Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jun 1888, p. 6

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QUICk oould haen vmthd-,or foould tolur- Me the hldeons lames eulng li'vle' the Brlggevilles, HiragnoviUlea, 3oa 'ffioe-rW6terra maeineto Pboide; 1th. Jumble of unnaturai and inappropiTieo nemoes ovorywhero ?"-Matthew Arnol4 the Ninteneh Century.,. 0f Brlggovllle and Jacksonville I car. fDot now te sing ;. They made me sedl and very m&d-ý* MLy iximost seul they wring. M'I hie me back te England, And straightway I wil go To Piddletown and Paradise, To Stiffkey and Baut Hue. At Sounthorpo and at Didlilgton, At Hatn-with- Watcoi and Smesth, At Butterbump and R9umburg, I need Dlot grit My teeth. At High Ham, Low HIam, Long Ham, At Toot-Hog and Spoonbed, AI SIaýpton and Muoh Woolton, I w>JA flot wish me dead. At Pigbu.:n and atrUoizhaw, At Cookshut and at Lobb, At Swadlincote and Lotby, l'Il Wear a emùing nob ; And think die net of Briggsvile, At Pinchbeck when I amn; At Pisford and et Hardhora I wilit Qu aroad-n. At Sorape and 'Upton-Snodsbary At $kmnburnes and SIoug h, At Watt Hill and at Scuicoates à At swilhungtou sa JSow,1 At Sortby ezl et Sooury, Ab-Ketbeby mud Surtgi At YeUlng, Olek mid Wenlt VUi soothe this achimg heart. At Melbury-Bubb sud Howbound, At Doodieston and Sturky t At Skatterskelfe and Ptiiverbatoh, LIl ait me down and Smirk ;1p At Hamsteel and et Woinbwell,]L At Leighton Buzzard I Will soon forget those Yankees s And their Iow vulgaritie. I Then te Sopworth and te Bugthorpe, To Diddlebary, 0O! To Stogurnber and Sheepwash, And te Fouines. I will go. So, ho for merry Engla.nd, Its 'amn and mutten pies, Lat&l aiend swipes, the whieh are types, ' At whioh no gorge doth rise. jc The Rugg Documents. OONTAINING TE£ EXPE1IIENCE 0F JSRUSHÂ RUQO IN SEÂRCE OF A RBBAND. PART 1. (Continu.edJ AUNT1 No. 2'2-AUNT JERUSEY 18 SLANDER1.. After we'ed gait trongheting, und tho Mau, WhB s n wuvasMr. Smith, af Siîbville, had inmketi a pipe, he proposeti &ha& w.eboulti go muid ose. th Tkree 8Sinters. ,Oid rmids ?" sez I. 1«I reekon, live round bers.?" Ho laffeti, and seti ho reckoned se bow th.y vas aid mmids, thongb a sigbi ef mon vent tle@a.'oam. H. aed tb03 waru't vomnen foike ut amii; they vae tht.. islande np î'ottuet vay-right in th. rapide. Yen hua ttego mroe some litli rounded-up bridges, pain ed ted, te git te 'oam, and evorybody b.d wmit tbeur nomes ou th. rallingae of 1me bridgea. ] inscraboti min. thuely, MR. JONATHLAN PERDINS, PIGEON HOLLER, aise, JSRUSHY RUGO PERINS, WIFE OF THE AFORESAID. Yen cen s.. il t aay lime yen go ni thoro. I gnose t il bear viuid and veathet, for I ued up uigb mbon& a wbole leati penoil e wrtiig of it. We vont over on these islande, anti 800>1 the rapide, andi seedth le ple whoerm. Franois AboLI, tb.hememit, usedt t wash bimeelf andi pair hie tee naile; muid w. eung "Omaplain Jinks" andi "Red, white muid'Bine," and soverai othor hime, andi thon we wont back to tie village ag'in. 1 ha'i a poeorful appetite, and ti i a a&l th. vaiter eniti do te buung on the, vitlosfaut enufi.A. uic. oltigentleman sotaido of mo, l"at hadt Ide hiwit- liatislaI oxpeot he hati by lb.evooti I nobti on bu is h#4 anti the vey hob. et of looking et th. female soot gonoelly. He vas vety attentive go me, anti »eom- a o e b dreatiful e"ou& that I should bave the butter, andthle mustarde anti alIl1h.ecastor