Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jun 1888, p. 2

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Oouuty oouucil. FOUaTII DAY. * MORNING F' ISION. Counoil metpm 1 1:' j o'olook. Mitk'îe'ç of yeAtir iy confirmed. Tha clerk read -,r jomfDiO&ti0R traM1 the EdacationD L)partmeflt ShoWiiYz th6 IIoU0nt.a Of grkt t tO Wn$h1pEs. PRINTING. Mr. McPherson bronght in tV ?rint- ing Oommitte's rAport on prioting ta the foliowicg effeca:- PRINTING C0MMITTE. The committee recommends payment of mcountis of printiflg as follows: Osh.awa Reformer. Adv. Eut. Exam. High Soooole $3.00 Adv. June session to oounoil $2.00 Port Ferry Standard: Adv. Eut. Exam. Il. S. $3.00 Adv. June Session Go. Co. $10 Pickering New8: A dv. June Session Go. Co. 82.00 Oanningtops Gleaner: Adv. June Session Co. Co. 82.00 Oshawa Vindicator: Adv. Eut. Exam. H. S. $303 Adv. June Session Go. Co. 82.00 Beaverton4,a'prea8: Âdvi-June Session Co. Co. $2.00 Niorth Ontario Timea: -.(sâme) $2.00 Broo!lin Timnes: (saniê) 82.00 Whitby Chronicle: Adv. Teachers' Ezam. 86.20 Adv. Eut. Exam. $8.00 Adv. Co. Go. meeting $2.00 Port Ferry Observer: Adv. Eut. Exam. q3 où Adv. Teachers' E zai. $8.40 Adv. Co. Co. meeting $200 Whitby Gazettte: Prinling (extra) $9.00 $8.50 rafarrad la Liceuse Commissions as helongiug la lhem. A clause was'aclded la this ordering copies of tho standing cules tobehaprinted. WX. McPnuaSOs, Chiairmnan. The repart vas stiopteti. On motion of Mr. Lanke, a committea wus appointeti, cnsieling of Messrs. Smith, tle Co. Cterk aud lbe moyen, tb revis. tb. standing cules of anti have the smre prinled ini accoctiance wiîb tb. printiug oommiltee's repart. Cannait adjourneti at 12.20 o'clock. AFTERNOON SESSION. Connail nesumed at 4:10. EDUCATION. Mr. Larbo movodtibe counoil int eommilteaetfIbe vIole on tle furtber oonsideralion of bis Eduostian repart. -Garnieti. The report vas adopled. Mn. Samillon iutroducad anti carni- eti tbrough a by-lav ta appoint a Col. legiste Institut. trustee for the lavu of Wbitby. Tlie.blank vas filled up wyul the name of RWi. R. M. Ccaig, et Dan. barbn. LEGIBLATION A.ND MEMOETILb. Mn. McR.y brougît in tbe repart of th.e ommitleo on Logiilalionansd Me. monials as follows : LEGIBLATION &ND MREMORUALS. Mn. McKay branghl in lb. report et th. oommitta, as tolbava: You.r committea bave consideradti he petitions yrasented tb th. cancil fer changea lu the Ancioneers', hawkars' snd pe iar'b-law and rcemmeud lIat the by-laàw hoamanded s5n0-ta compel sny boîtier ai a licause ta show Il la any rate- psy anof thc coanty who demande il. T1hal n'a have befora us tba napict ai th. Criminal Justice Anditors, dateti-'an. 1011, 1888, lun'Iiîch rofaronce la mad o ta the tees paid ta the Sheiff, Clark af the Peso. and Go. Attorney under the existiug d.1 Tour commillea n'ould say tIaI msuyq " Items ot lb. tarif! ware introducati by île Govornmaulton lb. purpose et lucreasiu th. lucome et sbariffs lu curtaiu counUes vliere lb. amount reallzeti tram tho office vould olberwise b. iuffilient for lb. proper msînlenanoo of lhe.saine. And maiy of snch items do ual spply to, seaifis in the more poptilaus centres. Anti in fet where th. amount realizeti by th. shentif aof a oounly do.. net amaunt t aa certain sum tie sain. i. sipplmented by a certain amount by th. Geverument. Wilh relfoe e l.suggestion af the oaid Auditans s b lthereconstruction on. abolition o! the Quarter Sessons, yonr oofmtte cnnotrecmeauuheii l.abolition o! said sessions. As at preut esbablished, lb. Assises coming on early lu the "aU su spring sud the sessions on th. firt Tuemtiay In Deoembor sud June, tairly divide lb. year. Anad thus suilans iu civil cases as Weil as crissinsi, are saved the treuble anti expenue of long delsys in baving