Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jun 1888, p. 2

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And Items Stolenfro., our lExchanges. The Wbiting So5s" a.e Works, et Cedar Dale, are te b. enitt;-geiby additions te the preseut iu<îdinge. Mr. Gen. Edward8 baithle oeutract for Lie masonry. a Young Maua followu'g the tw~de eOf harnees makor, c-uns' own a fû - wveeks &go, sud seeured work- tNlîe ere ho borrowed a dreme coa sad vos& la-oui a fellow bourder. Last week hoe suddenly left for parts unknown, taking the ber. rowed clethes with bina. Col . Mulligan, Oshawa, two or three days spo, returnied homna fom in unipeg h eing hie iixtla round trip to t Lat plce since April, 1887, and travelling over 18,000 miles. Hie property in tbal oity ie aseessed aI $-103,000, and last yoar ho paid $1,500 taxes. Besiltes this ho lias large tracts cf farm auds,0one borne- stead and snrroundings having cost liii 88,000. He says the rush te the North- wost is a,; great ast ove r, ersoh train gcing ie that direoîiou baing crowded. Mn. Jue Rolland, mate ef the seon. er Tradewind, was drowned at the Han- ber, Oswa, on Sunday nignt lest. On Sabbalh aflernoon ho left the boat le corne Up lewn, and, wrs seen le roture again lte . chooner le the-eveeing. On Moulay morning Rolland did net put le au, appoarsece, sud a isearch wus mrtle for him. His lothed wero fonnd ie the cabin, wblcb led to the supposi- tien that'he was drowned. After grap- pling for some heunre his Lbc.iy was found near the boat. Lt je suppused ho went eut onu dek in tl-e nîght a-id felu over- board. Hiie bods' rvapsAsnt te Port Hope for b (arial. -Reformner. UXBRIDGE. On Mondrsy cur bowvn Ict a vahied citizexç in the dealh of Mr. Miohael Vicas. The buseball leam on Saturday lest wbee tbe senior teama went mbt bar- uss sd defeated the Markham club, demeustrated bhe faut that the boys have lest ncne of their old tume vigor ie the field. The viitorn euceeeded in getting but few scattering bits. 0n Tnesday mnening a number et our cilizens assombled aI the residence of Mr. A. T. Bulbe leo witness the mar- riage ef Mn. A. E. Wbeler, cf Meadow- vale, son of Gteorge Wheler, ex-M. P., for West Ontario, to Miss Maniette Mildred, third daughter cf A. T. Bulben, Esq. The ceremony was per. fonxned by the Rer. Mr. Taylor, cf Midlaud. Thor. was s marked difforence bo- tweu the aconxs cf the Markham base bail team sund the Port Perry club when lhey were bore. Tne bebsvic'r cf the Markham beys was perfectly free from ail rowdyism sand obowed that îhey kuew how te behavo themselves abroad as well as at home. We hope that the Markbsm beys will again visit Ux- bridge before lb. seasen is over. Il je curions bow some people will gel taken in witb euuobau oldtfake as tue nut-sihelitrick, a brick wbich is ase old Pes the bille, bas beau operaled st every fail fair for the lutl twonty ieg enquiry (Private.) -Who is Stanley Howell, cf yonr town ? Please given full parti- celare." W. immediately posted reply froight- ed with the history and character cf our respocted towusman, and among Orther statemeuts said Ibat ho vas ou. cf the oldeet, most careful and succes- fu inlsurance mon in Ibis Section et lb. country ; that ho represents eighl of the largeet ineurance octpsuies le tb. world ;-sud urged Ihal auy undue ad- --vanlages or liberties taken ie tb. com- mercial melropolis with the big man's pereon or hie pooket be at once r.- ported te use, that swift retribution b. meted colt te .dariug offeeder. Next mail, west, broughl this ex. planation * "At 12:80 p. m., ou Tussday, 121h lest., a gentleman booked ' Staele v Howell, Cobourg,', engaged - for th. Mou tain drive oneOcf-lb. handsomest double carrsg.so1aable li ths City; su b omaehappy, lhcngh -rematbtble oinucîdeuce, asnother -equally flishy ,turu-out, frcm the smre bus Hueo, for sane heur snd for similar drivé, was *ugaged for Hie Exceilency the new ,Governor-Gen.nsl, Lord Stanley, afton wboise fsrnily.. we leare. from prominont tmumc.ircles bore, your Mr. Stan- lq Kwel waslpn.dover fifly