Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Aug 1888, p. 5

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SpLCTAC L'-8f. irti ihSaioe cutIO OràOy by D Buokliflg'8 OpthaIiascopiO Test. ipistwindIow ou bsmu ru.su ffluv tire Royal hotel. iTh ire 11.1.11v va badly burt. Wirîby inuit stýud iig in lutir ssIi- wauloèn of Yachtsmen as seldoin a veek aises but Ivo or ire. of troue plessure assud their jolly creva cail aI our Tire Bey. Mr. (-&mble, son-inlsv of Qe.MoGiiivra-y Zq., of Ibis tevu vii OovIpy tire puipit lof St. Andrews chureh during tl b shoof etio Bey. Ur. 2 Abrahain who i Iakiug a veil-sa Wau undersland that îeverai et the imrrounding villeue viii iroid-their civil holiday qn Ang. 18th toeonable tire coin munity at large le vieil Whitby 'sud wisneâs tire Galodonian gaines. wl s, rfi b; ti j0 Frou lir reO~cf tire Ottawa Frea pressud frein prties virehave soon Mfiller & Freedia o lenud Mens- gery v. lesFarut iI lesan exhibition et a very bu okdor. Tire posfe &»ar eoftire Most suplge$.ups sud if 1h.e, show je on s scule te equai these il vill do. Tirra re vofair «rounds at Whilbyc nov sud therre iîs airof naines. W. a uggest &btir 1ai atiéescommence eaUl- ing thre nov Pls4t lh.fair gconudessud1 tire cd place th* sîbletio «rounds. TireJ latter Wii 6e a ery appropriaI. usinej sud viii souad elvl ansud eadvli Tlàe fattreuj Toronto te Whitby ou A&ug. 1tiesuiwi.s.jt irIne doubl a vory largecrowd vW4cceinnY tie Calodon- iangsoitiel o 4their aecurson -toteIis towan. W. rt our diluoens vill 'gite tier earty w.como sud @end Ihexu avt&y heartilj Ceoed vith tir, lova sud ils sucres' ddîne WB bave ti4efeloving complimene- 1517 lettor, a U4ln ur uscapacltj, suda viricirje give a ea siple et Oshava, litocarj prod otions. I& vas sddcesued "E-dlterQ') C gomiOLE.Whibj." ""Osir. awJulymaf th. 1888. Mc. Editor Ocrsin. My conclusion 'lu that -joui are ap'ootsasgo be geing on kib tis vay; If yoq veuid tako thst natural gas weiidu or jour office pro b"YbLj eould uie yjjor braies? s abe Ir adstg.Tustruly, Valsen llyi. IP. ,.By 1h. Bye, did yjeu ever psy-foc tirs stolon gaine uockP _,lpeople sàouud bovuvirhobave been reooivtu«g t e Port Percj Observer se»r grataitouusi for a toupleo-ol weo.spsà$. are peu1' , te kowvho Ithé Whbby cocrospen nI t ftiraIpaeeioz anud <e, proceed te enUten-thom. Tire gotli- Masu <sformer iusiJide ofWbilby for ja torj brief pedhavingfor -p day sud sla ibtri ojed te fll* k e t 0s&i Dee er u*40t ,t ing toeendObo P~ W Rit nai tia s é, u aedisorias<?)of the eu 0<I goeteally iie h0 * W genios. ', cirg Mbis Ifs' sud wvia l onpü î tb. cas .4* o c4 vusIMU ff eliued t I Yi bisoesaO4 Ofs ,uI bioh Mr. W J. Gibson wue foeroli ,meinhor. Loe v as sranted tlb lgrtin Saddlery Hardware Co'y. 14 îleoct insnranoe for th ecmont fire bey b&ving repaired the building. On îofion the matter of ps:yiug R. Patter, on's foundry bonus vas reforred te th, imane commille, snd Major Harpe kppoi.uted te s e h.provision$ Of 1hl Y-Iaw are flled or etherise, ban âe cemmitle te report st Deit meli f onune11.Loueve vas grated lbý Wbitby Qau & Water Co'y te place ei shrtt if neomsary te their work, & mgine Det te bc lecated whero it vi àterfere .with trsifie ou streets. Th Doneoil thon sdjourned. To nevepaper mon arunI bore th DontrovOrsy geiug onuin the Gaaotm betweefi thst paper sd BoV. J. 1 Garmau là smuaiug. -The 'Gauttej ,sid by asbakiu« power firrn for fuseri ung grtiol. prsluing up lb.purity ôt crsin