Dmpppd zrp] thle 0101148.- 'lrsglc BalloOn Ascension itOttav#.1 Mà yUlGjA3à FALLS BROU AÀHIGPT 6OP à ON THOUSA3W VEM&T. OTAWA, S~~ 4-h elo e conulafl by PWol.WÙUli.<D, d*v as aVaOMPSab$ ci m51me iO s0 pin.1 fui sud evful as, LailinM0t ' ay-goth. toua Of thousanudi of apealtors. The bailooS vas fully infiated about 5. 0P. M., sud the scor e eai mon Who vers holding it te th.' serti let 'go -sgianul tanclOfuys ail exoopt au untogtuna1e young man named Thomas Wen.ley, of Ottava. Just boy it cocunidvilii novrer b. kuovu, but wbeu Williams and i balloan ihotlipUardwiih thb zped of an arrow a hun ufaim vas oinigte the ointes, and e buman voie. oried for holp. Up, up went -th. orial caraft. and strong meule as blancb5d and women skrauk in agony froan the ocone. The olicging victina triad te twist is legs around the peu- dent nopes leeding frain the balloon te the parachute# bUt vas Unable te do se, and net until e height of a thonsand feet or more did hie hold loossu, sud the poor fellow came down ta certain desth. Whou he lot go hie hold ho came for soea distance with hie foot towards the gronud, thon h. turned over on bis Bide, and vas pîeiniy accu drawing bis-armiacres. his lace, as if in the &et of rnbbing the perspiration frein his brow. Turning over with hie lace downwairds ho dieappuared frein view and wau found a few minutes aftorwards in a field adjuining the Ex- hibition. Your correspondent, along with Mr. D. O'Loary, Inspectai et Do- minion Police, were ameng the first te view the romains. The unfertnnate mn lay on hi. back witb hi. hande outstretcbod, and looed as if ho had died a natural doath, there being ne marks on the bedy of anv kîud. Life waseoxtinet. An examintion of the romaines sowed that the nsok vas broken and th. bancs of the legs and arme almait smaehed ta atome. The unfaîtunaesYoung man vas th. son of Mr. Wenulsy, af tie public Worke Dopertinont, wbo is bighly re- spocted houe. The body was cauveyed ta his home on Ohapai atreet. PHOFESSOS WILLIAM' STATIMENT. From the lime liaI the poor fuJIow lot go hie haiS until ho struck the. earth vas 82 seconds, taken bya obronomèter an the spot. This vilii pve an idea of the height h.ovasin the air. Professor William. was intervieweS 1o-nfi ht by your correspondent regerding the sad affair. III oelled ont te hlm," eid the Profeeoer, ta let go as; aan u tie 'bal- boon sterted, when 1 sav him klchine thero, but aIl h. did was ta look et me and give me a grin with bis montb whilo ho kiokod fioroely with bis foet, clenching bis handi in the canvas with a deatblike tenacity. là my* opinlion ho mnuet hava gans insane. The bat- tom of the balloon -vhen infiated vaes about fiîy lest acrose anS thensfore he vas about tvonty feet te lhe oulside af me and I vas poverlesà iu auy va> te render biman ssstance. Ho nover sopoke to me, but b.ld on for Seat 1#e.. 1 vil nover fbigot my experieuce asu the blodd eaiiied iu My teins vile I eagerly vWatchsd bhin in hie perileus position, and at lest when ho droppied put mo in the parachute, deacendiug ta deatb, 1Iwva amait paralyzeS. As ta vhat prompted the Young man te, do FOIRT .WAvUR, lad., sept. 27.