Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jul 1888, p. 4

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-~ot Powdo 8ticky F/y Ràp, 8hoo-FIy'Rapi AT XEDICÂHL ONL Sace ERANNUM. Whftby, Flalily 2 7e 1888 ly for the tesait et1lths vote 51Ws. ingloa upon the Mitla Tarif billsud lb. message -te ratily lhe ireaty of the Piho isasmmiaion*. e Armerloas ste val h e ovotes esu od haudU the os ues ntlahiasway moet ke~ le lafineulooleraMlanlt.e omlag sidêneatt slone. TKE Rmjirs lu spendinga litti sa. over sbbooimnpeteor Sei, Who as eliadbyimaay PePopis e a .bit qi a or Il$ *mybb$, buurqà , s~vsu oue1lm.impu im" blgor ld ego'vi large thi t l e ducationisi Whin labhld tbe limes. snd lIu'psor sath séems tle-,under. stand bey14> quoseontisuch peoplo. To advsu.4e4ueaioaasts sud le nova- papesotabve* ai.ne Party. dirly vork le do, Mr.. 8path appeate stand bead and ahQuidoesaboeothe vheo Party l thoe dnoatisýnDepartinont. Manitoba appeau le, be striking oui in a mmsuar ,hish sas uîî vinho e oouatry of lhý futar.. Lut er,1. V-" aide is honme eonssmrptiO14 fnIy1, 00000 buah"ls eofirbat va ume on s l urflas, viailo lb. prospect ihlysr basmake S.opO I0more t1aa il usai. mulv to 705 ils lai mers have sao1geacegae ihha.eçssaîqa te mie hm&Uhricli. Iiiest aieaery lova l lu aîlo esautefflfylelbaddae tli maoiôbs uîilua.Aadhe.isii! se-àtluot$ roumkrable ý imé that, vi1hlais of .1abou.t ieuty i e of W lùupotiIo ao of i b. fitst qusU#y 9 bUd Ileuda auùlvaî aibau, l.. ~oa hopurohaaed sn 'ev ' figures, ýad tht.eareu ro Ont " a. xpe.led il preasal, the. o~iftalslaigo luamlgrssnAmalte brigi lete-r n fut Mrt. D. HOI#"dY.iu bith ler-fiW'_ »ion oklp i0a~. tme inaapOf Wt.*ropIessdheooedsunla b, i ab M Po I ot eM foi p9 Iu 64 Ihi &bd gel lb. i 1L-Uv--,AI.' PEGULZÂ5 AZVENuEE or,& SrTTEISLAND Nxw Yonx, July 25.-Mjiee Maud Franco. eilly, of Brolyn, bae»bain. ed aoazebiug of thoeulcibiladea of III iua thelut îfevday& -A veeka&go ab VrAS roifin oign ini ator on Fire &VOnUU.Pive day.s NM eh. vas & ballai girl in Kilralfy'a 'çFsil Ol nom.," 'a Blaeisleb"& Lus Sudg a uva sagagsd# -yesterdsy ah. vsmaried) Sud UOv h.l#uulAlh ul Ira.Abel J. Uays, lfting frm ber htabanda--ofs f.v' bout.,, YouOa Hyes sud hi# lathe et ampeN. 1, d n thlb gorgeousUesaOf tle. "Net.# "alt le- made sum pltia alrhprom 94 mso lemee ber lbthe tmeoznlag, --*' ad bimusif te oMdàzîog tCeet ing su' Yuterd&y presontIeibi vie Hbyea, cenior. Thefsie 00L io ow u Ihresgtes) le dlown bisso;."hi n, Isûgbt er.ma'j.v, frigbod ud dlaap- POURtai, des wse ber Buabes.Tii îwo Newgroma,nojv saring Brookl u bide. Yrlvlu~i un The urm oln i0 ? T E M O S T R I G UL ? L u m o s.. TI&UTr. pe hma the bonot té mor.a an> a -~1 a ommissi o einvestigat. i.1 -ofihSrearieof v.Gldso goverowenî. The strauge tblug sabi the sifair ijlet stLord CaVendiIh irai ýLitorâand 1h. in'vestigtion ià OPPO. by Liberas .and forcod by Tori Neither blood uer firg. vI itain a par politiciasi"de -heom hie psrtizanshrp, Tai'vay Toronto papota go for eag ether in eider teland aomethîng vile about Ihese duil imi. amusin, The Mail je flagellated fer demandit thal clergymen pray for tain, theao uloiy .oh th. Globe'# annexalion Pri gramme la relimbed againsl it, th World basàa unike ameng ils typ< and ja being hsmirched. for olaimin vrat tb aul >eutral Parti«a weuld set, but ils