Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 May 1888, p. 3

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OFYXCIALATINT E ASOSS STfIIK BOARD O7 SIALTU. Tb.re ijeai, moro uttefoi work In vhicb the hoii:îî% authoiies cas eê» gage than îthe ex ,ruikaïlk Mnzof the var. ione articles so - tw b. epuoClio for food, drink md iMedicine. The agitation tir the Passage of iawa to expoie s»d punish food dnfterations in tb. United States, je bem*g aided by- action of tbis kivad taken by the Board& of Healtb cf severai of thb. utes. Ohio and Maeachsette, following th.e ourse of the lnland Revenue Deportmpr~t of the Dominion, have pnblisbed -1he caweb ül( many of the impure or un- wholeeomtb articles ci -amined. Among shem are the tollowinîr brande of alum bakin-g powcers lhvi8'@, biiver Sta~r, Forest City, A.& P., Silver King, Ken. ton, Cook's Ftbvorite, Gtin. i, c. Tii ie the 0o8% effe'tual wiky w stop their siale, as no on. wiil bny au alum bak. ing powder ktàoWingty. Masse.ehnaetts analystiz have tested the vaious crtaw o1 Lrtmr tinI phos@. pbate bakirig powders sold i tuat State, and tLèy 1tepcrî îbhât the Royal bakirg powder ià puperior to xml otheril in pnrity and wboleeomeue'ss, and con- tainta nearly 20 per cént. more strenuth thau any otiier. The exact 4~trina- tiens fRB ti' trejgth of thte eeveral brande wae as folio wb: RELATIVE LKAVKNJNO ST81SNOTH, Cu bie in. gaa Natue per OZ. powder. Royal ...................... 126.li Clevleu(l'8................ 107.7 Cougret; ............... ....... 81.2 Horeford'a ................... .. 95.1 The officipil teçt8 in both the United States and the Dominion likewiee prove th.e uperiority of the Royal i prisy, strength and wbolesoiiie@@. CORRESPONDENCE And items Stolen from our Exchanges MARKHAM. JaeB Joseph Jackson, 19 years cf age, oeema Lo e b.possessed o! an evîl spirit, under wbose influence be oom- mite varions crimes, alhboulg b vidently a yentu mpn wîtlx many good poiLBe lu bie chttraoter. About nine montha a"0 ho arrived in Toronito, fre8h frein the retormatory inW»bOld Country whero ho bad been imprisoned for a theft o! C wIry. Ho eucred employweiit witb Mr.e John EdwardF, a farmpr reseing in the Township ci! York, botween York and ScNrboro. Mr. Edwarde trnsted hum in big honmo, despite thbe fact that be was fully mware of bis antecedents. Aà few weêks fiterwarde tbe farmer'si son b.d $80 stolon frem in u, but did net 8poak ci hie loue, as b. snspected Jackson, sud determined te wateb bim. Lu September asat, Edwards gave Jack- son permission to attend the. fair ini Toronto, and àlso preeented bim witb a dollar s pook.t money. 3ut the youth bronglit back s many articles for bis ovu use, that theiamiiy concluded b. Wa more mouey i bis possession than came hiiere -la«ftlly. &- short lime afterwardla he vias aught in th. &et of msklng more extensive purobagsavhon ho 6onfoeted tiaI ho bad stolon the $80, sud returned ail the mouey %bat bad r.- mained witih lm. The famiiy forgave hum, ehiefly for the reson, perbipe, that be wae an .'xcelieot worker, always willing and obliging. On Suuday May, 6, oeeof Mr. Edward's eews diod, sud the cause cf ita dotb wms s mystery. On Wednmeday a second cew did, and thon Mr. Edwarde thougit il vas lime te make an investigation. H. found Ibal lb. animais intestines bad heen pietoed in seveial place wîtb s sharp instrument. He accused Jseksnon f the crime, but tbe youth stoutly denid tht b. vas guilty cf lb. cruelty. Nvertheless, lhe was given imb the bauds cf a county constable. Pridsy mcrulng h. vas'brougil belote Justice Wiafield, vWhnulie ploaded guilty 10 the charge againel hlm, sud vas comultted for