A "id rose olamberileg ci'e iawouauV l saby fting is.Qie calirr door. in the fiealà 1mau n lu.powlng, And whlutling au he gees, While the weman -and the baby Are oouuting-all the romu. Anti the foreat stands arurd them, The uky lu upread abeve, Anti everywhere is written, The tnystery o! Love. 'Tis a home that Love le plantinig Where strong, youngifie shail grow. Wonld I had the artist's power, That simple home to show. I would paint the ligltse and 8hadowu 0f that young face se, fair; "Barll'hadwritenthere. I'd paint the wondrous symbole That baby finqere trace Upon the father sqhieek and brow, Trhe love-illumined face. The proM~ise and the mystery Enfolding.baby lite. And- Love's divine tnlfflment, la wedded man and wife. Juet a cabin in a "oclearing."o Ana a wild 'roEie clambering o'er, And a woman with a baby Standing in the cabin door. But Love is reaching downward To lighten toil ud cars, And Love, on awlf t wingés moanting Heavonward those hear ts dothbear. -M. W. Denssxv. The Rugg Documents. CONTAINING THE EXPERIENCE 01P JEBUSHA RUG" IN SEARCH 0F A HlUSI3AND. AUNT1 PATRT 2. (Centimted.') No. 44.-JERUSEY VISITE TEE CÂPITOL. We stayed te Barberryville six tisys, sud bati s very good timeindeed. Afber tiraI we Pot sail for Washington Cityin tire Deeat.riek of Columbus. Boniah ho bad a bouse ail ready for- uished froru top Le tee teo go to bouse- keepiug imb, and Annie waz an tiekieti wilh everytbîng, frein fie black walnnt sefys sud cheers down te the* spidaes sud tin ladies, an a cal wîth awo tails. T kuowedt Iat everything woUld be kinder nov snd sîrange, and ITlhought it wnz beel for rue te go witb ber aud irolti np ber courage if il 'vas lika te Wasshingten ez, an perirapa yeu've hourd, lire place -wire Congris meets te figirt aud casI oee 'orer hiars, sud make a few lave w ben threisaint noIr - ing elue te nmake up tire-ino. Thuy go one. session andi zake tire lavu, sud tira aret session tlrey go sud ennaker %um, sud se bhey keep adoiug peau lu and pear eut. Tire Prusideul lives e toWssiingtozl, vrun ire ain't s gallavautiug about te ire shows aud the laying et corner- Thitey iras gel tirheutosutndlay- ing round buelIle i t f yplace T user seed. The etreele s ovide7nuff for znov- lug fields, asunyYankee, viti a aek- boue, negit value Ive birousntboeheis et early roe pertalers in Panusylvania Avenue anti etill lea*e reoin anuff or tire boss cars sud the raiet ftira raveL Every ethur mnu nd veman. le a d*rkey, aud lire remaining bahle loka kinder nixati- After Bunisir sud i i le had gel tirlrhiingu sol round, aud ildhelpeti Annie cook up smre viltleî-burnovers sud snb-I put ou my bos ilk 9gonud anti ebartedti et telook ever tirs eity. I'd ioad inu oin. ofthlie uewopaperu thtirit i wsut safe for a fenishe voma te go;eut mb lite streelsetofWasimng- -ton vitrent sire as armedti hbra busirl bakat tul et revolvers, sud had a sari fellerirg ier loaded. viLle butober kuivesansd iratchets, but neveu- lie-lus., 1 wam't afoardto t ty it. Beniah hire a.l i r eoaritisartin git lest, but 1I bld .bin ta iraws wiere Ihe misetdiei guess. I'd beau in New 'York sud nuvur getlolst, sud I gues- edt tre awasnt muai danger oet my getiing host intirai oounýry village et Wasinigton.