-PART 2. (Oo.timnu.L N.89.-ÂuxM Jmmâmuv Âcoomus BicNua à NwR<Iis Wi ON Ta Bnmax.. Pouit-JzRuisHy GniB 8z8-sc It wu a sbevitchiful day whon w, sot fourth ente sur- bridai tower. Iudeed, it wîs tse delightfül evpry way, tual I senamoal vlshed I ws. jesl maruied inyseif, for the :fiat lime, snd hsdu't fouud eut liai men folk@ te ugiy as bears by spolie, sud alleres aear wheu their'cornie le- stepped onto, and they j more 0,' mghta. Ah, me! I weil remember the. ime when- evorythinu wau rose-coloredti t yer AunI Jerushy, and eho ulid on a greésed rainbqev oontinneraliy,- but se geL o e .bottoin cf il aI sot, sud land- ed lu a b.-d of Oanady thistios, us toi spesis. Well, I s'pose that'. 1h way thingo là ordereti. I as. a.talklng vith Eider Dingley th. day of the wedding jbout maltersansd thinge. The. eider believes in pro-ordination, whieh meane tiaI when anybody je sot a-saiiing int ibis vals of Lesteo, tbey have a certain course oesrked out for 'sin te foller, sud nothing on-airth eau poagibly turu 'cma e .ut of that sourie. As for instance- when Mr. John Smith is bora hi j pro. ordsbinOd le die of rebellions colis, e»d wbsn Pet.rTnpeio entere on tbis mun. domo spear le la docided Ihst h. @hlli b>e hung!1 Nov, ifthst doctrine ie true, snob mon s Mr. HeImbold Bonchi, snd Mr. Bgorsetaar BitLers ilebhrm lu vain. Thoy don't amount t1 à bill of gray beane in thé. vend, because if à porion bas golt t die cf rebellions ëolle, &U1 tii. bltteks ii oreation csu't hinder him; sud if ho is obleeReti te ho hnng,' 'tat u mse for hlm te ltako buchu te regilaLe hiesLummisk sud diagrana. And if this doctrine , e trus, thon accordin' to my ides, pr.acbiug haint of mach accouaI. A bail man a. obloeg- od te b. a baid man, snd s good man can't help bein' a good ste--se vhea' th. use ofepaying minustera ote ll us bow ik4 we o ob., wbeu it haint posai- hie for as to b. suy botter, 'cause vow are pre-ordaiued ? Aud I advise aH the ministere tIai bellev. lu that doctrine to quit banging Bibles sud go- toesawig Woodi. I told the eider os; aud ho rïlhed, sud remarked 11.1 I wvia a4"re4vrse Womn-a shsrl.sighled morti.t But .I inforoeed him, te once, t1.1 I could "ee thoughà agindîteneas h. could ; snd ho groà nod dreadfni, sud laid his hinde on hi.etdummaek, sud turned Ie oeonp tte*1h.rew cf carryben lamp-on the,. MW.Dl-ieee. I -itpeo unthia' or ruiler dtsagroed viii brin. EZsi tee matcb cf liai vodding plain. puddiu', I guen, sand il laid heavy. Plum-puddia' i. heavy, and th.eider baid sbmoustronsa ppe;ite tual day. Been Lskiag ssii., I tiuk likel . But te git book te the bridaitoeor. We rid &Uldayyin the ka"'the fautday, -gnd vlan nigbl arrlv, vent fie a stoam. boit. Tutt boat Wua -golng te, kerry us elean te Now Yerk. l'i a blee sffesd cf lb. valet, myseif. I aitt usturally akitisb ; but the. id.. of boing bleued dlean te nowhere'a, sid nover boing fsuad, sud net h.viag sny funoril wvoeo&Il yer old tinonde cim stand round yer ceffin, sud, wviii.taking su mfantou aI ffck s t in hi var robe 1 bold BoulaI lIai I varnt Pr.pan laffed ddtld, moýto go t go tesIleep. Wosheould gel ounai rIght,~ ho uei. I voný te my tW.roem, but Uitile slègveth, iisots où* 'em, th.y ealiberge, wu ao nanr-liaiét had t le hM nte ti.poe -okupMY- selfitmwbM'oueugoui; sud my- bond -Y teo. lime se'dbell pliokeour. soles. up, that enniarneilboit glve souohwjnmp-ll .timo lb. cher vsy my stnm mâk, sud I veut ovor 11k. s- tliouund cf brick 1 If il iadn't s beau' formé ambni» l ipot on& sud broe my tail viti, 1 houl4. havegene back~- ard, rite dewn thiiÂiirvae lbto the cïil. , -1 "INov look bore, mièter," ses I, "I den'l know yen poreoniiby, thoug iti seomu té me Ihal l'y. seenyour no0e somevhoros 1 IL's famiiar. Ai any rate, il hsin'l a noue lIa sbody veuld b. liabie tbforget in a lurry. Il I. amzong noues viii Niagara i. amoug wstertaiisl1 It i. a monarch I But, airs 'il' besl to be civil be everybody.