Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jun 1888, p. 1

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IIITBY Wîth caban Prlnted words, great thoughts, and untiring iudustr',- Peace, Progrosa, Knowledge, Broti2orhood. VOL. XXXII. WHITBY, ONTARIO. E] à'& A.d 1,. aPMfT à-I- 0- u ùre Ifeiobore Established 1856. IhC L adinq WeekiIn bOntario Coupty, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. 91 l, eranuum iu sdvauce-81.50 other- Wise. Subsrteons are alwayî payable ai ho office cfPUblIcation. Steam equipment and beet fnrnished B3ook -and Job prlnting plant in Eastern OntBrio, capable of exeouting ail classes cf work f rom the large poster te thxe amallest haudbill. Special mention is made cf the aie with Langley, Langley & Burke, Toronto,) ARCHITECT. Deuigne for Churches, Villas and Cot- tages a specialty. Drawings prepared for remodeling existing structures. Oruîcz-First flat over Howse'u Drug Store. P.O0. B oz 202, Wmnr. Dominion 'lino of Royal Mail STERAMBHIPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE. unsurpassed Pr-ess f acilities cf TH CEmioN- rmM.ral rmQee icjIg, wvith its celebrated N. Y. Cottreli rl ote.. F-mQee cyinder pres s ad other modemn conveni- *Vancouiver. .Wed. June 13 ...Tlhurs. Jun. 14 Torouto...Thur. 21 ........... elwes. Eve'y order recoives prompt, care- 'îî.........Thur. U 2..Frid'y. June d9 IMontreal. .Thur. 1-2......... TERM OFADVRTIING *Vancouiver .. .. Wed. 18S.... .Thurs July 19 TERS F DVRTSIG. BRIST01L SERVICE 4R ÂVoN11oU7r-u Dccx. Firet insertion, perline, 10 cents; ecd Ontario froni Montreal about Wed. June 20. subsequont insertion, 5 cents. ea d e d d uy4 Displayed Advertisements are measumed ea uy4 by a sceaIe of solid Noupareil, and ohar-ged Cabin Rates fr-cm Montreal or Quebec. Advertiseu~ts s-ent without written Fromi$50 te $80, accrdiug to steamer iustructiofls inserted until forbidden, sud anid position cf Stat.e Room. with equal ~tîargd forfuli ime. alocniprivileges. Second Cabin (very su- Ortiers for 4iscontinuing advertisements perior accommodation), $0 Steerage ai muet be in writing, otherwise the publish- lowesb rates. ers %vill not be responsible.* These Steamers have Saloon, State- A libemal discount for contraci advertise- rooms, Mualo-rooni, Smoking-room sud mente by the yeam. Copy for changes cf Bath-recrue amidships, where but littie mo- contract advertieements should be handed tiun je felt, and tbey carry neither Catt.le in not biter than Wednesday; sud notice nom sheep. The Roomie aila outaide. ofanyinteuded changes should be given The accommodation for Second Cabin on befoe Toady non. the adertse-these Steamers je exceptionally good, sud beforecTee- pTrsday noon.radetie well worthy the attention cf the travelling Business notices in local cm news columna public. Five cents per Uine weekly. Locale, 10 ets. The *'Vancouver" je lighted throughout weekly.with Electric Ligit, sud lhas povei herseli per line eeîl to be oe of the fastest Steamers in the At- CGarrespondence soicited frem al rt lantic trade. of the Conuty or neighboring townshlpe. Passengers can embark at Mouireal i carrespondentS are requested to send in eysdsi. their communications as promptly as tes