Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 May 1888, p. 2

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'R PORRE8 DUN (01OEL Ac tetyïsStolonfromoui Exchanges Buiglars entened îhedairy of Beoker's hotel 'on laturd &y oight 1us$ Sud drin k a tew quarte otfresh rilk. They vere probably the. marn inners Who vigited Spink's Mille. à lady living ln the suburbs of the village gave three tramps a dinner,and they foit go grateful that thoy wont to the barn and uked &Il the egge of a setting turkey. Set the dog on snoi graceless holnds. Mr. John Woodrnff ehipped anotier bar load of twênty cattle to Montreal on Baturday lastt hou avorage wight -being 1800 pounds., sud a uhipment of 82 pige.'h. cattie vers parchaseid at an averge of 862 per iead, and were a ehoice lot of animais. The Ontario Bank building is being à loin dowu to mmû. room for the nov -5t2!uoture, snd in tiheineantime Mana. gsi Kerr has removed the agency jute the voit winq of Mr. Geo. Leng's rosi- deoc, opposite tbe Gordon Rouge. The gorgeons sigu no w adorns ou. of th.e hade trees. Offioe houri arneS Bugirsviifeol around Pickering 'business sutabliebrient ntil ihey -ab- -940b thé contents of Borne 88 calibre »ea voler. There are numbers of unar- ring popsanxiousiy saiting it bur- glarious bulL's-eye tte point aI. The Newa vishos te informn aIl burgiars ",d orooka tiai oui sale is open to in. speetion at &Il heure of theý day snd night, and vo beg thal tboy refrain from bursling it, but siinply tutu th. handie once tW lie north sud thon pull. If they find aoythiug whioh they deom useful to thern thAy may take it, and ws ouiy irlipulate ihat %bey oarefally close the safe door again, g0 that oui books mg corne out nnharmad in case a fire hdùIld ocour. TbingR are Ift haudy se tie poor fellowsa yul not go le any uunecessary trouble. Husband wauted. The following lot. lot was received astih firei of the menti, sud w. have been truggling with ileveroinee. It is our impres. sien new, after muci refiection ibat tie paity vanta a husband. h eii i. d.ed sad te ihink thai youth aud beauîy ehonld go beggiug in public priait dur- iag leap year. Oui sooiely editor is a bullionlese baeheler, snd, iad a samplo of the fait maidea's patci.work been .ucloaed ho migit bave tried le flîlli e vacsuoy. The Imter readu :"i aut yeuiste adie fi me a us man rny ago le tueniy uioke old sud put tbis in yur papea for me adtiso papers in yen Jprintelà off8s i vil Ps yo wbatevor it Moet. Miess J-B-" &s vo do net visi te Set se agent, vo viii make no charge for inseîiing the above tusr once.-News. LINUSAT. George J. Beesel, the nev ehief of poite - aiPeWebero, la siil t e b a sn,. iix ..i. mo - ih inM. tooktagaan w.I»s 2e pondd imha 2Wudayig y .O.Cunn Iman tommaoe. muob syaxpathy is jit for Mr. Z.aiad. 4clr.d If "4other members had been bd*uw,# .hatted a fslw minutes an& istt. At 8.10 pruhèiselanoîher b. o. h. toember open~d lb. door aboet tht., lusos, 4 unade te4qairW ssud deprl.d. Las# bat Dot loas , 44 8.80 sharps a Portly uember bue*iedop Ibe ballvy, n ,uuber of p',evies aà es rwelvd iuforoeatiou, r.tàarked "huoi. aes~dftInti, ad hslesiawoy, The WhithvO-uumoiLEu le ia*466 tite loes. BIe vas under lb.' sur"ad fore ocuideîabl-tlie, nd lth~e's. sîtors orsibait Il hopes ut aeluu>, h"am aga in, whoa a, log ruàaing, , uuderceati hlx Ira te the top, and ho val puilid on& insensible. ÂA<leter vassummxon- e