOlbei-L true le ber resolu l on, neyer left her b.d until lut wa.k.whon ah.via borna te ber coffin. The Pninoosa cf'Walos is having made in Paris a hall mourning court govu of black valvet vith brooadad floyers cf prey oTan a pettioeat cf grey mouseiin de sole edged vith a soallop cf groysilk. The bodie la quite deoclette aud is trimmad villi a obiffon cf mousselil de sois, Bnisbed on the edge vith 'Uny silk. The Engiish cbild'a fashioni vhioh vs are loyally ssurad "origiuatod vith a amii gndohild o! tbe Qusen," la to vear pinîforea cf batiste or fine mua- lin, vitb Maeh lace.sud in#ention about theuu and out loy and square in th. neck, ovar trooke cf waahing silk,vhoso acier is ropeatéd iun ibbann mun luhlb lac.Ê The. lite lets of dîamonde viluad at $100,000 by Mrs. Parmu Slavons, bas served te remind mauy fà ahionabla vo- mou hew cares. tbey are, vith their j.valiry. ýWbaraaa a man neyer thinka cf leaviug a unvdred or a thonsaud dollars lying arouud oae, vomon fre. quentiy iles" diamons and other jevel- l ery roprosonting far groater movey Ivalue lying areuud noommminthheir bouser- an sti hatls in the moit lhonghý*less jand hazardour. manuar. For those wba love sti-ipe;The. New York Oomtnorcial Advertiaor whiapora tlst a nov affect tà st la no aiad styliali may ha had by making the verni sud middle baok forme cf your govu vitb 7 h. stripes running mrose snd baviug bs. cnes oomo Doit %hem , 'Ii îe lu the déeolned ta give bis avmsd sid .t "JoDbn Soell" word de a» vol!*s »DY. iblg ise H raiilb.thoà vas a mm laboer fom ina i~eup th. river, sud 1hst h. neyer aaw or heard of the vooma n l bs lite mlhobesaw ber in the- mayors ocunl, baIis mseso f ioe - bood .,ýd bis respect for «vornaul-ud vôuld uci permait hlm le se.eue of tbe e orapng tb. public abreets incm. pany viîb inamp a md hummers. The ftcttht the salefc!Dr. Pieorceso Piemianî vo ellt xceoa lb.! e ny allier PTu,"h.mâërkèt'be it great or sMa1ilaon aeonut oetihe L;î "ta lthe are llny, Utile sugar-oca granules, n ths in MenotrnmouaDelitho eeps1 le for a dame; tht-teay arelY vegetabi siud perec1ly blfteu;, dfor, constIpation, Uenuese, sick heïdach, ana s& ioaaea,anlaisg frontvà -- -'n o!e lb.ler, otomaoh or bovels, . ý soliv calerll, accrdin to .i ver Dr* Bolgmox$, o!fEanln lisspubis od a Prof. Loso'ia ugïc Ss4iuar boap i4 8enstor Blair bas -preuete& sa r Aa&,U, wih h iaÙWlaiandi 2.. :s1 ator et lhougb lan h%, 1 Mt th. 'les, To mllvho ire aug«orlu om tIbe emors ma& tudo raiiua cf'-ouùthè nerveus vak- nas, emly docy, lOfao miee,&c., I wlll sendi à racipe ta vi oca je, FR"Z 0F OCHARGE. -The gretremedy vas diaoowerd by, amalnary in Soati Aisnra. Bond aaI-dea m esvelope 101th. Bey. Jomu T. Iuxà x, 8*aMn bp New. York OUy. A motion Iooking toward puttîng eleotil vires underground has been mdein the Toronto Counoil. WSU b. 7ufl7 met, Indications of Dympepzia, ruchsa SBour Stomaoh, Haartburn, Siok Headache, Rislng and 8ourinig of Food, Wind on the Stomach$ or a (3hoking or (3nawing sensation at the e tt of he stmaoh are tufly met by Bardook ll1ood hittern whioh has ourcd the worst cases on record. Il jko nncunced that the Red River