was de, sor hô lltae obildren orld, Tbq, çglnmp d hi.ronglt sud .hsggy ueck, TAi.y oalled hi& usme lu vain;* No More when Tomimy whistled Would Tway bound forth agalfl. TIi ,hildreu Me no breakfast, >Ont seated by hi. aide. Tliey mouqrned their deareat pîsymaâte Wh.ii the old dog died. For thuirten.summers hoebasd brougbt The. mleh cows home at night, 4ud &ailâtliaUre hsd watched the buue pFrom dsrk tli morning ight. * e- Hedvet' rook th.e radie WIi' s sorA t f ,ZI'e pride, Ne wonder that the î>sbhv rept Wohe oddog dled. Re'd go hall wsy te echool with the=, Wheu stand in lonesomne plight, A.nd wag hie Demoothecio tuil ,kilt shey wve .out of sight, *Thon trot hlS home to steep b.nd anooze Within hi. kennel wide. Ah 1 hew the otiildtvn zissed him. Wheoulthe old dog dîed. They smoothed that dear old head of hie, A.nd offered milk and meat, A.nd litt1'~Tommy tried te lift Hie old flend on bit feet. luin ie e tail wagged no more- The çon'rous ongue vas lied, And Tommy broughi 1he cattie home When thie old dog diea. TEKEÂN. The Rugg Documents. 5O1XAIING TRI EXPERIE1409 Co JisiUSiu4 I(>U IN Â OF AUNT1 PART I. (Continued.) No. 17.-SITE VIsrrs THE HIUB AND MIERTS RER FATK. When lutI I writ lW-yen, I ezpocted le soon take my peu in baud agin, but uobody eau tel wbht a day may bring forth, or what il mayu't briugz forth!1 Iî's just se likel oty -l ue asih'oîler. I gnose I teold yen thal I1vas a-gcing te sel sali for Bosllng, aud see thc venld1 1 vas lu deep serrer, sud 1 vanted a change. I bad a nov black gouud made up, yuithtree rufflos cule il. Black kinder dravu 1h. mou folks3 round giueraty, beesuse il makes loin think yeure s widder, sud I allers noticed that wldders seoin le "take" with the men sect. Alnost everybody * la a kind cf a haukering after second- band funnilure, because il giueraly donlt neod te le teck sncb goed keen cf. I left home villi a.besvy bearî lu may buzinsd a slrong emnel cf bhonn fat lu my ns., for Bleu Sophier she îndertook le, fry some douguts, sud ah. burul lb. fat awfutly, jouI as ah. - alers dees. Gais laiu't of ne account nov -a-days 1 I vas kinder narvous ail tle way to Bosling. I ixpectiedl notbiug but vhat the. ralnoad vwould huaI up, sud blo t ne al higlion than- aà hite, liii. bin efthle kind happouod. Providence proseond us, sud vo arry eafely. AUl iicep I my bsudbox-thc green oeewi the bine linon. Sorne mecu rasoal cf a inu eut sud sot dovu ente Il vîcre I1liad il on tic seat aside cf rme, sud *buet the kiver ight lu!1I1vau dread fnl mad, sud tle minu e wvas asekeer- ed as ever yen se.d a toiler, sud lie beft -tle keers store 1 could itIlin a dab vilI my umbreil, as I set eut te. Tvo menucceoeng on tle way,and vanted te inçuro ny lifo frein accidente for 25 conts, but I told 'omnuo-I'd trusI te Province ; but vhon I1 seed Ibal bevhifulbandboz &Qail sshd, I couldn'I help wisliing that I'd gel lIaI insiwred any 1ev-for l'y. uotic.d lIat P0rovidence don'l seem. le have nmach me over bandboxes ginenstly speak- %Y bust eap vasmîghty scruuched lunsd the ribbons numpled, but linon- el on'out aWiht vian I gelte oOu%- The inuit the keers stopp.d, 1 - grbbêd my satohel lun on. hand sud my ban iz u other, âsutd Irg my umbil under ny amn, I gel out of tle keom e ipelit folksesthreiui Besllng I guoe yen nover seod. As muel a&,a dozeAninoe-lookiug nen lu- vitot) Me »to id, out vi*bi16on, and thon. vannI a uinéglonee oethlatI Iknow- edt hm Adatu.