Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Oct 1888, p. 5

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~ARNARD la esevaroÀ HandOmo 8took of Noveltis, JEWEL-RY-, And au eoesptlenally fle etock of W ATOH ES -i- Boid Gold, F/lied à Si/ver Case8 01 exccUenê- deelgn and quâllty, PR/CES DOWNI ~da 88e BARNARD,j -W~IIITDY-. t1bitbp QJfhroickt, FRIDAY, OCT. 5y 1888. LOCAL LACONICSI W1IAT 18 -GOINO ON UN AND AROIJND TOWN-A BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANEO BY CHRONIOLE REPORTERS aÂnhel'e .àmmngye, t"knnt. ,&n, faith hem 1Prout it. The W. C. T. U. Band of Hope viii meet for thie eleotion of offleere en Mfondsy 001. Stb., t 4 o'olock in the Fret Reading Boom. It i. extremely lntereuting te vieit smorn f the. l.adtag Mmnufsturing house@in Toronto. Perhaps the moel .iuterestiwg sud urprising of hem sil ar e exotensive Ornamental StaIued Gises sud Decorative worke of the. MdCOauslsnd à Son. Ilte from this establishment, thst the fineet windows have corne for the prinoipal odifioas throughout oui ooutry.-48-mo. Mr. Geo. Bok, of Bowmativille, a man of experienoe in the beot and shoe business, hau op.n.d s fine stock of boots sud shoot iu the ~Ontario blok, nsai Stephenson& telegrapb offilo. H. hau ne old or bankrupt stocke sud only intende to ssoU boots Worth buyipg. Hi. eholvem are vell loaded 10 commence *with sud his prises ought 10 drav th. public &round him in flooks. Ho marks goode se Io w that ho cannot afford te sli for suythiuxg but cash. OsAi sd ose. hi. goode for yourmevee. 0f the company whioh appeaus here on Monday ciglit nez$, su exohangu may:-" The. annoncement of the ap- pearance of this able actor ith. char. acter of IlShaun Rime," in the Irish oomedy cf thst name, ftlled 1h. Opera Hou. t0 ils ulmost oapacity lust night. It is a rousing gooi pi..., laghter pro- voking, vivalous- sud fai! of reparte. It i8 aeeles e b dd liat, Mr. Murphy va. good; in the. delinealion of Irishi lfaietr ho ia inimitable, sud a. e vocalist be posseses grest power sud feeling. Mr. Murphy va. well suppor& cd, especisliy se by lhe gentlemen Whoi took the parts of IlDonovan"-ý sud the "Dominie." The annual meeting of the W. O. T. U. wu. bcId Sept. 281h in lhe Frse Reading Boom, a large number of ladis being preson. u n eoouragineg report of lust yesrs vork vwu r.d by the Cor. 6ec., Mises Logase sW &alisfaolory r port vas recived from,1h. Tis. Un. OBrien. The folleving offleWers er thon slected for the .nsulg y.ar : Près. Mrs.Dr.Hare; Vise-Pres., Mesdamies H. B. Taylor, Jas. MadiUH. Will.ox,.Jor Harper, Boss Johuston, .p. Germano J. Ht. Gre.nwood, Mime Sanr. Tras. Mie. O'Brien; Bu.. Se.,Mr. W. darne; <Cr. Sm., Mis Legs.;, Audilor, Mm. A. G. Henderson. à Iv. ,'elok tes wu. Ihen given by the ooler una enjoyablo hotw vwu spent, several ladies becoming membere for thei firet lime. A very sA ifatal aSciden ouLq@aed st th.e ehibition park on Mduday after- noon. Under su engagement te rua tLi% osiu.ry toi -th.;eloohe iolghl Mr. Huns wua.mov*ng bis Irai. lieu engins arowud 1h. hra.k lethe x ev. 3. P. auoePub". M.lie.,»14of Ibis tovu, viii pieah Mr& Arsuohe, paolir.of OebasBaha Indla, iii pn in.i the .vembng Joab Billnes took th. sweepstake. toi lie boe llUion ehownu aI l0. exbi. bilion. The. Ladle' Deparmtuae verood. .d ont Ibis v..k. WiII give thoua lu car usil. If the Ouhava EBloohilo Lghh 0Co.dMe net do boller Lhan 1h07 818 at th.e *. hibition, thoy bad botter moa no fuit or advauce. lowards seonriug s contrsot lu Wbllby tdvu. Tii. pissent, mîreet lampe are svsy sbsad eft heu oelsotries. On Tumday ntght a mafl namsd Counors,hlned aItw.Sredie's tsrm, siesed ouestf the sollegiate pupils s&bout ton o'clos.k neàr Mr. Gumphrist's rssldsncu. H. tried le mauge ber cries by holdiuig hie baud on ber menti, but fsiled. Ile va. slopped by soine men sud il jail. Tii. Ontario Oounty Tesober'm In- elitute opened il. smuons yeeterday morning the albendanse beieng iually large. Mayor long sud Mr.i. J. . Dov, ohairman oi the, Board et Educahion, atteuded the moorning session sud ex. tended a velcome 101the lesoheis. Mr. Housdon, Direetor et th. Institute, vas pissent. We have net room for report mnis veek-Tbo sessiens are sonlinued, to.day, te, wib a&l are velcome. W. bog te submilte o'th. streel sein- mlsionei-merely t10 infimaI. lu s mild but finn manner-Ihat lth. sidewslk in front of lb. residenso et tiditor-in- chief of Ibis grisât journal i. net lu sncb s stale as an aistocratio eality de- mande. A few genersi repaire an. neo.suary -until lie end co! the yean, nI vhioi lime vs ssal van for councillon. Il i. uuneeasaiyte, claie liaI, eue. ve gos into the. tovn council, there wil h. pavements laid anstead, whether marble or messie t e .d.oided herss(er. Tho followiug are the oflâseru eleot for the cumuln quarter lu Whilby divi- sion, No. 84 Sous et Tempersuse: Bic. B. M adii W. P.; SimIer S. Me- Carl, W. A. ; Simien L. Wilkinson% B. B. ; Siser 0. Kallett, A.. B. S. ; Bro. J. Pengelly T. .S Bro. W. H. Bevol, Tisas. ; ro. Bos Joinsn, Chap.; Sismtor N. Watsou, Cou. ; Bro. A.lox. Wilson, A. O. ; Bic. B. Homproy, I. S. Four nev members voreis ilited at the lust reular meeting. Tii. Divi. sion meets every Mouday nigit. Mem- bers wiU be plessed to ezplsin theioh. jeete, prinsiples sud vork et the socioty, and reeive lie usansof lboee duien te, booome membeis. Mr. Bobt: MeGovan, vho i. MOI lo.atsd lu Uxbridgo, visîled Whihby or Mconday evening lausu ad snI uanen. joyau. e uig vihhie old triende 01 ". Highland Club. Mn. Ju.. Miller, Preeldent eft1he O. & D. Exbibiliom AsscitinMr. Jno. Farquharson sn other vslr vW e oaise prosent sud con, trhbul.d te lhe eveulug'e en!oym.nt PDuuing tb. oveulng Mr. J. B. Dow ipresidoul of the. club, teck obsaion lc presâtMr.cGorwenvtbsà Vélum mnition o! hie valuablo servios t bg )club duriug hie ounneolion> tber.vlth 1Short sddnese ee ~dolivered bi moyens! memberm efthle slub, a11 ex pressing regret at loiing Mr. MoGovain The club sdjourned 10 Mrs. Bobinsoni oysere parloeasud enjoy'ed tie bf-valve le lemdhentecntent. l. Thou. people Who argu lbah supenfciiclkovlode pioseuffioi.ul I iriu a tbreshlng enu, "haeheld Il a, floot long enougl4 nov, sud. ebould t oompolled te ail 4own a vAIui.te aleo iswesoflthe r.eltuu le tspeak Il S. *»sY o see tbat i inhi tosh as mon vWho make sbd sungi.,Mos sa an 0y Tom, Diok or arn umr M lh.m-hIhe oy eud -1n»ot 0ssii hAiqae reaily othervime; but Ibi" il "ai It siiffiienh l.e89f oppoitol su rreokieme vork. Poeouslly v. BisDa m muola lroubled villa o o t ,bult'i it have naveïyet veulures usa Oas le ruuq Wa ioou.vo84m ikuov 1b.lier théb. diver« knov o bueinesor Dot. iftho di hhar vM p semémougrlth.did Dot lIiuVs w it uolbiugelse .bal danger.,Kiglal De wo v.biin imoulof loded omuba in o la Obil playlng witi a torih behlud -i r tlio*oparm 1414, long. .uhl1»b rè hinftmesUre about Ibi# Maltern ta i Sintereste of afaaaufgshurers and aR SPorbapo pe"e;ll. i sylii gbWhio preulda oe$h etu WU su- &00 --Y.