- BolI beok ny ambriland w-ni eut. Il wu a. plussent dal, but ii seen be- gan te vain. Il aBlus do«e tire. But as I irat my ambnili slorg5. I dîi net kees s cent. T veut sîraigirl for tire rcapperlslwhiechI ould ':ose oevery- lng, thrcugir a litile kinti et a park, aIl' set out vitir trues, aud'fiowers anti thingi, sud funcedi ruas. uce as Bquiro Buzzel's truis yard, te r oUer. Tire capertal is lira iigliest bilding I tiroigirb liai tire tacteries iQ Lawrence vier Qoure~lifres is-*.a ke o deti top -of thbe, ieple,-but 1I dn'Imknew40 o * tire 1 *iatooU for.T AIL- aine me 'l Ue I . ".ý l then j Wenl home. Wà ren I got ibere I tomiti a letter from tire Widder Joues, i-keling me lirai Jonathran Perkins bati tô9k le oin hrome vilth.heWiddur Sprigin turomprayer meetings, aud ]ô. ued tirai Jonathran hadi sold lire suolted huler, sud tirai Wldder Spnig. gins hati gel a new Peailey siuwlwiioi might me«u asmeliing, uanti git net, lbut lu bar opini'on-I'dnbutter bu a-ueo- ing aller my men tle onca. Ipacked my satoiel, baglun a bur S0d te'-niîg l 1 las,. for Pigeon UÃ"lieiY ,If 3 ucaîiranb ls gu illy, e lo i hùr b u. No. 45.-Jà à iAT&N EÉ'LOPEs WITà TM Wmew, sruoxens.- :11v muai Rive ne I den't, genur failli lu premeubi And red1 I'iaY W bisg *but k6e Busd tirai ire Wau mb oa, fbu#anesudwau OI"Pie ~a le 1l MerI led 'the coappe»a) Ibl adieu temyt>,egro'nssd vfio ente thoestreet agit. Net far ücom tire oappârtsl tireravas a big gArding, ail bush.s, au& fiowurs, sud treee, anti thinga, anti I aukei"a man who il be- lougeâte.10: Heued tire govermendt. It wus the Agrionîtural Gardons, ie- sud!1 Sô 1 thougltif l belo'ngudti t tb. gevernineni Imig u swell walk lu. Thera wue a hesp of thinge tie, sud I wunt to work andi picked me a bequaet ftire prettieet, sud was jeet ty in .p nies wiîh a piece cf twine thtZgel ut ont my satohel when a perlice man about au big s a geed-siz- ed Pigeon Holler boy of fourteen, grab-I bed me by the arn. 1 1- 4101d lady 1" sez lie, "tbere's a fine for doing liat sort of thing 1" "IGooti gracions V' nez I ; don't these promilses belong te the geverument aud haint everybody a riglil toeateal frein that are ? I nover hnowed nebedy fin- ed for aheating the governinent 1" "G0ive me ton dollars, sud lII say uetbing about ilt1" sez hoe; "otherways I shall taku -yen te the station honse 1" "'You ?" sez I ; "yen look ike il!1 Why, My luttle mn, if il çaen't for hurtlug yenr feelings I conîti. take yen by lheeaet ofthe troeerloous sud siug yen dean over the fonce as easyr as notbiug. I se a newspaper sticking ont et your pooket, now," sez I ; b"sud IVve ne doubt but yen know your Aunt Jernshy haint in Ihe babit of beinR beat by ne live mnu1 l'ilintroduce yen to myseif, if yen please, and inforin yen that I ara Jerusby Psrkiue, formerly Hie bowed, ani begged zuy parding, and- sid ihe had read about -me sud my ambrihi, snd sed lho was remarkably gla t te es me, sud wouldn't I go some- wbere aud take somethiDg. But I told hlm I was a married womnan, sud if I wae in Washingto, whicb haint got ne moriue but bad ones, I calelsted to do the boneet thing by Jonathau. And I epresd my ambrill sud marched off. I went fuelte the Trseury bildiug apd looked tbrough that. Then te the ,Pftent office, wbero tb'ey bave gel m biryenuif te set up s cotton fac- tory, sund severil