- 1 thanked 'em aperlite aieculd bç, sud tbld 'on I'd spoak s geet) word for ' o te egaisaUpoun vy, vian I gel hoe. Tiay &ail et) igît out lond, sud toIt) ne te, "go il." MobbLy onve heerd il said tbal I3oît- îusaia nd.of-a muddled up place? That's the truth. Th..ïeii>no gitluz rond )it. Yeu stà n -hon n wy place * tiûoad-Wik au straight as - 0u--srrr- - #fto ui4a~tes, ispd you'U 1Cozuenight oùt,tiiène you olartet) h1on. 19e. yen- 'CUUl.- li8 M Njn 'm te a ti thé s ey~n w Bh gavsime asgeogoto eatt ll isot .ail for foi Ps tucket, whl m in kd d~ner wua reddy, and-ier is- sarvod the State of Rhode le1ud W. wei# up he eor e bfauhin. &t on a tour, jesItike ollier folks hlistwaia another Boeu2g to'e b.fýslonable. Why b sppe I bld Ouizzin Badie Iliat I ,wstod 10 te pitoh ontio Pavinoýket -Was becauü e the sights, sud should 11k. 4 haeJoutlisù asCousin in -that bntIfà g lier Io along witli me, but slie'd muenplace, sud llioughî ho could.saveabt ber a ir to s feller Ihat f itled il fve dollars and flfty cents a day- by up for lier, PMth said ehe eouldu t go staying te her bouse,; and as she owe out withouî hler wiaterfaU, 19 iQ l91f. tfOIbis flP grton pound cf apple-sase bliat I oonoluded te go atone. she got there about twenty-flve year Il tok me ever ne lông to flnd suy. ago, Jonathan sed ho thoughit It Walt thing te see, but at last an old -ape naniore'n- riglil thal lie shouId get th. woman told mue le go lethie Museumn, py back 'utc the family. And as sud I went. But . I did2n't like the Jonathan seems te be au awfal power. sho w. It is all fklingtous, sud fui ester, 1 guesa il wouldn't take hlma it made my blood mu cold te teck aI long le est up the worth cf ten pound 'om. I asked a 9quint-eyed feller. thal cf apIe-8ss 1 was a-lookiug aI a beap cf boues in one WB arriv hore te Pawtuckeî ail safe cf t -he cases, where these Museum folkesud'happy, excepl' thal I'vo gel a spot gel s0 many skillingtons, and lie sed cf grosse ente the strings cf my bridie they killed every geed-lookiug visiter bunnil, and Jcnathan:has trod ento the that cone lie tic th place, snd saved up' lait cf my geund, snd left the prent cfj their ékillingboris for shows., bis bcdt there just as plain as the nese And youd botter bolieve that I didu't ou your face. Jonathan liasgel dread. stop ',,,iere on,& aîter juéarug that, I fui great~ feel, snd somnebow or ruther grabbed my umbrili, and departod in a theyy se oinl be allers in bis way. If hurry. il warnt+ fer thein foot he'd be s vory As acon as I gol culside, and bad pritty-behaved -man- But l'In ln hopes drawod a long breatb, and made shure lie Il gît over il in tixnd. Ihat I was alive, I began te enquire lin a-gcing te make hum wear No. the way te Bunker Hill. Everybody 12 boots, sud bis naîral size i. 14., told me I must lake s hose car. That will ho whittfing him down a SeOI woul up le the fuel boss-car littie. that I seed, and asked lhe driver if 1 Hoe got corne ente lin, gn4 thernà couldn't take bis boss sud kerridge te takes up a sight cf