Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jun 1888, p. 3

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Rec oguition. TUE GOVERI4MENT EXAMINIsTION 0F BAX- INO POWDEIS-ROYAL OFPICIÂLLY RJiPORTED PURE. Tte repoiî (~f tht GevernmeLt analyste, sasmni ., public itotu tine t', time in the offic reparte ot the Con>ý misuio'nor of Lui. AudRevenue, from n d.> fnl subjece for atndy. A great deai of attention is devoted Ie the examina. tien of baking powders, aLd very pro perly so, for tbey are articles of genoral use, sud many of thon> boing so groe- ly adnlterated ail poseible information should bo given ta anaèble coneumera te disetinguish between the goed sud the bad. A large number of thoso ai ticles have bec u n-.ÀyzLd, tho &ap!cs bîS Coi- lected from dealers in ail sections of the Dominion. The im-urities fi n1id werc principally aluni sud hlime, bu.tli unwholesome. The alun le ueed in place of crem ofetfartar btoume of its low ceet.- The lime, both tartrate sud ulpl? $0 l' ij>,fen], Mibqpreeerît froi the uenitnpc îprly refinod Creain 01 tartar. The analy8se font)(]sud reported the Royal 13skiug Powder te be pure, free frein lime, aluni sud phosphatia acid, aud of hîgh losvening, streneth. A complete. sualysie would undoubtedly have stiown ne hakicg powder except the R)yal entirely free frein somp ona cf these objectivnablo ingredieuts. Tlhis, we vitkuine, accunuts for .he lacLi et lesveuiniz powder in thae ôther powdjer@, as s('caetrflq complairaed ef by the cook, andi for the oittAr taste found ini the biscuits se lreque.xly cern- plained cf by ourselIvtis. But aside froru the inferiority of the wvork loue by ile powders, thie phy- sicians assure us that lime fiud ali taken iLe the systeni are iinjnriou. Their pbysiolo-,icai effeots are indiges- tion, dyspepsiia or worse eviits. The quemtion naturally arices, why do these cheap bakine powder makers 'isep these thinge 2? Aluni is tbree cents a pond, lime stili eheat>er, while creani of artar costs thirty-five or forty. TLo readsons for tho chemnicai purity of the Rioyatl Bakin2 Powdar ware recentlv tzivtn in the New York Tîmies, iu an intprostiugz description cf a new inet- bcd for refi:ýing arizois, or cide creani et tartar. J'. seumrs that it is ouly un- der this process tha'. creai ofut trtar cau bo freed frein the lime usàtnral te te it aud renctered cbemically pure tbat the pat#-nts aud plant for thue ceet the Royal Bakiug Powder Company about half a million dollars, and that they maintain excluisive colitrol cf the rights. The offiia recegnitiou of the pnrity sud value of the Royal B..king Powder by the Govertment will add te the ai. ready wide popularity cf that article, sud deservedly se. Tho baking pew- der is uow used, te the exclusion ef al others, by the United States Goveru- S mont, iLs adverti&emaents for supplies calliug for iL hy naine, as the contauued tests; cf the officiaI Chemists show it te ho much hiRber in straugth sud parer ia qua!ity fLan auy other brand. Washington Letter Frotiî our regular correspondent.) WASINGTON, JUne $Ui, 1888.