* And Irdi respectfully ouforai you liai it's my stummnk Ihat yen sot cul obobLt ti vith liaI beati cf yourult" J11I bed your partiing 1" ses ho; "4but if clumsy 914 Wqraea will git in lh. i"If bsld-headed elil mon viii drink teo mueh whisky they'd botter stay te lbed, where they eau keep their heade stiddy, and net b. a rnuning round a-" I'n gel asfors Ibis vhen the boat fetebeti another, anti mosi despnitiump, sud I vent forru n mbihg oheer, sud begun trning myseif inside outsas faut s possebie. And tie big nosod manieo foliereti My izampie. And us did ful a dozen cther folke liaI come out cf Ihoir state-roome holding ente iheir sides, and se forth. Aler I'd gel Ibrougi I feut as weak as dieh-wosor, *ud 1 sot -bsok ou the floor sud holIoreA for my son. «"Deiaiah!1Boniai 1" ses I, te tls tep cf m velue, 111'm s dyi'g, for sattin sure If1Ènlng Me Ihîl ést n& dlot 'ne1 smell of it, if uething more 1 Oh, dotit me 1 I shall sextiagly die 1 Toll Joua-i- than net te meddle vitIhehm govern-1 meut bonds cf mine!1 If ho doosl'Il rise-up ont cf tb. grave sud haut hlm,i viii s sheet rapped round me, and tie bock behind part cf my vig lot dovu!1 Thom bonds e fçkrEllen Sophier I Oh, Lord! boy aiek I am 1" Nohody paid ne attentions te me, sud after a apeil I begun te feel calmer. Bull i . afeard te gel up, on sacont of tht eousarned boit'. jumping -e., sud se, I -soi stili, spresd my ambrl ever my hoid, sud decidod te Ltant ilteei for the rail of tie nighi. -As I iot there I .eed a ma golug &long the dock vilItiith ight aud cf hlm dn c, I oocluded le vas a *ait eue, sud I saung ont te him, and begg.d of hlm to seud lie ciptia te me. I vinted te halk vilh hlm. I vanteti te kaow wyul on aîrîl lad gol undor liai; boit tbat mode ber bonace so. "lYou'rea nuin overumahin',"Ie 1as ieon s yerive 1lYon'd bellot b. s.selnag vii s, or tboreli b. a buit up byme-bye 1" "PJon'l fnl& old lady!1" moI he. "Yen'fl -lol huilier aller a vii. You're»soi sioi That'a vhai'a il. malter viii Hannai 1#9 sud off he vent -hiii' Whl.tIin' i udeod 1 Ând vhsia' undte4 sudb »HiUM~sruetnu toc! Why liai Mia voBUDn'ihave midie oiu cf vhlil" in' 1 is graion'.ue r And ]Pd have lamrped hlm viii my amuttl for living the impudence t eaUm molil lady' iffîcould havegco -n to mY Sais but Ioouldn't. tec, ave teie vend 1 t Iwvu joui, npoteebli. I sot tlie cn the. &or nuder my aM- brith lbetbof cfthe nigil. About four la lb. mornlng BoutaIhéigot pmi "e' 'ukuov blleW vinder. B.fmwBoAalioold~ I mbe iO te do«rw o thW le ed il' 1ausi "là - e~iu*la Boinul fi ws 4aavuet i buvif., but ii eninvpsuM i au, -vB3y s voman' to $t lboft by the ~r, 1fl j Pue v iiOO l as h ere -god-& Vilts, n rliy g.d1$b enpu,, e na061teci lu koepIn 199 Ii0f4 4.el q sops _tgiv ens! I- ue»e f ee feel verni, sud the boivels i n a 80=2 0tbha ' 1.orld!1 Andi u'l u-utisemlnout phypclau -llved lu ou= day, seill'te 1te #0yer rwudohldn, -ansd kuewu the mmente e1 Ayer's pill tee!"',ses Io "1 sm Jernshy B1Ugg t61u4an suaperlent, ho weuld certaluly have Ptooor;- sud as eepeebleýfemmls J recommended them,,as se manyeofie 14omù, su d il yen don't stop yer anlie,[ distWgulshed successors are deung. I si au ltue eelicîmen sf the tovu!l" The% oelebrated Dr.