Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 24 Aug 1888, p. 6

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PORT S. (oefù 41~ Hoivas te et , utfor ïlb. mouds aIfoui O'clook, sud lb mas à oolili meruiuj u& net nearly liglit, semnsd 37ons lh topk a, autru, and I ~oa-cihi no-vols liai aller. eiervl.ýieail ibm, sudw-paliers, sud I had mluyrubb. su., sud -ator proof, sud ambri s a bag oetlurnovers &long. We ail mol etat Jo Humey's barné asu mien me gel than a. machbna. lbirty co torly vas alroady Ithere. Among lem Mariai Smith'. dresed lu pink, vili vite arbylieIalro»pos in lier haïr, and the Widder Spigius vwithonerlb.]c nlbbinm, sud ber bain euiled aIl over hoy head il lhoulsjest lk hIe . ood o lie back et our bîsok -sheep, Pely. I do listele»es auybodý Mé deiprit vain, epecially after liey gel &long lu yeara, 111. Peggy Sprlge-& 1 ' Beisi, vh t o sail for the voode, glve hum atm té Mariai Smith. I vonld bave boied bis eaua for huez wibh a gob4 ill, but foulihallers ma a curie boy! Msnriab se. as tickl.d te pieos, sud mie giggled, and s rned, sud srniled cule hm ae lioage ah. va a gil et about founteon lun panleleltes. And ho beut oves lier, sud llked to, lier, and huggod shavfi sud acled as if ha w das ad lulove ihber. W. iuuled for* Mayfiowerm 1111 my lanleru veul -ozt, sud iL va. broad day. ligie, but me dldn't fiud nothing but lbaves. The. fowesons v&HaIdnied Up. Jonathan ho- gel a pieue et brake sud a sprlg of hetnlock, sud I gel s dandylion sud sm o euckerberry baya, sud lied om, up viti a blus nibbiu, sud lth et efthle party found about tie urne. Bsniabho begged tbe dandylion sud stuel it ilute Mariai'. taIse lair-she moans a vig-aud med ho nover me. any- lhilg se beemlug 1 And Mariai mmlled sud lookod asuif eh@ vould falul svay sud f.l mbt a fit 1 Suddeuly, a.uvo vau malkiug ever a busby place, Mariai aeelIp eut tho moal sar.aplittiug-seeeei liaIever ycu hoord,- sud bogua diggitg lier rod noso luto, ýouial'e shirt frout. ]Pd mont full au heur a-irouing that ail,,tuernt, sud ,she ruiustod il intirely 1 "What lu it 1 Wiat's lie malter ? mea Boulai. "AI'senako 1 A rattlenake 1" sez Mriai; "ohitoht1ehoh oi" nd eh. sot out cule a decanter, drsgging Boulai &loug, sud lu a nminuIi very eue et lb. Party, y6. Aunt Janusby lucluded. took te thel h..ls, too 1 'oedroeat lferd of a sako, sud I rnus sufat tgaI remeliov II scklb. oMt aotmyambnil inb lie guound, sud Il lioieime as Vouokl6Ai vé foot 4am osto z07 face, sd Iothe tîl.]ma mgoehs"r Iost e g amay (rom thé. suaks, Ith*t ey neveu sulded mol but ce re on ujusl a. If I mau't ilu»1h. way, sud the cee. queue. mas 1ath11ey l-tUmibled e-ver me, sud fen; a hÏa s 4lof lem vau udovu a menamblu' iu the m to eues. Just ai-SqWmreB Ussei ai a, gouug te jump oer me, riz, sud I riz se snddiul lII up eotl quin ï sd domu h. Oumn ile a housasd of briek, for lie veigis *-bout Quero in&Me, sud is as clumty Ma i pg iu doenber. SHem ho emire r e's a- dieadfal pro- fane insu, sud l'iglad Ihst I didatl liave, hm. I'd proton Jounaliancma tO 4"-» reuu4h.r.mled Suddlstlyl I b o#u lia U Bmlh h. arst among 'Sm altier f Had atllunderbolîgome has brougl mai s1d«n'thavae fih sy morede- I qSpug to my feoldropped theni - - Âllllemaoffmas *- ébuerv FY5.5' ML 1VWý%!!!W M I140À,ffP et the 1Qvess. her B gooas deal .hardest, and ale-. gethr ton as- _,y affe lugtime.. 't vas th0e t\My " f~ ie Ir '"youru, J. UGG PE KË S Ce P.8S.MariahSmith hasboenlaidup ià. ith 5. htimAlisve r àmenéeè-t h. i party t- Boniah aud .A&ne re going te b. à- mamred lu a&bout a veek. v'il write te you afleir the weddlng., No. 88.