Ibeir cases disposeotio! or being trieti. Il msy bsppen that no criminal le ta b. trledU wvit tlhe Assze asast the Quarter sessions ; but ve are tuavare of a sigle Instance in vbich there bas been ne civil casest. ho trieti by a *Uy aI lth. sassions hlit uIis county. U no jury ver. snm- montai th. causes vonilishve la stand over 1cr trLi a aotaher turne la the tietrixuenl of suilars. Wilb respect la the conduel o! certain àMsgistrates referredtinlutheconciuding ne- marks o!flt.e<id report, parbioulanglybose ongagetinlu asestherein referredt tayour commite reomenat Ibt If the euds of juti e ersdfsated,4the i~Itrates who ai pol. aidcase mi. be reporlsci Doxàzm MOIKv, chalnusan. Thes report vas adopt.d. miade availble for th. de pomit sndud t e keeplng of ail booksansd documents con. necleti with or relsling to, lands under th. said Act, nhenever the ane may b. bi aght imb farce in. Ibis oouuly. Yvur commmittee are of opinion Ihat 1he pli je geuarally are ual yet aufflienlly Aiýv, to, the advaulagas of lb. Act, *nd un- tii # tie Act is appreoiated b snob an extent aki Lobha itroducedaI tleastinjte the cilies of the province, you-T commibbee would nol recommend Ibis conucil la bring the Act mb f orce in this county, whicb la Ilargely a rural aistrict. JÂXES RUTLEDGE, Chairman. The report was adopleti. FINANCE AND ASSESSMENT. Mn. Marlou broagzht lu the first ce. port of the Finance comcitte a asl- lows : - F&NCE. Mr. Murlon bcoughl lu lhe firBl report of the Finance Gommittea z- Wa reoommend lIaI la comply wlth lb. requisitians tram tha Licensa Gommissioner of Nanth sud South Ontario, respeotively, the psymeut ci the sum of $2206.75 ha au- thorized lu respect of-tdhe formar, and of $2121.58 in respet af lb. latter, tba amounts 50 recommendTd ta ho psîd out of the fines impoaed aud ollectad or>1vhîch may bare- aft6r tram lima to tim 'duing lhe icanso yaa hocoleoetinnFheb.provisions of the second part of the Canada Temparanca Act, sud received by the couuty Treasurr under the su.lhoriby et lhe Dominion ordor inl couinofilo! the ffileenlb ot Nov. 1886 for the purposes othenid Acý, no ar sas the mare shall b. uficetIleoralrpay- lug the County Police Magitràal' any sud expensas anud any allier erponses of ou- torcinq the saiti Acî,payable by tIa coanuty, the said amou.nts o0 recommandati beinq the fulil amonb called for ini sid raquisi- tious, lesa a raduction of t218.04, tram the former aud 5103 59 tram lbe latter, reain- ed iu respect af tha amounîs ovarpaid on the 16th of Jan. lasI, by mistake, lu 010055 of the amounts anthorized by the council la, ha paid upon lasI year's requisition ; but in case said flnes shahlla luisuffielent for the purposes aforasaid, thnonfaIsncb de- fiincy th.at tn'o-thirds ba raisedl by assss- ment lu tbe sanie way as money for lb. or- dinscy expandilurea of the connly, and tluaI the remaini.ng ona-Ihird cf sucb de- flciency, ifi any, ha ual paid hy lb. counly, the Goverumant baving undarlaken la psy the sanie. AUl oi which, etc. L. K. MURTON, Gliairman. Council adjoarneti et FIFTU DAY. MORNING SESSION. Met aI 11:10 o'clock. o'elook. Membons ail prosent. Minutes af yestonday confirneti. A communication vas reati trQm Prof. Mills, of tb. Guelph Agncultural College, ststing thon. is a vaoaacy in Jaly ton a student te b. seunt ram tii ocony frac of oxpense. Mr. Parker breagît in thb.rnoet of tbe comîlîee an County Property and gaci management s falovi'. COUXTr PaOPERTY. Yanr committe rcommaud psymeul of varions acconuts amounting la $298.82. (Jai.ber's repart given last week.) ficcomcueudiug shuttars tar Mn. Barclsy'a office windows, in the office af tbe clark ai the Surrogala court Rot nsing s grant of 513.05 ter station"r lu tha 'udga's ebambers, as s grant