trii. EOWM&J<VIILLE. Summet visitera te our pretty lova are coming lua. A large Daunber cf sîrangers are sojourniug bore. The. yeung men, members cf th. Dia. elp"le Church, have start,a saSuds-y mornîng prayer meeting. "Grovber" fishlug is beomiug more popular, sud osU asouishîng large amount are beiug OaUght. à. slrlngOf five dozen belng common. The Scott Aot seeme 10 be haviug a «test boom i hevu. Drunks may h. oesu reelug round aimosi &Dy heur in lb. day, Bundaya not excepteil. Hcv long ts hie fir-t st i? Charles Roblin, vboo mpired lait Saturdsy's gaine cf bail, recolved a fout tîp -Mu tb. ye, wbiob caused bis relire- meut froin liat position. la the sanie 4eutl' kiaocked dovi vilh lb. bat.- On Taesay afletucon a vomn kuov s Annie Wrigbtman, living vii t efamily on Welilînaetreel lu tbis tovu, triod teput su sud to ber tifs by taking s dose cf Paria green. 8h. vas drive o ltheb. deedby dotfestle trouble, but lunlier dlemminjtaton d earthly stea , vawu'tooeaetfl,aud took, no much of the poison that îil al-opo. act.d as an enietie. Kedîcat aid being ealIed sp.edily a stounscipump vas used ffecl ansd Mtie ,saved. Lait evexaig lb. unfortunate on, was zuà fait vay for roSory. -- Lt van pot vtry serions lu th. butg larly li-o'tbat, horaWs a'omobail cne Prowlinga'o'ud >sl#0*hl iidaigbt »d~ zng wrs uapswWM _P -ut off.tho tran tBowmanni matou -be.au tbi.ý would not, pay far., -sud ilt t Ohul~ hY-Were the maradera.W. iave ubOt hed Of atything binglaken The Young mn, Jas. Herbert, wbos. home à in Brighton, and who wù &i. reeted at Sb. Thomson th. chargeeof murderin gTho « àq e rew, found cÂea onthora2w_4y rack, with hie Lead ont off, vas iaued on Tuesday, tbe jury returing a verdiôt of "*,os guilîy." Iî appearii the.two men wore stoaling a ride on the cars, and in aitempting to jump off beforo arrnving at St. Thomas station th. unfortunate min feil acrosa ithetrack, the wheele severing the head from ithe body. In ezplaining bow tb. Dominion debt is being rapidly rolled up, the Ottawa Froo Pr.,, points out that the caccellation of the Monîreal and Que. bec barbor debt ostablishes a precodent for tbe surrender of tb. bonda held. by the Government au eecurity for ad- vances to other corporations. How eau the Ministere now refuse 10 canoe the debt due by the town of Cobourg for -Ldvacoels on acconut of barbor im. provemente iý Are net the people Of C3obourg enîitlbd te dlaimu that the imn provomens of thoir barbor i. a work for the generai adrantaize et Canada?2 The Cobourg harbor debt muet b. cau- cellad before another Dominion eleo. lion takes place in West Nortbumber- laid. For the past two or three weeke Lillie Davoy, not yet eighteeu y.srs old, sud well-kuowu in Cobourg, bas been maequeradiug in mal@ alotbing and associat.ing witb Young meu cf low instincta ini the city of Hamilton. On Tueeday uigbt oe was arrested, drees- ed in a complet. suit o! maie attire,and with aIl th. appenrance ani talk cf a satreet corner loafer. Ohief MoKionon recognized ber as on. of the Davey girls who bave become aoted in Canada and tb. Nortbern State for maequerad ing in criminai tola. Lillie Davey joined Tbos. OHara, tbe youth who je now detained skaowing eometing cf tbe robbory at Audrew Roscb'e bote!, and the two came te Hamilton on a freiRbt train from the bridge. The mnagietrate fent enoed ber to 23 nionthe in the Mercer Reformatory.