Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Aug 1888, p. 8

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baul.d, sezibpdandaéOo. -À bg atablesrige osit ly150. per yard. A1s M eu The Royal Hotel arber abop la ithe plae %0get -a hala oui or autniéeaay ahi.. Ir you Ifaut poil Goode iat W reagon. /ai. price., cil on Andrew M. ,Poiei Us. Dr. Dorenwehid's Groai'Grrnmn Raob Mag00 for buldnesa, g*ay I ,, le for maie by au druggist~.- SEE cOur white muslins ai 7 a»d 1bois. pii yard,good value. Au 'drew X. Bosa. Lârs hom only 10e. per. pair. An&zev M. Beu.. LÂDIEs pieuse bais only 5c. éeach. Andrew M. Boss. A few moe pistea of our :85c., ail wod tweed and 'ne sboddy. - &ndrew 14. Ross. Mau's and boy'e grey and nAvy bWe flannel shirts, lace fronts ail i*eestaiw. G. Walter's. EVERYTBOZ,, leaves their imessures when tbey vaunt new c1othes,- with Andrew M. Bose. Wiare offeriag gloves and Hosiery Ml Wreatly reduoed pruces, ai W. 0. 0O.r uewspapera ia ieoityou eau get a brand uew bustie for 10 cents from Andrew M. Rose. GIENT'S ties, collars and auffe braces, bats and cape, ai loweet pricea, as W. G. Walters Net a trace bf tbhe lil shedi i s te b. seea on thé Athietie grounds, n'Il having been removed té the fair grounds ai the ruce traek. A mannifloant grand stand bas heenonrected and a deal of work is in pregreos te make réeady fer tho Ihu.. days exhibition. There is te hé aîny amount of ipîeding during ibm whole trne of the fair, Oxis of-the ogreatest surprissp téithe English publieasaithe Colonial Exhi- bition in London wus ibe extensive and artistie dieplay of Mornorial Windows sud Heuséhold Stainéd Glaus from the. eelebrated Meoanulaud & 8on, Teronto. The Prince of Wales andl thounauda of othoes openly exprossod iheir saurpris aumd delight in the specimesof glass works.-80. As oeeof th. pasminger trains from Whitby nortb vas leaving tbe Whitby junetion lb. other day, il suddenly halteil for a ishort trne to rourage something or for cerne other purpose. Every passeger Iooked ont cf 'the vin- - dcw té c«0 vbat vas the matter. Just ai th. moment cf halting a certain J. P. fromiles ibamthrea bundre4 miues cf- PortPerry, who-by the my. ii giflant sud bhandeome stilt, jumped, (rom the train, ran half.vay goa bouse from wbleh a voman came runang , émbrie. sd &andlkised ber, anud ret=red aud jumpeil on. Jutiuash. re-enséed the car a paseenger sakeil vhat the. train sitoppeil for. ««To ailow me "tim kias tait young lady," s»d thé, J. 1., thé posasugerebsoing;asioois At4 isi Mer". Upon *mploying a pri vai., de. teotivi, vit: eurelf, le look upithis lady that men May ise, ve -foquad v.coul nes repeai the suaack, as thé fair -hug- ahI.- creature vas the J. P's. aister-ina. law, te wnh h ailnet expeeted te bave ti".tsay good-bye;That lutile pieu e f hueu wse a apromiming on. te purin., but it di4ýnot pan ont watt. So far sp oui legal opiiongou eré are juil ivo meoids-open, te th. people of Whiihy sud Oshava lan 4order to cempel th. Grand Truok to make a @agoauing aM tb. dangerous plac peur Oorb.tt'e oint. Ore plan Voeu be t t ebf le itontotbserail. way cmmUM ofthe liasP Counelai Ottawa, ma enliai a fév .P!a..snd go $0 Otéaavs few oasss< elaraiansià hogeihl 4 RoMan vins zulgiai h taealéog(ro»m ou^ivinvuIts. Tihe ammsubere Of l*0 UtY nqioud b. MWsilMp ewiil ihe» ou -tan lia. JUDO"etlo i ore., nà"w b bme aober lbe7 voulsi bava. =uibeier Word. Thé uooadPl ud.DOI give