p ,l -Il 1111111, chomist and Draggist, WHTBY, ONLY Si oco PER &NNUM. Whltby, Friday,, September 21, 1888. MoRx war talk in Europe is due about now, but the fuse kiokod up by the Americans bum caueed the Euro. peans to keep their relations unstrained until Cleveland h-as retaliated for a tiue. However in a couple of weeks more the dashing young Emperor William. vrfll bo soon with hie military pantu on, and, if hie face happen te b.e turned te- wards either Franco or Russie, word wilI go forth at once that strained re- lations oxiet, and that hhe blood in hie majestico ye. And that wJ.l end the matter for enother epeil. TEm threat of "retalietilon" by the Prosident of the United States, bias caused the expression of much patrie tic sentiment in Canada,,and also of a good deal of nonhense.- The gonoral feeling appoars to bo in favor of calmly facing the difficulty and ellowing thinge to take their course., If our relations and doalinge with the Americans must be a11 bureted up evory tâme thero is a bit of -a dispute, it is better we- should wind up. as fer as possible, ail bueiness connection with them. And it is es- poially opportimo just now that thoy should &et ugly if they ever intend te, as wo wiil bha werned from meking further business arrangements with them, which course à s now being agi- tated. The worst and most disagree- able feuture in the case, to our people, is their insulting end ovorboaring telk of w sr, and of what they could do to Canada if there happened to be a fiim. The Teronto World givos th. young mon of Canada some geed apio regard. ing thoso previncial cries wâch £a» cou- tlnually bsing raieed by poiticians jrhose mmnds arenet wide eacugh, or vses privaI. hepemsud ambitions do uohý permit Ihein, toeoe. IMge hem a national staudpoint. It ie neelsîs te try sud make Canada a eountry as s vholo, vii. svsy littié province sud section i. pnlling sidovsys sud lryiug te pîay a soIfih game for itsf. Tis sdvicescf th. P'orld'ainaespecally well"llmned, as just nov anotisen cny of provincial igile i. being etirred up in Quebec over 1he disalievane.o! a bih making jndgesis f on polilicaus vho are lu the way. Wuilo sncb usrrov sud shallow cries are tol.rsted Canada viii neyer ho able te unité lunauythlug. To rap. cas e id hore in lie aize court on Tfuesdsy ulght affords an lu. stancee!fvist ignorsuce, mallco sud mtins vaut e! respeci for suber smai!-on an osli may load - te. The aoeouusd, 1) 8 rou, Esq., o! Osuningéon, bas Ionç beau, kuovu as sapromsicent u Meo.sd atubuoesud'basdamsman. Noorlnla ot va sovor b" o. mp#od lhlm, cr onvau suybody thinklo! *soa ting; untflor somotoson or Oumth e' h.Linv9odp. mother d dpugbr, looklt. ei ho ad e ite chi Mr Brown vihii bs etnaqo.. F.wt.lleava ord o! Il at the lia.. 0is Wb@rs asprolorred, non eoaud Ie such au isbumsn charge aud a murmur cf sympslhy eould be. dletînatly heard lhreughout tb4t court, Dunlng thse eux- Pmaeiling cf-a jury, wbich look neanly halfanuheur, the poor man uatin ovidont dietres. ethi. great humgian;- but his Ous& gain cam.ed as le «capeo- co.ded, Ibougsh.oedoop Mest ofthe lime Mcanniug the facesof lb. wlumne. On eue occasiona juron ppeared net te 19 listsnlng sudth. pisonor motioned bt hlm 10 attend te lhe Prooolugns. The etory o!. 1he girl looked bad vison se vas loUiWug il, but whon ber mnother lad suMedéa bar luthebox llvo-sip- panent tt-the'l, git 1bd Bot tdom lgl vende! truth rsp.ot-hng lt.he snà lr begimina.to7'md. Boforotho'moMher vas hbftbroutgh her- avMdeucoIl vas plain tisaI. il vaBsà pot te mns. Browm, sud mhl rdshlp stoppe h preoseinge 10 aak theomwrovu mscuor wblb iouglut of hiesas... .