Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jul 1888, p. 6

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s. al es "y u g Mmrboue, ç 1a)lýi foi~ i ï o.ab *i.117-agrf"d yave n~ç In thiip Ï1beUgogofhd irtoixprema.Wsi.i tu- e.w wlug 0uId brfgbr Peun requires Èp mpt actioik. wboe.li, ~ IUitl~~~teiz~aI. IM1hn: whsv.gost iire e wboutr'is delay waftf»g for the doctôr myt 4 laun mg - GaaowALodo Iuaco sG o.Co ma k ba id-4"l Ma sfanu ing on the. kiutl. the am 0v 1<be *attended withBerioUa CPonsequenesLodn » ui~~i. ~ .~. ~ ~, especialIy in Cameaof Croup, PneunoiofGe Bta. onmne6 Maz ry','-u - ý a_-là'Maù ' a and otfier throat endIugrobe Dos liua ov, locklug st he, IdzseuMicôould s.e h. ï e{e, ofamily aboula b. Witliout a CAPITL U!E ~0~N ULE O ! n o h e br da lc < ea d b 11 I th iu k I -o O uld w rit M j o o d m y - w bi oh is n e t "hel b m. b t ! A er s C e r e to ra li e r , S u i a d l n s N o , b et h o r b ri d a mi o b di ? s l ; À v r a i e ~ f u 1 * c p o f ,R ï . e d ip b u r i u va t e r w o u l d w 1 fl c h a s p r o v e d its e lf, In th o is a il s o f # N I A N O E 1 5 0 0 0 f T i t d M l i 'vi ~glfrn ltboautPme Ss, ~a bot il bJak, te sorew, -y ont$, ber. H crkoe I c a ti aes, the best Ernergenu ejieM'~Po.'yadDe~ UBR ~'eaeadrtio L e .1111aud odiuwzit.? bout&* 0 Up. ' ' -It='lb. car, lo*d.n 80 *. won& te dxppaug- of ber ous e'iiscovered. tgives prompt relief %nes e .1e A Specîi e io W rat.Eam Plnnoudgucevrdscii. Ne( MC edàrkdeoreautÏTha heureeod boo i. nie loe. recordpd book ier, ad Joaîha looprepaeo te wa fora thheughterns o!paymeud. impl povexastNoonsorcondietionns.hlvPrompetai Ouný1t see u.. ue # et,.ighî. ring onoio lay aoaea tableansd I notice, sd wp dipped bejr. caine, wluich la certain to b. effected by VXtOscniim.Pop eteetSaiiTrig aelWreCec Dose h j think as listeningsoftly, that foiku that comae' ii, lem.tà e b. We dijpp.d ber aboni haIf an boni, its8 contintued use. !lsew.hotdcun. esueyno________________ Whl thUe marriageite*le resad, inder taken wlth it.I tdv uf n ealappearane-she was dead as S. 1-1. Larirner, M. D., Mt. Vernon,cont ins. e nq yuecfP1.B.-B.HA. Tht net ho in tliinking the uumbar of eggs My hene layq lh. a deor nail, se w. laid ber dowu on tbe Cia., savs: -I lia'e fouund Ayer's Cherry WÂRD, aur General Agent forSthO-N ! 'Ofth t iber bride long demi? <ahiô n, yhâteb, th. eggs they table in th. kitohen.'- But th. minuit oa a perfect cure for Croup In af i tarie.OfieiaWib-rîoD.ris Wixue$~~llaOffice inokens hsy *Peet Af , she fetoh ca-ses. I have known the worst cases tnsLwOfo.Alltesadesdt O N s e r oe.,addle, aud snob; and I makes a oross my baok vas tlned, b .thd a rI ec ua eysotinebifti;Lo-Bx7W h t P.O., iiroie Baret elasihnt eer sele '0 for auy chioken that bas 1h. gapes, or ucreeeh, and a plep, and dc staigt'a I ie aifa vr r ie o fs u se; <I -ot8attentio.besdecP.m 0T.,EDYOu -wbokw:ar The àfmn d d1weIng