Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jun 1888, p. 7

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taorby rdeseriptiou.. A, && arth, vela 0f the graphie de- il in every te world of r, cetaining aud sea, res. ld's greateet aîkabl e ie st-irfc. e Ém- atureseof the îSîicli of the ibsectu, etc., f theoAtian. and ou f th. the Deep., ta, singular Id of waters, OF TIIE 'S TE.1I io-r, P.D,, Go. ONT or, ~sq.. y 01 Sewing conclusion hy L. Fair- as in Mny aco longer beeu taken irties a- uîeiue. I ,Uc menthe o n. A1RP ER. dte Sewing ly endors. iiy reconi than sny binig te do ARPEII. zid le the District. on fIle at iipaper Ad. wiwre ad- le for-nt IRIeS. WI3ES, qTH9 ,OUTS ce. ly deal N s~. SLJITS vouady Oouffll o,~n. Western banks Mr. H. B. Tayl Ow, Mu- ager of Whitby branoo he l.Dtminion bank, Wu' hewr. H. stàted hié< bauk hord fOTmerlY bad smcytn eVT Cent, for di;outtbut bad ocme down to -cix wùen u.ianey gel plentiful., Now hie bank had offred to do the disoounting for theCoounty at Bye and a haif. Dur. ing the sixteen years the Dominion hue had th. oounty business tber. bas been the best of Badéjaction on botb aides, se fqr as ho knew, and ho would like very ".neh to retain il. Mr. Murton .xplained that the Weeti- crn had undertaken to discount at fBye and a hait, and the clause paseed. The report was adopted. TEIE P0011 BOUSE t&1>. Mr. Bruce, tteconded by Mr. Christie, moved that in the opinion of tbis counnil the time has new arrived whAn a house et Induetry and Refuse should be ereet- cd in soma suitabie place in tibir coenty, and tbat a committee consistiug cf Messrs. Murton, Christie, Giendenning, Smith, Parker, Flumrnerfelt andi the .uover b. appointed te examine and cerisider the planesud information heretefre obtained by this ceuncil as to the coea of erecting aud maintaining a Ronce cf Induetry and Refuge, and to obtain further information frorm counties ie which bouse8 ef Indn8try and Refuge hrave been. ereoted, and report a% the 3 anuary sèscion of this councii.-Carried. PAYI'NG THE WÂRDEN OFF. M1r. MathewBou, seconded by Mr. MNowbray, moved that the Treasurer b4ý instruoted to psy the Warden the surn of $100 te cover bis diebursements for the current year.-Carried. AND TH&NKS BESIDES. M1r. Mcflao, seconded by Mr. MeFür- hans, nieved that the thanke of tbis council b. sud are herby tend ered tb Timothy OLeary, Esquire, Wardeu, fer the oenrteous aud impartial mauner ie which ho bas presided over thc de- liberaticus ef this couceil during the year.-Carried. Mr. Bateman brougbt in the Report cf the commilte on Boade sud Bridges, substantily ase follows: ROÂDS AND BRIDGES. The comnmittee- laid over a by-law of Scugog and one of Pickering regarding roade until further preliminaries are cm- plied with. Concu.rred in an expenditure of $40 by the commissioner of Talbot Bridge to, fil in a washout ; aise in an expenditure of1$4 by the Reeve of Thorah te repaiz West Tal- bot River Bridge ; aise $60 te Mr. Batemaaà to repair Scngog Bridge; aise $9.75 te F. ])oucett for repaire on West Talbot River Bridge; tating that R S. Webster had net reported about the Scott-Georgina bridge to which 650 was appropriated by the oounty a year &go. The oommlttee had carefully examined ail the papers and returne from the build- ing of the N-rrowe Bridge. Tice foiiowing tenders baving been received - Wooden sxing