~--:-. EsON 8AqgU4EU:ILIJW Odusa Letter tM London Newa. wu asenabled Ibis mnorning tw infleeo tbo internai arrsogimênti Ofthleà Ilugsin convict transport Nizbni-Nov-o gcrod, whic b&mils henoe thile evoingr ,,th 460ocriminal depoîtes foi 1h. 1, Ilussien penali ùald etSaghalieu., J Tbe Nizhui.Novgorod issun iron eteam-' or of about 8800 tons. burden sud je *5jieiy fitlod as a convict transport. t With a full cenipleinent of convica sthei' veggel oarriod 652. The more desperate charactel!s are Vanicled and obained te iren staples in their berthe, froin whîch thtsy are releaaed m-heu oessary. A.mong the 460 convicts carriod by the. lqizhui-Novgorod about 160 are mur- dorers, je addition to their varions terme cf bard labor in tho minousud quarrios, ,wul be inflictod lipcn their arrivai a niamber ef blows trou tho knout, varying froma 50 te 125, sooordîng ho their crimes. Manaaled an~d crouohing st the end of ene of the cages mas a son. viet about thirty-five years of ago.E There w&s nOtbing partxcuiarly villan- ious in tie man's face, though il m-se by ne Means oeil favored by nature. What etrtiok me especially wae hie pailid look and apparontiy goneral bodily lauor. Beven yosà res&go tues man hsd aomr.itted marder aud m-asi cent te Siboria for life, the firaI fivei yeara' bard labor te bA workod in thie1 Minew Afler tie expiration cf bis1 mine Iabor ho managpd te escape sud1 m-u only rearrosted atler oommitîing a1 iècond murder. Ile ije now seutenood to mine labor iu Saghalietz-for Hife, te receive 125 blo-s cf tho knout on arrivai on the ieiand, sud thereafler te be chained te bis barrew or baud- waggon for the iret lwelve menthe of hie sentence. In these cases there je ne nuchanging; the chaine are m-lded ci, thc aonvict's limbe. "Hem- iog do yen imagine this poor wretch mill ex- lis under the conditions et bie firet ,year'e punishmeut ?" I saked my guide, m-ho has epent ecue yeaà re o7 offical service iu Saghalieu. "Poomibly a menth or two. The. eborter the botter for tho peor devil:"'Il is the question vhich doe net appear te coeur te tie 1"human. itarian" defondere of the Russia penal code-wiether capital puniebuent m-r. net an unqualifiod moy te snob criminais and theïr number is terribiy large st Rusis. The. conviotse horror aud dread et hsving to live ont these sentences i.s hown by the deeperate attempta at self destruction ho is ever ready le make. The scene on board these departing ehipe je altogether sddening and dpreeulug, penbape the more se liai one doen net hear a murmur or lament fromn the etelid- loeking sud brokeu.spirited wretobes crowded bebind thp bar@ of these cages which remiud tht' p '-tator oniy te, forcibly et the wi1d-bý-a-,t dou@ m-e arn aocuatomed te seo ln a travelling -Mouagorie. Many young ohildren become pcsitiveiy repulsive -iti ore eyem, ore ours, sud scald head. Snob afflictions may b. upeedlly removed by lie use ut Ayer's Sarsaparilla- Young and old alike expenlence thie monder- Wu bonefita o! Ibis mediaine. Wît and Humor. To iLomove paint-Sil dom-n on Il b.