- Washington bas been thrown lu h shade-thîs week. St. Louis seddenly became the centre cf politicali interest, sud Convention week in ihat City necesstàrily meaut a dulI wFek st the Capital. Many SensLors sud Repro. seirtatives in Congres wors in alLen. dauce upon the National Convention, sud more stili wouid have gene bad Ibey net bean unwilliug te basve the pouding tariff dobate in the Hbuse. The Sonate bas noL beau 1dbe boy- evon. On Mouday 'it disposed of soveuty-eight bille on the callender, & bout forty of which wore peusions. Amoug them vas ane creatiug au addi. tîouai retired liet o! the srmy for eighly officere nov ou ILe solive lisI, but in-. capaeilated fer active service. Mr. Blies, the chairman of tire Houae comuittee on pension@, thinks hi. dutios are vamp onerons. A reporter who va. Lnnting nov. asked him oe day for Borne paragraphe on pension logielation. The Nov Yerk Congrese. man eaid : l'Wall, 1 have heen labor- iug 50 bard for weeke paîttIhat I have ual Lad lime ta think of anylhiug ex. cept ponsianes." 8peakiug o! the hun- drode o! bille vhich Lad heen referrod le bis commitlee for action ho ssid th. private eue embraced Mexican claims, Indian var, cdaims, Bevelutiousry dlaims, dasims of 1812 and army sud nsvy dlaims prier te tho var sud euhb- mquent. The ameunut ef pension ssk- ed varies; from $8 te $50 par month. Bouge of tires. daims bave beeu intro- ducod lu Gaugresesafter Cougrees, with- ent over eecuring sien a report, sund Mr. Blise sape raout cf them are mari- lonlous sud ought te hbavo boss honored years mgo. _Anether clame off daims vicih bave increased Mm. Blise' vork pertains te elife-saviug service. Lt romaine t e hoseen whother tbe Houe. wil look vitir favor on legisistion te pension ILe widovesud ierphans o! mou whe have lest tirir1ives in thie branch of the public service. O! course thiesosrt o! lsw msking je in tire senti- montai vain tei some extent, sud tire succees of the measure vill depend on tire &Mount o! s§ympathy that cau be rsised ini the Honse of Beproseutatives. Tire Senate bas beon mucir perpiex. 63 over tbw idow pension problem. ESeitor (JolquilI irat 4i8ove:ced tire alarming fadt tiraI the farther w. get avsy from the vais'lire fasiter tire widows increase. The House committee on public, buîldid#s hoUd tîs h ls,.fr better facilities for' étre <ehdsof the townes iiiwio epvopcsed to ieet buildings tùtire 1.Preuident, sand tlwy -hve'uaniiouel7 -agr..& $0' ft- ocomrnend the paumé*e o! the. Âlsena 2a.) publ~ie building bil ovv bis vê Deserved Offital Wit and Humour. A queer geis-A coiner. Woman'e fears-A Mo-use. Grave betting-Life insurance. Lovliest in reposo-The bull dog. A waiet basket-The late8t bustie. Lt issun ili wiud that blows uothing- A parachute-A double baralled gun. Nover short in hie accouts-The etoryteler. A uew thing in dudes' imported hats this spring would be brames. Al'. fair in iove-especiaily the objeot of one'@ love. A Chicago girl at a Cinderols psrtv ouly pute her foot in if. Oh, yes Ibis is the sweet springtido. Haud down the ulseor pleaso. Yon can geuerally tell a Iroe by its bsrk. Especially this is @e of the dog woou tree. Au Iri8h editor save :-"The au etf capital pnnishment @bould be te reform the oania." Lt ie nat every bicycle rider who eau laver the record, but it is a poor bicycle ILs'. cannet lower the rider. Wheu yen came ta think of i Younug man, isu't the marriago ceremouy mises Ieadiug?2 Lu Ketucky-Ruuaway couple 10 minister-"Will yen join us ?" Min* isetr-"1Thanke ; I dou't cars if I do.' Shonld eurîhquakes be refarred toe se rosi estate movemouts, or mnattera in connectien with gronnd rente. no (jekiug)-You muet net believe whaî 1 eay. Sho (censcieus ef ber beauty)-Toll me yen don't love me. Au Omaha man receutly heid hie brea'.h until ho diod. Ho mueot hava beau a roal astate agent withont s cuetemner. A Pittehurg edilor sape : "Hushaude are ual inade te order." W'll bel ho cau'î convinco malt vives they are net. Wemeu are undoubtedly angel@, but