Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 May 1888, p. 1

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HITBY With oslm Printed wordis, gm«t th@iights, Md untfrlng Indu.ty ocae oe, Prêgros., Brotherhood. VOL. XXXII. WIIITBY, ONTAIRIO. F AYL JMAY 25, 1888. Established 1856. The Lea1na WeekIy In Ontalo County, SUBSORIPTION RATES. Si per annum i dvance-$.50 other- vise. Subsoriptions are always payable at be office of publication. 86«am equipment sna best furnluhed Book snd Job prlntlng plant i Basern Ontario, capable cf executing aII, classes cf vork Item the large pester te 4he smallest handblll. Special mention iis made cf the uLnaurpased press facilities cf Tnz OmioN- wx, wlth i4. celebrated N. Y. Cottrl oylinder p resusud other modern conveni- onces. 8 very order receives prompt, ca.- fui attention. TERMS 0F ADVBTISING. rinet insertion, per lin., 10 cents ; escli sobsequent insertion, 5 cents. Dlsplayed Advertisemen te are measured by a eqale cf selid Noupareil, sud oharged aocordfàqly. Advertîsements sont without written instructions inserted until f orbidden, sud *barged for full time.- Orders for discontiuuing advertisements muet b. in writing, otherwise the publiali- ors ilîl not be responsible. A liberal discount f or oontract sdvortise- mentis by the year. Copy for changes of .entraotsdvertisements should be handed iu ual later thau Wsdnesdsy ; and notine cf snyintended changes should b. given before Tuesday noon. Other advertise- meut. received up to Thursday noon. Business notices in local or news colmue Five cents per Uine weekly. Locale, 10 ots. per lin. WeeklY. Correspondence solicited f rom ail parts1 o! the Oounty or neighboring townships. sorrespondents are requested to uend li their communications s promptly as possible, NSATN Snp't Meohanical Dep't. JOEIN B. FAREWELL, LL.D., JAMES RUTLEDGE, -I>ARRISTER, &o. Officeformerly oc- >peupled by Farewell &Rutledge, neit te Royal Hotel, Brook St.,Whitby. DAVID ORMISTONq B.&., HENDERSON & GRAHAM, Proprietors. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN .~. Chanoery, Conveyancer, &o. Ovin-In the Office South cf the Pont Offce, ini MoMMlis'a Block, Brook Street, Whtby .. ly-1O G. YOUNG BMlTR, L L. B., B ARRISTBR, &o., &.-Money to Les» 3Issuer of arriage Licenses. Onzoi-Smith's Block, South cf Market, Brook et., Whltby. Jan. 22,1878. JOHN BALL D (tf-6 0W, B ARRSTBB,-TLW. SOLICiTOBR Ofio.e-Deverilrs Blok, Brook Street, Whitby. MONET TO LBND-Prlvate Punmd,- a mumsup te #8000, at a low rate cf in- LYMAN ENGLIBRI, L L. B,, B "]MRi=TERAT LÂW9 BOLICIR L0 Chancry, Conv.yauor,kc.,&o. Sm e.Street, Onhawa. P. GORDON MELDRIJE, iPhyuian, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office hours,-8 te, 10 s. M., 2 te 4 and 8 E 94TERRACE," BYRONq-BT., Ne.8, EE WHITBY. M1. C. CRÂAWORITH VBTBIMARY ~ SEEN Gradus4cf 4h. Outudo vetinasyol-01 latOrexiby mail or tolograipb pnomptly Oï,eait rosilo"eotet G. AyresOppodmt LIIPERY adSL 1AL8 _&.A&. FOST. &te with Langley, Langley & Burke, Toronto,) ASRCHI TE CT. Dosigus for Churphes, Villas and Cot,- tages a speoialty. rDraw1nge prepared for remodeling existing structures. Onîoz-First fiat over Howse's Drug Store. P.O0. Box 202, WHITRT Dominion Lino of ROYal Mail STEAXBRIPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE. Prom Montreal. Prom Qnebeo *Vancouver.. .Wed. May 9 ...Thurs. May 10 Toronto...Thur. 17 ............... *Sarna ......Thur. ' 24 ..Frid'y. May 25 *Oregon...Wed. 30.... Thurs 31 Montreal...Thur. Jun. 7........ *Nancouver .... Wod. il 13.... Thurs. Juno 14 BRISTOL SERVICE vo0E AVONmouTrn DOCR. Ontario from Montreal about Wed. May 9. Cahin Rates from Montreal or Qnebec. From $60 to $80, aocording to steamer and position of State Roomn. with equal saloon privileges. Second Cabin very su- r rior accommodation), #W. Steerage at lowest rates. * These Steamers have Saloon, State- reoms, Musio-room, Smoking-room and Bath-rooms amidiahips, where but littie mo- tion is feit, and tbey carry neitter Cattie nor sheep. The Rooma are ail ontaide. The accommodation for Second Cabin on these Steamers is exceptionally good, and well worthy the attention of the travelling public. The -«Vanoouver" is lighted throughout with Blectric Light, and has provei herseif te be one of the fasteet Steamers ini the At- lantic trade. Passengers can embark at Montreal if they so desire. DAVID TORRANCE & CO., General Agents, Montreal. B. STBEUENSON, Telegraph Office, Local Agent, Whitby AllanBine Royal Mail Steamers. LIVERPOOL, LONDONE IRRY, SUMMLER ARRANGEMENTS. DAT'BS 0F SAILINGS. Steamers. From Halifax. Circassiau.................lIlth May Sarmatian.... .... ......... 17th May Panisian...... ............ 24th 6 Polynesian................ lot June Sardiniaxi................. 7th ' RATES 0F PASSAGE BY MAIL STEAMERS. Qnebec to LiverpooL Cabin, $W600, $70-00 and $80.00 s.coordlng te &ccomu.odatilfl. Intermedite, $30L00 Steer. age, 820.00. heturli tickets, Cabiu, 3110.00, *130.ffl, *150.0. Intermediate. 8$0.00. Steer- aae $40.0 19y P*oyneslan, Circeuian or other extra steamers, Cabin, 85<.0, *60.00 and $70.00, su- cording ta accommodation, intermediate *30.00o. Steerage, *20.00. iteturu tickets, 490-00 *110.00 and $180.00. Intermediate, *60.00. Steerage. $40.00. Liverpool direct. Cattie, pigs or Sheep are flot carrled on these steam~ers. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Cabin, Intermeulate snd Steerage Pssengers =ay go on board at IlontreaL. By thtu arrangement passengers are enabled te be oocrtably settled on board the O.ea Steamers withîn ouly U hcurs railWa'Y iurny from Whltby. Ps.sseggerm sk"no th. mail Steamer at mon- treal-will10lave WhitbY on tbs TucsdY 2nor- ing, arrive at Montreal Tuesday nlght. and go at oce on board the Cousu Steamers. Passengers taklng the Mail Steamer st Que- bec, beave Whitby on the Wednesday morcnng Steerage passengers booked te or from Glaagow, Bitit Qemtovu, or London. »aMe rate as Liverpool. Bristol sud CardilL$2.O0 extra.- passenr and thradr bsggsgs are put on board the Ocoa lesmubips as Quobo ree cf ail expense. Parties sending-fox thoir friands la th. Old Country eau obtain PBBPAID PAS- SAGB CERTIPLOATES atlovesirate. For Tickets aud aU oth a fomstien applyto W.i A. Yule*, Agent, Express Office, .1888. 