fies. tbe blind ulaggprs, sud à black mark acrous. mb the eetting reeem, and vent dcn cinIrgencies, for coughs, croup , 'ltgBrnsre, hty 7 e n ky r avl !ai Oh, fer in day abe bas ilvred, *ben h. dies. bang agin the locking.glase, whiob shé A. J. Eidson, M. D., 'Mitidlietown,_________________Unere;eiganîadgrploe. Lived4 and sufeèred wite ho yod Wall, a spel &go, Polly se. enS sud bre tot more than forty piec.s. Te-îttt. savs: 1Ihave iit4i îAver'ssapine!ilhti.wdenlneey HR wh, nrw bweetly sleeping made lersoif as Die a nem s ever vas, I grabbed heboo ndtekafe <,rwPeetoral jvith rthe st efTeect , in* , ,cnieto teGoe lut wrda Qule1y amog tbdead lu aoie!beau.euS u thegraney, br, ên wit thse bom ade oabe ino nv <acti<-e. Titis wonderfttl pr-epi-a LfU I n acsue wtr ndh tryHaea atii zit ' "m"ngthedos 1 n bo ofbeas nt n te galryneroancetb savedemae à- be Ueife.11 nceshed Iy fa.1 con- co.tLndn a dlmgc Qed fa gve he ,ri, if she loved bu sund ehe laid nineteen sueqad behav. for tb. *iinder, vbicohéhe ent Shrongh ïStatit couit, n igîît sweats, Nvasnwedd evrescahewrl' reti AUb4ewer us a I e::~ d sedeceut as anybody, till eh. laid asif the! glass hait been tissane paeî 1 redlated infl-si n i IDu ¶~ty I* rcn h tilgpyia etrsf~ 8h. ceau ing Li!e'u glad refrain, the iu.teeutb one, audthon se.made venit cut Se nee wJrhad become of ber, t'yi'i Mcbtteaia afc h edLJ4I.L. nreaiaev eiie aue SCR&NTOX op ber mmd teut. I as-nD eooe- a d a a suetting on the kitl, ias 4trah Ctte(h -noig' i rag ni T sCo p y s e vr d Axi.x Sn&req b . tefast of tb. wonîh ; snd il looke carrai as a eight day cdock juet wound :iyes herry Pectoralissues eartbE.the pocuilar cbarandehistics o! th to enTfhOYculnthvebe p of Palestine, Texas,- beIiev- Beceiver Genoral in ra vd T Rugg Documenta, quits righS iu her hraitau, or ae.ould na a etn teeeilsdshe it~as 1 <ho thiar, butfor its use, I should sc spp vr 10.0froeda naintc ai n nir censdo have kuewed botter Ihan te have ot may sit there MI i be takeâ root, for ail lonce ba-e ded." ecrthon av 100for eAsbO 0.0cLoa es teMntr !teDe, *ONTaniINo TUE ExpEIEaiNcE or &uNrOut te seS Obt that lime of year. If she'd of me. I aîn-t aà ciniz te meddle vitb mi .9 lm Pcoaonrity. ~bsaddelr etewrde aes' jEEdSHBÀa GGn; a sOF have stopped te lhought, e.would have ber any more. I don<t afîsu giveoup yr's J 1q P1>1W l Parties desirous oe! ssauring thiesrmkbeOcracrnst.,ogte à U BD.knevu that the hiokena voulit bave beat, but l'ir reddy te ovnd that that r will flud ilte their advantsge tgcnsl ____ ~ fiz aa.seauo as ever they sbelled out. I Pelly le toc mayyRoue fer me. PREPARED niBheYaer neseoasuring «lehr îhte PARTI. Oonlnzêd.~> ' vs a eiuo Jnha bout henly muai PITI Cniudwsa oktJnathonbout h e ay iraeJEBRUSUT R. fiLINS. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Ce., LcwelI, Mass. JOHN FABQUHARSO, BL4 4W JAR YTM On.et~heboe lS n 1. op f b.That'a bis habit of ansveriug wheu b. No. 29.