soeaof îhemn seom ta farget it wheu they whack tiroir thumbe with a tack- hammer. Heard ou the sîreet-Firet domeetic - W home are yen livin nov ?" Second domestic Ihat was-"LI ain't livin' a& ail: 'm married." An svfni time-Hle-'Yee, darling, I had a terrible lime at Glottyeburg." She-"'You, beo 1" Ho (aide)-"*Iu 1876 trying te get s drink st 4 a. m." Fmend-"Your office closes at 2 o'eock on Saturday, Brown. How do yen spsud tLe rest of the afternoon ?" Brown (a -man of family)-"'Buying shoees." Bobby (listening intently)--Ma, le Ps puttiug up s steove in the parleur?2 Mara-No, dear h. e riting with hie uev fontain Peu. TPh. oli gentleman vas tryiug tb find a northweet passage from the log of the duck, sud vas mattering under bis bresth. "Ma" whiepered Bobby, is ho esying grace. At su easet ide lanuc-Jagg-"«Er -Jobu what je Ibis ?" Attendant- (Jheeee, sir." Jaggs-"lWhev t Why didun't yen have il embslmed before you set il up 1 Guest (te oolored porter)-I want yen te be sure sud vake me up at 5 o'clook. Porler-ail rigbt boss. &Il yer has te do ie ter pull the bell vhe à yer vante ter ho woks., Mik-Pat %if Sn Injun should Ot suter yez vould 'you rua ? Patente sud I wnd not. I uorked $n à olgar istore two vakes asud& divil eut am I 1fr"d of wmjuue. Sometimse 1* almâoit seemu sif the =,s.n the chnrob *toepleÎoints hesven w go s pesitently le b.osup" 1.trý '9 odsro teninfo id sonate esoonds thre Eouse motion snd the Rtdumý seoonds thre Senste's motion. EB-ah pagefs iii. other', blli. Sueir Oongreesionsl nuanimity in reppect te a matter of tDistriot legisiation le un- usual. The Prohibitioniste count on aiting 740,000 votes this year. In 1884 Gove, nov St. John got 1501000, sud ithe vote as the Oongressional and St-ite eleetions in, 1886vs net quit. 300,000. Such an enormnous mocrose. wiil noes- sarily make sorne Stateii doubtfui thtî4 are now reoognizod in ene way or tho other ,ae certain. Among them are Qalifornia, Minnesota, MiohiRan, snd even Illinois, in whioh latter siste, it le Baia, the Prohibitionietsi will go te the pollis 50,000 strong. Another petition praying for Prohi- bition in the District of Columbia was pret3onted te tho Senate during the week. It contaimed the names of 7,000 persons, frorn varions parts of the country. A prominent Washingtonian ssked ye6terday, "Why is there a goneral dis- position, united with persistent doter- mination, throngheut the oountry, ta make the District of Columbia a sort of moral experimaent station?2" Ho was aliuding te the petitions and me- moriale with whioh (Jongress is flooded every yoar for legisiation te improve thec memoriais of the District, whioh, ho ay, are cslculated to produce tho impression abread that the National Capital is excoptionraily wicked. Said ho : "Our people do not dlaim te bo any btter than the people of ether parts of the country, bub con* iler themeselves as equally good, and iL i.. net pleasaut to bo singled ont in tbim way." Wbv, coutinned ho," do not the reformers exert their efforts ou New Mexico awhule, or give Arizona a wvhack, instoad of concentrating all tleir pions solicitude upan a well-order. ed community like the District of Columbia." By its mild,.seothing and h ealing pro- perties, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remnedy cures the worst cases cf nasal catarrh, aise "cold in the head," coryza, and catarrhal hoad- aches. 