yeaws -a#o d Je W4,.aid te arongly resemble .Ihè resen Lord Stauey, b<o1hii -stauresudl. hlqpe. Difficulyml dhKauubiu b.wou thlb. ames and bosem c f th. majestic St Lawroeac and were lest midel the gentle zephyra of* st. Helen'e island. As the two ger. g ',ouly equipped liveries, -followed ~oiby score of vehicles of iss pro. tw àon, passed and rqpaseed near each o ýLt.rinethe Mountain drive,-judging fr, in the oft-doffed hale of th. Ive lions cf the day, in freqnently returning eaoh otherls salutation, doubtiesa Lord Stan. ley ef Preston euppoued that Lord Stanley cf Cobourg wass seme belted knigbt eut in style te do homage te hie Lordship. I have leareed Ihat yeur Lord Stanley Howell, ie by virtue ef thie euting likely te seenre a twenly thousand dollar pelioy on the cantents of Rideau Hall. Good for Cobourg." Mrs. Gladstone. No woman lives a more uoful lite than the wife ef Eogland's greateel man. Altbougb 76 years old, Mrs. Gladstone bas still sufflient euergy te refleot the mollo sdopted by ber wbon oely a litîle girl. "It you vant a fhing weli doue do il youreelf." Rer father, Sir Riaard Glynue, Bart., ef Hawarden Caetle, was in the babil cf aaying Ibal even as a ohild, thie pet daughter eviucod a reniarkable tlent for leadership ; sud subsequeet events have provedl that the. baronet's imùpress-. ion wae correct. While lire. Glidstonse àlunperfect sympalhy wibh ber busbaud, sud ever ready t e hofe service te bim, yet se is Read the Nexttw Column Articleig" moie inferesled Lu raising tbe moral sud social standard et Ihoso aronud lier than in anything else. For years se bas ual enly enooiqnag- od horticulture snd floriculture amnu tbe cottagors in ber ueighborboed, but bas persoually sasted in the selection of plants sud the laying ont et plants. Skie bas an abundance et tact and ie argument eh@ is quit. se logical sber buebaud. Dnrng a prolonged interview with a pantioulauly comoafive aud un- reseoniug vomans on one occasion ber busbsnd je said to bave remarked : l'Well, now, Ibis le ratherunuprecedeet- ed, yen kuow. My wite ususlly taike aven the meut perlinacieuseofthIem niL lese lime Ibis. But ebo'll boat," ho sdded, laugbingly, "for she neyer faile."' Being quit-o dornestie Lu ber listes, Mr@. Gladstone is higbly delighted te find Ibis talent among ber frieude. Lu theolection et these Ibis lady je neyer iefiueneed by the accident et birth, wealth or social position. Hon twa requiromeube are moral worbh sud brains. Thus tho proudeel berne in Englaed is always open te professienal people. Lu 1862, dnning lbhe cobton famine, Mre. Gladstone worked night sud day le alleviabo tb. misery. 8h. ostabishbed an Orphsn's Home at Ciaphsm Lu 1866. This afberwards becanie s home for incurables. lire. Gladstouo'is social, educational andi charitable prejecte bave always, been warculy seoouded by ber husband, wbo is mono prend o e s ife ban of suylbing e. in the wonld, net excepl- ing bis owu honorable sud brilliant careen. The tellewing etery vill illustrate Ibis lovoiy vomnan's great beart: "Oh. if I oeuld enly do something for yen," a poor singer wbom lire. Gladstone had beau able le rouder a greaf soeice once exclaimed. "That je easy, my dean," tbe lady ne- spouded. "Easy for me se be of service te yen ?" lbe lady exclaimed, tb. gratefal teins flowing dovu ber cheoki. "'Ye.; by doing somethieg for one- body else. A kinil word, a bit ef practical advice, a helpiug hand-evee if bliere lsn't mucb in lb," lins. Ga- feeling where b"usis ooerued, sud il May ho Ibat many mon have oca- sion te rate him thus eeverely,- but thon. le another aidle tW bis chauacer. Sage boni htu the whole nonne. cf bis carsen, tromi peaugy to opulonoe, ne mm bas s!t her profited by hxa kecw. ledg., pokàet bock or Influne0. H. contributeis toehcanity, but entirely through tbe female portion of hie family. Se far as helping a a nu cen obstacles, bhm dhimself te clmb. He does net believe lil u ricîl "Lot lhem tlake lb. pluape sud ied out for themmlves," 'hoà às, 1, '841 bad il W -do." Aroun& him aregwonpe& o-da-y -mon