hobbies, I navet seud thol beat of il. Andtheb.gmevy 1 Yen nover kuovoti a man so dovob.d wllh th. gravy in your 1f. If I b.d beeu, divorooti fom Jonethan, anti hat been sure $bat Ibis man didn'l snore, I aboulti havo incurragoti hie attention to tlb. bout of my abilities. I coucindeti thet au I baW seen th. -Talle, I mighl au vo!! h o iigl.bok te Pigeon HoUler, for butter vu as a4sgl, anti I vas afoardti h. godeI'dloft te homo vouidu't b. particular -about i tkirMiâg tie mlk. I, vntnto,,>$J&e offc o ot e miy bil sud while Ieloerk vase àfgurlug up th~e,OUbt Ofeieaw1$tx iwo c mp bap.'-opaJujeo>bhaPd, -1t ook u~p e ~ i4u ti" rewbit ' ppe wos for ea ~mù% I vl as se mnoh inter. .61.4 -vAlu wtobng thie -carpes-hb»' 1at4lvldue . Uts oawpet baeo ppea lusiftheqrwas wpuex6îofHI..s nd I- kinder espeobtbley vernborni ith hlm. S. noere put on. of lbem down, but if ha b.fa te Qa.ue b.ud if heoslifledth Ie bàt and he.i-botb, of "om lu eue, hçad. I loketistethx e, byie-by, and I seeds wilh aa "otdie tbri m laI l as the LyonviU#Boeporter. Anti Lyens- vmi aonly t' Malter o', tnIan mirm T~e.sy..ir1 *In vu ees itonto losi,:m d -100sw#o4 Wonider Who to aU the b11- a$d dkthe Woik -bo And t4- b.ddiu'hê br*eg b lbthe ihon w. vwu marrd might ail hu~e beau put into e adboýix; vo pilow- eesand itwo îshots-on. of 'oui eà maesud t 1otbo;î,la tld oue 1 Oh, Joue. than!1 oh, yon deseofl c rible r i bail hold of yOU I'd-I'd-"i "«Ohild of sin," soz e long.faoad man, that I 'oposo was a m-.*istor, "lbovaro of holding puirposes of rovengoin your bnzzom. *To att le human, te forgive is divine.'" "IYon go to graue V" soz I. "and mind yeur own bizness ;" anid I shook my umbrili, mand ho begmu te back ont, but bofore h. did s0 h. give me a tract on- titled "'The Dowuiwerd Boad." My widower with the weed on bis bat took np the papor I b.d dropped mud ýbegauu ta look il over. '"Here ia sometliing oiBe. m'am," sez be, "lthat I tbink relates te yen." "1Whmî is it," sez I; "read it ! Les know il aill" And h. remd it-aud I muet say ho was %a beahiftu! reader. MYSTERIOUS D[SAPPEARÂNCS AND SUPPOS. ED ELOPEMEIÇT. "'Mrs. Jerushy R.- Perkins, bitherto eue of ont mosî respeoîedl citizenoees, anid wife of Jonathan Perkins, Esq., lefI ber homo yosterday morning withont the knowlodgo of any one, and bas fled te pats unknown. It le suppoaod that the companion of ber fiight is a dernier in tiuiwaro namod Hopkins, se h. wus seon ini close muid confidental converse. tion witb him, the day before ber elope- ment. The anfortunete hnsband ie L'aconeolable." "Oh, iand of love and compassion !" sez 1 ; "if that dou't beat lb. worid I Elusband oncouisolable, indeýed 1 I run sway!1 I eioped--Jerashy Rogg eloped ! wbeui thel mean, deseteful, Jmunsfaoed flan has been and &gene and run awav uieself with the Widder Spriggins!1 I was in conversation with Sam Hopkinse, was I? To be sure I was! I vas trying o injuce him to give me a cent more on a pond for aid iron mnd womu- ont injy-rnbber shoos, but tb. iow-iived reokanapes wouidn't do il. But 'Il1 fix 'em ail wbeui 1 once gel there! V'II make 'em wish they'd nover cam 'e imb bis valo of tears. l'II oomb Jonathanst hair for bim, muidV'ilwaheb.editor maui o that bis grmndmm would't know him 1 Give me uny bîll," sez I,1, thia àsîmuit; I'm off le Pigeon Holler 1" Tbey &Il tnrned te muid helped me, id my widower eerried my bmg te the