Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jun 1888, p. 4

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ALlIAS TiNE. SPIRING STOCIK JUST RECEIVED, -0- Try a Package on.your walls, and you'll neyer use calsomine or white- wash again. GE. GIBBARD,ý a-1TT ]KEDICÂL HLL ONL.Y $1 oo PER ANNUM. Whltby, \Èriday, June 15, 1888. To eay anYthing moreabouIt th@e use- lesueme Of Our county councils as et proent i onstiitad je eediesa. Not only by every pIlerson Who pays »ny attention but aleo by the ocounoilors thiemeelves je it ooucedsd thes. bodies a i o f0 giaIe t10 eak of. At 1he reostu ssson of five day. here-cooul- in? 0750-the chairmen of ithe oom. Misteces andd mre othere found B uitile business to do ; but the majority of the members aspent iheir urne playiug croquet, [oafiug around, or cauoueing tb burk the Scott Act officers in 1he on- foroement cf thee. i.There vs real- ly nolhing atsm for them to do.- The chairmeu of oommittees, in mosi caes, wor, ati éa lsi tWknow wIhat tb make a »epout about, as u b. seen from read- ing ibeoe. ONE1 would thiok, to read the speech of Prof. Goldwiu S9mîth at Toronto Univereity convooatiion, ual lb.eQueen bed ingulted Dr. 1Daniel Wilson, of th. University by offending bhim knight- hood, and the Globe laye low a good maay Oanadianrj Sire" by eayisig liaI the Queou'e offer of a titi. je no houer to the. prosideni of the Toronto TUîiver- aity. If Dr. Wilson had nlos been a crank and had graoetally accepted the high honor proffeuod hlm-as it b.- came hlm b do-botb Prof. Smith and the. Globe would have givea hlm a groat puff as Sir DaieL. If thero abould ever be au attempt made to, la- eult Prof. gatlth by making hlm 8ir Goldwin Smith vo fauoy h.ovii tuy maibeau the affront. Nons of! hem eed mu u#y viiih.eidea liaI 1th. Q e u , iglaud vii reosiga bocanu a colloeopueident don't feel dlsposodl to accpi a hlgh compliment from he mout eteemd mouarci liaI ever lived. Dozsus of botter mom lu Canada have beeu proud to actopt a mark of distinc- tion from th.esame cau. Il don'tdo »Yauymn any credit to Set lie cuank. 00. Counoil Tme Table and Pro- gramme JUNSB E8SION, 188. (NOT.-Tiere are 86 mnembers of, - ooli and ith.e esaiOu lastd lv. days. ,At 88 eaoh 1h. members' f.e. vould m o 8 108 puday or 650 for 1h. seouut. -The mileage or 86 mou at 50 mou eshas (670aagod) vouldamounî t0 #180-47190l ainÎl. This vould figure ai 81 peu daY) Mody-eal tuom 2154t, 4 o'clok 1 - mmhoMr Ad 45 minutes. Gosi 88,à2.80 Itlç 1;eldom ouirgood fortune 10 at- rend* alauger, mone resentatii5. or moue builliapi gathering than ,tat w-àich assembled ou Monday eveuiug last ai tie handeome ieeidenco of Mr. T. J. Holliday, Brooklin. The. occasion was 1he celebrallon of the tw.nty-fifhh auniveisary of the wedding oft1he genlal hoat aud hostese, aud the ivo hundued and fifty gueste, eoatored about the beautiful lawns, or grouped vithin tho stately residouce seomed to vie wiih one anothor lu dolng honor to, thos. iu 1 iose honor they had assembled. The. elite cf South Ontario united in psy- ing boinage, ai the eulne cf Virtue and Tuuîh, andumistaksble voee1h. ovi- dences given et iheir, pleasure in 50 do- iug. Mr. and Mre. Hoiliday &long with Ihoir inteuesting family woue made to realize the waim place ubey oconpy in the hearte and affeMhons o! an