Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Aug 1888, p. 7

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CUBASÂE- Few carcere have beem of' a mare roniantio sud tbrilbiug n ture Ifian Ihal cf Gun. William Albert Çharles Bysu,i an old Toronto boy, wh* after tskingj pat lnthie misguided F. Ian raid pais.i ed îhrough au evenîful i e et ino'ediblej Sventures snd hair-b*edth escapes, 2d was execcted lunCeOn a se s robel1 in 1878. His lite resae Îike a cirsptar i lu a dime»xovel. Rysu vas a boru soldiês' sud vas eue of tho tew meu vie alwas talked of figbting, sund couldn't get oaougb of t i. AI tho lime of hise eecution, lu 1878, hoe w55s alitle oves' 80. îHo vas et a dashingansd soldierly appearauce, be- iug al Qf six (eet taIl, sp*rely built,with an ereot nilitary carri gl, sud asiun- glsrly handsoeoif acs. îHe vare hie hair down hie ehculdes'alhis movemeate wero quick, sud vhseeer !lvsn Sp. peired ou 1he etresi, the pàsees'sby vould stop sud look aI hlm. The spirit of sdvenîurP ho inherited tram a race of figiters. His gmadfathos' vas s blaj. Patrick Rysu, *ho vas viti Welington 'at Waterlboo, hie fathes', Captain John Ryan, w s hm ou a -Spanish bstbefiold, nuder th. sanie ýfig s;authorized the kâihng o! bis sou. On bis mother'a aide ho icame tram thc eame stock as Toma Paixo Gen. Rysu vas bort lu Toronho,, Canada, snd received s good éducatiou. Hie ancle vas proprietos' of the Lha- patch of St. Thomas, Ontario, sud thora yonng Rysu lesrned thoi5SeMtype sud acquired s ready style et vs'iting tram, contributing te lbe clumus of 1h. papes'. He vas lu New Yor'k vheû tic wsr of tie rébellion' broko out, sud aîthougi ouly s more stiipllng, enlisled St the firesiopportunity and vont awsy te thice nt. Hases'veà aIl through lie war, sud.,bing just $be mana for s soldior, ho rose rapidly 'in thb' ranks. AI Rcdbnmn, . O ., heow'as vounded by au explosive ballet, vhih ln bis case did net explodo. The votes'ane regard-. ed Ibis witb wondes'. fysu, *vha mail th'ough lhe fhiokeset f be figbt seora. sd le besi' a cisrmedi lite, bad the dangerous 11111e missile ozls'soted frein bis aide, aud, matintod .u god, b. ever' aftervard vore it as a I!Sth ebarra. In 1866 hollotI 8h. Pakl viti su ex- Ipedition ho sottie aIRoons, Montana. vi as plaosd lu comnd of et lb xo- pedition, sud bis miann#r et euforcag militsry, discipline soeed tb. meu, mauy of vian ver. olUi membere-of Ontlav Qunutrell's bac#l, iraI a plot vas hatobed ho tsI Ryau'% lie. -About thie lime Byso beosme su aspirant for tlie United Blutes marebal- ship o! the district, sud ila*thoe cmpany of Col. Seribues' sud other' Montaa friendo ho put off le Washington ho seur. tho appoinîmoul. The- offios vas given le soieéoee else, but vhie et tire capital Ryau met tbe Cuban paînlot, (Ion. Gioceura sud ths rosult et lb. aoqusaintaucesihip vau that Byan ospoissd tho cause oet 5abs sud joined lthe insurgeuts..' Bétos'. ambarking for the lsland Rya va. made Isspeotos'-Genersl et the Cubsu terces sud hie arrivai st he Is- land vas made lb. signal for frosir sud aggs'oseivo action on tire part et thée lu- surgeuts. There vas s succession et bruehes wvl the o nemy, Ithe goveru- -ment treepoa gottimu mnchthe voral of Il in ever7 engagement. Tho Spsnipb soldies'y, mutus'iaâted allihe good fortunes of lire rebols, comuitled ail sortsetfin.