-Bz:sun'mWEDDING. Wall# my son, Bouiah,,ha.gene and Sdene it! He'maaznarried man 1 d A Beuydies, Mariah Smith mez, but k Itold hear.not to ininuate snythin.g of r the kind, if oe vallied ber good lookoa, foir I nover kuowod cf but ene Benny. j~diet, and that waa Bennydici A.rnold 9Shat livod jute tbe Revolutury, sud I 1know oey sou hain't uethiug like him 1 Maiai aed the ignorance cf one, 9 people vas surpriig, and I tid ber 1that was me, for eh. vaa a fair specimon. Be iabi married Se Anniie Layten MI1 death do.. them part, unles they 0git disorsed, ts most people do. I didn't have ne objections againist tbe girl asta&U. Shi'. a nies yonng voman, snd I hope they'II do voll. It'e natur to, marry, aud I eouldn't ixpeet Se rkeep myeon allus a batcl'edoor. Human nalur ia human natur, sud thara's about as muoh of il lu Benlah saz here -is lu anybody. e vasallers96 kissing the1 *girl babies w-heu ho wau a lilîle shaver,a butlIduncoa ever I séd bhum kimsa a boy baby lu my lite. Didn*t meem te be took $bat vay. H.evau a good 'deaI 11k. Paa,.on Jankina that uaed te lys ever to Îbe Ridge vien I wu. a girl. Tiie Parmen vaappworfulsemart speak- or-ou1th.' judgme n%,aud tb. brimelone part of lh. Gospel, but onfortinitly for1 him h. gel int & abd vay of boing tecet Oweet au th. vimmon folk@ of bisi cou- a gregation. Âfter aàspoil, motheus gel se bad that hhey hald a ehuroh meeting& ente hlm, and the parson he med liat ho vas sory hh id ffendod of 'em, j but ho oald prove that tue oSerpter t jumlified hum lu vhal ha had doue, for i Il eosnmauded hMnte loe v vrybody, andieeoed thal heo ay ho kuew ho had gono frm "deti le life vas b.- cause ho Ioed the bretlierig." I deu't for a minuit dispute but viat he teld lh. lroîb, but I ailes "àk notise liaI lb.- pmrôn'. love vwsail for tlu fonisie bretheriugi1 For sa i of theli mon -br.tlierlug might have gene to Reliad abig vedding!1 One of Ithe bWegst 1h11 ever wvasMnon uthe».Pa"ts.d Benali ho. séd ho wau't- a-going te, mlight "ebody, sud h. diin't. The veddlug,,vam te our 'us, because Amuie le a "ooIolieh, sMd Manofn, by profession, sud dldn'l hav"neolieuse- e t ber evu. 8hhe arded round.0 I laia't 1h. loaseM l inuthe rd O that Bonis& wo In lo"e with lier liO liaI dayqf th. May p -l.Tliey 1Ve kept ap a p*eat' y 00esp 0deeefor over tire years 1 Wrlt tvo re a eek sud mo00 le ir. welelel u <il enuffin lutv!1 Terbie devoled, they P ho, Dov; and I ho"e it'fl ooninner 1 AMI eed, i 't no objeons *4ffl Annie ezeept ber hair and ber nom., Her noie M li tIle mile--jeet a 1111 mlte--lnoeloto tanu I, ëud her hair h roe thougli Benlali 1»smasamas at vho li whmTan y. i MAsters, Aud ï biïi iâh*a t. on; o» e Uouer ou" pp, o nt*.1 ton ilaIy JMouI, ly, ro X>o-Dver, pertern- ra sapsud. a.evonje '.-oth'e, i i Id bismbts lhrednwoï rd m6k lu "Uy4l"g lalem u'eaa ble- a4 rigit,asud l ti ek t. hm, sud taire " ef bis. shirts suàd .1oekiu1il, dtbt, d-oodosyonu.part, Pl ânmuie ehe boveý, isud Ioed rei tlckled, - 0d0 t.eeider lie tuýîed ri rouuÏ4 t "" g Us, sud al lt.efolkens g gfi lute their hsudkerohiefs, ' peo-1i a. 1 wat a7mmnd tlemd I did il.