Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jun 1888, p. 4

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ALlIAS TIffE. SPIRING STOCK JUST RECEIVEDO -0- Try aPackage on your walls, and you'Ul neyer use cal-somine or white- wa8h again. G. E.GIBBAIRD, XEDICÂL HALL. ONLY Si oo PER ANNUM. Wliby, Friday, lime 1, 1888. IT iS nOW defiDitely knowu liaI Jas. G. BMaine vil not be th. Bepublican sandidate for the. Uniteod States Presi- denOy nexit rS. 'This viii cause a poil many 1e-tariff Bepublicans to go ove? to GlQvelando parly. Trm i. quit.. a kick atbout th. Niagar Falls Park on the Canadisu aide b.ing reported as a free instit.ution by th. Ontario Goverament, wite.fées are oharged ta cross th. bridges aud iu allier vays. ThIiAericans ostt theirs a free park, sad hey make it a free oue, sai t.hey thuas noceed in drawing neariy alilthe crowd acrose the river to spond their money on th. Âmerioau cido. Tgz .discussion of 1he Fisheries Treaty is going on in the United States Sonate, and several members who are notedl for their blataut. hostilit.y ta Buglmnd are spreading îhemselves out vide and tryiug to frighteu the oid lion .by loud words. 0f course poliis and party la everything in the States, aud evon business viii b. Partiati? paratis- ed unlil aller th. Preidental elections. The treaty wii li kely be heid over for ustifiotion ntil thon, and if Oleveland vins viii b. Ilion pssad. Téouno bhasothe;r flaming boodie Mdi in counection vitl h.hecon- traolng for iles shoots aud improvo- mente. It sarose out of a charge of dlshonesty brought against corporation sheot olrcloverseor Lachie vho vas maged ta be. selliig contrsatmsd lett.ing ooulraotors off easily. Godeon, aàountractor, Ud. Bazter, vho genersk- ly acta aa thougli ho owned 1h.eCity, sud a number of other notables have been drawvu mb 1h. mess. Garriages vèeo kepl by oulrsotors for Aldermen ta -drive &round 1he ily viti, aud' bage of polatoos, tnrkeyu, chiokens, sud al other kinde of hail suppliod i luage qusutitiee. Pet eontrsotors vero allov. ed l"e ta "fi%" othor oometiug tond. eroru bofore, tenders vers askea sudlu other casesmonud of sman ea.s vone ahat ouittby oiakig the jobs a large pobie. Tw. investion ia golog on -aauyw pd is wolcboê vith greal itereet. It ion'l mnattor Who msy. b. caulil loug, or th. remaidr o th 1 t1y ouoli vwSiiiwtevsb im. Where boueoof lhem have eleau-bhads l _odo o apoacu pon ou. another Io bard. Txs Irlsh Mmue .BuisMpaity sud lb. Pop. of Bomrne iatloggerblads. HRi Hollcue an't Msanaarby» sid teo-' fuse«'ltond hMe oonuteuanse ta lb.ý lien of ~ ,vhich suil vum o a rfusa py rentlan Ire- ing lb h tcaet àlmiingheattea ,.1 qervânî girls luAutoriosa ad elsevioe puy their ail to keop Up au s4gition C. -iloli enables ricl touat t defy lav auj~ liv. 1ke fighling-sooks. The reul grievances ot Ireland ais hadly over sipokeu of, nor aie îhey l1kely ta b. s o long ae the plan of caunpaigu furuishes pieuty of money ta politicai intriguers sud echemers. The Irish seom alvays detighted to be duped. Town Qouncil. The. concil met on Tueeday eveniug instead cf ou Monday eveming. A communication vas read from Mr. Wm. Smith, M. P., acknovleging re- ceipt cf papers re boring cf guanad pro- mieing te look afler tie malter. A communication vas alec read froni Mr. P. B. Whitfield aeking permission le lay a drain on Byron street. On motion cf Mr. Scott, -seconded by Mr. Gibson, the malter vas referrod te lie committee on sîreets and improvements vili pover ta sot. Mrs. Dancan made applications to have lier huaband, nov an inmaleocf the pense cf tb. tavu. On motion aif1Mr. G. Y. Smithb,seeouded by Mr. Butas, the mayar vas aulherizod ta aigu lie requisition to admit Joseph Donean as a patient. là 1h. Toronto G" " RaHoe. pitl for 1he term of oui uonth froni the 111h of May, luet., and become re- sponible, for paymonl cf 40c. per day for said menthes keop. The question cf lie maintenance cf lie cbid lefs at lie norti 'yard dcci te- oenlly, came up. Ih vas sievu liaI neitier lie mether or father ai liee uid oould be found. Bo lie malter vass- Lied for the, preseul by tic folloving resolution being carried :-"Moved by Mr. Rutl.dge, secouded by Mr. G. Y. Smith, liaI 1h. mayor be insotrucled ta make lie beel arrangements possible for th. maintenanse and support cf the child nov in possession ai Mrs. Coffoy, sud tha& the tremarer puy an 1h. order of lie mayer lie monthhy ailovance for koep of same until allier disposition b. made ai said child by thie council." 