Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Oct 1888, p. 8

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E a" ou feRer. Wtvess tnIy n0 lov va ps0»os l. gas-kpers u eti on. obrud k as. Abof =eOf 1410 ues!t Ltiwwer U S botd serd uosevhvh velrob a show ID bsmusku e onsibo ffered ilekeis ho vould b. msu .nough 10 showlb. robberm uýp. Unpropig~os veaier dia efeet the ouWVyiDnvbWh Il Ms prof againsi falut. --lb. annueldrn moit infull. Every loe vvlgar b"ei l theoounly ooked -in bore on uar days sud 1Usd ihemslves bull of vhiskey-ew, pebapa-mone aourttoy .pomking. vllb drugs. AUt former eltempis _SI holding a hovllng drunk ver. eollpsed. "uaren a ilr a s crlblg.izm, mWd afrad le me ibt Thurdyoelç "bu yu suneezmuari .to.4y m specting boothha six Urnes ré day reserved, but thâl lhoy b.d heodqlnke hlm wilb makstkbolises, e ad b.d thus becarne parties 10 the shamoful ud sdalous affair. -One of th. leadlng o0footsked a muto viit one don on TburMdy, sud vhen bise Wind exhiblledsmrne hsiletion ai iaklng pari in se flagrania violation of 1ev sud deoency, lbe dfreotor leughed sud held up hbis de- center unusaly blgh to pour out bie drink, lollng bis friend &U vws tlghl bone (mean- lng iD Port Poerry.> Ho appesred te gloat over tbe manuer in vbich theunupepuler whiskey lea might b. irampled upon iD thié tovu. Fortuuaiely 1he directors hâd buls apeu e"mlof lb. grand stand, for tho exhibition oeit nixcted mou. Fremin l- aide ita limita tbp meut hockug lenguage coulé b. heard, but, as ne obez persons ventuted iu thons,it. impossible as wel sas unnecssy, te give the prôings of the Pen. As g 1n m ofesetthe agrcultural aellsdprogress oftlb.cocuntry, 1he Central tair bas evequels lu th. province Whou on.atecoks bsck ote h.d bailshow ibai vas once heM ai prüw A.1butn*sd thon et 1h11, ha hem netolre inl ac.ptilng es abeci lb.* stierIngpitroressibse tovn- ships are msklng.I remembar onoe.lu"g only ivo buse vo covs sudsalves sud ormesp <ait;hconososon *bted) at h farine, 1he wbole only werih e cou ple of bundred dollars; but th.e rovde dmIrsd tbem perbape meoiha he big showvaov. When 1h.evarkdlàg vmsin toresIbehre vasuclaruhihiibjadem ould aI- niosi bave l e henon tlb.W1.1f.et b animais 10 keep Ihomin IDvlev. novw b bave ample uibov reoi. Peope.aire toc ergottulte mark th. immesce progress ouj atock.breders sare -M-aknd allow Ibei- salvs t be urid aw7 fom1he stables ud pesof megnfiani stock le ses a bey old rgora trot. lhcugh lheyatervards smong l tale dies.port Pey thrughIhoe hows basproVon lself te b thlé. emtre 0f aoomrnuniy sssrael le b .equýMled in sgrlul ul eelb=mnhough nmre disgre oefulelemneuis cust b.e lch- ed or tb. show dsstroyed, lb. b=eeeansd 'othors shculd stick 1011 util lb. show te fixsd upon s selid bêcesiansdutil ite nu»s vMibomMsufflolutodraw bolh exhititors sud vistin D arg umbers. Il should also bthe cf ieeho Villagoebvomunob a PlacéoA exhibition, mnd tle Isuch a grndhov aMISpar. Miss Sperkln of Obhaein visitlng ai Dr. Miss A. BSillliseongmgeddsas Imer for lb. Mr. Wm. Hezsdood w»s ff red the bansmesum ofI7Sbfor NdeaGrey whloh ha toiuae. The frmtarin of ibis ,luitydi v r wo u4 thne Cm" irai bitions Port Perzy sur *hey carne homo vllh a gram rny red gieo" t"" tmhedlthIr siok sud grain gnaipublie Ûtig bavinler. Tour- lsud0 lo"dcfthcf ibud î4làftn.s. etc." ~sernu0bea ,diaath c et alb tbuslivâolyba a but Inse thon hm im TàLdq Md USE ýW 0 Eq Ur. Z IE. »)"Y09 Pmaobowo'vas bai to bis ai hm*. le"twe.k. T. J. Hemday's ioeg.mpzu a. nov veU Usd vith DIWIter DooIdu Ho la boomiug business ibis MaUby fen ýaNpI1vêtuée taIdml.Varions dqpmoeim-.s Thelades u admt à ibaibisunuionnale aib 68 i&nu* alwoolfanaesi ,bis bevy gry cotion ai 4 bobeok shriugu ai Se, ,nsd lie, am hlm cholce dr.. goods frein 150*t00.parada".mervel- oe Values. IMll==7rd quim.a n (MsA la sw*U quWA.d tle ie..th. À tingingsensation in ibrost sud palais ealled hesrburn sadopso n at the pi oftthe momaeu areige.botb th. oprnofdysp.u unAeaIDmsie1k oa8rboi cfsodamay relleve btcno wemo th. canue.A lasting remedy in le b. bond iD Northrop & Lyma' Vegeteble Disoovery and Dysppn Ours Thos assoclaté ergans, lb.liver and bowels, benoîtID cn ommon .with iheir aily, the stomach, by thé use of this benign aud blood-puilylng remedy. Clauroh Notes. St. John'., nday Ot. 7th. a. m., Sub- jeot cf Sermon.