opeot, andidsqueezod my band et parting, nmd oeil fate vas oruailmuid relentles., nd thon b. put As band (uat below bis voskit mand sqneezed ent a tromendons ligb as tb.ecas moved off. J. RUGO PEEKÎNS. No. 23-oEAGAIN. It i I nover etoppeti, on my way home le Boa anything et miH. If tbere vae any ouriosity, I didna't se. em! Thet ile 9if I oxcept e doughnnt Ibat I bought to ta place vbeme w. b.d «"five minutes for rrefrasimeutu." Tiat doughnut vau e E criosiy. Il vwu nearea bigs a table plate, muid au tough as a pitob-kuot. I worked avmy on it niRh about haif a day, muid couidu't make ne impression auto iL, anti thon I give ilte a tiog that a ma bati in the. cars, andtihle dog bo groedei ver il eand shook it, andtrieid his best le gel il apart, but ho gave it up lu daspir ; anti laid dovn vibh ish bail elvoon his elgsanti hie langue out, anti pantei as if ho be'd hmd a bard lime of it. I didn'î sloop on Lhe cemz. I wau se stirreti np me the ides of Jonathausa actinig se, that il took tb. sloop dean cet of me, it vs,. ennif te ile any voman's bile up, muid the Jodler sez 1 am Jroadfal billyns a.H's bison giving me pille for iL anti biLlets But I den't take 'oi inaido. I jeat put 'omuinto a box that stancls on the table li my beti- maous-mile handtie .bed, viiore I coulti greb ono of the pille or e mouth- fui of 1h. bitlers at a minnit's vmmnlng, bul as yet I havent navet grabbed!1 Wboen 1 et lest mv St homo, I1vas tiroti enuff. Every houe in my bodiy, anti Ml my boue beeldes anieti. I vas dnsty Sam i drly anti he i ore m li my eyeg, atitoit as il I vonitisoli ont choap. .4il $ha people et tha Pigoon Houler depot ,etaroil aIstpe leséee me beck agi ling notice liaI Jonathan heti pt ïtô the. ppeors about me. Anti I s'pose tiey vs a'twoderlng w*hore lbe lin. peddler vas. I didt stop fer neo1tak witb uobody. I * t shoultieroti xny s tohluekoti un Mny gouni3 , bok off my ooller andi. oq4i te eool mesanti tatted. for eur houa.. Il wasu ble alborsuasetand & oloudy aly. 'Whe I gel te doorlie houe. va fslnoiandt lore vesa'4neolgi auywbero's arouadi. lrIapoý.,4 ýau Utl., ai -oundoti, aulin ilo Aekflug asi hBe'di ýlaid (vo oggesaplece, bat uobotiy cerne' anighst- tia door. 1t lust I gel mat, ed'l -jeat ,piOkçet Up a atone, ant ilamesh eci ouI a pana of glas iu the kfichen vintier 0thal 1 .ould pub, lnumy ai damàturn e îbutton liaI faste et iwnder.tiovu;. 'Thon I brung abog 1h. ev bos nt 1 1w4 ente thxtatn maaged te gitl up into, the :Wudo,. But i 0trAfoone4l mwff - 1301WKiteiulot Wome Deome. When the. questin a. ta b. met as t0 what is lie beat aourse te ado pt ta seenre e Sur, sale andi agreeble remedy for these ergenlo diseees and wemknease which affliet the. féele sex, thers la but on. vise deelelon, vis., a course of soif-trealmont wlth Dr. Pieroe's Favorite Presomiption. Il in an ulilgspeel1« fProlepins m"placement, interna -idwammtion, alnâ aIl functional disortiors tual rentier tho livos a01se meuy vamen miuerbie asud joy- leus. Tey who try il, probse il. 0f &cg- Polar MoOertuey, a no" .olcnterfo*te r, ha. just been .ent.naod mt New Orlans At0 ton yems' imprlsoument. Dyspepsie or Indigestion le ooossoned by the want of action li the biliary duets, loua of vit.lity in th. stomaoh ta ;;z'ret1h. pat ie t withont whlob; diqeaIiolk-.n- no o n ;e.,being 1hit îç- ,o caouse of sebdache. Parmle.'