Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jun 1888, p. 6

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1 kJ onipr!oo«bit of gold, hiânRea miser; "d'714 If fomnd by robber bolds lied rnèver sisal m~V ea1uh ulield, And noue ;woul»thewlser. Why do 1 hoard tii bit of gold, Ne'er giving or ludiug ? )b Mena h,o ips tTte and old: fovd-but verdi are weak sud cold; Let's hasten te the ending. The bit I keep ne ene could mis" Proai&l her wealth, her lr of goldien'hafr-gobd, ah 1 - TU@ . urll1teek and left àkiiS- And new you imow the @tory. deWh.y prise h sego?" 1 think maybe HaK any&in bor yeu've qnerrled, Ahi1 frisnd, a miser levlngly Baves eut one bit cf gld--ah, me 1 When-all the rut iburied. One bit lhe saves te touchansudeee, AIl thi ittie: Sweetheart 1I tis &RlI have et thee- Tis!, and a life-leng memery, 01 lovethat u'er was spekren. Threugh weary jearn my bit et gold I've hearded like a mier; frieud, wheu my hoart groi s tired and celd, Tis. uri lay in my dyiug hold, And noue will be the. wiser. Tii. Rugg Documents. OONTAflING TBZ LIPERIENCE OF JEJRUSîU RUGG IN B19ARCH OF à A BAD PART I. (Continued.â AUNT1 Upon liaI abs getal seadass onnet, for if yeu'vs took notice, ne voman viii stand being tvittod about ien age, sud throving doua lhe baby, se made a dive at me villi a loug.hsudlsd frying- pan tbsî wae lyiug on tue vood-pie the minuit afote. I up vili my umbril le ward off lhe blev, sud alliehe smme I e ok a stop bsckvsrds, aud good gracions 1 Dovu I veut nut. into su obd eellnr liaI vas laying round tiere loue s pnrpoe fon eomebody le tail luto. O! course I vas dteadfully upsot, sud il seeooed se if tie top cf my liead had been toa off sud put on Vteter aide cul. My gound vas tore, sud I'd bsukedmv elbow, sud knockedmn u n- nit iute a cooksd bal, but my courage wse asgoed su ever. "1Nover eay die 1" lathie molioe of yen AunulJerusi>'. I olia u oe the enlier, sud irnuedi- atli>' iv doge, a cosset seop, sud a ivo-yesr-old coltcoinse rite aI me, fol- lowed by the womsn viitute fryiug- pan. But rui match rny umbnili againsi al thm doits, sud colle, and fryzug-pmus in ibose United Slaloesud Cînadas, vien tenallau pansd 1 gel lie botter th' leux a -! Te voman sibm made tmchsfor tus houses,ansuminsd bell- ed lhe door aftter lier. And I entu on nu>' vs>'rejeicing, and siuglng Haill Olumby>' te t~ une o! Bri4gsvater. I teck suotuor train et cires.1aithe naoi topplmg-plico, md veut on te Nov York. Aten I gel lier., I hirsd a penlice tle but ton my busbsnd ; be- cause I vaeseso tired, and Nov York È seoin omi e ho soinder pized Up. For nu> part, I don'l se. ne need of se man>' bouses se tie>' bave thre-it csn't be tiaItuen's hait folks enuif to, liv. hilo This porlice tolsn vas dremdful amant, mcrding te lbis acoounu. No dovilry coul it I ean ef hie oye I Ho kuowed a ciminal b>' th. look et him hait a mile off, sud hoe ou.demeli a rat viens thone bad nover beon ne rat, mer noue cf a rat'& relations!1 Ho' vanui gene but jusl Ivo heurs &fore ho come back, sud sed liai Joua. tau d the Widder .Sprigglus bad gene on te Nlsgar Fable; Ând I paid hlm ton dollars for the