* Farnevorth, ef They ail subsideil at that, and, soWlI orvich, Cenu., recommendsA .yer's they 4ad reati oboulme lu tle -papoe, Mileas 1h. beet ef ail remediefor sud vs veili iquatuted i ith eir - "Intermittent Pevers."1 4unt Jerueiy. Full s doxen cf 'etu in - Dr. I.' B. Fewler, cf Bridgeport, vitedl me bo go witi 'sas sud have sine I onu., says: - Ayer's Pille are highly breakfist, but I told 'émne. I vas adui ilysokno ytepol obleegedti le'em, but I1vws tie lsvful absutuniersaily spken cf y u the ol vedded vile cf Jonathan'@ buzom'a, andiaothr.Imkediyueo ha ho vas a tteadful jellue man, sud it lu my practice." vsnrtigiî fer mé to do snything that t Dr. Mayhew, ef Now Bedford, Mass., weuid, give foîkea sclanse te tlk, or BaYs: "Having prescribed many thon- tbat vculd mû.e Jouathan fesi biid te -Bands of Ayer's Pilla, lu my practice, I -his stumoeak. con unhesltatlngly p*onounoe theai the Upon list tiey cheoreti, sudasi I best cathartic lu use." vas a gay oid bird, aud werthy te b. The Massachusetts State Assayer, Dr. tle vif. cf s dozen Jonathans, but I A.--A. HaYes, certifies : 1"I have made a told'emtheLordforidone onahancareful ana1ysiiý cf Ayer's Pille. The teli 'ai le ordforiti on Joatbancontalu the active princIples cf wei- ]Poîkini vas snu!, a groat plonty 1 kuown druga, lsolated freai inert mat- I vent te the place viere tbey eold ter, whlch plan is, chemically speakiug, tIckts, ntiaske themanlIst if ieof great importance te their usefuiness. tickt@,andaokd te mn tereif o 1Il insures actlv'ity, certaiuty, sud uni- couldtellu me bey 1 sbould le likely te forrnity cf effect. Ayer's Pilla centain find Beniahsudnt hie vifs. He B.d bhe ne metaflic or ineral substance, but ditin't kuov BoutaI, n'ornouthing about the virtnes cf vegetable remedies iu limi 1I1told liai I. was s. pritty centter' akiliful cembluation." te b. bireti cul toeîtay thon., and see A D I sItar maltTrs and things, and tien ne 7Ay IO F5iIOs, know anything about bis bizness. - TIen Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer &Co., Lowell Iam. I explaine to ithm about rMy son, anti Sôld by a&U Dernesln Medicine. about Ibis being eut bridail over, snd_________________ tlez r 44Ive go aoft CAU SE AND EFFEMyOTm brüu o tfhe cars, and tbst'e bow il A S N F E T harponsti. Anti they're izens on. Net ~Many persona wonder at the tireti, woru cary tisai, but my esaIsiel-.ag cf tunni s1uad weary feeling thsteoppresses themnwih overs anti eîhaip yarhs, anti xy aaght. e ut any apparent cause. t may be poverty gounti sud soveril chier thinge 1" 1 of the blood or a disordered stomaoh; lu Thon lo began ho undorataut, anti ho s ither case the stomaeh, blcod sud liver sei id boiter helegraph te Benlal. are net performing their regniar f unctiens, 'vi1were te ?', ses I1; "te the kears ?', and, with many persons there wifl follov a Wil hi hoegrfl utrn le i~n.~ jdm11, heavy headacîs, nansea sud many Willthetelgrat otruntheivine ', ether symptome that precode a welL devel- 6"8&rtin il vii 1" ses he, "and you'd cped case cf Dyspeposa. Pnrify tie blood, bettor telegrtft te your son'@ destination. cleanse the eyetem cf the ologged secre- "Ho iad't sny 1" îez I; "le eulY lieue by uging look &long a trnk andi avole" Meacham'sMà rk âue "But ho vas a geing somewiee,m'Madke ixu, viral h. ?"' aseti he. prepared by J. B. Msacham, 133 Yonge St., 140E oonr.w, yen coneanei fool yen 1" s Chernist of ninete-en ysars' expenience. sez 1; "viwit aheulti ho ho a epeudiag Seld ilu Whitby by W. BR. Howse. bis money riding iu your pesky cars for, wa bun orBabrïvM n ee-TWO SCHOLA RSHIPS. nyvsnie, b aso 8oloaion Learey's folie, vbici Soiomon's vile. aicler is W. lave for isaeastthis office twc mdcel- su eva cousin hoBeniai's vif.'