Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 Sep 1888, p. 7

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m& nodern babe-l-A nursry. ,,8baf0".odr.-Plougbweu. i A boil in the kebtli is worlh îwe on purf nos0. There is no lick in the slent watchea of tho uight. The faut belle is not a staple prodaci of Bel fast. Two hOsds aýe better tha n eex- -cept on a nail. -Ilowo_ geltiven witb one mn- Ps&y them.-vbat you ove themn. May a man be called povsity strioken ,wben kuooked down by a beggar. 1 lappineus is only relative sud some people find that il is a vsnV distant relative iudeed. The retirod pianiat, the netirsdl pugiliet and tho retined miniuter are al expounders. 1Maoy a man who marnied a good looking girl found she vas a lbîung of 'beauty snd a jav forever." The life mis3ion of a black sut is noS fUI117 aocompligbed until il bas crawled1 S dowui a girils back aI a picuie.1 It i8 Baid that no one a arreet the flight -of lime ; but wbo is there who is B, not able 10 stop a minute?2 ii~ I bave verY littho respect for tbe lies of this world," as lhe ebap ssid when the nope wag pal around bis ueok. i je dreadfiil to ueo a family table sold by an auctiofleen, but the. worst tbîn~ t0 put under the baminer is your ewn figer. 1&0 W-ýqpv K Ti lia ost monutr'01i tyran;, Lneury VIII, wag 8o ardent a wooer that b. I,-narried is wivea final, and amed tbcm afterwards. T, When was Pbaraob'i daugbtor like à T. erohant in Wall Street ? Wben abo -Y found s littho prophet in tbe ruese on the bank. lui- A New York bnewer shlows his sm- ployees eacb twenty-five glassea of boer a day. We should tbink the brower 1 ,would bave bis bauds full. »~ Tbey bave bad a series cf fioods lufi -d~ Wales. Tbe inundation was quils geeal-in2 short, the national Ieak ex- 8 t celled itseif on this occasion. ki ay "Whai je tbe difforenoe betweeu an et Y sltemnpted homicide aud kii ng a pig? Oue is an assaîlt with intent bo kili, J, and the other jes àkill with intent 10 A phreuologist says that "lfuluese haunden the eye denotes language." Wben a Kthe fulueus is cansed by suother mau's t( fiet il denoteu very bad lauguage, I generally.b se à sh uopkeeper haviflg suk bis floor twofet stm te tb ýgoode would bé ig sold couaîdorably 1c'ver than formerlyd in ru onequeuce of r-cent iuafroveznents. 1 10 To dream- you aire suterniy and pucess- fully assertiug your NutboritY witb tbe i v if. of your bosoni is a aiigu thal yoa wil bny a new bonnet before a woek bas passed.t - I-oa.y, friend, your herse is a 11111e eonerary le b. ot?" "No air." "IWbat ît, makes him -stop, thon ?" "Oh, he's fi afraid somebody'l say, Whoa," and ho f. shan't bear It. Spurgeo6 was once aseei wbetbor a memaber of a brasa, band could bo a brue Christian. Elie answer wae-Yes, I 1W 'k ho migbl, but net his neit door I- igbbor." "Jb k Wbo was Ibat Young lady on th pier wilb yoa Ibis morning2- "An acquaintence of Johnson'é, ~u" "'She rouges, doesn'l she ?"