Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jul 1888, p. 5

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xBW DESIGNO IN Crape Stone, Broches, Eirrings, 3uis when we sin, of DRESS GOOD dI put thema Up ii tI ýtonishing how xmou ice more toShow h< 'x comnPetition houo i ona alino Of BSU ticeable by the imal n tell-but tie. on FTENý I ~mporium. yConcern: 'own4shîp of W?&byt reà in aocordanos wlêh ýd subiseciîous thoreto 1pst Actof lm8. l ltb urdoilp1ltof tbyizi theb. C ofe meeting ci 1h.e*aid 0f Sept., 7888,. oek a. ma.,,in Counol 1Brookljn, ho ps td $ellthe folloving r roada in said Town. mai between lots 89 Front Concesion. ,road 'between lotsa1 rosd bti«eouIots 82 on. Osd -betwen Iota 80 >fl005i0n, ail of theq lier given toszay per. not deire lb. fore. bhe furegolng @ellêv iue.d up-and solti, to tions relating te lb.e Dng of the.Ooûna<L. LLIDAY, lsrk onsi of Whilby, somevhere àarounti dred codar'CANE oer vil be rewardud 0. COBMACK, oit. îvslk freinHRube«r 0. Fox, - Port Whtb7. SSALE. le on lb, 141hz î# finrs$obs, ail Éood coeur .duir t1h undeurounti dB nitan.à eMd a sreaU1 neveu y ,nai hon» lo - la Bracelets, Fob Chains, Ladies' Veat Chain8, SiA Guards and Ailberta. Jde Si BA RNA RD, BROOK BT., - WmUTBY. FIRLDAY, JULY 6, 1888. LOCAL LACONICSI I I CHAT le 601NBOon lm AND AROUMO TOCS-A BuDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANED By CHRONIOLE REPORTERS 48ÂAohiel'.aui tskU" noies, AMI faith hem lpment I. Campera are beinning t10tgelba MOI On.1 The. Proaylerlan Ssbbath echool vil pic-uic aI Oorboth'm 'on Tburoday ettennoon Doitx. Fishing et Seugog is played eut for Ibis seswnyot msny et oar local sporte 1k. tc, vieittheb. soues et former cou. quoes ud rocew old aoqumltanoee. The lova achools obosed four thé. bell days ou n iday lest sud we may soi expeol totier ef th. uenal uumber oc drovning accidents. Tie Baptiste yull pic-uic ait CorbetI'i point on Friday tbe 2tb of Juiy. Thii le proverbiaily *'the pis-uiceoft lb oaso."1 No pain@ s 1.belg sparedtc make Ià even botter- than lu lb. peet. Baptist chnrch holti an le* crosm soeiu on Mr. Richard ih&Meous lavu 1< nigbt et 8 o'cbock. Tii. lawu le lergý sud belng Ivo milea vomI of ths 0wi a good orovd je certain, sud a go» -times may bî sxpootod. A oed pro gramme la arnangeti for. Admission 15e Meuers. J. E. Farevoll, L. L. B., ani B. Hing, B. A.., loft New York for Hani burg on Woesdy. Mr. Ring intend te epend s yosr or Ive lu Germény an autno-Hungary sîudylug tbe languae sud otheur congunetal bore, while mi Farevwellutenda ltake lu every sigi frein Qopeubagen south toi the Modalei raneen. W. vbeh Iboin both mue pleasure on thein long voyage. Wa noie vili muci plesuve a di olddtiImprovemontinbuthe.gait etfIl youug ladies o e tb. tuomiceU Gangt man look thein phymil Irai ing lu baud. Th.y don't toeelu quitei mucb aud tipr eas a percoptlbleglead nomsinuthecsrurlaige et otusirt la i provors. If ho vill jusl ke.p b voather oye steadily upon thoi li is hope for graue sud digntiy luthe vslking 701. Mom snd mors overy et thI eseon eue beaus people taofe golng1 lb. moside, or bksdor nome valM lng ranch.. Il le a@ cb.ap, a e hosi foi, so jolly. Peopl b verejoy 1h. soires il the year fnlIhtat Iiey hal more fan lu lire. veselone by I bake lu shoot monotony, Iban could 1 _..ad lu a tivemotiaroun t 10 Andi il sme4s 50 cleaply. -A- hi desen bottles et vhlskoy, a side bacon, a ssofetbottled, aie, as se0 acrev, a Jachif., as ihg, outût, ai aboul lwo dollrm -M about, lb. un amoeul ofbaggag ve soie uaolng vends lie vaier ili eush *capr.