f IIITBY With calrn Printed wordsgroit. thoughts, sud untirlng induftry, advocate Peace, Progres, Kuowledge, Brotherhood.. VOL. XXXII. WHFITBY, ONTAIRIO, FJâ1DAYe .AJGIJST 31, 1888. _& . & F:OST I1DIitbp QIIIJtL ItUÃŽ &t. aie h Langley, Langley & Burke, Han giq, Established 1856. A R C H I '-T E C T. TL. 1 i.Al . m nA k fln nrln rniintu- Deuignu for -burchos, Vilas and Got- I eOU OC L CdUII 1Y 1 iiiuîtailu IJUUI'J SUBSOBIPTION RATES. S1 per annnm in advanoe-$l1.5O other- n-jus. Subsoiptions are always payable at ho office of publication. Stoam eqnipment ana bout f urniuhed Book and Job printing plant ini Eastern Ontario, capable ai executing ail clauses of ---, 4-- i hu su roà nuu lr a te - a-es handbil. Special mention is made ai the unuurpasued pneus iaoilitieu f ai iiCm&oN- ICLI, with its celebnated N. Y. Gottrel cylnder preus and othen modern conveni- onces. Rvery onder receiveu prompt, cane- ful attention. TBTkS 0F ÂDVEBTISING. FineS inuertion, per lUno, 10 cents; oach uubuequeiit insertion, 6 cents. Diuplayed Advetieements are measured by à soale ai solid Nonpaneil, and chargodl aoccodingly. Advetisemeiitesent n-thont n-ritten instructions insonted-iutil forbiddon, and oharged for full time. Onde for diuoontinuing adventi.uemente miLat ho in n-iting, atherwieothe publish- enu wilU not be nsponuiblo. à libenal discount fon ooniract advertiue- mente by the ysan.copy for changes of contnact advortiuomente should ho handod in not laten than Wsdneday-; and notice ai anyintendod changes should ho given belons Tnesday noon. Othon advertlae- mente reoeived np ta Thursdy noon. Buines notices in local or newu colmue Five cents per lins weokly. Locale, 10 ct&. per lins weekly. Gonnspndence'soliciiod fnom ail arte of the Gannty on neighborin townuhips. corespondants are requeied lta moud in their communications as pnomptly as possible, Sup't Moohanical Dep'i. JOHN E. FAREWELL, LL.B., BARRISTER, Oounty Orowu Âttornsy, "uad Oount7 BoUcior.Office- Soih wlugs ouf Houe, Wbitby - 48-0 JAMES RUTLEDGE, B ARRISTB, &o. Offce formerly oc- eLo upied by Fazewell &Butlodgenomt 0oRoyal Hoiel, Bok St.,WhLitby. DAVI.D ORMISTON, 13.&.g HENDERSON & GRiAHLAM, Propriotors. A TTORNBY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Ohaucery, COeveyamce, &o. OFFucI-In thseO020ceSouth of lie Pent Office, in MoMfllma'sBlek, Brook Sireet Whiiby.l-O G. YOUNG BMITH, L IL. B-, B ARRIMR, &.,&o-Mouiy te Loan Oprsxou-Smith'5 BI.ok, souih cf Markei, Brook St., Whiby. (tif-6 JOHN BALL DOW, B ÂBISTBRý-AT-LAW, SOLIO1TOB ln Ohacoery, Oouveyancer, &o. Offio.-Deverill'a Block, Brook Sreet, Whitby. MONZT TO LBND-Prlvate Fund,- n smom.up to18000, ai a loy -raie cf lu- erest. (1y49. LYMAN ENGL19SR, L L. B,, B ARISTR T LAW SOLOIO I cos Sireet, Osha'wa. P. GORDON MEILDRTJMP Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Offie hours,-8 te 10 a. M., 2B le4 Sud No. 8, THE "«TIBÂGE3," BYRON-ST., X. C. CRÀL'WFORTH, VBTBINABY- SUBGBON. (.raduts of the Ontmr Ià VeisnluSy, Col- Orders by maIl or,6mîei.gQipromupiy, attende" te. mOfesre M slOdmzieeoetG. rss, eppc5lle Lt VER Y and 8~ BROOK SR~ Goed Rip sud Good louable. 