-'II don't tbink it's rouge. Il hastes like castor- Nonvous old lady (oùl sevenbb floor of hbotel)-Do you know whal procautions the proprielor of the bolel bas taken againet fine?2 Porter-Yi&, muma. Ho bas the place insbodored for twice vol itus Worth. A litie girl epe summer evening b. gan to ask questions about lbe souud she beard outaide the bouse. lb was a cricket bbey bold ber. "Maim'a, I Ibinkit ought to b. ouled," said tbe -Wise littho woman. * Tommy went fisbing wilbout the par- mirsion of hie mothen. Neit morning a neigbbor's sou mol hixi, and asked- "Did you catch auylhing yesterday, 4 Tomamy ?"1 "Not tli I got home," vas the rather sad response. Lord'ablo zel.-For a speoimen of rampant, ragiug, reasonlea, rad-bot ~revolutionary Ropublieanism, eommend us to the bowling deruagogne who vent aown to the sea sîde wilb the, ene objeet of "aoitliu on" s pier. "Tom, I gave 'yon a very liboral allowanoe wheu I sent you bo college; nevrteleeI hein you have had some trouble in meeting. yonr bills." "'Net -- the slightest la lbe world, father, 1 assure you. Il has been .11 I oould do tb keep oui df thiror way." "Iwas getbing meaeured for a suit of clothe, Ibis mawuing," taid Young- Mr. SisY' 10 hie cousin, "sud juat for a joko, y'know, I asked Suipeni if it weably took -nias tallons te mnako à man. He said it would talk. more than nina- tailors te mako a man of sme people. Ithought il wau qutte -sharp." - "Nov, Johule, go sud kime your luile eweetboart ud makeu" aid;ohwMie mols."GO sud. toiber bâw imuGI you love hen and how so0M 1 m:ana. "No, I won'i. %. sym b.ho , ui ilt breacbof promiiseoaubytefila ï,rb that, and bail te mary thes ebd, "hi4 I wen't run any ns, o'. larsteàpsnd lth ime imeth "a the firai man that begs.*for quater wil b. ssumed to bave boèu ,un through tb. body." "Nat mach aaid his .ntag- onist; III apologiso humbly snd reupoct- If you eould ses your own scalp through an ordinary magnifyîng glass, you would be amazed st the amonut of dust, dandruff, and dead skrn theroon aooumulated. The best sud most populs.r preparation -for cleansing the scalp is Âyer'a Hair Vigor. itook bis Man. ROW THE NEW TEACHER KNOCKED OUT JEEMES K. POLK JONES, JR. N. Y. Meroury. 1 tahaebeen disiuterred st - ap City, Dak,, lahe Ibe e1afler«iving i majurd under grouuid for s»v" ayeai &u unuausbiy large peroeutage oft be ahgve been foud to bepetrifid. T firhi to attraci -attention wusi batý "Wlld Bul4," lthe Mon o>etrins40fldesp ado Who sen r terrispd: the front! liew* k1e4astDe.dVood in the & i aays s»d bunied la a neigbb>orinlg sçuli of dIhrs were remove4 IO ol f't""l ler"sd tot ouly hispbu mamal' i ti t] Volsonse Nerviline cures fltuIqnce, CbDue,- bnd spasme. Nrviiine cure,; voimltilg airioeà,'ioolora nd dysentory. NeïrIt- Une !curer ' héidUbe4 se. sieku-su udý rummoer çoxplmlft. Nervi»,e cures riu- ralgia, toothache, lumbaqgo, and aciatics. STrvIline mues 1pprailns, braises, culs, -&oý Polson's NerWviine la the best remedy lur the world, and only couts lé -nad 25oènts te try It. Sam ple aud large bottles at sny drug store. Try olson's Nervilne. Modesly on a woman is like solor en lber,- cheek-decidodly beooming if not pûit on; SYMPTOS-MOl5tUr; intense ltchlng and stinging, most at night ; worse by scratch- Lng. If allowed te continus, tumors fozxn whioh outed bleed and ulcerate, becorr'mg very sore. SwÂyNz's OnnTEENT sttps the ilching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in maby cases romoves the tumors. Itls equally elfficacioùs in ouring ail 8kin Dis- Baes. DR. 8WAYNE & SON, Proprietors, Philadelphia. Swayna's Ointment can b. obtained of dr 13its. Sent by mail fèr 50 Cents.