. grand- arahips cf Toronto BusinessColloge, sud maru. Kaov 8*lomon'e folk@ V" shall dispose cf thena te any person who H. aitd le had*'î liai louer, but if wlshes to attend that institution. It lesa I'dgîv hl adolat ot maagemat ged ppotnity for t-w young men who lorsiv m aet olar nov managI mt-ould Uh=ehup their kuoedtge ofmui- ée»,andletBenih kow batI wuldnois methotis. Apply-st lhe ce=@rne ou télie nultrain. Anti I give OnuosîlcLz Office. hlm tie money, sud h. esquartedl me Nov. 9.18b7 te lhe nezl train th&$ he spoke cf. ________________ lu vas kinder louesome a travelling ail by myoelf,bu 1 stijis Up suM 00 quaintauce yul lie ecudueton, vIWh vas a rosi emart, pnutty.spobd feller- vw" eh.eker.d Ireusers net quit. big nuff fer hlm. 1 expeot liey've boeenIC R lle tohimby somaeofbls doadreletîou li&& whe a mucî smiller minutienho H. told me il vus perfectly oale for a lady le trivel sien. uowdays. __H. so IT : il vas euh of faibion le rob sud murder foi1ka i te e arsnDov. ,Ansi Ighmeai ietmalteroumd WuIiyuudutma ol thinge to Pigeon HoUler, sud aaked hlm 0 to c mM horu& u heâr about hiei mari, and if hi. grindpop Ibivn** =M e i see vas livingasud bld &bai il my saiobol- mpgq debfoaoytherom cusutna51 l Diu iien te Mg ri tin.,a- igomi et rpoadmkydelfoa-rj linalt sum i mm srou k r csus&-byibIsnogeot Po sc hensn qaeo a b o'tsiof a a-i sur. s d sie lii.oîâ bned- gicue fer vo cnspoullard vemieses d aIet,~l yiuga ±'AINI'ILW SIUN WRITER, GLAZIER, PÂPER HÂNGER, KALBOMINER, General HouBe Decorator. UOiifltoflWOO WOj 01t&rosi t ritaiâ. I jMïBER MEBOHANT &Brll -A large auply-sf Builders,'Fu OAPITAL, 805W)(,())(. - lgesud aSIl kinês cf Twisted Moi Doors, Sash aud Blindas. Whutby, May ]8,1'86. -ly General Agent. HEWESTERN BýNK 0F T' CANADA, WHITBY, - ONTARIO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. Whitby, Nov. 7th, 1882. ly-47 MONEV To LOAN! 0100-000 FOR INVIESTRENT. ON R~EAL ESTÂTE SEOUBIY.- At lowest living rates of Interet. Mcuey securwlithin 10 aye of aP- Apply te JORN PARQUHARSON Whitby, Febrnary l6th, 188. 9- MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate Mertgage at. Low Rate Intsrest. A.~ OS APpraiser for the Canada Losa sud Saving. Co--# sud agent for the Western Assurance C'O. OPPICE-Over Gerriels Blocý, Whitby. Mm IALLAOB TRUE TVBLUE L.O.L. No. 168 W stsl'TempjemmnoIlHall, 85 ~ oy h*y .1 0 LUMBER, wholeou1e and retail, or b; the car load. Planing, Mouldings cf every description, Flooring, Sheeting She1ving, Re-ea-wxng. Bhaping, TurIng, Acoll Work, etc., etc. AGENTS!, AGENTS! N W BEADY-Our new book), "EpBrthi Sea and Sky; or, Marvels cf itue Tniverse"; being a full and graphiq de.. ecripticu of a&U that is wcnderlul in s'very continent cf the Globe, in the wcrld cf waters and.he Starry Heavene, oontainin g thrilling adventures on land and ses, ré. nowned diecoveriels cf the' world's greatest- explorera. in al ages, and remarkable ph. nomens in. every realm cf nature. ra braoing the striking physical Isatures of the earth, the peculiar chara.cteristics cf the human race, of animaIs, birds, insecte, etc.. including vivid description cf the Atlan." tic, paoifto and indian Oceans, and of1. Pclar Seas, the Mcnsters cf the Deep, beantiful seashelîs and Plants, singua fishes and dwellers in the wcrld