Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 24 Aug 1888, p. 5

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ASTIGMATIS M. 8P ECTA CL ES, pIlla ià iiiciontifl Acuraey byI Dr. Buoklîng'8 Opthalmasopic Test. This ~ i intu en doreed by thé % <l'Soinil'o eitan," snd indicatea toaa LONG, FAR and SHORT SIOHI A.nd lhe morc diffloit casaof of ail kinde kept in stock at de SirBA RNAIDUS JEWELLER and OPTICIAN, W~r :BT -r FIRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1888. LOCAL LACONICSI WIiAT 18 GOINO ON IN AND AROUNO TOWN- BUDGET 0F LIVELT LOAL NEWS BLEANED 8V CHRONIOLE REPORTERS "A m'llman ye takiflnotes, &n' f aith ho'U pren it. The Fil! Assizes open on Monday Sept. l7th. Mr. Waldie, Liberal, vas olectedin Hilton on Wodneeday by a majority of 27. Se versi cf hie local sPorts teck lu t] Toronto- races on Tuesday and Wedni day. Thi iuest înto tA~e cause of Jol Derby's deth et Toronto resulted flnding lie esîme ta be purely accide es- u Tas excursion steamer viilbe in port ovor Suuday and will tart at 6.30, sharp on Mouday. Parties vauting tie bas sieuld arange. Thei. "Long Vseshion" ah Iii. court bouse le about over sud lis legs! gentle- men aro bogiuning ho brnai up fou tho Fait trade. Mu. Livion, B.-A. Iormeriy Modem Language master of tie Collegiato Iu- situte but later!>' cf Uxbridge, died cf typbeid fever at hi@ home lu London during the bolidays. If a few delinqueut sabscuibora vould enly wiack up duiing thb. absence cf the. Editor, vo mgit tale cur lait year's ovorcoat eut cf pavu. .Tii. veitier lu bîd on rbeamatisai. Tuoist going on thie Kaigite cf Pythis excursion tethie Tiousand Iàanda on Monda>' ta>' rest seured liaI ev.ury- thing possible vill ho provided for their camIot. The et:cursion le in fao> privao., sud l limtitod te, 250 lu number. Tii. boatl baves Whitby barbor aI 5.80 s. w. Tiare vill b. a béseball match ho- xuoirow, (Saturdmy> afterucon, belveen Newcastle sud Witby. A greal game 18 expoctod. Garno called ah 2.80. Ad- mission 15c., ladies tise. The. boys ara undor ratier ieavy expeuses, unoe ths sligit lucres.. wn admission fie. Oui basobail toaw bpat Newcastle on Thuroea> by Ive rani, tii score belul Il ho 9. Tii. gaine vas close sud ex- oiting from,-the ver>'frit.- The New- cash. etem, hlig by lie va>' i. abào tie average$ va. gioahly stuonglisimai by lbe addition o! thie ptcher sud hie aiortstop cf th. Bowmnauvile teatu MatIle Colline amplr.d lunIe usuas impartial mauner. The InadlExhibition Ibis yial giv'a promiete ont-do ailpreviumiex- * ibitions lu er>' departeut. ,The entries lu lie live stock laosssMa'80 -numeicas huaI hie proeut scoommode lion vIl! ho found insuMoienî. The Goverumeul Expeorimenll ýFaiai bttaav il! maie su luleeswexibil of 200 varuisu c f ceals anfl5vàrleý lies cf polihoo. Tiie enei'gatio mana- gir Me. Rubi.s doiug hlm utmogtlilu ht W&Y cf provlding apoclalattradtioni suàbas al"M eid> oted s &Myra>. epeoWaltivta mporlco suything evei sin onutlie> continent. -c hap exomi ma ratesi vil b offler42-Muu al lines durng*MW exhbtion. Everyli mruud the bar bor W>I fluising ? unba ibq uhe Su'» BAT. y. nukl.aster. Mr. und( ITorc I find, Ti eno] Cam and Mauo Onui nig gref Oe' c out eve: obu oui 61(3 IE are pleassd te velcomo homoe .Michael Murray who bas bosu lergeluz a course ef troatment in eonte goneral