B&w mille, to say noth- ing pf hoop shirts, sud corpets, snd taise bazemu, enniff b make a meodesl man bide hie fitce w in ishautkerobiet, aud wiehh bmmesf te home witb hiesima. Then 1 went te tire White Hlouse. That'î where Mr. Qasu lived, anti ils acroet thre streel frein lie Tresry. It'u quitie a coinfortable hooking bouse outuide, but il atrikes me thalT 'y. seau houses a sight more oonvenienbte odo work jute tban tirat oee! Iwunl iute the grounds, snd wuas - Iookiug round somne wheu I moud a man a-selting on the psazzy of tire side nexi to tire Treasnry bilding, a-resding- a nuvepaper vith iriscireur on bye legs. t recoguisei hm te oné. by tire pliers I'd seen otiein on busson pinusud badges. Hie warn's a smoking. though. Hie was. a ruadiung s ittlè, and a-watoh- ing about a dozen 11111e -uiggers liat was asloep in the suc~ wit ib their felsa- msking in tira basin et a fonutain in lb.e grtmuds. It was a very deligirîful sud wirolesome spectacle, te anybody &bat iked it. 1 vent up te Mr. Grant sud jinte- duced imyseif. "Been lu bathe, hain't ye, Mr. Per- kins ?" sez I. He jnmpod te Ibis fe as- if ireirati beau tecirat wibh a gaîvanle battery., "8Oh, Jerueby 1 Jerue4y 1" sez ho, "Bsave mil purleol me 1 8he7s ,ôrrit- eti tire lufe esuamesit t fmoi, conuan ba.er 1 uryme b ack tcV geon Hoer, su 'lswear neyer leo uW ,terirsker agio. VIlnêver nore' ilfI1 have,-teh -kuep sw4ke .1ail hé-timo; -s-d -il "evr' yen bear u me osun. cerna than yen MayZles,W. me te ny-fite V' Bi' ~wioked, designigwmn asud sire'. beeou jelIn bf. me ever eInce, I eau rumembur, whioi iral'i se mucir te bu vonderuti ai, sueing se" sbe' a drsadful plain-lookiug voman with a noue 'long,,anulï tebridge ever the Stie- qirehanna river anti still have -enuif loft for sever-al rà ilrosti cuipritu. I would draw yen a pioler 'of ber;' but I'm go mad wben T think cof ber lbia my irsut trembles seoI cau't niake s 'etraight lins te save me. I arrivedto tehie Pigeon Holuer depol lu raIrera how state ofmind, for T had left my nuw bat onub seat, sud s fat man irad sol down cule il, tnud entirely sqnelbhd il ;asd I kuewed my face was dirty, snd I was niRb about ehure tirat My bustie W88 outied, aud would bu a continiR off direothy. 1 iipected Jonathran te the depot te muet me with tbe old mare, but be wa9u't te be seed, and 1 irsd te taise the cab, wbioh wap fitteen cents eut et my pocket. I would have walked, ouhy I bad three bundies sud s bandbox, beside my satobel, sud I was afeard tbat buslle would come off, too! As3 we dri! past Mariab Smitb's, I seeî heu peepiug eut frcmn behind a wiuder curtin, lbut When I got te our bouse sire was jeet cooning up througli the garden t;rnelliniz cf a leelock. I kuowed she'd gel eomething or ruther bo tell me, snd sbe'd eut airest lots R;O e te Rit home se soonese I did. The minuit I tiot ont of the cab, s 6ew at me aud beLnn to bu u ad kiss me e if sbe'wae ont of ber hesd. "IOh, yen peor seul ! You poor seul sez ehe ; "My heart acheýs for yen 1 I pilv pou from (lie bettoin cf my-my burzomut" "What on airth do you mean ? ez I; "seea te me yen teck rather sud- dm1t !"