- hu 1mans psacticeu. Was' in lb.eIropie belveen a people vhom ýbot.-blodd hatre-i makes enomies, fumuleh« eacoes 9 o! %la ruthb s ororv w llue.e4 luài ;V bulcbes'y I sls'ogly e.xidmn. Andi nov, if yen viii visle hobaitle- field etfIb"smoriug laMil uUviev et yonr City M& ftüe ,yen us.. b0, oy detes'miiedl-1, 4 aurlsae ýfor lie hideous ou rgsyeou mIeraue.. Thon. yoe viilati 100of, fmo5eot soldieri oitle ploeOma1, ...ni 61ed b ires 'glo il udalpd hl e*be myloo0!warfas'.i osl11,ut vmi hi.te pbs'Mi b. IiaodeG y lyli y Mà uelMùàrps, wPWbI T ép1es'.: = esUse Of bus-e,- y .' 1ý 4pI1 sed enlia up«f4ofea eary rnajo~,sdt l~~g~o t viii havéeff...ct t ~o jo ropos' pseue cf yens'»r àAreward of$40900 lwu boUèredby thre Bpanith Govrumeul for -Y&n i euyWibou aid cf hm : III bsHIlava -turpaîriai evet .apousrd tire oseetliborty. E i l tb. eqt ho esrganlsodl argils6 'lo.B"sIdhelire rw bpM W* aïinsu en board. h. m". bm lbe,9 H.Dioci Déad OI~ F PERuh AND ABU OIÂN W]30 WAB 01 EPISOD4 0F TE INSURRETIO Wlit and Humor. ÀÂglssof berinomtma v4is i Tire h.ighl OU maisiiu-Ta udire'but ge*ding a éoo«7béok.l Loy foot esn ak oe. druinsbu, Il à echolas' reoenlly d.fiue4lth. word "Mule mas rmzap vbQ l1eps laa fIlIIIgttiuîy Coflii?50y, àS fltwo êd*yq laler IwÏ» sentiýced. te be ehot. Ti trial Wb~ a farce. The prisouers.-e ve emebute4 el sixo'clock -tu tbï, moring, ed t 1 nue Cl own, eaylug ,Ihalt they woufd eo3ily bond Ihè klnÏo God. A 1Il but Byý à ver. Iueotau* 1-klly1Ud sund seeing hlm gisping for air, the com- mander,~ of the guard ruehed op to hlm sud puti au -end te his aufferiage by sberin#' hlm. Ihsouçh the heark. The çiob cu# off lie heada -cf the four des>d mon auld c-arri*ed thora about the lovu on poeo$. The cavals'y ws. driven oves' their bo4lee and e vasthre artillery, th., pon erous wheele mashing th. hesd- les tru isa mb an unrueonilzable mise, thon tbie romains ver. fling jute a trench. 1Thro Il heb.efforts of Sèustor John Logan Mýru. Rysu receivod an indem. uity of $2,600 f s'cm the Bpanish govexa.- ment fer th. killing cf hýér ecn-Ohwago Nes. The vicissitudes cf limate are trying te most cpnstitutions, ospecially 10 people having impure blood. For ail such (Kitd they consttue the msjority), the bout ss!i- guard lp Ayez's Sanaparfila, thecluse of whioh ôleanaes the blood and stronglhens aud îvlgorsles the-pystm. The Need of Arm-Erèrcise. Walhing on au even surface, the only vsriety of physical exercise whioh moet businëess sud professions.1 men geît lu Iown, le weIl kuown. to be s poor suh. stitute for arm-ezertion. The roeunlu pastially plain, since wslkingis shoost aulomatie sud involuutiry., Tho valk- ing mechaniera le set lu motion swe would turu an boni-gises, and requires 11111e ttIeutioâ, much lesu volition sud oparate diseharges of force frein th. brainý-surface vith each murcuIar cou- I .rsotton, as e e .ose with th. <rosI msiotlty af arm-nmements. The srm-ues' le8 a hlghes' animal than 1h. Ieg-uses'. Arm-motian are more nesrb yaosoeiated with mental action than, legmovomeats. A man's lover limb0 merely carryihi baier centers te hip food or wos'k. The