SHOTr!1 DESTROYS TM Cabbag,.e Worm, BUY IT AT THE MEDICAL HALL, Is uIs IIDDARLI ONLY Si oo PER ANNUM.- Whitby, Friday, Anuist 31, 1888. The Fair. CLOSE UPOn the brilliaut ithograpied, bills jusl posted annunuing thc On- tarie and Durham Exhibition Associa- ciatioii's Show ai Wkitby ou Oct. Ist, 2nè and Srd, coee ur fine prize ligt. Thc premiume effercd are very higi-to our inadtee higi-and the compct.itiou liet embracos everything vici oould b. oiiber thôngbt- cf or fouud in chier priz. liste. Twieesas muci moue>' is effsred in premiums a. vas ever offcrod ai lie Seti Ontario shew@ vien tieyvwere tie ieut l inte ceunir>'. Thsearrngements are boinq made on a sosle t match sud the vork la belag puhbed à asat as mene>' sud eu.rgy cen de IL.Besides ail ibis à ogame c0 s ia8 atacinsel meprepared te filIlan Bri> pare. minute tlme during tie liresdays' ehov. If eiher moue>', goed manage- ment or splendid attusetieus eau carry -dis show tte bead et ail the. central faire. lé WMho dose. As the -date drave ne««era umb ordtiled Ides cfo asoionsviii b. giron la lies. columas; sud in the-mantime eveuy poumon -bsrlng vorti>' exhibits had botter pi atround sud enter them b.- ou.-Sept. 22nd. Wby should Omasians proton se mnoha.ienishliOtt ai the action et Puesideul Cleveland lanhrying to, esici hie Irish rot. ? Don't vo.ailknow thai Cleveland le ouly iaking a lest oui et oui ovn bock ? Business cf publie im- portance lu Eugland sud Canada bas fer years slvays bèecu saped so catch liaI saue vote. Boti the Govrrment sud opposition la England sud Canada hars beau stlwng their caps fer yesrs te pIlsse. fenians and usiels. Erery dialoyal elomeni cf enfranohiseti icciet>' hma been. pampoeecinlaerery rebellions ncOi oo ek lie olis hest, unuil it w 4uld almost- appeau ts if reballion v4e. a apreminum. If wvs show fouisse te rau Englaud sud Canada, se theydo as presents eau i bo aM vondor- o4at ibat ihey are bound te goovrn tie Uüited States sa. vol? This Irish buSinemssl beoomiug a ourse te every -coeîntry whero Il basW behord of. It aocunta 1cr aIl ulbe 11rosnt biook cf legisistion la England; i socount. fcr the man>' sud uubooomîug motions lnteufeulug viti En ghsiaffaire paaseil b>'thie Osadian Parlament; IL m. counte for boti tie Ameuiou polluesa -parties lioklag the (soet fenians ai the presen moment. The fenian portion eft1h. Irisi protoes le belihe vouai dcvii rodden soot in lie veuid, yoh lieï ffi"r.ülring agiation lse -1 enalig io le deetroye>'lie trnal ao c veuy ceunir>' viero tihE anluaiKiUguae id spokon. W. " no nepleasu» ra mnning tiovi but what dlfernooe 04uigt eski -a" 15 .mak là tRta ie eudinaur Qanadia vhs p There vas some teilk c f runniug auC excursion te &idland wileut this lime cf P the yoar, but vo haveu'l hes'rd lateiy. Dc O ua baud boys wore ôn Ibeir rounds0 again this week. They vill give yen a9 catI soon.t S0mB oee sk: whore do flics go ini wintér; W. dcn'l kuow, but woeaun loate their summer resort vitheut liet louai trouble.f Tiers vil b. very fev appeais ibis year agaînosi 1h. vork cf ths central et- t aminera. Net more than two tlgrds sud3 eue or ivo seconde rom tho Instituto.1 The mcrning and afi-ernoon proses-9 siog cf brigbt-eyed girls and wide aývake1 boy4ý, between the Midland station sund toe Inatitute, hau bogue again aud ià larger tian ever. The nov Fair groundsanar rapidly ooming luto shape, and tiere sne doubi $iat evejthing wM inlaorder in.