Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jun 1888, p. 6

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I slood vithin the grveyard vail, The day vas briansd fair,* Ah 1 liat loue Cithlath i ew osls, And mournlng hteartsanar rare Wheu varua lie sui siines everiead, And Ilite mme brigil sud gay ; 'rot two came Ihere te mnrn tie dead On liaI fair summer's day. The fir8t-miae came wili >rare perfume- Sic vas a fasion dame, Sic kucît belote a mabie tomb, And softly brosthed a name; Be ligtlli did lte wind arise .To waftt ler prayer le God, Il migit have been tic broath or igh 0f lioeebeneati lie îed. But wien ie bade lie grava adieu Her lips ver. wrealhed lu seerti, And dee p vithin my hearl I knew That aie came net te mourn. And cf her face one glanes I look Aisiii. pased îtialsly oh ; Il boe the oold sud haughty look As cf a duty done. The naxt-a voman weak sud frail- Came sloviy up the. walk ; Hon oye. ver. bril v ith unkuevu ligit, Her cheeke vore vile as chalk; And ycl upen her pale, fair face, Aligit of beanty ahono, Whici veli befIt lie sacrred place Where uow aie kuetatone. Oh, deati hacl macle her slreng sud 1 And tirougi lier teau shesicmied, Au down aie kuoit bouide lb. grave Where epI lier euiy coid. Sie presmed her handa upon lie mcd, Porgettinggrief and care, And with her ayas npînmned le G.d, Sic breatiod a tender prayor. bravo, Ah 1 meekly did sie ield her hea- Hler faith in God was streng 1 And when as camne to mouru the dead She bronght her beart along 1 She waa net akilied in werldly arts, She wore ne costly furs, Yet when she knelt te pray, my heart's Beet prayer went up wltbhors 1 The Rugg Documents. CONTAININO THE EXPERIENCE 0F JERUSHA RUGG IN SEARCE 0OF A HU5BAND. PART I. (Continued.> AUNT No. 25.-A RACE WITH A STAGE-CoA&CH. As accu as I had gszed arouud tie laudskip a littie, 1 out vîîh my carde sud vent tb cardiug. Hitty mie veut le cuttiug up au old gzrecu flanuel pelîl- ceatinlaIecarpel rage, sud ovorybody began ho giggle asud ho hir faces lu Iheir liaudkerors.I My goodues! hov tic cotlon did fly 1 Tic 11111e dandy alougeida cf me began ho ceugi, sud held bis baud. keveher o is noie, sud lie fat Mau he began te ane. as if hoie nver expeoled te gel anolier chanuce. The fat man, aed ie'd have me perse.- culed for a public nevoonts. I bold hlm lie needa't put himacif le liaI trouble, ming as I iadu'I gel a single cent about me% old or nov, sud ail tie liard mouey I' iad vas a tir.. coul piece.. W. wonI ton a speit lan silence, oaly for lie corghibig and enoeziuz. Hiîîy sic kept a onhling rage, sud I kept at the oardiug. At Mr. 'Tammoth's Iron vorks ve shopped to change tho mail, sud chang. ed the'dsndy for a veman sud a baby. Aftor wv otel lrled off, the fat man ho began le evear at me fer oarding. Ro avoro as.if i. vas uîed ho il. I fait9 siocked, sud ses I b hlm: " 1Yen hoary headed old oluner yen!1 in'I yen ashamed cf yeraolf? A man of -your ago, viîb oeefoot lu lie grave,0 and t'olle-" I had pereoded sasfar as Ibis, vien I heord an avful crash in lie bollom i cf tie- stage, ansu c onk I fonnd cué- viore hie cther foot vas 1ItIl as* punohed 'deean lhrough my baadbox, aud my nev lace bannit vas knocked iuto wcoked hall1 r I vas mad, sud I Up vllh my carda, sMd tld hlm if lie didn'b sot!. I'd smolie hum t e. brnod psJe -ondid thi. dcci sud bounoed eut, suds ho dld se, a big l black dog bunced