- Tum meltisllasibefl lb. lad- w vas jumping on sud 0 o teengin rort Peury statIon on-Mnsysa besasubngu ot oo he .youib Ibsi burg but aise te lhie. usant hou Il le really urmarkabbe tI.i seul accIdents have Dnet'lban»*" t -iOur 4ovn stqMlouou te lb s01ud' parture of the. noon Mmd aflerm irains. The.sébool ulfdre n ait]l voturulug from. or goiag teIci toolj .1 1h. time lies.trasins aoedus andi have founa t Il imunIê umamr 7 c -"@ns le pick our va tarY coid'ofboys andti un ~itn# bill sttu alonj I.$I vlth no IaougAw u<"d 4 1 tolves orIeaatm*10W tb- re Ti 8ulâ s. lm #âge day,3""h, Wl»i Sft*jInmL.MéflW*f. s uocesay.BOR@ -doëse ubtowk atak h halIl WaIb, asceffl uroni vhb ils arrngmentsith the1aurnâsursto beày vas kovu eft1he etorlat sd s$Ilo toe b.setiwheat but ase ntisuammt taffte owbem ts tcs.Ues b.d b«esn- or. ad ef bite-about as unh. Theulurusoti; sud novïw v. Iav - th bk th. Hope cornes lo tie &B 1uoroeashe fam. sud oingratulaI. tb.m on tha-roç mre eue' mloldgem"utIf b. eau. .h la lion of au Iustrateti perléoIal lt n bure plain fro ein bisttEope domemoiolm ouft.untly sippesi the lb. n"li the peorp»etrt.'aat mare m h.b. helti pubis for app0oên stlti, xvithoul b. for funsut. Instesti of "bisla Isuugeti =y ad m4iHooe*e ury :ou vu. vu h&bvt*ugeonplured th thors te forbveususf Ow accuui t, m al-. vour l sbaud la lthe malteý r. a ai rnglnsy shrluOms. 'Ph.,. are --- - - - & #m àA ! bd amail urho de . id ffi (i U. qarnt- twe show'.voey Ieadimg LUd eoired Style..Qt 0 odsfo g aa dvalue are not:;ex.- &i d'o artinegbd drqflt 'BR-A1~kDÂM8.-The e adfùonbe DmaMtei lu ak and Colors*. Uasome Gooda ricts very low. I WR-ITEJDREý8 MÂLTEIÀS, in Mununs, Lawns, Indu Lànons, DreseFonoing --in*elegantpatOrifl. NEW jÂWNETTEiS.-Ohoice- stylefs in Printa, Check Satena, Plain Bateens. PÀEÂSOLS.-We exce lu value and quality of Paaols. MI LLI NERYS We lead in artistic trimming, new Styles, ana work of aà superior mnanner. We are bound to M""nainOur putation as the leading and most Fashionable Miilinery lu Ontarjo. Our styles are correct. Ladies wishing a fashionable and stylial Hat or Bonnet are sure to, b. suited wit our work, etc. "3m.orryiIs1I. T he JUWiiite w.hoU 0Albr -.on Mondy ay qr pie-nie in the oèuutry Rayiug wlll soon b. over. A- short te Worth a dennt Co@betts.> houe là Scou outtied. Tho -oropea tu he rldges-Ot Beltach Tia snotlfied editor (?')of tbe &ago'.U' look se if thâhd i"takearooit. A and will pisse. note this week thal Vo e Ohssvy ShowOi' il nsodd o 0brmce them onttIoose- th. Port Ferry racesonu:,P Mouday. 