îime for the exhibition on the. loi, 2ad imd 8rd Oct. Hlard work le belM doneeovor>'day >by a large gang of men n l etting tie nov fair ground8 la eider. Eveuythmng glves-mIet .f ue..... Tii. raek ia te b. a fut e.nè voit wvasapenan sd joyo»s ceasuo for Deputy-Ohief Gouuiable "Gus. » The latter bas a number cf charges h. vante iuveetigateti b>' Hi.Worsbip. The Du"feri treel school la underv. pilns repaire, sud teashers sud papila are yei onjoymng thhr holidays. Ever>'. thingvwiilbe ready to begin vork on Mouday. Ir tierel nas sensible man lanlthe Oouuty la sol on ouHol of sauarbers, sud ve do net think lier. are man>', vo vil put il uher. for tho balance cf th. for 25.1.. TmW.0. Ta.U. fSarnia koeepthe sailors caIling ai liaI port supplied viii litèrature. Tiie Unions cf other Iake-port tevus oould do voeso tn pursueo a liko polio>'. MR. Sà w. Knie ha.sent homoe a set ret -boautiful photographe, et lamons ec»enes sud buildings- about Drenden. -Ris brother, 1Mr. Joseph Ring, la letting h ie friendo have a looket aiem et lie r office cffithe tanner>'. Again tuis vook eus long list odiad. .vertisemeuter cf faune for sale ortie reni lai baing augmeuted. Prom a&l over 1tic eunir>' lieeadvertiéementa are rocminit la. Il enlycocats from $1 tcp $5 & o- r>' for the seocf a faim, o wor ee a touant. Tits apr le read by every- rbedy thalle a&nybdY. -BxcuaopioN, Sept. 7&ii'sud 8th. .Whilby, Picering, Mfyrtle, or Brooklil 1 le Detroit or Port Hua= suslm $59 0 . Sagiuav or- Bay City', $8, Grand B 1Apid, $9:,(Chicago, Cindnnati sud n*1.a, #8.50, aIl gpod te relur unp l z Sept. 241h. For, tiokels etc., for above y'M~lby. 1 W. aumbeset ,joosl nov with asa about big lltreIulg, b1ig siigt* Ie. n 41 lisýUef, ut sdescrption gr reso-ý.. nI fly deelined ibis year, as w. are net Spubii.hiùg anvy tretobers until after Il t nui1ihst my " lm a et cen omdWa To-wu LOca NIEw 8soarfe aitBoss Bros. NEmw feuîtas seBoss Brou. Niw bkid glovs . et Rosa Bros. NEW night shirts ai Ross Br->s. NI&w rogatta shirts at -Rose Bros. Nicw Englieh collars ai Bonss Bros. BiwuL the barber; oranlilDi over- hauled, scraped sud shorn. Nzcw suitinga, tweeds, trounîerinos, overcoatinge and worsteds ait Rose Bres. CONSERVATIVz rally ait Beaverton on the 5#h, prul. P-Al for your wnter's supply of ooal boforo te.morrow, Sept. let..' *E Tn ea-max' has sui up sh ' fer the FRoST in the northern sections of the oounty. COMPLUTE stock cf geule furnishinga to select ftram, ai W. G. Walters. Ia hcvy wiuds cf the lait few dayi have hein meut disasircus te fruit. Applesansd pean cover the ground. Sous cohoice patternsi anov wblack dses goode te select from, ai W. G. Walters. The work on the iannery drain je progreslg. Menur. (Ilargo sud Mur- say are tryiug te make a good job. &8K for thc durable kid gloves, every pair guaranieed. Sold ouly by W. G. Waiters. Several nov buildings are beiug ereot- cd in tevu, but etillibere ie a great shortage. llEiNmnT5 cf dreis goods, prints, linons, toveUlings and