Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jun 1888, p. 5

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S gten- .Ouir [y raid want gyood 20 per latest à -bot- intend to iii bo glad loriumi e -R3'88 the ch"eaea Boo ts, ~d Sllp pers. Sellng we are icou muai b.- e credit. Our htby and lhe uig, attrioWe eked with d Blippers, (EAR âdonle bave MNOES g sud ohsip. ftoned booto, rwEAR, Ld GOOD. ornai te pay- g9 interest c« h. We mark BOOTS gL Li et brouglit 10 lime ln Waterloo. Ai th. ' la-p"" tO Lïso,'e; orNi Iumeu niug e 00h. 11othe 000i e n <tv KelQ'du"lu1e emr pemesO ut ou~f hi ova pockmq /stable vas muhhoui*ed 10 ring te 16rve-et te btin*'t bemiee. UI tate alsolock sa & gafl I rth1ois_- t10 1,fàpovh1sis*bé on1fl a , eekly inbard hfe btîaYii a lb. 11ay&udt béhomne, leud if the, are cauglt ut 1.. at inainof o 16 " . : m 'b ..em 10 oâbîitha hàzdebip afler thM ~Wothor mrnes w'o iii b~ es S" yhoim o! P.mT. qully iwslioqd be repovs&The ludge Iý 1 Blâ , fv tea- àyblïwse sud eimualIy la. remont Uni ould etin uuîtOlkng 010m w, O 8heuf apilb rn *ho t a ni. d weld hodoe.wli ae o a ndr he jol o n>#îl'o!rudoui ebt cai" Oônable MoBrIsu ake ne 10 do wvs te obtiam -No. 16of 1 te Novwnomes. ithoU >*uuo. ald 1h. cmsii attention 10 o matten. lu th York Family 'tery , Pa&pen o!thoir &KPbiaaenâ 0 311 l'a d h flot Place liais daiermlnsd te entorsenevedealetoroned direct to e b' o- ih 1 rae b;v to "d cm th y4vqwn@l» ienuber et- lae U nero's NPbliabuig Ufoussi Nom. Gount epoebly -,4udrmg' soit d oveacb raispayer ma&y rua tlarge 24 and 28Vadsw-as treet. NvYek, iiley5>aetoreul ~~" id. isyhalmmalvo iI o » i~.ve the papaiftmolsfo ol jme! l an ouel t ppasbore sud thai oeeolla1.>Posjtagefre.. -HhOctal hewyb laqnito long onougi 'ves ýfou'0 a nov Wadouotýmm Iln O"a ttaok" -grst kiaekeofaIdwSy 6gettiubis 1mw. fAar Violater sf ibie 1mw vho l uene' J J Gmeneon Wvoli e ve'he tet the road l tWa r.ported u fuîurovil b. p6iedratone The. oîheî malter le the Old eue e o lii 6eofnt snn» ldvrn rw' t,15*?ijwê f eirelcoreT0.f.us é a~~ in appoiatqà hiMi s il miles -dis-H01, t * Ya$Ql, e WIMM a' -oc iab let Of lth te.1w*ng shla of ed uailon.of<w-.-tsPort4 4-" ;rvb ;he flahly flu i ng. Thold"ci!f>~ - woasena»Ible persoioold*x.0Dhu bas bl.od l in hâoY ai Ilut core "silseevery meeting of the- Tam pee r uose d ue.' Ud boardsaud-, a.atl k~aae nlhu,..a.~, a nntsut~ nos e, ay witbuteU4'07I éterIành utll.- ýw1Céluha "P1ala p)urpois- butso w tofor o0 sls iy u bo is e! pubis i'em a* thon 16. tue Minces on pe.Thsy ;Wae b isalS vp have. elePfte0 e »yq»mý» d the , J~~j s G e»io àelà .Ac .X f appreolativl'itetur.WJb Mr. Win. Bléaoli pureha e h. à=. gsîndobted t10 Ibis'offiee are busoes sd fasiest borie Ii lOva: requssisd 40 umntsud d molie At Oum R.las Oampbell ih off b MiaSOUri Thers wlU b. m8rnefuirouudhor to pay bis brother Robert a visit. H.o~~ inlegreatly lu love with that Western In another solmma th. &tkinsoii OOQftry.Peck's Bad 9Boy OomedY IOompaYnys NBW DB8IGNS IN TÈua bown oencastersa play Bowman- anaounoed. This troupe. in puttti»g in ville hors on Tuesday, and 1he town Ii eki îh oet Oeaadl basebatiiete play the Toronto Y. M.,0. vel espoken of by the proie sverywhere. rape Stone, A. club boe on Baturday week, lune 9. Itis fun al the way from boginnunfg Wbîtby lu going te, bore for naturel to en, and aothing olies but fun. baok yard of the OuloNloLz offio%, s We would suggett hat sm re na Broches#from excessive surface indications there good induutrioue and lty tY Ownemans muet b. a beavy suppiy thereaboute.