-TE SAWDUST SWINDLE. Sahd by all Drugghas. Price $1; aix botties, $5, GenieralAetn Oofsd uheee to themtoah.ffte don' S vanSt to have nothang te do vîlh -Wbitby, May 18,1'86. -Iy Hta AEPE ei~p .. *îraigbt into the face oet he seuses man wbat I'm Salingabont. Forer liset three day. J'y. been & melshdwt ve 0 ie nrvne sud broke j speeks, aud dug ber tee-. I toe him sb.'d'gelte be broke Up mad as il iz possible for Boy martal CA US E A ND E F FECT. Oea em eAet. aile iute iface 'est exaetly mi if se rite off ; aud bo brette ber op' sud tore fernale te b. 1 Andt 1 don't keer wbo va. dîgga g -op- a flover-bed. Ho the nei ail te pieces, sud put Ivo rocks knows it ! So thora!1 I'd as liev îVwonld Many persona wonder st the tired, woru enmd.ad ud ft1eetromOXFRDo-tUBofHN thCe 'ri a .d9 urel cm ot anl.sd an old grid iron in vbere the eggs bu kuowed frei n e polo e t'cVtbar, sud anad wesry feeling that oppresses theni with- close?, sud jest -as hoéitid se lb. soulleîy had been. And polly se maroeei rite ail along the latitude sud longitude cf ent any apparent cause. Il May be poverty' Jo.éiS, - TOO OST deer opena2 ,sud Jonathan h. sSeé>ed bsek and set on thoem Ibinge juet as if 1h. vwont, see!Ifteisim b !the basodthor a disordere d msc; in. And the souessmnu hundered lh.y vas the niceat .ggs ina tb. vomît, moon find. il out, I don't keer. ae tperloase theirm acfod ud iver JIE W ESTERN BANI 0 over hui, atanstdai bl s be oxpeoteit te hatoli 'em rite off. I dit think that Jonathan Parerba anad, wi man'1 persona iii .1.CANADA, etfot fMao apr 9. right ente haubas'.bigest cern. He throwed ber off, aud teek the box comminn seune! I kuoe eitboe at orne, dýi1, heavy headache, rasusea and msny HTYONA O, m g~dess racins! oy Jua-&*&y, suit put soins mnd vh.re il had and noreit o' nigrts, sait wsrn't oorreck ether sytuptome that precede a Weil devel. HTY - OTBO than oditees r acinsy1odeJoua.been, suit eh. vont sud sot on top of in hie grammaire, ait vonlitcast sheepe cped case fD ppsa. Purify the bload, THIOMAS DOW, fWhty bloodrun ýId e ber hi.ethn.ad Tb. wsyalte thero!d tho Mteheggils, ndeere-wd Manager.easOTte wYom f thmayogeconcer Man "1Jouatha* Perkiua," ses if 6"ceaay, sud turne 1 su old brase kittie up. the 'river wonsose fire and burai up se hty ov ,1M The airih 'Il ýopen sud evalier y. np, aisaite dovu on tb. spot, sud eh. sot on that Layîou'e boys cenlitut go s-flshing Meacham 's Mandrake Mixture, Il dit Amay &aaditSepbyer. &btha, with as long a face as if se. udsdIel-Doth&c sfvanuli __ LOAN repJ.rB. snd useit a8great vsriety'af Sewing -!Let bardgealler," ses th tveeitpeotei thsbraise kile te begira te turm Conlin't, ho rua, I kuwedîbîiftatpaed by J. B. Men eas, exoue ixM' NE'Mchnshaecm t h onlso ut wickare a__ddTO Jpnthatbthe Whitet MachSolnei eeldbby LW. B Pair- C hn. "I 1t o!aenioek seottereh as teenteth eencc.e bankeis les one wi! the Myes00 -m ode;R se