Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jul 1888, p. 3

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te a.si stand re-ia te muet ar atîve PelJ4#j cia power er tIzï aiety of iee4 at thet r amtoniUi ýot a gland or t~ influence. Sold lb M.anufactureilat t <RLD's DispzNi". by the manufacb4 Sage'. Catatrrd jfor a cs ~asai Catarrh whjq nat cure. r'tion of the nm ng frn the heo- )e profuse,Wae ;tenacious, muooq atrid; tihe ees aM ,4 d.there le ringiu king or coughingi rahiouof offenshl lie from ulbers;- th a na"a twang; Ui and teste are lui an of dizzinees, wtl tng cougia and Cu 4 the nbove-naume present Iu anyon Lannually, wthei ,ove symptoins, iq 1end in the grsVt more deceptive au ood by physiclans, I heating propert1e the wou,,Ih fI-th. ha4 I Headache,, s-here; 50 cents. om Catarrba. fainous mesmemis Some ten >y-eu 4sg ýrom chronme rtffl clan gai-e me Up a tdie. bMy CameWu 7day toaridesu= 1e e 'boarse 1 couh )er. lu the mornini of my throatycul he use of Dr Sage tnogths, I Wu a we andrmanentur i, W92? Pîne &reM ai- a great uffru e Itti es I couX ,onstantly hawluj r ilst eight -M6et trb the nanitiils. 5one for me. Lueb D r. Sage'e Catarrl t-cl aÈnan. 1 belleii ly for cai-rrh uoi 's only ta gi-e t 0 unding resulto aW t e Catarrh. I.0.. Coumnbia Co Shad cstarrz - - suetqe.ad prô ti @Oon sair that I iý etieceti a pemma Ltecun years old moi iln o n 50h Dlonbffl mi F4 e ongerasU bdLthes the Mnu-l ANTEEU cçplo, ont. ' lonal Boue4 ýI Portable Et 5yfnes. BOUM ibsolutely sa& -conomical * ,el, adapted fo rinting offici ausagegrindmz beese facteri nd grain crusb .rs. Sizes frcz ', t 2 hSOt )ower. send4 fý escriptive cats ogue. CLEANER.' et Ëûfteeni hua using it for 1hd ý5 or "a penn ,me= sen t km celsior Bole St. Eset 1aU anager, Washinlgtonl Leter lrom ourreao e5adn) WeSUI140TONt JUn2e 29t h 188&"ý-.on- gtésiOnsll 01"tifl on the Bepublican p),oie5ilimi Vic,3.Pre-3Î4ential ticket are governed ,a !i -l]Y by ille pofltlce of the Congressu ni. Repu biioce spraii v il ,enerally for iî'- strengti suid prt: diol ils electionl ,vwhile Desuoorats, fi r the mont part, proRouncO it weak auti prophesY ils defeat. The Iudianft Democrfde h-wever, c0noedO thal the nominlation et Harri- sonl mans a 0lose contest, and that ex- traordinsry efforts wiIl have go ho made tu boia iHoosierdow eafoly i the De. mocratit) coluu2n. And now that the tickets have been nominated, the îaik ini the houe. cf Re- pret;,Itftive(e tur-ne unon adjourzumpnt. The RepublioBO membere anid net a few ot the Detnocrat8 ibre auxious for tbe session to termîflats in aider tlîat they May go borne and bagin preparations for a hot OFimPaigu. There are a large nnmber of im- portent billm in tha E,)ne on whiob ne gaction bas beeu takcýn, and if their cou. ideratiflu in once begun it means thal Congress will b. hore ini tbe middleofe Septt-wber. Every iiow and thon thtire wili break out a report that the flousie wilil djourn without a final vote on tbie MLIl bill. but the Demo- c ratio muewbr5 Of the. Ways snd Meane coooewltee pooh-poob snobi a ideai. At th,- çane titne the sentiment in favor of au ear!V adjounment la geurline. It is thougblt thut ehould the tariff bill be sent to tho Senate this summer, tbtàt bodY will move to put iL aaide tili the beginniflg of the winter seission. The Republioan@ censure the Demo. orate for noc reporting tihe Mille bill at