su d ftsî soonsidorablo isior i. vas revved but vas nzýbele tostand th. journey home un%~il Tnesday. !le ià imrpnug slovly... The old'ago liai '.mlefortunes neyer cerne sîulgy" bas been amply vsnificd in Mn. Dovey's case. On Wedeeday, lie day fier hu, vas couvoyed homo tîom Kinoeouut, bis sou George, agod about 21, vie worke iluilather's mil ion. sud vie had last October sevoral fingeis cf his Ici i baud eut off a thie second jeint by eemiug lu contact viti a sav, again met with a sirnilar accident t lie saime band, tbis lime ampulatiniz the four fingems dean. A miii, voru ou aceount ef the fingens still being tender, canglil thie jointiqg ssv sud drev bis baud ia. -post. CANNINOTON. The trottin« race betwoon MaRas' Mayflower sud Smith & C'. Maud S. on tbe 241h of May promises te b. liee closest sud most oxciting race ever vltueseed on lhes Canuington diving Park.& .A. petitien signed by a aumber of our business mon, in tle b. presented te, lie counceil, on Toesday evsningug exi, sahlg tuai honorable body te pas.lis Eariy Cloeing &ci. On Saturdsy- oveuing lait James Hainsteck, Derryville, vas cbarged by Woe. Chambiers efthle same place b..- fore Squires Brown sud Giliospie, witi asasuli, vie imoeed -a fine et $10 sud ceaie ou -Haiueiock. Thi. court noom vas crovded durnug lie trial. The 84tb Bath. baud gave an open air concert on Ssturday eveuing Last. An excelleut programme et waltzea, manches, etc., vas rnudered,. Oui baud is imrpoving napidly under tie leader. 9bil ef Mn. Edwin Brooks. The tvelfti annual Preebylerian Sab- batb Sebeel Convention viii be beld lu -tb. Prembyteniau Chanci, Wick, on Wedueeday, May 30&b. Al 8bbati achool woiliers are ondially invited te, attend. A 1111e boy astoisied isoompaniens tic other daey by telling tiern thaI ho had "a spaukiug team ai bhis bouse." An sxciied crovd of boys bad walkod noanly home viti him, vien oeeoe tbem asked, 4"Wbat d'ye calI'ern ?" -IFa sud oea,' was tic neply. The council have neverted te the old plan et offerung a reward et 25c. per heàd for the impoundingot saille running' at large vithin tic corporation limita. Auy poison driviug a eov, boise, sieep or pig le pound shal ointe te the pound keopen tic cicnmtanoesunuder whici ho fennd it, sud ne pereton ahould im. Peund any suy animai if ho bas reason Wo bliee, laI il sscped by accident fie*i its enclosais. Oomè outloslty lbaletbee occoasion- ed iuy an adrertisesmeal a a Toronto daity for s femalé compeaitor fonsa Uxbnidge office, sud lie Tinte havi ng disoaimed any kuovledgsetf h, -w.foot ie iluacumbent Aona us t sthat ia o aIn froun home 5 years &go sud iad beau oui lis dova grade ever ime. 0n Saiurday rnbt about 10 ooomk a eonng voman vas assnltsd oun Main Sia auk's Vwsgoap. 8h.e struggiedviiitle ruffanvie as*mUed her, sud ber suiesbuegi r.Tyl L. Dé,8.9 ho liulbiredooru laitie soopli, obh.spot. Se pronity knek. ed lie usa dcvii ad l*. girlesPO&p The brute tins oiked i-ta hie -Vllimy lnrned upea Mr. Tikylov, vho hm t. gir hm sevmotn blowe (in d<asg, vbioh -bs ut<wlutsly bil bàts u11 ~u~rbropu)lfos hais1ns *Wq. Itémoal.t ioïWMe llial suslisa'u4. aboulAo nuseBa the Iban aboessetludDra. OauipbeW ýsud Moonaell vers aIsOe pissent. Tii opsato* asloremoY5 a arp'Cancer, Item ths ladys biesasd wâs most- enceessfulIy sccompliâbed. Thé,palient je dolng at Weil ai suàn ho ezpeéted . The Eut Smes*Licence Commis.