- Bay for instance ourseiyêu, 10k. a hoe farring8,Lindaýay Pott. W. cannot spare that and out away the grass along the edgs Earinsbaok lard for gas. W. use it for 'a of 1he sidewalk in front of bis business gravevard for delinquent subucribers. p1ace, and thon stand baok and watoh Braclet, Tis Clumus btelmantnomd iwith what aiacrity 1h. other business Braclets Tu Colmbuebotl ma, uMon ~wU lllfQIW l4 wrtby ciampie. Dean@, Who by' the way 18s lrongly b61fl It wouid prove à great flobê:nO. Fob Chain, plained againet lu our Columbus cOTTes* TaB mont important itetfl left oui lant pondence, wae dawn bore Tueasiay to ee atrogoufreti t meet Scott &et Magistrats Horne, re-wek ashruhoifrtilg1 garding certain allegatione made againet mention that O'Brien the photographer aàdies' Veat Chains, him by Inepector Fengumon. Upon stili livoth and taketh piotunesasaithe Iinterrogation Deans adrntled smre old stand. He ooula net basve Whitby, Si/k OuarJs and A lberts. eligbt m-ne of commission in regard te no he again purcbaued bie old quartera the Scott Actiand offered,in atenement, and is now prepared te attend te al te subucribe $50 and comté teo onnty orders in aIl lunes. From week le week' DITreamurer Laing, . our readere wili hear from hina or about I. . A i' A D, At the medioaicoonvooatMOn ,orTOonto hiin. se BA NAR niversity on Friday lust, tW hitby Tuafi Port Perry Fair Association beys, Messrs. J. H. 00o1lnsad L. F. sneu o rgamso hi Barker gizolb.he2nd &lord ys* seholar- summer race-meeting. whiob is te bo BROOK ST., - YHITBY. ehip. For' four yelrypr?iouIYk1he let beld on Montiay and Tuegday, Jnly 2ad £yeur sobolarahipe hiad ÏZÏtaea by a»i Sud. Big purmes are ofeéred,. and Wbitby boys. In 1884- GreeneS gel 1h.eof course il la unnecesery tesy wvs mc les oolarshlp; in 1885 J. A. Palmer ceps their complimeuitaiy ticket with pot 2na echalargip ; in 1886 j. H. pleasure and shall be tiere. Colline gel let; and lu 1887 L. F. Bar- Ti grave-yard ont behind the lier took let, J. H. CoUlina taking 2nd ln CaRoNIOLE office le growng up beauli. _________________________the Qed year as smre Exam. This fuily with burdooke, ad we intend 14 * year'u sweep of 2ad and 8ud yeaî gel a colony of muakeseof lbe meut von. kgbn dI'hrdiflC by Collinu and Barlier oom. eoos kind te dig holes and lbye amon@ lItse an interesling serles succeeses for lhe graves. Lt le a horrible future pros. W bitby young men. pect for anyoue le b. lmgbtered and A pair of our towu bicyclise bent buried without ceremony iu suci FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1888. their heade in the direction of Bow- place, and ysI we bave a good min3 mamvile on the 241h. lu going down delinquent subecribers who have nci -- the bill as Harmony oe of theoe paid their subscrlptiouii and who musi I ar <imîu,~ C' trew bis leg" np aven thé, handies of oon a&R go there, unlees they pay up a, LOUb~L I~UVl1l.."~>. th. machine and prepared for a splurge once. Whnvrorbodhrt -at eaee, wben sud denly a rut was on- figbting editor is suen down shoot booo *HIAT 18s OING ON IN AND AROURO TOWN-A oounlexed end a beader *ken about ing flercely around there le aiways 1ki BUDGET 0F LIVELT LOCAL NEW8 GLEANED tweuity rode dewn tb. jade!, inte a proppect ef a funerai in the reptile ang SCHRONIOLE REPORTERS gulter. Whon dise0asd >il vas burdocli grave-yard behind Ibis offlh BY ~~found l.theloawu os vsblack.- ias ame nigbt as Ivoire o'cbock. ened and hiseoye boni awý«y roun»d te W clip lb. foiiowing from 1h. Bs A 3hielle mmang ye, lakin nioes, hie eau. Hie hsad wass tped in 1he pire of Friday :- An, f aitbhiei Prout il- creel inl the hollow and bW o ye bout Iug,&l Fisher, yen lok pale." Wac are asked toestate tbat the Co. back tb ils place, but tlWýbie face looke "i ieî paie" eounoil excursion to the north bas been likoe a yard square of a crazy gufit. Ou IlWh&ite h. alter 1" à 64A oauntry editot carne avez o la indefinitéiy p4ttpoued. towle in ola evel th. beys gel tmnghed Battle et