Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jul 1888, p. 6

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Cals by Telegraph or Telephone prompt- ly attended to. -fARM TO LET. 200 acres of land, consiisting of the, north thr"e. uartesof No. 15, ànd 50 acres of No. 16, in the. Sth cou>. of Pickonng between Brougbam and Oreéuwood. WeII adapted for grain and raiiing of stock. Pôssession Whou, cropu anr emovod, and usual privi- legs of plowing. Plenty of living vatïpr. Apply to HBNB'Y OWELL, Or to J. ]IL GORDON, Wht7 Town, MyBarraster, Wiiitby. Alts, anme (te foal thus n'ontbh'.for saie cheap, ,wfth harnest and phSton. Apply to HtemiyXoweil or»D. WhLitney, hotel.keeper, G. T. B. station. FARM FOR SALE. On. ofithe but faims In erngfe r fau. "As property ilat nlt "i ies frounWWitbr. Tlsài*. ver, ido- Mta"prowèvsud ina ablgh sialeofculti- oaiu.ýFr furthie paricules apply té JAIMS PICARD, on the pru»ises, or to PlOkesng P. o. Total exponMiure: 88M4 5668 Incrase 2U81 The aboie lre e areilround nuni- bers. Wiîh a ereslg population- vith' a larseely reduvoed. suoeuent-it i. çertaiuly slip cge ihat the'ohbool board will persist in this unuocesary expeuditure. The matter 15 nov ln the banda etf1h. cotil.Should 1h07 re- fuse tlesanctioni lhe expendi1iýre the board muet thon elîher abandon - the proet or saboul 1he question itu a voie et lb ople whieh I hope Lb.e ouucil. Wini compel lhe board le do.t I ac» air, yeurs respectfully, A Wonxne M«s. July 21, 1888. Lindaay StorehouMSe iwed. LnwSý,JùIy 28.-A dusastrons ire ooourredbore on Siuday morning about tire. àol<>ek, deatroying thé large storehouses evuÏed sund oeenp0 ir thelb àrims et Dnuda1& Plavoli. I3ros, -sud Sadbor, Dundas e& o.,s ituatl.d on Kiug etreet uqar lhe 4aek o -the Midland rsilway.ý-,Que cofthe buildings ,wus psrtly ovsocid'y, I.Touohbnrn, grain snd -produa. Ipuerubant. Thora. ve ODoonlain.d lutlbbuildings 15,000 lbusheof et 4e 4,OOQlbs. et of W00sud- a large qqistiy; ef butter MCd iggs. Thon viib.savage ou lt.euool and viest, but 4he Ios may b., almosi, ceuszered toieL4 The. insurauc vil fairlyoor the. bises,s tb. Poloef hélilby ith. North Britihiand aerean. il. Vas a blanko$ polloy viholisoerod net ouly th. prpoeny deeiroyedý but a large number et vaf.houses itualed along th. fineotothe lidland railvay. âh iurisne es are >-45,000 lu the. Royal Cso #B. 8,00vuin th Udv.rpooltaud Globe sud bIi,I00 la lb. British AossuioaI.> Mr. andi Mrs. Gladsteleo elebroted theu golden vedà. ug.ou Wednesday. -- MsuIibaIlato hav a-surplus et - vhes4 ibis year asouutaug te ý20000,. At th. Berlin, Ont., bud'eowpitlo on W.dnoodmythe o Bvuuvl baud toeh ires -umm helussy.budSeeeud Ludt Lu . vi" s mebraiedmai Nia. Eeaviroa 1, Inndry bàeuz&d BaaUva£Rov, $uIý 2-.ire br.k. thea * çogIs.àeoraoftbe. Bsavew- t=u ý b»rorýy aler the men dt work about esven @'lOek Wq41uesy isuded tu a 4vwIl1*»g boums u#ae by J. Â. Prooter, -vieul vw s . ura.d. Tmh he i.exewilou.4of the. ire br.- 0 te i 1vw smveil, .lt aougb 1he la MM ibursibg. Saferai privai.f The toiovia ýsore inu the. "uikat mat"hlayd boe Tupsayho Hamihton (U hldo) b a.