19 I tags aupoialy.Drawingis preparod for rýeodeingeiuig trùbtures. Omcuio-First flat over Howee'u Drug store. P.0. Bex 202, WMTIEY.1 1lliiion Lino of Royal Mail STEAMBHIPS. SLIV]à «'ÈOOL SERVICE. Prom Montreal. Prom Quebec .sma....*Thur. Sept. 2ý.Fmi. Sept. 7 *Oregon......Wed.* 12... Thur 13 Montreal. T m et25.........Tu. et *Vancouver ... . Wed. 1 26 .. .Thnru. Sept. 27 BIU15OL SERvicE nron AvaMîouTs Docx. Dominion fnom Montneaà l about Sep. 29th. Cabin Rates mcom Montr-eal on Quebso. Prom $W0ta $80, accomting ta steamer end position ai StaSe Boçm, n-lth equal saloon privileges. Second Gabin (very su- poinaccommodation), $#0. Stoonage at bnetrates. Theso Stoamers ha-ve Saloon, State- nooms, Muic-neom, Smoking-room and Bati-noome amidships, n-bore but littie mo- tion je foît, and they Carr neithenr Cattbs non sheep. The Booms are ali outuido. The accommodatiorn for Second Cabin an theso Steamers is excsptionally gond, and n-ell n-orthy the attention of the travelling ~The -'Vancouver" îe lighted throughout nith Electrie Light, anhuaaproved hersoif to e oansof the f aBsot Steamers in the At- lantic trade. Pasuongere ean embank ai Monreal il Shey so deuino. DAVID TORBANGE & GO., General Agents, Montreal. 9. STEPHENSON@ Toiegraph Office, Local Agent, Whitby. Rilun Jine Royal Mail Steamers. LIVERPOOL. LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW. SUInBERARRANGPMENT8.- DATBS 0F SAILINOS. steamer Fronm Montreai Plrom Quebec ai daylight. g a. m. ....ssan .*n 9-......... g. 10 *Polyneelen.... AÛ& 35........... Ag. 16 Brmati&n-. .Aug. 23 .......... Au. 26 Sardinîsn....Aug 29 ........... Aug. 8) Parislan. sept 5.......sept 6 RATES 0F PASSAGEt BY MAIL STRÂM3RS. Québec toLil,,enpobL Gablu. e 80, &$70nsu 00aeecdips Iol accommodaton. Intermedats, 800.0Mer- &go, $au.0. 5tunn tckets, CaOU, 1, $100, siOpIseoo. lntermedate. 84.00. Biser- &goe.M.0 Cail, Pige or Bhep are net carnlsed on ihese steamers. 1IEPORTANT NOTICE.. Gabn,ltsfle"~teanSseMEa may go on boued i UentreaL B7 tbri mnzigzenipasengere are enabid te b.e cotcy .settO<1 on board the Ocean Steamers vithin *'Ofl hours railway jouneiy m c m W h t b y . b o k e d t e o r f o m GIseBeliai,QueeuitoWnu.or London, smre raie as Lnverpoolh Bril M~Xsd OandlD62M00extra Passengens suod thbir bmgga«s are put ou bord the Oeman S"easmehpSatQuObse ires ot aSl expene.. Parties seuding for ihfiands u inte OlCountry eau obtain BEPAID PAS. SG BTIFICÂ&TES aélovstrates. Fer Tickets aud a&U other ufcrmnatiou, applj te W. A.Yule, Agent, Express Office,- 1BROOK BT., W'TBa 1888. 188. SPRIN-G AGAIN. And ifU B looklup for a NI.. Pipenf«r yer ParliortDinmng Boom or K.iihohn jv uaîa mnde emyistoc * Whieh lu THE LÀ,ROE8r-AND Bfà 8 Ti Watt land CeýIMO gPapers, i L amps. 12e bout as n-el u largeet eand ohoapesi iety ever offeredl in the county. FOR SALE BY IO!