Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jul 1888, p. 8

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minlhm for .o miobm.ub t@ mait on itiot* w lWhtee x térior portin all rdn tolétîb6ëýi&U. -n heu, is.h o~h.rear Lýoh appter ble et he m "'the for bêe ms &smdy "à te, în e iec1 Mous juuoli»a' * e - un iOBbM arvét Po- h Ppthé~ itef- as the arw oe w dv rpa-ct iuh set t ae aaof tewhsia 1h. r Tau thé ide ha* helirght.Il .ightyml.stêP rerbo ts bdoe sud a eu sud ke og rde oaru ived a plP. f ba.Psera'of boopàa rt er. v red olver ay seont of t ouitind- n.vii!.orovd. Tpinheslsh out gberoCu-hto1 suoes for a sqq. r a Pee or'y ard, oud a uumer wof o..c er brubt met& sudusee o havfà outs.Petr. finolrgeagreatt sdedotr ay ainuof ateimto abigmot eoeiue upilu a he ,p 11ko. oi ohur Yauadu viire oa squ , b à og lava, or rd thental. Thegrsamlighoravea t o ofu, large rounda anA dmeot' sy ofin dryvs mo atheuto4an igsd euoes Even mto om.e r l urriiu Iaigaadtvll b agiebofoe tii. d edr ro bUg$ming tfeo i vu acof Po H Cmoboue regs c-lu dIvs rounA . pvay u ale ak huirutait. se. *omebasebaiL W oh. grod.stad s~ldes of soeéof th. players, sud i yth- oa>tai sud pltoher o!f' Peterboro teamr If tisse moeueonld olyhar of lb. sarossuism ti a s hey vould quit1 atitudenizîu. eorowd, vas s»Ui, no doubt oviug to the. admisson lee of tvenly4ve ge.. c hargeA for aiea sud flftée. for Beeldes being slû&Uaima a hols, ,e0youag mou lu the. erod frenP. oro vers fairly bmtih lun hhsfr y,thie'me.hpro- fane Ma~ g tb udulgeA lu vlith- out the. lmeffort zg mde tostop It. Penbapa tiis a slyeharseerla- ti of Pôterboohaeblheped tathina onutthlisorova. t1 eumin th.eaveu- e=g a ao.y -M. sd the. layof ast wuila asmu.h joyed hy the. parly @4 a sort Mofal!- y res 9. h. tors "-saiIf thsonw beys.a S dent. W. molle. appérlly tyo A li&o! batd MNuiposa tovushp to re.p. -Thm on.v &Wh*ka 616vr on tbe b"adiiesu 1 iav â"I Oe e aur - ou Mnlajunetion ou t. etve up sud tIptoaI vein bmy cf lie e ter gah Petenboro sà ré- liat our trainuls proved uutmn ,5 i iai"thsd thoecW- ~il eue &MAIl boy îdive under, onr iy vas e ieA in alunot ripe enougb r onlty ou. pateh of viol. rosA sud il spn .ggrlu-Ail bton gooln tetdsppolue or 'rom liu l in l bau la Ib. Brsaih milton Ibis- dé#ohsu Xxust cJM. h. a'ndns mms.W. 1 u a vsek vfslUng %Wr 8»vinaunlhmle, vas n"on ab, ud boys.t« Y*. Pw ota Toto,,sd Miss aa lfor in at a ts o therSU promotion criminalicas atheMoLdelhc tbenaines bo*mgânrsngod in order ef met: 1 te Il Form.-Bertk Ehaley, WilIi Wi"ka.on-nize-Poter Bd ne IIMJr om-LoteW y Anli, mu aryWstes, Lulu Pring DigaMabel trala, May Arms".n~ Ut ller Wisner -Robt. Jazuffon, Hatue Pi Nellie îaaer ini. CJoline.> I.te IMI 8r.-::alph DevereilWal- ter Shaw, Anale PÉnge, Bertaa Henderson, ~Ie Nioholeon, Mar Maud Mnrr. e rn Àrmslrong, Jos. Kean. RLobI. Holden III Sn. t10IV Jr. Fornm.-Chas. Harper, lagp*e Lsiag, MaudLIeslie Hermenis 17-g, fjarrie Johaston. BerthaW1ood, EgrBa aiioBertie îWaltens, Iazie Murray. lrut IV Sr.