60 cents, by druggist. Mr. Macdonald bas been nominated as the Libtral candidate for Lorne, Manitoba. A Rare Combusation. There ie ne othor romedy or combination of medicines that meets se many require- mante az dees Burdock Blood Bittere in its wide range cf power over sncb chromoc diseases au Dyspepsia, Liver and Kiduey Com,1daint, Scrofuila and ail humera ef the The Right Hou. Edward Robert King- Harman je dead. The circulatisu cf foreigu coin will be prohibited throughout the German Empire. Give Holloway's Coin Cure a trial. It removed ton corue lrom oespair of feet without any pain. WhaI il hbu dons once il will do again. Mr. John Bright is making eatisfactory progrese now Rud ne fear af a relapse ia on- turtained. In Brief. And To The Point. Dyspepaia is dreadful. Diaordered livor is xnsery. indigestion <e a fote good nature. The haman digestive apparatus ie one et the meet comaplicated and wonderful thinge in existence. Il je easLuy put ont et erder. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, had cooker, montai worry, lato hours, irregular habits, and many othor things which auglit net te ha, have made the American people a nation ai dyspoptios. But Green'@ Auguet Flower ban done a wondomf ni vork in reforming this sud business sud makiug the Amorican people se haalthy that thoy eau oujoy thoir m"al sud ho happy. Remnouber :-No happinosa vithout heaith. But Greeu'e Auguet Flower bringe hoalth sud happinosate the dyapeptio. Ask your druggist for à bettle. Soventy-five conts. Emperar Fredsmick had a long interview vith Prince Bismarck yostardsy concerning the Mini tonaâl criais. Itehlg Pues. SYMrToare-MeiStUre; intense itohing aud stinging, malt at uight ; verse by scratch- iug. If. ailowed to continus, tumers term, whioh eted bleed and ulcerate, beeomlng very ioe. SwÂYNEc'e OiNTmust s tops the itching sud hleeding, heule ulooeration, sud ln mauy casesaromovos the tumons. It le equally efficciaus lu curiug aU 5kin Dis- eaues. DR. SWAYNE & SON, Proprietors, Philadelphia. Svsyue'e Ointmeut eau b. ebtaiued of draggiats. Sont hy ifail for 60 Cents.-16-ly. Gen. Sherman vas mucb botter Satur- day. Dr. Smith, tb. alteudi.ug physicis, thuaks ho viii ho ahi. te gel out ahortly. To al vho are suufering trem the errors suand arotions et yout,nrmousweak-; neas, sari y deoay, lasetofmanhood, &o, I viin send a recipo that yu cre pou,. FUE0F CHÂBGZ. The gret remsdy,ý vaadiscovered by a mismionurp lSon, .êmerics.Bond a seeitaddresmed envéop e te the Bey. Josivu T. Ixaz, bSaUoni> Nfew YoO Sv. A large psrty etfpblic =ou witnessedà naval sdam flht at ortmouthen aturday. A8 8weot oe, honey s. Dr. Loto's Pleiaont lVqrm Bpr'np, yes aMf'rd to destroiiandl eepel, o oMi. The Italisu <haiberetD of s a agroed-te sbol"shcapital pnlehjxet- I1 SPRI1N G --ooo- weonder, but they shbould gteoolleot th«er are lots of people Who live in boasiding Jak.Edîth I'ason aabamed' of pu I saw 4a Freuohkusu iib the conserva- tory kîireig purèpubtedly. Why, didn't yod.til tell top. Edith-I oqldnlt Jacke, 3aok-Y. u oeldn't ? Why not ? Edith-I osn'teop àk French. Mise Brown-Can't yon epare me a littie more mooey thlo week, pil That's à deéar good fatber 1 Brown, hoc* muoh- do yen want chiid ? tOb, ouly onongli to-buy oloth for st-batbiug suit." '<0f course, my dear, of course. Hers le a quarter. Womsu (te tramp)---'Now thatyon've had a good dinner can't yen do some- thing for it ?" Tramp-"Well, I dunno, I want te (In whaèt'çs ri&rht. If yon'vc. geL any lottors ta post L'i drap thom juta tho lamp poss for yen, I'm a square man msdam.", Thora je a whole b'>ok juêt pubiishod giving directionfi -,How to select a Wifo." There je ne noed of rnany ruies. The easy and simple