- Ela, Diugley v as teck vith a dreadful bu cougi, sebad thal lie lked neveu I1 have get over il, .'aud I'm net mai11 liaI he ever veuld if lie hadn'l eeugbE hisselfif m lbe neezes, snd Shein Mv Bo muci vues thal ho had le stop eugi iug Se attend te suaazing. Afler the eeroeony vo est- suppei There vas a good idéal ofet lg. Thi foîka knowed Siey eiouldn't git anethe snoh a chance very soon, se tbey euad tie Mest cfil. Tien Jonathan ho had sme cide campaigu, sud notbiug wenld de but h muet tsp thst sud paso it round. I" orsto beave set my toot dowu against ii but I vas 'sa teck up a ta1kiufg vit] EIder Diuglay ou foreordid!ation ini ellootion, thât I didn'l notice as par Sickerly se Iort te vhat wus s seing ou EvRerybody ameug the mou seos toul hld of Shal eider se if tbey vas dry sud Squire Bazzeillsud Major Arm strong boti go& pritsy vel eorued cuti it. Thoy gotsme far gene that tii squire sot dovu ou tie eseve and buru tb. fisatout of hie pantaloona ; sud fhi Major sot ont Se kise Samn Suaiti'e vife sud Samn liked Se have knockod bhlm in Seo lie middle of nDoit eek. I bad ti interfèeo with my amrbrili, sud ordei them to keep the pea. Toward miduigis thoesquire tbouRhý Iie'd go home, se ha veut ont sud bar nessed hue boss, aud gel hie wife auW two childreu loaded imb Lie wagon. But wbion he coeete starlnp lbe boss, the ouiller vouldn't go. The squire ivore aS hlm, aud voved io'd ho lie leati cf bizut but lhe boss didu't kae a bit. Moeu White hoe lit a lanter, and vent ont te ose te thinga, sud orne to luveetigate, il maru't ne vendor tial the boss vouldu'î Re. Ho hs.dn't beau lniukdng eider campaigu, me be didn't sae tbiugs naMebisnmilter did. Aud the Bquine bed beoau ad harnossed him witi biesad viiero hies sii ad ont te ha"e been-hind part ator. or fore part bohind, jee s you please. Thdy turned tie boss round, sud tb. squire sot ssail Urigbt. Atter liaI tiera vams ome dancIng and modie, sud thon the folks begun Se @hell eut for homo. Major Armstrong fol dovu the seller ltainre, sud skluued bis arzm agaist a earrol et apples, sud- Desoon Peabody veusto Sbed lu nMy spare b.d in lie oses bedroom sud dldu'î gît Up au11noom th. net day, but don'î m»y auytbing &bout t, (or tie deaoon la snice kiud ef s man ginerally, but thal eider kinder de. Dorpased hlm. - Ag for Jouath» anerlins, ho gel se mSuc »ai ente lii, enaft, 11111 lie euuW semte, find the rigit sud of ltb. .bed, ndv hou Imenuîtjjfre le neuw nus eouchI Ibuud bisboots ou t is, pilaanad i iad in a eheer, by thé id. or tÉe b.d. I jiet hlm dem cOtle laofloor, sud lot hum Iay slie."d In enoning I gus eu oney e e Rie ketohed an awful coldi 1aiu't àandly beau eutnt fdorsonte, but h.in. dota ou il liaI hoeggphie oold aàehaug. mg hie lromsoulocins 1he day oethle ireddlug. Mebby ho did, for ho bol off kthin pair sudpt$ on soma. tlik oses, Bdn Im' &1--u- eat ue ria Whou wvagit"ii, erer111, becan iuse! aagiug. WlIlet bln6 ep' J, MAUI 1UT 1q@-Emm" I'O ll4Upg thotuanda umiýaUY te the, r ii sual remed1os, white tuiey 'may give temporary reliefareIlikely to do moe harmn than good. What isa needed la an Alterative and Blod-purlfier. AYor'a Sarapmilfla la incomparably the beat. 15 corrects these dsubne lu the. circuIation wblch cause steeples- nose, gis-es increaad vltality, and r.- stores the nervous system te a healthful condition. 1BRy. T, G. A.. Coté, agent of the Mas. 1Home Mlselonary Society, writea that his stomeoh wum eut of order, hie elcep very often disturbed, and smre lm- Ipurity of the blood menhfea; but that Ja perfect cure was obtained by the use cf Ayer'eS areaparilla. JFrederlck W. Pratt, 424 Washington street, Boston, writes: -"My daughter was proetrated nfth nervous debility. Ayer's Sarsaparilla restored her to health." William F. Bowkcr, Erie, Pa., was cured cf nervousness and seeeples.suess by taking Ayer'j3 Sersaparilla for about two menths, durlng whlch time his weight lncreased over twenty pounds. Ayer's Sarsapari lia, ]PREIPARED BY Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., LeweII, Mats. Sold