information. I didul sleep moue liaI igit, sud the nexl day I sol ailfotonle Fansa. Ail day snd ail aigut, pritt>' ulgi, I iraveil- ed, aud vien v. annlv te Buffsbov I hadsedlrl>a fce and as red àapair ot 07"s as snYb in hate cars, vilc is saying oouuiderablo. Bmffalov le aunies, aîr>' place, with wido sIreets, and a beap cf fêllera ha psay oite, eoo-fl>' necîloï-sud cigare a idlling round tue orners a looklug st thbmen folio. Wat I like te b.e bmekd si-most hausum tomateJadies "&., sud 1 abould'- ave bowed sud emited ai iheme perlile streel admirors if I bad dtlme, aund a't been se md viiiJonathan. At Bufflov I teck lie car for Ni- agara lalla, sud arrlv' there &iH sie an' sound. I vent le the. lavem 'liai b.- longs le Mn. S8eucer, s'po»-me-uhow il le emlld the. spencer Ucuse, sud Il la 84 uce &Pleaoe.04everyeoulema*AgaW â~iI4. togrm u liid aihwouogh w No. 21.-À VIBIT TO tuÂÂPLa 0f course the fuit ihiag for a lay te mme stNisg#y l e h.lls. Thom lu. the. big gon at liai plaoe. For s long epeil Vve been a etiag out togo there ; sud I felt in akind of1 a huriry te go toc, because smre fer- losophisiug people in the venld sez liai lu tie courses o? ive or three hnndred yeir lier. von'l b. suy Niagary Fl'als -the rocks kte.ps a fslling dovu ai each a rate. And l'y. issu afeard thal if I vailed I migit mise seeing cf oux. But nov accident, s it were,,had eeemed te throw 'em rite jute my vay 1 It'e rallier, singular, if ever yeu've teck notice, hov Ihinge happen jouI ase lie do, but it'e sn ondîsputable fact that lhey do, sud lier. baint ne helpiug cf it. I fixed myseit op as gsy ss grass vidder, vien I sot forth te se. tho Fale. I had tiree yards of red ibien on my hair, sudthbree yards more lied round my neok, sud I iad s bine tasse] ou the handieetfmuy umbrili, sund if I do say it liai ougitu'l te, 1Ivae as emart-looking s tomais vemans lier. ever vas eoed in lieux regins. I vent ihalo s store sud beughl ive conte' venli of pepper as an excuse for going in, sud lieu I asked the mon if ho vould bp- kind enuif to, t.11 me th. vsy te lielPalse. He vas dresdful tlckled te do it. The Falls is s grate Institution lu liaI pis.., sud lie toîke is fonde!f oml1 They epesk cf 'em jnol as Boston dees aboutthie great orgin, sud as Eeledeffy dees about Mr. Gorard's cooiidge. He teld me 10 go straight up lie sîreel liii I arriv te s piauk valk, sud thon toiler lia i ll iI cum tte a greve, sud lien turu off go lhe left sud go rite lirough lie ferry-bouse, stop cul cf lbe bock door, sud put on my speeke, aud I sbould oses 'em 1 I obeyed hlm sud found 1h. vslk aIl igit, sud 1h. grove wvioli as full et used-up paper collars andpslonl medi- oins sdvertieemenls, vhioi showed liaI I vas lu a civihisedcoeuntry. %I vont rite dovu the valk, viti my ambnili sproad, for il vas a reaining s itl, sud I vua sfesred lie damp vouid lake my bain ou t fcuti sudthie siffening eut ef my green ibbil' ou my bh. Byma-by I cum te s fonce. The man iu lie store sed tiiere wcnld bo a gale, but I didn't ose. none, se netthovaste ne lime I begnu te climb 1he feue.. Il vas s iad job le do, sud I hriod fullt lventy limes store I onld