ont cf a houa. clou h by sud spran ath hm.. Tlisy had an vfui.orimmage, sud I duuiio vite vogid have boon, kiied if thievoman cf P the bonu. hdn't orae toe »sreoues * wfilhlter mop 1 As il vas, lte old g entle-nx muan'm ciohs vas ltove de bad* liat hoe01 did'l luk deceul ho go Mny furdor, se I ho put up 111ho could gel hiausoif s0w- se *adup. 1 -Aller ve'd gel ahead a piece farder, hi th. driver poiuted euh a mounlain caI-. ed Mount dhlokkorryrvayp after bie steamboat on lih. lake-and sed ibisa I mounlain vis the plsooviwore theo Injun W, chief cussed everybody andjumpod off. la 1 don'l ixpiel thal chief had ever Bý vont to' Smday' soool; Ifho had ho v ,w*u;d have knpvd boy vlokod It ,vasn lo mssfblkà.. -1Idol nteSlb 'iaorhoso leW Mouatain, suýd.by a suddoa jolI coecf *d mny oards vas jorked cut of my baude, -ho ,Md vear4 flug baock i e irosd. I ~ YUatots4alvrtcbopndlot me au oi ib'sd fié ditd. ,Jotas!"I vas àa picking of il .up I bc hooad a vumbie, sud lawfol seul!1 liat e~go aad te4 'Tiho ocumnd , IRssssugsrshilred the driver ho go91 on wilaout tué e .Waraai'1mad 2 1guemso 1 coulduit h. MU, whin I e-bnooe deo oo$osdl1 lb J3t blu t'b tikdsoe0 ýêVa 1 au, ýWR*0 U the dPê préltt!hobrook, fi 'eM off dowa breai. Ird pulled h6ft Of '61D Up, vhen alunit dAri stage* fuil lit-anàd -then-molt rather gues s toppad. 4"Oheokmafed, by George il, sez i driver, seratohlig hie head. '4Darn 1 oa.rds 1" The veut of the foîka didn't eay ne: ing but thoy looksd as soer as a par of skinned sels. One cf the men gel off and held 1 herses, andthe driver, poor seul 1 pic sd off his boots, tuckod up bi. trous and vent paddling down tie brook afi them polos. I pitied. him, and I vor have paddled viti him, ond lilped i but I vas afoard of laking cold inuxi rbumatiz. Ilteck quito a speli 10 fix things, îas il vas dark micro we gelteo North Co way. We driv"up te lbe Kearsr, Hlouee, sud'tho landiord cam eut as politely onformed ns tiaI he vas full. ixpect ho was, for ho vas wiping h meuhb, and it'e likely lio'd just beau supper., Hitty and I gel out vit ail our ri giug, snd tho piazza ge& fuillcf foîl thiaIfstared aI us as if tbey'd nover seE nobody. We vent intolth parlor and teck ei thinge off, and slioked up a litho aIt1t glas, aud thon I sot down in the yoci ing-obeer. I'm a greatjhand le set ini rooking-cheer, ln came the landiord, and sed ho w. terrible sorry, but bais houe wae fui and wo vould have te go eomewher else. 'il hain't a going a gallivauîing rotin in a mtange place," sez I. ,I il rocs fust ; I suppose yeu've gel room osai te put us up a roont?" ' The landiord appoared te be a rom ?lover man, and ho sed he'd try snd fi: il azomehow, aud lefs us. I teck a piece cf Sait fish eut cf Mi satchel, aud somo turnovers. and 1 hsud fui cf ginger soape; snd Hitty sic had a botle cf eider, and @omi pickles, and vo set eut tie msnble.top ped table with the vittios, sud imadf curselves te hum. I invited a talli man, with shnippedi pantaleons, taeaet with us, but ho didn'i acoept. 1 knew ho was hnngry'by ti£ way ho looked at us. After we'd clear. cd away, lb. landiord came and showed us le a litîle room whcro there wae some coomfortables sud thinga in a cor- ner, sud vo laid devu and alepl as Sound ai; a nul. Rigil airly we toei tie stage for lie Glen ifouse, which lu a haveru close to the feet cf Mountsiu Wahiugtou. There's considerable te sece along.