by ail Druggla. Price $1; siix boules, $. CAUSE AND EFFEOT. Many pensons wonder aS the tired, worn and wearv feeling thât oppresses tlem wlth- out any apparent cause. Lt imay be poverty of the blood or a disordered stornach; in either case the stomach, blood and lver are not performing their regular tunetions, and, with many persona there wiU foilow a dulI,,, heavy headache, nauise and mnany etber symptome that precede a woll deve- opéd case of Dyspapsia. Purîfy thé blood, dleAns. the uystem cf the clegged secre- tiens by using Meacham's Mandrake Mixtureï prepared by J. B. Meacham, 138Yonge St., ; C herist di nireteen yeare' experience. Bolý iu Whitby by W. R. Hwe TWO SCHOLAf?8HIP8, We have for sale at this office two uchol- =rahiocf Toronto Business college, sud' shh ipose cf them Se any person who vihe S attend that institution. It je a good opportuuisy for two Young mon who wiuh to Poloh up their kuowledgeocf busi- nes mothods. Apply aS th. CEEBOxICLI office. Nov. 9. 18b7 FITSI 'Wlie7 u », IsyQ do Mt mea teW mtp tbem i~lben hn aehM &uxona*Mediuthone wrs, KIR.ADiasy1 f orotu P, B. WA.RAM, P.IMNTERý, $I1NW WRIT.ER1, GLdZIE, £qE? K.ALSOI General MI1NER, -AND- Honse D1eooratoi; THE Glaagw à London lnonranoo go. of GTeat 3rltaln. CAPITAL#, »ô0OO A1NUVAL INOME,81#,5003000 MA&E Pnn r perty and Dwelling Houflsa pecialty. Vèrylow rates. Easy terme of payment. Simple policies. No vexations conditions. Prompt settioment cf loises without disount. Be sure yen do not -maure n.ntil yen know eur terme and conditions. Enquire cf E. R. B. RAY- WARD, eur General Agent for, South On- tarie. Office in Whitby-Part cf D. Ormis- ten'a Law-Office. Ail lettera addressed te Lock-Box 78, Whitby P. 0.1 wifl receive prompt -attention. Rteidene-Hlam Cot- tage, Byron street, Whitby. 21 London and Lancashire ]Life Company, This Company issues every deslrable ferm cf Life polioy, and bua eposited with the Receiver Qeneral in approved Canadien securities over 8100.00 fer each 8100.00 cf llabiity, thus affording ABSOLUTE, se- cnrity. Parties demirous of asuring their lives wil flnd ilte their advantage bce consult the undersigned before aeeuring eleewhere JORN FARQUHARSON, Whitby, May 18,1'86. -ly THIE Genaral Agent. WESTERN BANK CANADA, 0FI WHI2'BY, - 1ONTARIO. THOMAS DOW, manager. WhlSby, Nov. 7thy 1882. ly-471 MONEY To LOAN! 9100.000 FOR INVESTMENT. ON REAL ESTÂTE SECURITY. At ioJeusliving rateis of juterest. Money sooured within 10 days of &p- plication. - Apply te JOHEN FABQtTHARSON Whltby, February lOth, 188. 9- MON EY -TO LOAN ou RealiBEstate Mortgage at Low Rate tIntereet. Â. ~. POST.v Appriso for1h.Canaa Lan asud Savlug. Go.,sudaget fr te Wstern Assurance OPPICE-Over Gerrie'8 Block, Whitby. li c&e ] LU1.OýL.-No. lie milAht opeîo al ------I. Paper Iurnlahed from 5o, a *and upwards. Ordera from 1h. eonnfrv-nrrns Db~nninWoITBY. Gée.Cormack,- I UMPER XBROH ANT à; BtTILDB. lnueand 01 Twîited Moldirgs Doors, Saab &ad Blinds. LÙ'MBEB, wholeum. and retafi, or by the ar load, Planing, Moul3ingir ef every description, Plooring, Sheoting Shelving, Re-eawing, Shaping, Turning, âcroil Work, etc., etc. AGENTSIla AGENTS!