VaUey road will be opaned for regular tréffl on October 17. In ffiet And To The Point. Dyspepsa Io dreadful. Disordered liver ml nbery. Indigestion is a foe to good nature. The human digestive apparatus ie one of the most oomplicated and wonderfui thinga in existence. It is easily put out of order. Greasy food, tough food, aloppy food, bad cooksry, mental worry, lote hours, irregular habits, sud many other things which ought not te be, have made the A.zurioan people &nation cf dyspeptios. But Greensa Auguat Flower bas doue a wonderful work in reforming this sad business and malung the American people Bo healthy that they ean enjoy their meals and be happy. Remember :-No -bappiness without heaath. But Green's Auguat Ployer bringu healihand happineas b the dyspeptio. Ask yeur, druggist for a botlle. Seventy-flve cents. Owlng to the failure cf the fiberien and crop 1t.eihabitantu of Moisie, Quebec, are Wbsa Baby vwu.1*., ve mbar Caelott WbM ah* vas a Cbld. h.o eedfer Castorla Whsn ah. beaum»eMiss, sha elung *0 Ceau4a Wbau"hhaCblldru, he gave th=n Cassari, An order-in-Couneil ha. bean paared fi- ins Thmxrday, November 15, s Thankaegiv- ing day. cousuptlozsurelj Ouiad. To m Rurros: Please inform your readara that I have a M remedy for the above namned *By its timuely urne thoummndu of hopelene cases have been permanently aur- ed. I shall ho giad to ucnd tvo boties o! xny remedy Pmu to any cf your readers Who have coumptign if they vil! und m~e Erpress and P. 0. address. Rt-pecttu1y, Dz. T. k. SLOOUM. 87 YoDgeOstreot, Toronto, Ont-16-Iy. Tt p population of Kinguton bas advancd frum 11,4w6 in 18701017,800 in 188 A RaoeI ope In one th.! in based on proviens knoivledg or axperienco, there. hose vhonu . B. B. my reasonably hope for a mmureb- cause th. previou xpoilence of theusade vho have oued 11, shows it te have uee.ed- ou eVe n u b. ontcaes The proposed Sehool of Oavalry viiinet be orginiriad utl e nSprng. Freern# aW«.» Powdm re.agrse a&L.o ake, Md "Pol au ýkù.da of wowfrom cliWro or urntiia. The- p-a88 Furnace., Thee tooilg tsImnus rpak foi 1 ho Wo., 114 'vlrtueofaWar*~ cf lb. Oquuty o! i teis~yu~eisada seona~~flh Cours ish ~li DE0EMBB~, A. D., I Fmlrport Waler lot No. 2 Part S. :: :9 Part N. W. Part N. B.ê 8. W. PI. 18 and 19 Front 37 Front Part N. Part Part st the TOWNSHI P 0F PIR .Ameunt Lo.Con. Acroe& o! Taxr. 2 98 for ololook ilu lb. fxoreee. ConssdTotal 218 816 day of! .Pat'd or 'Unpmatentod patented Unpmt'd Patented de f £ ~,4 TOWN8HI 0F? BIACHf. 14 7 8 4782 ,828 5060 TOWNBHIEP 0F THORÂH.L 4 8 75 19,19 241 1460 4 8 25 890 220 610 1 9 9 1 59 214 8 78 TOWNSECI 0OPBIROOK. ýcRE 6 74 1 68 8 48 227 901 214 8 72 282 1075 TOWNSHIP 0F SCOTT. 