an earlier date. Whether tbis i s a juat critioismu or nal, it je pretty certain that il a vote jes taken on the melisure, il wili net be beforette middle or latter part of Jnly, and that eau only b. dons thpn by the Elou&e refning ta cousider any allier legisiatian. On Tuesdav Pregident Cleveland was officially notified of lais renomination by the comitPe appoinled for the pur- pose by the National Democratis Con- vention. The comcuittse fled into th south haif of the Eaaàt room, whioh hâd been decorated for the occasion with plants andi flowerd, snd etood in a nemi circle tmceing the West. In th< other baif of the room the President'e pernoual and officiai famiiiem werE grouped, as follown :Mr@. Cleveland. Bey. Wm. 'N.-Cleveland, the Presideut"i brothber. and wife, Mms. foyt, tb. Presi. dent's siter ; Col. and Mrs. Lamont and Mr. Bisseli, of Buffalo-l o whorn were preeut aI the notificatiou cf Mr. Cleve)and's firet nomination ai Albany. Thero were aie prssent Sec relsry Bavard, georetary aud Mrs Fairchild, Secretary and Mre. Wbit noy, Seretary and Mrs.Endicott, Soc rotary Vilas, Poatmatr-Generil an Mrs. Diokinson, and Mr. Benjamet Fol Som. Representative Patrick A. Collin -made a speech fir8t, sud thon presont ed Mr. Jacob, ef Kentucky, who r-ag the leIter cf notification. lu resiens M 11,%,e --2deAI -&tha&--.meo good thing le b. reminded nov ai thon in thee "piping limese oseci Ihat the army bas nel gono te eleep ils pest. Representative Tilîrmsu, cf Boul Carolina uid lu support et thé pis Ihat ho lrusted no man lu Congrei wouid hé se pursimonieus as te b grudge this bonoring of the stars ai etripeerat every fort in the land evei day iu lb. year. Suid ho: "Il wi increase botb the love aud venerali( cf tho peope for the National omblez -What Americaus, sir, wili objecl ssluting by lb. mcrning sud eveni: gun the sovmeignty cf their counti that tho souud ef lb. cannon may ec] sud re-eobo, reverbéraliug thraugh t land te 1.et the people kuov Ibat 1hi nation bas power 10 proleot bhém a power tle puuisb lhem vhén Iboy wrong". Prepsratious are beiug made for t emoval cf General 8heridau te summér coltage aI Nonqultt Mas ohusélti. à vessât cf thée1U. S. Ne bas been teudered hlm by Secrets Whitney. le 1, t. )f ,1 kt a se àe d r- kr- rk Bst ele o. na at Ln. be- Md bry ion nm. to ing 'ry, eho tho seir nd go big Ib ïry The New Kieccà. hI. this ageofirprosnlalion9wbeî the irrepressible quaok walkes breM through the medium cf -1h. printing prosle, and wilh au pOlir. dilÎagurd of îhfr consaquenc oosb Iimnitylb seki tb impose h idcnsIUMl servics ;Or w'orbleu dcooion ,uoo ii.ppabll w. take espeoilipi aura ùla sylag i word Iii, ommenditiono f à *eIable arid jnsly-lawous IuluIuQ~Ul~ W. refer tb 'Dr. .V.Pp' "World's Dlsp.useq uutd 1oidllI Hotel .ma BuMegisi nautue1' ýMWI< of thegodOh y f Bu4o êM& bà #Smowot' mltiudeofic., ýb 0o ersevv 1o,.ê*uWfoIU$# f fri Pi mi t1 convuleue 0& that laite eau uP aud mono es*w suxpply. roomespacMOUe sleeping'.apsmbmeuts. Turkish hath~su d overy possiblecoon- venience cf a -lmagnifieuîiy.0ootràt4ffi, sud li berafy- managedalictel, wibh omoit aud eîfere dpparbneut, a marvél of artialie flînees sund completénesas.'