hospitlisud vie nov Io himseif ail but fuli reccvered. ras coo! voather viii have s tond- 3y te cause campera stt hoeumious nping grounde te bold thoir canvae àîhe tbemselves homewaid, sud tic by grass vidovers, nov roang )and disensolate, wii! about fer je>'. i' [)r. Rai cf Oshava, visited lie WhitbyI eampmont cf Oddfeilows on Frlday ht lais and work-ed lie several de- Boa. Tho Dr. bupeots Wo returu nexî iday ovening 819t, vion ho hopes ho, acoompanied by several cf lie ihava breiren. )OMPL&INT5bhave been madoe, liaI ne porsone have bien takug hros Lt of th. oburci sheds, ou Sunda> minga mii diiving them u daing tho iurci services. Boy's, bevarel fer hie 'noe ai. on yoar îraok, sud the. 3bief" aise viii loek out fou you aller de. JUST as ve finish viittlig the lait cf lis gros. cf iesd pencha sund tain eut the lait tiltuble-ful cf St. Leon Water left us by thie Editor, thiemeocanical suporintendant cries quit, sud vo catch thie firal foot passage te Corbotha point as tic piper, sunobaiemli. le, rolle off thie Evnuvywmmz loon xqaioes luToron- te ai o ho ie iin iealily the prodacer cf the boul Art Stained 'Gislu li ai oit>', tie replis leunaninlcaily in aver of Jeu. MeCaueland & Son. AI! cfthie flesat rsideoin uToronto, sud moil cf tics. thruuat Canada, have d& !igzhhful examplis utecmifour tuchier frem tuaisfirm.---S4-Â. 24, 25 26 sud. 27 toe .fqooing citles sud retumn:-Kingston, 14.00 ;0 ottv 85.00 ; Montresi, $1.00 ; Quebe,$200 good te return until September lti. Ais. te LauOMpagt Kanl.e240 Maue voitetofW-mdnpeg on Âug. 28t6 for $28 good to retur uàutil 28tiCoetober. For taulier pautieulaus udmickets appi> te Jas. Long, 0. P. a. agent, Whtby. CIobourg Qddfellovi deoorsted tie graves of tho departed brethuen yester- d-ày. W. heard cerne lime ago tiatcernethlng simlar voguld takeplace ber., but from present apposmunci muet bave benu dopped. Why ou net SUl tho swooih in lutovnunuile cm a dicoration day, sud foutu ene larg procession tthie cereter>'»sudend a fev houreinludeeoratlug thh#gravis 0o theur respective bueihren. Mr. T. N. P"s B. A., Scem» Mutei of the Colloge-Ialeitute, hab. nap> pointed te 6, similarpostion on »hI staff ofthéi Ooboaig Collegiate Institut as a large increase of salai>. Thg bordofduation, aM an informai mel ing ou Monda> afleinoon, deidêd ti aduerlise for, S Bceespéic" tôfil the vacauq eaued by Mr$- Fis's ru n ation.Appliushloans vill bc esceive ap ho T îesay mxl vientuo dobhli board mil fiad no. diffiouti' lu fiq thé vauoy. Mr. Fiqnisi a yomug m itýhtti nsud laà1Uklv1 malt blamuk lite profesSion olà 9 ""o. 'We vii hlm 81,001111inluM ev ephere of labor. Thi est, for imalral gusonM BREevis',lot la piog"iaig, à""]bl Théaties uiali bas bée» ,penetrat sudtheMhmJ iieuteÉèd rhie ,TzMut lrne atone 4 foot or more,I ve go 1 Pies.. epasuimg througi t -tile slaletie d4l1lopeus.! a -Min r pookeèt thîgsv.o forth à miiiqu l of ga-çiliou bsgiul 9u '>1qmite brillaul>'toi a lime. e m rei»Ut vl fov th e-fa jflutg j»c ln bit, lu -h iuDdOf *,iUt oy it variat the local ooriésponde*t of t STerouto dales goigltêecl r rstwoever, btifore oui néxl let mIo.amuelilg vortblowig sb" T~ ?h hie ha.bu, other rdeie 1 Dot MI -noi fi provi thomi AI the Ig colle tekt just Ti gnip 'best hea' Talcpailor viii (D. V.)6proh mor- ing and ovonngs Aug. Ot.Subjeots au foilova :-ý. rM. «The