and maâonry, tIios. Har- ris, Atheriey $1,300. Wooden swing aod m'isoury, J. J. Scott $987. iron swing with masoury, Toronto Iron Bridge Ce., $3880. iron bridge wtb masonry, R. Weddle, Taunton troul Works $1776. Iron swving wfth ma sn r, W. H. Law, Central iron Bridge o., Peterboro, &1850. Mar. Law's tender was acoepted, the worli to be compieted by ltth May, which con- tract be fuifiled two weeks earlier than agreed upon, under the supervision of J no. E. Beicher, C. E., Peterboro. The fotiowing account~s were sent in and pssed- 1.Whitney, timber $40 00 H. Whitney, work 74 00 Thos. McDermnid 138 00 Longford Ltunber Co. 108 60 Thes. Harris 41 11 D. Byere 36 75 McCosh & Gunu, barrieters 20 5C J. H. Gallaghor 1987( D. M. McKinley 1807 P. Madden 18V A. Harris 1 " Jno. Crayan 10 81 Wm. Ramay 19 & S. H.Robinson105 Hale Bros.9M A. Tait 72 W. Hà. Oroker 6 f D. Leonard 5 Sh. Payne37 Wm. Hendrick 8 il Ch"e. Whitney 80 H. Bouiton 2 6 H. ThempDson 2 5 News Prfnting Co. 1 2 W. G. BiLnham140 Jno. B. Bei4her inoi B. Belcher (extra) 10 Commlsdoners fees and dis. 100 0 Wm. Bateman 59 c P. Christie, dep-reeve Beach il c T. O'Lea.ry 9c Bxtras Contractor 2 y Mr third ratei -$2( temp Mi tbrom ronônd lib. eourt houg nd-.. e w lu wirter amd îo oarry water a11 mer, 1reading a. by-law tW levy oouuty amounting to the sum 0of $24,000 ,0,000 for oounty purposes and 00 for sohools. Mseo one to, rais. a porary lban of 614,000. r. Larke introduoed and oarried agh a byý-laiw to appoint F. M. Yar- Read the Nextge Columnn Artioleir the Blood is pure, thie heolil wI b. good. The purity of the -blood-.ia gnmarànteed ordy wheu tiïé idney8s are naturally active. The fIuidWo rney flow freely, and yet the kiduieys fail to keep the blood dlean. This will b. indicated if you ýhve Ma1aria4 Stomach Troubles, Rheumtismn, SaIt Rheum, Bor'o" Tila, SIkiu Diseases, ImPotencyo Headaches, Lame Back,ý Neural- gia, Oarbuncles and Boils, Ab- scesses, Weak Eyes, Nervous- neas, Poor Appetite, ana ini wo- ïi.,n WPsLn1nlç Troublesq. These nold, Eeq., to the Port Perry Board of dlisorders show that your bloodl is Education. full of uric, kidney aoid poison, and THINNING THE RANES. 3'ou oan never get well tintil YOu Mr. Parker, seconded by Mr. Smith, dlean ont the blood with the only moved that tbis counoul memorialize recognized scientifie blood tonie, the Legisiature cf Ontario praying that tbe municipal Aet reiating te the mem- W'aruer's Safe Cure bership of Oonîy gounoils be amended - 090 by providing that there sah llb. but urn Liea re one deputy-reeve froma a miner muni-Ouen Lirare cipality, and that in cases wbere under -- rilftaepni@di ,h the present law a municipality would Tw rcleaepmidin Te be entitled te tbree representativeesin ]PPpltI Science Mou!,hly" for Jaly the ceuuty ceuncil the reeve shall have, tbat are especiailv worthv of attention. two vote@ and the dcptity.reeve eue, Tbev are a fu4l'y ilinustraie;d paper on aud iu cases a tnunicipality wonld be "Ss<e'v in Honu@e Drain age," [y Wil entitled te feur votes the reeve bave iam E. Ucyt, S. B., in whieb tho beief two sud the deputy-reeve two votes, thal plomt*ini,-fiturpiý lu our bouses are and in case the municipality wenld be inevitable sources of danuer je contre- eutitled at present te Byve votes the verted, snd ways are shown for making reeve shalho entitled to tbree votes them wbolly ste; and