DAIe. RAC &C. possible, DAVID TRRlAgnE, & 00., HENDERSON & GRAIIAMI P roprietors. JOHN STANTON, Stip't Mechanical Dep't. JOHN E. FAREWELL, LL.B., BÂARRISTER. <ounty -Orown Attorney, &ad Oounty Solloitor. Office,- South wing, court H1ouse, Whltby -48 JAMES RUTLEDGE, I ýARRISTER, &o. Office formerly ce- oncpied by Farewell & Rutledge, neit to0 Royal Hotel, Brook St.,Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B.A., STTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN 1-Chancery, Conveyanoer, &o. Orc-In the Office south of the Poil Office, in MoMillan'a Block, Brook Street, Wbitby. ly-1O G. YOUNG SMITH L L. B-9 D ARRISTERO &o., &.-Money to Loat 1> laier o! arriage Licenses. Oprc-Smith'i Block, south of Market, B rook St., Whitby. Jan. 22,1878. tf-s JOHN BALL DOW, B ARRISTBIR-AT-LA W., SOLI01TOR in Chanoery, Conveyancer, &e. Offie-Deverill'i Block. Brook Street, Whitby. MONET TO LEND-Private Puna,- n sumosup to #W00, at a Iow raàte cf in- terest.(I-. LYMAN ENGLIBU, L L. Bt, B RRSTRAT LAW,SOLICITOR IN cos Street, Oehaws. P. GORDON EELDRUN,9 *Pliyîician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office hours-8 10 10 ab. rn. 2 o 4 mai 7 to9 pJ.. No. 8, TE TERIBAOB," BYRON-ST., wHIBY. 31. C. CRAWFORTU, VETERINAy ma SURGEON., Gnaduate cf tbc Ontario Veterinary, Col- legs, Torouto. Or-demi by mail or tsegrat~h promptly làtteudled te. Office st rosidonce of G. A»s, opposite Dr. Bogart's, Duict teet,W9hiby. LIVERY and SALE 8TABL E8. BROOK STREET, WBITR. GoodBp âigs0a0"God Heses.Tr w' RIGGB LIVORVI E. STEPIIENSON, Telegrapl iOffice, Local Agent. Wbitby PLIlan . Ln Royal Mail Steamers. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW~ qSummER ARRANGEMENTS. DATES 0F SAJ.LINGS. Steamer.. From Quobec. Sarmatian ... .... ....... Parisian ................ Polyneusisu............. Sar-inian..............- Cir-casin .............. 2lst June 28th 's 6t.h July 12t.h 2th"s RATES 0F PASSÂGE B! MAIL STEA M s Qnebec te IîverpooL Cabin. 50, $60, $70 and $80 accordiug se accomu..odation- Intermediate. 630.0. Steer- age, $2000. Iteturutieketa. Cabin, $00, 1100, $130.0n1, $150.00. Iutermedis.te. $60.00. Biser- age, *40.00. Cattle, Pîgs or Sheep are net cs.rmed Ou these Steamers. I31PORTAINT NOTICE. Cabtu. Intermeate sud Steerage Passengers Mayg o on board ai MWontreaL. By this arrs.gement passengers are enabled te be cornlortably sett3ed on board th. Ocoan Steamm wthinouly U hours railway journsy Steerago passeugers becked to or froan Glasgow, Belfast, Quesuutov, or London, same aie sLiverpooL. Bristol sud Cardiff 2.00 extra. Passgers sud ihoir baggle tare put on board the Ocean Siearnshipesta Quebec fum cf ail expense. Parties sending for thelu frieudsin t h. Old Oouutr eau obiain PBBPAID PAS- SAGE CERTlIIATES atlovestrates. For Tickets sud aU other Information, apply to W. A. Yule, Agent, Express Office, BROOK ST., WHITBY. 1888. 