over widening ciae of frienda, sud we feel aeured tie lime le far distant when theur Silver Weddlug and ils pleasanl association vill fade from. their me- mory. Tes was eerved ou the lava, aud beautiful jndeed voeeihe tableaux formed s e eiuklng sun, painting lu gougeouÏ hues ils fleocy bed, pausod !oî a moment 10, bathe lie laudscape with its melloveet booms. The. leugtheaod hables faîrly guoaued ben"ahh heir weight cf dalutios provldod, but the happy faces of lthe seated guesls bold plainly ual&Hailot, "These are not fruits forbldden ; no inter- diot 1Defende t.he touching of these viande pare." Aftou ample justice had boon doue the festive board, sud the attentive waitous h ad becoine exhausted, an adjourgiment vas made in-doors by sa many sa could flnd standing uoem, wiero Mu. B. Moore, in a neat speech invited Mu. sud Mus. Holliday to the fou. snd pue- Bented them., lu theame cf th. frienda assembled, vii a asomo silvor tes seuvice complote. Mu. John Thomp- son thon uoad a higily oomp!,ýmentary adduess, expressive cf tho high esteem in ich Mu. and Mus.' Holliday aud tioir family, are held by the coco- munity st largo. Mr. Holliday, who appeared deoply movsd by the pre- sentatien and le sacoompeaylng ad. drees, made imitable reply, after whlch Mu. Alox. Kotchon vas oalIed bto ta dhafr, aud impromptu spoues voe lu ordor. To report a fraction cf the. many compliments pa.ld the happy couple vould tax our epae c bth. ah- most, sud il suffice il ho say the fol- lovlng gentlemen did justice to the occasion : Beys Mesu re.Oaig, Car- michael Reditt and Harrisaud Meue, Wm. Smith (eider,) Wm. Radoliff, J. B. Msuhevson, A.. G. Hendeuson, David Barns, David Oumision, Daniel Hollidsy, B. F. Oampbell, J. M. Borna, H. Laagford. Juo. Speuce, W. J. Mur- ray. John W. Thompeon, and the bride father, Mu. Neebut. Letteus cf regret at being unablo te bo proseut vere read from lb. folloving : Wm. Roult, Ingervoll, J. Parker, D. Lavweon, J. Holmes, Jue. Oddie, and P. Anuan, Duabarton, Bey. A. Kennedy, Guelph, Bey. B. C. Plilipe, Brooklin, J. Ducian, John -Warren, Mus. Jas. Bauclay sud John Burns Toronto sud Miss Hoidon, cf ihat tar wedng da who grow u{> viti us trqm beyiood, sudbLa h ie lrna lady by yenr aide, wie carne arng usa strauges vo ove thazka tor numberleu favoi Tho giccupled vii h.eduties of berne aua ei porpieuini ceres et businessu liv.. have net nazroved ho tie»e. lYou7 talents, sud hhosoet of ur farniy, bavobeem ah hie service ofet vy g<ced cause, wvik ycur gonoral klndlleu an aIl oaion ha ,won yen rnnyMnda vie cff or thel As a mernenhe et te-day,su a mUgi toienfcret o tuwernv aiycur accp tance oft t es soitvth Our varru wsh'es bar your ftures happine u d puaS perity. Maheb.comlug yoarblad yci only more c >sey togother and yu hL eguovU "feeiégthat "rIl l a rigittuàl.in idnc 0'ao bo. sc o you e i galbe-visaI oarlhma fO« Oùly la lyp sa&ý for a Uttle-- perfect sud et=ru B Homo. Slgned ou bou cof oemmltbto BL MOcii The Jue u iôneomrmenoed ca Tu.sday ls E uiou . Buis take Brooks, Oahowaiabut 1½4i into the oounhu,,yfors.,&ye ~h tesm vas net returnedp sua the deteeý tires lu Toronto feuud thal unihin. iad sold lthe hoees. Sushine vas immedisloly aréd for oomplbolty iu lie robbouy sud placed on hie. trial 'Verdict not gçsilly. Q,&eets ve. Hood.