-O-ly. Wýgholosale Agents, LYMAN BONS & 00. Montreal. Silence is golden, but Ilt mak tavoa feel very pon if she cannot tfla A Reanablo Heopula hs one that id basedl on previons qwlolge or expenlence, therefore thoae-whc use B. B. B. may reasonably hope for a cure -be- cause the previaus expeneunce o! Ibousanda vho have used il, shows il 10, have oucceed- od even lu the worst case. For parents ht is a wise chiid Ihat re- sembles itq ichest relative. Part 0f The . Eousehold. ««h have used Hagyand's Yellov Qil vith much satisfaction, fan Coldq sud Sore Throal. 1I vatnot be vithouf itilnaiany coul, as h look upon il Ru thé beut medicine sold for family use.,, Miss. E. Bramhaîl, Sherbrooke, P. Q. A voman vho bas neyer been pretty bas nover been yauug. There is no other remedy or combination of medicines that meets go many requhro- ments as 3cas.Burdock Blcod Bitters in its vide range of paver over such chronie dis- eases as Dyspepsia., Liver and Kidlney Complaint, Sorofulo and aUl humons of the biood. E' 1 "IYo' th' yedilor ? ~ queriod a rsw old' Lfer, as he ehafflled int my journal. "Wull, I'M Jeemes K. Polk jones, o' zardvüle." "lWull, thar war a feller kim down Dour place recent, an' plisd ter me fur àdee.triek sbeool, sein' Ihat I, wur d'reobor o' the consarn. He wur a elle bit *' a chap, dresaed up doodisb-, ,'esIszt' im, ezzi: 1 «II doan reckon yo'Ul do." Il'W'y ? sezee. Il'Coz, we bey Borne whoppin' big ýys in our sobool, an' îbey'1l make hit bp'nl le wallop -the peeliu' off'n yo' the net day an' bang il on lb' fonce tOdry.' 'L'll reak bit,' aezzeo. "AUi rigblàt,' sezzi, '1 W aohool'a your'n , )ut ef lhey sohtter lb' remuantseo' yer nortal, figger ovor 1h' a'ronnding rosi. at&ate, I dean' want yor tu blame me, 'r I've done wabned yo' in lime,' aezzi. "Wull, cap'n ho tuk up th' ýscool, nu' aIl 1h' thumpi»' big boys in 1h' dos. xiek went th' fast day fer the purpoas pesterin' a fight outin bim.' "He called up the cîss in spellin.' Il 'Speli dog,b'ho ez,t' my aonjeemnes R. Polki Jones, Junior, what happened be a.standin'a' th bead e' tbe olasa. I'C-a-t, dog,' sez Jeemes, a larfin' Itte le kili, W'ich started, the hall bool a-larfin' like smoke. Il'Jeemes K. Polk Joues, Junior, :im hyar',fiez the teachor, sesse., a- Bteppin down fua bebin' bis dsk. IlWun't do bit, dang yer P' sez reernes. .11 "«Wni, by bokey 1 he bedn't more'» 8nappsd tbem Ihair words oal'n bis ihistîs w'en the solos o' bis sho.. wus a.p'intin' akywards an' ho wur a-tryin' to bore a bols in thoefoor with hie bead. He kim down Wklop ou hie coat-tail an' began s'bowlin' that ho wur bit. "I'I tbink yo' wuz,' sez the teacher. quiet lîko, 'an' V'Il bit ye' ag'in of yo' dar' le mako any mo' o' 'you, dizzy cracks in tbis byar in'stool o' larnin',' sezzos. B 6 it dos» lie in yo' durned leltle dood bonse,' sos Jhomes, a.soramblln' le hie hoofs au' s-amitin' o' his lista. IIH&it dean, -doan bit V" sez lb.