- fore ik firdry. The den efthle poker player i.sert cf sun"Ine" vecu. People are nom- returoing front thsir summier vacations for a, mucii ueedod rosI. Il is'l alm-aye lie usn liaI makes lie- nost gracefal propomal liaI gels lie girl. When vain lie, if she gels lie biggsr hall o! the. umbrella, they are lover ; if -ho takes thie bigger hall, they are atar- Fred-"'You are. simply perfect, Annie 1 Antie-"4ud 'yen-yen are perfectlyesimple." Masculine bresci et promise came will neyer auocoed until lier. -are tomai. j uules./ Thon. le noe in luelling ahungry man te bo patient l. Hi stomaoi "le a condition nett hieory." - The mem caurions thhng about a falie- iood j ia htitilcaq, gel ovor se mach territery by siruply lyiug arouud Quille are thfiga lia&»are memeimes ltaken trou the. piui*o f on.egpose te sîpread the onions et anohher. Il iremalns t b. ,seen whetiev lie latel disturbanco lun&fgianlian viii 'be a rovolution or Ameor insurrection. Iu Denmark moet cf Ithe girls nre train- ed lu agriculture, Iu tbia country th. girls take more kindly to iubsndry. l>asseugem ou' hie limited-hîe yen the. coudualor -on the Pullman car, ai Cenductor (meekly)-N, mai, I su ansrely lie -éonductor of lie train. Seonte politlcians esy liaI m-iskey is the boot tIiug for pnsiing s canua. On tie aetrary, mind je tie best thing, se auy yachtman m-lU 1.11 yen. "I gaffer dsesdfufly hem ennui, doc- 1cr," eaid Mr* Boire. "Do you.tili e- "taihle old habit o!f aklng to 0your- seIf, sir ?Yqueried lie phyns ann»- cenîly. Tii. trouble milh l-the oucomu hall singer m-ho warbies "I osaeot sing Il» Old longs" 1 is ai edoeehtt 510000 any botter vlltiath newr 0fl. "eI e lvo"p.&Pa gda&MIyen MY si~ Bi.c gth sgug lu aba1 faI1eu heir tls Portion of.au 68,00,000 1 loealiiuof ths Iatom' 0 ha#à l 0 'lokis lftither abIabh B1h uota hiotel porter. Mr,. Agile (10 Mr. Stoulmon, aller a liard inn for a horso.ar)-"By jv old boy, I theugit you vere toôi lsmy ho run 11k. liaI. Mr. Stoutiman (languld- Ly)-"Easlly explauded ýmy dear boy, lazinesa ana lu our-faýmiy." Stioke"Oar (deecribi 1ng a recent 'col- lege boat-raee)-",We bfel confident aIl the. lime liaI if only oui wînd held eut, wo'd cou.eut aiead. misse Simplicity -'Oh, thon il m-as a ssîlbhoat- race. And did the. wund hold out ?" Il is isid liat vomen are net finau- ciers. Thia je juat about -selino as the staiomoent tisi enllcrove ane m-bte. Uand a $5 bllo 1he fair occupant cf a bazair et a churci fair. sud se. hew muai change you gel bsck, 0, no, m-e men are not financiers, 0, nq 1 -Didn't yen meet fahhor in lhe hall lat s yoen et eut ?" se.aked un cold, sarcashie toues. "No." ho repied eadly, I didu't meot hlm. W. ver. geiug tliemem-ay, sud I m-as cnly a short distance in front cf i." " 1- o$," she said with a crtuel sigu, signifieaul emile, and eaied away. III eaunover bo more than s sieher ho yen," said s buiem widom- tondorly te a baciolor m-ho iad proposod. "Ai, madam, yes yen eau," ho responded gallantly; III am net s man te loee&Il hope." "7es but really -j aBunot," feh. persieted. "But' be said, "yen torget liaI yen haveclanghtere. Yen m ay yeî b. my mthier-in-law." Editor'a vite- "Moray onume!1Wiiat'a gel inte yen?2 Yoeeem incapable ef saylng. a deceut tiing, sud yen mis- judge every motive sud misinterpret every m-ord that I uttor." Editer, bumbiy-"Pardou me, my dear. It's ouly hsbit-thst'saI&H Remember, I au in lie midel cf a prosideutial Cam- paigu." I'Remeumber, uy boy," said 'Uncle James, as ie gave Bobby a coin, libaI if yen tako careofo!thei.pennies lhe dollars mil take care of thomselves.'t Bobby ioohed a trifie dubions. III do take car.eofthe pennies," ho replied, "Ibut as fsoon sa they girow te be dollars Ps take care et 'em." .Efflo--"'Georgy sud I hiave been dem-nI shains lu lie dininu room Mr. Miheis. We've been playing iusbaud sud mif. 1" Mr. Mricism-"Hom- 414 yen do Ibat my de&ar ?" Effie-"Wiy George est i oeeond ofthie table, sud I est st tho cîher, sud George said, "This food ian'I fit le est LV aud 1 said. 