gel np ou top of il, sud tien I t.hb off sud hilced My boop akirl ente eue cf lie piokots, sud liked nover te have gel it off agin. Tien I got s board sud sot il opmagainsi tue toe., sud I ctim te lie top sud jnm ped over. I bruug up lu a sefs, muddy place, sud splaehed lhe mud sud vatet &il over my pound, sud enteoe y face. I vas mmd, but thon vsmrn't nobody te, spit my spit ente exeept lue frockiod nosedl fellers, with lin psil@,, lut b.d etopped te iloek si mo and lai.Anud lie>' isff.d til thte>' vas purpie. "1Look hoers, yopng chape," sen I, "1yon'd boîter both o f yo-go home, sud takeoenuthin' te keep it froux stnikiug te yen atummuchs. Il vonld b. &Il up viti y. if il siouid 1 " soenevere round, I dou't know. -I stpodsud looked i 'em ux itI began to tée fan ta h e mslumuk, qd thon 1Iu mo dvusud esaatlrnoyer. A good demi refreshen.d, I gel np, dthia lime I found a gaie, ici I veut through, sud corne out inhao tue gre mtoeied. 1 vent ihnough thal s»d le lie Suspension Bridge, vhich connece the Unied Stalom iwi tte Canadys. The feiler liai ovni tue bridge h.ovas tuer., lu a litIle box of s bouse, sud vheu I sotout cl o go monc4 el,osme oui, sud sed I muei psy hlm a 4buter; sud thon he owked me what I had gel in m nu>'tohel-bag. I tlldhlm Il vas Dno e ibymese im sud I tîe him if-bis maha" done ber dut>' by hilho vould bave kuoved. betser théa tobe peeplag laie 1.1k.'. bage sud buadies. Thon lie begun-to explauste, sud sod hoe vas a Qualei4-hQo m manud ihat. feiki dld somnelimes aernuggle Ihinge over inteo amady, sud liaI it vas hda dnly to lbock laie my alel I oysned Ilaudsoved hlm a paper Otome, My .glghigovud*, sud a, flanuel. lghl.cap, a pour' o! oleta etookings; sud vanMis other lle>*articles, toc aumaerous to e nshn. i"Fow, look hers 1"'su1, yo @qls marnoueish.n rm.to homo 1H-ve to Pigeon E<eler, s&d f mhlk six 0,1 Dighe *4sud orazng, eeption., ïvW"~ las bob4tailed, sud Jo0atsean mlkýaï: vithout paylng sny attendra t<~ .hè- veather. I gnose I haiii'i te b. nQpi*ý by such a bittie sprinklicg as 1h11," &94 wsving My umbril, I marched Off u left lem. "li take y. for s quarter, aùy- wh.re yen vaut te go 1" yeUdodnee, of lem after me. 111'11 take yer for a nicepence 149 ses another. 'jil take yer for notbing 1" liez & third, sud I expect if I lad only sio*pped s minuit, some of lem vould have paid, me for being took. Snob a genorone set of men I neyer seed. Hero'a lnck te lem; and long life, I walked &long beside th. river, aud se.d the wat or, and tbe mist, snd the rainhov, aud a man vith s doukey, bowling off turf, ho my heart's content. I vas Invitod te buy more fans snd nick- nack pib boxes, aud bead baga sud sioh, liai the Injune made, ihan yen oenld shako a stick st, but I didn't buy. I vas asked le go here, sud go there, sud te buy appies sud oranges by the, oart-load; but 1 reepeottully deohune4. I did buy two oranges though; but " est 'arn right on the spot, se, that. liai feller on t'other aide cf the bridge eionbdn't celleet ne custom-hense duty on 'sin. There's wh.re I obested him! A.fter I gel baok te Acueriky, I set forth for Goal Island. I've been lalking for considerable cf a spellicf trying a goat, sud I thought it vas likeby I conld geL eue ciesper rite on the ialand, where there muet be se many cf 'em. 1 paid a bal! a dollar te go ou thora, sud lawful beart 1 ther. wsren't s single goal te be eon. Ail that I seed cf 1h. animal secie wus a brown cew, a white deg wili a bneby thou liko as if ho had on a Japan evitch, sud as lim-legged dandy viti s yaller geeeaud suif- celored trouserloons. 