was mal. for that purposo last session. Statiug the commilleea bal visitati th. jail snd fouud everylîlug salisfactany and th. officiaIs courteons sud obligiug. Ro- commerxding s lswn mowar b. prrdaseti far Garetaker Linton. Slating tbe commillce had hal belon. il tIa application of tha maîron of the jail tor an increase ai salary tram 51"5per annum la 5t75, aud raoommandliug lIaI th. jailer's .alary ho caducat troa $850 ta 580 sud tle $50 atide t lahebmaîron'a salary, raisiug il la the amaunt asked. GEo. Pts n, chairmian. On the clause etating tIat the coul pan dey of maintaiumng pisoners lad gene up freai 6 sud a fraction ta 8 ànd a fraction, Mn. Coulîlard explaineti that ti, mugIt be aocented foc by ibhe tact tbat a big supply of provisions are purclas.d in lb. finI laIf-year sud a sinali ameunIroquiced to e bspurclased in tle lasI liall.y.sr* On the clause rooommeuding an in- crosse of- $50 in the msLrne's aay anti cutting tle like amount off the jailen's sary, Mr. Smith movod iw amendment ilit the salarieset oflte j aien anti matroaMr. anti Mn. Deoker, b. lftI as they are now-S8950 10Mr. Docker and 5125 to Mna. Deoker. Mn. Smith saiti that Ibis conoilha. resly no power to deoreas a Jaler's salary vilbont th. consent efthle Inspecter ot Prisons. And at auy cale, sinise Mn. Decker bas beard tIat, 10 increase her siary ber luaband's viiibave la b. oul dovuj, mIe lsd ezpnessed a - desire te vithdrav lien application for an in- creasofe alary. Sevenal membisspokisla tavor et th. clanu anti il passeti by a vole cf 28 le 7. An ameu4mentivas moveti ly Mr. Lanke and canriW statiug thât these changes lu salatyb. made.ouly uqpon obtaining ths consent of -bhe In-' speclor of Prisons, prolilg snobchocu- seuli usneo.ssazy lu lb. case. Wben Mr. Pua moye theb. lAd aoptmo ftl. e»Port - Msra. Bine Ma MO wbray moîsti . td Wkeut thb. clause #ewffo erite . tau-gât uorsas et saiary but Warden OLsary nulei the motion oni as nes b.ing an'-amisnd- mound thelb.r. poit vaso dopt.d. Adjournd o d er ai 12:10,. APTEENOOKI SESSION, Oounoil nsumed ai 8 o'olook. Mr. Lack. brought mn u A zeport from ths Education .,omieMe»reilng lthe malter of rooouniduga utudisul le Guelph -inlua Oi.e te. cbairman of, thé E4uoàlloiýOommiisv"f. vIsa tih. »copî legal uI.p~ s hU* h1ave1 b..»taken lu th. ýýmMllr. Ueo -in '.*iUMotlug the .euiuteés, iôb.ejgpq#ou wllh Ibisoc. Inspe0Wof poloubo 1 On tbe clause rafading the amount of the Affin auctioneere' license, Mr,. Larke moved an amendaient that the clsae be struok ont and olained that previons to the lima Allun cooomitted be b.d nsed his lîcense two eke evory day and evening, whioh taken altogether is perbaps more than mosl1 otber anotioneers use Ihoîr lionuses. The license used by Allin's mcocessore had aiea beau used for twa or tbrie woeks day &rd nigbl, snd bad reooiv- ed good value. Mr. Rutiedge saed these men wbo nov assked a refund wera bankruipt stock mon who came to Whitby and lessed a store for a yAar in order to fui. fil town by-laws, but that thi. vas only a pretence, and reaily nov appoarsd 10 have boisa a fraudulen t as they are a[ready gene. The upehot of the busi- ness b.d bison that th. legitimace trad. ers of tbe lowa b.d boisa onxsidorably injured and tb... bankrupt mena had gone away after ridiag safely Ibrougli tbe tova by-law. The traudulent ar- rangement of Allia lad been made aver ta bis suocessors, snd batween them &ai a big trade had bison oonduol.d bore withont eouher taxation or mnoh oiher expenée. Mr. Marloa sttled tle refund would go ta 1h. vidow of Allun and th.eouni. oil voted down Mr. Larke's motion. On the olaus toLras6er the ounty bank aeounul from th. Dominion te the Co>tinued on aeventh pae fats, Sur. and PaW~ems What a world of rneanig