Who have beenin bis emxploy for yeans, vhem ho ette.eme, trus ý -nd praloto, and ypt never go the besl61 thm lum e 1 WA RNERS'8 SA FE CURE? Oh, my kidneys are ail right!1 ",Are they ?" You perliape don't know that Gýnomimpton, Nerai- gia~ Ehe -mat1 , Btomah is orders, Malaria Ciland lPever and Ague, TRIadaches, Liver Dis- orders, Imp aired Eye Bight,. Con- stipation,.kscesses Eruptions, Impotency, LaeBack, Lumba go, Bo l,OCarbuncles, and among womaen, Feamale Compla spre- vq.il mostly arnong people who, like yourself, insist that they have no kidney disease!1 They have and don't know it. You will nover get weil of the above and countiess other common disorders, whioh would neyer prevail if the Kidneys were ail right, unless you restore the unsuspected disordered Kidneys by that great blood tonic and purifier, Warner's Safe Cure. Do Figures Ie ? Lot ns see: Two women had tbirty chiokens each, wbîoh they took to market. They agreed to divide equally the proceede of their sale. Oue sold her ohiokens two for a dollar, getting for ber tbirty chiokens fifteen dollars. The other sold hors Ilire. for a dollar, getting for ber thirty chiokene ten dollars. This made twenty.five dollars realised for the sixty chiokeua. The merchant called on to divide the money said : "IYen sold your thiz'ty chiokene Iwo for a dollar, and yon .old your tbirty chiokens three for a dollar. That makes sizty ohiokenes t th. rate oihvs for two dollars. Well, five iute uî;ty geese twelve timea-4wice twelve à8 tweuty-fonr. That makes twezity-four dollars your chiokens have bronght.' But, as; sbown above, the women aotually had twenty-five in their pooketo. And yes the merohant's figures were right 1 Do figures heo WIfl ho FulJymet. Indications et Dyspepsia, sncb as Sour Stomacli, Heartburn, Siok Headlache, Risen and Souring of Food, Wind on the Stomaoh, or a Cboking or G-nawmng sensation ai th. gl o! the stomach are fully met by Buzdook lood Bitters wbioh has oured the worul cases on record. Several men ware fatslly injuredin u a encouater betveen union and non-union brickmakers at Seulliport, ILL. CONSUMPTION CURRD. An old physiojan, retireil tromproo, havinghail placein lbis hands by anaut indu missi nary 1h. formula et a s"Ple vegetable remedy for 1h. spedy amilrm anent cure of Oonsumption,Brehls Oaltarrh. Âstha and a&l Ibroat andi Lung Affections, aiu a positiv and radical cmr for Nervous Debfift udn&UailNerveu oem- plaints, alter having testedi is vSuderfl curative povers luIesnae ases, h«a foil il bis duty te miake il ktou b is muffering fellows. Acluateil by " is otve sud a desirete relieve humai ufJeng, 1 Wini seudlfroecet charge, le a&U whodesire il day s bright, gilded elÏ re0 $ umphantly above 1h. WaJi ttreeo on whioh je painted 1h.euùe # pov.rly strioken walch .ýbye. seeme that hie sons snd thome fG*- were classemates. Through ke acqueintancoaprang up bebweeu-l'o-ý fathers. The pôor man was smtI of an artiet, snd a gennine connosesur cf pictures. Ho beosme invalutble ,to- Gold in aosisting hbu ije tiseleetibu cf meritorione works of art. Juet )icw Gonld requited Iheso serviceSsud ;Ime mnan'e frieudsbip cannet, of course, be acourately tld. It may have been in the payment of money, but il je more likely thut il was in the givingof <tips," f0 uIse the Wall etreet phrase. At any rate, the art connoieour bas booome a rioh man, an sudje0o pt a pupil of hié financial master tbal b. je now a broker doinu an unuully big busi- ness. It is 8aid that he je now worth, outside cf bie daiîy eperations upon the exob ange, more Ihan s million dollars. -Newv York Cor. Chicago ferald. "WHAT Ans YOU ?"YOU dQn' know ?' Thon why don't you try ARCADE, TORONTO 1 ,A Bohool Thoroughly Equipped for Business Training. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMAN SHIP, BUSINESS COILRESPONDENCE, BUSINESS AR1THIMETIO, COMMERCIAL LAW, SHORTHAND AND TYPE-WIRITING PRAOTICALLY TAUGHT. FINEST ROOMS IN CANADA. Send for Ciroular. Address. 