. &,etable 'Pilla taloex befor. going 10 bed, for ïwhile, ,iever telo g»e reief and effecti cure. XM. P. w. Aabdown, .lsMewn, ont writie: "Par-' meleVî Pill a ekixg ihq 1B#4àgfnaton other mknwi1zi hiave li The oolUpeaof 1h. .early elouig mc'e.. ment lI Toironto basprovetidempoýr oh mnovemuent li Ott**&. The. bhte 'Yoiung liv.. oui and colda may RBewtria mU., bronchitis ilu thxot a n aboût, off .dà'of ~ itliUe 4W terribly i th. waye il yo's oo Joui nt that minnit I heerd-muunbody- a famblinR-saey 10 lix.dqo, mu4id 1- soed a an e took abaoi as ho weuËl Ho lurned paeaùd thin redt, and fell bmok agiuet the vall as if he'd seau , e. ghost. He vasdreet op lià a brain new suit of gray ciothes, witb e yoller mmsd blmok uieokier, haitse big me e table oloth, muid h. vas sconted op with coioyne 1 66Good graciont, Jemusby 1" sez' ho, *lis it yen 2", "Y..," sez I. III iipeot il is. Don't b. afeard! 1It'a yer iawfui wedded Jeru8by tbmt you went muid posted mbto the nowspapera, muid sed sbe'd loft yer bed muid board, and yen nover b.d tiono, oniy au aid coomforta Ple!1 Yen wieked, dosateful man, yen! I f il warn't that I'm a member of the ohurch lin good standing, auid a perfegsor, I'd wallop yon V" "Ob, don*t 1" sez be, "Idon'1, dear Jerushy 1 thmt's a darling duck 1 Deont iay bandal;ente me! I ein't a.feeling wel! My neuroltogy ha. broke ont in my knee, muid I'm mawfully troubled wth my diagremn-" "lCouisan your disgrm " ses -1, "what diii yen mean by running off with My banda andtihei Widder Spt4u- gins? Thet', viit 1 want ta know 1"' liez I. shaking My flet mi him. 'II tao ek b nd box by m2istake," sez ho. 6'I thaught lb wms my box ef oison ahirts and collera!1 And the Widder Spriggine, se only went te see ber nieae that'. get a baby. I awear it!1 upon My hotuor V" "But where did you go te?2" sez 11. He iooked down and piced hib flng- er najis, juet as ho alles did when h. didn't know what olse te do. "Why don't yen mnswer ?" sez I "You've gai a tongue juta yer heed, Iiain't y.?P Wher, did yen go ?" "'Jeruehby," sez ho, -1 ixpeet yen'!! be hloppin', but Vad sot uny beart onto bey. ing- Bill Weaver*s gray mare, and I m'ent off aud bongbt lber. Tùoe, it's ont, il yen kil! meo for it ' "Jonathen Perkina 1" sez I. "ldidn't I tell yen- tbat Von shoulda't boy Ibet annymili ? Didn't I warn yen that there'd be a fusa in tbe famiiy if yen did ? "eea sez Jonathan, *'and se thora au beeu; for eh. mun eway wiîb me yesterday, and kioked th. feuider ont et tho *w&ggi, and broke the herneas aiH to flinders, uid Leok my baokbone nigb about off, Stee t" -I .vish ah. hed qait. 1" sez 1; "Il delra, I'm mmd enuif to pound yen!1 &cod te tVII me that yen misteek oey eox of bonds for your box of dean shirt.! 1 What sbould a mtu waint of a dlean bi*rt a-goiug twenty uaiies ta boy a bos? li bel a dollar yen've atole soma )f My moui.y ont of that box." "O0niy ton dollars," sez ho, whimper- ug, "muid lI11pmy thet baick. Ye te ho ibure I wil! 1Dan't be put ont now, ernshy 1' I ectilly tbongbt you % mv. me, mcd ubit you'gone oé wxbh àat pediar; anid it nigh about broke ny heart 1" "*Nigh biuzu&roke a filistick 1" sez 1"but seeing se I am e perfessor, aud Le BUble-mys-yen muet1do-gool fe_ Gienie <Clydeadale, Propertv et Davidi Birrel, Esq., two miles north et Greenweod. WVill stand fer mares during the seasen at M~r. Birrell's stable. Pedigree printeti on large cards. Young Plionomonon (Cleveland Bay.) Property