- lucher, an' ho slruck ont se thund'rin' hard thst Jeemos turnsd a somearslt au bsgea aplowia' up the sehool'us floor wuth bis nose. Thon tb' lter oeil hîm by the topknot anW pummneled hlm ike blazes till ho bollerei 'W'en. dor,' an' kssled over ag'm th' wall, 6"1S'rsnder, do yo' 2'. ses th' dood. "Wall, jis' bol, stili a moment thon ses lb' dood, an' takin' oee0' thosi hyar amychoor photygraf msrehinel out'» bis dsk ho tuk a piotur' a Jeemes. An' uicb a piclur'!1 Oas syi abot, nose knoeked -sidoways, an' hi1 goba o' gore a -stsndin' eut'» patches ai over bis face. Il'Now,' ses the teachor, 'parade b4 your psw.' Il'A.n 'Jeemes he perceoded tb parade "«Th' teacher taeked th' photy te 1ki wail an"'az,essees: 4"Yoang gentlemen, V'ye a start for my perjeeted art gsllery, az yo' se4 an' onlesa yo' quit yo' ospers I add t My e'eleotion tiil I bey th'. pistur' o' - ti lait oue o'yo' befo' 1 shet np sbop." IlWell, misoer, that settled bit, si wo bev lb. quietoat sohool lu tb. bu kenlrv side. Se I thont I'd ist drop i an' seseof yo'd prsnt a purty lesle pu o' theýtacLer." The microscope ha praved that these dis- eases are cante-giaus. and that they are due to presence of living parasites lu the luterliui!ig membriýne of the upper air pasceges and eus- tachian tubes. Tbe eminent scientiste, Tyn- dal, Huxley and Beaie endorse tbis, snd these authanities cannait e disputie. The reg'ilar mciiiod of treating those diseases haboon 10 appily an irritant remedy weekiy, and even daily, ilins keeping th. deli<iate membrane lu a constant state of irritation, allcwlng Il no chance ta heai. and as a nature.l consequence o! sncb ireatinent nul one permanent cure lia ever been recordea ti.hiisan absalutofaci that eeae diseases cannol b cured by any applica- tion made ofteuer ihan once in twa veeka, for the membrane muai gel a chance ta heal be- fore the application la repeated. htinl nov seven vears sinco Mn. Dizon discovered the aite lu catarrh and fornmulated lits uev iment, aud siiice tbeu hie remedy bas h.- come a bousehold word in every country where the Bnglish Langnuage la spokon. Cure# effected bij hien seven gearea go are cura atW, there having bes om rturn of -the dinsea. lwbrlgh1areOthesO remnedies valuad, that iport Iitaorshavoeiarted up overy- -whre pretending to deotroy the pa"aste, et vhich they know nothing, by »redien, the resate d the aMUIof W vi tsY..sre aplcton ffet a pernmnlt Caret lb. mont a.ggraated cases. Mfr. Dixon seuds a pamphlet deerlbing hi* nov treatmeut on the roceipi cf slamp te pay postage. The address le A. H. Dixon & mon, boKing-treet weat, Toronto, Canad&.