cotions, at very low prices. W. G. Walters. .Now la the lime to Re& jour bill beada printed aitiheCHRONICLE office, bafore the rassh cf fail tra*de. a ampi1ng ai lIOniO rud rii péetOarm .oonsistet-in lu irsires- ment. Any effot put foth te inake it fashionableuumMir resOrt, wOuld end iu failure. It depondo on ýtii immédiate looslity for support and 80 long s its proprietor iu uatisfied in meeting the local requirernents joUi 80 long will it flourieh and ne longer. Fifty or one bundred dollars judieiously expendd would fi11 the bill ad greatly imoroses ie present popularity. Protection for the trees againet damage by herses ; the ereotion et a rough pavilion, whcroin 10 tako refuge from uterme and for general use on pioflieoccaBsions or camp- era eveuing entortainmefltU a- fow ruellc e satsnd other ceuveuienooi would be about ail that it needa te retain its présent popularity. It would net be wise te ereci -a cottage as a finanoisi s;peculation, alibough go a private summoer resori a cottage ait the point would be a great coovenioflOe te, bim who could afford to maintain it. ndMr. oberngMil.eK, reurued fro mil Mr.hRobet onMnday euight. The be aorthwuben tners everal tme e reo ths ebiughm e noates iti ros eaylie immeone preres restcint jehbeimme nseiai grea ountry. Ho vng aderyin thueiselie on tertivHeetwu eest aihi ren tp, ut etustuencapedt ic leiai Frpabuthson mil he lonihO. P.or.atroug iles btrtdc à oungthey0 cf .marloush arcturof rh of. Beneat lmoat every suae weaih cf su luth alt great steh cf onytsierinje atmie f ea trt h of d up fo thee inco miegofseterd.Th Bduurfonrte atopp iman plac Te enxcuron rives t e it tandiacg rn e re d o rm . nt o sthstndiene crend the Mar beore auompagvr vin the MaTor setterre vithoupae- othin pTheost contrentvihu rx reon poctsfhouy cothntho labk beig prgosctete laud lente sufficiny ccied orperfectanvs ot ienfc. The ettuiefr ythy retisfveie nd ailh sudtr a orcfencore ageendte On arida <areroftecorgemtettcoon-r ftariro ady we oll off.the Monry ife lit a un viienlof.Them as o eyelgt et) sui ts h nover oias be toel cf sncb Cimmens.b e r sa ue- f,lof fnortiemenusfle rat f cur pied Nortile lns, o te G.r. cut, the orBlwecft ic WînnipG .Ca, N Yo.n Blavof ieth-ov eWinie CaudN ote utcd on wde anld maypcrn, udal rad mtnwerecuutry There eau ne dl-pe bthecnitry.o Thiea otiesnodoi t M anit' oano thmo vie esie telcne froi ereutg pernenhomes Ti ne rmyore ko puernet oe. Tevdnayr v- ig eardonseueh fv. or sd net hlm; but bisrdcoluon je an d ey iii provebis nsioncf istai gesDocntu>'. Arovantcf goo usines ssacit su posmeneofg a outief«koedge cf an Noreivstafairone ho proiss e deo avay viii afaietii.pcomintesard duriug ithe putiton yeore. larel> atsuddhore belug quit. a numbr . laiespueseut. Ovisg I. illnees et Laing, J. Campel teck lb. box sud ptciid a vri>'geod game. Atiougi at limes ho vas batted rahier Ireel>', yet the vIsinrafcnnd il dlfieuli fou sevoral ilangs 10 ud the. spiere1 boyoud *o diamond. Wbitby toek the le"d tromu l ie ri lulgeaisud steadil lcroassd il Iote selgiti vienap- panil>', they vent aIl te places. A comblnaion of muifs, ovrulrovsansd untilmel>'delays marked ti"#.atrous innings, sud slloved ithe visitera te score