Crovu aI Stabo 11" Bev. 8:2;«p. m Musfu and Christis lilumpi" ,a.2:1. Ta 0. P. B. vil! ru cheaP 0eu- sions te, Montres! sud Qllobso b.puinig to-day, (rd>. HàY la being eoldmon lie market for fourteon dollars asIobod, bch minsn anythlng froru 1200 lu 1h00 be. In the firemen'e touru aiMent at Bar nia, the Oshawa houe Company von thc tug-of-war. prizeocf 8100. John &-. Moiillivray Eaq., Barrister, U xbridge, bas been electoed aupreme. councillor cf the higi court of For- esters. He will ne doubs b. a Queon's- counoillor neit. TEE ezecutivo oomwittee of soo&t Act Association foi South Ontario aro requeetcd.to wcet ilu Hldsy'g roomi Brooklu on Saturday 25ti., 2 o'oiock, for speclal business sud appoiutmoent of Ioffloors. ouloomas uv luths distance. a.' ,imptous vil! cpm lier, pil$te iooam ho Me. Boss Johuston. r. Wm. Oailton'sbrôeu ma <zjrecvered. Whraîit Winvl!not me more serions tli u ataIfirst L the candIdates, ricommînded by cea!à Bomadfor enliance tote giaiIntitut. voie passed b>' lb. tgsI comnile. correspondent vanta teknow if vo throw any Hht enlie proper vay dmue. Wdon'Icaie to;i5-sit& ut i vl! U n1h. dark. Ilh le. cream saloon, le basng its *ud tb. Young min vitihbis girl, broaties moue freol>' ami i ývs lu sigit. 'I a ti t be to on or- t, sté undrtha~ie8of thi. . . . ofr undr heausics f he . LuCodA. ofe oueerof lake eldBla Oe, ocuoe on tg o Mof ay line«h ui., uommen ing on Fuiday theflovln!., Mdry u- tilg nrOramme hawin. bemn r a- êdesudn pvrotgrammepbu e fo&= idg m lan0' we.k fa for ealiu e Pl.Cmigprea~r ue spocani.ground fmor a rn.m Eomson te rtt oualrlàva»B. Tm.. vheon ve moan rau oullugviii Whoi ba otii s peatsud oheap vayfi " of pn4u a eek nt oud aorliuerua lAkes. -Buites n m u MTohbereaoualuttei wih theembersoft"ehtm, f J. 8. ?Bobertion rus., former "proprietors of Ibis papero threIr sur~Ie ouo Sa1urr4a lut o hI lgasge tu trust $0W. Povus, O"" u.le. The. Artu bàvéeeoomdoing bum-sinmou..or fifseayei ung whieh *"t te wqu ii. espel sd ooAdeof a.1U vihWhom,: tbey 41 busiess.Th!e fai,.oflb OutalBak-sad t>m 'v. at ve Para Max] UtJKIN ~tRthf 118 >NTk~i 1 1 Vr7 "-W~WI.L OPFEfl SOElms 'if GCOO&! MILLNERY.-We will clar eut the balance cf our Slaw>Hales ad Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, 1tc@$ ry Beaue Prices. Cor na u gel the benefil cf New and Fashionable Geode aI Low Prices. We will alec offer Special Bargamis in Dres Good, Cashmeres, Lawns, Mushins, Gingliame, PrinIs, ýasoIs, Embroideries, Cotton Hosiery ana Gloves, aud Summer Dry (3'eos ini general. ékèd aI Bocir Bottom Prices. CENTS' FINE ORDERED CLOTHINC, Gents cen rely on perfect satisfaction ini both quality and style of CJlotho, and having their germents eut, I, and made ini superior manner. Gents White Dress Shirts, Cambrie Shirts, Collars, Cuifs, Buaces, Soi, ad complete assortmentof Oum- aer Bearfs and Ties. c, ). 