-The jury dieageed on lii case ah lutI court sud Il had to corne ap again. Jno. Rood', jr., Brugham ovni a faim vhieh la st present leased 10, Jqeopi Stevonson. The leso had been giéen ta Stevenson by Jno. Hlood, su., proviens owuor o! lie puopeuly aud youug Hood hsd tried le anuaiti, but iad not euooeed. ed. Bomo quarrels had been iulged lu lu vici Stevenson vailoped Hoode jr., sud sorne lav uesoited tu,unutil - lust haiveet, vion Stevenson foud is biador burut .lu the. field oes Monday more g.Ho supectod le Hoode hd startsd le fiue sud had some mon ex- amine trache foud usai tie spot, vilci huseke seoem tho ally vouy clomely villi a boot without a beol vbiciHRocd le alaimed ta hbave voua. It le ailsged liaI the man who made lie Irsoke iurnedlu bis toesilu alking, as doos Hood. The evidence le of a puroly air. cumastantisi nature. Verdict net guilty. COoUnty Qouncil. Mu. McKayo seconded by Mu.. Bate- msumoved lia naiuhsIis coun- cil ha. besu compelli by roosal logis- laion bp, laceho the credit ofthie Scot Act sud Liconsé, fud a large aMount of mouey fou tb. purpoe o f enfoucing lie said Actlu tuis oounty, vo viiehte ex- proe our disappuoval uhoreofsud le ex- press thiedesirethiai hhe Commissicueus sud Iuspectors, in lie diecharge of tliu dalles, wiil net use auy of said monoye for th. disueputablo service of detso. tives. Mr. - Lauke saed fou somo ex. planalloas uegaiding Ibis motion. Mr. McKay said il vas lulended as a kick by the conoil agalusi beiug forced ho grant moaey ho omrmissionous vie ver. net forood te give ti condil a statement lu dehail o! ils oxpondihure. Ho did nch believo lu <rantima tbsse commissions al l he bid a mind te ask fou sud bien lake tliu word for its si. penditure. Mi. Laikoe ald silier the frameus of thia motion voue disicest ouroe. didu'h kaov boy b framo a motion. Ho b.- lieved lie motion vas the outoome of a deuiro ho impeaci the offloors vhose duly lb vasu10o nfouce tho Scott Act; sud if tislese viwy don't lies. mom- bers cerne oul liko mon sud make wiat- ovor charges îioy visio* te. If sny offleer ibu dons vrong bot iim b. charg- ed vllhil. Besides belug dishonese tho motion vas se vreiddas la b. un- intelligible. Ho vould advise tie paries vie gol up this motion to sither maie il igit or admit they don'l kuov boy. Hovever, beore tho motion le discussed ah lengli lhe wisisd to raie the point liaI Il vas oui of order as it commenoed vith a presauble, vicisl againsi tierunies of ceunci. Il reade, 46Ismnoh, etc.," vhieh maies Il clearly s motion vili s preamble. Mu. Smniithsys it i. not a proamble ah aIL. A. motion bas no preambleu- boss il etarle off vii "Wheroas." Mr. Lau.e said juil try "*whoeei" la place cf "1insmuc" in ibis motion and seo if il don't ameaul ho the anme thing. Mu. Smiti-No. Mr. Larke-To b. sure il does. A.ny- on. eau se. that. At any rais, Mu. Wardon, I veald ask youu raling. Neithorthie Wardou uerayone eh.e eau violai.thie raies ofocouncil. Tii. Wsudon said aohhing sud evi- dently oeemed disinclined 10 <ive bis uuling, se lie discussion proceeded. Mu. Rulbedge salid Mnet under- stand vhat vos meaut by tiat part of th. risolutlou referrmng tb "dîsuoputable services o! dete1ves.' On. vould in- feu fiom liaI Clamse laIth. liou comlsecure had bea lu lhe habit of employlng dimrpulable deteolivos Tiie movers cf tîii.motion