inT Bm y tresit ente e 1" And it it that bc anit Then vs look ber sui tlied ber te a Of laYiug et ilte ryJonathanu1 But I ____________ ,W'sees a grsbb.t oneVether, adet olont luthe bauyarit, si"a.di hn ht sht as oit ounif, RS O BEL ET Era1 E rn- My I ney 1ûqer foseatlb 1k. o!of okiet&IlIday, asui aiught vithout suit bad vitonuif netoteob. teok iu hy a T OfO:n',O aa± ~a. ~uiT Î oodf e toppi g te est or drink ; asuI tI h eg t lottery, or anyt ing o ! bat persuasion ! thA t meu machines, asrciresha1been take They veut ever sut everit dround vo shoulal h ave ron ersay. I vcnt I «t rMY eye-teeth out for theni are W aefrsl tti fietoshl oe eue rti 0dy âud -round, ndt tir.7upset chairs andont et la.t, sud enid ber; asuI î eîpp. vieket suit ginful cousamue about ons . rhave ofToronBsal es s ofe oshl-Muymcuc ihn 0dy anhsa u !l. ht'.Semnh àa , aua rame Ofo! smget apples, ed on the ici. aud feillisuitbrok, tw eea Yeas & go, vhen an peor -'lament. shall MsosAJOR HARPER.ronWh pictin su1tlo i of o!pumpklu soees,an s ephangu of my boep.skirt, suit basix ed, itiseau.it emnel vazs .1111ilu tis ishe tei attend tiratIinstitution. Iin les -887- ' saflsser o! mk Ir, lb. toi 'et, à Elle, battens off f reinmy goait, suit barked. vale o! îeaar-peas la hissaliez f Whou g00d appa'rtuniîy for t'we Youug men Who JOHNFAQ ARO 'MefieeasuecthWitSewn Bo1 re & go.thst -I 6. ý,My eibow a. bt as ever yen soed t And yen Aunt jernshy varn't yer Aunt vloh to Polieh up their knewledge tyofbuaylBh b8.usMahnei- ~ ....... n 0 beë»t- drythe. .tsto Jnathau ho saves vho oeum te Jernsby sat I, bal vas ycnng onunffte CE mthd. p ly a 1, uOBuVeceticae Odffice.rean- adthonu I *ou 'eau, aud iriv 'ein outp.@ILime hp, aut I wai ebligedto - him, b. uybodym tarernshy, and if I Nqov. 9.186b7modte aie seg Jute lbthequg ry, asut boy vernI al, for he sud jusl viral I vantei t o *ay'do ssy 11, goeit'looking enaif te Ma&kg _______________ MO NEY mcieIbveeeTatunon ed et thTO LOA N machine castebloisia'da' berepaireItharaàaMan baagp ga atreousietor hib ut@~t 't koss su t% ail the men look Iviet viren -the passes LW-IPR ieaotegtfeth h rJd onaîhanho grabbed the bheu y oee-their vsY!1 Ah, ne.! thoan tays is «où. Ou Beal Bitat. Martgage at Loy ae AO Tireacior vasuasl.besrom the> binges, log. asut Irovet ber lute a barri, suit nerer Se coei.baok ne more!1itrs. anu. its o nt, out thay botb ve t, tippedit o up o u totbr n , sud se she I1 sed au advertiae eneu lut'a, papa nA . A . ' S .F I B N S aiderape. tit'det~ figirI. Ihatn'gbeau abot uaoWn'u eIwdrav STar 50 many million. by seuding as-t seaubefrl oo. 'i~U#dre -1beerd pofly sogeeh. Ioîabd A p oars, Ï14 : IR 1 ppralefr the CaadaLoan .rdeSi ',w5uI~~. 0e., sud agent fer the Western Assam c 'Or~~ous- bFTv. aab ooklg niget lonatiasu; vie vas a aoraing 'Bd foot enuif t etl.muf b4, 7(e 9'I AE a I~ en ~ê~ atasu Yen ne, seet. Tbeyvas plust. enufte t1h. tisruf esIgJ; Ia mIb ieeele yb>,~ ~oÈpIOEm-Ovor Gerrie's Block, Whîyc.