plan is te go st once te tho voman aud ask hor if se'. married. If she's a wifo she'll eay se. Do yoen net think, Mises Smitb," ho pleaded, "lthat in tume yen might ioarn to love me ?" "Possîbly," the girl repli- Gd. Iff yon wonld rend or me a state- ment of what yen are worth Mr. Joues I might learu to love yen. I'm very quick at figures." "Sis," hie said do yen knew whe-re niy base ballaek ije? I've hnnted high and low for it. III didn't knaw yen wantod te use it te day Dick said his sister nueasilv. "lWell I de." "l'il see if I can't fiud it for yen," and she wont upstairs and found it without any troubie. III hardly think my danRbtAr," said Mr. Fitzjoy "that yonng Slimjames is qruite the sort of fellow to, have hanRing aronnd tbe husr-" "Wby, pa, doar " Ho is avery lovelv yonng man. Hie father lives in Canada, and-" t'Oh, very well that's ne differeuco." Papa (d ecisivel) -"This blamed ex- travagance bas go& te stop [- If yen eci't check it I tihal have ta 1" Miss M]ÇagRie (sweetly-",That's just what I want yen te do papa. Draw the choque for a bnudred and fifty. I eau squeeze along on that nutil ueit week. 18 SHOWING A SUPEBIOR STOCK 0F Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, And other fine linos cf Cloths, for Spring suits. AUl garments made Up lin lateet style on shorteat notice.- Ready-.made Men's and Boys' Suits, Gen S' F urnishings and Underclothing of ail K/n S. INDESTR«UCTIBLIE OVIERAILLS!1 HAIS!1 HAIS!1 HAIS! Late2st styles i Hard and Soft Feit Hats VERY OHEAP. JOHN FERGUSONY, Dundati St., Whitby MEDUCATlED ELECTRIC ýBELT Medicated for ail diseases o! the blood and ner- vous syetem. Ladies' Bell> $2 for female com- le&ntosithas noequal. Mens' Beit $3, comblned UT C~~lt and Suspensory $5. Smnlwans CURmahoo.d, nightly omissions, Etc. The only appliances glvlng a dlirect current of Eectrioity to the.parts. Caxi ho'worn night or day without iniconvenlience. H undrcis f àe Imonaleon ft tose cur-ed o! femaale diseases, pains in back and Ile, lxeadTen limbs. nervous deN.iy geners.1 debility. lumbago, rheuxnatism, paralysie, neural ,ia. scistie disease of the kidneys, spinal disease, torpid liver, gant, leucorrhoea, cats.rrh o! Te bladder sexus.l exhanetion, sominai omissions, asthmahoart disease, dyspepsia, constipation erysip- olas, indigestion, imapotencv,, piles, epilepsy, dunib ague and diabetes. Send stamp for handsomely illustratod book anud health journal. Correspondonce strîctly confidontial. Con- sultation and electrical treatinont free. Agents wanted every'where. Fat. Feb. 26th, lm8 Cures Cuaranteed Medloated Electrie Boit Co.. 155 Queen St. West, Toronto, Canada. ~~PERIAu CREAM ý= 2 TAmR'AR PURE8Ts STRONCES?, BESTI CONTA'NS NO ALUNI, AMMCK IA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or ar'y ijuricus materiais. E. W. GILLr-TT, TORONTO, ONT. Maa"r PUPto ?t>PAnDf ROYAL T!ÂOeT 'C>&3L DRHODE' *, ; "hC VA THE GREAT c-uRES>m LIVER GOMPLAINT DYSPEP81A BILLiOU8NE88 810,K HEAOAOHE KIDNEY TROUBLES RHEIJMATI8M 8KIN D18EAgs8 sud aIl IMPURITIE8OFTHE BLOOD FROM WiIAT- EVEROAUBEARI8ING SPRJNG1 MEOICINE, Price, 75c. (with PUIs, $1). DR. HODDER'.8 LITTLE LIVER PILLS., (Very email sud easy te lake.) 14O GRIPING. NO NAUSEA, Sold everywhree. Prie, 25 cents. WOLFENDEN'S STEAM MARBLE WORKS WIET BY The Subecriber wiBhos te couvey te hie rîy nendeo sud Onstomro. 1 asincore Ibuafor their liberal troage lu the pan sd ta assure thsmthte has botter tacilitios than evor fer executing aIl orders outrnsted to him for Monuments, Headâtones, . S/a te and Marbie Manties, And any othor work in hie lino. Ail Work guarauteed finast-clase. Prices te suit the times. I have nwmovod te may nov placeet business i4Smith's Biockt, aouth oet1h. Market. 