. The. adjoinlng structure is known as thé "World's DiapOii!M~." Upon osohi cf its six immonsee acrs a seene ie presented whicb, when' once cbaérved, eau nover b. forgoltent Lu tbe Laborat-y. on the fiftb fioor,u large number of careful chomisse are conetantly employed in tbe preparalicu ef Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- cevery, Favorite Prescriptions, sud other world -famod preparations, which at ail heurs eft1h. busy day, go sing- ing sud gurgling-lhrough a syeteîi of tubing, from ils birthplace ou the fifth floor le thé bottling aud labeling de- partmeDtip nthe rast basemenl ef lb. building. Tbe intermedialo libers are slive wilh tbe buz-z sud whir-r of, nel sioe, fourteen printing presses, tbrov. ing off a counîlese variely ef pamphlets, circulars, bocks sud labels, but et fold- ing, pressing, sud pasting mâehinery, aii oponaî.d by th. defî flugore et oleanly.drossed sud intelligent young ladies, ail operating togeîber sud fi- ing the place witb tbe music ef a well. diaciplined activity aeeond te noue in our country. Dr. Pierce bas doue and is doing a greal work for bnmanily,and can accopt the hoaorsansd emolhmente of bi@ recoguized position with a know- iedge thst Dnesuoceen wae ever more worthiiy attained. To go througb a dstailed account cf the myriad mechanical sud elecîrical appliances sud conîrivanoos ber. te ho found in perfection of construction aud application, or te bead your observation through suit upon suit le cheerful sud elegant oonsutnltg sud Ireatmont- rooma, sud tb dweli upon the other tb-ousund.and.one attractive sud useful featuren of tbe establishment, would be a pleasiug task, but, at the present mo- meut, forans an imapossible on.. Enougi for usteo y that tbe people of the oouritry sbouldbhoproudofet Iis greai nuccoes, built up, eoiely, on the elibrentf of true Axneicanism, riz., Pluck Xnteg. ritv sud Ability. 'Twenty-two years cf the dsily and 8 bouly exorcise of Ibose chamactéristim 8 bas gained for Dr. Pierce the confldencq cf the ontire public, sud tb. beart-foil Bthanks of thé patrons ef bis ekili - "whoe name is Legion." No malter what msy be the lUs yen bear =m indigestion, a dose cf Ayer'u Cithirtie lis mil eas. you mithont question. Just ry them once sud b. ssemd; they have uch woe e yspeptici cured - Yon'll fIni hem ulce sud amply moi-lb the price. Habits worth Breaking. From the New York Mail and Exrpress. "1Juil look S aItal Vl' "1Yes; il je Mise Blmuk. Whmt &bout ber ?" ",Don't yen ses ber longue 2" "Oh!1 yee. Isn'l il porfeotly dreadfl Tbey say she always sticks il ouI like thal wbeu she's tbinking aboul any- thing."1 Thé lady in question wau promo. nading on West 14th ereet esrly onet merning reoengly, sttirod in a bewitoh- ing costume and with a pensive érpres. Mion, whîle Ihe thp ef her litlie longue protruded hebveen tye lips of the de- ocription known le noveliesta asoral. ",Yeni," said one of ller féminine ao- quaintancés, laho alwais, do.. that when thoughtful or worriecl. It's on. of thos. terrible habbits whioh, whéu ooce oontrao&ed, stick dloser than a million.brotbers. Miese Blak begun il when a cbild, and no on. evér look thé trouble to break ber ot il. Now, poor girl, il mortifies ber terrlbly to b. tlid about il, tbough, cf course, ah. is auxi. one to cure hereif. But, then, nearly every on. bas smorn udrisbttée habit wbich hé would be véry glad to, break if he could ; sore trick more or lese un- pleasant, oaused in the firsi place, pro- bably, by nervouenesi We a&l know thé man wbo lug. aI hie moustache and th. one Who je perp.bually pulling . a bis collar. Then there i. théegil who je always rubbing one oye as if in searoh of a slray eyelash, and the man who can't hé quit. happy without smre more or les.frilUe article t. twist and bond snd turu. about in bis inger.. Ânytbing and everything fram jour fin- eet lace haudkeref to your nov and, eztremoly dolicat. paper outtor i.