-ou replid ol would abandon i il à ter hma. log the; mgthoet oulIn.y. Mis-lord-] tIhot, lu her .Ignorance, h. sppca wpuld cnviot Bro"~, sud hen mother feed aooesery -tote .hobs cf il. Somethingehonbd b. don. ho make an exaMple of suoh partie., sas neman vould b. gaie frein diograce and iÃm. prisonment vhilesnsubhbrazen vomen have th. pnivilege of trying their luck in courts et taking awayhim liberty for lifé. Had the Linvoodes been absennning sa.thoy wero ignorant sud inalicieus, David 8. Brown, J. P., cf Oanniugton, vould Le day b. ont off fren isi famply and friendsansd chut up in penitentiany fer lit.. The failureocf a plot e devil. ish, and 80 brazenly carried out, may have th. effeot o! staying 1ev vemen frei nobuc buiness, but il sbould have 4-nother mfeet cf msking juries doubly careful vheoe they may find guilty ou evidence, for it ie amen tbat evidenco msy b. cf ths mcml infernal nature ; and May b. plotted by people tee ignor- ent te knov, sud te beartîmus te bfel, that its offets msy b. an innocent man'e incarcoratien for life, and tb. hopuleas wreok of liii family affairs. EauI Âssizes. The assise court op.ned Monday monuing. Hon. Mr. Justice Rose pre. siding. The bar vas nepresented by Mesure. Wus. Lount, Q. C.,S. H. Blako, Q.C0., N. F. Paterson, Q. C;., H. L. Ebbelle, D. Burke Simpson, D. J. Mo- Intyrs, J. B. Dow, G. Y. Smith, J. K. Gordon, W. H. Bilinge, McGillivray & Chapple, D. Ormiston, Tbeo. A. Me- Gillivray, James Butlmdgs sud others. THE GRLND JURY. J. McOullough, foreman, sud Chas. knmatreng, J. B. Barnard, J. R Bielle, W. K. Burke, A. eretfiour, J. Doble, S. Holman, A. Leaek, C. Levis, B. Meen, ,D. MeoN ab, F. McLinleek, D. McQ aig, ,A.. Niehel, R. Patteneon, I. Bodman, J. Inddy, F. J. Richardson, O. Bogers, J. Tait, A. Turner, B. Woon sud M. Wet- ern. Mqjor va. Canada Permanent Loess Co.-A very important cases eoncerning the sale of lande under power cf mont- gage. E. Major, Port Penny, rasad #2500 on lande in Beach township and falsd te psy the mcuey aud intereet vh.n due..-A public aucoticn u adver- tised iu 1886 by the 'cmpauy sud the whole of 1h. bauds pu& nup en bloc. No offer vas reee4vsd sud the lade wers Ùot offr.d eepsrstely. The mal- ter stood this vey for s y.ar and offers bsgsu tb coms la fer portions of th. land, and notably for lot 15 in 1h. 7th concession, 100 scrs, whoh la the lot inu*question -lu ibis suit RHsnug that 1h. lot vie likely te b.e old fer 89.50, Major offered $975 ansu aste b. alloved -until tvelve o'oleek on a certain day te psy ous third in cash. On that znenning Mfajor's solicitor vent te D. J. Adams, ths compauy's agent at Port Perry, atnd etated s chaque vould b., banded in te complets the sale before noon. Adame ssid &Hl ight, but by neon b.d eeld te Laing & Mehany, aud show- ed leler. frein 1he Oompany zutruolý- img Mm te net loue Laing & Meharrys offer nulees Major had fitel païd his $800 deposit. Major aov elaime h. vas allov.d ne fair chance to redeem hie property sud tli iwvassacriflo.d. For a day aud abslf evidepe va taken regarding tb. prcce.dinge of1heesale and the value o! the laud, mauy of thie leadlng mnuof Beach sud Port Perry being szsmined. The v.sk point un Majo's câ asetaiete he o .company's on Monclay, Tuesdy and Weduesdsy, OCT. 19T., 22., and 8». Open te 1h. Millinory :Oponing .I ThUR8DA Y, 2Tth 8eptember, Whsn vs hUah .glad teso r ou nda Our Stock wilt b.foui Zreplete wfti au thse noeiea. for tMa in*mô& m RS 41-21n. 'CROSBY. OpposIteBay,& lii.L -]BARN7 15 SaOWING A plaintifs;», . BuLrko BlSmpoon âadBlake# Q.Ofordfnan Olsritim aV8. «ga.