'il'. ail you'll gel! suad Gergy mid a Wu word sud I gel up sud left liervoeu 1" Editer Dans, .t lie Surn, tliuk0 list yonng people sionld nover kies nntil after &bey are marnlod. W. vlah Mr. Dans would tell nsO wist'te do m-ien yen soit sud trembling ask : Will Yen b. mine?"' sud rie .1111 moresosftly snd treublingly m-inpon, i"Y.. ?" It le ur humble sud inalienable opinion if even kisa woasmade for suythiugin lie mold il m-se made fer liaI suprome momient,' We haive speken. L'.D ne e. lking, I dou'h seeshem- I eau go, IlsBia Mrm MeByle, I have no- îhing te vear." Il Nothiingte mest 1" exolsîmed Mr. Mes.; vIwere ln yeur cresm satin ?" 1"1Wby, John, hem- idia- nions yen ire P" Yen - kuow liaI is vovu tineadbane 1" 1I-dou't ses hm- that bau ho. Yen have net m-onu il abeve lire. limes." Vevy tino but thon Ihink etflthe limes I had te lry il on mhile il mas uuaking. flIe Fineat Wheat fleld in the World. W. copy lhe feoming trou lie Be- glus Loadir: "The Liader rePreenl- tative d&ove sneu fle rou Indlan Roea ho se a eld of mhet»bout whici ho hud heard muci. Tfii. Hoaders vii tell yen Ibisfield, m-iioibe lonip le Mr. W. WiUJbuasud hus 0sonsd cevers 185 acres, le thé.beet iiithoemorid ; sud after drlvlg rondit I au no$ in a position tlu dispute theu v-eîd.. Il le t:na ~Modoèl fied-evel as a table, ntading higi sud straigitsud show- ing gréat boud-lu fact, s saupie of mhat t l Nrh-eel eau produce m-heu alded>' ýgond faumîng. Tii. fermera hors a »'Ith0onugh believere lnu-worlng lihe land syst.uatieally sud w.flhoro- lu lies the tine secret of âmà esfa cropa. Umii. Jas. Haîve> (m-ho has a 1plendfid place), Boone sud XMuer sud Wiiamson'have net met with a -crep failure, evon lu lie dry yams. A p*lci et ladoga viiost 0 .o Wukmeo's faim m&-e " no-nhis eek 1.erlim Bcd Pyf. ajeining suda nom-loJ MjuIa forva;rd. Osteo e-e uon ut* bloe dolug remswarksMbly m-eU, but.* fi.l pjow- ed -in on »veedaW" m-as te noew. Meugrs. Boon. sud Miià lo nIi asmmtethofaulfoe 1r kuom-u sa, he aoky trin Th yaé252 acrso! wvsI 0o!paîtesud b"aile ready fo tbedylie ona lie 8h Bobine l ie eprend.Peusor Ofaà sdal- sud ,diploma à given ai 1h. Ooln"sud ImNdi Bxhfibdton fer- Nfi,*hW. -boi. l o helýde a rida .iv, r tropi>', which-cost $759 "_ d is offéred b>'th lidisanHead Apicula -0 clety, te b. mou tîro limes by the -lai- mer m-ho saries off lie meut ~r l1iat.es l ie bdut. Ti heh .yourael! o! îhis trcnblesome dieapeedly b y lie marne means. ýAtai ngts Orisatiim-ite, lie man m-be nlu rdered G' W.Johston on the Suefleoatoil rosd Thutes day nigbt, bas been eaphiUred iu Ssan Juan ceuuhy, Col. A Rare CelblnateD. Tiere ie ne othor remedy or comblustlen cf medicinos thal meets se msuy reqUire- monts as lees Burdeck Bioed Bitteral U its wide range o! pom-er overisnob chronie dis esses as DIyspepsîs, Liver sud Kidney Complaint, Sorofule sud ail humera o!flthe -blood. A two-cout lbIter postage, sud eue-cent neyepaper postage ia boing agitahod bolveen Great Britan sud lie States. Là r «A. L v E b1-M A New Home 'Iroalment fer th. Cure of Catarrh, Catarrbal Deaheusand Hlay Fyeer., The microscope has proved that these dia- osses are contaýgions, sud ibat lhey are due te presence ef living parasîtes in th. lntonllning membrane ef the upper air passoges sud eus- tachian tubes. The eminent scientiste, Tyn- dail, Huxley sud Beale endorse Ibis, sud these authorities canuot bo dispnated. The regniar mothod of troating those disoases- han been te apply an Irtn0eeym-olsdee dly, tus keepiug the delicato membrane iu a constant stateoe Irrtatton, aIlom-ing il ne chance te beal, sud as a natural consequence of such tziesiment net