rigiats, the New$a ja fouud liyîn, le stiffle dieial inveuuigatiens ef clvi rotlennon in eider te shield munioipu fakirs Of th. cheekieitdescription,1hý 2'eleram la kîcked &bon& becauseoef ià 1mantirses ina Besting OvOrii kind 0 indoosney. From lb. navapapera 1hf criss go le lb. pulpit aud hall the oitj preachera are sermeuizing on th. gage subjects. The poor onciy papera in in tih. .meaalime are eîheî compeist le buyBerne Patent malter te, fil] op or olBs Put inua columa adverühiaen,eob telliug bey Mabh«eper il eau do job pllintîng thaa eau suyb;ody eoie. TE Kaiser sud Czar have met aud kiasod sud huggsd euoh ethot, snd th. laily papota lesifuly ask ".Dosa il nean war Pl' Hoirin lb.henrd th. getlitint aeheir seasalional, heado that F ev embracos sd kisssmean var je- àazd te museue.. eeau ian la mm bat theee dalles ha ve bosu ruaniug a ig Enropoan irina heirm"de fer th. mat Son yesra. Wheaoer thee ne Mer ne.. a war iea sprng upon 1h. aora of flOvspapors. For oui part oe dou't carsbow soon thsy go le var. le Csz a buAîparealy been aivays elling for a fusa vith hie neighbors, D4 éh.nDowKRaser 15 said le b. a >Ooirofthes«Me disposition, Be il ,uId do tisez both good le, pull bair S a irbie. Notaà hair vouAd iltaie !'My Osuadia'.baci. Thé oaly »ug w. ota'îundoistand i. ho. the pers ~ or ex.ll On P afighî out of umile"e msoo'hugging sad , kissln 4h olb.i. W. wouidaggeuî that ire tsa s mach stronge r pobsbiiîy of @àr getting druniWh=rbe hy get $o- be" snd PlaYaug Poker for moasy1 et czsnY s poor dsvU of1raTori s»d eachman hsd tle esin fori hem. od by _rcul- -nd-etio. ues., bo er igly Aeredied in iorn a alterative, INérlhrop & Lyman'. Vegetable Diseove. Remunants aime the veeds of our Businiess. With a and Dyspepto (3u», i. theagnt amInpoyed for lhieremova. A reguai habit cf body, and a due seretion andfIliwco bile, i*-l vriably resat from ils peritent ue. Il eusaie s temom ail irigurities,0TFE aud retoréestao su d brken do T H cos1 uin tegi Remnants of Dre8s Good8, FAU T L Tg Remnants of Prints, FOR A TRE KV 0F YB ÂRS. R m a f S i tr g Ocompoed of 75 oS« on lot No. I nrtà em atso S rig end Of t h. Oh cn. ]Pikernsd 5 ce o a a e ten a eî b n ti g b n e te on2 lot 84 norti end of lSzthn. Widi60&mbYO a tb tne oDt tenship-12of tb lanin auàahigh ste f . pprt itY f the ya cultiv&tiOn. G od brick dve1ing, goodout,, RI T D P If T E T bo»se, tIro ba=n, qUite large enougli leITDEARMET h u i t ! à e r s O e P , g9 0 0 d sa t o n e e t a b l i g u n d e r 1 e r n s r d c t ! t 2 cf2 e r i t e u e o l c botha. Possesion i4Novomber n"xt 150e. Prints reducea to e, 7.nt eucdo1c PrivUl01o plowing aller harvosl0.Prnsrdue 7. 8e. Prints reduced tO 50. GBERGB jONBS, Chambrays ýat 17c., original price 20c.,- 1 ___________________________P._0. Chaînbrays aI 1.2je., original price Iôe. Inn.~h,188.-tf Whlby Cretonnes ai 10c., 121ic., 15e. and 20c. worth j More. Every thin. marked lu plain figure. Ycu eau see the price for SERVANT WAN TED. YoÙrsef.