this stalement ambodies. Jual wbat you are looking for, i. il ual ? Putnam's PainieasGarn Extract- or-the great sure-pop coru cure-acts in Ibis way. It mû.. no sore spots; "sale, aots speedily and with certainty ; sure sud mildly, without iuflamiug the parts; pain. losaly. Do ual ho imposed upon by imita- tions or substitute. Thae mperor bas decided that no summ- or ftes or alber festivals in Germany seaU be stopped ou account of bis condition. Indications of Dyssî, such sas Sour Stomacli, Heartburu, Sik Beadache, Bising sud Souring of Food, Wind on the Stomacli, or a Ohoking or Gnawing sensation at 1h. Pît Of 1he stom am arelly met by BuYdoOk Bloo Bit«owhich hsscurod lb. worst cases on record. Miss Kate Willard, Mm. Clevelands friand, lias gone la Oak View on a vigit 10 the President sund bis vile. CONSUMPTION CUREDI An .eid phsician, clrod frorn praolioe, 4&v-g adplsedin hi. banda ab Rast Indis mlssionary 1h., formihUlà aimpe vegetabie romody for 1he speedy sdprm- aneit ours 1of Gonumption, U&nbl," Oatmrli, Asllima and al Ibroat andi Lung Affections, alsmapositive sud radical onze for Nervous Debility sud ail Nervous Ceom- plaints, aller baving tested its vonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, bas feit it bis duty 10 mû. it known 10 bis su.ffring eil . Acftateti by tbis motive sud a desre »Hrolve 1hujrîsn sufrlng, I w'lIl senti free of charge, to an whed.sieit, Ibis recipem German .Frencli or Ekih Wm. IL Havles who shot bis brother-ln- iiawe Virgit11.Barivm S M agC«ý AWU'rl,-bm bisa for tial. iigtjul toilot £uoewy ap s agod veina for ausesameut, of rates; ana the' re- port bin4 tb. counol l toaccept Ibe'1County Judgels dacision incse ef appeaL. The $87.50 cefered ta Èes a s balng ovarpsid by mistake t. 8M .batiaion insuot yab repald, but th. Comrnlttee libas very greal hopes regarding the retunti of il." Tha Gommittee rcols o laelb. bneficlal ceenlIe of the work of the Prisoners Aid Association as shawn by ils report, 50.181 bias beau loaud ta Prisoners, of wbich 8427.30 bas been Yepaîid. The Gammitbe commende lhe association ta tbe. different munleipaliliams. Recommandation is madth âa upan sur- rendering up bath anetioneeas' liceusos granle o the b.two baukrupt men aeetly ini Whitby, 58 shail b. paid la Mca. Alun, n'idow of tho Mau Who shot bimselt. Mr. J. S. Barnard is allowad $15.00 for ilnuminaling last year's Jubile. add.ress to, lhe Queen. The coinmiltee recommanda Ihat #20,000 ho ralsed for eouuty purposes for Ibis er aud Ihat this be apportioneti sud leviati by by-Iaw ; and Ibat $4105 ho Icied in the sanie manner for sohool parposes. $14,000 ia authorizad ta be raisati by n'ay ftlemporary Ican la came trom noIes dis- nOnuted aI 5j par cent. lu tbe Western Bank. The Wardau, Gliairma4 ot Finance snd C lark were appoin tati ta exfàmiua lb.re- nawal af Ihe Trasrer's bond sud alteud la the transler of papars tram the Dominion Bank ta the Western Bank. Nolbiug i. recommendad regarding tbe abolition af bonusing, as tle Legisiatura look Ihal businass Up lasI session sud naarlyi aqueezet ilt tuden-th. The County Auditors report is Èi4-porteti correct aud declareti finaIly sudlled5subject la <orne corrections whleh are mentioneti. The 9sàb-oomitltêeappolnti toaz willi the Goverment reçarding 1h. division of coat of haaliug the jaîl, report thay co uld not make au appoiutmant withIba Attorney.. General until bis comturom England. A grant of 526 is recommauddt l. Northi Ontjo Farmar's Intilute wbau certain conditions shall have baen fuifllei. L. K. MUBTON, Glairman. ARCADE, TORONTO. A School Thorough.ly Equipped for Business Traiuiug. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMAN SHIP,l BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, BUSINESS AR1THMETIC, SHORTHÂND AND TYPE-WRITING COMMERCIAL LAW, PRACTICALLY TÂUGHT. FINEST ROOMS IN CANADA. Bond for Circular. Address. 