1888. SPRING AGAIN. And if U B looking fou a Nice Paper for your Parlor, Dining Boom or Kthn juiluneansd sesmy Stoc wbieh ila THE LARGEST AND 8E87 E in hvul Whtb 9 ccmprsnhoa- etesgiud =odgiup Amerloan and Canadian WIt and Celing Papen, Decoratlons,8.prdoea, etcL AU ltdedao l 'bu ?aint ',, F4 W.uùinduesud pu wùM1giSa 7atsp~a -AND- aure Paris Green FOR SALE B! la la IOI:lE OHEMIST and DRUGGIST .ooth Brush os, Hair Brush os, Combs, Ti T nd ail other Articles uocesga.ry te tii Toilet, are kepi in good výriety by V.R. IIOWSEJU Chemist and Druggist, Whitby. fforse & Catth :FOO:D lIn lots to suit purchasers. W. R. HROWSF CHEMIST AND DRUGGISTP Agmnifor Whitby. Wiright's fiheuma tic flemedj FOR SALE BY il il mc mai lil Eai u in Mo te 'ha bla tel às'i [P. Mi IEWS LETTERSI ae roligover the fine Ad imkibingaloock freh ~~is .toekeper ienoy- Dominion Day Sports. of Ilie folbowiug scoonuts. Geo. Farley At Markham the Independent Order cf Foresteras pend $420i racing and athietia sports. At Port Hope 800 wifl be paid ont in pr-lacs for horse raoîng,at.hletic and acqiiatio sport& The St. Andrewrs Presbyteriau churoli, Pickering, holdza pic-nie at Gordan'a grove on Dominion Day. Whitby bas one game cf baseball Saturday aiternocn and expeots to play three on Mon- ï a.-AR aa vith mod clubs from Toronto. )yercf ahs ~ù.~~*iceby Mr. Wm- tiuilt .1,64 W*isu iltwiu ?rsablsrla ehuoh lat ~ndy haà big feed given i ty ~elde fhtc luinthseMsiodist church lu gregation. t ng. he Presbieulan fiende have Ashburu holds its great annual pie-nie, redà their cbureh te the MeLhodlst 'which bas now been establiahed for a great inday: evsning service, which offer many years, aud which je growing in im- 'klndly acpted. portauce annuaily. Many new feainres ln forget to ssII around on Monday sports are to be introduced aud there will and ce he orne atne f ~ be a great day's fun. The programme je 10 bodiat church laid. Then by goinglogttteeenacm nesory ill shed, a fow roda further yeu can ater ten c'clock in the morning aud keep ,priviege cf laying away somne cf the iright alcng tiUl night. satisfyxng produola whtch (Jolum- The Oshawa Odd-fellcws hold anecr- a ar jrxtly oied[or.sion te Grümeby camp, per steamer Ha$ t- m arejustl note for.ing8, leaving Whitby at 7:80 Monday mcmn- BALSAI. ing nexi. This will mcii likely prove the ,reetwood Minister spent Sunday in pleasantesi method cf spendiug the day for iras predioted aset week. qX told towns- people who would be benefitted by a ssii on the lake. Sir Jnc. Macdonald and otbers are expeoted to be at Grimsby on a stir in town Saturday eveuing or 'Dominion day. iL sày a rattling up of the dry bone., Port Perry holda its summer race meet- r tins. It was very musicawl but~ ing on the 2nd sud Brd, and cifers the best 1 toc much up.n a thentrical per- purses to, be heard of in the district. Thoir m. Excellent time was kept an*d itbe spoits on the auew track have always been hiad a "*fâix' audience. carried eut in an emineutly straight-fcr- fias. Dlsuey had a raising on Friday wsrd manner and the fine liii cf entries which waà largely attended, about already msde bespeaks gcod -racing. Be- g present te give their assistance aides this there are far more other- games several cf the "f air" sex ic wait advertised than eau be wedged lu between a waut.s cf the "*brave" at the table. the races. They will have the big crowd. r a i I I e J j, GnlrENWOOD. m uirdmisseedy hmroreturnud froii Mr. Bd. Ryan, cf Toronto, vited his old home la»t week. Memrs M. leeson aud L. Mackey viaiç-ted