~Ii CHEMIST and DRUGGI8T WIIITflY- t. Leon Waterý -AT- Chemist à Druggist, W H 1TB Y rooth B rushes, Hair B ru8hes, Comb8, Perfume8s, Foot h Soa p8, &na ail other Articles neoSsary te the Toilet, are kepi in good variety by' W. IR. HOWSE, Ohernisand DroggiBi, Wbitby. THOiRLEY LUUAL INIEVYb LiIlK. A Bey. Mr. Boss, mioeionary frorn Manitoba, is viaiiing friende bore. Hoe oooupied the pulpit cf lhe Presbyterian aed Methodiot churcos ou Bundiby aud delivered very irnpreoive aud ex#onia- tory serbnons.1 A ploasing feature cf thecservioelu the -Metiodiet ciurch on Suuday even- ing h singing cf a solo, "Abide wih me" by Mr. A. Ourran, one cf 0»m. da's nenowued singers. Mr. Curraèn isbinug after finishing bis studios lu X~ew York to take a trip te Goermany te pet on an extra ceat cf poUash: Hie many fionde hors wiil be pleaeed te hear cf bie funther tiumphe. Mr. W. M. Lmwrance, se long a clerk lu tbis village, bas acoepied a situation lu Port Perry with Mesurs., Daveupont and Jones. It wull ho long before Will in forgotien; 0f sterling pninciples and unaffeoted demeanor, ho is juet ef -the cdaie cf youug meu whe are a crodit aud houer te 5hheonantry. W. wish Mr. Wrn. Ketcoen, gecoud son cf Mr. Aez. Kêtoben wiil returu with Mr. Boss te Manitoba 10 engage il uaming in tiat vasi ounlry. Will is a geod fellow, every inch cf hlm, sud i.sref te do w4ll aud b. highly regarded thers.Oue by on. they go snd soon ws vilb. 1he. "DauretdYllager." Ati. preparatieus are being made by lie Meihodialte mak&.hi ooming HSnvetl Home the bust ever held in Brooklin. For &bout four metis pas& Mn. Riai. More bas been leaoinlà "egdcm..The ocies ii give a grmdconin theoourseofta 1ew oe.ks-ithe exact date is Dot yet flx.d. Tis ouWtvation oetheis umanvoue.. i. sa importsant onk sud efeéotei evgxyt. boy libmthe omoeuuty. Nobody dosa e mués i r the public good sud ns- ceives muc poor pa steeYoung mam or wowau who vit pnt trouble muand oflsi *nueh epeuse attemplats 10mli la awêsangof abcum mi tPUi mulèlalu el..Mn. mper. bas given lieri esous.more about ii sm,-I arn ansldiupou le e«PlI" som.czaw<sthaa~y inedthelb.celunn noline e bcargesbut dsnledtieun.' Ptlt , .ulQmué t Zli do<Dr. Warsn'Y ,sm.smept vas ralsd $P000or 1#M00 u euýten to i mu».property0"d limrne Idenlsd*balaaleuealaud do sP again., Il le lime h.ovasui»W$5000but Dot on the. au. prepoety..sud bIcore. Ha vu Améase.. on avaemosi bouse nd Jtast-400 ilm b" hvm b" *E555Sto hlm à & au la 1M7. 1%6u%"#« Of CIovu aess- I oudtrt te iler l. men ellurl*gbmonlngW" thetituth et ny mmn~ t~rPl - y cm ab uns i ph arnise g ibma sothi*-. dlisoiullejrof! hein 16. &arbVaot80fruiu 2vé' One of the boys shot what ho suppos. ed to b. au enormons esgle, but it turo.c cd ouit t be only a orane. Professer Kent visitsdi heoechoole inu tbis section ibis week giving hie usual amusing and instructive lecture. M Harvesting is now a fiing of the paut and I arn sure, I ar nont corry se i will; b. able io furnish yen with a littie news essicnally. About a dozen young ladies saseer- bled ai the risideuco of Mrs.Burgees one1 day-là st week for the set purpose cf1 getting out a mat, but 1 presume more talking was don. than work. Borne et tbe young mou hiave 'very uuwisely eaUl-1 ed this a l'hou party," probibly because they didn't gos an invitation. Neyer mind, boys* yen sbould have had 'plnck enough té corne and es them home through the tain. A certain youug lady from Olarq- mont, walked-hall way from the aforo- said place t5 meet her dearly. beloved Johnny. Afier 1h. uauà l overture whon meeting th.y proood ipr a drive, sam r eoUufor ihem Ãiai they met wîîh au accident. The buggy wus smashed and the hoes badly used up. I sup~pose the veteriuary is eatiefied as ho wus called upon. Mral.