- sac- rb.fioed la thé démon of nervousnus which posses.. him, and yét yen, oau't maftin byour heart to rab 1hlmn iof bis plîything. Ro in quito haàppy anda a hiseau s o lnahi aime r0 towirl sud twist &sêmuii kasti. 6ïpWhz rtat but ben'eft of tho temperary objool cf hi. afleolio hé would b. a bjeoatly miserable, sud yen know il. Ua»W, a man eau talk fluoutly anid olt Whilem windiùg smoehig-auythg--about hie flngor, who wibhout il,' wculd ho oontraiuod, awkwîrd, sil.1 #'on. of the mml aan.y46g-forme , tbis dises. i. t.ei'cessant totte Swhi.hscmaepeclekoa ... toir akuées or the tbhe or Whateqpr bappeus r -toe b.mmouvenieut es a keyboard.. 71 have noblcod taI muiians uaily indulge tht. habitesma it i-&ery.- r: Ing o#.* !houah 1 4o't k»ow * t41# ls- 1 PC nevi folio psu 100 Ner pasu a bu mac si rece Wri to s trac Don trac evel T this -T of il mez wia diii Cot bix E Wl are or Br( thi Psý Mc zlan' lerilié l theit pa OUZOs,- 1ral o~pprompt relielubh îwlng cen -alstia: prains, r aIe Ds neuRrlpai eb .lmao btics. B r' t-q l dU -stoe a eut samp e botte sud lest it'm any of iaboe complinteà. It neya' tuil, for rviline is o0to Np"o ef b.Most powerful i~ ~ sudig ides lu the world. Gel =Il aaydng store. Yen wll ho de hippy. Ton sud 25 cents a bottie. 1ipnent of wheat laut woek il Port Ar. Lr were-M,OO bashels ; oste, 13,000 eipte, same perlod, 28cars. 1An Exteuded Experience, -*te a weil-known chemiat, permite me ay that Putnam's Painleus Corn Ex- er nover f ails. It makea no more spots tho flesh, sud coneequeutiy l pilegs. i 't you forizet ta gset Putnam's Cern Ex- c1er, uow for sale by medicine dealers brywbere. 'he Cincinnati exhibition will be opened Sweek. A Ram ombflatiofl. rbore is no other remedy or combiLuation, nedicines that mooti 80 msuy require. uts as dos Burdock Blood Bittera iu ils ae raneo powýer over such chronic mans aeDyspepsis, Liver sud Eidne-y =plaint, Scrofuls aud ail humera of the >od. Between thirty sud forty civil servants ai innipeg are notified that their neivices a nolnger requirsd. Defflute Warulng. Neg1ect'ed coughs sud colde Bo freqtiontly oduoe serions resulte as te coustitute e Iliite warning. Thero la no botter, safe: 1more pleasant remedy for Coughs rochitis, Sore Throat, Coidsansd il LrosI sud luug troubles IbmHanagyard' clorai Bslsim. Goy. Schultz wua sworn iu by Mr. J. J ýGee, Clerk of the Privy Council, Mon ty afternoon at Winnipeg. Clive Them A Chane! s4 Re I i - i rai .1 That is te sîy, yonr lunga. Also ail yonm breatbing machinlery. Very irouderf ni ma- chinery it is. Net ouly the uarger air-pas. sages, but tho thousand of lit tie tube. and cavities leading from them. When thon. are cliggod and oehoked with matter wmmcl ongIkt net ýte be thoro, your lungs a ouot huIt deo thoir work. And whst tbey d hey ,flu do well. Callod, c eugli, ou, croup, pueumnoula, catai-rh, ceusumpienor any ef the f amily of Ibroat and noie .sud beid snd lung ob- striutions, aIl are bad. Ail ought te, be gel ru ot. There ie junt oeurue wRy to get rid d$ thema. Tht in to