èidord, b General Insurance Agent. Agent/for Phoenix Pire Office, London, Bng. Pire Insurance Association, Li*don, Eng. Citizens husrurm.nceCompany, 1fontres.i. Quebeo Pire Assurance Compan.y, Quebeo. .:tna Pire Insurance Compa.ny, Hartford. London & Lancashire 141.. London. Eng., London Quaraute. & Accident Cu., England. Hamilton Prevident & Loan 8'.aItn OFP1CE.-POST-OFFCEMWHEITBY. 'p lobent I bo~rI I1e~dt ~ prbus, more .lsnd snd meot a gyonu4 for thé' . board vadrat l e ot ees Ob pr milltet.. Wat vnlages 1h. publi * aud .bovea f àg cooIko net, but do nâlthlnàk tbey -best asny comparlson te tthe extra burden they Impose upon thé raiepayers@.. Lot us compare lbe isolool report tuf 188-4b. lust jear of th.e>igb eehool-with tbe report oet ie Ooll.giaîe. Instisnte et Pe~~cu;188? Ilcres.. or Deras. Ohldren of school ago: 881 0 d <ersas. 151 88078 -$dm6.incisas. S1567 GIiIIÏ: LADIEs ho. ouly 10e"p pair&.- A.n<r.,Bs. ~ hl. od Tm UailSails'pele èd-ag Andrev M. Boss. A feoire pi» locsetof ur 85e. -aIl vwool tweed adno shoddy. Andreu M. PRs. Mun's sud beys. groy sud Dsvy bine fsnu.î shirts, lace fronts 6aiszes ai W. G. Wslter's. ]Eva»r e aves their meseures *hen tbey vraut nov olothes, with Andrev M.Boasa. Wz 'are offeriug gloves snd IHosiery ai gr.atly rednced price,, ai W. G. Ou> newopapers st a dioounutyen eau gel & brand ne* bushe for 10 oeuta from &ndrev M. Rosa. GENsT' lies, collarsandsud nfe, braces, hats sud oAPSst a ovesi Prie«,, st W. G. Wallons. Thiore ls soins 1.2k oet1h. Hamilton bbabil club omng le Whitby for a gaine, probably on Wedneaday nexî. T.uoau ho drive lie leva lirow the uorth @My Ur. Hsrry Mifee, Brookhut haslb te st field ef fal wheat in Ibis eeetion. Pa ltai v. ver. offerlng at l2êc. per yd. are now redue& t. 9 and 10c. *1nvpatierua te seloot from, at W. G.Wafterora. Tiim àethodista beld iheir annual pio-uic ai Oorbett's ou Wedueudsy, being favored by onet the ms$s de. ligbtfal daye of -he Blason. Four or five hundred people atteuded and on- Joysd a good-ime. Ma. Arthur W. Beall, B. A., loft ber. for Japan on Monday môrning. On 8aaday evoniug lhe sddiesad thecon. gregation of the tabernacle at soin lengili on foreigu missionary vork sud bade th. people far.well. -OzN eoft be greaiesisurprise te th. Buglihpublie ai th. Colonial Exi. bition iu London vau tb. extensive snd artisti, display ef Memorîial Windows and H.ns.hold Sinled Glas& frou the oeIebrataà i"aslad & Son, Toeonbo. The PrUm..of Waléesand thoousane of bthée openly expreasd their surpris. anid deIwlt in thle.ope'Doime01etglass PnancilAand OommoroiaL Of tWhitby OHMONIOLuS, Whitbwl July 27o 18M.& WHITBY laAKMT.PuICRS. P«g louk.ev....... 060 Des0 Byi e..*....... leu.............06 * 61 = as,bl*..********......60 n006 Bl uePeas........... 00 * 001 Oats......bW......... .10. 5 40 W ëwmm 440! 1 w 19 AP$Ote,per.. ........ 10 *e8li as........018 5 22 Hiêhperb.........06a500 Porkinperet..... 005 69n O1#perdc...........05O *Tak.yp.