Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jul 1888, p. 4

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IL SPRING STOC JUST REOEIVED. Try a*,Packaýl on your walls, and yo u'll neyer ui calsomine or wkiti wash again. G. E. GIEBAIR] 'R se e- L. t, B. 'ns P.. 88 't, XEDIC& A ONLY si or PER ANNUBL Whitby, Fiid.y, JUIY 13, 18M Tia reuit of the.Manitoba oeleo -h a worsédeat for the. oonservtii thun mny person looked for. Ont of seats the. Liberas . orrled 84--majoril TUÉ- Oshavwa ranS&cGtOT makes a genenual keck iis vepk agmltihefail show businessbeosus. Oshava. is t iele.ted: as the snunal rendezvous et agniouitunists. Il appeaus t. be grieveit that Dnnism people uhoulit h*ve outi tisir lot viti ihe ne'v ausstien hore, sud uggstsssrsslosly lai htbj hait botter igoible-op Trot.sd have dons 11thIL.:The longand short of its article lead unt. heliev.jit hope. tis nev aassoition vi! net vork vell. This is #menu vs>' t. talk " sud vs trust th i ndi.GtOY ii net baed by Muy leAdlug agnictuuùiti rui Oshava. Wiiitby mon wère- nous toc axnuos t. tackle lb.e job ot vonklug up *6sn. asocatin sd ve dosabovsry muci If Oshawva people wonld have grabicit sagerly ntaI11.W. fancy it veuld show s bait spinit t. put suyliing uinte vsy of tics. vho make snob a sacrifioe. Il i. gen.rallj couosdds ia antthe lait show ii.id n st aItovu' Whtbj lIad more people lu attenalauce in Odmsava sthougi lbe latter lova ovned lb. prettiosl girl prisent. Tu. resat of the. outrace examna- tions . eet là~ doubt, sud vs fiuoy the- proent voud b.saood ime tossy a hw.vwoeds t. l.uh, sud parents on the subeot. -Mo"S People vould mek.t. se. thheir eildr«em rmmed sud put thiugi b tla*thegW» sohool by the, "ametheysaré Ugeufoug tobbj." t. bold uii4 book ý1one.- It do't - matter -tothem-If thè ehUlIra ha!. uevsr Ilemrmed a méO4$bietWugae., eIénas tbeyhsvbeùutashtomueaf kuotty ro asm~neusry t. Pm thé. *utraueexmnaic.Nov, if tbse psmwe ouidjuit nmderhov lule sti metissnons .in tbeir ova lfr.stieyvould b.sable t. se.- how litt1ebslfsayu rste hil4&,.üd f hm tes te thirtu., "We ensleri lwoud hea1çood sud ropS e rplation whleh voui pnnt-.buld, rou .ntering the. high so60hoolsimtr aMy cirou. staee nit t~e ae Is en ».14. Liebldim es ba sht by toeoers at frm #M to e00y.s #à long as possile, beofo,. bing placed -under liehet i#1090 ta $16W per mana. This luit feu -e" tihibg ban boen gsmttig ores sud ucris, ui t t4pub- lie sohýoIol eohars 'em, to faey luuir imputations presaked epon the. usu. . ansd novwtieee 10a hm w re be'- I Use Dr. Dorenwend's Grêat German Haïn Magie for baldues, gray bain, fa for sale by aIl dnuggiî.. The. Proubyteniase ftheii.tovu held -tliu, snual pie-nié aI Corbetl's Point ye.terday. The veatien vas a 11111e cool inutite pie-niekers turned ont sud made a suceues of il.