7S R. WOLFEPNDESN. 1 DUNN'PS- POWDER THE CQOK'S BESI FRIENO, REMOQVEDI MAIISO&&HAW]e J. B Woltoeepepared le fumier Marbie and Granite Monuments, Head'Stones, and ail other Cemetery - Work. Psrl3iea ihig éte prchùe viiftnêilteo' tiri ntmret th 0on un-betoro buying OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONS. Bemember vs manufacture and are the sole proprietors of the foilawlng specialties and thai theycan bohad from no other source. 1EAR NOFORESALE BY DRUGGISTS. Corrospondence = trieUly onftdential. Consultation upon aul chrn disoase invited, NO CHARGE ozcept for medicines. AU oos sntmeurs frm'oberva- tion. Toroto Md ce ., Tor0ýoalo.Ot' HAIR COLORINO- Blsek, Dark Broun, Medi Brown, Ohestnu, iiighUoid -Blonde> sh or Blonde icendree aràlée etYMir wh e±i oderlug. boti. oone edcne(&. rOIHLE? REQWISITES In ordering pleaso specify -whioh you requirs we guarante theznta give entire sat!sfaction. No 8 ImpartB to th~eskin the color and freshiiesm of maidonhood; harmiessandcannotbedotected. 61.25. No. 9 Liemoves 'wrinIkîes. $2. No, 10 Re- moves Liver Spots. $1.25. No. 11 Removes Flesh Worms. $1.25. No. 12 Bomoves Preckles. $1. No. 13 Romoves Plmples. $1.25. No. 14 Removes Tan. 81.25. No. 15BRemoves Moles. -82. No. 16 Romoves Pockznarks. $2. No. 17 Beoosundue Prospiration. $1M2. No. 18 An absolute uni ailing specffic for the retention devolapment or restor- ation of the IHair. $1.25. Toronto Medicine CJo. THE BUS? No. 19 Is a coznbined internai and external treatmont which speodfly developes or rostores the female bast to the proportions of>oluptuous nature. ba entlrely harmaless and certain in re- suIte. Prioe 8$). Toronto Medicine Co. Toronte, WOMEN 8 ILLS No. 20 A certain cure for Leucorrhoea, or 'Whitea Falling of thie Womb, Ulcerations Painful Men- struation, "Bearlng down Pains"' and al Diseases and Weaknesses peouflarte femusies. Endorsed býy the hlghest medical authorities as an 91un- rivalled" romody. Prico S2per bottie. Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. FRENCH RECULATUON PULLS Far superior ta Ergot. Tansy, rennyroyal or Oxide. Endorsed b y the thousauds of ladies who use them MONTHLY. Nover fal Believe palin. INSTJBE IIEGULABITY PleasaniandEffedtuaJ. ce 2 Toronto - Modcine Co., Toronto, Ont, NEV1RALCIA £ RIIEUMATrI8M Can belouredby uslng.speelfie N.U. Ita on- dorfi ssWo is due to, the-simple tactthat- 1* dote althat lecl.lxnod foriL . Pile L Toronto Medi' o .. Toronto. Ont. D 0ONT ~ '!Z ! USEO COHoUs-f nmmESS, Bo!M&TxsR Sold Everywhere at 25C.-a Bottie. Becommouded by Everyhody. I am acquaintod witb tLe composition et Perrin'e Pine Tan Cordiai, and eaun eoem19-' mend il as being the Most effiient Ceughý BeMedy I know et. P. PALMIER BUBROWS, M. D., . . {Member ai the Ameriosu Public Ea1h Association, sud Presideul et thée- =zou~ liv. Association et Hoalth Offieersolr Ontaria, J Perrin's 'Pýne Tar Cordial'Co., LINDSAY, ONT. SW COUNTY O! ON TIKUION MEDICINE 00.,PRP8.TRNONT - HOUSES_ FORSAE ~wo oodstor.BU..fhal ouses lu-h Town o Whitb1, iw novsd, pexly bnilt et brik.Stoxeýfod&îon. even rooms ln .eh. HËiadana soit water. One ininu- tes walk tircim posti office. _Çonvenient to ohurchès, sohools ana butinemw places. - Aiefive suda a it amcr ti na veil frced. Âpplyt ,1888, JOHN SUIT&B FERCUSON ago- ýwas ýun- uld Ke's Lvell iý 1 1

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