baking powder sud statmg ho criminelsmuaet it *buId b. te s-lo mny etber te b. aold. lu suothi ,olwnn tvo veeku agP il publiehod olipping il hâd scssed frein son other papers a U mai erisl . Ou orM pariug the Ivo, usîither cf which it l likely the Gasetto mmsu hd ever, rob Ilev. Mr. Gerrusu dirneveM d .lasb Ldesso, sud vote -a lbter te tbe Gasei jesued cotei veut sud Ioeked iu Il diotiontcy te fiuit wh1t iuomnistofl Wal dre s leng iô, sund veut in au argumentt b dOeed th* Ivo argo, bh bDevoir cesdntiMeis ittenti -wuoaiod to thein It wus00beau fuily dolightful te b. noticod by sa m of Mr. Qernan'5 standing,- eeu thon ho gel defestodi. th"t le es«orly ili ,iumlfl t theb. rPumtg vll previloSy héviffg utertaiu"Ild opliino# eiher 1h. lleusd biel or bsklng pevdet quo. tiOu. MreG Mms Ws botter "1movo ou"sud lm th. £unsdns, 10 bis olipplugs sd pw for reaig nellees. The Oshs-vs B.forAm r ehrg.s vlth vuuufyig sein. partiesfrein t tovu t toeleven for thIre oue 1 cent&. -'We diu'1w oinsU we.un til ve cmad msud oinselo !tesu11k.il lu in1h. ue1jghboriflg 1Press. If so mnepf these jealous 1a veuld sansd. Iok'ovor ,our r inoroasinï liste of subsecberge, uue ithbout au2j uolioitaioes1 WhtY!, t voul."d be'ab la to ec sO t h.Y, A» .0 1 L - -" - --IM n Ijudm Tht For ssito-day. Biordan fixen luto.days dvertised sunÂt ivris i v il à. m. âà» 7 P. Ux Tipsator's rilaieefor Suudsy Âug. Sth iwil ho as, follow-aà. m. "Jesus in1 1h. idst" Mal. 10:20. pim. Trhe two el&ss.-and boy Qed doble i~~le ILPet. 1-9. "Theo Lords 8eapte=" ii bo ordse inodlu b.mernling. A nomber viii , o baptieedin 1h. eveang. ,Biarar 1havii Mb. avec by th. lSth sud sur fimré a soavl oarnod holiday sud enjoythe Caledonian gem.. te b. held bhe. authal date. zWh WILL OFPIRB 8O(MEZ BARGAINS 1K ~' SUMIÈR DR y -~ I Nov is your lime te gel good vatebes, i docks, joeelly, silverwace, spectacles. This ~ i int1 ý~~ eendorued by the sud oye glassses atjour ovu ri..te Tsis<~~tru mentoa," n id1ue mabe ceea» for nov- stock s aI Tyloris cert&iflty the Ions necosity te correct. b.-toankrOdFlosiok mniIl? 1h. So0ohinen of 'Ihà oouuty do 5ih1not spread themeelvos onour ii LONG, FAR and SHORT SI H foliday 1h. 131h met.,àil iinet bo- for vaut ef epportunity. Thre High- And the more dificass eue f laud club of this tewu i. putting forth Ievery offert te iuako the day long re- 1 menibecod net only by Scotmmen but A STI G M A T 18-M . byallwhomayvi:itthoIhwn on thst OÇUGLIST'S prescriptions, filled Framnes u.1h.l. Mny o! ail lundi kePt 'n ,tOc~k utThre fôliowing is thq honor coo f lb. Whitby CoUegiate Instituts for tlb Esster terun :-Form Il-Mary Mil- J, 8 BA R A RD 13-ler, Allogra Oronk, Maggie Eastwood, BA ý,A R -8-Lizzie Balfour, Jno. J. Pattorson, Win. Correil, Florence Daie sud Bertha Bar. clay, Magaiç Ooffey, Lizzie EKolliday JEWELLER aùd OPTIOIÂN, and Wm. E. Sinclair, Mary Dryden, Buastrice FarqghirronFrank Chapinan, Alex, Smnithr, Mianiîe Brown, Ameia \~T E~ IT .B~Y. Morris. Fora» L-NormuSinclair, Maggie Otmiston, Sacs James, ILobt. E. Johuston, Sars Bateman _sud Muccay Paliner, James Davideen, Eias ~trkt~d~I6 Lawler, Qertis Taylor, Frank Fishrer, Samuel Cochrane. The flusucial t tem.ent issned by the liqiqdators cf 1h. Contral bauk np FRIÀYAUGUST. 