the' concieding aud the deputy-reove two ; or that eïsay of the remsarkahle series on ýome system cf eiectiug a limited num- "Darwiiem aud Ibe Chriotian F.iith." ber of representatives trom the wboleas ceunty shalh be adopted in place cf the Beanty Without Paint. présent system. And that tbe clerk be ",What makee my ekin se dark and muddy? instrncted te forward a copy cf thie My beeks were once so smooth snd ruddy? repelution te the mea2bere representin2g i use the hest ceeruetie made,- tbis couuty in the Ontario Legisiature. Is what a lovely maidon said. Mr. Parker osys h. sud many others "That'e net the cure, my cbarming Mise," bave uoticed that the oouuoil is over- The doctor ssjàd-"rewuember titis: loaded by sncb a large ropresentaton. If yen vour siin would keop f rom taint, Lt is the same with ail other public Discara the powder and the paint. bodies sud boards-even te churc t'<The proper thing for al sncb ille boards. Lt le aimoci aiways tb. case te this," remarked the man of pille: that wbatever littie business tbere je te "Ennich the blood and maire it pure- ho doue bas te b. perform.d by a fow InI thi,% you'l fBcd the enly cure." members, the remainder bcing ieral- Dr. Pierce's Golden Medicai Diecovery will do this witbeut f ail. Lt basne equal. iy idlo. And h. cootends that the Al druggist. large number of repreutatives in these bodie je a great hindrance in The Queen Regent et Spain bas writtt itseit. E.e spolie ais ome length on au "tograph letter te Presideut Cievelane, the mualter sud said bis principal objeet inviting him te visit Spain in July. was to bring the matter before the Part0f The Houshold. logisîsînre. 111 have used Hagyardse Yellow Oil with Mr. Larke said Mr. Parkerfe sobome much satisfaction, for Coidei and Sore cf cttîg of al secn, tirdsudThroat. I woula net b. withont il ut any of ottin of allsecod, hirdandcost, as; I look upon it as the beet medicine fourtb deputy-reeves, would only re- sold for fatuiiy use.,, Miss. E. Bramhail, duc@ Ibis council from 36 memabers te Sherbrooke, P.- Q. tbirty. This wouhd culy b. a small Henry W. Thorinan wus couvicted Satur- deerease. 1 And the worst of il je, it day at Chicago of kil,'iig Patrick Dsiy. would kid~ off six cf the best leokinst Consumptien Snrely Cnre&L meu in th. eu coun oil. (Laughtor.) To iux EDITOR: Mr. Parker, b. said, olaimed his mo- tien would do no harm b! being sent Piesse inforro your readers that I have a le eroto.Ths j wbro o aucies positive remedy tor the above named Mr. Parker mnakes a mietako. This dzises.B L ieyuetosneo ihopelees cases have been permaneutiy eur- thiug cf .ending menioriais ote .ed.I eh ail ho gai tta eend two botUles 01 legielaturen, on any and ail sortsetof my remedy FREÎ te any of your readeri eubjecti, bas the effect of becomiug a who bave consuanption if tbey wili send sort cf bore on the egilstures, sud meA thoir Express sud P. O. addrees. our adviee 50 often teudered don't Respeotfuily, DR. T. A. SLOCUM, 8' carry s0 much weigbt. At the sarne I Yuge Street, Toronto, Ont-L-h. tîme, tbe speaker said, b. was in favor Messre. Stewart, Tupper, T. M. Daly cf reduciug tb. number of legiuhators in and David Glaus, of Winnipeg, are men onr pblic odies tiened as being iikel) -o be made Q. C'e. our publicebodies. Mr. Smith epoke at corne hength lu oeHn. Ifavor cf the resolution followed by M r. Mroi. Robert