27 C. O'DEL4, Secret ary. A Positive cure. +1 A Painless Cure. FAOTS FOR ýXEN 0F AL AGI ]DISEÂSES OP MAX. THE G7R EAT IHE.&TH RE.E11ER, Marvel cf Hesllng. and Kohinoor cf Medicines, gj0 îfl te terile cons.equenees of lumdiseretion, Expsunre and Overwork. ris, s, Who ara broken 3own tram the cieta of abuse wil find in No. 8 a radic-al cura for uervou- debility, orgaîci weakness, involuntary vital lasses. etc. BxxPTots vont wmcn No. 8 S8H0M.D DsBiW.Usxc r.-Want of energy, vertigo, want of purpose. dimunesa of sight, aversion ta eociety, want of c4uaifidance, avoidp.ne of conversation. desire for solitude, listlessness and inabllity la fi the attention on s particular subject, coardice, deprffssion a! spirits. giIdaines losci of meninrv, excitability oftelmper. sper matorbeSa, or los af the seminai luid-the resuit of self-abuse or marital excess-impo- tancy, inrntrition, eîuaciation, barrennoss, palpitation af the bea.rt, hysterlc feelings lu famalas, trrunbliug, ruelaitcholy, disturbing dreames etc., are adl symptoae af this terrible habit. oftentixnes inirocently acquired. In short. the apring c f vital force hsving lost its tension, everv function wanes in consaquence. Scientifie wrters and the suparintendents e1 insane alsvllin', unite in oscrihing ta, the effects of self-abuse the greal rnajarity of Wasted livas wbich cono under i heir notice. If you are incompetent for the arduons dutiaaf business, incspacitated for the anjcyments o! lite, o 8 allers an escape from the offects of esriy vice. If you are advanced 'nlu rs, No. 8 will1 give yau u ll vigar ana strength. If 'v.a aro broken down, pbyslcaliy and uoraliy tram aarly Indiscretion, tht reunît of i;ýnor ýnce and f olly, and your address sud 10 conta lu etampa 1cr M. V. LUBON's Trestise in Book Form on Diseasssoa Man. Sealad sud sacure froni observation. Addregq' a'r-e';inmuni cati ons ta f19. V. LITBONi 47 Wellingion St. E., Toronto. A Man %iiii.iw.sdam ies in a fooI's paradise. CURES GUARANTEEO. HEAI. THE SICK. 9' ç U21 A Permanent IMPORTA NT A Pleasant Cure. NOTICE I ON ACCOUNT 0F ILLNSS I HAVE Decided to go out of the CrookeryBuies AND WILL SELL WITHOUT RESERVE AT AfrTD U1~DER1 cos'r, DINNER SETTS, TEA SETTS,-, CHAMBER SETTS, CHINA GOOD89 FANOY WARE, GLASSWARE, TABLE LAMS, BANG-NG LAMPS, LAMP GOODS AND SILVERWAIRE, Ain Lateist Styles and-Patterns. Don't delay in securiug.Bargains. The be8t and Cheape8t 8rocerie8, Canned Gooda, etc. TEAS - AND- COFFEES - A - 8P'EC1ILTY. The famous Louise Baking Powder put up ezpresily c&ncZ k nby Deverell's Block, Brook St.. WMitbyt Ont@ N. B.-Wneayqatt fUttr re gspls o tated OIoe.,at THýE AILINWA REJ-IOU8E. __________CAUSE AND,EFFEÈd for Infants end Childrene CSEtO!i ino welladapted tocldren tba t Oos aenTefl 0le, Coootpatian, 1 recommend it as superior to any prescripto Sour Stoinach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Klu Worms, &ivesa leep, and prUomOiSi baOwn to me."' HL .. k. REaKM.D., gsin 211 SoOzad Ut, BrooklyuN. Y. I injurious medica"~n TEm CENTAUR ComWi&Y, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. I u!ornto'Medicine Co., Tocan-it1. j CtIp& oidail Sectiona1 B lier & Portable ]Eu- gines., Bilers absolutely safe, economical, ,in fuel. adapteji for printing offices, sausage grin*ders. cheese factories andgri.