8, 1888s. te date Shows a balance te tire credit - ~~ o thDe, f b liqÙidators in the bank of Gem- ________________________morce. f $842,961, sud tire available cash in addition is $822,064. Agtainat LOCAL LACONICS. bsaperleitm o 13,852, e proenting the notes of l.the t 6 cedeemed, sud lb. item of 06745, tbe WHAT 19801B IND0 AON OMAblnee b at dividend comaiuiug BUDGET Of UVEL? UQOAL NEWS 6LEAKED uueiaimed. Tis learvos nemcly 6650,. BY 0HROMIOlýE REPORTERS 000 availabie for tbe next dividend. This viii 6e at-the saine rate slbe eA 3bJeVs samang y., akin notes, lasi, 88 per cent., sud îtis l texpcted A' faith heU prSent IL. that il viii b. paid u October neit. W. o etnoi05 ar ta The tevu conucîl met Thucuday even- sobool masters ou ithe Street tbis week lguis.Boeacens er se~ sli by th. fire sud vater, cocnmittee. Tire Tiere galar meèing et tbe W. 0. T. Mayor, reove sud deplrty-reeve vone appointed te inmure the building cf the U3. viii be beld in the Fcee Beading Allas Woolen Mille or aka some ar- Roctm Ibis (Fridýy) aftecuoou st 4 rangements about tire matter viti the o'clok. Ivinetevu solicitor. The markot property On Weduosday lerno an Mr. crin ommittee reported lu favor cf Poter Harper'. littho boy¶, Bo-, foul frein an Wersmsacop f 65. Mr. Crosby y &MIS a ê,0 altioi$.55imit na - m anipUuawi ta&H he ommttes - A'w our lu au. ish ler- oui gers igl are-l tusl pv OCALEOONIAN OAMES The Whitby Hgblsud lLbhaeunrng wfth the. uniedcamps oft1h. 8ofl of sont- lsnd,TormontoOhoW t0b De n~tMifl sud gainestaI 1h.Pair r euUa, biÏ4,e u MVonday, Auguet IJth, 1888,1 TmSoto sud Wbitbls i OlvIoUldiY, *hu Ws sofe op=a Mrrconuetsla ihlu Ouer $500 -wiII t>be Offered in Priea Dancens sud FPplOou tii. con'nutar ezeldteooSmpte lu flaU Hghlsd O«> Mur op Gmmxus..,Peu-'eitTi Ioeh-Qvnoil Kstob, mexurcbers eu)y; Puttlni Hle*vy stoue; puIti tlStonlee', mein- bec eny Troving Osvy Hu~e; 7hOiu.~h1aerl1,menb eny bre.i ba to th.ÂIio Sals,Cshmeres, 1 Shawls. Lisli.thmarnsa eioves,Coton,i GENTS' FURNISHINO. Fauyi Linen sud 811k Hfdfs., (oUm har sdWuButtone À Big Loi of-,Fancy Btrazo E C LOTH 1 N & eay-Maae Suite and f the Ihing for ,ý«am veatier. f ti ng sity i n 1 h . 8hOee-s1 king.- ài tire pwads. t carry roin : prices gel the, ET, acref Whîby sae cf' g* te g ndor r next. y P. O. of land Xeeé in Elarbor )u De. yesra, Bitaie, laming plemloo mty, RM 1 Of IcIt Front Vhi-by )ntýailà- le bt-* t ultî-vw- M illiy ârticu Lion to licitor 1 le te 1 31 ýy oi Tam M M eunnsd fscnily are st Grimsoby park. Majýor Lonýg bat, remeved tle hie fine noer oie *cross the.coad frein bis frmier pce of busine, end both ho and ObhsryScott are vearing botter oiothos this veek te tcy sud 'keep op wiîh their,8flu ewo quairter.- TzoR oUE our famers lu his- section who have a heart toe stiufy, are feu of reojcg sud thankfulnoss fer th eaeit cop. They will feel abi, te attend thé cirous, tbe Bcotahinen'e atietic sports,, the Whitby exhibition for tht.. days, and psy op em.cy dollar thei ove for Ibis paper. HàLrz's fine trotter, "-Biity Go Eay," ru awa.ysi Port Perry races in 1he second boat. Ho did the usine in * . - '--à ---6 . è ..èh h&. k.. a X~LNRY.-We will olearout the balanceof our Straw, HaIs an, ont~ FoeS etes t. at very R ednced Prices. Corne and get the bemrfit of Neff and. Faqhionab1e G-coodaI aLoir Prices Wér will also offer Special Barg ains ini Dre~ Goode, Cashmeres,. Lawns, Muelins, Ginýghan'5, Prints, - Parasols, Embroideriesi, Cotton Hosiery and Glovb, andl Sunirer Dry Goods ini general. Perfection in Style and Assortrnent. --Satisfaction in Quality and Prices. Reliable an& Serviceable Goode marked at Rocx Bottom Prices. C-Ek~TS' FINE ORDERED CLOTH:INO.e suite, sud