- sioners ho14 s meietinfr bore yeéterday. Mi. Wm. e lason, banierofP~ tanuisiene, lsking lie place ot Wm. Lummis, as represeniative of lie N. W. pari cf lie district. Mn. Wainviight vas elecied ohairman sud Mr. McKay Secretaty of lie Board. Those vie iad licentes lait yeaî, under 1h. Scot &et, voie gmanted liseuses for sueiher yoar. The estimnates for the curoent year vers prepared sud approved. The Inspecter reported lie number ofpicse. cations duning lie year te have been 111, convictions, 51; dismissae 60; fines irnposed, $2,550. 'Promecutions ince May lai, 4; convictions. 2; dis- mussais, 1; imprisoumeni during tie yesr, 4. 0f lie outeauding fines, the. greator part, it iu expecced, viii soon b. colleoted. ]PORT ROPEC. Tic felloving l'ove leiter, addressod te a young man vie la veli kaievu in Port Hope sud is often in town, vas picked- up in the street a fev days ago. The Tinw#esaya hlesmter, wih vas posted frea MoGiI itreel, Montîèal,- vbeîe lhe wviler resides, la und.lay My ovs BLESSItoDàa.nhe ANGEL LOV,-I justl recsived youi bleaseed darling lester sud I osunot tell yen my ovu daîling iow happy I vas te gel il, My Angel God ouly kueosbow I' love you my dsnling snd if ilva tveuly yeare before yen eould marry me My lite sud love I vould wvit fer yen lisuk yen uny ove bssutifui love for the rnoney yen gave me I gave Messie 50. My owu dariing sud generous love I had a btter ftonM mre. Samuels oe wroeansudmid bowyoyn loved me thank God for tuai my love yen ssk me if I 'vaut anytig. Yen know xny love I vaut eue tbiug sud liaI is My ovu darling Allie. My blcused Angel yen are se good te me iew eau I ever tbank yen I ses ouly eus way aud liai is boing a good girl and waiîîug patieuîly for uny Own true Augel. Nov oey owu Bbeped darling Mani taslvays talkîng &bout yen snd aya ai sihes yen voulid be quiok sud *mrM me if yen se. any gioves number 7 yen migil send Ma a pair mie bai been vary goed te, me Rince My love hbe isugene iii. knows boy I misa iindarling love write to me aiiu seen te yonr owu truc little Wwhvie veîpe yen I ope, my darling love your band us botter aisea Yonî lovetly self excuse paper as I amein a inrny te catch the post. Qed Bes yen Mey ovu Angel love. Wiîi a million kisaci for veur Augel selif * * from yonr Ever sud Ever tins loving sud devoted, girlie W. A Ptize or8 PlaU via ilmlri erIru*ii eb edt ofFe i15$u, or a t b grstulated. Bul be who escepes tIrom Mia,. elutches et hb.sidreadtui mopaue,Cona- sumpiion, aud vins 1aqk helti sud happines. a afar umesIdriute.The chancs etwirmnl $100000a uiil, but in mmde bythe zprpietors ot Hagysrdoï Ysllow 011, vi e lngofferdloïetu< every sent expend.d for 1s remedy> if - * tane te gir.sais ation on ta t traifor ail paintul complainte5 ior'whlch il la r. oommende&. Anohor1 ýpisysi, Lieut. Parqubarf bu bom = inlndia. Aaust andaou 00d&,iritatlpg Coughe sud ia.. em> lb.*Tiotep Hq yard'. Pectoral Balmsat aI ad -foir ltas. Ai« bite t lhi Le u-tu laObobelvesa Oolie*adkluv- diffcult..-i L for infants end Children.@ 1 rqCOflflOfd it a» superior to any presehp&ion Bout Stomaci Diarrhoea, Ertitation, kaownloe" IH.A. Aucuxa, X D., KiLUs Worms, givesasleep, &"d promoelelCU- lU 0.OlirdSt, Booly, ~ Y Iwab" niions medjeatNIa. TÉS ENZTAUR COEIPAY, -.7 Murray Str'eet, N. Y. ARCADE, TORONTO. A Sohool Thoroughly Equipped for Business Training. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMAN SHIP, BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, BUSINESS ÂR1THMETIO, SHORTHA.ND AND TYPE-WRITING CQMMEBOIAL LAW, PBACTICALLY TAUGHT. FINEST ROOMS IN CANADA.. Bond for Circular. Âddress. 27 A Plositive Cure. 0. O'DEA, Secret ary. A1 A ainless Cure. FÂCS EOR MEN OF ALL AGEFSt ISIMAlSES Or MAIZ M. otvr. L7 2'S SIW FI TO. S. Marvel of Iiealing. and Kohinoor of Medicmnes, the-terrfble eonsequenees .1 Jndiseretïeng Expo!'aure and Overwork. ro~G. 0_r «r' Who are broxen lown froni tb.3 eff.'vts of pabuse will Sudc in No. 8 a radical cure for nervons debi]ity, oreai:ic meakness, invontarv vtal losses. etc. Svxu.roaus FoR 'vimNcu . 8 bito ,'i) i- E Uqi.-.D.-Want,,.4 euargy, vertigo. want of purpose, dimness of sight, aversion to solety. v7&nt of confidenue, avoîdance of conversation, doea fôr solitude, liqtlesaness s.nl iinahility to fixt the attention on a particular subjeet, eowardiEe.d , Dsor i spîrits, gdiwshes Di meuiery, excitability oi tenîper, spot mnatorrhSsa, or loss of the serninal fluid-the resnit of self-abuse or martal excess-impo- tency, iflJlUtrito1L ztit L[o,-bernniess, îaïpitntion of the beart, hyste'ric leelings in feniaes, tri tr;b;itî. iîelatcholy, ci4t¶trbinlg dream oe., are ail syînytoms of this terribît habit, ottiujîes îituceutly acquired. In short. the sprîng of vittl force baving baet its tenson, -vvry function wanea luconsequence. Solentifia wrîters and the superintendents e! lns)u!'i unite in .Pc-illng to the effecta of self-abuse the great znajority of WmsWd lives whiîh coiue -uuder thgeir notice., If yen -are incoipût¶ent for tic arduous du" i.et ts~s nn~.ti1V~ hé,- 44oywmetof- lite, 3bý 6oft sau q!ePstéxn~ tbe effecte nt cnrly vice. Iltyon are advs.ned liycasNo . 8'villgive yen !x iç*r sudC trcnigt. If çin are broken down,, physicalyazoally from sarly iudiséetin, titi - mult ai etaîl folly, send your addresa and 10 ceuts lu stamps for M. V. Li-ÎsoN's Trestise iii Bo, k For-n on Dlseasers of Man. Sealed snd secute froma observation. Adr'1- (- tc'tin to M. V. LETBON, 47 WelIinetou Si. E., 21oonte. à Man wxiii"ut wisdom !ives an a fool's paradise. CURES CUARANTEED. HEAL TH1E CK. A Permanent.Cure. ->< A PIeaeant Cure. IMPORTANT NOTICE I - - V ON ACCOUNT 0F ILLNE8B HAVE Deoidod to go out ofý theOCro kery Bu8ino88s, AND WIXiL BELL WITHIOUT RESERB AT- Â1~D UMWiERi COST, ITTLE PILLS. Deing entirely ¶vegetabie, theY OP- .rate wlthoflt disturbance tW the system, diet or occupation.- -Put up În hmglasvis, bermetl- caiy Sealed. AIways fresh and rellable. As a lax:ative alterative, prative,ý these llttle WPeJets give the mPoat perfeut satisfaction. SIOKHEDG, Bilous Headaehe, Dizziiieu, Constipa- tion, ni~sin derawgornents of the stom- adi and boweliS4 Marpompt- ly relleved and permanentl cured b the use Of!]Dr- Pierce@. pleasant Pu a"tive Pelietul. In explanation of the remefam power of thesè Pellets over so great a variety of diseeses, It may truthfully be sald that their action upo. the rystem la universal, not a gland or t1isé escaplng their sanative Influence. BoId by druggiste, 25 cents a viaL Manulactured et tWé Chemnical Laboratory of WWRLD's DXPENsAl ME»DicAL AssocIiom, Buffao, N. Y. en t!Dr ae mCatmrah . R Bmelfor a Case or ~5JCirunle usaiCatarrh wbie* they cannot cure. STEUPTO1S OP ' AAERU.