Wihliamaon, et Glenils Batoman, wbo eaid ho wss glad Ibis Parry Sound, Ont., O&yP, 14I could flot kee. ha0oe<o ikru bouse witheut llagyard's Yelow Où 0proposal bau oefo ikrn ad. 1 have used it in my fainil yfo 0> man, saeing that township sende Byve Croup, Sors throat and a out foot, affd os 0 mon here. highly recomnienci it te everybody." M ar. Murton is in favor of ocee u Oeriy settiement of the ehip labourez acsharne thst would reduoe.tb. number question in Quebec, which bas for se long ocf memberrs ofthIis conucil l to tn or time been in abeyhnce, is expected. otwelve, and bave tbe@e elected yeariy A Reasouble Hope r5 est the. mre ime a@ tb. municipal Ilaoesthat is based on previons knowleda elctions, or experience, therefore thoee wbo use 1 '7 Mr. Mowbray spoke lu favor cf th. B. B.- may reasonably hope for a cure b i6 prineiple, but did net like the pians cause the previous experieuce et thousani 50embcdied in il. H. would therefore who have aed it. shows it te have suce.. l(o b. unable te vote fer an ides with 6d even lu the worst cases. la wbioh h. in in gaAt aympatby. The Governor-General wus saltedl 10 50 'Total $2671 59 Hlall of whlch lu le b. plaid by the Ce. ef Ontario sud hal b y theCe. of Sime. $8 la recommandeci te b. paici te Mr. J. B. Fareveli for drawiug contraet for th. bridge. - eyleaowd186onabc Mr. Jas. Pryî Uwd$36 nabc accoîuît. The cermiittee recomieid that a cern- mille, conslstlng et Messrs. Bateman, Larko, Miler aud the. Cc. Clerk, boappeint- .d toawe»h theluterects ofthlseeounty lu conneotion wltlb a BiR nov standing er lu 1ht LgsIli asebly tW amenc 1h. Gaea .adComPaDi -' A. Il seme thhsbIfinrg5i-d a élevr atempt by soeareaci compa il te unlosci smemaa- pensve csdssud lide, upon usae- 4n couniles or lo = 'hip . o. e.lcys, ,M. P. P-,, ln runng the measure. S Th. coramllteearda uS ch -ommunica- tion et A. J. Robinson, 0. B.9 findlug tault ,wlth 1he commisieer sud makpn grav charges againetl hem, se béing-quit. ont ef place sud irmaceut.. Wx. BÂTEXINO hairman. BGG dvertîi. (Tîrneiq CLE at Tha report Vas adOPlad. - Wardea 1.ofth.thair ai t 6 o'olook. KEIGSESSION. Mat at 7:45. Mr. MoKoby ili -throngh a.by-law auni foïmtn ý 0&MY -Of raigono aud -camrld vîîe hawkar'm 0; -Iy tc -mziyIle ofp aud WhiIby for thesa lown's share et Police Magistrale Herne'us alary, as each ha. ils owu police magistrate te deoils owu vork. The Oshawa share is 842.67 sud Whitby #89.62. Mr. Marlon said il vas ouly à malter et .quality Ihal lb. différeut perlioni of lhe county shonld psy th. police magistrales whe sot for them, suds Oshawa sud Wbitby do not roquira uer 4a net use P. M. Horne thay aboula net -be.16- dlePsyr himaytîng. Mr. Mcwbnay, auks if Ibis mouey paid P. M. Hom !W noetalken out of lhe fanad crealeci by Slcott AcI fluesP MMaIdrlon esd yes but a great deal of lb... fiuas 1ud beau puld froua Whit- by sud Oshswa. Mr. Mewbrsy admitâ Ibis, bus îays ne deubt msuy resideuts of other parte eithIe oousty buy lhe vhishey Mi Oshasand Wbitby ont oflthae et which these-finas are paici. (Laughtar.