-En4ith Hamilton, thé flilem-.year olSd dng4ter af Montgomery Hamilton,, a leading - banker maSpabiiian, le -lbheroýine af the dsy. Sie. cptureS-a burglar ulugs-baded ud trneShlm oveo to, the police. About 1 o'clock Ibis guoru- ing Miès *ESlth voke op bearlng lame- baS>' provlug rund lb. house. 8-- h. juxuped ouI af beS, sua"oeS a revolver vblcb le>' onl the er, ant ruput Imb the. balilWhoah. vas OpUfroýted b>' a maiked burgiar u îl.4foIrU Tho pluky girl orSer ie tlo surrender, but he- Svâcd~-pM - Ir.4 Thon se.relieS tieplatel. - e b lbè1 anoiel>' uliteSa asligbf vwound on ieh rilsle hed, -but hlieb.gged'lis 7"rl net ta shoot egm*n. Bh. ke-pî-ie fe ~w covered villi ber pstal sud call.4j foi holp. Tbe fumota.. thei lii. hanseore loo figb 4ained 10 came tlatlb. rOqoe, but two politoe offleers vbo baSâi&d lbe shot appeered on lbthe ne, This Morning 3udge 0'Bourkesoumeno thue b thief la four -y@&r» lunlb. enieali 'aie usine lu Mertin E. H ,l. emva tounisily ecaployed linlb. machin soo et thb. Penusyltenia Rairoti Mmne. Chillne-N"lsso" n anbor. Mvy mamhaw aof he Vanna Wama'i 1A OCuagegatlonal jl KRu., hmyomag a aung ladies tre auloiu Tii._Dtuchess of, W &I ~V5~iV~OW5- a gren a ueW"z- dW4lMkIes ~gil ~hobus but lit dlok aer im..- L.ý4mlug Englisi guumam e orat î4 *e . bhoa d athe siumbrW odeta fine season-iic"a1d 10 b lb. Wt.u3nof ai the Enëà h ýwomà A cf i Byi ai.~O /ome pietïr,&isbng à Spani Généralof _Baroeqùa bies bequeathod ca-mi1an rfraicuté fownia a ~euefor 1h.,oren'dà 'ghièrs'ofjaoor offitot, a proviso boing 1thaleacîh lmuet b. beautifull ntau. anS foima,Ilbecauue the anr. lovaly a vomen le lbh. more abse is expos0 odmpidaner u l"i. vold.82 Pauline Lucca là ta iug fifty-alghto in oonoert in th. lemSing aýitios aI Noml Anioriça. Il lesanid ohé fsla toreeve $1,500 a nlght sanSaU the eenese of herseif, her hushaud, her uaiS sand ber poode-the Ibres inevitable accessorles af every ansI-es. prima, donna. Dr. Maria Heslep, who vent from In- dianapalis, Imd., lesd opni smedical aassloary taOChina, wntehome that oe dose no shopping in Wuohang, as il wouid ho dangolrous even ta, ride in an open chair on saine af thé streets. Sho neveu walke unecocmpanied, even an tho privats etrocte.' Mrs. .Ballock, of Milton, N. Y., thii summer ciered 81,60aJ tram fia'. acres cf respborîs, vlth but tour months' wouk. She paiS mon for sotting out tbe plante, anS vomen and children for picking the benries, and Ibm uoesuenb cars in putting thein on lbe merket in abn attractive way thsl she found pienty of buyers.1 Qaeen Victoria, il is said, has begun ta deveiop a feudusse for the gaie.of whist. She is not satlsfied ta let a day go by without baving bor rnbber. sh i. nal a brillant player, but @ho trias oonsientîouely ta satisfy ber partucu. Thase sabout ber are beginning la be boueS b>' bon incessant bonging ta in- dulge in the gaims. Si. eau stand a long siege et the tabls anS often vessies thase who are pieying wit bher by ber dîsinelilution ta, quit. It is saiS that she hale. ta Jlse ber money as mucb as tiaugh mie ver., poor-for