1 Outaide cf thb ball matobes and a Win. Bryo, pulishor, Toaouto oude few private plie-n iohohiig of impor- us suotheur batoh of hie finely wrte tance engagod th. atteution of' our nevels Ibis week. Parties golug hol!. citisens ou-Dominlon day., dsrylng should ound t him for a parmil IF the young mmn vho b oowed out f of him publications. linon dustor vill oall by way f the baok By smre mosus a lato OCanada Ga. glaire h. vil hear of omthing4 te his sotte addremsed to L. T. Barclay, Esq., advaeupu.- e Whitby, vont-to Whitby, Eng., te 1h. We are informod that Ceun. Aunes e olerk oft h.ocouuty court 1here. The ham been appoiuted Beretary aucle*muiet- Eugimh officiai ueticod 1h. mistako sudosut manager of the Martin Msnuriotur. returned the papor promptly, seuding ing Co. Both are to e b ougratulàled.G &long a letter sud beautiful photographe Mr. W. . . ibson's bankrupt stock of varionm sights noar Our town'm ancient vas sold wedueeday by anction asit7 nameeke in the oid country. Mr. cents ou the dollar. Itleb tated Mr. mjg Barclay ia very much pleamod thet bis Yeoman Gibeon le 10 carry ou the busi. for paper veut vrong. nese lufutue. Crebt's point la as fine a camping Foi th. excursion to Peterboro Doit ground as the uorth shoro of Lake Tuesday (81) lb. train leaves Whitby 1 Ontario affords. If e 11111e entorpise at 7: 25 a. m. It viii b. as good as - voue ehowu by parties mntereeted and e any this year. Ail go.N coveetimhederetod or heltr ~ Mr. D. Manning, on hie returu from times of rein sud for convenions. m the. old country last veok, brcnght out- Iaying tables th. point would seou be..atoya l ldsae'lMriet' corne a popular rtison. If the emre efoyer. old Oydeedà ale "Merrienta point vers ou the. Amerlosu aide of th m fio ani ml. I mei eb lake il vould ho oovored vith pavillons mbIF weele animal. be tos and tbrongeti vith viitore. slu WO VOIs se a k. ila ay theo The Toronto Worldsys Farmer pepl mm o aymaaou d tibauy ow ther Johniî Goulyg of ikng h vehe iwn çaper wonld scarcely b. as resable as the ity eoenly w iuoteiintefr wa fore Ile a groat Bsona of 1h. year et it. hotteât. Feeling nlndfo o o..ftng. drink, ho took hie uev blask overcoat off his back, îhrow il ecrou a enon MR. JAS. PLASKETT, e1t1hlm tovu, bas Front street vomI, sud thon bieti himmeif a voudextully proifis mare. Laut to tb. nearest bar. After refreabznt spring oefoaled îwo colts to 44&mbi. ho sought ont bis s0at, but il had dis- lion," sud Ibis mpring tvinm vaeo&gain appeared. Ho thon fonnd Ihat bis foaled to 4-L. H. Daniels," ail vithinE pookod bad beeui picoei of $12 vile ho thirteon mouthsansd ail doing woll. had boon driakiag. Ou coxnpiining te Plueot izExodingly prend of his fa. the police h. asuurprimed to e bath&&tumoUs breeder. a mam vbo .ould lake mc litho cars cf The action of 1he commitîe who have bie proprty doerved le loomo il. charge of the. building of th. tennery Sont -people occasionaly wendeur drain en oly b. commended forma- vhy erlin otices of birtbm,4uarriagem noe. Thoy have potod a few maril .wr deshhsarenot tonna lu th. peper. bille &round towin uddone nothing simply bossus. they asire t ont in. more to aduertie for bendors- In sny No Ieadlug paper viii inseut sncb othor lovu tour or fi"o dollars spout lu 4 notios vithout beung ordered any moe judicious advertliug voulti Bave pro. Y han i ilinlsert