eue permanent cure hian ever been recordea.Itis auabeointo tact that qhese disesses canuot be cured by suy applica- tion made oftener than once lu tm-o voeks, for the membrane must get a chance to heal be- fore the application ls repeated. Il lu nom- seven yearu uluco 1Mr. Duxon dlacovored the parasite lu catarrh sud tormulsted bis nom- troatmeut, and sinco thon -hie romedy has be- corne a houseold word lu every ecountry m-hore the> Engllsh Language in spoken). Cures effected j him seven years crgo are cures stili,' there )&ving bee» no return of the disease. Bo highly are these roniedîes valued, that ignorant imitalors have started np every- m-bore, pretending te dostroy the parasite, of m-hich thoy knom- uothlug, by romedies, lh. resulta o! the application et which they are equally Ignorant Mr. Dixon's remedv 15 ap- lploeuy once lu two m-esnsd from eue ta tare. applications effect a permanent cure lu the mont o.ggravatod cases. Mfr. Dixon seuda a pamphlet deecriblng his nem- treatmeul ou the recelpt of stamp te jpsy pontage. The addresu lu A. H. Dixon & Esou, 303 King-st reet m-est, Toronto, Canada.--Sclor - tifle Ainerican. It is Absurd For people to expect a cure for Indiges- tion, unlesa they refrain from eating m-bat ia unwholesome; but if anythlng wiUl sharpen the appetite aud give toue te the digest~Ive organe, it is A.yr's Bar- saparillea. Thonsaudsalal over the land testify to the meritu cf Ibis medicmno. Mrs. Sarah Burroughs, of 248 Rlghtb street, South Boston,v$les::IlMy ha. band ha taken Âyer's Sarsapailla, for Dyspepsia and torpid liver, aud bas been greatly beneffted." A Gonfirmed Dyspspic« C. Canterbury, of 141 Franklin st, Boston, Mass., ites, that, sufferIng for years, from, Indigestion, ho mU-at lat Induced to try Âyer's SamPuUlla and, by Its use, was entirely cured. Mms Joseph Aubin, 'of High street, Holyoke, Mase., à taffered for over a year !rom' Dyspepsia, se that she could ual eât substatWa food, became Tory weak, sud was unable to care for ber farny. Neither the. medicines preacrlbed by. physicians, uer auyo! the remedios advertised for the. cure of Dyspepsia,. helped uher, until aie commenced tbe use o! Ayer's Sarsaparilla. "Tbreo botties of this medicine," she rte s, "cured me." Ayer's *Sarsaparilla, Dr. J. C. Ayer- & Go., LOw.iI Mais, SAULT Ste. MARI E CANAL "WU oticConhaotors -nuderslguod,srid>endoieed "Tenders for lie SaulI fila Marie Can"' mil h. celved at ti.office nutil lie arrivai e1thle esleru sud mwesern mails on TtTESDÂYT lie 28rd day e! Oclober,, next, for lie fermation sud ceustrumen e! s Canal on lie Caadan aidé of li?è river, hrougi lie Island of St, Mary. The morks viii h.lot1ilu lm-osections; oeue cf yhîci viiieahrac e eformation o!l te canal tbreu I i sland; eoËstvnotlbn 0f locks, "&,ITheochier; tlb. doepening aun, m-lenlgofliecianewà y êt- bothi mdi, o! lith nae ostucio f pon, &e. A ap e0.ie0loaliytogervihpln sud aptialone the voria, mbehe -aibisoffceon sdaliTIDT i Mh ayo! Oêtober, noxt,--ý'hêe.-.pmnhd îbrus o! tender eau . ase-- bJ-obtained. k Ulm-iim..O cln formation, re1live -t te mofss eaube see*n aMItlis oSci cf the Lecmai fer lu lhe Toçmn o! Seaulsto.. Dr. Chase HRe a worM vwide repuaio e spbsllanI sud suther. Hi. MauLrake nDaneinLiver Cure lsa atrium p h efmédical 5kiW, euring sU diseasof Q the Kldney and Liver. fF$IMPTMOMS O:B1 PflhllhIl Distressing acbes ~UIIFhu rijiiTiand pans inthe. base etteadm.; scalding urine otten ob- atructed - fréquent desire te urinato, especi- ally aItn;et, among aged porions :hot, dry ekin. paie complexion, red sud mhite