Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jun 1888, p. 8

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Picokering Oouncil. Council met at Town Hall, Brougham, June lot. pursuant te adjeuruen, althe ulembers eret Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and appreved. Petition was banded ini from Thonmas Peart and 8 others uiking for $W0 te finish gravelling between lots 12 and 18 on Green. Wood roadi. Communication from John Madill, indi. gent. On motion Mr. McAvoy was heard re bridge bietween lots 8 and 9 on Sth con. On motion Mr. Goo. Coultice wus heard asking gavel oppositie lots 2 and 3, 8th con. The Standing Committee on Roade and Bridges beg leave to report and recommend as foflows :-That undermentioned sumo be expended in the following mentioned beau. tiesq: 1. David Pugh, grant on 9th con. opp. lot 12, David Pugh, coin., $75. 2. W. J. Dale, grravelling Kingston Read opp. lot 12 and 13, W. J. Dale, coni., $60S.D-W. Carruthers, gravelling opp. lots 4 and 5, Kingston Roati, D. W. Carruthers3, coin., $35. 4. GraveUling between lots 1 and 2 in 3rd con., R. Puoker- ing and T. C. Osborne, coins., $100. 5. G'ravelling between lots 2 and 3 in 2nd con., T. G. Oojwill, coin, $25. 6. Repaire on sideroati between lots 16 and 17 in 5tb con., T, Poucher, coin. $15.7. Gravelling opp. lots 3 and 4'on 61 con., John Lawton, corn., $40. 8. Grant on western townin e opp.6th con., Markham granting like arnount, J." M. Gerow, com., $5. 9. Gravelliug Green- Wood road south of. Greenwood, R. Brady and T. Poucher, cone., $150. 10. Graveil- ing on sideroad betweexl lots 12 and 13,, 2ud con., R. Annan cern., M50. 11Repain' culvert and washout opp. lots 18s and 14, S th con., T. Poucher com $15. 12. Re** bridgeon Sth cou. anà culverts betwn anrI 9 in 8th con.,.!'. C. McAvoy and T. Poucher comne.$50 13. Grading between 14 and 1K, in 6th con., John Russell, coin., $25. 14. Repairing 2 culverte opp 28 and 29 in lst con., Geo 1Parker coin., $15. 15. Gravelling and buldiug cuverts opp. lots 2 aud 3, Stb con., Geo. Coultice, corn., $40. 16. Gravelling 6th cou,, west of Brook roati, T. Poucher,. coni., $120. 17. Filling wash- Out opp. lot 17 on 3rd cou., J. Connor and J. L. Pal mer, corne., 815. 18. R.epairing Haight'e bridge and gravelhing between lots 14 and 15 in 2nd con P. McDerniaid, corn.,J -$.019. Grading N'i of sideroact 1eweu Iota 20 and 21 in 2ud con and cutting down bill ontp lot 19, 3rd con., John Gerow and J. L. Paliner, cois.', $125. 20. Turupildng on Sth con.,9 opposite lot 2, Alvin Hastings, coi-n , $25. 21. Gradiug and gravelling b.- tween lots 4 and 5, 8th con., John Gerow ani Wra. Burgess, coins., $75. 22. Cutting clown hill and i gading reati between lot4 30 and 31, 2nd con., Geo. Parker snd John Gerow, coin $75 23. Gr>adiug andi gravel.- ing roadto t (laremont station, Geo. CGerow, coi. $175. 24. Gravelliug between lots 6 andt , in 6th con., klex Rogers, corn., $50. 25. Gravelliug between lots 2 and 3, in th con., andi gravelling on 7th con., R. W. McAvoy, coin., $0 26. Building culvert opp. lots 20 an 1 21 in 5th con., T. Poucher, coin., $10, 27. Turnpiking between lots 8 andi 9 on 3rd con., on condition that Mr. Thoînpson pay 25 per cent. of cost as per a~eret, John Gerow, coiti., $100. 28. ("rrant on euestern townliue on condition that Markharn grant a like arnount, John Gerow and %Vm. Dunasheath, corne., $4. 29. Re- paing bridge on 2nd con., opp. lot 20, J. L.alrner, coin., $15. 30. B3uilding cul- vert and digging out ditches and gravelling between lots 12 and 13 on 6th con., WVm. 'Jaminack anti T. Poucher, coing., $40. 31. Rcepairing culvert aud grading opp. lot 1 on 8th con., R. Orunirer anti Jùs. Coultice corne., :M2. 