bis hf. la dlîpaired of. Shouid ho die a good many lu this section viii Gents can rely on.perfect satisfaction iii both quality and style of Clotho, and having their garmenîs cut, loe s favorite on the trsek, sud the live fit, and made in superior manner. stock insurance eempauy vili drop M50, for whiheul cia ie is insnrod. -He bas Gents White Dress Shirts, Gambric Shirts, Collars, Cuffà, Braces, Sox, and complet. ass;rtmeuî'of Su=- been regarded as a vecy promiuing mer Scarfs ana Ties. herse. Hec. yen are, "C1heap excursion," Augnot 7th good tilt October 7tir 10 ce- J Z turu. Colonial ticket@ reading tircougir te Missomin, (Asoluibois) (220 miles N.1D V R LW IT Y vest of Winipeg) vis G. T. B. North N. - - D V R LYS BLOOK, 9 HT Y Bay sud C. P. B. sud return saine route, only #W.Tickets good te lay over at any italien, Winnipeg or voit - thereof. For tickets sud furtbet in- formation apply te E. Stepireuson, agent, Whitby. Mr. Theo. A.. MoGillivray, L. L. B., When you are contemplating a purchase of anythi.ng in our lin, no matter how-.smail iras ceceivad a leller frein M. J. E. I.~. ~ ~ Farevweil, wci ton off Plymouath lu lbe may uS lthe amount i-mviVS. Englisir Channel-if tiraI is viere Ply- menthi l. Mc. F. slalom be enjoyed a <E plendIid Wip accoe, neyer failing te - - tur u sptaImeail ime. Hoesys it is /A C Tj IVV ..S YL- one «ceaI big long, lest b. i. iaving sud be expeols ilte hoid out ilti&bout the By coming to look over our large and weil assorted stock of ail that le uew and seasonlla. 20th Sept. Mr, Sain. Ring, B. A., vi la ith ir iaonly failed te rcoithIe dinng table tvice ducing tbe passageD ED EQ UGL Up tilt a cnontb or w0 uc the Whitby Gazette sud Port Peccy Observer ver. T lutrehbit of giving us&raking ovror buy of us. After seeing the turices and examinig the quelity of oUr Goodes you' ca'tý eseir veek, cbargiu« thal we lu our resiet them. It je impossible to do better elsewhére. proper porson did individulsuadî ooileolivoly attend divers dog-figirs, eock.figirts sud bermeraces, sud tiraI OsETRVLE ve ver.é a fraud, a clown sud s dispen-NO BE T R. VLS ser ot faiseiroodei. W. regsrded Ihee little compliments s good sdvertise- 3moulu foc us, parîicularly virn env Can be found. We get the choice of the best goods on the, Market and oulr priosare aS came te coniderthtie sources frein Bviricir they emansted ; but, sa s Ygenerally tirecase with thoevire are goîting advectislng doue, vo vished le If tirer, bad circulation enougir te b. > eae l a srad ooefu n ikplaue8 0 a uj use seadvertising medfium$. B ea eaw y eSet sey ua dw thp e lur sýW vo offeced te psy anl expepies if eitbec o f th. Ive psperse ould dhov a bono yu our Uooas. 'fide circulation of tI o udted usines ioniidethe o tev ias alleged to e b ?~ Z s Le publibed i. Fçonz the moment vo Om.ntionea the maltr of olcoulalion tho rGoaseU olued te boate, a nsdvirs a a show of diacrelion, tee, foc il lu verywes on batpoint. 'Tire Port geutl tongbî wohad togotefisdFAQ f'A\ J D E l l Tti thon coinmeueed again. W. mûli tc 1 )J V Y 1L I U > i 1 te our toit, sud vish 4o have the malter L G .* W- -H 0 ý of oirculatioofettirespaporo setlled l' before they do auj more advertisiug fer us. If troue papersr are -deeîvrng 0their patrons intopsying for adver» is-R L&FEL tO ig ou taiseeeiensou as te circulation t~ alboruld b. kuowu. 'W. are willhng to il, show Our msiling liste te anybody. 1

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