-", Ohmits Teachlng and Sacrifice" The latter proved by Anslogy. Ths wil ferm ltuemoud cf a series of speciamosrmons. (People who do not mud iD 1h. particularu about permonuls for ihemselves or iheir frlends, should net feel diaappomnted or aggrleved il they don'i read them in tht. paper, W. have nither lime ner disposi- tionto doa&U the running conneoted with our persenal celumana.) Bev. J. F. Barker's congregstion feel quit. depressed iD spirite "hi week over th. probsbity, and almost certai nty, -f losing iheir pauier. On Sunday lentbche md hie resênation fenthé pul pit, hors and ai Brekibneriy.- the whol. cengregalion =en aen by sr rBei. 1Mr. Barkes 3onelon wuheeoougregetions ber«the put sMx parsbaueo f lh. mosi berme- nious nature possible, snd ne mors succees- but patfai osu svèr b. bop.d for; but of course il in wonI kown th. rev. gentlema buoaj&MIy Ma biIty ber a mauch mers et lfield of labor sud ibisenbs his cong.gtion 10 1eol upon bis ation wiib mo re lgusiion. W. may addwitb- OUi under raing kw. Barksrlse fbilMiasiD 1h. lessI, ihai bds mle eo-worker, Mm, Borker *iii b. fufly - mmueh missedl a hi7Asi. Their dépat.re vii erosie a vaeauq ba1d110 111. #ëths wh bandéli IDe m eth-mgingihein ihal prau food sud medicine, BcoWa Bmdsiocf Ccd Lior OIÎ u, et yohqkt Dr. W. . Huibeit cf 8Ssbabury, Idae, aya:-"1 have ueèd Seoi's Emuilson iDncases ei Borof ia sud DebMliy. Results momi grab. Uyi ig. I yliti. pailenis teks l vith 0 toums" Sold by a&l Drugglis, *0e. sud liaula ad OoimroiaL Mofie of Whiby (bruoNxcLu, Whiby, Oot. 5, 1M8. WEMITBY A ET PmORS. iFall W b.st........'81e am Il08 4*61o Spring Whee&..........-098g * 106 Gocm. WhSà .........075 O08M Plurwt ........... 27s 800 a.0..........065 *0O7 ..................... 068 060 à ...h........... 065* 065 P..sbleek.eyed.........0070 S014 ai.................081a* ou foo- 475 EpdlpvrsoL.....d. 00 & W0 SAMUEL, HOLMANY TIh&MMRaid o etof00 Pernes sud 4 YugBulle. 011th. Pneis,17ère Dark nothtng but Mr Dy"%-' Stock Bulle, ail of vhioh w rai by Amas Craiokmbank, Ej Sityton, Aberdeen. lprincipal siresof tho bard are the fa Mous lbous- BROYAL RAXPTrON (45M0) Loin GLLEIS(48191) VcuneIETE <4«M) VICORc ROYAL (am59) Asw vshave neyer atmtdteo rovd sulmls ilbfoodfor the ýpuessof sibi. blting, bhey ail are in godbreedlng condi- tion m «cn b.proved bihie recordaoflthe Ccvi. Our oldesi coo, Florence 8M, s dsrk red, cslved March SMU 1877, hem prcdused 9 derk redceIves, suâ is nov vllb cal tot Sossex, a receully lmportedl Crulcksbank bull, sud novued in the herd cf Mr. Jobn Dryden, M. P P., Brookilu Oui. The vItho e n esrves lb. al. t. a dispersion, Mr. Hoinisu hsviug sold bis terni. sale le commence ai 10 a. m. LEVI FAIRBANKS, Auctioneer, SAMUTEL HOLMAN, 41 sin. Columbus -P. O., Ont. APPLE BARRELS8. Any quantity furnlshed at reasouble pnices. (JeU early before the rush aud gel your supply. For particulare apply te J. B. WURTS, 41.lme. rson River P. O. Ont. A LAD WANTED Frein 181t 0 2yearsof &e, whe cen rcad sud wzite weil. MARTIN MI'g. Co. WANTED. A small-alsed god reidence lri. &PP1, ai 1h. OxeourcLa ofCe". 8 Xr.Piper Ham recived a choice Stock cf Frenobs .Amerie uMlaery. ..Trimig a Seily 0k! Hat* oad Bonn.tere-&akped in -aU the Lmadng Styla. A cati 8oUci.td. Shop opposite Royal Hotet, Whitby. DOME3TIQ WAN TED. Aione. Goo" 8m"asrmret. Ap* le B(8 RE.ETOH . 