-8eoth walk or b. bold euough té drive ail the way. is being ield ai th. lake here ibis week. Those aiteudiug it ar.ecamping on lie lake sioe. Mr. Jute. Harrison is -agalu geing-lis the dry-geeds and gnocery busiess. This lime luAyr, viere ho goeesnexi Messrs. Chms. Young ofthle Beave r- ton Woblen MiiaMd AMe. Bosse Quebee h damgMr. Bo s inl Montreal ud ,mn. youun Mgy Mr. Wm. Bmith -1',Ipresnt N Potrolà uwhore ho Mfi upeniulsdiuiihe buildin fsom.eofDobso &Campbell@s fleure ËrE9ss. . *M b. m way aboul Tii. tfi=* for tia MeMillin -znk vai wm.ralssdmou Balrday' lust. ,i»m 14-tn al awaà u âme hoseu mus" .=e ig«a sud the WC 0. zEawa The moto tb. Tuei takeu up any ons te 6psy If Hlors e & Cà ,ttlel FOOD in lots le suit purohasens.- W. R OWSE, OHMIBT AND .DiUjGGI13T, .a1 2 AgeforMlIRb -t et Gftn E ET» ont Jan. 22,1878. 0f fan'- cleaed d Gît or Soit, ;Gooa e. per 5. per- mind ai pnics. complaint s tethe quali yor "uatisy of uny grain. t rqý Tht- village.was favored on last Sun- day by the presence of a rather crratio individuel wiîe heid forth for -a cen- sidorable tirneon the mitrë corners.. Hie interprersution of th.e cniptures was a littie- toc original fer one of our lead- ing eburchmen who go& into a upirited argument with bim, and w as es a cou- sequonce -committêd Le a place cf per- pemual ouinmer, The preauher inques- tien wben laaving, eignified his inten- tion cf being on - band nettSabhath, provided'h. did net gvo up the giosi lu theï mterval, in which case, cf course, the. tewn weuld have te, bear a' great disappointinent. Dnriug--lait Sunday's service;M. KReam tcok the oppentuuity to announce hie intention cf contiuuing the Wed-nes- ,day aigit bible ciao., The Uev. goutte- man, exprosaed himeif as rather dis- appoinied at thé emali atieudauce, liai is te ho usually seen ai these meetings. Lt i. a aerry Iâot tb thiuk, thai hie opinion is.jilQOn. On-,moreIbân eue occasion, an audience ef two or ihree-has ropresented tiis ohurob-go ing sectionaiet hese meetings,;any one- but a 'patient, bard working -'pasir would -bave given Up long ýago* in1, dis.-, gust, aud wbuld have beon ..josied in deung. T'here are people in ibis world who eau i alk about: the, duUneus of- iheir owmuaity for ~xnigits in a, week sud tbree times on Bundauys, but Whou it cornes teO attendung auy meet- inge liai woUld tend te quliven thluge, wantiug. Let .as hopft th at in the future 1h. Bible olsbes wilI ho a muocee8t ,tud liai ýevery Woduiesday, eveniug will find, tie liteilwiite chutchwe ll LIed OSEAWA. Maia UyIEmFnd, reliatfi .1 lb.ais Bobert-IEHylaùd, pasued quly away!,st ber rosi deaupê loi 16, 41h concesson 'EstWhÃŽlb'7, on W.dnes-y lauist the, adnoed a goeýof 89 -yeau and 8monthée Ayoung son of, Mr. zn. Goy»n- vas aooi8.~ut iyIdkod by a olie'ter"q monpg ie a îHi .e.tothï e bon , ad ouhenr-lnJu i ui alnùeÇ ýWb I ' 1 1 1 il nu