1 vent ali over lie islsud, but didn't see nothiog of any accont. Ml lite trees out full of Dames, sud hhere's a notice up every few yards askiog visitoe net te defsco the trocs sud shrubbery, sud thsl's prebably the canse hy se many hie eut tîcir names. I vent te Luuy islaud sud ont te Terripin's Lever; but I declare the. vater runs e cfat lere hhat I foît as bai as I did vien my fast husband .Popped the question te me. I vas Pe ligbt hesded that I coulda't ee oomtellu l'other from whaich. I gel as quick si; possible, sund sot out te go dovu Mr. Biddle's stairse as ho bock up at the Fallp, bdt jusl as I1mcoi ont te go, np csmo a mou aud a woman viti a bine voil on, sud lie minuit aie sot erse ente me eh. yelled eut; '<Tiof 1 pickpocket 1 Grab ber, Joepi!1 Tiat's the vomin tuat stoi# my pockel-book 1" He grsbbed me, but I gnose h. viei. ed i. badu't. I kicked sud satch.d, sudl bit right sud lot vih my aça ill snd he vas glati t let rme' go &dm UJ bresth. ,11mne pocket-picker," sez I, "sud il I was, I nover should tiik cf pick- iug your pookot. I don'l beliovo hhere's A Bota Who Oam TalkI Rv.rbody hau hoardof a "herse laugli,» but vie liasever smon au e q u. gitflo vWiitu te pover o!fupeci?7 S:0% au animai voubd b. pronouzoed a miracle ; but se voubd i.teloirapluand thetelsphonohave been a hundred oarsugo.Why, oven ver reoentlyaousfor cozun*Umton vould have been bookesi upon aa mraulousbut nov people are begiunlug le remazethat tue die a in -Dtincurable. Dr. Pieroe'â Golden Medlctb Dlmavry vil curei, if taken intime. Thusvorld-ronowned remedy vil net make new lffs$ but Il vil "aore chber means have failed Theussude eau graweflly lesuifyt iisAUl druggits, Two vom en made s succeisufl appaLOMto Goveruor Taft, et Rhode Iubaud, for 0u pardon o! s murdorer. Jacob H. Bloomer, et Virgille, N Y. a badIyswoied nok ad M"eti6oaamy son-i l ozly-aight heurs; onè appliosPe mnnvedtbq pain frçpavery no : lomnalhiohasheo ould ù6oi vabout the house; -she sppllod the -Oi4 , .M-Iu ereildeùt Olevelind, bu decliued the ' in. vhtation of Mayor lamer te vwst Loveil naît veek -J 1306y Tot areaim Tantu of tue pare. 1Àrii6ê e Aez wCeon Auhburni Oni., Dy "7 of 1BrookiUnio jno. morrlsolii noon; audtbJ#A,. 8handa ai 1It. Wedne;hay-t Jrohxi Elpburua, E. Whtby for the night. Thursay-AbXcleusleatnooii; toRag- Ian for thenlght. Priday-to Wells fàrmù, Kyribe, fer noon ; te Aloi. Cameronse Asi- bu= for th, night. Saturdsy-te Jno. DaîvidSoue for noon ; sud te bIsa owu stable ii monday. Corsewall Agih (Clydesdale.) ptroperty of Wm. Richardison & Sons, Comum- bus,î Ont, Moaday-leave hie own stable, Jes. Valant's, 2 miles nerth cf Oshawa, aud &long Brd con. Whîtby te Ray's hotel, Whut- by