Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 May 1888, p. 8

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OTV&WA May S8-1'rrogmim in * liedfor *ýedsy.asuId LoarmLndowne, for lthe RamI the im"the Nattosi TisahureAt the mo lime the addroumoffarevei from -belia boumsoetparliament vas presenhed teO him inmibeof1h. piivy CQouncil. A zx= QY , 1,r,,, a0"" o.morrow .en roete o gnd. Lord StanleY Of Preston ,wllloaveEnad for OttiWs about the tm ùprdeo arrives7 on May 31. Ris xooecy the nsw will b luo Ier» bloodmore of tht, caste ef Vere de erebut hé bas Det the, inherated qualities cf Statea. manshippsesd by Landowne though we willhope t hobbu-smkeefl anapprecia- tien of ?hs dutius cf the hed Of aaBYtem et rosposibl dem crato verument. The. ios wlll ucw bh. "Good bye Lansdowne," I"Weloome ho Stanley-, W TU-LE intt.1 Àgreal deal of businessansu orne livly sensmaked the last weet et the session. Seveal geverumeut bils vers dropped in- ludiug allause! t the Franchise bill ex-, eept tbo one. aumpendilng the revision c f th. votera' listea aother. r-This lbaves lb. litOf 1885 shAlu n orce. By a xnajorit~y of 21 th. governient'rejsctod Mr. .aulert, aunending ho conduot controverted eleotiana on lb. ishest liase»which wus th.esialleat overnmet majoriofet h. aession, the Dwriday uight iu committe et uppro lhe publie works estimates Mr. Mloken- dosvoed ho read several affidavits with the vlow otfibowing thât Ivo mn employed ou instanc.etfMr. CarrisaM. P, a<aiush viboin hbyvotel. Chaârmu Colby presi ndu wh Sir8ReHohr Langevin ho the peint et erder tbat this did net h.lo tg te . item under discussion ho ruied -the point vel taken. M1r. Muiock wanted te arge ths pit but th. chairman told him le il dowu. MrMulock bewever kepl bis f est amid loud îofl t"chair" train the ministerialisa whenu Mr. Lister get up and said : 1I move liat the comnmitee rime. You can'l buldose Mu like that." Mr. Mulock 'procoeded te read 1h. affidavits when the Premier ap- pesledheohiun ta briuq tb. malter up later but MÎr. Mulck coaxingly aaid yau'd botter lot me go on nov, sud Sbe chairursu laugh- Mg1Y said go on sud Mr. Mulock vent on. OhnSaturtiay th. faceicus member from Grey, Dr. Làandokin teck advantage cf the items for the greenhouae on the grounds of Parliament square ho uay that ho had dropp- ed ilunsudaked tbe gardener for a faoe but wasteld that thb. foyers vers only for the tables et the Ministers. Ho wasa anions therefore te know bow mucih toy coul the sounhry.. 8fr John uaid he bad te explain et bis colleagues for ho cauld say noue ot lbe floweru found thoir way b bhis table aud be did ual therefore gel his sharo. "You tae your sharseut lu cab hire" iafled euh Mr. Mille. 4Wel,$P replied lhe Premier, "I'm an. old man sanmy houa. is a good piece sway and T'm af raid se long as I romain lu office the haxpayeru will have te pay my cab ire"-Al Ibis occasionod good natured laghOter trom bath aides cf tie House. TRIGUERNOvIuRaGENERAL'S Su'Zcu. 1 dont supposeîvIll bo impeacbed for behraying a lste secret if 1Itellboy Hia Ex - .slltencyprsparod bis public speeches. He deliverod a notable oesaI tb. Russell Hous banquet the other day. It filled tour long eolumna o! lie uewspspesrmand van deliver- ad off band by lbe Governor Geueral in re- Ply te th.d hast et bas bealtb. But lu the recees o! bis study at Rideau Hall Hia Ex. eellency bad apont many heurs ovor thst speech, carofully compcsed il sud thon vroIe ut out Word tor word sud lhuMe ftv lino. But he didn'L spea" troua manuacript yen aay. NO toS h. ba car.tully conued evory lino and lssrod off every von!, sme if tyoa cm.a th.lb e ivered speech wli Ismanu- soi and dte -iirpot ters befre t vas delivow = en wM find Ihat ho did ualt orpsl a single Vod This bas boon lbe praclico oet fermer Governars sud seema te have be.. saine a prçcedout for eacb occupant of Ri- deau HaIl HATOHIYO 1Mil. It-came out lu a discussion in tb. Houa. oceaiaturday Ibal tbe brsodi dg of salmon vas a succes an danada up te the lime the litIle fish vesallowed- ho avianaway lunlths open wSters. That in 1he lest