- the road. There'. the Lawes Liedges sud Goodrieh's Falisp which lias set up a saw milI cf ils own ; sud cîbor thingai tee numovous le meusb un. I gel my carde, snd Hity begau te bvaid ber raga., We ven't through Pinkisa'a Notci. It's a terrible muddy rciad, and lie bridges is brnsi heape. I sionld tbiuk Pinkham's vouid try sud have Ihinge in botter order. &ftr a hite vo came te a tsee ih a aigu onlt-,GLzN ELLIS* FA.LS." The stage stopped, sud we ail alimeuh ho see 'm. There was a kind cf a re- lined p1lain 6fAtipey-ols1-a- n Tharevas soule other fale &long liai vay tha the rouI cf 'em veut te me.; but I vas Bo bohions about liaI cothin bh I Bol in the stage and carded. Byms.by vo came ho lb. Gieni Heuse, whiei Is a ugçhtpvoIly building, visi piasýz.s a&H avodil . Evorybedy seem- id -gIsd t., se. us. -The Iandiord teck iày d Madsd sed I.muitbslong tei id shoo of vomen. 1 41d hlm yeog, 1ezpeoted I dîd, for. I loed le go ho ehool b lia. old," sehool-houee aI Bosch ion, but they'd gel il kied up now, Sd lie seêhe was glad cf ah. Afie etsuppet vo ver.esecorted np ire. or fouti fightiscf sMaires b th. rcem boere, vsvas ho sleep. Twan'î very i be s0 e o nuded- ve'd work àa pel!.1 eyme-by wv otelkindor dry-I ixpeot 1 F>oýeot$oom",onedbee forauperc ad I l lla [ty v'd go dovu halol. th gohmi a l&driak of vabor. . But eà ske vo magbt ne WU 1bave haut. lfor - neille-in a aoofhayas 'to 'vo hunted, for thý. rihu ,way, le gel z îybr" àW hnt d ,huntedI id didn't git nevhev.s.e, hiu me 41*eo, sil we ouldia'î 1MU1 'oher w hîoli. e pen, ad ooked .jos'hif 1k. ourn# only eo lapp had; geneont. rI bld Riti7 I- isedilvwu'bestio go inos o . ute*6 id# fo .*~Jn* likely bfl» le 1«I seed hhei niglit.capli ,' and fbasa I 'Omulre I!, sez the Ilan -villa" spstki "Idon't ancre t" ses ,-I,' ndignan#ly te"van'l me yen heerd, 'twaui0Y.' e Soin body spoko lou e tbr g i i ksyhole. el liave got thie roug nnbr. WiliIyet piesse gel up and coule eut" le "Oh, s;arting," soz I, "if *I eafià ns l- my rigging 1 " sud I'wakod- up iHiîîy ot sud we bolih hppqd up, sud gel list br our cloîbos iu lie dik sàkeoeebov. M3 di alookinge vas ou ibd Part afore, sud ia , v as ge die te flud my faIse fiant1 Y couldn'l, sud I had le leavo it boiind, Mr. Walkar j amped into lie rocma a soacc as w. vas eut of il, sud looked the door as if hi ipioted va vas a;gwina tc e east limt.Law 1 ha ucednm have been 1afeerd. Tic vailer fouud uas our- reem, soi vo iad ne more trouble. The nort day va vent up ente Mount Washington ln a kerridge. The road -test'. bilt up tiare boals lie Dutob. ILs sas amooth aud nice as Lie piahi ho our 1maI deer. The top cf Meunt aIshington la al sItoe. aîl, tbongb it'. but ratier on- >regular; littîs rocks aud big unes ali mixed up togoîher. Tic bouses up there las bût ef rocks vili ile-ciolb roofs, but ti>e% are pni&ty oonsiderablo comafurtabie lskiug overy. lhing into account. I gnegs Ilat at some time or ,nother liera bas been a glass-bottla uaaufac- tory up tiare, for I seau more broken bottios ont bebid thie Tip-Tep Hbuse Ihan you could shako a stick at, sud I 1spose the mauufaetery mut have bunet up of a euddint. We seed odean le nowhere from tie top Of tie mous tain, sud I carded quite a lot, sud Hitty gel a ri as long as my arm doue vile wo vas up there. We deoided te go igil ou te Fran- cony froua there-so vo didn't go back t thie Glas bouse. Hitty vanîod te go dowu thearunutain'iu tie railroad, but I vas aféerd semnething wculi buat, aud I made up my mind I'd Ro hoss- back. S e Hitty coucluied te go witt me. Butlil tell yen thp rosI naît lima. My back aches nov, sud Jonathan sez ho vanta soeaip jacks for supper!1 Land sakie1 if I was President cf Ibese United States, I shouid have te beave off te fry fiap-jackti for Jouathan Per- No. 26.