Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jun 1888, p. 5

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NEW DBSIGNS IN Crape Stone, Broches, Earrings, Bracelets, Fob Chains, Ladies' Vest Chains, SA1 Guards and A lberts. Se BA RNA RD, BROOK ST., - WHITBY. FRIDAYp JIJNE 15, 1888. LOCAL LACONICSO WHAT 18 GOING ON IN AND AROUNO TOWN- BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANED BY CIIRONIOLE REPORTERS A &mos m*ngyo, takm notes. An' f aitIlheho' prent it. several cf eurt ovuspeople attend .d convocationi aI Toronte Universil ou Tuesday 1aIsuad brougit hon with h em severat newly-cneated B. A'i and an LL. B. The volunteers left for Niagara b steamer Hastings ou Tueaday aftei neon and thi.e eaîl boy had le, do coi siderable eninieering the next moruli le gel for bis teacher tàoi' iusto n&î excuse, "u umvoiably de tained." W: see fhem ene of out cerreapoi dents lit aI con wman Mr. Hickiný botham bad thire iead et valuai caIlle killed by a C . P.- R. traini Glen Major, on Suuday evening laî The. ieavy wind slomm blew down.. ti fance ma tde--e strayed ente fi lrack. The'tMin vas ditcied ai thirteen cane wreckedl. Paseeng trafflo was contîuued by tranahipme at tho vreck. PORT Hopa is again to lie front wi a grand programme of sports fur Domi ion -Day, cômprising Hors. Races, A.îbletic Sports,-Bicycle Racee,-Ba Bail, -Lacrosse - Aquatio Sportst coucludlng vili a grand display of Fii works. Tii. programme ie a ve attuactivOeue, and as Port Hope alvi carnies outils promises te lb. letton, vie go tlie r I temIis neigiborit are sure te enjoy Ihmslvom. see lai posters and programmces for ful ticuars. Loy excursion rates on raivaye. AT thBos of Tomperance pic- aI Wbitevalo ontb. 7th lit. thb.ec bmated lempenanco lectorat Edwi Oarsvel, vas prasenl. Hie addr during tie aflemneon wus recived W suoh antenesi liaIt miel meeting1 arrangod for ithe oysnîng, tle b. helël the. churci. The chunci vas oov and lb. lecturon dellvered oeeof entbaui an sd lbe caus ocf tempera promolod %ereby bot ranik amng lte fineslt te7orance tur" ner l Amenlea overe oue of lectures ini the obool noom et Motbodlet tabornacle, on Tueeday ei l'gO Tii. atendaznce.thouit ain test!>' miller than ài sould b beau. Thoso proiveto treavored dd. Al. othelloacof lhe lui Mn. Boas Jebaip, o ndod b>' Cumula, movm od bhen 'vote of -ihi to lb. looture n d o4preda a ltaI ho Vould ýsoca atomalavor tevu la lt e "mewaY.-The vote aî.&nby thei.audit, On Taeoda>' te VOS afi 1 meentnt moag BlH o MjstyvI 1001 l in hdirewon ofI l58gara bail be. n augeil-for, the du. Hcutùegt te cau il Oshaia *d' 'M tiy burbons Md ï8lkeonos"b.841h, day wWvihredell. -. > tl came dcnVui Iront i e iitw big brt>'GrOenO@d SMII*- li ded, of. Rle bad a ânue promise cf a wheat lanlb.held-pri big orop eue year, but il blighiod te smre black or vile-i âs05 eztent befote hirvet. bleit year the. uine inniage. Il w6 green crop again looked fine sud a Blazsnsvai and neigibor romarked te hlm hbat thora whelher Il le for' affl veuld be a largo yield. "Yee," said lrophiei4 Or vi lie ovuer of the viei l il vill b. good off i%ý a basebati sikes -if 'Qed eles it &lone." Qed loti ilmaudthey vin P tee- alone from tust day and il stood thon. summor. Theyi fbis sud nover ripeaed. Wb.n harvesi good one lime au tbe time oame il had withened slightly, but vaût isbýam.. men- vas net mucohanmged.People ebouli arnaca wii ID wau beliove l in thvoiliter aulborlllos as would profto t ha"e knovlag thein business. flo,<f vitoi Sa - mu. John Suii, ee-hlmuloe s" cf mWib oose li '*G. T. IL Stasion, Wbllby, oae of oun Us miebodya Dr.