Ibat is lisard of them. Soina lbink that lbsy are gobbled up by tb. biggor fia AI ahl events thsy are liftho do for Ibemsîves tee Young sud Ougialt te b.kepl lu ponds aud fsd for %nothor 75U 0or $0. A"XonTIucm 1~EIL. The reault et an învstigatian by a apesial Oomamte. has beon lias introduction et a bill by M1r. Wallaoc. Il 'nakes illegal com. binalions 'to favor any association or te squelch tioso outside ef sucb association, for mureonably enbancing lie price et any article, for lesmming or liaiting production « orcompetihloua. Au infringemnote st is mmd a miedemeanar punîâbod by 12 mou. imprusoment and a fine. Sur John Mac. donald saidlt.he riod oethlie sesion uv.asn bliaul and preju bas- deoorsd aw- wa su obstrcine icwalo e b.publi Mkllote d nýo àlri "bi meisiciabut bu cou il gel bis Baye ho ilure for onth mudsq ou ad osked k sd de- Màaiza.-: tuaI., Ibm wtt (*S" 2la oo., on the' 11h seot Mr. Mut1 ai ,o a sou. I"W Âmweî-,ÂAtWhltby, on, Saturay, *1h isth mr, àfIltîewsonI spd 7 ypars aua 9 nionihu Woonxouu.-Ât Port WhlhonTtr day, i *. lSth ut., John Wooe, sd Treaty in open sesion. Do net dl, In«ettlng relief for the littlo foika, ther Graves" Worm Bterd mmnato'r na plesant sud sure cure. If you love your child why do yon lot î, uffer when a remedyinso nearat mua. Mr. D. B. Cameron, of Lucknow, hau been appointed saistaut-Provincial Trea- murer, inau0succsIon ho Mr. Hlarus, resigned. There are a number cf varieties et corna. Hdlloway'a cern Cure wilI remeve any et thern. canion your drriggistand get à bottîs at onoe. 1 The Dominion Parliament wus prorogued Tuouday atteuxueon, and Lord Lanadowne wMl say tarewell te the capitsl to.day. Mr. Henry Marshall, Beeye cf Dnan. writ.s : "Borne time ago I gel a bettie cf Ncrthrop & Lyman's Vegtable Discovery frein Mr. Harrison, sud I cousider il the oery hest medicine extant for Dyspepsia." LAvmoer C in Iuinjgysppselou cres In imdier As main arelio ouie pul e g bblood and restorlgmsnbood The London T*nea Taesy had nomne very oomnplimentary remarks on Lord Lsnsdewne's performancee t th. duhies et Naiiotal Ptll. are augar ooaied, mi2d but thorougtj, and are the best Btornach and Livr PiU in u». Railway TiMe Table. GRAND TRUNE AND) MIDLAND. Turne BMl, Taking effect May MOh, 18U.~ G0110 WEST. No. 4. xpress, Mail........... 6.42 a. m No. 6: Faut Rx. 10.10, (dally except Mond's.) No. 8, Local Toronho ........... 8M .2. Ne. 16,' Mixed ................. 8.5P. im No. 2, EmpresMail........... 7.42 P. m Daily except Sundayu. No. 1, Express, Mail........ .... 8.11 a. mn No. 5, Express, Faut .......... 10.00 a. m No. 7, Local. *... *.............'6.58P. m 'No. 15, Mùed .............pM No. 8, Express, Mail,:daily*. ..9.42 P. iM MIDLAND DIVISION. 00110 NORTH. Mail................. ........ 7.25 a. m Mix........................ 7.06 p. M Mail ..................... ..4.05 P. iM coOEiG BOUMU. Mixed ................8.10aO. m liait ..... e................. .1280p.M Mi.......4...............850P. m Finaucial and Commercial. Off..e of Whitby CarnmoLu, whltby, May 25,91888. wHITT A2KET PRICES. rai What............075 .oo* 67 Flour, peirewh........200 Barley ............. Bye......... 045 Pesa, black-oyed.......... o60 Bine Peau................O 00 Oaîm ..................... 086 RAY .....................1060 Aluike Clover sd...4 50 Bed Clever seede .........a a4 00 Apples, per bbl.t..*.....1 50 Tomatoos <.. ..100 pohatea, per bag-........ 1 00 aggs..........018 Butter...............O018 ffldces,-perlb....e*....006 Pork,perowt......*..... 600 C.lry, percx ..........o000 Chiokens, perILb..oo* ...00o Turkeyn, per Ibee.......010 Ducsprlb........010 Geese ver lb............. 008 Cisese.a.......0 *...aa...O32 Wood............*o*....400 ,i70 *2m0 S075 062 0000 *01100 * 475 *600 0200 *620 020 *010 t~010 060 Itesauperlor excellence proe uiaions o! homes tfor more than saqUarrfetacenturyý 1h lu Used by th. Uulted States Govorumen Endorsed by the heade of the great'Uiv> ties as the Btrougest, Pureat, aud most bih - fui. Dr.- Prics! Cream Baklng' Powdfr does fot contalu Ammonla, Limei, or Alum,. 