-Hî'TTY PRESENTS HIER FIENDI I 'spose you'ii vanî le hear tie ifflisi- ing np of th&& White Mountalu v'ygc!1 I bain't quit. gel over it yat; My iead buzz8s Ilke a vas2 sfint up lu i botlle, sud My back boue feels as if i1hiad been lvisted iute wrapping cerd; but oîher- vise I'm pretly veli, thank yen. On lihe p cf Mt. WaaIbingtou, vo decidcd te go devu lie Craufori bridie paîh te lie Crauford Hlouse, beoause, as I toid lie landiord cf the Tip Top Houe, I nover eiould fool eatioffd ifI didu'î go the viole hog. fle aed liaI va. vicre I was rigit, sud ho remark- ed liaI he'd ne doubs but vial vhen wimu'a rigbts. preva-ïled, sudthe wimmen foîkewva tunedite mndi- vid nais cfthie maie persuatiou, I should be President of lie Unitod Statos, or, at sny rate a Cougreaemnan. 1 teid hlm lie Lord forbidi1 I'd allus had a repoli. tia fur ioneshy snd respeotablliîy, aud I iaoped and tvnsted that P' ahould carry isto te tegrave vihi me, sud have il aubecribed on my tombutun. Hlilîy, eh. vas determiuod ho ride down horseback, beesua. aie vanta everybody to îhiuk tiat she'e a youug gai, and sie's aizIy-five if ahe'a a day. Strauge that vimin foike will put lhirselvos te so maihtrouble ho appear Young.a 's (To be continzued.) For mî-ny years the manufacturera cf Dr. Sage'. Cstarrh Remedy have offsred, lu good faith, SM0 reward for a case cf Nasal Uatarrh whioh thov cannot cure. The Remedy ida oid by druggzs&sa atoUI y50 cents. Tiis wenderfaJ remedy hifafly attain.d a world-wide repulation. If yen have duil, heavy headacho, obstruction cf the nasal passages, diachargea falling fgrom th. iead into the t4»St, Bometimes pIro- fuse, watery, and aockid, at ochers, thiok, tenaciena, maucous, purulent, bioody and putrid; if the eyes are weak, watery and in alamed; if îbere la rînging in thoe ar'p'def- nsm, hacking or coughin te eélear lthe throat, expectoration of -o!enulve matter, bogether with scabe froua ulcers; the~ voice çeu hauged anal ha. a nasal qan--tle b îh offensive; smaeli and aste- mpafrù'ed; sensation! cf diazinesewith Mental e pression, a iaeking cougi sud go.era aebliy$ ou ~are sufeérîng from nasal atarrh. The more oemplicated your diîs- ms~ 4lgete ïztnmberiaand .4ie-uity )f sm 1aons. - maouüds, o rd ,0 1 y t r f nthe grave. - no dhseas nDove deceptive sud dangu cLertod or more unsucet hyllange Tic prom Scenor ia Moi -3 le. on le Of rth e auSS HordeReqiter Properly cf Âicx. Cameron As-,hbinru, Ont., Mcndayst hiseown stable ail day, Tueâday- by way of BrookiU leo Jno. Morrsonfi, noon ; ansd te Jas. Shandsata nighl. Wednesday-toD John Hepbnrn'a, E. Whitby for te ight. Thursday-Aex. McKenzio's asnoon; te Rag- lan for tho ýnight. Friday-to Wells faim, Myrtle, for noon ; toeÂlax. Cameron's Âsh- bumn for the- niglit. Baturday.