cf waters, remarkabl 'e Ocean ourrent@, etc., together with the AMAZING PHENOMENA OFf THE SOLÂR AND STABRY BYSTRMS B3Y Haxur D&V.ENIPOBT NOIRunop, D.jD.,, Embellished with over 800 fine engravinge. Liberal terme te, Agents. OXFORD PUBLI8HING 5 JORDAN ST., - CO. NT-BONTO, ONT. Certificat.eof IMajor tarper, Esq., of Whitby- -1882- To whom iif mai concern. This is te certify that having examined, repuired and nsed a great variety cf Sewing Machines. I have come le the conclusion that the White Machine sold by.L. Fair- banks is oeeof the best madie, as in my opinion il le a machine that wil .net eauly get ont cf order, and wiil last muchl loger than =cest machines, a cars lias been taken te prevent wear as 'much s possible. , I cou honestly recomnmenid it tepartes want- ing a good and lasting sewing machine. 1 pnrchasedl one cf th. White's some months ago, and il gives everes ' fction. Afier five yeirs use 6t thé White Sewing Machine ln- =y family 1 ea u nly endorme the above certificats m»d eaâ u fnly recom-- =end the machine a .- family eewing machine souse lees for; ppairs than any, machine I have -ever 14d snything te do with. MâÂ-OB HARPER., sold cheap as the cheapesi, and is the best of the beut. L.FIC -A S Sole Agent for thuis District. T S WPR ayb. f(-ounu lc vertieing Bureau (10 Spruce Et.), -where ad., vertising contracte may be made for It NaCw Yeax. 001>NOSE. Niew-EIGS. LlVERY -ad SALE STABLES, DUNDAS-ST., WHITBYT. M. O. ORAWFORTrHi N'IST - CLUBS TURN-OUTS Oomfmrcial 2'raeUei'a Iiberafl &1 JOH NSON ÂNNUÂL INCOME, $10600P000 MA"E Farm Property and Dwefllng Houses aSpecialty. Vsrylôw rates. Easy terms of payrnent. Simple policies. NO vexationis conditions. Prompt settiement cf losses 'withcnt discount. Be sure yen do net insure until you know our terme ana conditions. Enquire cf B. la. B. HA«Y- WABleD, or General Agent for South On- tare Ofce in Whitby-Part cf D. Ormis- ton'a Law-Offics Ail letters addressed te Look-Box, 78, Whitby P. 0., wiil receive prompt attention. Rssidenoe-Ham Coet- tage, Byron street, Whitby. 21 London and Lancashire Life Company, This Company issues every desirable form cf Life policy, aud lias deposited with the Receiver General in approved CJanadien seourities over- #100.00 for eacli #100.00 cf liabiity, thus aflording ABSOLUTE se- cluity. Parties desirous cf assring their lives wMf find it te their aâvantage te consult the undersignrod before assuring elsewhere JOHN FARQUHARSON, aduwada Ordere from 8the. ounhïry, prosr W8HOP-Pirst, oor Soui Mr.4.Y. Sslth's Iv R cWiuiby. Wittb , pi1 iStl4 1888. "lThe good ife joy pocially tmGe for ci. Joues-I tio't belieN iels, net -even -luins Webl, I do I shauge t SBrid-Hlenrys doi mnore ? -Bridegraoeul lory sory Wheubaril duel ;,ut before-tie hall tirougi oall 'ceontestants lad i SOhOU3,».-1 eay, I vilutnesa burial atj nover 55W à butta, - iut-us al lti vsy d sud wifei THotel Gh band-Of ePUrMiée l- y.The-seebesi g1 Barbet (punely4n<l Uae o~tut ilr1t -t0er-Yýes-liroe or gnon 1 gel liai mau "Go jýfihhagOuty m is wokio s vt ir laggdont. i- (3mRis n-Ohnt ai viii-'a somen. Jof you catiofl.uo, tessn c Ibs t îl Ioscue t- the ge -iRobet ca trade-11 in ol ad-aergymo han le asd vheoar.ht I ceni île&offerb aek vtero e t oý Mrobecnt ovnra9 trsuslacie inte b i meiilohg, vIiý ,usdabtou- t ti-jo* aful about -d ofver i gel yo a MetaiThek.I Mr.have Isee,[ ti t scpiyer "&Mat" horoi tui uniehmeago,' 1ew dy agô.I> dUûu icol a a Cir bIyesï eue pupWil tahe itou. "am ewmave l in.-r "Yor die Oi yewe ul.,di9w" ]y lu iulq -