-Rossie Snow, Robert Stewat, Chanile Smith, Wlllia Bnn Prank Bur'ns, 'Hugli Yerold,Blnh Nicholson, Làie Stewart. FM 118 EOOD fITRIS DISTBCT. 0sKÂw4, July 6.-A Stre broke out Ibis afternoo in the dryiag kilu of eap's Cabinet faclory, destroying a lsge quaatity of inateia for chair munufactnning. Tii. brigae wus promptly on baud asu4 prevented a serions ife1 coafinung it to the engins, bous whrieh us a tota wreck. Lutmâr, July 6&-On Priday aflernoon a VitraDivision of 1h. G.. R., a few miles nori of Pension Pelle A wood &ard owaed by Mr. S. Svibt«n, Penelon aie, cotasartuneda c iepota great number cf te anpoessd a lrg qunîyof W vMW lev fed in ase. were aloo destroyed. Poui thouad U nul cuver Mr. Svaaton'a loue, while the. lois ta thceulwuiy Company is considerable. Tii. ire origiaatod M esummner fallow about- haltea mile distant.- Trains to aud frcmn Lindaay were d"lyod about four heurs BowujsvILE, July 7.-A fire broke ont Ibis aflernoun la tbe shed of the Aima hotl &M rap3ty spread, catching th.eschoolroom ofte Tiniy curh. Stenous but un- avAffing, efforts wur male lu savs Ibis bui*lding, without exception lhe hadoomest chureb of itssdmein the.Dominion. It la nov a ruin. Thc higb wiad ye'aln 'UV lydrove thieSaines on te f-u Aim botel. Théwiud, beniagf rom tie nortiwest, carred tb.eSames and cindenssouth of th. Dominion Organ Oompaay's lumbier yards. 'AU attention wus given te proteet Ibis, sas if the frei ad golleinto the flg9piles Of lainier il w.nld bave been dltBiculîte save lie Iatoy. These efforts were mutL. Pire b;=eoui la one or two. places la the. suwteurpao f the lova, but Ibrougfi lhe exerli of the citize nsd Ore compme theuy wers rapdly exnushd A isaterdespslch mys ;-Purlisndainrl resuil ofe the 0 àsM fdlowa :-The .Aima bote!,triiy thtinléu~ e iesdea.. cf Kme. , dle- 4 of-D&vi&Ylaier am.ttsl destroyed. 9 huth innred frforthousand dolars.Tii. entire louini probsby *500 wili hallM a uc irmnurauco.. Town Local& COurmPLESeu' stock cf orsets at W. G. Wsltera. .Avovaza nov lot of oui ehbeap husl«e only 10 «0m. ÂArev-M. ams. 'B&Wi>ELthe barber; eraniums oner- -s Ontalil yodtweed ouly 85 .ou per yard. Audvew M. Boss. S" u abyboy's cuits ah W. G. ~8w~ ,5. a~ t purifL e i.iloa=dremefrces lh~at F-inancial andi CommerciaL OmS..of Whitby OMeOXIcLI, Whllb.y, 3uly 18, l88. uw llDX m lkà .l.ru azuDI.c Feu lWheat.....** 0 75 spriug Whe . ............ 075 Goose- Whes............ 067 Plourpe«on...........20 Barley.......... 65à Poe, black-ey..........o060 Blueas.......ee.......e@000 Osta..............085 RAY...................10.50 Alike Omnersoee a. .. ....4 0 Bcd clave"ed ..........4 0 A&ppsu, per ii.......1 50 Tomltulfi....... i10o leotatoe,pc g....1 6W Eggs..........018 Hlfdes, per lb,......0.06 Pcrk, per'o......aa ..-6'00 Turaipe ................. 015 ceryMperdo«u.........000 Ohiokens, pr-lb.........O 0 Tarkeys, per h.... o......O010 Dueks, per lb ............. 010 GoeseP , .............. 