à N OW BEADY-Onr now bok, IlEarth, Sea and Skyj- or, Marvelo cf the Universel'; beiug a full arnd graphie-de.. soription of ail that je wonderful in every continent cf the Globe, in the world cf waters and-the Starry Heavenes, coytaining thrilling adventnres on land and sea, re- nowned diecovenies cf the wenld's greatest explorer. in ail ages, and rernarkable plie. nomena in every realm cf nature. Emi. braoing th.e triking physical featurem of the earth, the peculiar cheracteristice cf-the huiran race, cf animais, birds, insecte, etc., lncluding a vivid description cf the Atlan. tic, Pacife an d Indien Oceane, and cf the Polar Seas, the Monsters cf the Deep, tbeautiful seashele and plants, elugular fiebes sud dwellers in the world of waters, remarkable Ocean ourrents, etc., together with the AMÂZING .PH.ENOMENA OFf THE SOLAR AND STABR! BYSTEMS BY HENEay DAvziuPcxT NomnBop, D.D., Ernbellished with over 300 fine engravings. Liberai terme te Agents. OXFORD' PUBLISHING 5 JORAN rST., TORONTO, 0ONT. CertZfoate cf Major. Lrper, Esq., ofWhty To whom it may cernm. This is te certify that haviug czamined, repaired and used a great variety cf Sewiug Machines. I have corne to the conclusion that the White Machine sold by L. Faix ban.ks is oeeof tlie best made,, as in My opinion it is a m achine that wiil net easily get eut cf order, and 111il last much longer than mesSt machines, ae care ha. been taken te, -prevent wear as much as ppasible . I eau houestly reeommeud 15teo parties want- ing a good and lamting sewing machine. 1 purchased oeeoe the White's smre menthei age, aud it gives every stisfactin. , After five yesrs use cf the White Sewing Machine lu my family I cen fiiily endorme the above certdflate and cmn fully recom- reend the machine as a family siewing machine ceets less for repaira tban*any machine I have ever had auything te -do with.MAO HAPR -Sold cheap as the choapeet, and le the besS cf th. best. L. FAIRANIKS, Sôle Agent for this District. T 4SPAPIMI may be 1ound on fil. at- *eâ-P.- Rewell & Oo's Nopsaper Ad- vertising Bnxeeu (10 Sprtiwo St.), where aâ& 'vertlsing contiacte may be ma«e for it ITaw ex - GOOD SORBES. - t APhiladepian naIm ipede..01 *eks euh Sali pneS Plm a pioturesqu tein oriniIg. Ho bOol dolblaelbarrOl6d guil,msd1 terrier dog Xfoloveïd astlis in iglit ofthe RHeol Esûl he stopped s short lime i With friendi, who banteru Siootig a bear Stiek joa .tg good.patiuedlys a, that l ia old- raturn- l ]Biddlug him frinds g0od i forth on whati heaanticip an Sujoyable day's spor came tte .rwofha lookes adeep vsiley south Thi. hanter «eoended 1 Omin uthe vailey, who sud thon ho tr&a0d2o1 Stiekler kept s sharp. bol 1%s littie dog kept geeor& et him. Buddeniy ho ho sud it ran b&ok t6 hil. il vers badly fiighone4 csutieusly, Stiokier saira filled bien vi1h Plesune, quickanod vith excitem feldr tam trocs, which for X about twenktY foot, e re aIplay. Tlieir anile i se one lee ened 1 a mo sest at s > eptsr ot Ifor vas rg Ilajig bis gun, ho o ýarget f the cube a 11111. animil vas b an diteset pne OYlg board a long dîitmôue. peudmnc iweehaard bY th b~ear, who was fedingC ývent tearing Ibréugi lbm e'oung, lickod the woua 9pring,sn4l9ý1oked arouc Iheold heaeught u:9 end, with *grovilaI su Up asaud dovn.bis spinaL for him. Boîvoon the- p18ate was standing sud t10 labe wera thare vas bI ;=uk of a tree, vhioh nuded oite brpnoheis. lu -mach s position iali1 coaud, cràvlunder. "i fortunale aoin~umsameb bis 11f. vas.saiod by ý,a1Fid1y approaehmg, e waised hie gun 4chie ah 5àa. - In th. excitemel od thehooting of the et ,n torelosdtheotiherha ýiit-1h. beaur near ie SI Ak*ld a terrible but na ~rate abii more, and it the little terrier, v wrmb itvilifear be  4rted under th. 10g-9 ~e a m b y Oen a e t i s i LIVERY and SALÉ STABLES, DUNDAS4Tu WHITBY.' M. C. OR-AWFORTH.-, Purniahed on 8horlteït.Notce. J-0- LI JOn eeer O2~T pin DININI Mn. . Y. quai Whllby; Api 'YE CO. NEW Rias.

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