six muns, sud tako ithe of tho home toam b>' one u. Whiby va. blsnkod la liolu hall ot th. oigit, sud lie visitera soorod Ivo la uheiu nintit, tins leading b>' tires ruse. Nov vas th. lime for lie umpire te gel la bis sharp practice aud h. provod oqual te lhe occasion. Tvo men voee' on bases, sud a lsirly batt.J bell adranced lhomn abuse eaeh,vwith tie prospects of brlag. iug one, if net boii, home. The strhker got to fluet bafoue the balvas fiolded vien the umpire asteleho ail pueseni, încluding lie vuiiing-losmý, b>' doler. ing theetsrike a foui, sud sendig lte tire. basemen back. Ih vas lie -mosi glariug pice cf tband oser perpetraied on ouz ball grounds, sud one u-c seseti of pure, uuanitmerseoeek aud monumentalgail ould bavre aitempi- ed il. The indignation cf -lt.espeool tors Inade isait diecirniblo lina amanner moal prenouuoed, but tie gent. from, Kingston iad appareuil>' 1k. Mark Xvain,mtiifed hsesinelbeyouti, aud turuing à doaf eau te âaIl appeaus, oudored lie gante toecontInus under penalty cf Aotaulllng to Nevoashle. H.f masde quit. a- spectacle =ofhmui msuda i emare ligaie hpoogme sors.-aglimpse of deteolabler covar- duoM by> tiealeuiug tleslap the mti Qfe ereY jusenils liai 4usd lu BARN Il 5HOWIM HandBo me 8tock Always :A head SEEM NEW SCARFS NEW SCARFS NEW SCARFS :- when :: New : Style TrEl-E The. Gloucester, The Salisbury, The St. Leger, Thc Bendigo,- The Chandes, The Ascot. REGATTA SHrIRTS, REGATTA SHIERTS, REGATTA SHIRTS. A special line jnst reeiîved, 2 collars and 1 pair otiff s with each Shirt. They're Nobby Goods. We bave the LÂRGEST and 01100E ST election of Genita' WRITE and COLORED Dresa Shirts in town.A Gr.NrS' NIGWÇ SHIRTS, GENTS' NIGHT SHIRTS , GENTS' NIGHT SHIRTS. Nice assortment of these Goods. Embroideried Front ana Collar. GENTS'IIARD FELT HATS, GENTS' SOFT FELT HATS, GENTS' SILK HATS, GEN7S' SILK CAPS, If you want anything in beadl wear corne and inspeot our New Stock. Cornes: Out. ]LATrzEST-r- N EW ENGLISH COLLARS. NEW ENGLISHE COLLARS. NEW ENGLISH COLLARS. Something Entirely New. The Von Bulow. Mll Styles in Boya' Linen Collars, sizes frorn 12 to 14. Fu as- sortment in Styles and sizes of Celluloid Collars. GENTS-' KID GLOVES. GENTS' KID GLOVES. GENTS' KID GLOVES. Gentlemen requiring the above will be sure of getting eatisfied at our store. Our Ernbroidered back, Matador Fastening Kid Glove. in assorted Tans and Browns, is acknowledged the best fitting and niost dur- able Glove yet-produoed. BOYS' HARD FELT RIATS. BOYS' SOFT FELT RATS. BOYS' GLENGARRY CAPS, BOYS' POLO -CLOTH CAPS. AUIl he latest styles in Boys' and Youths' Hats and Caps. See the LORNE GLENGARRY.i ORDERED GLOTHJN G A SPEOIALTY New Fashion Plates to hand. We have the finest range of Suitings, Trouserings, Worsteds and Overcoatings ever shown in townI. Prices the lowest for first-class Goods and workmanship. ]EO B CHANGE 0F BUS INESS! e T he undersigned wonld respectfuil> inform tic public that the>' have purohascd the Grocer>' Business latel>' carried ou in thc Town of Whitby by B. H. Jameson, sud that lie>' will continué the same in tie old stand, Tic Italia Warehouse, Dundas Streel. New Goods arriving daily, wbich tie>' cordial>' inite the