- e orld. PETEE.BOEZO. Accounas from the western and sontb. eru parla cf the counily, sud it is pro. umed l"a the. est o! the .ounty ie in similar condition, indieâte that tie comwng barveet wii be early sud bonti- fnl. The spring crop je now, as a ru!., ail in and in exeellent condition, the season boing oench cariier than other yoars. The fail wbest generally looks well und, vith favorable westher,- the ocmiug harveot wihl b. botb a good sud an esrly one.. Fridmy uight last a litti. ohîld cf Mr'. Tho@. Henry, Otonabe., cboked te deatb. The parents veto unable 10 aoeount for it, sud on 8auurdsy a poat- mor4.m oeamiadton was h"d by Dr. Breunan, satWed by Dr. Fife, when ia vas found dealli had been oaus.d by a smail pie. of prune.pit, about the ei. of s teu.cent bit, lodged in th. cbiid's throau. The interment toek place Baturdoy atternoon in th. R. C. ceme- tery ber.. An ex-carl cf the '87 kind passed trougb towu to-day sud reminded old residents of Lie dayu wbeu tbey ver. about the cnîy eqoipages ini use. A. brindle abeer, viti a yoke over iLs neck go wbicb the shafis wve tatached, drew the earl, a rickety lvo-wbeoled affair losded vigh cedar posta, viii. aloirgaide lrudged au cld mnuguiding hisetseed. Lt vas s deoidedly unique sud pictureeque turu-out, sud stlrao&ed ail eyea uherever il vent. A. snovfall lu the middle of May àa au unumsi Jthing for eut elimalte, sud ils occurrence te-day has brougit te mimd tb. fact bat i111. moe Ihan seven months &go aines the first suow cf thé palt winter feli. h. George street elork who bas a penchant for meteor- elogicai observations svery year notes dova on Lb. white val inlubis es4>resuc events s these, sud froin bis rsecrd it îu learned that enow feU ou Ostober llîb, 1887, sud May lSth, 1888-a period o! over seven menthe Ihat may b. corr.otly termed wmuter.-hA. early s Octeber loI pud 2ad lu 1886 thora vasa beavy suov fait. Theestalle- tice show up pietty vWOU lh. rigesof ont climate. Pire svepl svay su old iaudznark lu theb.w t Iis moring sud as, the asme lime obilerated su unsightly rookery that vas cf 11111. value sud marrd the appearance cf the tooalily. Il vas eune cf tb. oldeel bousses lalovu, -snd vas oecupied by on. "Jlm" Watson, a travelling tIket, vbo yesterdsy atart- *à ont on -ous cif blajoUruty.ys d lef the bous eeoed. The fit. -vas dis- eovoted about elghl o'clock, the alpin vas rung sud soon the brigade vss on baud. About ai thIe contents, a slave, table sud seme ohairo,:, vers saed., The firemen aid net try 1U sîve- l.îe buildfing, tb. firet be bd a gSoo t, bût 1h07 preveuted "il epreadiut ho' lias vood sud tuinher pisadehpdiK around, sud aitemrsds pnlling dcvi th. cl #li. t asth 'ofery -f the ChaFniislenu asIate, butt 'lote's wil be stuisit. 3y those vho ,bave' bout or are building inuthe' neighbow. bood-its remiovalwyit mnotl b. regrettie. lit. Téhn Douglp.0 i. building à b#. ombdiek h b âou~mg*Ue .1 l.-Ei- in "Soue Pis» that -Rave 1*14 the sttae", sufd ,ola- -thatre gose,*M1 vondeï h~ e rinlo te rain Shakeaeàrïha;. eOýaî brI their Iêd ca the pÎ4blie. In "Thie Last otilie pinus,,j4 v4eb.r the forait moan sud sig i, over mtheir teady de. Stînclion, rapidenpugb wheu-i 'i. sturàiy woomaxziwlung bis aze t ho -b.glicuî me'-u light, but tor*ible nov that eteam ocomàa 10o ffset lb.e work and bear away the trophies. W. eau fail le read witb intereal the sketch of Obarles Darviu, tbe groat, lhoughtful mani, Who las sourevoiutionizedthekî etudy of nature, opening up nov lHnos of thought, and sbowing a harmoxiione and progressive development. -~A vieit fo thp Trappi8t Abbey' of Gpthteemftne in Kentucky, seome to carry us t00 fat- off senes and &Re@. The ueo sud growth cf a grest Eugliuh paper and power, je given in "6Thê Eistory of Punch." Thb stories are ail bnîgbt, attractive -and weil written, and the Popular Monthly for June givos a moat attrac- tive and interssting mass of reading for the pleaeant daye wben travel