room. A corn on go over sud sec Mr. Bunker's EH. I tbe toe j like a Côpenhagin steve in a told hira I wouldn'î ho Rene long, sud emali kitchen-tho biggost part of the that I'd give hum a dollar for the use kitchen is the Copenbagin. cf bie Li-m wheti 1 gel back I dont wanîte oflnd ne j fault with n1e laffed, and sed ho couldn*tlelt bis Providence, but sartingly if I lad Myj consaru go without him, but he'd kerry ie te live over agin I d flêver miarry aI me over for ton cents. I teld hum I minutîat had corna ente bis foot. didu't know as il would ho proaperous This s a real ntce place te visit, enly for me le ride eut with lim, aeeing as 1 lhère is toc mauy rats areund te make wae a straucger, aud ho, toc ; and 1lask. iit 'est riglit. I damsent stop for foar cf ed him if hoe wu a married in or aI treading ente a cat, And thon lheyj widewer, sud hoie ed yos-so I dont wiil have concerts rite undor my win. Beoin to knew which b. was. der every nigît!1l1M powerful fend Auyhow, I gel jute c kerridge, sud of music, but I den't like that kind. a lot of other folks gel in, tee, sud When 1 tisten te il 1 feel jest as if I'd awmy ywe driv. We Wvar'l long in gel ewallcred a live caterpiller, sud ho wau tiug over te Bunker's, sud I gel eut sud lugaged iu building a stump-fence clean climed thc bill. The bill itaeof hain'I cf sreund my stumruak sud digestive or. much account. "Tiiu't near se high as gaus. Scrabble bill in our sheeps' pasture ; Jonathan sez I am narvous, but, law but the monument le a powerful hall sake-, mon folks donlt know nothing, chimbly, bilI cf stone, with pigeoubholes giueral)y spea.king ! Thal i. le say, ail up. sud dcwn in il. tbey dent know se much but whaî I paid a quarter of a dollar for the t.here is a chance fer thein te know privilegeocf goinu n mbthe top cf il, more . - sud tbey bad ciite b ave paid me in- Mebby you've hem bUellof Pawtncket? slîd-fcr I sdled the botten cf my bel- Scine folks haz, anud some haint. Ites moral skirt awfully, sud tore lte edg- a famous place. Lt bas gel a atone mil ing off from my undoraleeves,a-8cramb- Ibat Mr. Samuel Patcb, Esq , juinped tmng np over Ibem. vol, slippery sto8ps off frein ; sud lhere's a machine sbop, where [ kepî falling clown. For I did a berryiug igrouud, sud several ether fail dowu about every Ive minnit.. uprovemoents. The top cf the mouinent i. forhlfled As accu as @ver we secthIe curiosi- with Home lithie cannons that somebody lies of the place wo r. a-geiug home, teck frein semeweres-I dieremomber sud settie dowu lu Pigeon Holler, cule M esI wbero, but il wus acmwhere, any the eld farin. 1I calkerlate te take b. I set down wben I gel ote h things easy, sud Jonathan i. lu tic top cf the conearu, sud viped my forrud saine way of thinking. sud est a turnover ; sud then I teck I guosa I shal hake le keeping liens;" ont my peeket. - in anssd sot sud rumi my owu eggs. Thal business rny fais. &=nt rili, Oril "had gel pays fra-rate, they eay ; and ite kime kinder ekewed round with -90 much. cheerful to e eotheilitt. innocent ctimbing. chiekeus srouud, picking their feailiers' Lt wus mighty.celd up there, Sud sud scralchiug up flower bede. eue cf tb. wiudiesl places I ever seed. Ellen Sephier will marry