27* C. O'DEL4, Secretary. A Positive Cure, A Painless Cure* ]FACTS FOR XEN'0F AL GESe THEJ GREA4T IWEA~LTH JRE.Y'E lIER Marvel of Hsaling, and Kobinoor of Medicines, 40 i-L ieef te terri br aeconseqneeé of Indiseretleu, Ezposuare and Overwork. Who are broken Àown fromi the eiffocts of aibuse wil fiîid in No. 8 a radical cure for nervous debility, oriza-iic weakness, invol uutary vital loases. etc. SYXPToM5 von wuicH No. à SHOULD ES tSED.-W&DII of energy, vertigo, want of purpose, dimness of aight, aversion to society, want of confidence, avoidance of conversation, deaire for solitude, liallesaness and inability to fi the attention on a particular subject, eowardice, deprssian of spirits, gidIdinei, bo&s of memrrv, excitability of teniper, sper. matorrhoea, or boss of the seininal tluid-the resuit of self-abuse or marital excesEk-inipo- tency, inu-uttrition, emnaciation, barrenness, palpitation of the heart, hysterlc feelings in females, tre-nbbiing, nielatichily, (iisturbngdreams, etc., are ail symnptomîq of this terrible habit, oftenzimnes in.locently acquired. In short, the spring (-f vital force having bot ih tension,,very function wans lconsequence Scientifio writers and the superintendenta, o! insita ea-.ybums imite in pserihing to the effecta of self-abuse the izreat mnajorlty of waated lives whch corne under i heir notice. If you are incompetent for the arduons duttes of busi ress, incapacftated for the enjoyments o! 111e, No. 8 offers an. escape from the effects of early vice. If you are adIvanced in years, No. 8 will give you ful vigor and strength. If,% ila re broken down, physically and niorally fromn early indiacretion, the reait of ignor aince and folly, send your a.ddress sud 10 cents li sts.npa 1cr M. V. LUBoN's Treatise ini Book Form on Diseases of Man. 8ealed and securé froni observation. AddrQ.'! a"-, rmunicatong to IR. V. LUBON, 47 Welllngton St. E., Tcronto. A Man wittivut w.bdom lives ini a fool's paradise. CURES CUARANTEED. HEAL THE SIOK. A Permanent Cure. 1IMPORTANT A Pleasant Cure, NOTICE I ON ACCOUNT 0F ILLNESS I HAVE Dooided to go out of the Crookery Business, AND WILL SELL WITHOUT IRESERVE AT UT.T"*DEIl:? COST, DINNEIR SETTS, TEA SETTS, CHAMBER SETTS, CHINA GOODS, FANCY WA.RE, GLABSWARE, TABLE LAMPS, llANGIbN'G LAMPS, LAMP GOODS AND SILVERWARE, ÂII Latest Styles and Patterns. Don't delay in secunring BargainsJ. The be8t and Oheape8t Grooerio8, Canned Goode, etc, TEAS - AND - COFFEES- A - SPEOALTY The. famous Louise Baking PowcZer, pzdupeure884fý and& sold cmlýj by - fee~i'sBlock, Brook, St. .1 --b - nt u for Infantà end Children. E~iu1ui P, V F I i rtable En- ,Boilera tely. - afe, Ldapted for ig offices. N. B.-Wanted, any quantity ofBteýFre8h Eggèt Appfe, lPo- tate8 Oio8,et.1at THE BRAZIL IAN WA REHOU&E. F Time BUllTaking eflet ,Xy 20h, 88 Ne4 , pFast Ex. 10.10, (daily excepi Medt>.l ' UCamtorisoweflaaptedtocbfdrentbati 1 reiWmmend Itas superior to ny prescripUmn imovn tomie." HEL.ACHE, M. D., u11 "eOziard et,,Broekilyn, N. y. Caulonla cures colle, Constipation, Sour Stoniacli, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Ribl Worms, gives sleep, and promoles di. wl"t JUMU edkSUc C= CExIAuR Com'&rxv, 77 Murray Street, N. Y.'- Do you feel duR. lsnguid, low-spirted, lite. less, and indescribably Iniserable, both physi. cally and mentally; experlenoe a 5e 0f. fulinees or bloating after eating, or of I gone. ness," or exnptiness of stomach li the morn=. ing, tongue coated, bitter or bad taste in mouth irregular appetite, dizziness, frequént headac'es, blurred eyesight, Ilfloating speeka"o before the eyes, nervoUs prostration or ex_ haustion, lrritability of temiper. hot flushes, alternating with chili y sensations, sharp, biting, transient pains bere and there, coid feet, drowsiness affer ineals, wakefulness, or disturbed and unrefreshing sleep, constant, indescribable feeling of dread, or of impend-« ing ealamity? If you have ail, or any considerable number of these symptonis, you are suffering frosa that most coînmon 0f American mnaladies- lilious Dyslpepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated with Dyspepu-a. or Indigestion. The