notices cf servante bably oeebundred dollars 'on th. job. vanted, or other malters of that kiud. Isltoc,100iggsrdly a molhod of doiug ir Somotimos people dou't vant notices business sud don't pay iu 1h. end. à of thomo metteurs in the papers. At auy At $1 10 Plt.rbore ma returu th. j. rate if _thoy w v eto1 appear Ibey excursion 10 Poterboro noxt Tuesday eau moud thom iu. Novapapeis are ox- givon by the tabernacle 8unday sohool p.eted 10 pick up ailtle. noesthey eu, is theo cespost sud bost vo have jet ~ ut il le bardiy t10 b. supposed liat re- heard of. Theocrovd may b. gatborod f porters vili invade or huni sround lu subher et Whîtby, Brookllu, Myrtle, peopio's private bouses or leping Summit, Manchesteur, Prince Albert, or a partmeuta for sncb items.1 Port Perr-y. 'There le.10 bc s bail match At a joiuti meeting ou Saturday of 1h. aI Poeorbore thal day l.expoce te gobc teDlroclors cf tbe Seuth'Onlario Agri- a basebai ac blenPeebr ýO cultural Society aud the Ontsrio ud sud Port Hope, suppose i te b. the Durbam Exhibition Asociations, a champion amateur club. of Canada. basis of outire samagamation of thb.,A Banitery convention sud meeting te vo socielles vas stu*, 1h vb ie et ofthe BocIem AssocatI.nof .lI ritto b. nov csnriedon under the sauspiesoffieurs viiib. heldby hnvîlâ of etthe of tbe nov association. Cemmittees Mayor sud ouunüstlaILindsay, on nd dsub-oommitteet of tb. United board Tussdoyt ~Dnssday sud Thursdsy, finish uptheo tock-bookm. Tho uev 188. ÂAsijeets cf, general interesl 0- groande douoted by Ma yor Long are toev.ury oity, tova, village and ham- t0 b. taken possession of aI once msudot3.1vii i dscusseti sudpapota présent. id aIl buildings removed from lb.h premoul eti by embuent scentatsit le hopeti ht D- aiudme once.BaâsIdesthon u neV Overy pflc ill b. reproesnted. Llnd- GExUuNTS' CLOTHING. Our reputation for "Ireliable"' Tweeds sud Clothe, Worsted and Poncy Suitings, Fine and Nobby Trouser- go lu Nov Patterns, Fine Canadian sud Imported Snitlugs, sud specially choice line of "wearable"' Tweed , boys wear. Wo excel in (Jhoioe Tweeds, sud ougr make, fit, style, work and value is firét-claussin every respect. F '0 1 8TE w DEVERELL'B BLOCK,- THJNK - - WHIBYe> DEEPL Y Vb-e» you are oontemplating a purohase of anything in our lime, no malter how smaJi may b. the amount involved. A C*T s ELY 3y ooming to look over our large and weil assorted stook of ail that is new and seaisonsible; D ECIDE Uo buy of us. QU JGKLY ÂAfter seeing the Drzices- and examnn the qusiity of oui Goode you oan'l resiet lhem. It is impossible to do better elsewhere. NO Can b. found. BETTER VALUES W. get the choice of the beet goode on thça Market sud-our pu'ces are "-s LOW AS THE LOWEST'ý' We are always ready to see you and with pleasure show-, you our Goods. ISrDIE W 'MMl RoQS~ G,.LASGOW DRe$8 GOODS8 W.e Noig a braii l mach, AiSe NbilkCahmeres, P Shavli. Liae ThrestianatM 8 01 ees Con", Mt GENS. P*ney SH G. F Tie 4-îý,ïia t ]ddt.t éuuanafflButtons$' GLOT .76 WAREH M ÂBigLot of was muId bail mas whe x-ENTS' CLOTIIING. ýl VI LLI NERY. Wbitbp ebronictel wi

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