-to Jno. Davfflson's for noon; and te bis own stable till Monday. Corewan a.galia (Clydeadale.) Properxy of Wm. Richarcasen & Sons, Colum- bus, Ont. Monday-leave his own stable, Jeu. Vailant'a, 2 miles north cf Oshawa, and aleng Srd cou. Whitby te Rsy's'hotel, Whit- by town, for the night. Tuesday-to chin's hotas, Brooklin, noon ; te Wm. Richardison & Sen's, Columbhus at night. Wednesda ~to Daniel Radden's, Ei. Wltby, noon; te o Bolth's for the night. Thursclay-to Jas. Heroni's, Taunton noon ; andti t Robt. ?Mer- row's, 3rd con. Darington, for tic niglit. Friday-to Queen's hotel, Oshawa, noon; and te bis own stable until Monday. Lawar'î Baron Gerdon <Clydesidale.) Propertyof Wma. Richartison & Sons, Colum- bus. Monday-leavee hie own stable,Colum- bue8, for Chinn's hotel, Brookli, remain ail night. Tuesday-James Dickson's, Myrtle, noon ; andt t Hoit'e hotel, Manchester, anti romain until Wetinestiay noon. Wednesday afternoon-to Wm. Coates, Coates Settle- ment, for the night. Thursday-.Ragban for noon ;andt t hie own stable for the night. Fritiay-to Thos. Wilbur's, Darlington, anti romain ail niglit. Saturtiay-to Jno. Hep- RoyalAbbey Prince (Clydesdale.) Property of Major Hodgson. Port Perry, Ont. Monday-Ieave hies ewn stable, Port Perry, for Brayes bote]., Epsom, noon; and to Mansion House, Uxbridge, for the night. Tuesday-to Les skdale and remain ail night. Wednesday-to Udora, noon ; and Valentyne for the night. Thursday-to Sunderland, noon ;and to Manilla Station for the night. Friday-to Seagrave and re- main ail night. Saturday to lits own stable, Port Perry, until Monday. Laird O' Railla <Ciydesdale.) Property of Geo. Hickingbotton, jr.. Ashburn. Monday beave bis own stable, Wilson's Hotel Ashburn, anti proceed to Hodson's hotel, Raglan, for the night. Trieeday-to Chinn's botel, Brooklin, antiremain alnight. Wed- needay-to Rayes hotel, Whitby, anti remain ail nighit. Thursday-to Lynde's, Audley, and remain ail night. Fridna.-to Jos. Har- bron's Audley, noon; andi to And. Hicking- bottom's, Balsam. for the night. Saturday -te his own stable, Ashburn and remain tili Monday. Fandango (Clydesdale.) Property of W. H. Pngh, Gien Major. Mon- day-leave bis own stable, Glen Major, for Jno. L. Joues' Sth con. Pickering, noon ; and te Jue. Dunn's 7th con. Pickering, for the night. Tuiesday-to Jno. C. Joues', 7th con., Pickering, noon ; andi to hie own stable for- the niglit. Wediiesday-remain at hie own stable ail day. Thursday-to Jno. Palmers, 7th'con., Uxbridge, and remain aIl night. Friday-return to hie own stable. Glen Maj or and remain tili Monda,; morning. ECrMkne (Clydesdale> Property of Thos.\,wilson, Brooklij, Ont. 3Mon- day-leave his oN7n stable, Brooklin, for Anti- bey, noon; anti to Raye hotel, Whitby for the nigbt. Tuestiay-to noon; andi Central hotel, Oshawa. for te nigbt. \Vednesday-to Geo. Nesbi5t's, E. Whitby, noon; and Wma. Ratcliff's, E. Whitby, for the niglit. Thureday-to noon; and Raglan at night. Friday-by way of Myrtle to Ashburn and remain ail niglit. Saturday-return te bhis own stable, lir-oklin and remain until Monday. Mlacindo. (C1ydesdale.) Property of Alex. Cameron, Âshburn. Two y sars olti. His service wil ho conifinedti tea himi ted flamber of mares. Wiil stand at hie' own stable, Kinsale, ineet of the season, but wiil accominany "Taxinahiîl" part cf the Gienluce (CiydesdaIe,> Prcperty of Davidi Birreil, Esq., two miles north o! Groenwood. Wil stand for mares during thie season ah Mr. Birrell's-stable. .Pedigree prlnted on large carde. Young Phenomenon Cieveiand B1ay.) Property o! Major Hotigeon, Port Porry. Wil accomipany Abbey Prince (see above) on