çuh iers. Sîzes ftom i13 t012hoe poe,Send ,for THZ Asir POR DR. PI.EBCE'18 PELLETS, OR LIMMIE BTJGA-COATED PILLS. fleing entirely vegetale, theyo- juevlout disturbancle to the s 9,temdiet. or occupation. Put up lignae -ais, hermeti-. clysealed. Aiways fresh and rliable. Aa a laxatilve alterative, or purgative these lile 1ePe1ets give the moet perfect satisfaction. flhllous Headache, Dizzinena, Constipa- BUllEUU AttaAk:, anda derangoments of the stom- ach and bowels, are prompt- ly relieved and permanently cured by the use of Dr. Pierce9s Pleamaut purIF4tive Pellets. Iu explanatiofi of the remediai power of these Pellets ove r so great a varlety of diseases, it may truthfuily be said that their action upon- the system la univereal. not a gland or tissue escaping their sanative influence. Sold by druggista,425 cents a 'vial. Manufactured at the Chemical Laboratory af WOItLD'5 DmrsPNARY MEDicÂ&L AssociATIONq, Buffalo, N. Y. le offered by the manufactur- ers of Dr. Sage'. Catarrh Remedy, for a case of ~eChronlc Nasal Catarrh whlch "~they canuot cure. SPT01S 0F CATAURHU.-Dull,heavy headache, obstruction of the assýages, discharges falling from the ha1 ntthe throat, sometimes -profuse, wtey and acrid, at others thlck,ý tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and put!ld; the eyes are weak, watery, and Inflamed; there le ringlng lu the ears, deafuness, backing or cougbing to clear the throat, expectoration o! offensive matter, togeether with scabs from uloers; the voice la changed and has a nasal twang; the breath le offensive; smell and taste are im- pafred; there la a sensation of dlzziness, with mental depression, a hacklng cough and gen- eral debillty. OnIy a few o! the above-named symptoms are likely to bo present in any oua case. Thousde o!fcaues annually, wthout manlfesting hal! o! the above symptanis, re- suit lu consumption, and end ln the grave. No disease le so commnon more deceptive anud daugerous, or lesse unders;Îood by physiclane. By its xnild, soothing, aud heahing properties, Dr~~ SabsCaar Remedy cures the worst Cases o! Cata rirh " oiln the head,)" Coryzan sd CaarrhalI Headlache. Sold by drugglsts everywhere; 50 cents. "Untold Agony from Catarrh." Prof. W. H.&U5NER, the famous mesmeriet, of ithaca, N, Y writee: "Some ten years ago I suffered iitoUd 'agony from chronlo nasal catarrh. My family pbys1cian gave me up as incurable, aud sald I- muet die. My case was such a bad one, that every day owards sun- set, my voice would become so0'hoarse I could barely speak abave a whisper. In the morulng my coughlng and clearing of my throat would almost strangle meb By the use a! Dr. Sagels Catarrh Remedy, lu three montha, I wus a wefl man, aud the cure bas been permanent." "Conitantly Hawking and Spittj.ng."ý TnamAs J. RusmmiN, Esq., s290.pine Street, St. Louis, Mo., wrltes: &4I was a great sufferer tram catarrh for three years. At times 1 could hardly breathe, and was constantiy hawkln and splttlug,. and for the last eight moutiz could nat breathe thraugh tb-e nostrils. 1 thaught nothing could ho doue for me. Luck- lly, I was advised ta try Dr. Sages Catarrh' Remedy, and I amn now a well magn. I believe Il ta ho the ouly sure remedy for catarrh now imanufactured, and ana has onýLyto give it a fair trial ta experience astounin resuit8 snd a permanent cure." Tbre Boulies Cure., 1atarrlL Pa., Baya: M &dughter bhad catarrËh w she n'as five ears aid, veës. badly. 1 san' Dr. Sage's Caarr Remedy advertieed, sud'pro- cured a baffle for her, "ud soon saw that ft ww shaci becsi aud nec.l Capi, senti Missi. sutent' lionc0 porly i use, ai ly &du ehould dieting bati. been a lected the Dc were P unwbc' place 1ev c0 iiuipheý the uei tartar. The Royal from Il have eh lbe ROý of the This, w lack of- powdeîl by the fontii Buti work d, siciens taken: Their lion, t, The do thet use the a pond o aat reasoni Rayai given i juterai hoti fa ai tanti der tI eau be to it a. tbat l about I they iX anti va by tleý ready, aud de der i. others, miente: Mmonu

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