latter muet be e*ecuted with bis armeansd bauds. A Shird vay in vbich am-ea-orisi beuýfità the. organuierutbrough the nerviona systein. Whethes' this is dUo0 o, su înereasd supply of riches', pures' blood, or vbotbes' theocontinuai dis- charge of motos' impulse,§lunseras vsY stores op another variety of- force, v. do stet kuev. O.hne g la certain, thre viptira of eurnasîbeuisa lave'y uldoin su iudividual vho daily oue hie arme for, muscular vork; vith Ibis, the liut e! burtfal mental work le seldom seabed.-From 6"Injurio&aI*mflu.swe of City Life," by WAvrzn B. PLAT?, M. D., ina the Poptdar Science Morthly for Augugt. An Excfting Adventure. A ILTYLEET FABEER'S TUMBLE noWu THEKMOUSTAIN. HIANMLTONI, July 80.-Bephèn ]PeU- fold, a Baltfleet farmner, sedngunear Stony <reek, hsd sas'emarkably exciting adveuîure on Frldsy uighl, and la ou- gaged a';n ongrstulatig- >himaseifou boing sive aI preet. Hoevas returu. ixag frein au agrieultura meetig aI Stouy Oreek laie ai nighto -sud vhiIo aàacndinug1h. ateep moalnrond a lauet obf sins &T mtyour oyetert a Bay -VieW es's., Mnsu .a nvered tle u f et is oompetitores ps'eposod te spin op s ets'eam. Ho vwaa la bis shllat the lime. D6n't hawk, and blow, and spit, but use Dr. Sage's Calarrh Bemedy. The famous Lapreirle election case, in again le b. lried la the courts. The. Bout Pilla.-Ms'. Wm. Vandervocrt, Sydney Crosaing, Ont., writes: " We bave been using Parmelec'u Pil, and find them by far tho best Pilla Je ever used. For Delioste sud Debilitated Constitutions theso Pill e st like a chàrma. Taken inu ual doses, lie effeot la both s Ioule and s stimulant, mildly excitiug the secrehlens o! the body, giving loue and vigor. Fred. May, vho kept a huoket shop la Winnipeg, has cleared out, leaviug s nuni- ber of sorrowing finonda. flelLnite Warnint. Negleoted coughusud colds se frequently r rduce serions rosuiteanas 1 coustitute a' ofluite warnig. Thoro lu ne bettes', saler or more pleasant remedy for Cougis. Bronchiîs, Sors Throah, Colds aud aIl liroal sud lung troubles than Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. Bergen, the' Maryland man accused ef for- gery, wbo is in Moutreal, lbas consented ho returu for trial. 1orne mints. Mra. Robert Williampon, of Glenila, Parry Sound, Ont., Baye, III could4ot keep bouse vithoul llagyard's Yellow iw 1aI hand. I have used if la mS family for Croup, Bore throat and a cut foot, aud cau highly reconmend il ho overybody." A aea, monitor of the usual dog-da:ps pro- portions vas near Milton Island, Ont., lasI week. A Reasenable Hep.p Io one thatinlubased on previous knovledfe or experience, thereforo these vho use B. B. B. may reasonably hope for a cure be- cause tie preoi eperience of hhousanda vho have used it, shows il to have suoceed- cd even iu the vorat cases. ~JI~E!I~ivos 1 PBAINS, cuREsi n, N»PIX UM P01 OVES--EEAOEN5e, .OHiAPPE HELS, wEND vierepuhallon as &aphicin ÊOKEY EESIs, s»Mme, OP=sc RsMandrake Daudellon Lives 'nsu uunns onNCa m h of imedical akin, curait » deansd l4ven. Pola OOT ROT, AND Bose oaus Ii5EMEP ~~'" Dishs'esslng aches back ; a dnui pain or weight la lhe biadder and base of the abdeman; scalding urineoflsu ob- structed troquent desine tb uinate, ospeci- ally uh night, among agcd persona -. hot, dry skiai. pale complexion, sed sud white deposits, dropeîc&l aveilinga, &c., sems. ~mwPain ondes' shoul LIVE CIMPLANTdes' biades, Jau die hlo opein a weas'y, his'ed feel- ing, no l11. or enes'gy, lisadache, dyspopsia, indigestion, spots, pimples, &c. HOW OURIED. Mandrake sud Dandelion are nature 'as Livos' cures, aud when combined witb lKidney reme- dies-,as iu Dr. Cbase's Liver Cure, wil almesl posltivoly cure &aI. Kidney-Llven troubles. 