mmsou.. umblss-sUw a l o - drirs along Ihae »d li a trAin rué 0overbMm as. -ra»" sia. hlm teb butter land. AÀooe 'aïu1yvld ie ratura a vauitlelaMa b ala cas Ataihlb.publie expanse, for lbîbgl hige cut ape. Unlema Ouacf theso 9laus vO e adpta §Osmé parsosa Would, &W k SU sie.0MoneYof 'hi. own or clb bdfns We eharge noihing or so piines *e- bave. thean in ahuttane asle apàang. lb. heG. T. R.'etagmne.drivertde ual ezeols a itiéfobcution in'rauniu trains from the esal Show- WflIn izet i*. ïa M eiw patteras tg alieot hem, asW. Q. Walioer.s MaR. W. M. srba .ueasvr dici for $2W0an sudosie afaini -the 0.. P. B. for kuihng biw boras nmorth cf Raglan li t-ing. Thé tan whlch disith iiamgedi d Bot -whlstl. as Is ruléble ai aerouàig mdWeir's tean aniîf W"g as oiseil *bver halo à il, oe ýâore bslng kIlled. Among th. -Toronlô Univereity matri* cuflants. pubIisbead yesterdsy iwe notice the nomes of Mdr. Wm.Cmbell, Mis@ H. M.- Borne, Miss L. Goedoiz andl Mr. A. H. Dm1., of Whiby Codiegiate inati. tute ; Meurs. O. O. Frech, aud E. W. ,jonkin, Oshawa ;- And Musor. W. L. T. Addison, G. A. MoKe. aud Misse F. Nelson cf Ubridge. For ivo or turée yea rM. Wm. Kirklmud hebenulooking jute .mai. ter cf exporting brick t. tihe othor side, and bas nov opened up a trade with the Yankees. H. vil ship a large quantity from, the hatber bore soon. Hi saye the etory about him being un. abl. té makte enc>ugb brick for the Oshawa andi Wbiiby booms ie nonsense. Among the froqueniers ef Corbett'a this woek may be montioneil Rev. Dr. Hare, Police MagistrateSuHaper, Mr. Jas. Campbell, or., Mr. L. E. Embree, &. A., and lbe chot cf this paper's staff of writers-fiv ocf th. leading mon of Ontario eounty. W. don't know boyw this item wiiI look in puint with' ourselves olssafid among ordinary mon, but it becomes monotonous t. alvays bol the lofty positions andi nover have a falloir cf oqual standing, and beuides irs wish te pay Ibese mon a compliment witb att.mpted sarnest- nis. An oceasional aet cf coudes. cenuion don'i burt a porson. Rather tb. reversé. Whou the Oshawa 'Vindicaior fonil eut how.true ou references ver. t., the bsehalI gang vho came from that tévu boe two weeks ago, it dropped tbcsubjeot like a bot potato, and this ,wéek it dore notet er dofend theoe or cili ns iis 1ev Dames. Neverthelesa, the Oshawa piper. having defendeà &hem li t, the loeon cf exposuro viil b. lest on tbe parties wbo aeted 50 msanly be-. The reason vby there are no revules in Whîtby is bécase. Doehr cf the pajiers yl oountenape -bail conduet, and eacb bas pluck snougb to speak eut. lu thé Scott Aet Magistrat.'s court ber. on Fuîday, Restipansd Derusaa of Olaramont ver.@a&Wun p. Derutaba got $100 sUd coste ail thé Maglatralte took a day -or tvo téonesiider whether Hastings voulti hé 6usd or sent down. Thosé vbo beard theý case feIt very sorry for Mun. Deruiha, vbo appeared t. have héén hrougbt dova boe by har hushanil in the hope ibai ber fais. svsuring vould ouearhlm. Whou svoru *h. see tileféesi teh. eonld not lia upon cuiti, ansithé poor woa kept slece when a question vas saked whieb voald onùviet ber hutsband if trnly ansvered. There are- $Ooe pretty bail vbiskey.dives in cilse, but tb. denkeeper of denkeépers i. thé occpant o01 mn o0c"mial country village botel. ,UI. v oue the magistrat. anil a man, Who ieil to bave bis vif. parjutre bersif, vas -oonvicteil of a thliw loffeisc, he vonlil Dot gsi off witb Tia Oshavwa Visdicatoramye a mer. chant in ihai townu'bas lameilbarbeil vire along iii. froni of -La éWindows whsr th. boesare vent te rami tbeir *way boues cf an éenling, tel sm -a punkie the sldavaik *viihosS jule On.» d Ihese yonng moan Dt being avare off laiseoMreprl"uin e on the putriofila. mérubanesat doWn ou' tise iralu a MOmiU neoeneil manneraiddulg1at *alItha&bovl ef mnorelaiaoy lë:pragînthe air, lit and thonm ud -lkdaammUI-boy IssU"? som lb.si à etfor iagbg. eoci ansi vaut oz ,îîihV .