> Bevaral muembers eootead.d thet the oouaty acuneil eould Det legray vote aay ef Ibié fund fnom Booti AMI finesi thia way. Mr. Murlon arguing that lb, Ordet, in Qoancil givasthelb. o. Gounoil lhé privilage tifvotlaqg- 800t', Act-flnes te -auy purpospsoassay lu eufrofugl tb. Act. Mm.Baenun don' be0avkluPAYin Anv W Rft Act PolicSMalae sM AU, b' Bp at Ln Wâ Ia o- ýeO ,o k11 COMLET 'iTsU r&i~dJw'~9 VOIR NINO, -mm, " fl FOO SIR.EÂOHUS, opn PEf LS, WIND Rae a world wlde reputation as aphsiia VOR BRaOKEN NIIH, BRUIES, OAPPFEID EOOEB and author. Ris Mandrake ,Dandelohmliveèr FOR BORE SHOULDEES, BORE BÂOKS. Cure 18 a triumph ot medical eklll, curing al PlaFOOT ]ROT. &ND BORE MOUTH5 IN BRERP diseses et the Ridney and Liver. AND LÂMR5. sY1rmd TOM s C F FWSANBUTS, BRMUS n; DO<i8. 1(111EV ~Distreesing aches-________________ !flE CMPLAINT; and pains in the SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. bak; u n ain o:H ihi in the biadder and Prom His Grace the Duke of Rutiand. base ef the abdom.n ; scalding urine often ob- "Belvoir, Grantham, Lee. 1, 1879. etructod; frequent desire te urinate, -especi-. aily at nlght, among aged persone -bot, dlry -SrElma' oa Embrocation le used skin, pale complexion, red and whitte deposits, in my stables. I thiflk it very useitil. dropsicai sweUtings, &c., . "RuTLAND, Master ef Beivoir Hunt" SYJSdFTOM 8 O~"Caetie Weir, Kingston, Herefordehire, Pain under shoni "Dec. Brd, 19MI8 UYVIR , OM PLAIN1, der biades, Jau tGentismen,... se the Royal Embrocation dice, shailow complexion, a weary, tired feel- in my stables and kennelà, ai have fouiid it ine po lite or energy, headache, dyspepsia, ver serviceable. I have aise neeci the înigeon, spots, pimples, &c. universai Embrocation- for lumbago anci rheumatism for the last two 7eare, Bnci have HOW OURED. sdeÏred very little since nulng it, Mandrake and Dandeion are nature's Liver "R. lH. PBioz, LilUt.-Col., Master ef Rad- cures, and when combined with Kidney reme- norebire Hunt." dies, s in Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, will a]most pot Uvelyure al Kiduey-Liver troubles. It ELLIMANS ROYAL EMBROCATION, ace iike a charm, stimnlating the clogged liver, strengthenin g the kld.neys, aud Invigor- &Sold by Chemiets, Stores, and Sacdilers, ating the whole body. Sold by all dealers at Price 2s. i1, with Receipt Book, which alous i wortla __________________ the iney. titS U~WIBii I) Y Dr. ChAae's PlUa are the , ttF-SL MR KIDEYouly Kidney-Liver Pille made. ç LiVEl Tbey set gentiy yet effectuai- L_ _______ LIE y a etkndurlng enm- PAVIflfl PlLLS iertoulecadache , liuosnese, costivenees, &c. One pibl a dose, RMEurnhiAr o LLum BAoo. Soid bysalldealers. Price 25 cents. S f» t j 14 s. BRtu iss. S-i FNFP-Ns s CQM-àlaSrTCOLDS.ý --- -c e - FA RM IMPLEMENTS FOR SALEI Walker ion plow, Pattereon gang plew, Clayton root drill, landi roller, Ayer'e iron barrowe, Whitby harvester sud mower, wagon, rackp, herse-hec, Honey f anning miii, double sett harnese, etc. F. HOWARD ANNES. Wbitby, April 5th, '88. AUTHORS & COX, Manufacturera of TRUSSIESq SARTIFICIAL And Appliancos fer al Deformities oet1h. Hn- man Body-Spinal Dis- ee.Diseuses rf the Kuesud Ankie, Knock Huce, Bow Legs, Club Feer, etc. ATM CIRUTCHES. 1<ffQ'huch Bt., - Toronto, Ont. 191l LLETT'B' 1 1 Negiecteci ceugliss ad colde se fraquently produce serions resuits as to constilute a deflnite warning. Thero le ne botter, saler or more pleasant amd for Coughs. Bronchilis, Sors Thrcat, Colda and .