ý "Ohý, its terrible !terrnle !terrible,!" se-z she ; 'tiaNLk lleavèuthab% I hain't nover allewed myseîf to be teck in and ixpped upon by any cf the vile male se*x 1 They are aIl wolves i seep's clothing, a eeekîiug wbom they may de- vour !", "Ir)on't tear mny boal off V' sez I, jerking enyPelf nweav frrim ber ; "and if yoe o el ytL.îug one your mind te tell let il off. I guette I can stand it P" Itsa thunderbolt, ! s tbunderboît eut cf a clear eky," Pez ehe. 'II haiu'l beru ne tbonder lately," sez I,. "nor yen ineither-" "But tboy're gene 1t" sezs sie; goe a week ago, bag aud bafgage 1" "Wbo ?" ses I. r "Yonr huebanti sud tire Widder Sprig- gins 1"'.e soaie. "6Wbab ?" sez I, grabbiug ber by tbe arn, sud saaking ber 1ti11 the very testir f el ont cf ber beati anti reiled dowu tire door-otep, wirere tire dog Ire laid belti of 'on sud mades off with 'un st tire tep of bis speeti, with Mariali at bis heele a ohouting te bin te stop. For a minuit, wiren I' thougt - 0%wf virat she irad bold, mu, I was dumWr fenudeti, but I steppedie liree houae sud took a eup ofe usg tes, sud b.d Ellen tlopirier telh me-tire partiekiere while I vas ualiug s turnover. Il wau true, Jouatirsuasd tire widder b.d been gene a week 1 Therq waru'l ne nistake Ibis tiare. They hbîdRene, and toeteher!1 Mariale Sitihibail bld bhe trntir fer once t I ehould haver tbougirt t would bave oboketi ber. I didn'î uay mueir. I'm a womsu et actions.- I weut te work sud trieti Up PÂ>.djPER HANGER, K4L SOMINER,, Generà l -AND- Want of .SIoep Insae asyl n ud -he doctorissay it trouble lae alrrpnglyou, the inR"ase -Tie usual remediea, whilO they May give temporary relief!, are likely te do more harm than good. What le needed la anu.Alteratlve aud Blood-puriffer. Ayeies &azsapaA!la le lincomparably the best. Ih corrects those disturbauces ln the circulation whlçh cause aleeplesa- ness, gives lncreased vltality, and re- stores the nervous syetem te a healtfui condition. Bey. T. G. A. Coté, agente!f the Mmss Home Missionary Society, writes t hat his stomach was eut ot order, bXis sleep very often disturbed, and some iru- purity of the blood manifest; but that a perfect cure was obtained by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Frederick 'W. Pratt, 424 Washington Street, Boston, writes: "'My daug-hter was prpstrated with nervous debility. Ayer's Sarsaparila restored her to health." William F. Bowker, Brie, Pa., was' cured of nervousness and sleeplessnesse by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for about two xnonths, duriug which time. his weight increased over twenty pounds. Aye r's Sarsaparilla, PREPÂRED BY Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., LowelI, Mass. Sold by al Drugglsts. Price $1; eix bottles,$. CAUSE AND EFFEOT. Matiy personé; wonider at the tired, worn and wenrY fe1ivg thattoppre,;ses them with- ont any apparent cause. Lt may b pverty of the b1ood or a disordered ste isC)h ; in either case the tornach, blood and liver are not. performing their regular functions, anid, with many persons there will follow a dull, heavy he-adache, nausea and many other symptoms that precede a well devel. opedt rase of.Dyspepsia. Purify the blood, clekinse the system of the clogged geore- tione, t.y usiflc Meacham's M4andrake Mixture, prepared by J. 13. à eacliam, 133 Ynnge St., a CheLuit of iiiieLe,'n ye-ar..' oxperience. Sold in \Whitby by W. R. Howse. TWO SCHOL APSHIPS. We have for sale jat this office two schol- arshipa <of Toronto Business College, and shail dispose of them to any person who wishes to attend that institution. It je a good opportnnity for two young men who wish to poliph up their knowledge of busi- ness methode. Apply at the CUkà ONICLE office. Nov. 9. 