32. Cleaning ont ditch aud grading opp. lut 33 in 6th con., P. R. Hoover cein., $15. 33. That Jas. L. Palmner te in- structeti to repe.ir culvert between lots 16 andi 17 on lut con., andi report te council. 34. Your committce recommenti that Jas. L. Paln er be instructedt t cause ail neces- eary repaire to e m rade on bridge at Picker- ingz village ani1 report cost. 3.5. Cleaningp Kitterick, coin, $22; Foundling No. 1, $1 per week, Jno. Molntyre, oin $22 -Mrs Eliza Smth, 75 centsa r week, Jon M. Gerow coin,$16 50;-MB. Tri*pp, 75o per week, ki. A.* Bnnting, COLn, $16.50;Daniel Harison. 75o per week, Fred ýWood,coin., $16.60 - Rachel Lainoreaux, Z5c per week, Roct. ]èhilUiêe, coin-, $16.50; Jane Losie, SOc per week, Byron Abbott, coin., $11 John Mad il, $2 per week, Mirs. Irelanti, $10;, Mr@. Stark for Mn. Simons 8i per week, Wm. Hubbazd, cern., $2. tyour committee -recommnenti that the following indigente b. aupplied as follows :-M. Ryan $1 per week, M. -Gleeson, coi., ; Phoebe Johuson, 75o per week, M. Gleeon, cern.; Geo. Wilkinson, $1 pe r week, M. I. Sununerfelt, coi.; Edward Bowes, 50oc per week, Wmn. MolKittrick, co. ; Foundling No. 1. $.1 per week, John McIntyre, coin.- Mn.Eliza Smith, 75cper1 week, John ÃœL.GeuwI, cer.; Raclel4 Lamoreaux, 75C e week. Robert Philliçe, coi.; Mn. Qra 81.2 per wek, Byron9 Abbot, çomný;; Mme. YFipp, SMc pr week; IR. A. IBntlng emn Your comzmtteo recoin-i menti that tlie-Reeve have power te, place th. infant child-now at the resxdenoe of -Mr, Me- làtyre, BXouçharn,-n aoomfertable aud obdotufaM foadoge*onat h. carlieât .potaIty oUhic àreSpectfnlly b mitted, G. Panken, ohairman. =rredl On'motion report was adopteti. Mr. Parker, sewondeti by -Mr. Pencher, moveti that the Council do now adjourn te boda epecial meeting in the. Court Houe Whitby, on Monday, June 4th, at 10 o'clock a. MIrn.sd that th. neit regulan meeting b. held mu th. town hall, Broughamn, on Monday the 251h day ef June, atI1lO. M. Carnieti. East -Wh1itby OoîmcLil.ý Tii. above ooil met ai Columbua1 on th. -299b of May. Tii. conci] e.1 solved ilseIfinto a oouni of revýàion an4. a *Xnoilon W&& OM2id oonfirming theî SpAlSMMO a n 11.A' am.iLgof ithe ceouncil wu s ion eldl. & communi. ookilonusresd bro"ran. J' C. Br.own Town Locala. For fnse White embuoldery flounoinge te try ai W. G. Wlies. * Meule v.ady made ausitle als ihau Swholeaale prioes ai W. 0. Walteon. BlaOWN, oreamx and white valenoien- nos, lace fionolng. Soaro. and aholos j. goodo, prices righi. Boss Brothere. OOMPLETE neW stocof. etmn'. and 'youih's siraw bais ai W. G. Waltons. d WmTE, croia, cardinal, gold and 1navy cmnvasboite for ladies, two or d thie. uiraps, oai Booç Br$ore. e AsK te ses eut assorimeni ot boys suite ail sizes, good goode and low pnices. W. G. Walîers. ît Use Dr. Dorenwond'e Great Germen Hair Magie for baldues, graybhair, le for Bale by ail dnuggisi. y EXTRA good vaine in ladies and ehild. nons hosiery, double knit heele and tees ai W. G. Walten. If the rage dose not ceas. soon, there wil b. a pow.wow a overy four corners on Dominion day. BEAUTIFUL assortmont of white and oream 40 inch muelin, embroidery fiounoing. Pnices of these goode i. sure t0o ffet a epeody clearance, Ross Brother. 1- DmEs andi childnens gloves lu s11k, taffta andi lis!. ihread in sud colons at prioe.. lwen that where. W. G. Walt.n. pure black else. Constable Haluan, Oghs, brcught bore te jail on Mouday, Valentyne Kelly for bannsy, sud "Swamp" Wood, armesled for vagranoy and suspeeteti of burgIMr. -'TicÇETs-mil or ocean." nailway on ocean tickets, lolbal eign, fnom E. Stephenson, ticket andti leegmaph office, Guaranteed ai officiai "rock Buy ail on for- upievu Whitby. bottom Lamms black linon collere sud ouf.e, ladies meurning collars and cuifs, ladies white linon collea a nd ouf.s, ladies eolored linon collera and cuffe,all the latet Amenican novolties lu collanu, ofe sud frillingo at Rose Brothers. Mon'.ailB wool blue surge suit. at $4 50 regulan prices 88.50, grey surge at $8.40, suit woth 87, tweed suite at #9,50, wonth 18.50. W. G. Waltor@, oddfollowe block Whitby. 