- 1 Nu. Win. Bryce, publishor. Toronto, seuds us a aplendid picture of -wbai lb. new psnrliamnu buildings, Toronto, will be vien fin elueit. It vii.li ote fineat pielur. v. have viien framed. Tiene are eigbt cases for Scott&oi violation te b, trio& ai Port Penny lo- day. Tii. prosecuton badl botter secure on. of the. viskey flask bibles. It vil! do as veil as boy, sud the. uiing vill not be a bit bigg.n farce. Tuaf bridge ever Piierrii's ereek, four miles'nonth cf tliit.vn, vbicb bas beau. a dangerous eyesore for somo lime, in beiug reoeei by lie Wiiitby tovu. ship oouncil. Mr. J. H. Delong bas the eoutraot. IaBUT..COL.eO'DQàovÂN bas reoeived a lot cis Grade & certificat. from 1th. Boyal Seheol of Iuatrj, Toonto, he haviug passed the requireit ezamination iu boti praclical =dnllad nitten vonk. Tiis . e thebigicet diploma grauled lu lie servie. W. beaaffly eongratulaI. the.Ool., vie locks svery luch-a military mn seond t. noue lu Canada, beside. poseuing those othen mate of genialily so agrooshîslus c ommander. Sincee s 8ot ott ebas been doue. avay viii lu Orillis sud men say enjoy theinr rghte a national hoiday en be-pnoperiy ceebrated, Th iiTa. msye tiersnover vswusob a geeal drunkbeold in O4iàas upoDomi<nn day. The. lcck-up vas full by night sud asfev frain.loaitssblppsd te cihsn places, trylag t. gnule oaci hebr &aile iii.ve.t It vu asli eoyment sud ne tyramiosi 1 re Inietin. _Noi-nlike living iluas tre. country. Tara Fniday, morng aM 9 e'clock, "91on lierebouta" the greatesi baseball satci that Vil] @ver corne off, go fin as ai promutentsnouced, vii! b. playein u the spenuggrouads ion., betve.u n Breeblin club snd ithe collsglale boys., t Ausveanrete Unpire te tblg, &U ivil a he couducteit on the. moit PoientMoic8 prinoiples and suy perion who don'i r4 se t«o ent. vorti ef play vill bavesa 1 rctui cf ýmoey.This is abouta&U lis kl blovingil vouih d b etto-de111 i te, th mateb. 10 cents pIa. ait Rate. G ABNuER Smith, jv.,'of Cedar Dale, vast àrresteit sud oiarg.d befoetiie.police il nagistrate ou Monday viti -havlug tlis a farmes herse trou lie Central go octel, Oshawa, ilut vepk. Smih à n a id t. bave been druuk sud te have 00' luly takelie animal t.its home ai Mdar Dale, viiers ho kepi it nl! Srestsd. Be eléated t. i. tnied by the. I eaty Jndgs sud vill b. arnaigneit ou Ti lsiteday noa t leslbnougisvlidsneà br étted nslubis eaU. ualithe centraileM tet.!. Osiavs, vassuaumonei mud lb [nad. V The manj fn1sndin Canaaeofths be bte Mr. DavidtKennedy, vrhe, viti ils00 usii,.atou. bas Osen sreoted ovsr is rave luth. Grsng. e mtey, Ediu.,,, arei aRuIe thiesMt ofte n.tin th logeof Dr.Gujiuie. Ths atone bea nh e follovlng ýinscrption: "David suu.iythé lisSohiIh sngei, bornait s'a arh, Aprâ 1,5.1825; did ut 8mrat-m rit, OsuMaits etberlgl,1886."no s I 'I I t I ,1 I i I I I I I o ~êi s s b SI UlMusâ ate85105W. U. -Wsbltera' 1Ide. M PiÎts> giughama etc. a .G Foi nus w. a bte Asuc! bar l ud .garinse a geodl fit or »I sale. AcdfOW M. Bous. à numni>.r fe icug #pple of the. tw b daprivat. pïic-mo 5à1 CorbetVs point IWedneaday. A utile son of Ur, B. a. jasmsson fel off a lsdder lssding t. a hsy-Joft, on Tuesday asud broke his arzn. The, Royal Hotel Barber siop is the place b get s bain ont or a nice easy la ri t Pa to l 0nsosupt came lut. cot.niei y theii )rtc ef, Mn. JohnHalcommander cf 'Great Rial" e iad $blles sncb bilual d ruonees liai& rpoved, nsalin g. tai e,". 