hie route hhrough Beach, Uxbridge, Scott,Brock, and Mariposa anti romain over Suntimys at bis own stable, Port Perry. .Aiment Lapidist, (Roadster.) Property of -W. H. Pugh, Glen Major. Mon- day -bave bis ewn stable, Glen Major, for Asburn. neon ; and by way o! Brookiute Lovoil Harrison.', Salem, for the night. Tuesday-to Jerow's hotel, Brougham, noon; and by way o! Green River te Christian Wideman'.8, 101h con. Markham, for lie ni gti. Weduesday-to Millers hotel, Shonif- vle, noon ; and te Ballantraio for the nigt. Tinraday-to Todd's hotel, Goodwood, neen; andti t Jno. Palrner's, 7bi con. Uxbnldge, for the nigit. Fiday-te bis own stable, Glen Major, and remain until Monday. L. 13. Da-niels, (Rtoaator.) Property of Geo. and W. M. Sterricker, Wiit- by. Monday-leave hie own stable, John Bentley's, 2zxd con. Roach for Ciun's hotel, Brookliu, neen; sud te Pipier's hobel, Brougham, for thee mght. '-'uesday-to Bessc'm hebel, Whitevmlle, neen ; sud te Gor- don Honse, Pickering, for lhe nigil. Wed- nesdsy-to Crawforti's livery stable, Whit- by, sud romain ail nigit. Thnrsday-te Gee. Martlu's, Tiemnbcn'a Corners, accu; and te Jue. Stainton's 4h cou. Darlingbon, for bbc nuighb. Frtday-to Hall'sihobeUnnis. killen noon ; and te Swalu's hebel, BIlack- Stock, at night. Saburday-to lis o-wn sabla,3Jno. Belnbley'i sud remain unlilMon- day movning. Pt B. WA1RAM, R4INTERY- SIGN GLL4ZIERY KALSOMINER, WRITER, HSLNGERY TES Glaugow à London lnsuranoe Co. of OTeat_&ritain. OAPITAL, 82e500,000. A NNUAL INCOME, 810500,0000. MAXE Farrn Property and Dweiling HIouses aSpecialty. Very low rates. Easy terms of payment. Simple-pôlicies. Nei vexations conditions. Prompt settiement of losses without discount. Be'mure yen do not insure until yen know our terme and conditions. Enquire of E. B. B. HAY- WARD, our General Agent for South On- tarie. Office in Whitby-Part cf D. Ormis- ton's Law-Office. Ail letters addressed to Lock-Box 78, Wbitby P. O., wiil1 receive prompt attention. Residence-Ham Cot- tage, Byron street, Whitby. 21 L ondon and Lancashire Life Company, This Company issnes every dosirableform cf Life poliey, and has deposited with the ]Receiver General in approved Canadian securities over $100.00 for each 0100.00 cf liability, thus 'affording ABSOLUTE se- curity. Parties desirons cf assnring theiz lives wili find it tootheir advantage te consuit t.he undersignerd before assnring elsewhere JOHN FABQUHARSON, General Agent Whitby, May ]8, '86. -ly THE WESTERN BANK 0F WHITBF, - ONTÀRIO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. MONEY To LOAN! $100.000 FOR INYESTMENT. ON REAL ESTATE SECURITY. AtI1lowast living rates of intereal. Moaev socured withîin 10 days cf ap- plication. Appby te JOHN FAIRQUHARSON Whilby-, Fcbrnary l6th, 1880. - 9- On Rosi Estala Mortgage at Low Rale Appraiser for the Canada Loan and S&vlng. Coc., and agent for the Western Assurance Co.1 OFFICE-Over Gsrris>s Block, Whitby do~ u ÉD ýu'. lez~L e45'~. BLRL.O.L. Ne..1m8 Mue inlu Toiperanco ceaZa, Lodge)room., Gernie'. Blocks fraI Wednes»day 'in oaci 85 ÂTN .DominofWood W, 1 WfH ITBY. TUMBEM BOCHANT &BTfL? L -A large-suypyf Builders'puP4 ingo, and a&l kinde cf", TwistedMO Doors, Sash and Blinda. LUMBER, wholesale and retail, 0. the car load. Planing, Monldings of every descrips" Fiooring, Sheetindg, Shelving , -slwi; Shàping, Turning, Scroii Work, ete.,ej0 2"ý AGENTS!IlAGENTS-[ OW EAD 'ur ewbook, '« at~ Univers."; being a full and graphie de. ecription cf ail that is wonderfnl in eveq- continent cf the- Globe, lu the wcrld cl, Iwaters and the Starry Heavens, cntatiniq thrilling adventures on iàud and sea, ru. Inowued discoveries ot the world's greatemj Iexplorers in ail ages, and remarkable ph&. nomena lu every reaini cf nature. Ria. bracing the striking physical features cf tii, earth, the peculiar characteristies cf th1' human race, of animais, birds, insecte, etc.; inciudmng a-vivid description cf the Atlaiz., tic, Pacifie and Indian Oceans, and cf the' Polar . Seas, the Monsters cf thc Deep- beantiful seasheils and plants, aigulaJ flihes and dweilers in the wcrld cf waters1 romarkabie Occan currents, etc., tegeth;' with the AMAZING PHENOMENA OF THE BOLAR AND k?2ABBY SYSTEM BY HENBY DAVENPORT NORop, D.D., EObFORshD wih vo8 ine ngrvns OXFORD PUBLI8HING 5 JORDÂN ST., TOROTO00.T certificate of Major Harper, Esq., of ty. To whom it may concern. This is te certify tiat having examiied, repaired and nsed a great variety cf Sewig Machines. I have corne te, the ceticlusion that -the White -Machine sold by L. Fair. batiks is cne cf the best made, as in my opinion it is a machine that wili net easily get out cf order, and wiil last muci, longer than moot machines, as care has been taken te prevent Wear as inuci as possible. ýI eau honestly rsAccmmend it te parties want- ing a gcod anji lasting sein machine. I purehased onà cf the. Whie's some mentis ago, and it gives, evey satisfaction. MAJORHAP . -1887- After five years use cf the White Sewing Machine in niy family I eau fuily endors. the abeve certificate and ean fnily reeom- mnend the machina,_ as a family sewing ,machine coste leus for repaira than any machine I have ever had aziytiing te- do with. MAJOR HARPER. Soid chemp as the chempeet, and la the best cf the best. L. YIB~S Sole Agent 1er *hiD* triot.,, T RIS APER ay. b f ound on file at vertising Bureau (10 Spruce St.), wiere ad. vertiafing contrmcts may be made for il NOOw Ycux.S LIVERY and SALE STABLES, DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. M. 0. CRAWFORTH, FIRST -0OL485 TUIRN-OUTS0 PLurnisied on Siorleal Notice. Commercial Traveflere ibera lly, deai wW&i. JOHNSON In0Doere>l'o Blook for uYOUK Ëeprel eipn in.10 f ihe -Paty 9f Oiver P%: ippeat,- ho! e .what I lembtiltéocft ~otbeing a oi, and thoe 6oeil Mau v bleannou preeu ta 1 ,1a3sure cfth publican il, 'date for -0l ,dent votera ýtallej, net on ,everthingq las been on mon before vileis pli numereus, cf tie woud sud is cap iug a eue0 îkll lu m markablY Iu hiep»olli lie samO 9 legs! baIle fun lu à15 a wodgo. c ed to exoa acheta-r, h brigit ora are glad t4 Short mud coierlees f, by a-ny me lu aIl olio dos. Gsl old. He i Henry EH Bend,eitl aud hie vi U niverai ' graduâad va-sma-fl] about .$50ý cf Indiana srrived IW and e iew vas vory1 is hesd i hoe went-t ive, forey poverhy, 0 lyhe came Delt porter Of - Stale and 000 velux ond blt Harrlsos iind ies At tlhecel almost h veas I FL DRA. 'i General H.ouse Pecorator. P Perouiiaed from 5âc.-a Roi!1 ýQdr% from the ooantry promptly atteondodto. m7 SHF-iatdera-tho Witu1t.yriai T04' Q'fl BELL., i Ganeral Agent Whitby, May 18,86. -ly Co. 5 JORDAN ST, Whitby, Nov. 7th, 1882. ly-47 9 NEW RIGS. PAIR PRICES. 130SEST DICALINIGI -AND 0 luontiarps

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