0'08 Oheese.....0...........12 Wood ...............400 Sheepoins..040 gsiskn .... ....01 55S. 1 *8080 0 080 *070 *250 3075 *052 0 066 @ 0)40, @ Il'00 @ 476 @ 500 @; 200 @; 190 c;112 -; 22 6 2D c;020 *012 c;010 @015 c; 010 c;010 0 012 A POSITON Rochester, N. y. FARM TO LET. 900 *ss cf lad, cousistiaM of thie norel threnuters of No. 15, aMd 60 acresýf No. 16, in the RSh con. of Pickering, bolween for grandraising * ock.Possession vhen coom arem ov d W"umaprivi- legs of p ovig. plen1 ty lhbig vau. Or te . L LORON 'btby Tovu, Aise a me(te bl is";wohb;for sl cheap, with harusa dpb"ulu. ÂppA to HcryHoeUorD. Whiteh im-eper, FARM FORSALE, One of *a boM i fera hicklering for sale, eeniiag eue hadred 4" ltv.nty- fie acres. This properly linultimeld ou lot 15, B. P, , eesud a hall m sfrosi Pick- .ring Vflau, hall a dle frout G. T. ]EL et& lion, thue. Mil" fbrom Picker mi, Shabor isud six miles froua Whitby. T#is 14 a ver de- sable roprl'and in a higlistag&e MUcuil vation. Frbrhrprluaru5pl7 le JAMBS PICARD, cma1he promisesor tb 1Pickering P. 0. hllumith': LII NEWGOOD8 JUSTiN, Ladies' ho, 4js and Queen Choiiis .lroocltea -&LL TËB R NE-W PA'T E8-RN S Ites uj eior éxelence rvn ln a Mlns of homes for n UIretta < of aCentury: Its used by lhb. » S tsGoenert Eudorsed by the heade of the great «Universi- lies saslhe Strongest, Pureet, snd most health- fui. Dr. .rice's Cream Baklng Powder doms not contain Ammonis, Lime, or Ainin. Sold only in Cane. PRICE BAK1XG POWDER CO. 1NEW TOBI. CEXCÂGO. ST. LoiT[. VIEWS AND FRAMES, In connection with hie regniar photo- graphing the aubseriber wiahes to cail at- tention tb hi. eya vmcf privai e refidence8, whioh are taken and framed et Iowestlivingi rates. ALL .,TH-ROLýIH T HE STOCK. BUARGAIN :DAYSY WEDN8DAYS and SA TURDA YS, POWELL& CO'S. new soherne a' great s'uocess. -con. People bring us their money and get the rnoBt for it., stantly adding new Goods to our- Fine Stock of SPIIINO *Consisting of the best selections and' lateat styles of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. iios. 3vryorer TBMS 8OP à W. B. O'BRIEN, May SIsI, '88. Pholographer, Whihby. Now let us help you to Bave money. DIo be wise and JOHN FA IiQ UHA IISON, corne and see oui new styles and get oit lo W pices. Coma Geneal nsuanc gnt. and get your share of these bargains rglt away. Agent forK Phoenix Pire Office, London, Eng. eSpeciaI Inducemonts in Clothing DeparPtme*nt,5 Pire Insurance Association, Londlon, Eng. Cilizon's Insurance Company, Montreai.no Queec ireAssrane Cmpey~ uebc.Boys!1no is the time fora good suit, at littie rmoney Etna Pire Insurance Company, Hlartford. Corne ini and get our-prices. London Lancashire Lie, London, Eng., London Guarajutee &AÂccident Cu., Engle.nd. Hamilton 1'rovident & Loan So'y. Hameilton.- OFFICE.-PO8T.OFFICE, *HITBY. The, Pea8e Furnaée. T"i fOllving "tùimniales'o"i Wiihby, May 11h, MM8. y., i Pnom aUM40o0000Ton cûlo, 1 have mohpîasurei;tigla BNo. M 14Bonm Vlura"% p~e b bo sud aaIiatova¶th uppoa sud lee ccsvh s napsau InugsWbitbyr.- TreuiL A isats POWEL 0 nUS ILVEI.LATED .STRUMnEN t soina FORni NanucoeretoulyaSTs, WPoeeb AmOdia and 8UMMEII'GOOBSI-

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