1 ght -thi -sdvioo cf s» mnelpy mu, vbich ho fdlioveit failiullï for "na ýmoulu suitdby telias~d of -thèt' e*o ha bsdIct ail desire for liquor, sough ho hait for mauyyjeqe been' aptive byt,,metdiebasiugýaPplîitp moept, bib h atew*spub. eo.lpt, bleh las . à- --, u~sit 6 9 4 'I 5 .3' 8 2 7 - - e«Ou n!aua4red shirts for fié aob, a flsterssaa rticle frothi.mo T a s &m w b m îent; C . .- f W i t makes the. boàt Mouver in the, Cour and for the, bot fitting sait t oIet010 go t. A.drew-Mf.;Boss. TIa Oonservative, pie-bie uvilci I snnounoed b b b elIai Beas, alun tb. 101h lit., bas beapostponed nm about the lui Sepsembêr.- ONU 0of lthegreaet surprise , t English publie ai the. colonial- El bitlon in London vs le extensive s artissio diupliy of Memonial Windo sud Houehold Stained Glass from i eelebrated Mo0aue"ad & Son, Toron Tiie Prince of Wales snd thonsande othes opsnly szpred hein surpni snd delight in th. specimens of gin vonke.--80. Ou Tussday ovening lat it Tamblyn, D. D. N. G. instslied t foilovlng officers 1. O. O. P. st i lodge reoom bore :-P. B., 9. Osmpbe' N. S., J. Work-; V. S., A. Rtowland ;' B., J. Lynde; P. 8., M. Murray: Trou W. Wieks; B. S. N. B., J. Noble; J. N. B., S. M. Newton; B. S. V. S., J.]1 Tiiompeon; J. S. V. S., W. Hisl Warden, IK A. Powell; Con., 0. J Ray; B. S. S., D. Wilson; J. S. S., Jý Taylor; J. ., B. Madill; Chw~., N Bobson ; Sa., G. A. Carson. 00UNTIR #T 5 noies, purposing i be the iIssue of the *Bank of Brilla North Amerlos, are in circulation. greenisi linge covers ithe face of lth bogus bill, sud is is dsled Jaly &Ji 188, viereas tie good cse are date July 8rd, 1887. The. row of fIv.. i the. bottoun of lb. good bils bas a bIsa gnouad, viti white engiue turnint vii! the. cher buas aite grouud vit wite spots. Every body ehould loo out for the, cuntorfeitu. A total eclipseacf the on taks place on Suaday night, the 22ad jils Th. eoiip.. commence. about ti o'clook, sud endsit ai baUput, lire. i the mornlug. On ipeaking, more oz acily tbi. Ûnitcontact viitiit.ePenuni braoours ai 9.56 p. mn. the middle c th. oolipie i.s as12.44 as . nd lb. las coutait Otiapenunubra at 8.82. KakI a note of tthe date lu jour bat, for yoi Day neyer bave sunob s chance of spend ing su eveniug vici jour beil Suadsj gi. No reasouabi parent could ol> lo 01 le u jeu s gup 8ho se. the. eclipse mid if the firsi contact of the. penumbru los uot tske place before the sityen 4sed hour, lb. young lay sboulU o0n08 snob s noodli, sud apply tc ,ie office for s beau cf the nighl naterial. Insetr Perguson hsd lthe Central otet Oshava, pulled on Tuesday sud sesarcb varrant executed, fludlng ivo ixty-galion barreli cf beer on lhe pro- aises, besîdes otier liquons.' Before be day of trial P. M. -Gnienion hait epéeit s pies or guiity sud imposei $0- geoa&Wegave an onde, for the btru of the. liquor on the, strength of report tiaI the Centra! -us decently ept. It is bard biséeor nndenstand qat sort cd! re"ocng en abl.i %polios tagisirsie se, fiue s man viti oée stroke the. peu for violation cf liw sud viii te nexi pis.. B