1h acta like a charni, slimuiahlng the clogged livrs, setheueug ho kldneys, aud Invigor- atlug the wholebady. Soid by aul dealers ah Si, withi eceipt Book, whlch alone lu vorth the money. ]:.Y C"as%'5PlUsarethie KID E w N Kidney-Llver Pins made. bey ERr eently yet efctual- liuosucas, costlveness, &a. One pill adoe Seld by ail dealers. Ps'1ce 25 conte. Mayor Joues of Winnipeg, hsnded in bis rosignation at Meuday nigit's Cou2ucil FARM IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE part Of The Heoushold. «'I have used ilagyard's Yellow Oil with much satisfaction, for Colds and Bore Throat. I woula not be without it &t any coat, as I look upon il as the beat medicino uold for faIny Use.,, Miss. B. Brainhail, Sherbrook,P. Q. Prof. Gloldwin Smith srrivod at Winnipeg Monday en route te the P âcîfio coast. Thor. la ne other romedy or corubination of medicines thât meeta so maay roquire- mente as ices Bardock Blood Bittera in its vide range of po'wer ove: sizch chronio dis. esses as Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney COU ' ait, Scrofulo and ail huinors of the S. P. C. Clark, a Windsor merchant. vau caught smuggling goods on Saturday. BuM1O ]un OeMln with his Wild West show causes immense excitomentl, nearly equal to that caused by the introduction of that -wholeseme and pure artiîolo kuowu a. th. ImperW lCream Talar Baking Povder. Soldhyasilgrocers. Adricea from the North-weul state l"a th. orope are maturlng, and th-" tle. pol a Nov Homo Trestmont for tie re o Catari%, Caarrbai D«amef sd B"y rover. The microscope lias proved tiaIthebse dis- eases are contalous, and Ïhathey are due te pre#ence of living parasites la the lnterling membrane of lh. upper air passages and eeue-. tachia tubes. The eminext scientiste, Tyn- daIL .Huxley and Beale endors. thua, and tiss authorilies cannot h. dispu'teti. The regnlar xnohod af treatn hiu ieeseus auiu ben ta apply an irrItant remedy weekly, sud aen daiiy, tbus keeping the deicat membrane tu a constant eal orit e stý,aflowing il no chance te heal, and sa. a natuel. ocusequenos o! Incb treatmontunotone permanent cure bua ever been recordec,. Il la an absoilae !aMtha" eaoe diseuses canniot beocureti b ~appuela. lMon made eftener than once ina e veeka, for the membrane must gel a ebaeu le eh.. fore lie appliation la repsalIl la nov savon yearm ine lir. Plxqa dbucveredth le te ai alsrh s844ossual, hi no etan ace Ihen hs hmey abe- corne a househlàd.Word ga cer ountry where lb. EngdlshLanua O l POken. Curese eff byd Mm #mm,. vea" gare durn .U, # ere sin bae no rat"iuof Ignorantt nhlaor "ha mulat"up every- *here, peednl e tb ".p-rM". , e .Which eknwnoïlg b aeIIes*0b reciMt aIe .n3iau" ofa! ieh they are Mleonyonce laIvoweekandbmfroni e lir. Pflolinseffecta eraent Cure ia Mr~. Dizoxi mndi-*- pmpbiet sscrlhin biu new treaitreeu m 'oztxor cdlyi! té, -ope Ringétret estTorento, Oanada..