tike Boinchee'sl Germian Syrup, whicb îny drugglst wWilî yen at 75 coUte a botte. Even if every. thing ois hsd aied you, yen may depend upon thin for certain. mitb vill soon retire te the Uptier Ecus Itchl.ng Pues& SYMPTOMS-Misturo; intense itohiug sud stinging, most ah uighl ; iorse by srth ing. If sllowed to continue, tumors form, which ofted bleod sud ulcorato, becomiug very more. SWÂYNE'a OINTMENT stops the itcbing sud bleeding, healsu nceratien, sud iu mauy caseir remov e tiiumors. Itla eqnilly efficacions mu cumin g aUl 5km Dis- mas. DR. SWAYNE &gNPorera Philadeiphia. Swsyue's itment cm b obtained of druggistà. Sent by mail for 60 Ceuts.-16-ly . A Beileville womsu mas sent ho juil for a week fer bigsmny. .A. ODarde To al uwho are iufferin fom the errra sud indiacretloni cf youth, nervous woak-' nua, early deoay, loua of minhoci, &o., I mili send a reoipo uhal wil cure ycu, FRBE0F CHAUG&I The groat remedy was dleeovered by &emisionury lin 0 America. $end a sef-aidroassi onv&elp tteb Rev. Josipa T. Ixiun, StatimLD, New. York CUti John Sachar, the yonng farmer who 1 fueéd45 aysi adyig. A8 msteet a8 koneyj ii Dr. Loi Pis a8ant Worm Sus-up, yet meu- dutroy and eqýel. worm.. Mies Stewart. of Ottawa, wus dzowned thé Gatinoau River M-udsy. to wrhen Bby wus lek. ve gave bur Camtl, Wheu she wvasa Child. &hoecried for Cslorm When she bmem Misa, ah. clang te CamStia, Wbeu Ïh h"Cbùdme, s"0egave ltent CasIcels, s r. e--r --000-- JO0H'N FE ROUSON ISBRSOWING A SUPEBIOR STOCK 0F cotcky Englisiz Tweeds A.nd other fine lines of (loths, for Spring« suite. Ail garmente made up in lateet style on shortest notice. Dady-made Men's and Boys' Buits, Gents' Furni8hings and Underclothing of ail Kinds. ENDESTRUCTIBLE HAIS!1 HAIS!1 OVERÂLLS! HAIS! Latest styles in Hàad ana Soft Feit Hats VERY (JHEÂP. JOHN IFERGUSON2 Dundas st., Whitby WOLFE-NDE.NS STEAM MARBLE WORKS, WHITBYO The Subsoriber wishee-to oonveY tb hie ~REM _ w s TATAR m ends s=d Customers hà e , r% iSud te masure them that ho hau botter faiiisthan ever for exeouting ail ordere entrusted to him for ~ Monuments, Headstones, 8late and Marbie Mantle8,, MEDICATED ELECTRIC Msioated for ail diseases of the blood sud uer voua systemn. Ladies' Bell $2 for feinale cm Wulatithasnonequal. bes' Bel $3,cmbined t and Buspemn8&$ DI - Seminai iweakuesi MI errera cf ygnhh.los O .R . manhood, uigh ti1 emissions, Etc. The only dppla noos glvlng adrc urrent of Zetrklity ta Can ube iroru nghtor dar1y ithe rtl H es toniaIol ro those cnred of fem&al e liiO5, pu-u nb a) PBid sud 1 ?s.êrouoility. genersi debllfty, lumbago, ri-bism, paralysie, netragia. sciaticà. disease of lhe kidneys, spinal disease, toi-pi liver, gent, lencorrhoa,4 catamrh of the bladder sexual exhaustion, nominal emissions, asthmahosi-t diseane, dmsesa osipto rsp euas, mndigesnîonun poten yPl es, epuiley, dunib ague aud dabetos. Bond stamp for handomey ilusto.te bok sd heaihtu journal. CorrespondeiiCe ntrctlv confdential. Con- sultation sud electrical treatment freo. Agents wanted everywhere. Fat. -Feb. 26th, 1 Cures Cuaranteed Medicated Eleotric Beit Ca.. 155 Queen St. West, Toronto, Canada. M I ( 4 PIJRESTe STRONCE% CONTAI NS Pic ÂLUM, AIMMONlA, LIME, Pl eto any injurieiis tatei E. W. GILLETTo TOI a'fr? cftbe cz2ZrUtD IYÂI I-IOSPH-ATES, rials. eRONTO. ONT. CHICAGO, Ili*, JVER 009-PLAIIIT Dy8PEp81A 81KHEADACIIE 1-Np URITIE8OFTHE