more coinplcated your disease bas hecome, the grei wr -le~ number and diversiry of symp. tc,îns. -No-inatter what stage it bas reached, Dr. PiCre('s Golden Me d cal Discovery ,,wil sL.bIdue it, if tnken aeeording te direc- Lain fn ai easùnable length of time. If not cîciid cut ions multipby and Consump. ion 'f 0lic Iu'ngs, Skin Diseases, Heart Disea8e, lihmintîsnKidney Disease, or other grave sa %-tihltu liable to set ln and, sooner ,;- 1fier i e a afatal termination. Dr. P!',rei"s Golden lYedical Dis- cte i 'o f ll upon the Liver, and throug h I Vgr(at blood -purifying organ, elu ',e s c -if et :of ail blood-taints and im- par. , ri i i-e'r caVse ttrisiflg. It i.s il' i 111 actinîg upon the Kid- nieys , " î *xcrerryorgans, cleansing,. st-c- h' -.t:dhf-ubing their diseases.A ail ap"n i r-forative tomie, it promotes dwv - vi »vhtîpthereby building Up botli tif in t'tr'. umalarial districts. ttis w<n i î':-jjiile h,sgauncd great celebrit iia; :,r'.g Fever and AgiieChill nd Fevcr, O: A rue, and kîndred disease!C. Dr. PC i' Golden iMedlcal lse covery CURES AILHJO~ from a common Blotei, or taniption, to the worst Sorof ula. Salt-rhetlin, (i er-sores," Scaly or Rough Skin, in G .-011 <iseases caused- by badblood ai.' I .d by this powerful, purifying, piie r Jg medi- cine. Great Eating ULici ..-. al under Its benigu influence. Es it mnni- fested its potency in Quri-S' t e Eczema, Erysipelas, Boils, Carbunele-a '-ore Eyes, Scrof- ulous Sores and Swellings, Il.ip-,c iUL Disease, "White Swelllng3' Goitre, ùr Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glan s id zen cents in stamps for a largoe :fc .ii e olored plates on Skin Dise»ses, o - me amount for a 1retise on Serofu lý,, A 1 fretions. d'FOR 111E BLOOD il STHE LIFE."e Thorougbiv cleanse it b- ,':s mg- Dr. Plere'. Golden lYeleial Diiscovery, and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirite vital strength and bodily bealtlî will be establlshed. CONSUMPTrION, whlch la Serofula of the Lungi%, b arrested and cured by this remedly, if taken in the earlier stages o! the disease. From its max- velous *power over this terribly fatal disesse, when first offering this now world-famed remi- edy to, the public, Dr. Pierce thought seriously of cgllng it bas"" CONsuMPTION CURE," -but abandoned that name as too restrictive for a medicine wbich, frora its wonderful coi- bination o! tomoc, or strengthenlng, alterative, or blood-eleanslng, anti-bilious, _pectoral, and nutritive properties, 15 unequaied, flot only as a remedy for Consumption, but for ail. Cbroulc Di"lases o! the Liver, Blood, and Lungs.' For Weak L àn< Spitt1ng of Blood, Short- ness of Breath, Ç nic Nasal Catarrh, Bron- chitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kipdk'ed affections, it is an efficient reînedy. SoJd by Druggista, at $1,00, or Six Dotties for 56.00.pao r.Prc' i-Send ten cents li stamsfoDr.Pec book on Consumption. Address, World's Dispensary Msdical Association,- 663 11aa nst., UF]FA&LO, N.i" Conu iptloni (Prom oc aboadit eitlaer Hous ,Our 15wmai ing b the n -voltion. 'T scarcelY hal or Iiilse a*1 indiflenene business the There were candidates - SenslbniiS8h -who lent was notices mon could place, but i the ChambE elô3ewhere. SThe Sens ef beung i mouey, aud ils record fc erection ci otructure fi This 15 oni t faciitiesa foi preset t t roolli. lb à timg $160,0 pneumatic sud if je 11h au approprt coustrutioý weptern frc The Hou the other h 'mission ahc Il vas ovei building wl eset of thi appropriai plan vas -, million Mo beris held t ultimato ô( ethers thb even $10,0 for a Natic Represeuil refenred tc Albany, w $4,000,000 000,000, a] much Emoi objeot te a -cestirag $7 ideasoepro thbe centre. wrae the gi Gapibol. Boe that sn te speni te malat& Bepresa pennyWie the libran'i ereol a bu bundred j change of would be - wonld not by veting Ater aeci ded lb mené Ihai the Libra presentc was psse House cei movome' drediÉhs merlos sud subi vidiùg f( the' thi Lug beex mince t a agoi te b - peniw

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