Sedan y«.torday on a p&"u, wlai Tai reguliu' me c ing of 1h. IW4 0'oT. u ie hs rytp'uli..4ato 1h. piatform, begged a cataheam U. wili b. belà ( Friday) mfteiaoon Ti Gaxotte cha" us vith stirring bomrwed an opera lame, board three-le went do ho gl inbis kick ln h. B-eadit""'ut 4 fW .. ý up the reeul d a bepae ue, est a lunch ta A.nu mibai nf n regmrding Bey. Mn. Fide. N W ouitiand thn en d wn#i n an mev.. drose W(Ridet ouucsont@ aIasrîminalocausetleepioure i n tm e. ' droe vRtet toat_ cine @ ifshe ohree as etfli know a coalry editor wko e tend the Q. '~Iehrg eslnt fifty cents to eoethb. Battis of SeS: il isult iq, >xy mes ea futsI. WIlviih ttrad vudhvesi i Tii. theb.bomnu'umind tbat nmre veeke mgo teliedmmvfor fe esud wehame nov& proywo aii ~ &î Bloomfteld on pug-uosed papsu'.barged us vitih aving swfrfv otadw loko Juu 14, -16, 1G :à& 17ith. -111 Uni- vrille» smre of thoeo Fddler lesttoa, countiy editor wbo vas aksd by t] versmlistfl r e uUy invilod.au md.n mt pllofepr>f proprietor ot the BaIlle o! Sedan to- Mua d "erryGow wba deiedIl.W~ mghtmddsert about a oiumn of lies praieing $10Qouebu"tan w aea tme edth pno pand 'by doing se "obige the Qu' 8160bous, bt liI tht v bav aI inis bed lb opnion RBilway," but vie don'tera vaa& gît ilpmy. HMl.Fdlisodr5 ,be Q ur4m- empsa we rr >or day. Thé playprsinvesfrulfoa 0 earivyvio iewr<ç vas et the Émiseamusing descrption i dst. e» il.hotel tmbis, Pauy 18 net attmoed. Wo miss kno,% aur Wi&by eeimmen- pe lglulyo m iîrsa mman couutry editor wbo adriseo his neadg and~isse bnttbolier Ibeir bonds aboutt EIUNRT yNEW -GOODS TO-HAND. L ILlI Nwe re nte, RhibnsFteloeseathersanand TrimmingenaWeepositiveand etyles.nNFashionablNew.,liney. NeGrâents'CLibOTHNG maders th ers na mietse tl. Lae oSitolyck ew Twasiobeeds iine, su TGuEiNTS)- Spécial Patterns aud Good Value. Fieoetc. No. 1, - DEVERELL'8 BLOOX, THINK - - WHITBY. 'DEEPLY When you are conteniplating a purchase of axiything iii our lino, no mattor how smail may ho the amount iuvolved. A CT w' s ELY comiug to look ovor oui large and well assorted stok of ail that is new and seasouable D ECIDE To buy of us. QU JCKLY. After soeing the inrioes and examining the quality of oui Goode you can'fti- resist them. It is impossible to do botter elsewhere. NO Cari ho found. BETTER We got the choico of the best goods on the Market and oui prices are as, LOW AS THE LOWEýST- We are always ready to see you and with pleasure. GLASGOW Mao I?:ZC) W EHW0 ýR. &zJ. a0 MP AM:, RE HOWINGc:z REW COOSATCLEARI - CONSISTING OF Dres Geods-,Silice, Omlerés, Jersey Glethi, Prias <n ->m,G<rIay Scotch T*.ss in odess Ivarst, 8Ooa"ig, worstea Paiitinpgsem CAnada Tweeds, wshold sa choie. Stock ud are offermng lheui athMM,. Moleshmin uWhite, Diab sud BrowÏn., - OAIUiXT8..i--We s0hélil lda large Stock of AII-WooI; Is Tpetr FLOOR OIL (JLOTHS in &aU widthBe il.1* 1 su~aï"a iide r W . keep a full staf ef t m4aud, ulnider $ ei ae iet<>lu ;X .DOR&E C'e0.1 H OT EL. i - 1 IjE«VERELL'S BLOCK, 1 sigou. au el lulqe&4 V& to ' W.e are now sëhowing new Drss Materials in ail the Leading Colore New -Stock Of PliDn and an "Sripe" Dress Materials, with Plain Goode te match, for Combination Suits. Our Stock of Dres Goode às unequee.4 for Style èadValue. 1qew Blaclk (Cashmeres, Black Henrietta Clothe, Blaok Plain and Fancy Drees Goode. -Complets assort- meuit f our;ng In~od,5 il waYs in tock, NeIw Cheok Sateene, with.,plain to match, new Lawnettee ini Stripes ana Spots, new Uhamfbrays and Prints3. White Drese "lFloancinge" with India Linene ana Lawne to- match. "AUl over"p Embroiderise Egingst, Rmbroiaries and Insertions.- New Blaok ana colore Kid (3loves ana sa oiGovs, $çýW fosiery âad ceq WHITBYèý VALU"-ES Goodse

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