or a shaded porch invite on. te read. A Bcotcluuan's Frayer, ]Yuring a Avere Storm on the woot coast ef Scotland a fishorman named Donald McTavîsh was in great danger of boing wreoke'd and iouing his hife. Thonglu seldoun in the habit of praying, hie great danger forced bim 10 attempt a pray or. Thie is reported 10 have been hie original appeal : "0b, ach, miRbty Lord, look doon for twa three monnits, if yo're no very thrang, on me ain' my bolplese coble, sn' thie big waters that w anti usne ob. drooned, and bring the shore baok ro tbe boat %gain. Au', oh, Lord, its Donld McTavi.qb wi' the ted heià thst'à makin' Y@, an' no Donald MeTavieh thot leaves in tbe ttmiddy, wi' the bowly legs ; en' it's no Donald McTavieh wi' tbe bumpy bsok, that atli the cee. Lt'. jet me, an' Ye ken, I dinna fa,.; Y@ often." Thens a big vive nearly engulpbed the frail craft : -And mind, oh, Lord, Y. maina see an' mak' nap mistàke about il. Mind, Donald McTavieh wi' tho ted heid.' H30M d Oeld Are never.failing causes of diseso. At this soason cf the year neuralgis, toothache and a huaI cf similar diseasanar rampant. The groat question, thn, ta te find the quiekesi, sursit, and meut economical remedy. Polson'a Baryum. eexactly its Ihese tequimmenta. Lt i. prompt, efficient, and meut econoxnîcal, for it exceeda ln per every knowu romedy, and in as cbesp as inferior articles. A 10 cent sâmple bottle viiiM give every persen a chance to test il. Sure, sale, aud paineas. Aloi. Brownley, the alleged ocunterfeiter of Ailaa Craig, wuas aragned atIkLodon Tueeday sud remanded. A Person Unable toeloeep ln bed, unable te work, un- able to lake ordinary exorcise frein the. effecte!01Âthma until iung Southemu Asthma Cure.- A amplejucao4erelieved, lbr.. packaes permaneuei cre Thefaeveil banquet lsuder*d by thea oltisene of Ottawa toe i.GoemorGemur Fnlday nigll, vas a suceuse Nline-tentha of tle. diseae donomuuaied Cat.arrh la the result o! protracted or oft- r.ea«tod colds iu the hesd. Nasal Bain> vlllgive immediate relief sud permamautly Quebea moenes are organizlng for the. purpos. of putting dovu Ithe sale of Ontario goodu inutheb. Ltern market. Tii. palm of the band aiqistene ti Il Dr. TI4ma' CIIIic zertsa vondrous control ovez pain, selily sud entimely subduing it. The. .ebectrio heallng kniuuee ofIbis sauctioned medicine la mandested bytlb. apid diaappearanoes ofsores sud abrasions cf the skia vWheouaed. H. Tammage, fr the p ast lirenty-iave L emr manager cf lbhe Bellevile Opa Couu m ttsa e IyCued 'Please inforai ycur readera lthsI bave a peeti ve medy for the above named diseeuBr yh. hiutly use hbcusudse o hopele sé aes have l>eo vermanop , ycur : ed. 1 shaU be g"adlowuIknd bMs ' =y remedy mmu 10auy cf your' readers wlio have ocusumptlon if tbey vii seud mre their 3;prmsansd P. O. addresu. - ]eeotfily-Da. T .A. ILOCUX,87- Tonge etretm oo4 oOt1-y Tiei.llUto r egulat. the èouing cf s*iopp and the ein cymnu of Young peole as (mdlatlie TheUIA Ou.! That la tesamy, your tungs. Aiso ail your chnrit leW Nol ôily -hllgerarps sages, bn'the thousand cfUtIe tubes sud cavlties lesdUng tem them. Whou the"e î»ecicged sud ehoke& vil malter vhieh cuglt aîi t .e tbee..70ou lunu cunl hUdtb.frwok. And whj4l dl~Yo1~hYouo do welL caM«tarri, oUinglioor a to *~al ef thbmbal Pd nte ' ahdbea rnz &idcs U are bad.AU çugbt te be6<et tid- of. ThbOal U il m I s u. vay b gelP rud cf 2ej.That 1le te -take Bomch.e! G"»rnaSyru, hlh -yr tgilwill tel s1756centa abotte, Evn if every else hadfahled ye, o u'înay epezt4 upon ti. or certain. _ Fred Bulluin hrge of tue Sin gwlng Machine comuay'e office at Plcoôn, lssaup- i -00 0OHN 10B SOWING A BUPBIOR STOCK. 