publie te inspect. A. fair share of patronage kindi>' solieited. No trouble te, show goodu. Ail orders prompti>' delivercd. MATH ISON BRO SB, ITÂrIÂN WÂREHOUSE. BARGAINS GREAT SACRIFICE SALE!I l go Pa PARK TO LET, FOR Â TXRU 0F TEARS. Oompoe f7 acres on lot No. 1 north, end of t h on=. Piokerle sndW50acres on lot 84 l3ortk toed-01fhe .o townahij-120 of the land in a high utate of cultivaion. Good brick dwellig, goodout- houses, iwo barna quite large enough te bold a yea's crop, good atone stabling under both. Possession &-eti November next. Privilege of plowing slter harvest. GEORGZ 3ONBS, Whitby P. 0; Juno 26thî 88.~f FOR SALEe A good brick hanse, 11111 -an acre cf land oontagal kinds cf ohoce fruit trocs in bern.A few minutes walk from Harbor or Grand Trank Station. Âpply to;FX July 4th, 1885-if. Port Wbitby. rUHEsub Having ooncluded te go oui cf lthe(Jreckouy, Tînvaro sud Fanoy Goodn business, vs J.. part cf wMi commence a genulue sacrifice sale. regardiesi ef cost or value, ou Saiuxdaýy noit Township cf, july 2lst. Note the folloving :- ia gocd tillai Bosutiful Dinuer Belte, US pisse., verth 826.00) for $1600. suce wlrooed 1 Nice Combnatien Bette 865 11.00 for 6.50.godbha White Stone China Tes Bette, 44 pieces verth 8.00 fou 1.86. jQOi foncs I>inted China Tes Botte, 44 pieces, worth- 4.00 fou 2.50. 20x28, witIl Painted Tlbet Sette, 10 poces, werth 560 for 8.50. wooed 1 Painted Toilet Botts, 10 pieces, worth .450 for 2.50. ..55 t Plates 80e. pu»os c.. fer fSOc. Cpesud Saucera $1.00 paorcdos., for Weio, Glas Leinonade 100 nt Botta, ô pieoe, worth #1.26 for 90c. ,Goblots sud. Tumblora 76c., per-doz., bL oi O. Tin- acepyal waroatycur evuprie.. Bedroom Selle, cf 5 piocas, orti 82.50 for 8l.25. Fsay gooda poO, asPixM for ion thau half- pub.. Albums #2.00 for #100. 81.00 for 50c. Pans 41.60 for 25e. -En- or viiibeloi vclopes #260 for-25o, &o., &c. posecf dcir Thon are ouhy afew cfttc bargains. Wtlaad ev derie ecreeu> ober. For and seure them betoro lia>' are cofimed out. Having bought a largo quantily cf vînogar a ca i l ev .ries ive *vingive yen 'vitiîle it hasts XX White, WinoVinogarlor 25c. per gael, XXX W beits Wmc Vmegar fou or te M. G. PRIGL'8TA IL ORING ESTA BLÎBIIMENT One eribor offeim for ual, tic uorti loI6e 5, lu lie' 9hcon. cf the fB ougeg, about 45 acr-es et vbich bie land, veil watered,'the ba..ý sund. upen -lth 0preixiSeare 4,, fin 7&..oaus ortier ana JEW-E] Ana a-à n exceptiOnall WATO -SOINdGold, Fiied à 0f excellent design PRICE8, k8-. --BA 1 FJRI1AY, AUGI3 LO CAL Li BUDGET 0F LUVELY LOO BI IJHRONIULE1 "A 3hicUs anxng y Au' taith helU pe 'A cold dip carl>' la Cosi. dealers are 1 pricelii SW=niG Oxun uP) for a seascu. Tua Tabarnacle B pcv roui shma b? p" MABoWu -eOciig' vien Lhe 6"Geai" vil oxereise. ScVRAL vent troi tosse Oshawsaeprem holiday. sud came1 viser.-- 1 of Brock otreetwiith ho did on Mondsy ITua prfiâe liai __Of ie to be holdi he on Buti, oet-October, lau i printer antivilibe re *ithin aslow*days. TEical Wtrain bel .aud-Torutul by waý a newv.p osgr li111e more worthy doîumunity thmn il lu (se liii mi 'à . na? sud Ie L;a Of Door Eut 0 gr o, ce oc tw oé oi si i et SLUG The Ostago, The Metropole, The Pandora,- 00 BARGAINS i a