ef Major Hedgson, Port Perry. Wili acem pany Abbey Prince (see*bove) on bis route tbreugh Reach, UxbruLge, Scott,Brock, and Mariposa and remain over Sundays at bis own stable, Port Perry. AIment Laplial (Roadater.) Property of W. R. Pugb, Glen Major. Mon- da -leave is own stable, Glen Major, for Asburn. neen; and by way ef Brooklin te Loveil Harrison's, Salem, fer the nigbt. Tuestiay-to JeroW', hotel, Brougham, neen; andi by way ef Green River te ChAstian Wideman's, 10th con. Markbam, for the hi t. Wetineaday-to Miller'sbhotel, Stouff- vie, noon; ant t Ballantrae fer the nlght. Tburaday-to Todd's hotel, Goodwood, neen; anti te Jue. Palmner'., 7th con. Uxbridge, for the niglut. Frliay-te bis own stable, Glen Major, anti remain until Monday. U. . aulfela, (Roeattor.) >roperty of Geo. anti W. M. Sterricker, Whit- by. Menday-leave bis awn stable, John Bentl=eys, 2id con. Reab for Cbinn'e bote!, Broc, l, noon;- andti t Pipher's hotel, Broughamn, for the night. Tuesday-to Besae'a botel, Whitevale, noon ; andti t Gor tien Hous., Pickering, for the ni ghlt. Weti- n.stiay-te Crawfortb's livery stable, Whit- by, anti romain a ninlht, Tbursday-to Gea. Martin's, Theruton a Corners, noon ; anti te Jno. Stainten's 4tb con. 'Derlington, 1er tbe nlght. Frlday-to Hall'sbhotelEnnis. kiflon noon ; ant t Swaln's botel BIlaok- Stock, ut zight. Saturday-te lus own stable,*Jno. Bentloy's anti romain untilMon- day marnlng. P. B. WAIRAM, .1 PÂa'IN TER, SIGN WRITER, UL44ZIERY RÂPER HÂNGER, KÂLSOMINER, -AND- PtIPer furînished (rom O. a Ral on uwaeds Orders from the. country pmptly atte nded to., i::rS-HOP-Fârst door 8Bôuth of 1f,<.Y. Bamllh's a e oQ.VWhIltby. Whltby,, April 8h18. 3-mo TOREN T OR S-EURL :~fl - orse ïRegister. Tanna=dfl,(Ol7desda.) Pro'zperty of Aloi. Cauneron Ashburn, Ont., Mandayast lieaown stable &Ui day. Tuesday-- by wey cf Brookiu te Jno. Moribosonoon; and te Jas. Slbandsa t nlght. Wednesâay.-to John H epburn's, E. Whitby for the nigbt, Thuraday-Âiex. McKenzle's etnoon; toa g- s .ian for 1h.nigbt. Pridzy-to Wells farm, IfYrte, for noon ;teoAlex. Cameron'e Asb- burn for the night. Saturdey-to Jno. Davichon's -for noon ;andi te his own stable tfib Mônday Oors.wafl Agamh (Clydosdal.) Property of Wm Richarduson & Sons, Colum- bus, Ont. Mezxday-leeh is own stable, Jos. Vellent's, 2 miles nertb of Oshawa, and along Srd con. Wbitby te Ray's hotel, Wbit- by town, for the niglit.- Tuesday-to Cbinn's betel, Brooklin, neon; te Wm. Richardson & Son's, Columbus at night. Wednesday-to Daniel Hadden's, E. Whitby, noon ;te Wm. Beith's fer the night. Thursday-te Jas. Heron'., Taunnton neen; and te Rebt. itor- row's, Srd con. Darlingten, for the nigbt. Friday-te Queen's hetel, Oshawa, noon; and te, bis ewn stable u ntil Menday. Lawer'a Baron Gordon (Clydeale.) Preperty ef Wm. Richardson & Sons, Colum- bus. Monday-leaves bis ewn stable,Colum- bus, fer Cbinn's betel, Broeklin, romain ail night. Tuesday-James Dlckson's, Myrtie, neon ; a.nd te Holt's hotel, Manchester, and remain until Wednesday neon. Wednesday atterneon-to Win. Ceates, Ceates Settie- ment, fer.the night. Tbursday-Raglan fer noon ;and to his ewn stable for the nigbt. Friday-te Thes. Wilbur'si, Darlingten, and romain aU miglit. Saturday-te Jne. Hep- day. Royal Abbay Prince (Clydeadal,.) Property ef Major Hodgsen. Pert Ferry, Ont. Menday-leave bis ewn stable, Port Perry, fer Bray's