Kinmcunt " w. eek. A great time is expeeted ai the expeoted ai the achool picnîo to-day. noue thc vorse for their outi.ug. Mu. Jet. Lar-kin. son cf Mm. P. Lar-kin, le reportid te ha ver-y ill ai Portland, Oregon. mmss aie Lencu has passed 1he second- olams profossienal examinaticu ai the Nor- mal ai Ottava. Bey. Mr. Cruz, who bas been on ibis cir- cuit for the paat. se weeks, goeî te the Bracbridp Di»jrlm, Mu. Datter la bis sueesor. Eailvay Notes ou Sainrday: "We are bard ai work laylug the double-traok beiveen Toronto sud Moutreal, sud expeet te cover- one hundred miles befoe the antumn. '"The vork yul be finished hy th.eud cf 188M. The Port Elope Guieém sye: "Tho G. T. IL localtrainvil star% frein Peirbouough ouMonday, 25th lunst.n5tOad of obowug sas at, puient. This viiibe aagreaiboonieo tho Pebtborraghpeople& for tbeyea ce to'tewuhbO Maduremau ay sud get hom th mmnigt, rihey o eaurmn thsy osa undor th. proeut arrangements. 1The Grand Trunk Mldna doing au ex- eoeingy heavy frelghi business nov froxu OolUiWood dMidland.,te Beilevlo. Proin a te twenty speolal rrive sand da tfreinLindsaýy vezy nia t san h m& neam thta*i, sud lu the north vard nesu the high grade, bve theli siombers broke.olveq-.oîï,bïbe diseord. antaotes omine auIvIuk or eptn Spoutin.g Notes,-P l3xbr-iage boit Markham ai base bail last week, 25 to-8. Kinsale cricket club boat Oeheiwa Satur- day by 67 te, 17. Port Hope, Cobou.rg sud Bovinanvîlle combiued to defeat Peteuboro lait veek, at basebal 15 te 7.t Whitby suffered bye defeat ataIcricket ince our lait issue. With Pickering the score waa 90 te 89 iu tvo-iauugs ecan sd with Uxbridge the score vas 88 to 81 agalusi us, lu one inningp. Lindsay, Peteuboro, sud Port Hope Y. M.t 0. A. associatlond'have formed a lacromse league sud are playlug as eri.a cf gamnea for aàpeiunsui. Peter-boro beada at pussent, Lindsay bringing up 1he tait end. ban Ihoista the Arneniun ftag at bis quartera in Australis. In former urnes Ibis wopld sai the Americaus vel, for they claimed him vhile beovas champion, but ucw ince bis dovufali they protest a g aiInsibisuug thelu fiag. If Hanlan gets defeaied a fev more trnes peuhapa enough star-ch viii have been taken oui cf hlm te enable him te again acknowledge old Canada as Ia country. He la getting te b. ame big a eburnp as ihey make. Wmirsr- DIsTxUCT.-Whitby--. P. (Fer- manu, M. A. ; John J. Har, M. A., Ph. D. Port Perry-H. M. Kmuning. Buookliu--S. 0. 'PhitP inn. Oolnxba-L. Phel a. Myrtle-.Tmes Lliddy. Pickeriug-G. M. Brovn. Greenwood-W. Hall; On. te ha sent (rougham). Olaremon-O. I. Dob-- son Sâr oai-J. J. Re Litc oach. Prince Albert F.O. Xeam, S. O. ipsen; D. B. Maddeu, sprnusi.Grebn George Walkeu. Bug W. C., Waahiug- ton,, M. A. (Port Pe>. eauae-, Brown. Ohurch simýReiH. S. Matthevu'- Quem- A. B. eUurnIerB; eciios -J. W. Totsu. Hacmio>udOron. jas.i Thom, B.-. A. T. Dunlopt Ozo=e. Kennor J. D. Dýyeu) Homptn-B. Barrais, ML A..; S.* 'alton, (Rnni"1Ien>. Southi .Dml4tio-RÎ. àdmoR5 O mtl.ht a. Bsard. A. B. Sandersonst-oe. lUrmia_ Dwuazo¶-Uxbidge-Potl5u i I r NO. 29.e repairing bill on the ôth con., opp., 14. 