Strawberroea are 30o a box in Winnipeg.tiE B& SIRB M CIE Na1tTHÉ GRPIIL 1 tPL Ie -1181e11r 8iolen, yet ms a th-orough cathartie J. Bier, agod 21, mss drownsd at Brant- ford Moudsy while bm.ling lu Lopvoy pond. If cars do no harin te fsy Freemlan'a W om Pow&ers Whenyour cltild i. ailing,feverish or fs-etful. Want o le b. sending theumsand anuly te lte insane asyhi9-m; ted , otmrs sY Ib trouble l laxml.ugly au *1ii uoras Théeu ". aIrqpnedéi wilo thoy m=Y givre iompoéx7 mollo!, are IFkel'Ote1do more borin*bangood..WbM aleeoded la an'ÂMte»ati" ensd ]Mëo4-pmrfé Ayor'es 5&rsamiU& !ale ncemparbly tb» . it l orects those diaturbue inuthe Iclto wlhcuele"oi-, noife, gives Incréssed ?italty, sud mv- stores thé narrons syst» lb h.tbu1 çondition. 11e. T.ý G. à. Voté, ueuof the Mass. Ho mXsuat Boosty, iStbpt bis îtoinach wus cul cf crder,hlim, ailéop vemry often distnmIbed, some l14i lllXlty o! t l ood, tï Ibs t 'tb5 Pricer 750. (wit)iPU,$) DR. HODDER'S. LITTLE Lt VER PILLSiý (Vert smili sud1 IO 'ý-16 RIPING. ~y Iciake.) NONÂUBFIÂ. THIE UINMEPIOINE O00,-iUP'8F.- TORONTC,OIIT. HOUSES FOR,,8,ALEà,ý And any other work ini bis lino. . A# Work guaranteed frut-olmss. -Pzýided I bave now nioved 'tom new Piase of business in Bmith's Block soulli of th. Market. R. WOLPEDECN. 'ci OUR ELEGAI4T PREPARAIONS., Bememba er . nfcu i r îeronfo fro NO Ca I Eceot, lion. TcrSooMddao, tOo Ot 1":. faud&" o Mre hlfolle Black. Dark Bon eimBrown, Ohesntq Llght Ohegblt, Gol Blonde, Aoh or Blonde Cendr. Bn aml f arwhn derlng. Pria, *2 pe bo~lo. oroto lMedicine (Jo. tOILET REQU!IIT In ordering leauecify whioh you ur we gna&Itee e e v etr or maidenhoo& Éh1e and'&ââ4idbdtS5te 01.26. NO. 9 emoves wuinkleu. $2.-No. 10 Re- move ALiVer Spots. *12. o l Removes Flesh Wormsn. *1.M.No. 1BmvsPeois 1 No. 13 BemovssPlmplsL *81A& No. 14 Removes Tan. #LM2 No. 15 Removes ?Lfo]es.*M No. 16 Removes Poekniarks $2. No. 17 Bemovemundue Prespiration. jl25.No.l8An abooluteunfalling seMfor the retention, development Ormestor- îto ftl. Bir. *115. Toronto Medicine Co. THE BU8T No. 19 Io a comblned InternaI and external lres.tnent which speedfly dovolopes or restoros the f emale bail 10, the priop«oroDof voluptou nWture-. Je enlr&elyl-rn1eos sdcertaàin re- suita. Prise $.Trit eiieV.Tru WOMIEN'8 ILLS No. 90 A certain oureforLffucorrhea,or Whites Fa1llng ofthe Womb MUoerilions Painful'Mn struation. "Bearing 4q; ilne and.elDisease and WeaknessS 1pecu.ar o f emilio.- EIdýne by -the hio-hest meo a uloditesào su - un- rivalld" ~nx dy.Pre. $Bperbo . eT*ontok tCoTorontô ýOnt. FRUNOH IRMOULATIONPLS Far supsrlor to Ergot TM".y Pnyylo Oxide. Edorsed btbthoDsuo" a lewh Pr2s 1Toronto Wje@1e o. Cmu1tqi Can beecured by'un pcf.om twa deif nI »le la due b b.Éihet e e= 1a it dom mi .that l ln imeà ttfor Lt. o2 Uod verîwereat 25c..a 1Bottie., RBecommended by- Ev.rybodly. I euaintod 'ýwith tlb. eompodiieu201 P en sTam Cordial, and-on rebom- moud il aboiug tb. most, effiient-Ciffgk Bemedy I kncw ef.- P.PALliE BUIMOWS X. D.9 C. I Member Ofthe &mricin Publice 'H bkit ýAsieclution, anid Prueedo f the -Bze Perrin's -Pins- Tar. Cordial. Cot, LINDSAY, ONT.. MAIDISON &NA Uavlng pumobssod *.he Stock nid sud leased thé pr6nilses of Il J. & B. Wolfendexu~ are prepamel Marbie and Granite adilothor £ s s e I il SUITS. -and Canadian B I s e t SI H. Be. 1 1 -i - 1 - 1 ;j

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