85e. vil gel yen a beautiltil Dràdo border window blind, epring relier and brasa s hade ring ineludeti, Ibis is about haif the price yen viii psy for saine gooda elsîewhero, be sures ad corne te ae final. Rops Brother.. THEREti is a great rush for ihat cele- bmated Highland prize tumuip eeed at W. B. Pringle'.Re has already been obliged le order a third supply. H. bas on baud Millet sud Hungaian gmaee seed. We extend our bearly congratula- tioeste Mn. W. H. Jobuston andi Miss Minule Luglon upon 1h. evont of thoin marriago, andi wish thora a pleasani journoy ou thoir wedding tour through tbe westen part of Ontario. Ih tae. pretty good ti atollt face matrimony tbese bard limes. TEEc name of MoCauslaud & Son, cf Toronto, is directiy aseociateti vith th. beet atained windows in thie oeuntny. Thon. are several offshoots from this vet--ran bouse, but expenienco telle the tale. Their oquipments anti porsonal knowledgo make thom peere in the Or- namental, Oui sud Staied Glass itae, sud #e ane glati te hein of the fiattering suoeeeIbis firmasa.enjeyed turing ihe puet forty yean.-26-lmo. a mnu, vhose papen last veek vas missent, thought ho Lad beau ont off sud weuld b. dealmoyeti sud laid away in tLe graveyard back ofour offie. He hid himmoîf as once and coulti foi ho foun utiutil ifler ho Lad sent in 5h. nroney for Lie back subsoniption le uo. W. veny noarly canght a lawyen the same way. I would b. a greal opre. te inter i lawyen thone, as oee oulti beel no conscieseaof having commit. led a ain ln doing se. Joit. EUioti, of Beaventon, vwho«e oe of -aasulling Constable Jewett was te be trled ou Fnidiy, vas ounvici. oti anti senienooti tte h.montha. His case shows wLaS .fols whiskey-suokems are toeswesr lies andi commiti othen violations of laF- for ýh. sakg of the few -- hotel-koepen who expeci thein custenienu >te parjure iheniselves te de. lest 1mw. EleS t tok th.e âce off a holel-keepe'.s houlders who would net nov aveu give 82 te seurs a lawyer te defend th. poon devil. AMi e i. br.. menthe mr ovon ho will have hi. thirty daya te ptinlfor the.fin. cf- 850 anti à cent by ihsselling of the Uquor. R. vepi Whou ho va.so»znno,, but sncb me souý h.iniait larù. a li o t oSt getl thenisea- iipiou. te a"idl * Cricket. Whitb~y va. Bowmat,&'Ile. WHITB4 meLaugblini b G00 ...14,..,. MoiTis, b o... .... Ford., b Gold........ 04009 MoMrtr, oMaiheson hGol,...0 Livgsin, Gld.........2 Mason, b Campbefl.......... I1 <Jlmie, b Camnpbell .............. j Ormiston, bod........2 Wallae, not oui........64........ 8 Vallan, b GoId.......................o0 Cubeit, b Gold...... *..........090,4. Extra@s.......................0 Whitby va. Kiuale. WmTfBY. Bosa b Stevenson................. 2 Fred Hascoh, b Stevenson ........... 9 Gold, b Stevenson...................O0 Lawler, b Stevenson ............... 12 Campbell, b Mowbray .............. 2 Blow, c Musgrove b Mowbray.... 9 Elieker, b Stevenson ............... 25 Fra.nk Hateh, net outi............... 2 Rices, mn oui ...................... 2 Hayward, b Musgrovo .............O0 Vankoughnet, b Stevenson ......... 2 Extra .......................... 4 69 A. Mowbnay, b Gold ....... .1 MoBrien, c Hatoh b Camapbell.... O Eortop, b Gold....... .6... 6.*...5 B. Mowbray, c Blow b Campbell ..o Wilis, e Hatch b Gold............... 1 MoMarehali, oe Batch b Campbell .... 