she pîsys th lb Bai Enis game of a guinesaa corner. Qusen Victoria hbu a rernekabi>'fiue hieSd et hair, for a lady af her aga; but ber son, 1h. Princi Waes,is quite baiS. RaS hae useS Ayau's Hein Vigor sarlier iu lite,. his hesdmigit, la-day, have beau, as vl jevered sthst of bis royal motion. Il'. not tocIseyet. bODOUZO. Mande>' aternoon, Sept *24tb, John Gaule>' anS Bobt. BoolI verse ngageS in hauling manure, vhon Beatt cmet vith ratier a serions acidsut b>' falling from tbe baSd, -.unoticed by oauley. Re lit onubi béaS.Whon Sisoavred bu vas uncansoos, bel under the inediosi cars af Dr. MoNichali b. in progrssslg fsvonably. Aà pa4ihb"ont bah place on saturday sesnlng lait. master George Field, non of 0. C.; FielSd . P. P.. vhile . iu bis rooit u s aling a revolver, vben lu saine mnes the bammeor beoame caugbt sud e ebamber Siscbarged. The bullel lodgsd in lis fl.aby prlaf ieisand snd canueSa oonsidlenable floywifboad. The voundl vas dresseS by Dr. J. &. Clark, sud under bis à lilfnl tiestanent lie patient ion tbe high rond le repaver,. - Dow# forit 1h.editor vheu you bave a neya item., If your v%«e inks yon, lotns knoo*fit, and va viii seI, Il nlghtl bdorie - pbis. IU yenbat.e cernmy7, 011 us,$I yos au Mot ashana- oSaif visilois. a youngster arrves sI yaur hoe, .glgfrralmeut, bu>' a quârls's orlhof cigars anSd came around, anS if you arc -acasi subsoriber voth viiifuab a sille an aner If *« have asooW« golierlug ol a 1ev of your Moenda, brlng around a , hi caks, evea-or oigil Pies man&a-bam. Ascrpftrooif b. Part.Hope papotres rélike Ibis : «The local base. bal leaa Wbvent leoCobourg on. Say blut ve.k o lay 'a asa gemp,ý esm, bookblteveaming vian sud saS- Ser you.tbs, and vilkmov lu thefuture liai Cobourg as. sralcibillay levu la nol té be' Supsed. ui boys gaI lofs 28 to18# ktthey " h w tek@ il out ai Umpire Woodsideas he vas avway off lu Seelsions. .Borne af our boy& novrer playo * a e.of base- bail beifore, but cter Ibis game* tbey 1db about 'W llispa ge"llgtiItl is 'he tird vlu ,antvs %oeS - over lis diauonmd,' vli -e>wondeffl vivcly, oithy of proiésslonais - 'Wodse" my cosid r meial boys knov olyli110W about base-ballIl in ouI>' naturel hh.y -shoul aMttrJbt lsr Sefim l te . mpiro. Prof. Loao's Magw8aile.rBaps 4higjreomraaed4for alhumwra a"d cher disaeaao. Emotr rnows Josepia nrrov>'eCp- &M~hl ~ing argIl.ryprelio asI use anth nIr vs~thenfr per-- Durln gana lu tin re-gui! tva mon vere drowned FA the thaftalia h. Grand Biter. -Deflate wanang. Negece onhian0d osfrqet> prodne eibns nesuite as taconstitute a defiite i .Tiers lineobette; aster or mare plessant. remedy for Ceugis. Bronohitis, Bone Tireat, Colds and al Ibroat and lang troubles tien Hsgyand's Pectoral Baiuam. coul% «se lWl-a DEOBDBI~ k.D., 1Ë TOW Part. Felr Watei là t Lot. Con; Acisi. 3Fiçi mue 41Jus u=,IVa ru1 Lsment Act) praceul té "mrbensesr for A bok~AT, th. MI lii.foreoon 'op rIOEEBIG. Amouint Goals end of Taxes.Coammeln. i $ ge aie Toal Amount. TOWNSEIP 0P BBACH. 