18880 SPRI~G AGAIN. LAudifFU Blc yeuPaler, D jj~cou- THE ýLAR w 1cr a W att's Glycerine Jelly 0f Violets, An Inaluabt. Preparation for SA. Skin. JPOB BAT, BY lUE!, CHEMIST and DRUGOIST LwBI=_irTY Tooth B rushes, Hait Brushes, Comb's, Perfumea,1 1Tooth 8oaps, W . RHOWSE, ýhemist and Draggist, Whitby. THORLEY Horse & Cattie :FOOID in lobe te smit roaeu W. R.eIOWSE, NESLETTERS. profi AM lsth 01 on 0" monay hi&stw Mary1 estatI6 Ada N. y.i in the cd et1 I omi a sut cou. 1 Af day a lmilaster RaU, i-iipreseh at 1 huroh hr~» Suiuday at 8 *4%, neu la- J.e-or- nUUIU uE àtchü tto h. Berag , yreue Ndaây snncuned ibat s vomgm rs.Robett Thomas b.d suloided [t Mud ihat tho 1o<y Oatm remain- emru waitiug identification, tii. Impression ther. va sah. ha- i -Toronto. The Toronto police [ua"là& miilesred that th. dcad ma MdissWoods, ef Scarboro, vhe, fittoon ysar&o, married Martin a carpenter ofIToronto. The two va hïpaIlytegèther, sud flnaly a liv fNrt. Bome yrs alter. la eaetlred et bis bar gaisuda râm»an who flnaily ended lier fle ksê. -lh*;wdrtanste vouswva 4 Johu i Allau Woods of th. Sth kham sud Jéhu lefsfor Syracusa r to ldontfy sud bury th. romamn. lh .Ibdb ukng faotory on Sun. lady unknovnwv a usover sud ,& tÙain nearLte York on Sait- sou cf k~ »oualson, Densie- botlu diad Audrew 8h.. vau plsodlu th.eonutri poiestatiou on Busday- for hammoiig' w4f* a&dshosinst aiofficeeWho Came i te mab hm behave.-1 A. Mau vho iried te 0tea Èrde from' 4th. city to e sn betvoos ivwo car on Prldzy nlghtlust, leut bis hold sudfeuIores' th. tis. 'Tho. trais paised over hlm brcan b4 aîm adleg and taing bis flahh many places. HLo is as Westeu sud vil probaby die. attendano. sud in in interest mauifcted in th. work cf 4h. church. The Sabbath serve.. ver. ably conduoted-b y Bev. Dr. Cavsaef Toronto sud the Bey. Mr. Dadson cf Mlaromont. The discoursesof th. Bey. Dobtor vere meut impreasve sud'th. larp cengregatlons that ssmbled te hear busà were vlslbly movcd by bhis- cléquent sud foroîble uttersuces. The eftcrts c thae e. Mrt. Dadson ver. ime higlapprecfstc sud h. us y alusys expeot te b.- greeted by a'lamge audience vhenever h. visito us. Thel ollectionsbpe. tstinuony -te the.Iib.raity-ý ~ia&Ia4taoâoienIn, nyminutes befèe lt-wu lIatn to e macc, that sot only had h. bis »AbjetTruc Manhood,'I vel lunbaud, bUt that su intcresting sudinstructive addr.ss vus istore for 4h. large sndi-. telligent audience that had ascmblcd. 19o it provcd sud if any on. went avay wth'ut hlgher sud nobler aima iban wen thcy' came their enue of the 'IITrue sud the Beautiful" must have becs craude indced. John Dryden, M. P. P., dellvcrcd s thor- oughly practical address on the' "Nobility of Work' sud started bis audience on saline cf thonght that many vii fine pleasant and p rofitable te foilow. The Bey. lMr. Mo- Cleunas cf Whitby delivercd a upirlted ad- dress on 4he. "Unlty cf the Churoh" that osunot but be productive cf muoh gcod. The Bev. gentleman has a fine 'oommand of langmu ansd su excellent voice sud ha was listened te vith rapt attention. The vocal- solos by Un. Graham sud the suthema by the ofloir ver. sot only appropriai. but ver. exceclm*gly veil rendered. Votes of ii Cf .cogegailon; te 4he.speakers; th. choir; te Mrs. Graham and the chairman, brouglit a *pleasant oven- ing's cntcrtaismcnîte o-s »Close. Severa friends drov.euttemWhitbyasd sllonjey- cd themualves immensely.Týhoatter-s6ooW on Tuesday evenig vas the apecial enjey- ment of 4he chlldren et4hf bth sobool sud they vero net slow to valtheruselves of fi. MTElg=. A car Ioad et herses vas shlppod from bore oona day lait veakfor the veut.