8014 only lu Cana. PEICE EBAKIG POWDER 00. JOHN FA RQUHA h>SON, General Insurance Agent. Agent for Phoenix Pire MOfce, London, Eng. Pire Insurance Association, London, Bug. Citlzonse Insurance Company, Montreal. Quebec Pire AssuranceCompany, Quebec. ,Etna Pire Inaurance Compa.ny, Ra rtiord. London & Lancashfre LUle, London, Eng., LiondenGuarantee & Accident Ou., England. Hamilton Provident & Loan So'y.Hfamilton. OFFICE.-POST-.FFICE, WHITB. ROBERT HIOKINGBOTTOW VETERI NARY m SURGEON (GraduaI.eoftheb Ont. Vol. College.) Office and Inflrmary, the late Dr. Foot'e Residence, Brooklin. Medical Examiner and Valushor for thes Lion Prevident Live Stock Association. geP Speci aatetion paid to Vot. Dentistry. Calis b y Taegraph or Telephoue prompt. ly atteuded to. GLENLUCE (5047.) Bay white strpe on face ; three yeam old. Iporhed by and property of David Birreil, Rsq. Greenwoed, Ont. "Gleue# wMIl sanâathbis owner's stable dnriug th. Ladiest Short ýVeat and Queen, Chains, -~ ~ ~ ~~I osN.o.ai w aBlock N.o. lreB Proz*; alto ots25 .and26 in the u od tfourih double range, woat el Brook stetWerden's- plan, north halves of lots No. 28a&d 27 lotcou. ; also lot No. 22 ini tha ueventh double range of lots weat et Brook St., on Werden's plan. 98-4ia.Brooklil, Ont. IFO R SAIL E OR TO RENT, IN THE TOWN OF WHITBY. Large Aolid Brick Résidence with hollow walla. Ten good sized reoma. Btabling at- taehed. HEait acre of land and a lot of fine fruit trees. Both bard and acf t water. Keys mnay b. haa trom Mayor Long and premises may be inapected any time. Pou- sesson at once. Apply toesither D. Ormia- ton or J. Hamer Greenwood, Whitby, or Mar. 5, 1888. I NATHA N ARNOLD, Braoklin P. 0. «d m 01 CD lairgilitIylLg ALL TrHROUGH THE STOCKSt BARGAIN Consisting of the best seleotions and lateat styles of Staple -and Fancy Dry Goods. Now let us help you to save money., Do be wise and corne and see our new styles a nd get our low prices. and get your share of these bargais right away. Con. Spociaf Inducements ini Clothing Department. Boys!1 now is the tirne for a good -suit at littie money. Corne in and get Our -prices. POWELL&- i 4a e .0 c g O Gou ORINA CATARRH IMPOSSBLE UNDER IlS INFLUENCE Tii, nly catarrh remedy over offered te, the pbi on 15 day, ls'id; s'rtten guarante. givcn wi h sch instulmenW.Tm!a &< 1lm QuzSu Sroet West Toronto; Ont. THE GREAT ETE ANDLIING RESTORER Actina le not a medicine orsa dlgusting lotieor wo banl, but a geff.- ting apor, easi1y aud plsssanlly applied aI a&l heurs, limes andpae Actina No. 2.-,Quickly relievei u thorougbly cures IlT& oa LUng discases. Atna MO. 3.-Posltively suresanl diseses o etla ye, Calarsot Gr ulssêEyslisIuflameê c, usai sur d tar slghtedness' PKE E1 ~TnrsxEnclose stffmp 1er.handMso Mly mi Journal. W .BE&C.iIno tetetoot.a OSH-AWA MOWER. IL le ID Tb rests oisooner01 Price --$3. THE The Peaue Furnace. I The 'following tesumniuaspeak for Whilby, May 4li, 1888 J.FP. fassi PurniÂcuCe., Toronto, li1 ave much leure li astatlat No. 1d4 »nom urus..,placedby you ted sudi saiaation, wsrmig both uppor sud lover zoomsitb aM erea lemppramm, vllbout dusl or gà&. W. dMdnôt rquin e 0 U»e cur gpaein le leut woslber andtke Resurela roomlonlugWs b"to 8b Fumas. to =y Monda er. sud ose WOBKS JISTAI Tours uli My 7 naebinoryt Z. ]Bý ýltsejoaoph, aga comeducus bri J Woa ks, wbere v A.oî pou&mcius ad ~i1I I 4t~188&j 3.F. PuAsa PURRACI :DAYS, POWELL & CO'S. new soheme a great sce. People bring us their money and get the'most for it. stantly adding new Gooda to our Fine Stock of cou- 8PING vol and SUMMEF? 00098, TheLi 6, per à vise. sui he offceC Steamu rBook sud Ontarlo, ci work troux handbill. unsurpasi HILE, yul cylluder lp éoes. R' ful attenti TIR pArst Ani subsequo2 Dlspiay by a sab according Adverhi instructic chargea&ft Orders1 mueI beil ers viii n A Aliberi ments by eontratsl iunet lai etfîflyifl betoro 'i monts r. Buuine PAve cen Per lins Carres, ofthe 00 correspa stheiz tGo -passible THIS8 SILVEE.PLATED liNsltumEN? Bon 0Kie WEDNE8OA YS and BA TUIL9A Y8, 4v au. duo *-

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