1fr. Aunes preoted tie report of lh. printing commistes, recomoeonding for payment au aoonut of B. M. New- Ion of 84.2.5 for extra printing. The report vas adopted. Mr. Aunes iutroduced a by-Iav le ameud 1h. presînt siade Ire. by.iav, but lie counoîl saw filte give il the six mentis' heist. Mr. Bulledge inlroduced s by-lav liaI vas adopted, aoeeuding lhe meat market by-lav sfolleva :-Tial ne buloher or cther persan shall ont up- or expose for sale any fresi mestlilu any part ai tb. tovu except lu lb. stalls in the public nisîkel, but in case lie stalle in lh. public market are ail occcnpied by bulobers, lien a liconse may b. grsnted la any porsen desiring la open a shep for th. sale cf fresi muaI, but ne licou.. shall bc grant.ed la open snob sliop vuthin that portion cf lbe tavu lyjuig vithin sud botelvet John etreet on the. norti, Asi sud Aliol streets ou tie essl, Gilbert eshoot ou the souti, sud Centre street ou th. vesl ; in case a sah blu inte market at any lime cesses te b. cccupied sud used as a bulcier etll lieu lie licenso firit grauted sas aforesaid sud lieu lu force shallossee, but tb. poison holding the s*id liou.. shahl have lie privilege of ocoupying suci'slsliinlu b.hearket 50 uuoccupied s aforessid allihe routai fixed by lie lie couuil, sud any monoy paid for th. un.xpir.d portion' cf said liouns. shall b.alood by said couneil on ac- cenIcof rouI of saidstail lu lb. public market ; the prie. ta b. paid foirsnob licou.. or licus..shal be lie sumn of #25, and ta b. paid vien ileense is grantod. Aux tg se. ont aewdrmeut ai boys suiteù âgaIes. go"dodan1vp"l. W. 0. Walsere 00Go e rîugteffor e"tri a o ftuip hadsud haL*teola ui#1SJky 10 bc repeatod ibis year. r, -u i jbY hsrboi Co. bas fled neir tht whartes sud thlngs look pietty wtll do'wu thot.. ATMBxN,sC omedy Company, of Boston, viii. appear in the* music hait on Mcuday next win1h. Musical 06inedy <'Pecks Bad Boy sud hie Ps," a. dra. n»miztion cf 1h. fanions -"Bad, Boy"' setches of George W. Peck, oditor cf th. MilwaukeeSu»zê. The.entertain- ment isin tire., sots or ecoes-lie grooery store, the bad boy'. home sud 1h. pionie grounds. The many coharao- tors are lie bad boy, bis chuin, hie girl, hie p., the policeman, theoseryVant girl, tie dootor, the aid soldior. The show i. irreaset.ibiy funny ; the oompany pro- senting îties sid ta bo qualifiod lu every vsy toa give excellent performanoe. ON Satuiday lasi Dr. Hamilton, of Beaverlon, vas oiarged before .iolioe Magistrâte Harper villi havinýg inter. fered viti Cosabte Jevoîl cfWPort. Perry, Who vas arroeting one Ellit who bias a thirty day sentecce ta. put lu in Whitby jail on a Sot. Act convie- lion. Hamulton b.d a number cof vit- neuees aiong and N. F. Patterson, Q. 0., bo attend te, bis case, but vas willing ta pioad gnilty cf common 'a ssanl. He vas aooordlngly committed'-aud en- rolied for triai, but vas aftervards tie sam@ day brought befors Hie" Houer Judge Buruhan, u ise oimlnal court, sud ftned #10 and csete besideç!.eiaving ta, indemnify constable Jevoîtt tc, the tune cf $20. IHi. fofly-viii cosl bu a&bout 060. Elliott, who vas brougil dovu Baturday noon by Cou. stable Oalvorloy, vus remand&d unlil to-day. Wz have lhe piesur. cf chroniciog another weddiug at the court house. on Wednesdy-this lime under more happy sud plesing oiroumslanoesl. Ou th. morning m.ntioned Bey. J. F. Ger. man again officisted, allihe marriaRe cf Miss Miriam Linlon, eldest daugiter of Caretaker Linton. The bride looked almosl lhe prettiest ever seen in the tovu, and vas supported by Miss Debbie Linton, whiie lhe groom vas ensbled te keep up bis end by the. as. sistance cf 1Mr. Wm. Waikey of Picker- ing. The. bride, vie i. a great. favorite among her acquainlanoes, received a large numbor cf very haudsome and useful. presents. The. breakfast sprsd vas given in lb e grand jur room, lb. table being gorgeously decorsted witi Lb. beautiful floyers cf May, whicb have been e oarefully kepI in lie court. hous. during tb. vinter. A large nuni- ber cf lthe friendsocf lb. happy pair wer. presonl. 