- Bear in mmid thia la a Genuine Reduction Sale. guaranMtea le Pi-oduce.exaetly vhat vo adverfise. Good Geeral Servant. Il to Ily 25tMLlus.HOUCK. TWEED8 I TWEEDS! TWEEDS! Au all-wool Tweed for 85C., original price 50c. IVANI= eA btter grade ofGoods for 50c., originalpprice 75. A GoodA Dollar Tweed ve aRe selliug uow ah 750., only a 1ev CO andColsd Veeat Kaer. Pieces5 0MB QUIOK i 1.1. At PRINGLE'S. in Humboldt Oouuty, Gallforia. on De.. B R ImbOtr -Sth, 1887, AVM ID KN &U"Of',gbmr r'd&bOt 5 o 7 yer- 'j c Il DING oit oertainby tleu-n LouNelFAR And lie mu a~T AID RXD~(NOI 81 nu l»w0181un fRMB"o audFemad pioperty. *uy eue clamiug lc e b.ns heu of aad deeesad wtt! pes.. ouvrespondt! mth le udeigu.d st Bureka, Kumbmoldt Cousit C&Worzki. Pue admbdstrtor, of Euauboldt Cun A SPLENDID. FARM 0on theEste of Willam Gordon, laI'e cf Wbiîby, Esq., deosac, Composet! cf lot go "d thesouLthparto1lot ne ~Front Coneesson cf Wbitby. AdJoting Wbitby Harbor, llb.theouty ci Ontario, ontain- Ing 1" âacres«mOre" i. One cf lie bout fims lu Canada, iu a bigi smate of eniliva. t'n miih large commodious bulig th«on, =4 0 alarge brick flline. oreh1ard , i r ' brey tc.- gh e st r s j, te dr pot n c ss m oop t . partîcu- lais sud~~ ecdlo a.ideou applicatiot J. K. GORDON WbIlb~ vendera' Soillor 0hty1t ýW M lad,.ooto.hold thbeui 1 sud > Pâestlb.ir un$ M aw, Agut i3th J "ü ofopm nteslaHiglaad Ocer $500 wiII b. Offeredýn -Prizesg MsnpV cf lsM*d > e Am big, A~I Trade and big Stock they viii sping 'up, but yî, ý DOW»N. Remnants of Cotton tak upspce aemnants rof reonnÈ eei of aU kindskept JZWELLI wI P BARGAINS IN GLOVES. Silk, Ligle Thread, Taffetta or Rid. Bargaini; in Ladies' and Chüdreiis' Hosiery. er l_ 1 pýjr _Upy ant ti) B.argains in. Gents' Rose, 5c. a pair up PARASOLSI PARASOLS 1 We have them froin 85c. up to #5- , We dont want to them over, so come and take them away at any price. LOCALý -*HAT 18 eDING - 0 BUDGET.-0F WL 8V OHM Ad'faithb *t the old agile moiu hetci mugras pidly i i l ould b. gosiety oftie] .p»parffl 1er-a day nigit. Th fora iàidPat mofybhae&il il tendle We are determined to rèduee our stock to make roi for Fail Importations. Se we put the G6ods down to-pr that leave nu room for questions. Corne Early and get best bargains. I INLDf.-Odsâ THElRSn i ar rasnlonablo Dry Goods and Tailoring Emporium~ To Wliom I ny Concern:- Bi-Lzu N. --Tmmâ W. ~,of WMS setion 5"6 and 667 sud sutbaeeliomà tb 01 the Bevifed Municipal Aset f87 Thal lbe conil Of lie municpal lb. TomIshiji Qf "Wiitbylin the-Cot Ontario lutA]nd aI inèem13,tiug of 1h. "Cunoil le b. ield on Monday, 81#d*dag of 8ept., h Thaeundersigned would respectfully inform the publie th'at they hv IPurchased the Groc;ry Bqsiness lately -rre on in the-Tw fWib by ]R. H. Jarneson, and that they will continua the sama i the old sgtanid, The Italian Waraliouse, Dunda SBtreet. New. Goods arriving daily, whioh th aY Co rd iaIy in vit ai t he p u b li c b in sp ect . A fair sh are of p t o a e a h e o r î e o î . u O kin ly solcied. N~ trouble to ishow good as. A u lor der s p o mùp tly de lvereài CIIAIt ýOE MATHISo-N RRO~ ww~ ~ IAN WAIIEHOU8E~ I BARG' ýAIN SARGAIN R.W. m'El B. camineui C optSie Yft hin, Dulhy. if you w*ul e keep. thst nos e'yours in tspreet hp. The Tbrrna.: O.. l osNo monkein' novW ee on i. But, Pearng iscver an des later.nerd ing reesa, the reporter amb of deeply impresed vtia theuvInti rites bhadL thuos witnessod. Next nlghi, mien he vent baci for the- rest of the dinfrl4ia, foind lhe owner ci te = uooi"nl « ho inîtGrlp. A HoaI of Bodily Trobles are ogendkr. ,ý!t4tît ý Ë*ý , Moh-1 - - - tft 1 1 Emporium, 00- 1 OF IYSI

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