-DuU, ieavy headache, obstruction of ti. inasal reagedischarges fallitgfrein -the iead n~t bie Ibroat, sometimes profuse, water and acrld, at others, tik. tenaclous, Mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid; tic ceycu are wawatery, and inflaind; tiere la ringing lu th ecars, doafes, hacldng or coughlng te cicar tie tra, expectoration of offensive matter, togesier with scabs from-uniers; the voce s l changed sud has a nasal twang; the breathis1 offensive; emel and teste arcIm- paired; tiee s 1a sensation oe! dizzinoswith mental depresslon, a hacklng cou h iand gen- oral deblllty. Oniy a fow o! tie above-named symptemsamarelikely tW bc preseut la an y oee case. Thouisauda o! cases annually, without" manlfestîng hal! of tic aboya sympome, ns suit in consumption, and sudl te grave. No discase 18 se cemmon, more deceptive and dangerous, or leas undermtod by physiclans. BylIts MMldsootiing, and ieahng properties, Dr Sage's atarrh Remcdy cures tic worgl cases of <atarrh "cofl < i lu e- bead$* Coryza, and Uazlarrhal Readacluee Sold by druggiste everywicre; 50 cent&. «uUntoid Agony from Catarrh. Prof. W. HÂusNERt, tic famous mesmerI9t, o! lthaea, N. Y" writes- " Some cten ycars a»* I suffcred unttold agony froni cironlo inasa catarri. My famlly physician gave me up as incurable, and sal Imust die. My case was saoh a bad ena, that every day tevards sun- set, my voie wonld become se 'honte. I conil. barely spaak aboya a whlsper. In tie morhing my coughiug aud clea.ring of my throat weuid' almost strangie me, By tic use of Dr. Sagas Catarrh Remedy, in thrce imontha, 1 vas a volR man., and the cure bas been permianent." "Constantly 1Hawking and Spittingm TiaomA.s J. RusifiNG, Esq., 901PLne Stree4 St.1Loui8, Mo., writes-: "I 'as s.great sfe~ from catarrh for tiree years. At tumes Icua iardly breatie, sud 'vas constnty awkln sud splttinsd for the lest guMon could nontbreathe tbrough tie nostrils. 1[ theo tntIng could be doue forme. Lucis. ily, Iwas advlsed te try Pr. Sages Catarrh Remedy sud I arn now a weU man. I belieye it Wo be ihe only sure remedy fer catarri nov maufcturd odnee has onl tô give t% fair trial te oxperience S-toI=irésulte une Pa., saye "61MydauglUter -1bgd catarr curcd a bottie for hor, and soon uv tint * belped ber- a third beôttie effeted 'a-permia. nent cure. She 18 uew elghtem years old ani tpund sud heart.' kncw cf noting te arrmaI. notig te allei aIe, notlinglto cure Novtis neôWnger an ;Incuable malad eveouwhen givon u b cuul%'eag be found in by th. Irav w .gesges ndee venta ti i ~wand -iuna 'the cet haomay CURES -CUARAITEEF»D- toùte Mxd CànO., ërn1cý,Ont.ý Thesà -te expoq lu lie u and Mau the Doi vilgot 4 Il them .are bakiug p ton, Cook th le ma -sale, as ni ing povdl Masseas lie ra piste 'bul $Stale, sucd bahIcg PO îu purity1 taina noMr 111mw &Dy tions As,-i brande va BELATI Namo. Royal... Cleolani Congreea Horsiord' Tic offfi States ani tic superi engti i Co: And Item ~. James tige, gec spiril, uni mite vaic a Young i -bisa'charsm he arrivel reforti ho iad-b e jevelry. Mr. Jdim -in theTt sud Urw hlmin hi lie wassft A fevw w -sonuhadi Det speal In Beptea sopern *Teroite, s»d rot ) snaine- wiiling < lhe car DINNER SETTS, TEA SETTS CHAMER STTSCHINA GOODS, FAXNCY WARE9,GLAB8AR, TABLE LAMPS, HRANGINqG ýLAMPBG LAM? GOODS,>AN» SýrILVEIRWÂRE, Anl Latesi Blylea sund P&tternËs; Don deisy ii seourig BargslinS. The ýbet and heptGr cre,àinedBooda9. etc. TrEAS - AND --CFFEE8 - A -EOI1LTU The ffalýêsZotu .DaldgPkZrn ~ zr*4

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