1867 'ilCURE FIlS! When sayCu«E! do net mm a erely te stop thee for a. tie, suc then have them roi torl U8f. I XEÂN A RADICAL VUBK. Life Company. This Company issues every desirable forut of Lite policy, and has deposited with the Beceiver General in approved Canadian securities over #100.00 for eaoh $100-00 of~ fiability, thus affording ABSOLtITE se- curity. Parties desirous of assuring their lives will find it to their advantage to consuit the undersignEd before assuring elsewhere JOHN FAIRQUIIARSON, General Agent. Whitby, May 18, '86. -ly iE W ESTERN N B . 0-I F T CANADA, WHITB Y, - -ONTdRIO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. Whitby, Nov. 7th, 1882. ly-47 MQNEY TO LOAN!1 $100.000 Fuit INVEgiTMENT. ON 'REAL ESTATE SECURITY. At lowest living rates of Interest. Money seoured within 10 days of ap. &pply to piain JOHN FABQUHABSOIý Whitby, February 16th, 1880. 9 MONEY TO) LOAN On Real Estate Mortgage st Low Rate Intere8t. A. A:pI'STz Appraiser for the Canada Loain andi Saving. (Co., and agent for the Western Assurance Co. OFFICE-Over Gerrie's Block,*Whitby. jt -m C2 tc soi 4 .< oeo W A-L1 4-f e TR]%UEý mueets in M Teprauce Hall Ltge roomp, errie a Bok 85 Sua'y. Whithy. 1UOM, Woi ane TE G1&sgw é&London lcna o o of GTeat Britain. CAPITAL,. 02,500,000. ANNUAL INCOME, 81,600,000 mARE F'arm Preperty and Dwelling Houses a Specialty. Very low rates. Easy terme ot payment. Simple policieil. NÃ" vexatons conditions. Prompt settiement of losses Without discount. Be sure you do flot inure until yon know eur terms ana coonditions. Enquire of E. B. B. HAY7- WABtD, our General Agent for South On- tario. Office in Whitby-Part et D. Ormis- ton's Law-Office. ARl letters addressed to Look-Box '78, Whitby P. O, will receive prompt attention. fteidence-Ham Cot- tage, Byron street, Whitby. 21 London and Lanca8hire OXFORD PUBLISHING co- TORONTO, ON~T. Cert5.f.cate of Major Harper,, sq> of Whitby- To whom it may cencern. This je te certi1y liat having examinet,, repaireti anti useti a great variety cf Sewing- Machines. I have come te the conclusion that the, White Machine scild-by L. Fair- banks je one cf the beel imade, as lu my- opinion it je asainsele that will net easily get eut o! eider, anti will last mucb longer- than most machines, as care bas beeu taken te, prevent wear as much as- possible. I eau houestly recommeuti it te parties want- ing a gooti anti lasting newing machine. f. purchasetioeso! the White'e some month - age, antift gives every satisfaction. MAJOR 1HARPER.- -1887- Alter five yesrs use et the White Sewing Machine lu my f amily T eau fully entiorse the above certificats anti can-tnlly receen- moud tira machine as & tamily sewiug machine coste lese for repaira than auy- machine I have ever irat anythmng te do- wilh. -MAJOR ]HARPERB. Solti cheap as the cheapeotg anti le fho beat o! the bust. L. FAIRBANKS, Sole Agent for tbis District.