betel, Epsem, neen; and te Mansien House, Uxbridge, for the nigbt. Tuesday-te Les skdale and remain ail nigbt. Wednesday-to Udora, noon; and Valentyne fer the nigbt. Thursday-to Sunderland, noon; and te Manilla Station for the night. Friday-te Seagrave and re- main &Il nigbt. Saturday te bis own stable, Port Perry, until Monday. Lauird O'Raith (Clydesdale.) Preperty of Ge. Hickingbotton, jr., Ashburn. Monday beave bis ew-n stable, Wilson's Hotel Asbburn, ancd proceeti te Hedson'sbehtel, Raglan, for tbe nigbt. Tuesday-te Cbinn's betel, Brooklin, and remain allnigbt. Wed- nesday-to Ray's betel, Wbitby, and remain ail night. Thursday-to Lynde's, Audley, and romain ail night. Friday-to Jes. Har- bren'. Audley, neon; and te And. Hicking- bottom's, ialsam, fer the nigbt. Satarday -to bis ou-n stable, Ashburn and remain Fandango <lydeadale.) Property of W. H. Pugb, Gien Major. Mon- da ~ -eave his own stable, Glen Major, fer JoLJones, 8tb con. Pickerinq., neen ; and te Jue. Duiln's 7tb con. Pickering, fer tbe nligbt. Tuesday-to Jno. C. Jones', 7th cen., Pickerinig, noon; and te his ewn stable for tlUe nigut. Wednesday-remain at bis ewn stable ai] day. Tbu-rsday-to Jno. Pahner's, -t o. xrde, and remain all nigbt. Friday-return te bise wn stable. Glen Major ani romain tilU Monday nmorning. Erakin. (Clydesdaie. Propertv of Tbos. Wilson, Brooklin'Ont. Mon- dayý-eave hici oN-n stable, Brooklin, for Aud- ley, noon- and to Raye botel, WVhitby for the nigt. ~Tuesday-to fiee»; and Central botel, Osbawa, for the ni ght. Wednesday-te Grec. Nesbi5t's, E. Whit v, flou,; a.nd Wrn. Ratcliff s, ii. WVbitby, for tbe nigbt. Tbursday-to neon; andi Raglan at nigbt. Friday-by way of Myrtie to Âubburn and remain aI i lgt. Saturday-return te bis own stable, Brý>Ekln and romain until Monday. Maciudoo (Clydestiale.> Property ef Alex. Ca.reron, Ashbu=r. Twe years old. Hie service will ho confined te a llxnited number et mares. Wifl stand at bis ew-I stable, Ei.nsale, xnest 'of the season, but will accompany "'Tannahill" part of the TRB £l'Wlh nxt aris. THE WESTERN BANK O] CANADA, WHITBY, MONEY To LOAN 0100-000 FOIR INVESTIRENT. ON REAL ESTATE SECUBITY At lowest Ilving rates of Interest. Money seonred within 10 days of ep plication. Apply te JOHIN FARQUH&BSOb Whitby, February l6th, 1880. 9 MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate Mortgage et Low Rate Interest. ONTAIO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. Appraiser for the Canada Loan endSavlng. Co., and- agent for the Western Assurance Co. OFFICE-Over Gerrie>. Blek, Whitby 3 m b.j oe os Jil 4 j -Oi 00~ '. W LAOB TRUE maeets li Temperano. Hal Lodg, room, Gorrie'., Blocks firut Wednesdey in each -month. SeoJR, MARt!N, Domini/on Woýod- Work, Ge. oCrmack, L UMJ3BBMEROHANT & BUILDRR.il -A larg anpp2ly of Builders' Pu=ih. ing, and ail_ nd of Twisted Moidiing, Doors, Sash and -Blndo. LUMBER, wholesale and fetai1, or by the car lb.d. Paning, Moudings of every description, PbloorigSheetmng, Sheiving, -Re-Bawmngo Shapang, pTurning, Soroli Work, etc., etc, Glasgow & Londôn ineurano. of Grat3rftain. CAPITAL, 62,500000. ANNUAL INOOME, 81s500#01 MAXE Farm Prop.rly and Dweili Honses e Speoialty. Very low rates. Ba terme ai payment. Simple poioies. J vexations conditions. Prompt settleme of bosses withonl discount. Be sure yen, -net insure until yen know our terme a conditions. Enquire of E. B. B. HA: WABD, our General Agent for South C tarie. Office in Whitby-Part of D. Ormi ton'a Law.Offioe. Ail letters mddreseed Lock-Box 78,. Whitby ~P. O., will recai- prompt attention. Iiêsidence-Ham Cc tage, Byron streel, Whitby. 