towu, for thc nigit. Tuesday-te Chlnn's hoI.!, Brooklin, noon ; te Wm.BRichardsonl Son's, Columbusetahnight. Wednesda-t Daniel Hadden's, E. Whitby, noon ; te Wm. Beith's for the night. Thursday-te Jas. Heren'e, Taunten noon ; sud te Bobt. Mer- row's, Srd con. Darlinglon, for thie nigità Friday-to Queen's hotel, Oshawa, noon; sud te iis own stable u ntil Monday. Lawor's Baron Gordon (lydesdabe.) ProperhyeofWm. Richardson & Sons, Colum- bus. Monday-loavee hie own stable,Colum- bus, for Chinn's hotel, Brooklmn, remain ail night. Tuesday-James Dlckson's, Myrtie, noon - and le Heltes hotel, Manchester, and remnain until Wednesday noon. Wednesday aftern0ool-IoWm. CeaIes, Coates Settie- ment, for the nlght. Tbursds.y-Rs.glan for noon ;asud to hie own stable for the night. Friday-to Thos. Wilbur'e, Darlington, and romain ail nigbt. Saturday-to Jno. Hep- burn's, noon; and to hie own stable tlli Mon- day. Royal Abbey Prince (Clydeedale.) pe o ort o ajor Hodgson. Pr Elry, nt Monday-leave hie ewn stable, Port eory for Bray's hohel Epsom, noon; and te Ranion House, i9xbridge, for the nigbt. Tuesday-to Les skdale and remain aU night. Wednsday-te Udors., noon ;. and V&Ientyne for the nigbt. Thursday-tc Sunderland, noon; and te Manilla Station for the nigbt. Friday-te Seagravo and re- main ail night. Saturdlay te his own stable, Port Porry, until Monday. Laird O' Ralth (Clydeadale.) Proporty o! Geo. Hickingbotton, jr., Ashburn. Monday leave bis ownstable , Wilson's H otel Âsiburn, and proceed te Hodson's botel, Raglan, for the night. Tuesday-te Chînn's hotel, Brooklin, and reonain ailnight. Wod- nesday-te Ray's botel, Whitby, and remain ail night. Tbursday-to Lynde's, Âudloy, and romain ail nigbt. Frldiy-te Jos. Hs.r- bron's Audley, noon; sud te And. Hicking- bottom's, Balsam, for tbe nigbt. Saturday -te Iiis own stable, Ashburn and romain tiliMonday. Fandango (Cldeadale.) P-'operty of W. H. Pugh, Gien Major. Mon- day-leave hie own stable. Glen Major, for Jno. L. Joues'8th con. Pickering, noon ; and te Jno. Dunn's 7th con. Pickering, for the nigbt. Tueeday-te Jno. C. Jones', 7th con., Pickering, noon ;sad to hie own stable for the night. We'Inesday-remain at hie own stable ai] day. Tbnrsday-te Jno. Palmer's, 7th con., Uxbrid3e. s"d remain aU nigbt. Friday-return te his own stable - Glen Major sud romain tii] Monday morning. Erskine (Clydeidale) Property o! Thos. Wilson, Brooklu, Ont. Mon- day-lcavo his own stable, Brookli, for Aud- loy, noon; and te Bays hotel, Wtiitby for the nigbt. Tuesday-te noon; sud Central botel, Oshawa, for the ni bt. Wednesday-te Oceo. Nesbi5t's, E. Whitby, noon; and Wm. Ratlilffs, E. Wbitby, for tb. tigb t. Tbursday-te noon; an d Raglan at night. Friday-by way o! Myrtie te Ashburn and romain ail night. Saturday-return te his own stable, Brgoklin sud romain unti] Menday. Macindoe (Clydesdalo.) Property of Alex. Cameron, Âshburn. Two îears old. Hie service wilibc confined to a hnxited num ber o! mares. Wiltand at hie own stable, Kinsale, meest of tbo soason, but will accompany *'Tsunahi1l' part of Ithe timo. Glenluce.