- T RIS PAPEB may be f ounti on file i Geo. P. Roeei & Oo's NewEipaper ad- vertieing Bureau (10 Spruce St.), where -aa- vurtlsing contracte msy bho matie for il Nxw YeBx. "GD 13eES. WHITBY' Geo. Cormack,, UMBBER MRRHANqT & UIDRi L -A lrge aply of Builders'Funzul ingo, and &ail1=ndaoetTwisted Molden,,I Doore, Sa4h anti Blinde. LUJMBER, wholesale anti retail-, or by, tire carloa. Planing., Mouldlinge o! every descriptio' Pleoriug, Sbeetingj Shelving, Be-eawing, Shapi.ng, Tnrning, Screll Work, etc., etc. AB6EUiT.S!ABENTU1 0 W BEADY-Our new book, 64Esrt, N Sea anti Sky; or, Marvels of the Universe'; being a full sud .graphie de. ecription o! ail that le wonderful i every continent efthtie Globe, iu the world of waters sud the StarZy eavens, containing thrilling ativentures'ou laud -sud me, ce. nosvned discoveries cf the world's greatest eiçplorers lun ail ages, sud reuisrkable phe.j nomena rin every resiru of nature. ltmw braciug the striking physical features otf theý earth, the- peculiar characteristies cf the human race, of animale, birds, inseets, etc., iucluding a viviti description of the Atlan;"' tic, Pacifie sud Indi4n Oceans, andi cf the Polar Ses, the Monstere o! the Deep, beautiful seashelse anti-plants, singular fishes anti dwellers inx the world o! waters, remarkable Ocean ourrente, etc., togetherI. with the AMÂZING .PH.ENOMeNÀOF TE BOLÂR AND STARRl Y STEMS Hxsuy DV PAvRisoT NRMourcp, D.D., Embellisheti with ever à 00 fine engravinge, Liberal termes to Agents. NEW. RIGS. 1JVERY -and -SALE -STABLESY, IrUNDÂS-ST., WHITBY.' M. O. ORAWFORT H Commercial Travers llberalf/ <heui PAIIE PEICES. J ~1 EONE5T »EALUiG. OÂLL OJST ILFMC~O~ Paper furni8hod (rom 5é. a R< ordors from tire couu-LiT 'rhz Kcker aud il - DIcToaa UMIE IN TUI As E VORTE BY TE TEE BRUBSELS BU»GEI xW HUON OOUNTY.- -TUE ARIZONA] tuai depautment id t Making a yeat's aubsa as ývaluable as ai pre creasiflg the coul w, have-irude arraugein. foot Who struok the tbu' 10 tà ka charge of the1 ]e sailor by- frad, have 4hlmlouéinru lir tire'difference betweem Uubbard squash. 'He blunderi ou lire go-off, tirai potatoei enght W and that wheat grows ho is a hummer and, and-by. Remember,. dees Det increage lihe E st aSU.- We are simply apaper worih $100 Pei COUE Aafl-if the, teous g entlemnan in ah inan Col . Dabiff wo a] dreas. -W. referred 1< othQr duy as au unhuù only Ou ways but he andi oalled a b e ofce down. The blow wus mesi genteel mainner, eo*aid with any, to sheck ousensibilil the-colopel gouge ou ears aftar we were dov osiru sud composeti, mit tirai w'e got Up wi fifiy pur cent. ru resp noue wsu ukinued,,&nu _ýuction bill mb o"l" hae ne grutige te sai coula do ne les, à nu ho did ne more. -We- te ose hlm again. Council has- awarded ie the Weely jTom C ed, and that difh-sag,, ns lire grand orow. poixqted. We put In 1 we have thre largesi o] alderman owed ue- bras recorded and' exq gars, tirieves sudganu net think et us witlý ico, they were undor. 10 the rà w-boeu ki eyed -bow-backeâ 1 o tire oppouition paper. a membQr of tb. lait meoirur's son-of 'arni prison.. We have ne ilumen.- Yoýu are on wait a tuw wuuku. 'V yoe- pedigrees, anti re 'comrng Ihis weayi LETHoE MGO.-J.2 'Young Crowbar oftk aib ,tbaoMcé y.oierd&m paper, bacasesu lish te appreolte a goodý heldi rmêerhbis noie. -GreatSo, but ho -builiI W. ha"ve u 5 JOBDAN ST., 1