-R ei&o. wpprÂ. Tieieoumiun thtie crner o!fl thé 'o soeei'~fîtedie 1"'Moeuey's vif oever te the cerner. -etsn 1 ---ait- bouselest . be vas .glSSug e t . Lt ber mrsoil,"ses lie. "Iihope Wall, for six veeks I neyer haits,, aetsn otat a adtri therfelto ir lhédu'S tkuov Jonathan Il ruay b. ber lust .ereeeIr" t l h i le Digtsmni lap'Ivsa n- frein âlam, tdlhe pitoeasto mt .z w hiPpeitover on tVother site asdtfell te 19 me mu0tiOf o!*eyricb Iva.ageug heu1 Ir (uvaltdo eotlassa Mte -. u00HeEsIlW51B wilh aObi U hi sd an.M noau gini lheugh Ibis lime hi, mad. te bd, suit Leinnl sed I kieket seba UOPtei ftru.udholaeten . I asie tre aove, ut an on Ii* Iirif, klOU. r. ear ~ aller I dit Rot te -sloop, Sirat ho vstaiiu gh. -Anà A RADICAL ORÇ=ur auti»dthei Isvl, ud noté nfi#aioe'krrodbi lekuovlb gerslly g«tait ake a coàferabl hv0e a hédhe e -« . ad". f 1 ri le«n ie. b it mrtb bsef neI e f o. M I E Po~ u u a A E S A L S iâdli f ÎI tpMarid vebinai uiiet utF L ~ X K Eu taND -STWtThY eIeeIUBRt (llets Ibat squitter. luOulli uni full o! bot -pa.ud2u'-.- I eea W»bi oeabda..Ç lb)è ft mju4o. a&W ( v.r lb.enie. . veil fer yen tle sak vra b. malt l Tesit'l ie truiaIt. *yul survive. 1Dw tbàwOaptbl, s in ere Isu ss0».. Jrat l.ttéufandsut rt rhe ut ita le W,teo -ad csine ar0 BuSt «Mes bas ens. vasaitralli:a nluaré t" utytoetaRu u- ss s-h 'eau- lb thaer ~ m t ie., utpu moe bé 1 iWSS jonà foyka er 1 ou!old- t9iýthfft nd cpards '1»f Joua ".,aitO bes»uM qa huue lu ff-ercacelu dsres. r. Piereoraeig and dersfrou lfor é eef stpultdv lb. sa tiut usr ne fer lb... rouls'P*tpl hrtlu ~1F a ouanrd puMori1>4g~e Yjar e oghsot , d oùup SelZby duggista. >- *tboble d IP._ O in.it o tVloup. y. Y-oi ig.Rer. lea unsat isattr athIs -on "ddisodeugr. p husny, t ecela avori .- - md aie n tl Ovuer bant-ual if. vdoplathe e.e ujr .o e 'aguo bdtoaln-- f 'tOnàar6Id -oth. tue rdr r_ h WBESTLz WITE on«11h thre yeiifg - eO lau -d -ii cau -,j ai thé vital b-Usi ol~g Ieter-fer: ather tb?&fl auy cIta ec&t9 là 5 aineaitt, 1 N y4e, P1q,'W vice ig&ws~nlaa abOIlity o o1- 'e in oîtgWeSfitc a~s shrare se in p ,peOi8 relative te t4i? a iy as 80 mm;ny 'N rakup the Wegteil ,the _p1500 ete hiVe1 4a 4Oen Ifl-.I the West fieldfor, advsucem WesternMmeà suai fertiýlO o uta mut ldPa Wihkiaitreî You~r moen corne Eliot ton bat if thev boa-nevi vouait net bave bat &£jhhe avaratages of yo'trg man Con"is tirere gi-ven a chlaci antdemonstrate hi seks-him v ira tg vhy ire-came wmot. indorsea or lynche. a man' i itia85 sa bblil genos'loffya "if hoe le agaed citm igl. The iiffen .udWcst le tiraI i attention àis pmd ite> tran in'-the EaLI miglit bo s millin quired. to behâve b amillionaro ia hi 'aundo: ntasoni BaL Sire chrie!u, 1 The laiSt question. psnâl paie,an masn vhi vraie it MyôvesIB -I-fhWret plaàe eVee le rem" inuthe - 'tr Wîs'oià' Il 0

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