oor in hilsbandes fer eaïl sale. Burely iis cadi be ithe wme mnuGrierson vie vishes go adertake iiid reonesulsation ofethe i briaments and courts sud, lave lu the mitry. Tua Boug o f Edoealion helit s gular meeting on Wsduesdsy nigit. iguros put in this way don't draw much of a crowd-don't interest many people-do they? But when- wo e~ ont a couple of them and put them in Liis shape-25c. and thon put them in our window on a lino of DIIESS GOODi wonth 80e., their drawing power is at once noticeable. And thon we single out two or throe more and put them Up in t4i way-121c. and put ihoin on a lime of Wide-Width English Prints at our door worth 15c., and if le astonishing how xnsq people il does intergst I Even our competitors get worked. up aboutit. Thon w. use these figures once more to show hoi low vo are seUling an A.LL WOOL BLÂCK CASHMERE and the effeet le so starlting that one of our competition houu& becomes so dazzled and confused, as lo.be unablo ho dislinguish a Union from an AIJ.Wool Cashmere. Thon we draw on the figures again-singling ont 8 and 5-which- makes 85e. We thon- put them on a lineo of BIL> ?LUSH whioh we have in ail the leading* shades, and again the drawing powers of the figures are noticeablo by the nlan peoplethat cail on our eilk Plush-and so vo continue to use these figures, overy time making 113cm tel-but theoDonF, way to do il la te have exactly what you advertise, and at the price advertised. Seo the lino of Satins (in al lie 1eading colore) that vo are seiling aI 60e. See the Black Merveilleux we are selling at 75e. See lie Grand Value vo are giving lu Hosiery. Seethe Extra Inducoments lu Embroidery and Lace Department. See ocar offenings in Glovos and Uosiery. GALL THE SOON Fahionable C 11116E 0F OALL Dry Goods and- Taài/or/fig OFIEN B US '~ESS >~To Whom it may Conicern: BY-Law N o.-.-.Towm hip ofW0 i~ aenin 56su567~n o! -the Bevisemd muci Thai the ouiieil of, lh. Townsbip o! WhJtl Ontario imnd atsi goConiai e .hela, on ai tihe ur cf lno aSlâ#,Townahip Hal, By-Law t. stop Up ~ original SlIOWsae5fez- u1aiýe!wbtby, Vis: T h é u n d ersi g ed w ould resp ectf uly in form t hé p bl c t at t e y h v purohased the Grocery Business lately carried on ini the Town of Whitby by B. H9. Jameson, and that they Wil continue thé same ini the old stand, The Italian Warehouse, Dundas Street. New Gooda arrv4ug daily, which they cordially invite thé public to inspeot. Â A r she o ptong kndly 80olOited.. No trouble to sow good. Ai Ode.reofpatragelrd MATHIS'ON BO. PRINGLE'8 TILORING ESTABLI8MN. offet. ok a. m., inueC Boil ia ïe se the-lu OIFAR m And-tè. mored ASTIGM OOULIST'S presen o! ail kixiAlikept in, ut JEWELLER LOCAL 1 WIIaF 8 oINS ON Icm cneamlah Nîcw potatmwi TEa Ontario IAi neiton-usse u" fsilue as b. hay- 0ii »nP v Fuerss IR5 J Ov I Where tiere vI iuvys b. ke# ilustock-s SplendAso vie!'vini b. mmd, up àu I a « J. I. IRINLE, ThE 0/' 1?, Snow'8 Confectlonarr8tori.e; Ib Meu f C Ou f aU unie, INi TO THE1IR ADYÀ-0~Â1 2 6 -..W 2 Emporium- One voor fast jm % -- - T2

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