-Action ariing ont cf distribution of asleseof Mr. S. H. Christian, Manchester, an insolvent. Mr. W. O. Ohristian, brother of th. in- solvout, had failod in soouring hie divi- dond'and oued te recover hie uliareocf the property. A few days afterwarda Edgar, cf Toronto, the assignes, seont the money, but retusd to pay coîte in. ourred. This suit was tc determins who ehould bear 1h... coste, and the whoe case had te boe oonsiderod without a jury. Judgment for plaintiff with di. vision court comte, whioh almout means judgment for tho dofondaunt. H. L. Eb- belle for plaintif ; Theodore A. Me- Gillivrsy for defendant. Beneteý vis. Bod.-Âction for tihe re- oovery of vagoa. Plaintif cwne, a eteam engins and hired with ilte m rn a mil and eut shingles belonging te de- fondent. There vas ne .park arroster on the engins, and afler a time tho whole business vae burned and destroy- ed. Plaintifl'o vagefi vere in arrears, but affaire bad turned out s0 disastrous- ly disfendant blamod Bennett and refus- ed te pay bum. Judgmeut for plaintiff fer $154.25, vhioh only enable him to obtain division court omste aud lbaves him very litIle eut cf hie judgment. MoGillivray & Chappis for plaintif ; D, J. MoIntyre for defendant. PersonaL Un.rs, terrioker and her son WilHie of the Canadien xpress Ce. have left for a visnt te friendi in Efast Saglnaw, I!ich. Mr. B. F. Campbell, Nursery m=, Roch- ester visited his home at Brooklln for a few day. %iisweek. Mm. Robert Milne of Buffalo, N. Y., in vlsiting in town thm guest of Mns. H. W. Annes. - MÂNCIM mer of Beach and son of Par. Jas. Akney, on. cf 1h. sarliestsesttlers cf that township. Mr. Akn.y had been unwell but on th. day hc hung huisaeif (Wednseday of last week) seemed more cheerful than usual. Whoun h.loft the househie vifs thcught h. had goeste, Epsom villagle, but warhorrified a fsv heure afterwards te find hie body bang- ing in the driving house. Temporary insanity is th.e nly cause.ta eb ascribed for the &et, as Mr. Akney, al- though having been werking very bard this ummer, vas in eomfortable cir. cumetanom. e owaa cnly 85 ysars of age and leavee four yduog ohildren. Much eympatby je feit for tb. unfor- tunate man's family and relatives. The funeral teck place on Thureday to, Udosacoetery. :Ahead :when : a :New : Style Cornes,-: Oute Hand8Omne 8tock of JEWELý à nd ans ezSoeinay fiý wATOI -lu- SEIE '222BI:J NEW SCÂRFS NEW SCARFS NEW SCABFS The Gloucester, The Salisbury, The St. Loger, The Bendigo, The Chandlos, The Ascot. REGATTA SHIRTS, BEGATTA SHIBTS, REGATTA SHIRTS. A upocial lino juat reooivod, 2 collrm and 1 pir uffu with oach Shr.They'ro Nobby Gooda. W. havethLBG Tan CHOJCEST solootion of Gente' WHEITE and COLORBD Drs Shirts in town. GEN FS' NIGHT SHIRTS, GENTS' NIGHT SHIRTS, GENTS' NIGHET SHIRTS. Nice assortment of theso Goode. Embroideriod Front and Coller. GENTS' HARD FBLT HATS, GENTS' SOFT FELT HATS, GENTS' SILK HATS, GENTS'SILK CAP S, NEW ENISH CLLRS NEW ENGLISH COLLARS. NEW ENGLISU COLLARS. Something Eutirely New. The Ostago, The Metropole, The Pandora, The Von Balow. AUl Styles in Boys' Linon Collars, sizes from 12 to 14. Pullas sortment ni Styles and zizes of Celluloid Collers. GENTS' XIDGLOVES. GENTS' KM GLOUVES. GENTS' EU) GLOVES. Gentlemen requiring tio above wHilb. sure of gotting *atisfiod at our store. Our Embroldored back, Matador Fastoning Kid Glovo, in assortod Tans and Browns, je acknowledgod the bout fitting and most dur. able Glove yot prodncod. BOYS' ARD FELT RATS: BOYS' SOFT FELT HIATS. BOYS' GLENGARBY CAPS. BOYS' POLO CLOTHR CAPS. Nev Stok.LORNE GLENGARRY. ORDERED OLOTHING A SPEOIALTY New Fashion Plates to hand. We have the finest range of Suitings, Trouserings, Worsteds and Overooatings ever shown ini town. Prices the lowest for first-class Goods and workInanship. B ~ o B'~ CHANGE 0F BUSINESS!ll