1 Stevenson, e Elieker b Gold.... 2 Mackey, c Gold b Campbell......... Ã" W. Rogers, mun outi..................i1 R. Neddlery, b Gold................ 1 Shrapnel, nos out .................i Extras..........................O Kinealo made 71 in 2nd inninge, when time wae ealled, R. Mowbray 15 and J. A. Mowbray 80 were the princi- pal seooers on iheir side. A, party of agricultural editors from the .United States is doing Manitoba. Snow threo f eot deep eau be found in the neighborhood of Liberty, N. Y._ Finaucial and Commercial. Office of Whit6by CHRONICLJE,l Whitby, June 15, 1888. j WHITBY MARKET -ial Wheate . .6 à0..a..00... Spning Whroac .....*.o... Geese Wheat....0.... a... Fleur, per ct.... Barley. .aa..9...o.... Bye .................. Peau............ Peau, black-eyed ........ Bine Peas....ao a.......u Osts........ u 0...... Bay.06.............. Alsike Clevereed Red Cloven seeti.......... Apples, per bbl.......... Tomîtees '«............ Potatees, per bag ......... Bggi*s.@...........* Butter................. Rides, pernlb . .......... Perk, percwt ....... 09o.. Tumps .............. Celery, perdez....... Chiokene, par lb........ Turkeys, per lb........ Ducka, per lb ........... Geese per lb ........... Ohs.................. Woodsi ............... PRICES. 60 75 $80 0 75 0 80 0 67< 0 70 2 00< 2 50 0 65 075 0 45 <a 062 05 a060 0 60 <a066 0 00 <a000 0 85 <a 40 10560 al 00 4 50< 4 75 4 00 <a 600 1 50 <a200 1 00< 1 90 1 00 <a1121 0 18 * 22 018 te r 0 06 S007 600 <a620 0 16 <a020 0 00 <a 062 0 00 <a 012 0 10 <a 010 010 oi0s 008 <a010 0 12 @a 010 400 @aô 55 040 <a 050 010 <a 012 mniittude el40 ~GWEI' Ite superlor excellence proven in millions of homes for more than a quarter of a century. It is nsed by the United States Government. Endorsed b y the heade of the great Universi- ties as the Sitrongest, Purest, and most health- fol. Dr. Prlce's Creamn Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lime, or Aluin. Sold only in Cans. PRICE BA.KING POWDER CO. NEW TORR. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS.1 In the matter of W. J. Gibson, of the Town of Whitby, in the Coanty of Ontario, Grocer and Crackery mer. chant. AN INSOL VENT. Notice is bereby given that the above named W. J. Gibson did on the 8th day of June, 1888, make an assigninent to me cf bis estate and effeote for the benefit of his creditors geners.lly, in pursuance of the Reý;sed Stâtutes of Ontario, Chapter 124. And furtber take notice that a meeting of the creditors of the above named Insolvent wiII be held at the Walker Honse, in the City ci Toronto on Saturday, the 25th day of JuLe, 1888, at il o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of appointing inispectors and giviipg directions for the winding up and dis- posai of the estate. Creditors are requested to, file their dlaims with me, duly verified by affidavit, and ,%.th sncb vouchers as the nature of the case admits of on or before the date of eaid meeting. Dated June Sth, 1888 ALEXANDER DAVIDSON, Assignee, Hamnilton. WALKER SCOTT&LEES, Solicitors, Rami ltou.-27-2in The Pease Furnaco.I The foflowi.ng testimoniale speak for tireinelves: Y'rm Jndge Burnham: Whitby, May 4tb, 1888. J. F. Ps.Asz FuuTRNACE Co., Toronto,j I have mucir pleasure in etatiug tirai Ne. 14 Ecouomy Funnace, placed by yen in my residonce baet baliras given ns cern- fort aud satisfaction, warxning betir upper aud lower rooms w ith an even temperature, witirout dust or gas. W. did net requîre te ue our grateu even hantihe oobdeefrweathen, and take pleseure iu reeomm.nding your Furuace te rny fLeuds hem. andi elsewirere. Yonrs trnly, Z. BURNHÂM. Judge, Whitby. FrmA A.