14 7 50 4782 Part8. it : A bolier iu lhe MoeHamiltan sawmil, pà t part X~. W. Blair, Neb., exploSeS, kWltng th. engineer #4 d and fiwnman. Part N. B. WaIfl ho.Fny Met.1. Indications et Dyspepsîia, suci as Sour Stomaci, Hoartburn, Sick Headache. Rislug and Souring o! Food, Wind on tie Stomach,' or a Ohekîng or Gnawing sensation at the p ilt fite are fuUly met by Burdock Blood Bitters which lias oured the worst cases on record. At the Mineela faim Justin Yorko, the driver o! St Paneras ini the 2.45, was tlirown and Iatally injured. Cive Thomn A Chance 1 Tuat je te say, your lunge. Also &Il your brotiing maohinery. Ver>' wondonfal ma- chine 'i i. Net ouly tie langer air-pas. saebut lhe thonssnd o! uitIle tubesud cavilies leading fmom themu. Wien lisse are clogged sud ohokod vith malter whlch ou lit not tab. lier.. your lugs cannot ha1f do them work. AnS viat lb.>'d Se b>'osnol do woli. OeUil t colS,coengi, croup, pneumonie, éstarrb, consumption o 'ofthe tamily ofthIroat and noue sud bosS sud luug ob- structions, ail are baS. Ail engit te ho gaI rid et. There is just- one sure wa>' ta gel id oft hezn. Tuatis ate taes Boscees German Syrup, wviolian>'Srngglst vii sii you et 75 cents e bottie. Evon if even>'. thing else lied talleS yen, you me> depend upen tliiilog certain. Ciicago polico are close or the trail et Tasoott, vho inurdered Mlhlonalre Amas J. 8i41lest Febmuar>'. Whoe Baby w» mAch, ws gave ber C*storma, WhSoe .vuaeCilId. ah. ornaS for Catortie Whou ah. became Miss, &h. dring le Catoris MM "bs ad C.hldriimm. he gavle h=C&uccl4 Tva freiqht trains coUideSuer Gales- bung, i., klig twa men. Cousumptton surl>' cure&. Tom vu rrso: Pie... intr. yensr ers liaI I have e Pm nemed>' for the abats naine dm.B>' us timel'nuetiouanda o! hopolesa cases have been permanonti>' cur- ad. Ia&hall beglad tosend two btties.of rm eSy NiER to an>' o!yonrresodens baeeaitsumptlcn If »oy viii sep 2e thewrB ïmd nSP. 0. adrmo. - Eeapoeetuiy .D. T. A. 8LO0UM, 87 'aoeatreel, forante, OUt--U>bY. Aq Wgterlovn Thon Coule>', e natanlous young criminsl, vas ant Sown far 19 year. A Hsemhl Hp aons ltit l ieuSasé n provIons knavisdge or expeulense, Ilerfar m . ie onms. B. B. Me>' reésonsubhoefor à cur e .. eses e i peveu qpeOefe !honsand vho have useSil, shaws il la have Me&d Sd ave la the vont cases. Tbe »oub«bglat agton .-ahm b.. le- nmoS lu Paris. Frooma..'W"v aPow*4oma r# abi. to take, anad xepola kiW&4 of .uoomfrom clidrwà .or 4dulta, S. W. Pt. 18 and 19 Front 87 Front Part N. i part Part 828 5060 TOWNSHIP 0F THOBAH. 75 1219 241 1 25 8 90 220 9 169 214 TOW EBHIP OP BROOK. a 84 6-74 2 27 1 8 1568 214 1 8 8 48 2 82 TOWNSHIP 0F SCOTT. 85 2 20 8 52 20 5 50 1080 TOWNSBIIP 0F RAMA 20 9 15 8 10 6 7 9 4 17 e17 -9 16 81 ici 60 70 80, 100 100 100 100 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 88 42 86 100 100 29 81 64 98 12 68 15 57 6 61 2805S 27 16 28 8 25 17 16 24 19 20- 10 46 9 20 10 64 17 26 19 86 9 7-6 846 7 25 19 41 5 49 TOWNSH1P 0F MABA.. Pt. S. i il 4 1 Pt. N.l 1 5 61 t' 4 5 49 7 5 200 8118 8 100 Pt." 19 9 19 Pt.N 81 10 il PtSI80o nl 80 il* 12 12 100 N12 12 100 pt.'N22 12. 