1, - -WHITBY*. DEEPLY 4 WVhen you axe oontetnplating a purohase of anything i.n our line, no matter how smal WISEL By coming to look over oux large and weil assorted stock of ail that is new and sieasonàbl-e, A nd oa ed ozely tles.aSorBse, hod hisot dozen oith ycleos. wo sar the hrlf fotii. qutsdinupo, s v. barfi loeve they aro right. A quoit match vill take place at the isubor ou Mondiy, Oohawa'a civi. holi. » Iay, between local pitchers and an Oshawa 105w. Tho Buokle faotory le being treated bo a eoat of paint. Whether to proteot ît from flue or t.o improve- ite appear- snce we are unablo-to ssy. No doubt it vili do both. The front of the. court bouse hie bien tuck pointed sud othhrwise improved ini genoral appoarance. The lawn would b. non. the verse for tho removal of the. liunber soattered about. Mr. Greenwood, classial master of the. Gollegiate Institute is lying ill cf typhoid foyer sud vil! uci be pissent ai the openug cf ichool- HEUs peedy reoovery iU hoped foi. Mi. John F'erguson attended the Beform Domoustistion at Canninglon on Tuosday laut sud vas highly dolighl. ed viti vhat ho mmv snd hoard. Hoe pronounces Mi. Drnry, the nov Minie- tei cf Agriculture, th. fineet stnmp orator of the Party. A Party of Stoîoy Point Campu or ed up to Pickering on Tuesday after- noon sud on th. retura trip voue caught in s hesvy equsil viii. sorne distance from shore. After a lengthened, shuuggle againet vind, wvan sd s pelting ran, they drev lu under the les of the. short, but it required se-voual houri hard pull. ing before the.'fond themeelves sur- rounding the, friendly camp fim .Thoy viii cousait old Probe before agai etarting ou snch s lengthy croise. Tii. steamer Haatins which lotthis port on Thureday to lako su excursion te Bocoueter came te grief nemi Oeh- ava. Tb e fog vasc doe. that the phdo lest is bearing sud suddonly found imluf agiound. Wiat fev pasiongeri vire on board vire laken sauore vithout diehloulty sud s tmg seut efor. Tii steamer vsu soon drawn off the shallovsand lakm.lo Toronto for repaire. Tii. excursiounvas oaeelhd. Mi. I. Gou!d osttle der -of tIbis tovu purhasd a a" ne ffer wa ed ud fW by Ufr. Thou.. Emmets, tliaI-luimed r he0010 molst o 1150 IBm.d dresse.! 6M lb.échar, Mr. Gould usys 1h vasthe funsl pieoé- of bief ho bu asthle a pleamreof baudliug fétoi eeime. M.v. Emmett kuove a pito v o about fcedlug saIlle laIvU I!prv e intereshng and valuble t i efo tfartuors vere ho nine.! tebicorne a ir udmeltor. To bny of us. .After seeing the rices an&.examiing the quality of our Goods youocau' c NO BETTE R VALUES We get the choie of the beat goods on the Market and ôur prices are «aS' AS THE LOWEST; .an be; found. LOW We are always ready toÃ"see you and with pleasureshow- ai4 À11 GsLA rPR. DRESS GOODS. We arn showin arese braid to m"tc. fIbo Bilk, -Oaebmerîélit PrÃŽntsf, i ishawli. LiaisTrea and BU Gloveà, (ltton, Merino sud GENTS' FURNISHING.Fay Tiés,3Jollaij Idnon and Bilk:Hdkf. Qefla ud-Off Buttons, Fasôysi CLOTH iNG zot oSfaoyiraw Hats ilt ILeady-Madle SuitS. sc$d w1G lb tiu fr wrmweslbor. ie heOrdered Olol fitlig uat, Inthè BOOTS AN D C 9 ho lppent 1 BUNKER DRY ingth Maras. 0o carry c Mont price. get the 8 r r DEVERELL'S BLOCK, THINK ACT D EIDE 50ace Whiibr ý'tte ef goodout~- scugh ho7 ng under er nouA. m s. tby P. 0. r Long . Appi>' W. - AJ~WDI?~EW M~ shOW -ce De- MON, a it Plsso ounty, ARM rdon, late mod of lot ho Front g Whtby 1 contain. 1 h beeit (f Cultiva. blngs cdwellng lflng, Mn sl or y Paron-' balon 1 t', 1 gua UUT xýrvutka« Ofi . 1 1 WABEH . 1 & JOA~MFB EL: I 'l 1: QUIGKLY 1 i Beliable and Serviceable Gooaà Satiisfact ion in Quality and Pricies. may be the amount involved._ It is, impossible to do better elsewhere. 1 - resist them. - ib

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