01? Scotch? les Tweeds, And other fine linos of Clotho, for Spring suite. ÂII garments mado up ini latest stylo on shortest notice. Ready-made Men's and Boys' Suits, Gents' Furnlshings and Underolothing of ail Kind8. INDESTR'UCTIB3LIE OVEIRÂLLS!1 HAIS 1 HATS!1 HATS!- Latest styles ini Hard and Soft Feit Hate VERY (JHEÂP. JOHN FERGUSON, Dundas St., Whitby CREAm~ TARTAR bQinMD PURS?,STRONCES?, SES?, CONTAINS NO ALIJM, AMMONIA, LIME. PHOSPHATES, or any injurious matorials. E. W. GILL.ETTe TORON"O, 0ONT. lHI' OTSPEP8IA B10K IIEADACIIWE 0 FGRONWHA T- E GREAT SFPIG mtEBICIlýIE DRO. HODDER' LITTE LVER PILSC NO GWeIPXG. NO NÂUBEA. WOLFENDEN'S STEAM MARBLE WORKS, WHRITBY Tii. Subscribp vwishes te ccnvoy b hie M au riendeansd -Custoemrs is sncer tha=!kafor tliitliberalpareage la the. past and wemassue im talebasbetter lacillîles tan evr for exeoutlng &ýt erders entrusted te Mim for Mfonuments> Headstones, Blate and Marbie Manties, And any other work l inbe n. AilcW Wman.r.it*aaaftroms .,. n I. WOLFENDEN. I - t~ OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONS9 Itemember w. manuftbre è.nd are the ofie proprietors of the. foflowlng o tei and 1h11 they -ae arm no otieraoure.HY R NOTFOR SALE: BY GRUGSYTS Correspôndence utityconftdentlal. Consultation upon &Il hrolo disease invited, No CHARMEecp o medicinea AUl goods sent securefrom obsra tion. Toronto Medicin. Co., Toroàto, Ont. HAIR- COLORIRO. man fcient praratons m w mmBfted6Z' coloàa.-te f iersbasris«fram th e bair tel Cendre. end sample of hair viien ordering. ffice, 0&. pet bottie. Toronto Md C44 V, TOI LET REQUISIT7ES Ini orderlng please specify whioh you1 requ% we gua.rantee them to give eniestaction. No 8 Imparts to the sin the coloand freshnesg of maidenhood; hazmlesseand cannotbe detected. $1.25. No. 9 Uemovea 'wrinkles. $2. So. 10 1ýe- moyeu Liver Spots. $125& No. il temoves Flash Wormis. $1.25. - o. 12 Remove8 FrocIdes.* $132L. No. 13 RemnoveaiPmples. $1.25. No. 14 Bonoyea Tan. $1.25. No. 15 Femoves -Moles. $2. No. 16 Rem oves PoêkMarks. $2. No.17 Bemoves undue PreÈpirationt $1,2&5- No.inabeoolute znain specifie for the retention develoPmnent o etr atiou of bhe Hair. *51.25. Toronto Medicine 00. *TL4E BU8T No. 19 là a combinedl Internai and entamai tres.tment whieh spe eily develôpes, or zeptoreg the'fernaIe bat to the.popotonovozlolôs. neture. le enUlrly hamleas and certain u me- suits. Price$&. Toronto Medicine Co. Toronto, WOMEN'8 ILLS. No. 20 4% certain cure forLeucozrhoea, oï Vbutes Fe ling o! Lb. Womb, Ulceratiione Paintul M- ù ,truation,-!"Beariig down Paine ansd a&U Diseases Wekesspeculiar to females.: EndotMse bvY t.he bghest medical authorities as an: "1un-. rivr1A lId"remedy. -Price $2 pernbotte. _Tokonlto M&ý,iceine (O., Toronto, O)nt. F-RENCN RECULATION PILLS iai* rsuporioi to Eigot. Tausy, Pennymoyal- or Ox'Ide. Endorsed bythetbousandaot ladiwwbe V!Vs t1ý em MONTHL . Nover lal, ieleve pain, 1I INS U1E 11EGUL&RITY1 Pleasantand -ffectuai. PPice tý2 Toronto Medioine-o e.TorntoOnt> NiEURALCIA ^ RHEUMATISMt Cau Ïbe oured by using speciftc, No. 2L fto dozlul sale izadue to Lthesiple tact tt if deu ail that l lmed for- it PIle I. ofltmi» Mledicine Co., Twool, Ont DoNT menlils P OrrIns >Pins Sinafl WOli 101 v. w "YL FERCUSON English and Canadian LICOU&. ilîg te ,; the wtho witho 1 , T- grave. e and "rie. 'rtiea, worstL mad.Iw elma, n, ImnPot=eno ,, Piles, eepy ciumD ague and oeaoetes. mend stamp for y llustrated o~and h.alt opBUrnl.Correspondence stricti oonfidentilJ.Cm-e Mdloated EI.otrlo Boit Co.,155 Queon St. West, Toronto, Canada,_ DUNN! IREc 'SEIL aREMOVE D,,I for rS oî ifor

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