(Clydesdale.) Prcperty cf David Birrell, Esq., two miles north of Greenwocd- Wil stand for mares during the season at Mr. Bu'rell's stable. Pedigree prînted on large carda. Proporty of Major Hodgscn, Port Perry. Will accompany Abbey Prince see above) on his routetbrugh Beach, Uxbridge, ScottBrok, and Maripesa and remain ever Sundays at bie own stable, Port Perry. Mlmont Lapidiat (Roadater.) Property of W. H. Pugb, Gen Major. Mon- da y-Icave lAs own stable, (ilen Major, for Âshbr. noon ; ad by way of Brooklin te Lovell Harrison's, Salem, for the. night. Tueeday-to Jerow's hotol, Brougham, noon; and by way of Green River te, Chuistian Wideman's, 101h con. Markha.m, for the night. Wednesday--to Miller's hôtel, Stcnff- ville neen; and te Ballantrae for the nlght. Thuraday-tc Tedd's hotol. Gecdwood, noon; and te Jno. Palmer's, 7tb con. Uxbridge, for the night. Friday-te bis own stable, Glen Major, and romain unI) Monday. IL.R. Daiela (Radater.) Pperty oGo.aud .8 Serlkr, Wht- by. 1Mcnday-leave hise wn stable, John Benle', Sud con. Reach for Chinin's hetel, Br=eko noon; sud te Pipher's hotel, Brougham, for thie nigit. Tuesday-te Besso'î hetel, Whitevale, noon ; and te Gor- don House, Pickering, for the nlght. Wed- nesday-te Crawforth's llvery stable, Wliit- by, sud ramaîn &al niqit Thnrsday-te Ga. Martinsa, Thoruten s Corners. nocu; sud te Jue. StaitIons 4th con. Darlunglon, for the Digit. Friday-to Halls ihotelEnnxs- kileunon suad te Swain's hotet . BIack- Stck, at night. Saturday-te sieo'wn "tble,oJno. Beutley's sud reMain untilMen- day mcrulng. Po Bu WARAM,ý .LA£INTER, SIGN WRITER, GtLAZIER, PAàPER HÂNGER, KALBOMINER,' General Roueo Decorator... and upwiüdie, Orders froùithê outy rmptlY attende.' lae SHOP-FPir-st, dooSouthi of Mr. Gï. T. mji's ls ffice; WVhlby, Wbiîby, April 131h, 1888.: 2-re titis I IL1, THE, G .&go hLondon Insuranco Of Greoat Brftain. CAPITAL, 32,50,00. AMAUL INOOMES 8116002000. MAXE Parm Preperty and Dwelling Heusesa Specialty. Very low rates. Eay terme of payment. Simple policies. Ne vexatious conditions. Prompt settfement of leoues withont discount. Be sure you do not inuure until yen know eur terme ana conditions. Enquire of E. B. B. HAY- WARD, our General Agent for South On- tario. Office in Whitby-Part of D. Ormis- ton'e Law-OfIRce. Al bitera addresued to Lock-Box 78, Whitby- P. O., wilb receive prompt attention. Reelidence-Hlam Cot- tage, Byron street, Whiitby. 21 London and Lancashire Life Company. This Company issues every desirableform cf Lie polioy, and has deposited with the Receiver General i approved Cana.dian securities ever $100.00 fer- each $100.00 ef liabiity, thus afeording AeSOLUTE se- curity. Parties desirons cf assuring their lives will find it to their advantage te consuit the undersigned before assnring elsewhere JOHN FARQUHARSON, Whihby, May 18, '86. -1>' £Ucnutar~. THEF WESTERN BANK CANADA, WHITBYO Whltby, Nov. tIi, 1882. 0F I ONTARIO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. ly-47 MONEY To LOAN! 0100.000 FOR INVEBTMENT. ON IREAL ESTÂTE SEOURITY. At iewest living rates of Interest. Money Becured within- 10 days of ap. plication. *Apply to JOHN FARQUHARBO' Whitby, Febrnary l6th, 1880. 9- MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate Mortgage at Low Rate Interest. A-&.- E'OST- Appraiser for the Canada Lean aud Savig. CJo., sud agent fer tibe.Western Assurance Co. cc~ 0.Ll tue.. ' Gerrie>e Blck, Whiby1 o os ZD Mo~ W ALLACE TRUE BLUE L.O.LNo*. 168 =Oeta lu Temp«ersuE Ha, Le i om, Gerrie'u. Block, k n Wedbdy in eh Bee'ys WhUtby. OXFORD PUB"IlSHING - TORONTO,OIU4T. Certifloate of Major Hlarper, Moq>. of Wllîtby. -1882- To whom ii may concern. This ia te certify that haying exarnin4, repaired and nsed a great variety cf Sewing Machines. I have corne te the conclusion- that the White Machine sold by L. Fair banks is one of the- beet made, as iu m-1 opinion h lin a machine that will net es.sily get out cf erder, and will lait much longer than most machines, as care has been takezi te prevent wear as mucli as possible. 1 can henestly remmend h te parties want- ing a geod and Iasting sewing machine.'I purchased oe eof thie White's some menths age, andi gives every satisfactien. MAJOR HARPER. After favp yes.re use cf the White'Sewing Machine ih my f amily I eau nfuly endors. the abeve certificat. and can fully recom- meud the machine as a family eewing machine coess los fer repairs ibanu any machine I have ever had suytbhmg te de with. MAJOR HARPER. Seld cheap as the cheapoît, sud le 1h. bout cf the. best. L. FAIRBANKS, Scie Agent for tuis District. H IS P ÂP ER ay bel, foind, on' È t* e at TGeo. P. Rcwell & OoNewspaper àa- vertisln g contracte may b. macle for it NEcW Yozx. GOOD HeRSBS. NEW RIGs. LIVERY and SALE. STABLE%, DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. M. C. CRAWFORTI-I, FIRBT - CLÂBB TURN-OUTB «Furniahed on Shenloit Nofice. Commercial Traveslle beraZ!, uai GA~LL cmz J OHýNSON UIiDrelsBokfrgu DINlING ROOM St c WIIITBYO G.. ormaokI jr lflM BOHNT & BUILDER, Doors, Snsb aud ]Blinda. LUMBER, vhelesabe &Bd retil, or by the car lead. Planing, Mouldings e!f every descripiea, Fbooring, Slieeling, Shelving, Bo-iawu, Shsping, Turning, Scroll Work, oe., oe. AGENT*S1 AGENTS!' N OW BADY-Our ev bok, "IE arh, Ses sud 5k>'; or, Murvelaeoethle Univers."'; being a full sud graphie* de- scription ofetatailuwondenful n uevery continent of tue Globe, in the world 0f waters sud the. Siarry Hoavonu, containin thrilling sdvenhnres on baud sud ses, ro- nowned discoveries ofthe world's greatesi explorera. in all agea, sud remarkabbe plhe- nomena ini ever>' reslm of natnre. E nu braciug the strildug physical f eahnres cfthe. earhh, the peculiar cliaracterietics cf the human race, ef animals, birds, insects, ete., iucluding a vivid description of tho Atian.. hic, Pacifieansd ludion Oceans, sud oft1h. P olar Seau, the Monitors of ithe Dee)4 beautiful seasielîs sud plauts, singuier flubes sud dwellers iu the world et waters, remarkable Ocesu currenhe, etc., togethor with the AMAZING 1'HENOMENA OFf THE BOLAR AND STABRY 8YSTEMS -HENRY DAvENPO]aT NoiRmRBoF D.D., Embeblished with over 89Q0 fine ongravinge. Liberal ternis ho Agts. General Agerà CO. 5 JORDAN ST., 1 OFFICE-Over yM Paloza. 13ONSST DRALINe,

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