1Mr. and 1fre. Ham loft lhe court houe. amid asi hover cf tice, sud lie Iradihienal old sic. vas th. lest siot 'fred ah them. Seberts fine ljirnout accu Ianded them aI lie station pialforni and-farevell 1 TE annual meeting cf the. Whitby district vas beld in the Metiodist church, Wbiby, on lie 22nd and 2Brd May. Rev. J. F. Gorman, M. A., pro. sided. There was a full atteudance cf delegates. Boy. N. Wellwood vas electod seorelsry. Bev. 8.C. MIl., juu. vas elected member Vf the iins oomoeîttee. Ou lhe second day cf lie meeting Bev. Dr. PolIs, Generat Secre- tahrv cf Edocalion. pr.euted 1he feder- THE oounty conseilmiesbuoro Mionday, aal.lv ani nMn day nlgbt. Oua, excursion ta Kaultoba ýonthie 6, 7. sud 8 lue, ood la areuru-op ta] Ihe lti JuIy, for lb.o mait onu of 425. For furtber partîlï -s sud tickets op- ply la Jas. Lo,>g, -agent O. P. BL Whitby. 1fc0uî.s & SON, of Torontor, are beyond question ihe *ey leaers lu hoe Omawnsrnel 8tulea Glas..trade -tn Canada. Their vast bustne... extendu ftoin Nova Seo"tialeBrlish Oolouuia sud tlbsds aiofpublie sud privat. buildings boer tle4twpy Of Ibis fru'. abllity ta executo bgeautitf SUA l urakble WEEKLY MARKET REPO RTS1 MONDAY-- -Quiality higli. dency to lower. Demand good. Prices TUESDAY---Gloves and Ho'siery new importations contian some "1Eye Openers. " WEDNESDLAY---Dress Goods to-day. No change from our regular LOW choice. firm, with àa strong ten- in great dema-nd'. Prices a littie lower. were given PRICES., Rurry THIJRSDAY- --Embroideries lower, cent. in some linos. NOW is the timùe to buy. F-RIDAY---Gents' Ties styles in stock. LOW PRICES in full bloom. still rule. Buy to-day. SATIJRDAY--Priees down to !ON tom. Safe to buy large quantities to-day. keep seliing ail season on to-day's basis. 0f *to see you often. THE Fashionable PRINGLE'S Dry a lively raid Up if you -want good big drop of 20 per A Il the- latest Pvest notch. Struck bot- Bargains in al linos. We intend to course you're with us. Will be glad Goods and Tai/or/n g Emp'orium. c> rn'. TA IL OIING. ES TA BLISHMEN T I? n 0 OVE D One Door East of R. Snow's Con fectionary Store, S8 SIJMMER 188 Oui store eulusc~1leoeps Wliere Ihere wil alysys b. kept iu stock a Splendid Assorfament of Clotho al .11kn'l Nallb wiich viii b. made up li dausuel good style byjNGtRlab, J. IR. PRINGLE, FA RMERS,- The Boss Thilor.1 THRESHERS, AND MIL L-MENI FIND IT TO THEIR ÂDV&NTAGE AND PROFIT TO USE >C M>OLLs A Guaranteed RDJN Eu KÂCIE OILS.' not. to gum, and- Nà4i outwear Machine Oils. ID' Try our Cyliuder 011. in Whitby by THE ONTARIO It has no eqiial. ail other For sale L BRYÂN & BON, Dumda Street. TEA ,HOUSEÈ Unoelisd for Fsndly Grocilos,ine Teua sud offees TEA - 18 - OUR - SPECIALTYK "CASH AND LOW PRICES IS, OUR M0TýTOÃ".'i Our stok et Giocr"aeS d roisin aLarg, oruler au4 Oosaer bMrov. PRIZE TE A _FO.R M 1LLfI ONSI i3REA T BAROAIN8I, Eaay-F itting Boots. Shoes and Slipper& By 12Buying sua Cash.seliug vo are succesfuin keeping Our prie.. much- b.- 1ev thie.of stores who give ý credit. Oui large cliche of ecustqMers in Whlt.by s'a-the townships in sleadily izîerea.ing, slatracted by ourIo*evprie.. Our shelves ane Dovws "ked,,with Fine and Cose Bhoes and Sliperu SUMMER WEAR! Lad iacod WaMuig Bboes-the fasfr Ljadie' SliPPoM-vth handsomo bava or rsle-uvroy TT TN ah W. <. .Wallfls. li.J .Pîlagle, tailla, ba up nov quartors boside 8nov's tionery storo. Ho la nov lu a té niako ie botSAllug sud snes b. lie ed... LADIEs sud ciuidiéns <loves .11k, laflet*ansd 11.1. tbrea41 sud olora et pioaslover, th Our Jde wt WHAT -a 7E A@Fiwa ]PL cb

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