Arthur Amin tithad s windmill up thore a,, -»Ad live n*%i1h. cit long- of 1in, araornoa ny bea etbomrai akir,aud ,,Wb,,tu in.evwr14 bba apen.d ho ye everyhhing lias gene wrou-g ginerslly. stc. iieath im I«vyu ak u I hope youl 1excup. me for le"*.nonto lady ofâ.nOhbr hitbe hyMeï t o l your arn, but I' can't snom We stand ostrio ieotiier day; i a met - ndersand atone aomiehow." it Thon1 you vexepale, 9r a e. ilMW,,i iidrem»iryn Mm U idi aI o "Jlust my condition 19, me helb. bd-. o heaedsuand hel n te y-m # rl o-di on olook ever se Mwi ougb sudI hld ntl hin. Âi d b' ,e w. sà à le er 'etfrôm -Yeu b.a&inî gel se tlidt w, oould suppci6,î u"oveE4 a't>1n oeiIsivhknih. le huggfed me as bWdasMy pqore m -4," as Me»Ply-; ad lI Lainuel did lu our couring dsyw' butt dm s aVrt feiptlouIvas Dr donî say uoshing about il. U, Dight Mrty ulsea~drgnu ni make fours talk. And the mon B.d la betýg&ù aikug e r.l 4+U. Nv ail alike tho wvend e, ynko. ar. éiasIse asl a tiA.No After Ihat hp 1014 meis -namo, and voan ho sufer. as1Idid, ongit te let au asked miie t baot>s pth. monumuent h ebtx rcrn bs odra wlll hlm. is namnevas Jonathan Peiin, udleas £poor Ione iaw Te uiedBalPortlii ~l el e: wi&h ne chjJdre,Ã. -menti han arrived aI st p ica' teL4 yeun sy more nov-ilthona wouldwl be modeist, so soon-bnt b. P rKAlm fore long IlU pveownsons more -par- Oaoi .atte ~aen a lias more Myrtlc, for noon ; t6 AUX. Osmenen's Asli- bura fer the ulghl. Sahurddy-lo Jue. 1avlciqen's forgzocu ; sud, le hie own stable OoesvU Agalh (Clydeadae.) Property et W=u. Blcharatôn B ous, Colun.- bus, Ont 1MoôsY_-Ieaýve - hie own -stable, Jeu. Vailants, 2$miles norli cf Oshawa, sud aleng Srd con. Whitby te Ray's hoel, Whit by tovu,, for lic nigh. esday-teo hinn'a hotel, Brooklln, Doon ; te Win. 1Richardson & Sen's, Columbus ah niglit. Weducsday-tc, DI.niel Haddces, E. Whjtby, neon ;te Wm. Belthe for the nigit Thursceay-lo Jas. Heron's, Tauntbunenon ; sud te Bobt, IAoo- row'S, Bnd con. Darlinglon, for thc night. flday-lo Quceu'u hiotol, Oshawa, Doon; ansu te hie owu stable Uutu monday. Laweens EarouUCordon (Clyelesdsie.) Pnropertyo! Wm. Richardson «t Sons, Colum- bus. Mondlay-loaves hie owustableColum- bus, for Chinu's hotel, Breokîju, romain ail night. Tuesday-James Dickeon'e, Myrtie, Doon .sud le Hell'u hoel, Mancheeter, sud remain until Weduesday noon. Wednesday afternoon-to Wm. Gestes, GesteS Settle. meut, for lhe night. Thnrsday-RZagîan for noon sund t hie owu stable fov tice nighl. Friday-to Thos. Wilbnr'e, Darlington, sud romain aill niglit. Saturday-to Jno. Hep.. bnin'5, neon; sud le his owu stable tliimonl- day. RO"Ylù eyP rince (Clydeadale.) Property of Major Hodgson. Port Perry oint. Menday-lcavc hie cwu stable, ?oe, Pcrry, for BraY's hotel,_ Epsomn, noon.; and to .Maneion House, tTxbridge, for tbe night. Týà esday-t..o Lceskdu.le sud romain ail night. Wednsday-to fldera, noon ; sud Valent yne for tic nlght. Tbursday-te Sunderland, noon ;a nd te Manilla Station fer the nighl. Friday-to Seagrave snd ro- main ail night. Saturday te hie own stable, Port Ferry, until Moziday, Laird O& laih(Clydeedle.) Preperty of Oco. Hicktngboltou, jr., Ashbufli. Monday leave hie own stable, Wîlson's Hotel Ashburn and proceed te Hodson's