8 tg22 12 27 Pt. s 8 18 89 8 18 B9 8 18 8 8 18 14 Conni>' Treastrenu' office, 'Whatby, plmLber 7li,18. FINAL 29 -120os Il 62 22,72 115 99 48 82 1288 81i1 81 16 65 5 d9 855 855 1 77 a 1a CLEA RING -Pat-d or Unpalsntsd. patenteS P"tete 1460 nt' 6 10 8 78 PatenteS 9,01, PatenteS 8 72 91 1075 2 19 5 71 PatenteS 2 87 18 17 Patented 2 84 8 48 2 41 2 49 2 27 2 80 2 78 2 81 2 78 2 51 2 68 2 87 2 83 2 87 2 54 2659 2 85 2 81 2 29 2 59 2 24 82 15 58 41 14 74 18 06 888 80 85 29 94 81 14 27 '90 18 75 21 78 12 88- il 58 18 os 19 80 21 95 12 10 10 77 954 22 00 7 78 Patenta Patentea PatenteS Ujnpat'S. PatenteS tTnpat'd. PatenteS - tJnpet'd. 1unpat'S. Patentod PatenteS Unpst'd. Umpat'd Umpat'd- IPatenteS PatenteS PatenteS unpat'S. ulTnpaead. 216 425 Patented 2 40 14 45 UplS 2 89 1401l tnpat'S. 2 67 2589 Paente« 500 12099 819 4651 241 14 74 240 1427 215 408 2 88 84 05 28$, 8404 2 1* 2 77 2 24 7 78 2 82 10 87 282 1087 215 8'92 218 52 J. B. LAING, Co. Treou. Ontarla. SALE Of Orocries, Croekery and Glasswars, retiing from business on accotant offail- ing healti. As lease of Store expires lii aU lie wiole stock- muet b. c léa»td ont. About 50 sette best White Granite. Rich PainteS, Enameiled sud Gui. Të Bette fromi#2 per Set. BeanuW DecorâteaD»inner Bette from 88 per &ètt,- F' Cqman&SSe at and below eoata lins-ai 1)eorab&tM Ab bélw St" 0" eteGlassJugs, Glass Tumblors, ai 40c. and SOc. per- dos., Plai Double MitGoblets eât 60o e. r dozon,. A large Btook of 01808 Lampe, Panay Lampe, Hang*ng Lampe, sud Lemp Goodaet ait VPrice.. Now l8 the time to get your (ilas Fruit. Jame ALawrge nte t on band. -Green, Bleek sud Japsu Tée 20- snd 25c. pet lb. vorth Oct. Fresh BoaledCoffses, grouud dailyas required, beel ade ai lovSt prises . Oanned Gooda, Fancy sud Fsnniy Grocerles- et lowest p~cs This umna, blibt real bune,myeltdem. ditudan IiOfd Wanled.-M&Ay quantiy of ChoiceBstr 'i OUR O AtTftEPMUTIONS. EBemmbm -vs mmubfasus ai ame the sols IeTmbha4frm no ehbmurm.TNEY ARE no IFISJUIUOOIST&S. Oarrupende monumetlal cnsuttloupon aul Ourm5DIsmuuaaleassrnep. Piao% 0ver batli. -TrnoMeiisC -TOILET REQUISITES ]tu Mreng "0 sespecl fy whb, hyen requin weguaranteë e ti egive entire psaisfcin No. lmjpaotsto theolnthe celer adrsna of maidenhoodl;hanmeuhanclcanno* be deteted. $1.25. No. 9 llemeg uninhies. S2. No. 10 Be. moveuIdver Spot&. 5$M5.No. 11iBemovesPlesh Worems. 51.95.No. il Booys Pehes.*' 05 No.l emovesphn leu.4l25 No. 14 Beooys 'ran. $1.2&. No. l Rmou Se&0. No. 18 RemovLPoomaSk.0%Naq. 7Bemovuundue Prespiration. $lSS.No. 18Au absolute unelWne SPOOMtorthertetl mlrrtom. THE 1BUST No. 19 la a doomblnsd initni anSter treatmenlwhio peodily developeru x nu the tomais bat tth poptlouafvoluptuons Dtme. < nielrameu n eian e.- uult& PriS a Torato Mlan orno No. 250ÂOetalncimeforleuorr i6orWht 4%ff eah.Wun Vctoi Mn FR~NH RQULAIONPILI* rPar supero a roà a W enniyLo Ens'bpelbuuaauc=lalew1 .N.v«or â EMiev nai NEURALCIA REATS Can be euredbyu"tn seeft No.U. te tgroe onl "b~t lu eismI 2*-Ml& -p" IL rou Fru1~ DvoeU'mBook, Brook 84..W Uiayfr Kinofaai Th Tie- foiowug lestlmonlali pek WLllb>', Ma>' 4ti, Il 1 hava Ãà ,nhà nissi nclallut r. rie ifl la=s lte <L idBig CY remD =oUn m 1 an lu ei any, e Disesa s enS