The undersigned would respeotfully lnforrn the public that they have purchased the Grooery Business lately carried on in the Town of Whitby by B. H. Jameson, and that they will continue the- erne in the old stand, The Italian Warehouse, Dundas Street. New Gooda arriving daily, which they cordiaily invite th. public toifl8p6Ot  fair share Qf patronage kindly solicited. No trouble to-show goodes. AUl orderspromnptly delivered.1 MATH ISON BROS ITALIÂN WAREHOUSE. BARGAI NS GREAT a y BARGAINS 1 SACRIFICE SALE!I Hsvlng conoludedýto go ont o! 1h. Orockery, Tinvere sud Pauoy- Goo4i business, vo vii commeno. a gommie sacrifice sais. rogandiesac! ceaI or value, on gaturday usit, July 2isI. Note lhe !ollovxng: Beauful Dinner Bette, U18 piecea, vortb $26.00 for 016.00. Nipe. Cmbinstion Btte 85 U ~ 1.00 for 8.50. White Stoe.China Tem e 8.tdiplem w orh i 8.00 for 1.85. Painhed China Tes Sotte, 44 piees, vothi 4.00 for 2.50. Psinhed Tollel Sette, 10 piec.s, worth 5.60 for8.0 ramsu~iOOi0-"- Bd% ------5, versa À-OU ern e U--- FARK TO LFET, FOR A TERm 0F? !EAS. Composed of 75 acres on lot No. 1 north end -o! thm 6th cou. Pickering, and 50 acres on lot 84 north end of the th- con. Whitby township-lm0 o! the land in4- high mIaeac oultivation. Good brick dwelling, goodout-. houses, twe barns, quit. berge enongh te hobd a year's crop, good atone stabling undor both. Possession firut Novembor znext. Privilege o! plowing s.fterharvest. GEORGE JONES, Juno 01h,1888-tf. Whitby P. O; FOR SALE, A goed brick bouse, half an aoreof land oontaining all kinde o ob oice it trees ini beering. A fev minutes walk frem Harbor. or Grand Trunk Station. -Apply to 3uly 4th, 1888-tf. Port Whl. Farm bues vood good biLU Softd (3oId, FiIIed if -O! excellent desigu au PRICES9 d# 8e BARi WVT -11T: -FRIDÂY, SEPT. LOCAL. LACI WHAT 18 00118 ON-IN AND' BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL 1 BY CHRONIOLE REF( ta,& hils amengye, ti Au' faitb bell prout. N. G.-No go. No G A senrt tcny i. madese by being well'teld. For a boy game, thbm ber. onu Baturday wu5 a The ColIegi*te Inetiti Brooklin -by 17 te 15. played veil. - Thon. va a nuW Tueaday .whoms veigit, dred aud-oespound6ý sport offcrnug -men ae hxm ho the estion. Fat slly-good natured. 'It is velle bo posted detaila cf eue'. -buseinEsm p.cialy me wheh the ý - - Oeptioually iritnicate.' -I >oerstly eaved by thb.,_MI -T.orento, hein au- Ainsi -in the Stained Glas bà à hi. surprise -that. bis M vorking for. years 1he vý he b.d te dispose cf sud posed lobe ofrmentldise At the Exhibition Psl eiii, Mn. _Wî%, Bannes for 1he buildinags, luas Wvie on- lhico. over vi week -tise building for ti Bocrslary's office op-rng réo>om sud s rapid finish other bulldiugm ln cou The fenacing-of tbe tract analdl t ,work la hai for-Sais on Sougog., soniben efeéra forsala Ie-nou flo W ii lb, 9hh con. o! tl fBougo1, abouat 45 sëýofo! hi ible aien. -veilw-atmrsd. Ibm -bi Plates. 8k. per don.. fer 50e. -Oups and Saucer. 81.00 Der dos., for 60e. GlassL.rnonde- "85:4 Bette, ô pisem, verth 8125for 90. - Goblets sud Iauubm75c., per dos., 'fer -0e. Tin. üchi vers et ova wprie.. edrom setao, of 'a sssWorth, 82,50,fo10i .25ï. Poey goods $1iç fer lais hall gprio. -Aibà ,s2.00 for $.6 forw50. Pans 1.650 or24. i. R- 5aù velopes #m5 for 260.,, &o.$ &o. --P Thee eon ly aslew çpft1W qiu.W.alwaye do à i v. advengu., se corne saly en 1 sud sretheus belons they are berduot. Pm Ha egbht aIsrq, uiy0o!virwegar e seeally evpre.,vsviigive yen vhile it lasta h m;'e -Vuega fr-25e. pet gi, = "WOIWtuae Vi afo .850. per gai.Wannsmed No. -XX Wltlaq o PRINGLE8 TAILRINO ETABLI181MENTI A -One -Door Est Whsn ee vIl1oivayub. kq OREDIT N 4lways lm «>