ê -Who - 06 ,w amwd l.the on bos W ýP-d ofon ine ft-ý_b ts"h4 hOÏ W G W~i.è'.pries jov« *ê Ou T~umAb git Rosâ»el Look gol drumanâmsb.dawadovti a sid'a bairber obop, sud on Woidnee-,d-yngt suOshiva mms, smod Fiuber, bro s glàee sinl esyvrd -& Oo's. front. Byolm la ommenolng les eanly lu MmIbIucm notes. Iu tire. respects lie Wihby Exhi- bition ocipsea a&H lie shows lu tie couns- try. Inthe firsl plac eau sgot uphe biggest boiler explosion. Kllling a couple sud soslding s fev mors haiftoledeth la quit. sa blov off.lu lie second, là vould b. impossible 10 bear tell of s meansi case cf oiminal sanl han îhst vici ecsuied on Tuesday nigil. Thirdly, sud lsstly, tbe cîcotrio ligil va. verse lisu sould be- produced by any other association. Tios. Biehad a valuable pain et pigenustolon fhem tbe-poulîny doparî. ment. ne figures bihise . t $5. Tii. park ou tho viole va.tho Ibsieet musi admiration sud pîsiso. The amenul et vork doue thbse during tie last Ivo or tirs, menthe i. simply marvellous. Iu every direction buld- ings have prug np'lik. musincouas, sud eut cf lie viole has evolvod s mont psitect arrangemont. une attraction o! lie hw vwu difsabled liîesiug engins. Il is s unvleldly looking hbin.g, neaîly ise o!fs a alay locomotive. the. big lie Tvo soidents ooonnied te mai the pleseure cf lie show-lis oxplosion, notod elsevicie, sud th. iunavay cf eue of tbe trollere. lu the latter ceuo, yonng Adami, ef Oshawa, had dniven lie boee dovu th. slretch, ou Wsd- nomday afternocu, st a pretty fast joie but belug compelled letaitn off as lis stand te avoid r inlg lu auaong lie collogiate pupils, i. m6de toe quisk a canve and smash- Ids ig. Ho vas lirovu off, but clung te0th. linos until lbthe rse bsdwheoeod8 deanr arund, aud h. va. finslly laid out. Iltecok soeo ime te rovive hie enues, bat heovas net vony serioumly hart. The. nain ou Mondsy prevented1 hundredu frein bringing l in os taff lu ail the. deparîmentseshown lu lie p&vilù. Sîil lie show vas tnouaeud- oas lu al lishse depailmonte. Ths Io rticullural doparlmoul .embrgced s displsy impossible te boat. Tii.field grains sud iota drev lie cnovd lu great miape. Cold vesther i. bard ou the fair. lu lie 2:80 race thon. ou Tueedy, ths judg.. sud drivn erate oui. Tvo hosevee r tled lun vois seemsd nip-and-tuck babveen lie hore«, but lb vas kuovu hat F. O. P. Wvas mach Master than sithor Sebont'e mars or MsaKoni's herse, se lie rae vas de- elarsd oit. Tiien au exhibition heaI va. trotted in viloi F. O. P. fairly dis- lancesi lie olisi Ivo. Tii.lattai's driver vas dlsguseod te tiink io iad feuad judg epoptent te demi villa blua, sud b. ussd eomeslrOug la4guaP around the iclele lu sxpre.singis opinion Ibat they vois ail a gang et mosaske. HBe forfeiled bis enirae moey sud gel uoing te psy expeaos.' lowa. 8mart ycung mon semetimos #et a losson at theîr ovu ex pense. Tii. grand stand ha. neoiohrad. Wvanlage han ils bieing te vlnuing osî. Tii. peeding eau ho eeen equally î. voll froua auy part o! tie treek. ~lbus visitons did not seât thommelves s-much as lier are compelled l do ou esnt olier traskm in onder te see tie Tii. tanbark valk outalde the. ttaek sud lie drive onlaide liaI again are lie bit festures lu lie park. Pcoplo may eltben walk or drive round sund 