~.....010 015 Ducspelb.......01 5010 Oo...nb........00ois 010 ose*09.04 00 * 888 Ils su r1er excellence proven iunramiions cf homes for more than a quarter 'of a century. It is uued-by th. Uuited8States Qoverziet. Endorsed by the heade cf th. great Universi- tien s ts h. urgeat, Purest, and l utheath- fui., Dr. Prlce's Cream Baking powder doee not contain Ammonla, Lime, or Ail, Soid oniy W1n i.,M PuICE BAXINO POWDER Co. 1 UW TOB . CHICAGO. ST. LcurS. ROBERT HIOKIGBOTTOM' VETERINARY - SUIRGEON ( Graduateocf the. Ont. Vet. College.) Office and Infrmary, the late Dr. Foot's Reeidence, Brooklin. Medical Examiner sud Valuaton for the. Lion Prc'vident Live Stock AssocIation. 'EN' OIRI sE A..Tm Levee PORT HOP:ée, fveryweek d4y st 9.45 a. m.t on sirival of -t rainis frin Baut, West and Noztli Leaves CHARLOTTE (Pýort-of Roohester) at IDp. m.; Sat- urdays,8.30 p.m. This le tthe favorite route'for ail points from Charlotte anid Rochester over Rorne and Watertown, New York Central, North- eru Central, Brie, and Letigh Valley rail- ways. !> ~P.YV. VIhi-LE TH ETLA ST v:'l i.:: tj hv mail an ap- ~~ pr' l toai niiaiLcfln, wifr. rothcr or cook-one to a laii' -who wili try the BREADMAKER'5 BAKINO POWOER Cut the red circle from the label and send it in a letter ataI ~hanest opin.on after f air trl.-Ritiier a 5, 10 or 25 cen.t size wilI secure the gift. Any grocer or storc.keeper kno*s where t o z-." for by you.-A r,'. CUUOBIL 9 Lit z ~7L~ DoM/k/fY lONi WAREROOMVS! -----:coe:- e Olearing. out Remnants. of Spring Stock. VIEWS -AND FRAMES, New Sunun.e: In conneotion with his regular photo- graphing the. ubsriber wisbes tbeau ai- tention to hiz views of privste residences, BlJ.ack, -Grena< which are taken and framed st Iowet living rates. W. B. ('BRIEN, O anvas Cloths. May 81ab, '88. Photographer, Whitby. Discount Lawns, on Prints, rGoods, in dines, and- Musins Embbrol-u deries. and Millinery. POW-ELL -&,00 tufs8 SILVRR.LâTED 1 * Tii. ouly ostan r n OMPFLUECE public on 15 <laye lu lent, W. T. BàA& *VOLO The LeadIn' SUUI v81 perus he omfie of p * Steamequ Book and.3 work fromI itn8urpsssed' "nL, wth il oylider prea eoes.- Ever: fui attention FIrst insez OUbeequent i by s-cale cfi accordiuçly. Advertisez inêtruetiens, chargea for Orders forèý must be lu u ors Winl net1 oontract ad I in notlsier cf anyUtOjý betere Tus mnenti recefi Pire cents p *per lines Vs. Ocre pOfl oOîhe5Oounlý thei rn possible, eux Ib cedoesMOf 0 j hGstD*$Aeg f ltig"a 0 The Pease Furnace.I The. foiovlug tesiaonlal spkfo Whiîby, May 4th, 183 1 have muci pleasure *La-,siatlng thua Nqo. ltBcnompyiurae placd- by youý, la my roslezm.lait 'alias7given usncern- fort&d su »ait&otlon, srmîug both uppor Gi sud lover reerna v.lmlh au e*mpratur., wvitout alr gaiW. Wedidtuol requin. to nu c oau. meslfin u b. ecî"deat eather, ' Tours rinu Ar- A.eut Us;. l s 3rSpecial attention paid to Vot. JOHN FA IiQUHA BSON, Dentîstry. a- Ul 1 1 1 .L11I NEW GOODS JUST- IN# Ladies' ShortYVet and Queeni Chains, Brooches, Cuf Buttonse<Dc., NIEW PAIrTTE-R'NS <Juf Buzttons, Watckes, Cocks, 1 1

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