-Selon- bour'sdelay valtlng for thre doclorMar, be -atteuded vIih iserlcni. consequence., 'spociallyluin if Cr9WOp, Pn4,,umouia4, and othor tho4. lun ui~ b es. Bence, 'no tam1*elulud be wâbou a bottie o! A r cherry Peciora whic ha pi~v.d fisltPr 1b 18à"o cases, . te beat ýnxergeucy Medicine ever discove, It ivà prm4ýxoi4e and prepares lthqwaytor a thorougi =ureg. wh cerUa te ns~be euffuetedisd 1 Walker iron plow, Patterson gang plow, Cîsyton root drill, land roller, Ayee, iren harrows, Whîtby harveeter ana' mower, wagon, raio,- borne-ho., Honey fsnziing miii, double soIt barnons, etc. -F. HOWARD A.NNS. Whitby, April 51h, I'88. AUTHORS & -COX, L 1 Manulacturer-of And Applianceà for aIl D01rzt tc lhu- mafoy-sp nalD easu. Disesee of the Kneesnd Ankie, Kifock 1ee, Bow Legs, Club LiT -Toruto,. Out;ý. ~ POWflUED 99 PER CENT' TORONTO 8mEAMLAJDRY. CUPFSASPECTALTY. A" EIMN T8T 5,L~ Prom Rie Grace the Duke of Butisnd- "ýBeivoir, Gra.ntham, Lee. 1, 1879. "Blrs,-Elimanagolo iEmbrocationla used ln my stables. I thini ili very useful SMaeter of Belvoir Rune, "-Castl. Welr, Kingston, Rerefordahfre, " IDec. 8rd, 1918. "Gentlemen,-I -ae the Royal Embrdcation In my stables and kennels, and have *found il very serviceable. I have also used the 'Universal EmbrooatleoL for lumbago . and rhe-matlam for the là" t wo years, and have suffered very Uittle since uslng it, «"B. H. F>11ez, Lleut-Col., Master of Rad- norahire Hunt." *Sold by Chemiaa, tores, and Saddleru, Price 20. EXHAUSTED VITALITYUo rpHE SCINCE 0 X1 IMTB, tbh e V l Moed lWork a!fle ag an MAY1OOd Serious sud Physicul DoeiIi, Prems- tare Dedie, Errais.oe Yolb athel.uatold mzet-eOonsquont thone. ou,80 ags 8 vo., M npaecfplafr ail = =eue. Cloti, fil gIony *10à by andi mididle samon.Bod o,. Tte Golti andi J.vofld Modal avarded ti lei enlier by &eo N*àtonsi Medicai Associa lion. Aaires. P, O . box 1895, Bouton, Mass, oente Dr. W. H. -Parker, gradui. -o! Harvard Mediia osiClego, 25 yemis'pracilc oe la Boutba,vire may be onsulted eonftden- llaiy. bcaîy, Diseuses cf Men.Oce Neo.4 B llihtreet. JanI(j (RNcLî a ost at nlght-M or î>e tcigvm dlstres.',"r. If 00-owed tocoxLÂu mors î~ btn bleed aud oloer.te, becomlu. ' -erY 4$StOpsthe itecblng sud bleedln, lisais ulceratlon, 'snii 4p; "y -ms,rec;ove--ý The Wonder8 of Mgi When you find that beauty lufiIngswayt To thé elderiy =asu yIth 'bis leeka li decÇay, Try "Dexnewend'î Mge A rlch heaof hair, la as precious sa rare, SOI" y "onwed' Mg The lbdy's misfortune irheà 1odû a=" SIt rtUtrnth ndbauy Try «"Dornewend1'sU Mi l'" Tae im b Ie ore3ock'sand d.* jouir owns Try 8'Dorune*enaes MogI4 Thi Tolea filure bhai nover yet kown Ifry "Dornewend' Muieo." Try,,iilyou suemed, - Soliybu - Machine 01 Au 011 bouse eparabe tram tire, bous SAtI.d up-by lbthes'lîe be" ulte !%ualnat usl iâam'.keptanti goItia BOUMS, CuIeêrtd A WI 1VIý.. 'Dr, a" s wold cl and authos'.1 Cure is a triui diaoases Of liii Li. E LB lan lot 0& h loi uen ta iaib4u, jeu wi r ;ý Coln redy - CM ESTUC, E L3.A a 0 j'.ý ý i 1 %or vu# w 1 Il

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