35 2 20 8 52 219 20 5 50 1080 287 TOWNSHIP OF RAMA. 81 ici 60 70 80 100 100 100 100 50 LA0 100 100 100 100 100 38 42 80 100 100 29 81 H493 12 33 15 67 6 61 280O5 27 16 28 33 25 17 là 24 19 20 10 46 9 20 10 64 17 26 19 86 9 75 8 46 7 25 19 41 ô 49 TOWNSH1P 0F MARk. Pt. S. Pt. N. Pt. PI. N Pt S NI Pt. N 40 Pt. 8 de 4 7 18 19 si 80 80 12 12 22 22 8 8 Oounty Trern' offie, Whitby, SBepteonher 7th, -1888. FINAL 209 12 05 il 62 22 72 115 99 48 82 12 83 U 87 1 88 si 17 81 16 66 85 885 1 77 8 10 2 84 8 48 2 41 2 49 2 17 2 80 2 78 2 81 2 73 2 61 2 68 2 87 23 2 87 2564 2 69 285 2 81 2 29 2 59 224 2 16 240 2 89 2 67 500 8 19 2 41 240 2 15 2 M8 288 21î2 224 282 2 82 2 15 2 18 5 71 Pmlented 13 17 Patented 82 15 68 di 14 74 1806 8 b8 80 85 29 94 81 14 27 90 18 75 21 78 12 83 il 53 13 os 19 80 21 95 12 10 10 77 954 22 00 7 78 ,425 1445 149.1 2589 12099 46 61 14 74 1427 408 8405 84 04 2 77 7 78 1087 1087 892 5 28 Ce. Tre. Patented Pmteuted Patented unpmt'd. tTnpmt'd. Ptonted Patented upml'd. Patented Unpmt'd. Pmtented Pateà .ntÉgdi Unpat'd. tlmpat'd umpat'd Patented Patented Patanted Ulhpat'd. Unpat'd. Patenled Unpat'd. Pateùtod Ontario. 8ALE .1 0f Gnooeis, Crokry nysd Glain, retiring frcm business on adocunt cf fi-ý ing haili. As. base cf Store expire. Ibis fal! thoeviiele stock muet ha clared eut, ÂboutrSO sella hast White Granite. Bich Paintad, Enamelled suad Gils T I~rom 42pamr bot. BeautflDecorated Dinnen Bette from #8 per Batti Fançy China Cups and Saucera el and bolov dost, a line of Dacorated Art Gods belo co4 al GlSe lat, Glass Juge, Glass Tumb1ero,ait 400. and 60c. -au doz., Plain Double PunI Gebleteata 60o. per dozen. A large Bleckof Gaus Lampa, Fancy Lampa, Hanging, Lampsansd Lump Geodsaai Hal£l Prie. NBw la the time to get, pjur 8Iau. Fruit jars. A LargeAasortinent on baud. Green, Black sud Japan Tam. 20 sud 25o. per lb). Worth 5Oc. Fraab Beaated Coffées, grennd dmily as naqmnaed, b.d bnanda et lowasd pricas. Oannad Géode, Fanay sud Pamily Grocanies et lovest pri cea. This la ne blind, but radl business, my hosllh demuanda il and I muaI respoCl- Wanted.-'-mzgquaitt of Okoice Butter, F ahBgs and Ffruit8. SIMX ,Dmve.UWrnBoo.t, Bzroox m., wniiulyl Ont OlsidlarSuallsg, md &Ul91 Keounatrd lY nt 7%UW OXn by aU M dg'mesurnaludïodlook to theI a- vnnnh nlaaanva OUR ELEBANT PREPARATIONS. isieimm mb- munaine nmass.te s sa noehernouree. HEY-AIE OTFOR SALE DY DRUBOI5TS.Corrspondencs ~ ocueutia. (iumaltienupon mSU HAIR COLORINO féeu fiablei. ýr4lmthefollcwn Bi"iýDa** uetmBrown, Chesnl Cendra S. Bd esupbe et bain vhen c erin»g Psice, 0&. par bottie. - Tà onto Madicine Cc. TOILE? fî4isiTE* In SmIngleue spodyvbich yoIU requin vo guarante. ith 6 egivo entire satistaction. No 8 Imparts 10 the bklnthe cieor mdfreshne.u cf maideuboodharmlessanlannofbedetectea. 01.25. No. 9Bmvs*lken 9 No. 10 Re. rncvsL~rr8pta. UD.No. Il tomoveaPlomb ;Po"' IMIPOIO. 2 Bomovea Prechies. *1.2 No. i8BRem»ves Pmple& .*1.25No.e. 4 Raes Tan. *1.25.Ne. 15 Bemoves Moles. 02. No. 18 Bemloes pcekeaxiu. et Ne. 1llBemovernundue Pr~tien. 5L95 No. 18 An absoflute unhWling 0 Osc e b.rtx~iudvelomeut or rester- THÉ BUST NO. 19 la a aombined intierngl sud ëetna th. famalo bat t te jepootos f~Ipuu nature, la entiraly harml.s a dcertan An Y& unité, Puce sa Terouto Ifalbe Co. Torto, WOMEN'S ILL& NO.ÂAooebsn re forLmeucoboe'lbftés stvtPtutmtdlilssa FRENCH RiEOuLATniomPILLS Fan aupenior te Ergot TauyPn~vlo Oxid. Enddbà ýlboth =eÊ r=Afg l INSU"IIBEGULITY il«I"d - Price os 3 Tereuo edele o.,Xoumo, ont. Cam bo ouradby nlgpefoN. l*p aIl tha#ýtuirnOlalmo ftr18. »V"IL .!oo CLEA IiINU 1 1