- lir. B0 R. bas m ed by a sectin ostaton. ALrONA. Bub6m i Mrt. R. Vardon o! Whltevsl.paid Us a tor.Le ftying visit on Suaday lait.pîua00a Mrn. Edwls CO Olestemoue cwniyu ra enbyc cf boasduisg the puit visio, uxun Our littlc tevm wvas aluhi&ahusile, sa w hîle ll lois of busile tee on Sunday. seln Our publie shool bai eclied a cricket M tcm sud are doing son. nis. play. * "Mr.sud lns.Je&. Hoover et Newvmke$ voua 'vlisiigthoin mny f rlsus hmrelent a vaok. Thora va uail ry haro lait mon- ib Dtois fa tdogflght Sulvn i l* " wùé iluâiï. dofui>ga Ouraola miiiar l lD PMnst nl, !I Tho #aoVislton Umm&ssns.011Bwàu stie- a patesavrybsses& loerai of O=iponun amsaetà i tr.J. Poloy, and'. r cluie-m 111.4et 1Mobiganésud li. .Clak for their houm on th. 21s$ 1us$. wugeva' hare lait vo.k. Lute ud, en.rgyte gtai u ,cdumatlon il# of belngizeatbè&by <aiber'beys in gbcbood, oppoe.ête -itudying_ wlgwith bas aged gr udmotha*,'- The ufar .tehv new-binder this smir Neu bugk1ek are, beoomiug terrlblyco- mco, Thoimshaspurchased on. It - ee it s expected that J. Arlingtozu CookirvfI wil givé a leotu&e lu tbelt'wi- hall on, j)j' eçvenÙgofthe 1.thotýJum~~ Mr. C. Di -m-'lugolng t--pi lowrb~ -barnu sundbu ldgteater hoie tendà8 W1--III a bam thatwilllbeýa barn., Shoxt>ISauik id Grahani a ai y îouesome i~mo ta: Mir. lue, Bolph, 2ud'Con. Beach, d lira Wm. Birkctt urer. bûth badly huitby a B.irkttZ7c$hve.kiocked- out, sud #à sericus injury donc te one cf ber legs.1 7fr. Biphwsi cd intcrmay te suoh au ex. tentths edes S unday. Hava on._ eft4h. eu"t pospérous farmers i sud vas -ellcU uvure ugho6ut 4 Iîbi oouuty Byblsood management sud,"* dutyho had raised1 himmlf iOa man to bequiteweU of.-The unfo incident which cauacd bis ýpainfral desth' viii bu muoh repeltt.d -hy the. râsidentscf thias'art 0e1t4he oounty sud geavma*j b o is affiicid ?aMily. , AU 4hat vas lct tc4<teil . lAhedcath et Jos. Grahai, V..S., vas h.rd at TorÏtà, ou Mondsy night , vhc- 4h.- -n- tsva ftnished. Te0a Dniuw àowaévtb .Grahaii throughoutithc day .1 Apti 1Stbe testffied th.y werc ,rounid 4h. c1fy< togethex, a&U thai dand- that thiy vexe btb d4nk ug frecly. Proqueutly (turngie day'n cvenlng Grahamn hsadebis okct'book teé Dunnigsandasked himté :ae cars of' itý but vould -attervardâ s tk. i-tbaek agahi. Dunsing fusilo ft! Gnslam a&t s mon, u. York iBt. sud neyr AW hlm, again. The jury ýrought lu a, vclt o! drown4»gs but statiùg thati he exact msuuerIn-,whidh ho vas downcd*vasu ninv ta thoa. -:'hs coroner varnied Dunning te kaèpfrora drink- .u in fut<ture, suad stated l"Ie d na=rnlv, Deevushipua tagcssoupld Ag.sstfor WhÎ4b. Fi i j- j e. ý NO.24.0 r- ,)t aud ors» ,)nt e 'e.o OMM is ! Tala

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