=en oa th e ale s on ina Mans Ing bis aros arouad 11k. ewtoza' a.l mmi uum .moulMM lk Uy lakeiy blauk, blank blak stan.ef.a.gua Whe vouldsi ck a brai mvi ahl4, An", afà omdslggtuise nehut te-b be, teck bis deparlu.fér: Dr. Hotgi ornie. t. somurasaplasier for bis vend )et geergeouspflceforlzodlnga Iriy thsi ever ve aMW lise Oundes, mlau' a he-en pariy iedneeday ii oeadblave iPositive/y the on/y d and è¶fenagerie 8ummer~. vI8ItIng Canada MILLER & FREEMAN'S New United Monster Ai Fea tare Failroad Shows Ar WHITBY# ON Wednesday, August Sth, - 18880 The great oxenipler of Tented Exhibitions, embôdying more attractions for )eau mouey, more strictly Wirst-Cla»s Performers ad and a greater number of New Acte, and New Posture ibm any otbor show, Poeliively the Largest C&ut-se ever erocted, aud requiring the Greateet Acreage for Exhibition purpom-eu. Coming by its ovu Monster Railway Triins aud offeriug more, in- ducement. for patronage tiai tuy otlter Exhibition Tho fins&i lady snd gentlemen Equsirlmu, tho mout artietto &er.ial Perforiners, tue mo-.c Renowued Gymnaste, ihe mout Aslonu*hlng Athlètes, the Bout SteR iders, the Demi Mena. Bidone, lb. bout Barebak eiders,,thé Punnass atena,4»- Baut Teuublers ahI th. Meut SkitIel sud Detr one Hlgh andi Long utane. DoublË 8tbrwut l.mp>r* lu théfessionîb.* Plsi-Clis ms Mzige vlth LivingSpecimens of &Utl-ratiansd curîous arnong the Bunatu and Birbe of the. GRAND FINA L STREET PARADE AT il A.M. CLEA RING .SALE Of EWroeries, Crockery and Glasîvare, retiring from business on accouait cf fail. ing béaltb., As lIsu of Store expires tbis (al lb.hevhole stock muet b. clearoil ont About. 50 sotte beit White Grânie. Ricb Painteil, Enameiled and Oit Tea Bette from #2 peu bctlBoie u Decorateil Dinner Sette from $8 per Sell, Faney China-Oupiand Saucerai ind.bclow ccii, a lineocf Deooratei Art Goode belov Cou,&Iale laMSttats, GlassJuge, Glass Turâblers, ai 40c. and 50c. por dos., Plain Double Fliai GobletIs at 60c. pi, dezen. A lama Stock of Glass Lampe, Fsncy ILampe. Hanging Lamps, pmilLap Gocdiai t ce. Now 18 the time -to' get ypuri' Q/asFruit -iRF8 A- Large Assortanono baud. Gréeént Black andl Jap an Teas 20 andi 26c. perT lb. Wortb 50o. - Presb Boastéi CoSées, grounil daily nas requiéilboit brande ai Iovesi r.cé. Ca> eI Gooda, ancy and- Psmily Grocqrîee ait -oeut pnu. Thi la neblin, butreal badliné, ny-hesitis demande la andi 1 zmueitrospons. Wanfed.-Any quantity! of 07&oice Buttere Presh ggs,83 c&~dloi 1s Deverell'a Blook, Brook et;, SPEýCI AL BRGAIN -FOR-- .JUL -AT- IJOMNIffVION WA#REROOMS-ý Clearing out -Remnani of Spring Stock. New Summer- Goods, il 1 Black, Canvas Cloths. Disc ount Lawns, deries and Mllhinery.. POWEL THIS8 5ILVEE.LATED INSTRUMENT L E e. Thé theAgo. z- ORI]1 - CT AR lUi " 'Asila N.- < *oml. No.8.-P rdN PUrCbaaoesahuld: look Whi$by, Ont. Grenadines, aný On -; ~Musiin .Prints, -ilis Embro

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