- letaing sud mciBuwemfst i ~m.s, .Md-"lb sh iI "'i' bu vontudeo f tet umal prao"lce Tim fassI ga bop. ofowing pýEue lsm.lot mmxeao nbe e.groinui Oli lseg f gte rSing omxmuuly la wsoonvalt Wa vhlchborwstdo& Na ly-tlbeuowloàg the roepitl m0o' là drille fffo o r &yfa pant to b. cuill.of1Toronto. TI Y ,» Ivateil b>'horse. They ire nova b> a 'train aboutS.80 spoot drvi ib lbh. firet ve spoutes1direct te lb*gr tonal lied near togethor; Say. about Ibr O. aifl E d elîn lnéhee;--- makang a double row; l-thnd W bled te view-lb. -Il opout oles.d up. tle. usai vo brUSghl entote .field Mar noir togeither, &o., lins leavlag a spao lting 1" veto ihit- abouit 1 %la, bicbb.obas oullzvïwod odang Wlità mad 1,Oe-onCo W« à>he pois ver, about grave doubes tbmtlor a0g3ubIgh iaut MAdays math; butaac mone att. ie uod a oultivatar ,itê plage réàthea, an Li laor atms wblt*tnables hlm i. cultivate *àé ,W14ýb. 1i luI 8l gelws Uilcio.; lthus dlfgMll XIM or »rove . aU'o t uid lb. ado l Oti ot*l"- f.fleswb7b aN5iwtauo4 à Ibe lu Ile he. *So oft. lam" ..ed c- ide moiJ.1Urk.Ptr of- ibe PLokeai aiI BUNDÂT BBuvii6ATn Il A. oAuD 7 P. x. lodon' G roVe., Flkê nest. Ti pastor will (D. V.) preach tuera. Tin Oshawa Odd.fe ing aud eveaing neit Lord'. days,-Sie onreon toi Grîmsbý' P isubjects wlll be as foilowe -a.rn.- The steamer HaSifng The. BeUever's "Blessed Hope" ; p. me, on its way. Sir. Jc -What Ohrist doge for Bis own. gadvertieed to e b.taIl -~It ivil b. a nicetrnp. Tu:c W. 0. T. U. hold their regular Tuu annuel Furme, meeting Ibis (Friday) aflerneen in th. offiet ocrbett'e Poinl Fr.. Reading Boom et 4 o'clock.. A nezi. The, committi fu attendano. je requeeted. billesud ate makiug TuuR ezeoutive onmittee cf the On- every kind tbey ean Il tarieoSouty Teacersn Institute met at the Point neede ne Î the. Gollegiate Instiltt on Saturday ilwaye fuand&bosi laut and drafted a programme for the going on the lake. E annual meeting te, be held aI Whitby fine weather continue en tbe 4h and 511I ef October nez$. Mr. greet orowd prfeet. Houston, je 10 be th. diector in charge. Frederick Jury, a3 WB have te thhnk the. management le a goed manYpeopJ of the. good reliable steamer "Norse- ed near Toronto on1 min", for passes du.nig the season cf aesisliiig te paddle a1 1888. t. tripe are always made on from tb. shore te a 6 lime, and during years pasI w. have lhe 500w sunk, sud Ji taken mauy opportunities te have a sait withbhie ubber bot oser lb. lake with Capt. Gilderaleeve. was broughl bere, the W. wieh them good voyages, and trustt buried yeslerdaY. Il lhey may have loade of passengers. fellow eîaled bis foreb à weet bound freight train wase bowl- lesviflg bere lu the si ing aien. Ithe Canadien Paciflo nailway, MR. W. J. GIBF&oI between Claemnont sud Myrthe, about aseiigumeut on Fridi il 'clock on Sunday night, when iî Turner, Rose & Go., euddenly came mbt collision with a Montres1, and cloqee bord cf caIlle Ihat were lYing On lhe Ibal lime lb.eunaa'i track. The. englue wae thrown from are afloat about lh the ails, which were wenced frem the Wednesd&y be wae1 oad bed, aud twelve freigit