49-lin.lamaonet. OREDIT SALE, The flovlng -properiy betorg1ag 1 M. GEO. PLASKETT, vii b. sMM by Ub&ioue NoI i on S10 etve, 1 DMV Co= &ilUi 1%= lmnI0 u1 k t9» Ddi~»Idor3apu¶Iwr iv SAirLE AT 0ORB iQ'mOLQ. HayTuripeandCn Aash4 1885.. h lem-42in. - Af N-E W GOODS JUS T IN# Ladies' Short Vest and Queen Mlains, Brooches, Oisf Busttons, d~o., -AL.L TIM - NEW PATTERNS Gents' Chains and Oisf Busttons, Watches, Cloclcs, and Silverware, Plated Knives and Forks Much redisced in Price. Watches, CIock8 and Jewellery Repaired. FAL L .EX-HIBITI-ONý Dry Goods & Millinery ÂTrr Dominion -:Wareroonts,. VOL. XXI -000- OPENING -ýDAYS, Saturday, Monday Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 29th and Oct. lst, 2nd 3rd. S00-- Ml see our Show- Rooms. The biggest display of New, Stylish, Cheap Fal Goods we have ever shown. We have given our Dress JAM ES J O aN STONe'lGoods Department partionlar attention,. and show a Fi BBaOOK-STfRRT, WHIITBY. FARM FOR SALE. One of ithe besi furme iD Pickering for alde, ccniaining oes undred and twenty- five acres.- This property in situated culoet 16, B. P., is oeeand a hall miles tzem Pick- ering Village, halt a mile from G. T. B. sta,- ton, thre. miles frcm Pickeuing habor Mnd ml iles f rom Whiiby. This ia a ver7 de- sirable property snd in a high iae o f culi- vallon. For furiher parmlus apply le JAMES PICAND, on the prembses, or to Pickering P. 0--tf. Horses for Sale. One spma cf daught and one General Par- pou%- coming 4 Yeaold Ang 21, 18.--W-t. A. ANNIS, Ushava.l NOTICE. -Hsving nov oomrnenccd a Er- ùbASE BaUINESU I bave laid solde my bocks. No goodu vii b. bege ate t~sdate To cave mony favorcash yrur mes, on whic 1 wi giv à dmou percent. on aIl Wû~emover819 suge xcepl.d.' P. B.-Prodoos vil be laken ai highest Market price.as herctofore. W. BURGES. Belmam, 04. 1.1, 188-42-SiD. NOnffl-A EHarmt Hoa stival yu b. beld (D. V.) in the S&OolHos ai the bey. outtboballof thé Sebabhoe cf 8. Jobus' Episeepal hurcb, on lb. sgigspeecheu, readiu Tiegetsfor adoulse 2o., M i « large stbmdao nce m mciem peofufly s=014friands cf Sabbalhh Umls ad " JOHN D. HOWDBNI Cmas. FAR M TO- LET. A"I b PW Mm"% nBrnsir ais 2 am. H Ohava. 0uy -C a 18TO"4.U Range with Trimmings to match, at prices that cannot1 beat. We are bound to give you the best value for yoi money. TAILORINGT TO ORDEFR We have ail the Newest iPatterns i Tweeds, Woreteds, Pantings and Overcoatings and best man ini town to make them up. '.Our new ocutter givig universal satisfaction, t]l Our oustomer sayso 0. POWELL&0C o EitabIished .1 The Leadlng WeekIy lu D1 i poTennuin luadva.nc e.Sb1nptosare sl'q -lioffice c pbictin Steain cqmipmcut and1 Book sud Job prnuting plh Ontario, Capable et executiz, vork broni lbe large posteri handbilL Speciai mention .Uusurpassed. press f scililies "-Lis$ Wtit uscelebrsted1 .yvinder pressud other m eu0es.. Bvcry order rcccivci fu ietuieu. TERMS 0F ADYRE UO FirsI insertion. per ino,ý subse4uent insertion, 5 coni beDipiayed Advertiserenti by t alosol od:-Neuper ti aceerdingly.* Advertuojmenis seul instructionas inserted util chargsd for full lime. Orders.for discoutiuuing munet he in vniting, otherwi eors villut eticresponsible. .A libéral diàcount 1cr coni mceelabythb. year.. Oôpyý conêrat dveniiaerents ahi In netl[aber ihen Weduesdua et anyintended ohange a before -Tuemiday noon. - 1 menîs recoived ùu tle Thursi lie Busi ess notices in local 0a peroUùeeni erlin vek Gonrespoïdenco molicýitsdý co rrempondsnls are 'roquas thoir ommuuic&itonsas u Sup'iMePt ieD.' JOHN z.: JAMES ILUT! e noyai Rote%, o~kstI. D -V1D OMS AGENT! '6841. LU are invited to OHEAPEST 1 lEa OF Hardw.arE MN THE CITY.C FARMERS'C200DS, BUILDERS-' SUPPLIES, r MECHANIOS'9 TOOQLS. GO" 'Assotet w ý W"" là le à% ONM d% IL V 1 CWID

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