21 London and Lancashir, Life Company, This Company issues svery desirable fori et Life pelicy, anti ha. depesiled wibh tI Receiver Genermi in approvedl Caxuadia securities over 8100.00 for eaoh 8100.00g liability, Ilium mffording ABSOLUTE s ourity. Parties desiro-ne of essuring their livi wibb find ilte their advantage ta conen the undersignEd before assuring elsewher; JOHN FAIRQUHAESoN, o md is- Ive ot- o 'ns e- 't 7 Embllished with ovr 800 fine engravingts. Librl erms te Agent. 5 OXFORD JonnÂN Sr., TORONTO, ONT. TOROSHNTO ON. Certifloate of Major IEarper, Esq., of Whitby. -1882- To whom it may concern. Th'lis is te certifY that having examineti, rpairad mad used a great variety f Sewng Machines. I have come te the conclusion thal the White Machine ÏoId byL.. Fair- banks is one of the best mode, as, in my opinion il is a machine that wiil net easily get eut of order, anti wililest much longer than most machines, as cara bas beau taken te pravant wear as much as possible. I cen honestly rocommend ti itl parties want. ing a good anti iasting sewing machine. I pnrchesed one ef the Wbite's soe mmnths ag, and il gives very satisfaction. MAJOR HARPER. -1887-- Alter fiv-e years use of the White Sewing Machin. in my family I can fully endors. the aboya cartificate anti cen f nbly recoim- mend the machine as. e family sewing machina costs les for repairsi than any machine I have ever bad anytbing te do wiu h MAJOheRhspetHandRPeR L. FAIRBANKS, - Sole Agent for this&Diistriet. T IIS PPERmaybe féound on file st vertising Bureau (10 Spruce St.), whereadat. vertising contracte may be matie for il Nzw Yonx. L1VERY and SALE STABLES, DUNDATWH T. M. O. - CAWFTUNOTH FR is e on OL Shts tUNoUt rJommercial Travellera liber2l11 cea1 _AIR PRIORS. JOHLN 0N HONEST-DRÂLING. In evrel'8Blokfor gour 7U 1717tM ý .ý"E! I I )RÂ'NING DINING bani for-i b.d, bee Lnue m and- MOI the of I eti 1 and Mee Moi inet, of$~ the PUBLISHING Decorator, N OWBREADY-Our ne* book, I"EBarth, Sea and Sky; or, Mervels of thé Univers."'; being a fubl anti graphie de- scription cf ail that le wondertul in evary continent of the. Globe, in th. world o1 waters and the Starry Hése*vexus, containing thriiiing adventuree on land -and sea, r.. nowned. discoveries of the world's greatast explorer. i alb ages, andi remýarkabe phe. nomena in every reeim cf natxure. Bm- bracing the striking physical features of the earth, the peculier characteristice of the human race, et animba, birds, insects, etc.., ixiclnding avivid deasription cf the. Atlan- tic, Pacii anad Indian Océanus, and cf lhe Peler Seas, the Monsters of 1h. Deep., beantiful seeshelis andi plants, singular fishea andi dwell.rs in tb. worbd cf waters, remarkàble Ocean currents-, etc., tog-ether wilh the AMAZING PH.ENOMENA OF THE A 0 E NT S il AGEN T-S ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 ý BOLANR AVN 8T R1mo SYSTEMS 1 1 - 1 General Ageu Whitby, May ]8, '86. -ly General Ageia VTmtby, May 18,186. -ly M Whitby, Nov. 7th, 1882. ly-d'i' GOOD HORSES« NEW ILIGS. DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. a.&Ij:tj CDINTI

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