cars weraelance of someocf weocked. Brakeman Nicool, wbo wue chargeti with havi Ion top cf the came wheu tho crash came, under f-Ile. preteuce. was hurled le lthe gound with great r.mand at preseul violence, but hoe eocaped without any statement cf aesete Sserious lnjury: Traffae wae impeded eut. until Tuesday moring, by wbich lime Miss Lizzie Higgi the wrecking force bad cleared lb. way. W. H. Riggins, cf, During 1h. early part cf Mouday pas. been for Ibree years sengere ver. lransbipped at lie scene sevatory cf Music sa cf the accident se LiaI lbey suffemed wiU shiart fer home t 11111e inceuvenience. Mise Riggine ha@ bu We lb. membors cf connly ceuncil lu music. At foumti o f the Conly cf Ontario haviug 'usl teck lb. geld medal received cor reepective copies cf lb. Ladies' Collaeo&0 pbclograpb cf or council haken by Mr. taen an ecminulw W. E. O'Brien, bave grest pleasume in em hoinmucaing -A staling LiaI it is entimely satiefactory eeti uia i sud a better piece cf womk for oc large Tas enly praise t a group we tbink il would b. impos- lowed in Ibis n.wl sible te, find. (Signed.) Geo. F. wbeu vo blow or Bruce, Alexander MeRae, John Tiomp- son being liaI w. c gon, 0. Y. Smith, Jas. MoFarlane, loudem iban &Dy oni Donald MceKay, Timotby O'Leary, L. Heron, Duluth, d. Wm. Baleman, Geo. IE. Mevbmay, yor paper la impri îy George Parker, Peter Thomson, W. M. Youm many eprreçtP ue Willcoz, J. R. Mathevson, Thomas well posted sasin le Poucbem, Chas. Williams, &A Mil- W. dont put tii lard, Jase. L. Palmer, Geo. Sb. John, J. catcbing subscriber T. H. Hancock, Chas. Gallovay, fied with eur tit-t. by Alexander Wilson, James Gleudiuning, te have as nany au ,r- W. Hamilton, W. J. Trenouti, John Twe weeka ago1 'n Miller, W.Coculthard,SylvAbter'M&ckey, investigation if .1 cig W. MoPherson, L. K. MorIon. cctem the Gaset te, Sy FOR lhe pasl few day. lie agent for observer could six H. H. Werner & Co., cf Rochester, N. hundmed subecribei ) Y., thie urgeaI proprietamy Medicine is priuted iu. W. 19' bouse lu lhe womldI, bas been in lovn liat bill yet. Lot bedistributmng booke, posting bis, supply- These papore bave ut. inR the, dmfggists wltb show carde, etc., selves for about foi karelative tte lb. fimm's prepartion- te sfee bow mocb e hoi Warnor'a Safe Remedies, Wamner's they wiil not ieed Bh afe Yeast and Waru.r's Log Cebla hundred we sha61 ad Remedies. Esci cf tie". pepe.atioe subseription, book ger bas a large sale, wbicbijedeserved. pereou's inpectioî etThe Messrs. Warnes & Co. kuew, oind tDoc. cifeesonal or amatrn -le play a match the condfitions a loe fou, Money MIh l.game Oo= lawn or in th. Wood lay7 eiherwinter If a game sannot kttoit or Toroutotil a h.y havera kg Mig.t ney lI wswýer - I bis cis ULb. broken bytheec lb.th homne 1*IP - * 1nthi deartentwe how, every leading ana desirea style. Our goodo for quality and value are not ex- celled ini Oriaro' SATIN RDAME.-The new and fashionable Dress Material in Black and Colors. Handsome- Goode a.nd priées ^very low. 'WfITEÈ DIMF3 MATERIÂLS, in Muelins, Lawnsj, India Linensi, Dress Flouncings in eleg&nt patterus. NEW LÂWNETTES.