-SCIii- tific Âmenîcan. - Don't Wait Until your hair becemea dry, thi», and gray bofore giving the attention needéd to preservo its beauty sud vitality. Keep on your toiet-table a boule o! A&yer's Rair Vigor-the only dressing you require for thre hir--and me a811111e, daily, to presenvre the naturel celer sud preveni balduess. Thomas Munday, Sharon Grove, Ky., writes.:- IlBeveral monthsa go my hair commenced fâIllng cut, sud lu a few weeke my head was almost bald. I triéd mauy remedies, but lbey did ne good. I finally bought a bottîs of Ayer's Hair Vîgor,'and, afier usiug only a part of lbe contents, my read vas covored willi a Ires-ty grovili o! hair. I recom- moud your préparaion as the boul Irair. restorer lu the world." - "My hair vas faded &ad dry," write. Mabel C. Hardy, of Dplavan, IILIl but after using a bottle oif Ayer's Hair-Vigor il became blansd glossy."1 Ayer's Hairigor, scld by Droggists sud Perfuiners Pimples and Blotches, Ige disfigurng to tIre face, fonéead, and nec&, May 1» entirely romovod. by the nueof Aygesa-ParUlo4 the bet anid mdat stÂterative aüa Bbood-P4rilOYOevei Dr., J. C. Ayer & Go-$ Loveli, mass. - Bold hy Drugguts;$1Msx bowlesfor 5. Cure disel bac) base ar& drop 111- Dr. Chase a world wide reputation s a phyiclan author. His Mandrake Dandelion li1ver ,lsIotru hof medical skil, curing ail ,ses:Of threîgdney sand Liver. kNEY cr P IT ndpisi h ýk; a duil pa in or weight In the bladdsr and îof the abdomen, scalding urine often oh- aCted * trequent desire to urinate, especi- yat night, s.mong s.ged persona- hot, dry n. pale complexion, rail snd white deposite, pslCai svellings, &C.,1 LIVEI COMP~IUTPain under shon LIVD COMLI1IITI der blades, Jau. dice, shallov complexion, a weary. tired feel- ing, no lite or energy. headache, dyspepeia, indigestion, spots, pimples, &c. 130W OURED. Maudrs.ke sud Dandelion are nature'a Liver cures, a.nd when combined wlth-Kidney reme- dies, as lu Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, vin almost pcsitlveiycflre ail Kidney-Liver troubles. It acts ike s charm, stimul.ating the clogged Ilir trenghenin gthe kidneys, sud ivior- htu tevoeldy. Soid hy ail dealers ai si, wltb Receipi Bock, vhich alone ise. verth the money. K IDNEYDr. C"has Pfl2are the Ly ERey act gentZ yet effectual- pîcyment. T ueKidney- PlLLS ,Liver troubles, esa h. bUi linosuefs cotivenass, &c. Oue pll a dose. ISold bY aIl dealers.- Price 25 cents. F C] hi v mn 'ARM IMPLEMENTS FOR? SALE1 Walker irou plov, Patterson gang plew, laytou root drill, land roller, Ayer's mon arrows, Whutby harvester and -mover, wgon, racks, horae-hoe, Honey fanning am, oble astt hanoa, etc. F. HIOWA.RD ANNES. vhitby. April Sth. '88. AUTHORS & COX,ý i I TRUSSES.1 ARTIFICIAL LIMBS1 ~I Ana Appliancea for aIl r Deformulies of the Ru- um nBody-Bplnal Dis- eau., Diseânes of tb. Rue. sud Aukle, Knook Une., Bow Lee$, Club Feet, etc. 11Yft[tIrh et-, - Toroutot Ont. 91 LLETT'5 POWD ER PURT STOCESI' BS? Red o n i 11 4itiy 4 ~ 9e-9 P E atR CEV TORON4TO 8TEAM -LAUNDRYS YGEO. P. SHÂLRPEB. OREADMAKERS' YEAST. mRADnade cf thi I~~~i~I ernX% l 9e4o m 0 na t l'v it ras FOR SPEU, cuBBB, AND BPLINTS POIS OVER-EE±OHS, OHÂPPE» HELSB, Wfl VOIS BORSE TSBOAT13 A» InYuENEL FOR EROIEN ENEES.ERaumeS, OAYPPED ROCK&. POU BORE SROULDEES, BORE RACES. VOIS FOOT ROT. AND BORSE KoUTES IN SHE vol in 1 lu vem Usi rhi 1 B aIRAINs, OUTS, DiVIEMS DIDOGS. SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. Prom HeU Grâce tue Duke of Builanfi. "Belvoir, Grantham, Lee. 1, 1879. Bfirs -Bluiman1Royal Embrocation in tuaed MY stable. .