deponits, drepsicai 1Smellngs, &o-, Pain under shen LIVERCOMPLINTIder blades, Jan dico, shallow complexion. a meary, tired feel- ing, ne -lite or energy, headache, dyspepsla-, indigestion, spots, pimples, &o. HOW OURED. Mandrake sud Dandelion are uatnre's Idver curée, sud mheu combined with kIdney rome- dieu, as lu Dr. Cha.se'@ Liver Cure, m-ll simoat positivelycure sU KRidney-Liver troubles. Il sce like a charm, stimulatinî hie c1oged liver, strengtheuin gthie kidneys. and Ivior- atiug the m-bol. body. Sold by ail dealers aI $1, wltb Receipt Book, vhlcb alone le verth the meney.KIDN Y Lt V ER -l.à ayb ae drn m Walker iron plow, Pattorsen gang plov, lsylon rooel dri!l, land roUler, Ayor'a trou harrewa, Whitby harvester aud mewer, P. HOWÂRa ANNES. Wbitby, April ôth, '88. AUTHORS & COX ARTIFICAL, And Apianoes for au Deformitios of th.e u man Body-Spinal Dis. mea, Diseusuof lb. Knee and Ankie, Knock Km«o, Boy Legs, Club Foot, etc. Wr Ohurh 5tt, T«oont0s -Ot.- rROYAL 'ýYEASTr lIros. eavA;n e i i 1'aU~~ N Fou 3HE3zu"TISM in OBES. vOR nB sona une AND n -loeZUEz m0 BIOKER ERES, BERBls.APPE OCS vou 80seu eiunns», sel aBcHae. V'on ]MOT» Eet AMD S00E MOUTROI W MM18P von 5PEAIU, CUTi, BEJISIN ices.. Prom HIe.GraS e .Duk ofo!Butland. "Belveir, Grsntbamn, Lec. 1,1879l. Igliro,-Ellme.nBRoyal Embrocation i. used in mv stables. 1 thinkIverl useful. 'ýBVTLMN, Master o! BelveIr Hunt" "C0astie Wetr, Kingston, Herefordahire,- "Dec. Brd, 1878. '#Geutiemen.-liUsS the RoyalEmbrocatleu in my stables sund keunels, sud have found Il very servlceable. I bave aise used lb. Universal Embrocation for lumbago sud rbeumsllam forthlb.Iattm-o yeasasd have suffered very UtIle since uning il. "I. H. Pzzo, Lieut.-CoL, 'Master ef Bad- norabiro Hunt.,, ELLIK&Ws ROYAL EMBROCATION, Sold by Ohemiste, Stores, and Saddlers, Priae 2e. ELUMKetEMBROATION.O SPrA^iNs. BotusIss SrPiorrd£sa. Soute Tm çRoAT .....Co 0. È, .CmLsTrCO L0..o The Sa?>est. Qui ckest most JJ certain remedy 7 F'reparedoa<m4~ ['3,OUCH. ENGCLAN D.] EXHAUSTED VITALITY& T B SCIENCE 0P Medeal Work o!the a5< on M.anhood, Nevous and Phystoi Dlits , Froua. luis D.ebino, rofo Y'outh, sud the wod znlsrleoonuqusthh.rs. malt ooaId. PL »=i iise. lb ÂUypun sud mlddle-9adMOU.n. .4- nov. . Gold mui. Jow.Jflý ed odl avartdoê I lb author by the Nional ioi AsoI lion. Âddroau. P. 0. box 1895, ýBostoni, Mass., or te Dr. W. Hl. Parker, graduaI. o! Earvard Medo&Cleg,9 aVpatc lu Bosoniwh u b constéd confiden- ti&Y. PMtyDiweaeo! Mon,Office, ( ( Ir Ip 'ost rit i or' yq .scrtchlng-very dlstreaslng. I sIom-ed te continue tumors form wh <2tebleed and u1cerate, becoùnfg*;irn SWA.YIiE'B OINT mEfjT Sosthe Itching sud bloeding,- <,heais ulceaion,- and l many ceses remen CAUSE AND EFFEOT.' Maypesns vonder aetlteetare& , m su earyfeeling liai op'rososhemwIth- oM uyptnt cus.Itiab yoety of! l cdora diardered ïstoxiO; in oihor case the utoùnah, blood sud 'Uvor are nevtwpormng îheu re iunotos sud vith xhanyatPM-qhuevflfIe d],heavy h e a'$mm, M sd m otha-sym ai it te bloods llosbyusing Meaoham'8 Mandrake Mxue To »U-i out oelo wrltied: of 1NruuY Stock, otiso aa~o oomzoWsion.,Per- r'Oomfof ja-yo'-,. prIght 0n4 ho2Les, mi'e i neeve ýaw.W be foi.. ApplYvý IwmTei m JOHN FAIIQUHA RSONI CMMRCAHOTEL, Agenfor PhoeniX Pir. OMne, Lndon, Eng.ý Pire Insurance Association, Là ondon, Eng. Citizen'g nsrac ompoauy, Mqra Quebe.Pire Assurance Company. Quebeo.. ZIns 74'o Inaurnoe Compauy à ifod Hamllton Provi;eià l BDSo,.H9-0~ n HIARR>' KE8LE, roprietori. mM-1.00, Per i3ay.. 'WhM BOOMS., GOODITAB14RH Siabung for 100 Horasa., BS' TO