-Choioe styles j.u Prints, Chek Sateens, Plain Sateens. li cille st Whutby cihn MoDonald îe à. park that day. e'i Pié -nie ornes kt ou Wedneday *6 havé :et out gpreparatione of hink of. 0f course preparatief-it je sa wlll b. there for 3hould th. present there will b. ai Young man knewn >e boe, was drown- Tueeday. H. wus scow.loacf atone stone.hooker wh.n nury oould not ewim ots on. Ris body se ame night and t ie Baia the Young beding of evil before ipring. ý, grocer, made an ay luet te, Messrs. ,wholesale grocere,. Id bie doore. Bine number of rumore he malter, and on aureeted Bt lb. in- h is oreditore and ing üobtained goode ?.The malter ilein L, and no acourale has pet been made ins, daughter of Mr. Toronto, whe bais aIS the Royal Con- àt Leipsie, Germany, on Saturday nzit. ad a brilliunt career een vearaof age se à erm lb. Ontario W'hitby, and oe.bhs casiion Bt Leipsio. ini b. a welcome relee. of th. CHIRONICLIS aI- rpaper, generally, ie ciwn hemn, the ra- eau make ilesonna ie else. But Mr. J. iwritee :-"I think cving ail the time. eondenta keep me se wuaetfi11 a Canuck.' iiDi with a view tc re, being quit.e etie- Lt is B blesaed thine euoe wante. we offered te psy thi LIber our pug-noeec 5or the Port Perr: >w thal it had twd er ouluide the lown i h) ave net hail te foc Sus bear froni them ebeen blowing them Ory years and w. WBD eteam they carry. 1 e ur challenge aM 1w 1make itl teu. 0Q ka are open to au z. Lot tbem open u fthe sbameboldere nd,- Iae obL - MILLIN-ERYs W. lead ini artistie trimming, new Styles, and work of a superior manner. We are bound to, maintafi o01r reptation as the leading and most Fashionable Miflinery in Ontario. Our styles are correct. Ladies wishing a fashionable and stylish Rat or Bonnet are sure to be suited with our work, etc. GENTS' CLOTIIING. GENTS' CLOTIIING. Our reputation for "Ireliable" Tweeds aud Cloths, Worsted and Fancy Suitings, Fine and Nobby Trouser, inge in New Patterns, Fine Canadian and Imported Suitings, and specially choice lime of "wearable" -Tweeds for boys wear. We excel in Ohoice Tweeds, aud our make, fit, style, work and value is first-olass in every respect. - - DEVERELL'S BLOCK, No,1, THINK - - WHTBY. DEEPLY When you are contemaplating-a purchase of anything ini our Une, no matter how smal may be the amount involved. ACI w' s ELY 1By coming to look over our large and well assorted stock of ail that is new and seasonable. D EGIDE To buy of us. QUIJOKLY After seeing the rices and examining the quality of our Goode you can't resist them. It is impossible to do better olsewhore. NO Can be found. BETTER VALUES We get the choice of the best goode on the Market and tui pnices are. s. LOW AS THE LOWEST We are a lways ready to mee you and with pleasure show you our Goods. ~3Ž~)DI~W GLAS&-OW M I~,O8S~ WAFIEHDýUSE I R~ & cL OA~M~PBELL 4 :~ DREbSS GOQjDS. We are showing a large stock of Sumee reme brMdto ateLAboSiks, Cashmeres, PrmttGmnghams, g S uxokers, Shawls. Lisle Threasd 811k Glovez, Cotton, Merino, and albriggau Rose, Parusd GENTS$ FURNISHING. Fauoy Ties, Collars-, -CuffeBrae, ME Linen nd 811k Hdkfs., CoUu sd Ouf Buttons, Fauoy St-aws, SefI u a d Fo A Big Lot of Frêncy traw. Hats zuifl be Cleared; -Oit 1 «t C LOTH I N Go. Ready-Made Suits and Single Gamenta.: Our Lai the lhing for wanm vether. In the Ordered Clothin de artmeut Mr.- H. F'raser fitting m suin athe LEsT TIEertayu hi.o BO~ NDSHOES.Abi, lPeRsLacdSud Bunalittoned Shoes. Boys ind Girl trong îohoL Sott, Gls Tha e -Sock tvr kANTBD-A~ny quani MILLINERY. - 1

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