Îhinit lvery useful. "rBUTLsnD, Master uf Belvoir Hunt." "-oatlo Wolr, Kingston, Herofordubiro, "«Dec. Srd, 1878. Gentlemen.-h use the Royal Embrocation my stables sud kennels, asu- have fonnd It ry serviceable. Ihbave alsc used the Liversal Embrocation for lumbago snd jumatism for the last Ivo years, sud have Lfered very little since using it. ciB. H. PuCEx, Lieut-OpL, Master of Rsd. norabire Hunt," ELhLhAN'8BROYAL BMBÉOCÂTION, Sold by Chemiia, Stores, sud Saddlors, Pnice 28. EXHAUSTED VITALITY. .L tIPE, the groat Medical Work of the age on Manhood, Nervous andi Physicel DebiLiy, Prema-, ture Dedline, :Errerao o Youth, aud the untold ziserlesonseqaent h Mre on, 800 pages, 8 vo., 125 prescriptions for all diseasea. Cloth, full gi, only L1W00by maus, ealed. ILI. sample free to al Young sud mniddlo sped mon. Boud nov. Tho Gold and Jeweled Modal svarded te the author by the National Medical Associa tlon. Addresa P. 0. box 1895, Boston, Maso., or to Dr. W. H3. Parker, gradutai, of' HarvarMedlocal (lellege,,25 ypans' practice in Boston, who may b. conaulted oeuf deu- li.ly. it~Disemesaf Men., Or1e., Coal 011, Au Où houas sepsràts from the Shop bas been fitted up by the iorig e hretho bou gUimo!fOuGan -anaAmerlesu Coea Oi1a are kepi sud seld ai attrative '> ftchîng snd Stinr'nv, mosi a: night-wc::ý. O scratching-very dlstressing.1 Tf1 alowed ta continue tumnors fOrmý whld often bieed and ule2rate, becomlng very s BWAYNE'B OINTMENT 1&%Stopsthe 1c gand leig heals uiertion.ad u - 04 thetùn2OTS.Selt e:;,o FARM TO LET. 200 acres o! land, conalaing of the nOrth- Iliree-quarters of No. 15, sud 60 acres-o! No. 16, lu the 5tb con. o! Pickering, bdeeon Brougham sud (3reenvood. WehI adapted for grain and raising of stock. Possession vhsu cropa are removed, sud usual prWv- loge et plovuug. Flenty cf living water. nElytoRNRY-RQWELL, Ai~1yWIùtby Town, Or té J. K. GFOIDON, Barriater, Whilby. Almo a mnare (bo foal Ibis wponthlijor ealo eheap, with harnesa sud pboetou. 'Aply te Honry Ho'wefl or D.-Whiney, hete-keper,. G. T. B. etatio.--8l-t! WÂNTEDt Local antd Traing Baleaau Te sel our 'oluelce va0eifne!Nt-sen Stock, either on salary coco mmissIon. Per- manent employmeut 10 the, right man. No room for Iazy oeues', UprîSht aad, bonemi, are the cnes ve are 10 ..1for. APPIyXwith îe erenaos MAY BELOS.,- GO MMERCAL, MO-T1'EL TEZRM-19.OO Ter E WARM BOOMS. G001 ROGERS' Oslebratiýp P'elss L'E2AE "alf choap te lar merTu hr u a'. W. B. PRINGLE.. LU~BER WR] 1- z magudaW ELUMA EMBROMAIGN. S~ PRtAi PtS. BR u iSS. Srt orFBss.I &OgtETWROATý«.-COLCO. The Naf st.QiCO t.os. r ce-nain remedy' P repcsredoniY L' ,%bLO U C H, EN CLA N D-.] MfliIfGL/IHARRY KEEBLEI 1 p A-revival of coral and gold jewolry is prb dicted. A New Hlome Treatmont fer tihe Cure o. Catarrh. Catarrhal Deafireuanad ]Zay Fever. if sym:prmoms O:p À Rare Clombination. - 1 1 mantdactwm Of ý« 1, -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i

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