should <ire as wvialeriifrainthey May have reigaudig thie employment of diurepal- abl. deteotivos iu eider liat the concil May knev on viat evideuo il à gving ltojudgemeul. Wheusuby vhom ver. these "diurputabl oetfves" employ- ed ?Iflierehau beenaunytli o f the klud csu't liey tel us visu sad vieus lb hock placeP Beides, aye lie speak- er, lb ie clalmed by men luin mpahy viti Ibis r.solatlon liaI the goodies are proseoutod sud dives lot sien. sud if buis be tuevould itueltbe botter te iemploy dlseputable mou fou a vhIl. venud suit botter Mm. Mr. Obrhit e vont ebject cf tliseul againat tise .pussent biuge sMd tise he*vj made. Liauke gain ekeêl sutg-olo h.b 1»tIr WEEKLY MARRET MONDAY---Quality higli. demcy to lower. Demamd good. Prices TIJESDAY --- Gloves and Hosi-ery new importations contain some IlEye Openers." WEDNESD[AY---D[ress Goods to-day. No change from our regular LOW choice. TIEIJIRSDAY- --Embroideries cent. in some limes. NOW is the time to other1 REPO RTS, firm, with-a strong ten- in great demand. Prices a little lower. Our were given a lively raid PRICE S. Hurry up if you wanit good lower, big drop of 20 per FRIDAY---Gents' lies in fui] bloom. styles in stock. LOW PRICES stiti rule. Buy to-day. Ail1 the latest SATURDAX'*--Priees dIOWnto lowest not.ch. Struck bot- tom. Safe to buy large quantities to-day. Bargains ini ail limes. We intend to keep selling ail season on to-day's basis. 0f course you're with us. Wiil be glad to see you often'. THE Fashionable Dry Emporium, ý o '.p PIINGLES TA IL OIiING ES TA BL ISHMEN Te i?,E3V[O0 VE One Door East ' of R. Snow's Confle ctionary Store, '88 SJJMMER '88 0ur store continues oeeof tiechceapest spots lu Onlarfofor .e ý Wiere hier. vili always b. keptinl stock a Splendid Assortiment of Clotho of ail kinds, whioh wiUl be made up ini hie uuual geod style by Neat, Reliable, J, R. PIRINGLE, FARMERS, FIND LT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE AND PROFIT TO USE MYCOLL's A MACHINE OILS. mot to gum, and will outwear ail Machine 011e.) Guaranteed £D' Try our Cylindler 011. It bas no equal. For sale in Whiby byWM. BRYAN & BON, Dundau Street. THE ONTARIO UnexceUed for Famiy Groeeles, Fine TEA - 18 - OUW - TEA HOUSE SPECIA LTY. "CASH AND LOW PRICES IS OUR- MOTTO.W O c k t Goeie udPo isios a rgrBoeru d heaper hanevr P RIZE, TE-A -FORML LIO N8!;(IRfEA'T 0A RIGAÎNS fi occ3ey sud Glavarieues alav beow akuspettos CDE W L ~e1rI gos B a POOPIOW :Bi: Easy-Fitting Bootss Shoes and Slip pers, By Cashi Buying sud Cash Solling ve are successilu keeping oui pulces mach be- iow -thse.of stores vie <lv. oredit. Our largo circle of customers ln Whitby sud the townships la steadily increasing, ahtractedl by our low prices. Our aholves are nov stooied viii Fine and Qoarse 8hoesiand Blippers, -FOR- SUMMER, WEAR! Le uts Laced WgkIing Sices-the f ah- Ladies' SlIPPes-,Wih handsore boys or rsle-nvrsy CRILDRENSSHOPES: InA LSyerlasn-fi-t¶n&>?andoieap' and ts booràd ,ut 16wos uest- FARMERS' FOOTWEIARi Ma~ Ladies' Jdg atbRO( WILi FLU Goods and Tailoring Severi on Tan aud suma eteamelr siderabi te et f WB dents t caIllek GlonM bones a traffo Pou aon Di Atieli Ba%", vouka The Boss Tailor., THIRESHIERS, A ND MIL L-MEN1 RD ICa* Wue uoui m 1 WHAT is Alimmu lm cb ic-M

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