&U throsasd lung troubles than Hagyard's Pectoral Baluam. The Dutcheas of dinbungb bas been rb bcd of a qu*utity ef jewolry while traveil.. ing on the cc<uiueul. Aqe a«»HmeTre*alMut for t» Gia" eet Catmbh. Caturbu pou-"" A"ssu The microscope hm i tbe la Utien dis- cases are ontagions, sud %bat they are due to préece.of 1ivi 0 5I~5fi lbthéiutsnintg mnembra»e0of ha uPpu*air' mfsu ad-pu,- tachian tubes. Tb» enio sceuitTn dai, Uux»iy sud Beale endors. Ulis, ndtbe authoritie cannot b.,dsue Té'enà methoci cf lreating tel ies flhas beu te, d linhs keePlrsghoe" M i aconstani te et 6irlttion,&wig-in cthance thoi, -d as a natursel.-oos éqùéncp of sncb tretIiUilRCt one parneRlhc=Iêlmà. e .i haaaeà,àâed. t per,éaUfb* POWDERE *LY E PURES? 9STRONERCEST Reyfru» a uruy quhtlty.For mal2SmofuftçWa ,lin- b.tng ad huamw tberus -Sold by auGeS» M4d ruggiuts, LW. on= 3@~DOOG TOROTO BTEAM LAUNDRYS *SHITS, COLLARS Bnc CUPF B SCIALTY. 106 YOEK4It. mNcr KINO. 4 GEO. P. SHÂ&RPP. BREADMAKE£RS' -YEAST, 'BREAD =nde of tuse 1~ OI1 ixalacshave writ Wten t say that tt surpaus lIl* makmsebýhlî vii EXHAUSTED VITALITY. TE SINCEF TLI]i, t h g on Manhoed, Nervous sud Physical Debilityq Proma- luxe Deeline, Ifir et -c Youth, sud tii. .untold mi»eriesconsequeit thexe-àN -iao on, 800 pages, 8 vo., l2u recriptions for aU dleeases. CGb ounl ly $1,00 by mail, sealed. DI. sample rete ail yeung and micdle aged men. Souci nov. The Golci and JevéeeMdal awardeci toe i author by thc National Medical Associa- tion. Acidrese P. O. box 18M5 Boston, Mass., or te Dr. W. H. Parker, graduat.e, o Harvard Medical College, 25 yecas' praclice in Boston, who msy ho conslted'confiden- tiaily. Specialty, Diseuses et Mon, Office, No. 4: Bulf.ueh Street. IALTl i IF TOU WANT Choice Turnip Seed, Extra Seed dorn> or Good Flour, AT RIGHT' PRICESI QAL ON 'q I '< bj#Postat nghterorSe y W j Iecachfg-vO1y isresng.I #aiowed te, coutinue tumGIS forwhich ofteubleed, nule2crate, beeoml-CreTsor'. SWAYNEI9 OINTMgNT stp h tchxtg and blpedlng. 4 4<~heals ulceratien nd ind Lu t~ many cases remov'les 01 thetumors.SenIt404e4 U > bmail fk. rhe Wonders of Maglo When you find liaI beauty le fallin'g away, Try "Dornewend's Magie,"l To the elderly man with hie Icks lu dcay, Try "Dornewend's Magie," A rich ha ot hair, le as- precioui esrare, Se I tel1 jon 1 Txy c"Dornewendis uMagie."1 The. lady's miefortuno wheu losing h.n hair Try "Dornewend sMgi. She eau quickly, eaeily ch.aply repair, Try «,Dorenweud's Miagie. Il irnpartslrngth and beauly, Andi it'sthe. lady'.plain duty, SoItell Ycu Tr «Doru.wend's Magie. Takelme by lthe toreléck sudastm k.?ti your owu, Try "«Dorneweud'e MagieC,.' This Toule, a ffalure hue neyer yet knowu, Try 'Dornewend's Magie." Try Ibis mette le heed, Try 1111 you uceee,, Bo Iteillyoi Try «Dornewend's age' This nov famous preparatin for iviga.- ratliqnç udstimulauing the goe c b haix.zs univrasaly secceptsdathélii. e valuable epecifie ou th.e maret. Ail flusseor e a11 çalp are *lwr ne- Uave4 orormauntly Cured. A ech and rapici ' )-ot it Mfo1-ý- l0w siter judicleus airèguartretOi"4o@ lhiI il romains *ilih he.:user alene toe se-,- cure the. desireci iseuite., DR.' DOREN WENDP'$ HAIR MAGIO.1 is sldby a&l Druggists at#1 per btelt.or 6 botties for $5. If not eblainableMlu yoIur lecslity, sud direct eneloelng jrice, to A. DOPENEWEBNDS - "' TAixi Rair Worko. t I Sla by W. R.<Howse sudl ,LU MB:791 ýW. Be PIRINýGLE. ,ý-fî The Saf'es t. ?u ic kest.most uJ tcertain remedy__ frepcu'ed on b £LL IHAN,_î 0 -t;,LO U CH.EN CLA N 0 ""Rnlu m.F7.

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