1round, sud yot valci lie epeeding., The. premnes et sevenol ekilfa- lady rider. on lie Iraek ou Wednoqday addod ocueiderable luterosl te the atteaoonas pertormanse. Several side-ebowévereais pled in th. park, conîainlng tie neveu vonders of the wved nd udsandi dat. tonr tb. armtvmency among lb.he eon. The. feilove Wv i 818h. alklng siould b.' eutsned as lie .igbI Wonder. On. bey coellared fileen lb.o!fmaple 9 sugar belongiug ta Mn. Jerry ULk. H As vaPualhliheprise Uin.ufuan, vo emnuot-give ooo tôeiar dentirbe If on .oummd lthe differsul exhibits. Il is mnoedlese*oy tias eh-an$lole Ma show 1k. Ibis la iorth1 etmention. ont of lb rnpng -mu ef9r -pontes noes bmulnlg nng up, reulhing lu "o' aafl >nlig aeo svgbelveen Mr. agw H.GoJdb u Mr. R. >Baila.Ponm*e. * Tb* latter *da both lun--uuniu sd a Thelohindouéeby Porher's Jon B inwnmutheslal fcfoled a ItlLSt OHOICE lu évery department vs offer uniparmfled induementga 1* buyersiiz th. way o f Hg.la ôcio u l eyond questions ad unlimited varliety, in@iiidii-gauI 8etisi 6hQBesns tyle, wi"th e strong indubenient Of ,loW'ries GE-NERÂL SOK0 RY GOO1-_ýDS Inoluding Dress-and of these we ean speak with pride of the qciality, value and choice., W. te-day show the. beat assorted stock of Nev and Pashionablê- Drae Mater"al in Oounty, ))ress Trimminge, Linings, Braia, Buttons,- ho match. Special value, assortment, snd choie. ini Ulster <Cltho, mantie ana jacket Clotho.- Garments ont, It n m.t Order in a Superior Manner and guaranteed correct in Fit and Style. New Mantie and Ulster Clotho J9 t received. New Stock of Blankete, Flannels, Yarns, Shirtings, Getot'"Ffine"l Underelothing, Ladie'"Fine" Underelohig. (LOTILq MILLIDERT. C. THE Gents, wo are showi.ng a very Special Lot of Tweeds, Buitings, Trouserings, Zanlana Winter Overcoatings &c., and yqoa wil finAl they are EXTRA GOOD' VAL'r.- lý Clothing made ho order in BEBT STYLE. STYLE, FIT and WOBK GUÂRANTEED th. BEBT. In thie department we show th. Newest Styles in Hales ad Bonnets muaTin-ig Materias. Ail orders executed in Labesu d Best Style. s rrEw FASH IONABLE MILLINERY FAL HOUSE, 8 8 - WH ITBY. 8 *New and desirable range of Fail and Winter Clothes and beautiful designa in Ladies Oloakinga, have juEt been received by us. Our assortment of Dry Goods is also complete, compris-f ing ail the, uewest patterns au*at prices te suit ail. Grey Flannels cheaper thau ever,. A good article ,hi Union at 15c. per yard, aise a fMi range ef B1auhets, Cemforters, Yarus, Uun warà,ud Hosiery. Our Taioring Department stand *s firat ithe County, aud second to, noue in- the Province. A call will thoroughly couvince you e! the -faot, sud auy eue in Whitby eau testify to the truthfulness of this assertion. Remember th&e place and give U8 0 a Call. RQ)S GLASGOW WAFIE HO- USýE I-- ]Iolds a Choice Assortment "Of: Tweeds ialte.e~ Makes,Scotch Tweeds, FinezÂI-WOol 'CoatÃŽngs, PautingsOroaigOn Tweeds. -We are now prepared te tae.ordersfor Sites aud are ofrn ~a~pi that will effeot.quiok sales. We--liold ;a ehoiceseetnof]rs Go& ii i ,Leading Styles and Coloringa, idso >Trimmiings to mah Ooo toko iiiLadeý' MeÀ*, Youths' aud By'GX fBnII heok FSUOS mnon, we hl&alare sokoadpeu imgquaùlifs of, oU n amme We are making prices interesting tbis fali. A C'hzoie Stock of Giroceri'nesOÃ"k& u Far~merW- ProdW~e taken in;E~htoo ~a a I~ A f 1RO m «JAý.:DT:D. IRW

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