815.00 ; P. McDermaid gravelling -be- tween 14 aud 15, 2nd con., $58.28; H. Hai-uht, gravel 88.68; Wm. Varty, grading opp., 17 and 18, on 2a-de 8~ 150- 00; H. Johnson, gradinR opp., 26, 6th con., 83.00; Richard Wilson building calvrr on 64h con., opp., lot 6, 68.00; Robt. Annan, gravelling ou Greeuwood ro&d, 850.00; Eui Remmer, gravel r£uwuwwra A i4 qyUUàW, MW - , ýno, gradin and #uttin lT ulei 8rSd con., opp., lot w0 415.00; John ýece, on accouni of calvert si Dun. arton,f,6175.00 ; Hay, King, ou sconi 4 odar contract 675.00-; The eommittee reoommended thât ff0 bo appropria»d on Estern towu- ine opp., 7h sud 8u cou., aud 120 bpp., 2nd con., Whitby Tp. having ranted 1k. aune. J. M. Gerow, coin. The. crn., conld flot recornmend sny grant for sidewaike ini Whitevale furtWir .an the. usual supplernent of 25 per 3et. of privais subecuiptions. - The cern. reeommeuded a grant of 810 beiveen lots 80 sud 81 inM 7h on., tor sturnpiug, Win. Oonley jr. corn., anld that Boyer'. bridge be repaired, T'homme Pencher, cern., alac thai nov bridge b. built on 7th con., opp., lot 7, lyl. Msckey, cern. Gem. recomrnded tb'at Lit Depuiy Eeeve, 4th Deputy Reeve sud Qeo. ierow b. sppointed te vieil and adjust the grievances cf Tboe. (Joudy rigravel pite, ani aise to remove nuisance lu Village of (Jiaremont cansd by cees- pool ou ubreet. On Motion the report was s.dopted. Mr. Parker reportedl from the esanding cern. on coutingeucies rsoomamndiug that th. fdllowlng aceonuts b.- paid..., 0C1ark Bues. printers advtg. $7.88; D. R. Beabon, postage, stationeuy,' $14.86; D. B. Besion, salary, $85; D. R.rýBeaton, travelling expenses, 2 tripe to Whitby, *4.00; Cern. reoommended that the grant ta Bd. Bowos au indigent, ho incrsaed ta $1.00 per wsek, and iuo that 41.00 par - week ho gvautedte tA. Miller 84 utdig- The report vas- adapte&d. on motion of- Mi. Parker 2nd .by Mr. Palmer, the- Beeve was granisd basve cf absence for thrse mouths.' Mu. Parker, 2nd by Mu. Patier move' that ths 4ih D.pty-- Beeve -sad the moyeu ha appoiuted sacui.-, teobtainý tbe opinion of furiher eminent - ounssi re the paiug Debsnur4 By-law foï '8B B. No. 4 veat. Oawied. uni motion of Mr. Palmer the Oo#.c adjourned ta Mouday J*l, 28rd. a. The. firi genou.! meeting *1 lthe ôn* ta aud JaunBibibitiôtt Associak- %ion wu held in thb.- couÜncil ohambe- hors on M0ài> uds t XIr. Jao. D. miv- do n uthe coir, snd Mr- W.-8B Ova. The fiuet businessNuvast.reéd'sud adopt s constitution- sud- b-sw t ram th. action of ffioua-miadothas. vZas decde*hve 1 isie,' ta fo= , a, Meurs. Dé rniiink "vat1mluf I - Chemist d Dru ggi8st,. W H 1TBY a DOWLIN4 JUNE 29, 1888. lui al ion cf a large, [achine for a&l FRO&! fr ibis niirely 41lfeet ir i Ilar l 1 1 1 wuto the good things. IL awcund Up . a tug cf vaxby men chcsen from th. tpsle aides aud vas won by the I~ *der boy bhe Claremout boy likes HiâÏit.E[behum vas the means cf adly &Ooiga Glen boys heart. Poor Wil haff e a back seat. What lu the matter vi -ohicken sud preerves? We would adv tbbcClaremouter net to go' nosound to albap that hiz chuan vould have te inake muo*gh noise tW vake hlms vould rouse &Ualîhabitants cf Balsam. sud Evanevle bbtes liso ould depart. A word te the 1. Perfumesi 1. 1 mima 1 __ ýàe si lw ptq »ooth Soaps, ýi

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