hctel, Raglan, or te n gt. Tuesday-to Chinneà hotel, Brffokiu, snd ?ofli&1n ail nighl. Wed- nesday-to Ray's hotel, Wbitby, und romnain al] nighl. Thursday-lo Lynde's, Âudley, iând remamn ail nlghl. Fridny-to Jos. Bar- bron'e A.udley, noon; snd te And. Hioking- bottom's, Balsam, for lie nighl. Satnrday -te hie own stable, &jl>buzzl and remain tll iMoncuay. Fandago(Cyedo) Property ef W. H. Pngh, Glen Major. Mon- day-lcave hie owu stable. Glen Major, for Jno. L. Joues' Sth con. Pickerin,, noon ; snd te Jno. Dunu'a 7th con. Pickering, for the night. Tnesday-te Jno. C. Jonces', 7th con., Pickerng, ucen ; snd te hie owu etable for the nigit. Wcdnoadav-remain aI hie own stable ail day. Thnrsaay-to Jue. Palrner's, 7th con., Uxbrid,-e, sud romain ail nîght. Fniday-relurn te hie own stable. Glen Major and remain tIil Mondav morning. Erukine (Clyd«eadale) Pneperty of Thes. Wilson, Bnooklîn, Ont Mon- day-leave hie ox7n stable, Brooklin, for Aud- ley, noon; and te Rays hotel, Wiitby for the night. Tnesday-te Doon; snd Central hotel, Oshawa, for the nigh. Wedneda-to Geo. Nesb5t's, E. Wiynoon;an r.Rtlfe E. Whitby, for the nigt. Thund.yte noon; and Raglan at niil.Frlday-by*way cf Myrtie te Ashburn sud romain ail nîghl. Saturday-return le hie owu stable, Brgokli anq romain until Menday. Msactad« e(Clydesda.le.) Preperty of Aloi Cameron, A.ehburn. Two years old. Hi. service will bc ountncd te a limaitcd number of mares. Wil stand at hie evu stable, Kinitale, inet o e! b.season, but wili acoompany "'TanuahiU" part cf the lime. 'YongPhenomenon (Cleveland Eay.) Preperty cf Major Hodeon, P'ont Perry. Will seccmpay A.bbcy Prince (ee above) on hie roule tbnugh Beach, Uxbridge, ScohlBrock. ,aud =arsa ucremain over 10undaysaIa Propertof W. H. Pugh, (Mca Major. IMon- daîyý-bav*e isvustable, GMeniMajor, for Aabbum n n- asd by way cf Encekiu le Loveil Hanrinou'a, Sabein, for th. night. Tuesday-lc Jenow'eshohel, Brougham, uoon; sud by way of Green River ta Christian Widcmà an's, 10th cen. Markhai, for lic nighl. Wedncsdsy-to Mif 'hotel, Stouff- ville, noon ; sud te Ballantrae for he night. Thursday-bto Todd'e holel, Geodweod, bon; sud le Jue. Palmer'., 7h con. Uxbnidge, fer lie nlght. Friday-to bis ovu stable. Glen Of GToat Brita!n. CAPITAL# 42,0W3000. A2NNUAL INOOMe f1,600o0. MA" PFaim Property à adDweling Houses a Speelait . ery low rates. Easy terme of payment. Simple policies. No vexatious conditions. Prompt - ettiement of losses without discount. Be sure you do no$ inhure untfl you know our terme snd conditions. Enquire of B. B. B. RAY- WARD, our Ge' eral Agent for South On- tario. Oiffice in Whitby-Psrt of D. Ormie- ton's Law-Office. Ail letters sddresued to Look,)39x 78, Wh.itby P. 0., will receive prompt attentinl. lleidence-Hs.m Cot- tage, Byron street, Wbitby.. 