& Poit, q. : Wbrtby, May 4ths 1888. J. F. PEÂBE FtIRyÂcE Ce., Toronto. Gentlexen,-Tbe "Ecouomy Warm Air P'umuace," whioh I puroiraseti froni you lait Octber hae given me good saiislaotiou. It in easy te control, qniok te espenti, andi bnmstire coeil ean, rn nonesifting ef ishes. A1tiroughrmyI houe.is lun a very ex- Stain1found :ne dIfficulty in keep- 9a comurtable eveir lempentuLreIr". fror is udduet. I1n git = M'se eata th. fmces wbioh Jùr set Mm. Mcm.. lyeia put in lin ownand: i vrlty A. A. POST, Atehitect, Oshwa, May sots 1888. L ML] srTTu e às Nn. lLVpaana tiringe you saiti race when you 1 bave proveti > more oeil Ibm yet il varmeti. .1 -. fig hrgaiim I ~BARGAIN Riyal largua: 0: meDAY Se WELNE8DA YS and SA TURDA YS, POWELL & COIS. new soherne a great success. People bring us their rnoney and get the Mnost for it. stantly adding new Goods to our Fine Stock of SP1?INO and SUMMEI? Con,ý- 00098, Consisting of the best selections and latest styles of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Now let us help you. to save rnoney. Do be wise and corne ýnd see our new styles and get our low prices. and get your share of these bargains riglit away. Corne Special Inducomonts in Clothing Department. ~.Boys! 1 0W is the tirne for a good suit at littie rnoney. Corne in and get our ppuces. POWEL THIS5 SILVER-PLATED INSTRUMENT Thre Greateat Discevery of thre Age Price - - $3. 00.m ORIIETAL CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UND)ER UTS INFLUENCE me only catarrh remedy ever offered te th. public on 15 days triai;- a wittn garatee given with each instrument, W. T. BAER &CO., 15M Queen Steet Weet, Toronto, Ont. ACTINA. THIE GREAT EVE AND LUNG RESTORER Actina la not a medicine or a digusting lotion or powder bail, but a BeIf-genera- tiug Vapor, easily and pleasantly applied at ail heurs, times and places. Actina No. 2.--Quckly relieves an throughiy cures ail Throat and Luug diseases. Actina No. 3.-Positively cures ail diseases of the Eye, Catarat Gran ulated Eye-lids, Infiamed Eyes, near and far eightedness Tan Ex TREATED WHILE CLOSED. a Tmz AcTINA 15 soLD UNDEaou R eEWrm GuAEAwnT-Qx 15 DATs TRiAL. Enclose etamp for handsomeiy Mamflnsradbweo-liedhalIh journal. W. T. BAE3 &CO0., 155 Queeîùý3treet Weit. Tàiàoh, Ont CiuurE VOIR AirLL!! i-s an infalliole remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Brea-ts, OId Wounds, Sores and Ulcers It iB fanions for Gout and Rheumatism. FO-ý DISORDERS 0F THE OFIE8T, BORE TUiOAT8, BRONOHITIS, OOUGHS, 00108-, Gland ,il ar Swellings, and ail Skin Diseafes it has no eqtual; for contracted and stiff jaints it acts like a charni Mmiactured ouly at 78, NEW OXFOIbD STrREET (late 538, OXFORD STREET), LONDON, a.nd salai by ail Medicine Vendors throughout the World. JW Puxehasers abol look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address je flot b38, Oxford Street, London, they amasptious. ulùèmiIh 9i IE l1it NEW GOOSJUS T IN# Ladies' Short Vest and Queen C7ains, .Brooches, Cuif Buttons, &c", --ALL THE NE.W P-ATTERN Gents, Chaihà.,and ýWatches,' lo1cs andSivrae 184.16j cs,~.2 .eE Phoenix ALL THIiOUGH THE -STOCK. S- ON-- VOL The Le ad- e1 per aj Wise. subi h. office co Steani e Book sndl Ontario, cal work f rom handbili.E ICLE, it cylinder prt ences. EvE TER Fira n i subeequent Displayei by a ecalec acondingi, Advertiag instruction chargeieo Order a muet be in ers vil nc A liberal mente bylt coutract ad in notilatei et anuyinte bef ore T mente nece .Businse Five conte per bUneel Gorrespc of the OCen corret p9ul theim cOO possible, J OHN S1 Sup't B3 ARMI onpi te R oyalJ DAI A TTOI Oho Office, in WhIIby. :1 tuloent. B AM 1

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