21 London and Lancashire Life Company*- Th~ is0ompany issue: :very desirableform scourihie over 8100.00 fer esob 8100.00 cf liability, Iliums ffonding ABSOLUTE se- cunitv. Paithies deouofetausuring Ithoir lives vii flud il ho their advautagc te consuit the undenslgnrd before aesurnug clscwiene JOHN FARQUTAIRSON, Whitby, May 18, '86. -ly General Agent TRE W ESTERN BANK 0F T CANADA, WHITBY, -, ONTÂRIO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. Whitby, Nov. 11h, 188. ly-47 MONEY To LOAN! 0100-000 FOINllVEBTMENT. ON REAL ESTÂTE SECUBITY. At lewest living rate.i of interest. Money seanred within 10 days of &p. plication. Apply 10 JOHEN FARQUHABSON Whitby, February lSth, 1880. MONEY TO LOAN On RealiIEstate Mortgage at Low Rate Intereet.. Appraiser for the. Canada Losu sud Ssving. OFPICE-Over Gerrie's Block, Whitby 493 bézÈc LITLL41ETRUE mt.lù Tempersemall tel W.. 1syluceo iuon$li. -, - ANdù > VaZT * W rni'.a env. r .1. - lagomnplyo teBuilder'une- lun", sud alkinde cf Twlebd Moldlns, Deers, BSsi sud Ellude. LUMEEB, wbgeiesuod'retail, or by the. car losd. Plan ng, oui inga cf ve rydescription,, S lapiug , ur ng o o l W r ,e t.,etc. AeENTSI fAe-ENTS!1 N OW READY-Our new bock, "Earth, Sesauad Sky; or,-Mar-velseoft he Univenrp."; boiug e, fuli sud graphie de- scription cf ail that le wouderful lu every continent cf tie Globe, l ie thenrd of waters and the Starry Rcaveus, containiz'g tbrilling adventnrcs ou land sud sea, ne- uowned diecoeoies of lie world's grosteet. explorera in ail agent and ncmsrkAblc pie- nomema if - ., 1 -£nature. Bm... -every reairnm bracing the etriking physîceJ festunesof bià c earlh, the peculian chanactcnistics cf the human race, cf animais, birds, insecte, etc., inclnding s vivid description Qfthe Atlan- tic, Pacifie sud Indian Ocesus, sud cf 1h. Polar Seau, tic Monitors cf lie Deep, beautiful sesshelssund plants, simnlar fiehes sud dwellens inthe world, cf waters,, nemarkable Ocesu cunreuts, etc., together with the AH4ZING PHENOMENA OF TE BOLAR ÂAND 8TARRY BY8TEMS 1HzNBY DAvEziPenT NoinimioP, DMD., Bmbelliehed with over 800 fine engravinga. 1Libenai terme te Agente. OXFORD PUBLI8HING 5 JORDAN ST., CO- -. TORONTO, ONT. Oer!~.atecf ajo' arper, Esq> of Whitby. To whom it mati conce?%. This is te cerlify that hsving exaImine4, repaired snd used s great vari*ety cf Sewing Machines. I have corne te the conclusion that lhe White Machine sold by L.. P air- baniks le cite cf the beet -made, s in m opinion it 19 a machine that will not eýa:ily gel eut of order, sud wiil last muoh longer than mosi mschines, s care ha. been taken te prevent wear as much s possible. 1 can honestly rAcomenend it te parties vant- ing a geed and lasting sewi'ig machine. I pnrchased oeeof the White'o some menthe ago, sud il gives every ~stisfaction. -1887- After five years use cf the White Sewig Mschine in my family 1 csn lnlly endorme the above cerllfloate sud eau fnlly recem- mend the machine as a famfly sewlng machine coue les. for repsiris than sny machine I hsve ever hsd suythiug te dé witi. MAJOR BABPBB. Sold chesp as the cheapest, sud inath. best cf the heut. L. FAIRBANRS, Sole Agent for ti District. T IS PAPER maybe foind on-'ft'lèat- 'vertsn con taemsy b. made for it 600» 10155.- NEW Res.5~ LIVERY' and.,SALE -STABLES, DUNDA"-T., WIB.- M. O01ORAWFO'0'R1H, FIRST - OLABB - TUEN-OUTSI -0 HrNiIe ou$otItNtie P. BeW LLOM1 roats- pond, j fool I InI beef h A fi brevn> ing la oft Wl Cam cea fore r. An a yielda th. "I Love bear Il Som nov t siderab Wh& sud gi cept h Bis vsys agrees Wl. onquir homef going Th~e gene. in a 'se hailed ev trou h but in ,quent Only i /n8m inea My 0 aher Nf 'OpU grog